初中英语中考复习 秘籍11 完形填空-2020年中考英语抢分秘籍(原卷版)
展开秘笈11 完形填空
考向1 完形填空之记叙文
1. 能够掌握足够的词汇量,正确运用词类和词语的正确搭配。包括名词、代词、冠词、动词等词类和短语等。
2. 基础语法知识。包括句法、固定搭配、句型、词语加惯用法、时态、语态、主从复合句等。
3. 还应具有一定的语言运用能力、阅读能力、理解能力、综合分析能力和逻辑判断能力。
① 以语篇为载体,测试语言知识和语言能力。试题既考查学生对短文的整体理解能力,也考查学生运用语法知识、词汇知识的能力以及对事物的逻辑推理、分析判断能力。
② 以意义填空为主。试题在着重考查考生阅读理解能力的前提下,兼顾对语言知识、常识、逻辑推理能力的考查。
③ 降低对单词本身词义的考查要求,注重考查对全文意义的理解。中考完形填空备选项中所涉及的词汇基本上都是常见的初级词汇。
④ 考点分布符合考查目的。试题以名词、动词、形容词和副词等信息词汇为考查重点,淡化对介词、连词、冠词等结构词的考查,以检测学生在具体情境中灵活运用所学知识的能力。
1. 选文特点:
① 以叙述文体的小故事为主;
② 篇幅一般在200~300词之间;
③ 难度略低于阅读理解中的短文;
④ 所选短文语言地道、纯正,结构严谨,层次分明,逻辑性强。
2. 设空特点
① 首句通常不挖空,以便考生对短文前提和背景有个较清楚的了解,从而使考生尽快熟悉语境、推测文章大意。
② 短文设空平均密度为10—20个单词设一个空。
3. 选项特点
① 每个小题所给的四个选项一般都属于同一词性,语意范畴相同。长短相宜,避免了对答案的明显暗示,彼此之间也不会出现相互包容的情况。偶尔有个别小题的四个选项的词性不同,但其语法功能大都一样。
② 单从语法角度,甚至从某一句的角度来看,干扰项都可以和空前或空后的文字形成某种搭配,从而形成一定的干扰或起到迷惑作用。
③ 选项使用词汇没有重复,尽可能增加考查内容的覆盖面。
4. 考查特点
5. 难处暗示特点
1. 词语搭配法:根据词语的习惯搭配来确定正确答案。
2. 语法判断法:通过语法分析来选择正确答案。若选项是名词,应根据上下文确定该名词的单复数以及是否用所有格等;若选项是动词,应考虑其时态、语态、搭配及非谓语形式等。
3. 语境分析法:根据上下文的具体语境,利用所学知识和平时积累的生活常识等,选出最符合情景的选项。
4. 对比排除法:有时对于一些难选的空,可以试着将各个选项逐一代入空处,然后进行综合比较,从而选出最恰当的答案。
1. 了解记叙文的六要素。
2. 明确作者的写作目的。
3. 读懂作者的观点或态度。
4. 弄清作者叙述的视角。
考向2 完形填空之说明文
1. 开头点题。说明文类完形填空中,作者一般在文章的首句直接提出说明的对象,这是掌握说明细节的前提。
2. 结构清晰。说明文一般按一定的顺序展开。理清文章的说明顺序,对于正确把握文意和上下文的逻辑关系,选择正确答案具有重要意义。
3. 难度较大。说明文往往采用比较正式的文体,表述准确严谨,生词术语较多,句子较长,结构较为复杂。
4. 说明文一般采用简练的语言,按一定的方法介绍事物的类别、性质、特点、构造、成因、关系或事物的运动变化、发展的过程及其规律。
5. 说明文十分讲究条理性,一般采取时间顺序、空间顺序、逻辑顺序或认知顺序来说明事物或事理。
1. 快速弄清文章大意。
2. 弄清楚说明的顺序。
3. 把握文章的组织结构,理清事实细节。
4. 注重上下文语境
5. 熟练做题方法,遵循四个原则:
考向3 完形填空之议论文
1. 完形填空的短文通常没有标题且文章的首句和尾句,一般不设空,要特别注重对首、尾句的理解,因为它们往往提示或点明文章的主题,对理解全文有较大帮助。
2. 第一遍通读带有空缺单词的短文时可能一时把握不住短文内容,弄不清头绪,这是很正常的。此时要注意克服畏难情绪和急躁心理,应稳定情绪,再将短文读一两遍,直到明确大意为止。
3. 做题时切勿一看到一个空格就急着选出一个答案,这样往往只见树木不见森林。由于缺乏全局观念,极易导致连续选错。
4. 每篇完形填空所设的空多以实词为主,所提供的四个备选项中只有一个是正确的,其他三项均为干扰项。而干扰项也多半与前、后的句子或词组可以形成某种搭配,即如单从语法角度判断则无法确定,还必须从语篇意义上加以鉴别。
5. 动笔时先易后难,先完成容易、有把握的答案,这样可以增强自信心,然后再集中精力解决难点。对于实在无法确定的,可以从文中同样结构或类似结构中寻找提示,大胆地作出猜测。
1. 通读全文,了解大意。
2. 重视首句的开篇启示作用。
3. 抓住关键词,根据上下文解题。
4. 重读全文,验证答案。
1. 充分利用首句作为解题的突破口。
2. 根据上下文的逻辑意义确定答案。
3. 从词汇的意义和用法方面考虑。
4. 积累习惯用法和固定搭配。
5. 依据作者的态度和观点。
6. 注意分析句子结构。
7. 依据生活经验和常识。
1. 跳过空格,通读全文,把握大意。
2. 结合选项,综合考虑,初定答案。
3. 瞻前顾后,先易后难,各个击破。
4. 复读全文,逐空验证,弥补疏漏。
Wishing to encourage her young son's progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a pianist's concert on a summer holiday evening. After they found their 1 , the mother saw two friends in the hall and walked to 2 them.
It was the boy's first time to come to the hall. He thought it was a good 3 for him to explore the wonders of the concert hall. He 4 and walked around. He walked 5 a door marked "NO ADMITTANCE"(禁止入内).
When the hall lights dimmed (变暗) , the 6 would begin. The mother returned to her seat and discovered that her son was 7 . The mother was 8 worried at that at the moment that tears (眼泪) were in her eyes.
The concert began, and the lights focused on (聚焦于) the wonderful piano on stage. The mother was 9 to see her little boy sitting at the keyboard, playing the song Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star 10 he did at home.
At that moment, the great pianist came, quickly moved to the piano and 11 in the boy's ear, "Don't stop. Keep playing. " He leaned over (俯身) and began filling in a bass part (低音) with his left 12 , then added a running obbligato (伴奏) with his right hand. They played the piano together 13 . The old pianist and the young novice (初学者) changed a frightening situation into a wonderful creative experience. The audience (观众) stood up and 14 them.
An artist's achievements and charm depend on not only his perfect skills 15 his good qualities.
1.A.desks B.stage C.seats D.piano
2.A.greet B.feed C.notice D.search
3.A.use B.chance C.season D.culture
4.A.flew B.sat C.fell D.rose
5.A.through B.across C.above D.over
6.A.film B.concert C.conversation D.meeting
7.A.sleepy B.missing C.tired D.excited
8.A.so B.very C.much D.such
9.A.serious B.sad C.patient D.surprised
10.A.when B.if C.as D.before
11.A.called B.shouted C.whispered D.cried
12.A.hand B.shoulder C.foot D.leg
13.A.badly B.carelessly C.terribly D.happily
14.A.fought with B.laughed at C.shouted at D.cheered for
15.A.or B.but C.and D.so
Do you know that the “Happy Birthday to You” song is the first song sung in outer space? Apollo IX astronauts 1 it on March 8, 1969. It is one of the most popular English songs of all time. Here’s the story behind it.
The song was written by two sisters from Kentucky, Mildred and Patty Smith Hill. It was first published under the 2 of “Good Morning to All” in 1893. It was used as a classroom 3 . Teachers sang it each day to welcome their students to the classroom.
The composer, Mildred Hill, was a concert pianist. Her sister Patty Smith Hill wrote the original (最初的) lyrics (歌词) for the song while she was a teacher in a kindergarten in Louisville, Kentucky, where Mildred also 4 .
The Hill sisters copyrighted (取得版权) their song on October 16, 1893. However, it appeared 5 their agreement in Robert H. Coleman’s songbook on March 4, 1924. Coleman changed part of the lyrics to say, “Happy Birthday to You”, 6 the song still had its original title. The song was then published several times over the next ten years, often with small 7 in the lyrics. In 1934, when the song was sung every night in a Broadway Musical, another Hill sister, Jessica, went to court (法院) over the copyright problem of the song. She was 8 about the theft of the song and the failure to pay to her sisters. She 9 her case. The Hill family owned the rights to the melody and had to be 10 every time the song was part of a commercial (商业的) production.
The Hill sisters, who developed their lives to educating children, could never imagine that the simple little song would continue to earn about $2 million every year.
1.A.saved B.wrote C.invented D.sang
2.A.notice B.order C.title D.law
3.A.party B.greeting C.discussion D.test
4.A.taught B.searched C.sold D.prepared
5.A.as B.under C.for D.without
6.A.although B.until C.because D.after
7.A.chances B.tasks C.changes D.signs
8.A.satisfied B.glad C.curious D.angry
9.A.lost B.won C.heard D.dropped
10.A.paid B.praised C.invited D.warned
A zero-waste life is a lifestyle that hardly creates any rubbish. So, a zero-waste theme store is about 1 people with a number of everyday, practical and pleasant zero-waste products to help them start on a one-stop, zero-waste life journey.
"Zero waste" or "danshari" was first 2 by a French woman Bea Johnson. "Live a life and try not to create any rubbish; use different methods to protect the earth." she said.
Yu Yuan, 27, is 3 attracted by this idea.
She and her boyfriend have lived in Beijing for many years. And earlier she used to be a customer without thinking a lot 4 she saw a video about "zero waste"
The 5 is about a family of four, and the rubbish they produce every year is placed in a jar.
After watching the video, Yu wanted to 6 this zero-waste lifestyle with her boyfriend.
Yu says that a zero-waste life 7 the 6R principle --Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle and Rot(腐烂)
Over August-October when Yu followed the principle of zero waste 6R, she and her boyfriend Joe Harvey both 8 only two cans of rubbish.
Now, the couple have opened a small 9 called The Bulk House in Nanluoguxiang, Beijing, to support a zero-waste life.
At the store they use environmentally friendly products. For example, they use wood products to replace 10 ones and prepare cloth bags printed with zero-waste logos for customers. Most of the products sold in the store can be reused, and a small number of 11 which are not recyclable can degrade(分解). The store 12 has secondhand books and audio-visual CD/DVDs.
For used toiletries (things like soap and toothpaste that are used for cleaning yourself) there is a company which accepts them, and the couple regularly mails their waste to it.
Yu says that those who were once not 13 in the zero-waste lifestyle have gradually changed because of curiosity. The zero-waste lifestyle, she adds, is for everyone.
"It's 14 us at our fingertips." Yu expects some of her friends to 15 her on the road to zero waste. As the saying goes, many hands make light work.
1.A.offering B.providing C.giving D.affording
2.A.invented B.found C.discovered D.suggested
3.A.hardly B.luckily C.clearly D.deeply
4.A.unless B.until C.after D.when
5.A.video B.film C.article D.newspaper
6.A.experience B.change C.represent D.spend
7.A.accepts B.receives C.follows D.believes
8.A.saved B.produced C.kept D.wasted
9.A.shop B.factory C.hotel D.company
10.A.paper B.cloth C.silk D.plastic
11.A.it B.them C.their D.its
12.A.too B.either C.also D.only
13.A.proud B.worried C.amazed D.interested
14.A.behind B.around C.ahead D.above
15.A.organize B.record C.join D.encourage
Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Money and success alone do not 1 happiness. A famous person once said, “Happiness depends on 2 .” In other words, we make our own happiness. Here is some advice that can make us 3 happier.
The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the 4 thing in life. Too often, we spend so much time thinking about the 5 . For example, getting into college or getting a good job, that we can’t enjoy the present. We should enjoy the life’s simple pleasure, 6 spending time with close friends, listening to our favorite music or 7 a good book. People who have a few close friends often live 8 and healthier lives.
9 secret of leading a happy life is to be active, and have 10 . We can collect toy cars, go fishing or play a 11 like a table tennis or basketball. In this way we can enjoy ourselves and 12 our problems and worries, and only think about the joy of activity.
13 , many people find happiness in helping others. People will feel good when they help others. 14 we want to feel happier, do something nice for someone. We can help a friend 15 his or her studies, go shopping to buy food for the elderly, or just clean up the park or streets.
1.A.show B.sell C.bring D.lose
2.A.other B.money C.success D.ourselves
3.A.feeling B.feel C.felt D.to feel
4.A.simple B.surprising C.expensive D.strange
5.A.health B.future C.money D.danger
6.A.in fact B.such as C.as a result D.rather than
7.A.closing B.printing C.reading D.copying
8.A.happier B.lazier C.poorer D.quieter
9.A.The other B.An other C.Other D.Another
10.A.hobbies B.parties C.classes D.habits
11.A.CD B.sport C.part D.joke
12.A.forget B.try C.meet D.know
13.A.Firstly B.Secondly C.At first D.Finally
14.A.After B.But C.If D.Though
15.A.in B.at C.on D.with
There was a man who had four sons. He hoped that his sons could learn not to judge (判断)things too 1 . So he gave each of his four sons a question in turn, asking them to go to see a pear tree 2 different seasons.
The first son 3 in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in the summer, and the youngest in the autumn.
When all of them returned home, he called them together to 4 what they had seen.
The first son said the tree was 5 and stark(荒凉的).
The second son said the tree was covered with green buds(芽)and was full of 6 .
The third son disagreed, saying that it was full of flowers. He said they 7 sweet and looked beautiful.
The 8 son disagreed with all of them, saying that the tree was hung with fruits and full of life.
The man told his four sons that they were all correct, because 9 of them only saw the tree during one season. He told his sons that they could not judge a tree or a person only by one 10 .
If you give up during the coldness of winter, you will miss the hope of spring, the beauty of summer and the harvest of autumn in your life.
1.A.slowly B.quickly C.seriously
2.A.for B.as C.during
3.A.set out B.set up C.thought out
4.A.tell B.understand C.describe
5.A.ugly B.beautiful C.delicious
6.A.difference B.hope C.experience
7.A.seemed B.felt C.smelled
8.A.first B.last C.short
9.A.every B.both C.each
10.A.year B.month C.season
I believe in my mother and it began when I was just a kid, 1 I dreamed of becoming a doctor.
My mother was a servant. Through her work, she found that 2 people spent a lot more time 3 than they did watching television. She 4 that my brother and I could only watch two to three pre-selected TV programs during the week. With our free time, we had to read two books each from the Detroit Public Library and 5 written book reports to her. She would mark them up with check marks and underline the important 6 . Years later we realized her marks were only a trick, because my mother was an illiterate (文盲). Although we had no money, between the covers of those books, I could go anywhere, do anything and be 7 .
When I entered high school I was an A-student, 8 not for long. I wanted the fashionable clothes. I wanted to go out and play with the guys. I went from being an A-student then to a B-student then to a C-student, but I didn't 9 . I was cool.
One night my mother came home from working her multiple jobs and I 10 about not having enough Italian knit shirts. She said, "Okay, I will give you all the money I make this week by scrubbing(擦洗) floors and cleaning bathrooms, and you can buy the family food and pay the bills. With the money left after that, you can have all that you want." I was very 11 with that plan but once I finished allocating (分配) money, there was nothing left. I realized my mother was a financial(财务的) genius to be able to keep a roof over our heads and any kind of food on the table, much less to buy clothes. I also 12 that immediate satisfaction wasn't going to get me anywhere. Success 13 clever and reasonable preparation. I went back to my studies and became an A-student 14 , and finally I realized my dream and I became a 15 .
1.A.when B.which C.where D.who
2.A.healthy B.powerful C.successful D.clever
3.A.reading B.searching C.working D.training
4.A.said B.insisted C.suggested D.commanded
5.A.care about B.hand in C.pick up D.write down
6.A.titles B.attitudes C.parts D.books
7.A.everybody B.nobody C.somebody D.anybody
8.A.and B.but C.so D.or
9.A.stop B.know C.face D.care
10.A.complained B.chatted C.thought D.worried
11.A.encouraged B.concerned C.pleased D.moved
12.A.noticed B.imagined C.believed D.realized
13.A.suited B.made C.required D.matched
14.A.even B.before C.forever D.again
15.A.servant B.doctor C.teacher D.boss
“I’m going shopping in the village,” George’s mother said to George on Saturday morning. “So be a good boy and don’t get into trouble. And don’t forget 1 good care of Grandma.” Then she went out.
Grandma was sleeping in the chair by the window when she opened one little eye and said, “Now you heard 2 your mother said, George.”
“Yes, Grandma,” George said.
George was bored to tears. He didn’t have a brother or a sister. His father was a farmer, and the farm they lived on was miles away from anywhere, 3 there were never any children to play with. He was tired of staring at 4 pigs, hens, cows and sheep. He was especially tired of living in the house with his grandma. Looking after her all by himself was hardly 5 way to spend a Saturday morning.
“Go and make me a cup of tea for a start, 6 sugar and milk,” Grandma said.
Most grandmothers are lovely, kind and helpful old ladies, but not this one. George’s grandma was a woman 7 was always complaining about something or other. She spent all day sitting on her chair by the window. George 8 that Grandma used to be a gentle lady, but as she grew older, she was not able to look after herself and even worse, she was easy to get angry.
“We should be nice to the old, George,” his mother always told him.
Thinking of this, George 9 into the kitchen and made Grandma a cup of tea with a teabag. He put one spoon of sugar and some milk in it. He stirred(搅动) the tea well and carried it into the living room 10 .
1.A.take B.taking C.to take D.takes
2.A.that B.what C.where D.which
3.A.but B.if C.or D.so
4.A.hundred B.hundreds C.hundred of D.hundreds of
5.A.an exciting B.a more exciting C.a most exciting D.the most exciting
6.A.in B.with C.of D.for
7.A.who B.which C.where D.when
8.A.tell B.told C.was told D.has told
9.A.goes B.went C.will go D.has gone
10.A.care B.careful C.carefully D.careless
初中英语中考复习 秘籍15 短文填空-2020年中考英语抢分秘籍(原卷版): 这是一份初中英语中考复习 秘籍15 短文填空-2020年中考英语抢分秘籍(原卷版),共7页。试卷主要包含了 解题步骤, 复读短文,确定语义,判断词形, 三读短文,上下参照,验证答案, 6 3等内容,欢迎下载使用。
初中英语中考复习 秘籍11 完形填空-2020年中考英语抢分秘籍(解析版): 这是一份初中英语中考复习 秘籍11 完形填空-2020年中考英语抢分秘籍(解析版),共26页。试卷主要包含了考试内容,命题特点等内容,欢迎下载使用。
初中英语中考复习 秘籍08 宾语从句-2021年中考英语抢分秘籍(原卷版): 这是一份初中英语中考复习 秘籍08 宾语从句-2021年中考英语抢分秘籍(原卷版),共12页。试卷主要包含了 宾语从句的语序;, 宾语从句的时态, 宾语从句的否定转移等内容,欢迎下载使用。