初中英语牛津译林版八年级下册Unit 7 International CharitiesTask教案配套ppt课件
这是一份初中英语牛津译林版八年级下册Unit 7 International CharitiesTask教案配套ppt课件,文件包含英语译林版8年级下册U7Task课件ppt、英语译林版8年级下册U7Task教案doc等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共27页, 欢迎下载使用。
《英语》(八年级下册) Unit 7 International charities Task I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. learn about an ORBIS volunteer called Diana;2. write a report about an Indian girl helped by UNICEF; 3. learn the five steps of writing (prewrite—write—revise—edit—publish). II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: secretary, India, officer, make up one’s mind. 2. New structures: She wanted to help poor people with eye problems see again, so she made up her mind to train as a nurse and attended courses after work.She is getting used to travelling by plane. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Write a report about an Indian girl helped by UNICEF.2. Learn the five steps of writing (prewrite—write—revise—edit—publish). IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inDescribe the pictures in your own wordsT: Amy wants to write about the work of an ORBIS nurse called Diana for her class presentation. And she found some pictures of Diana.T: Look at these two pictures. Can you guess Diana’s job in the past? As you see, she was an office lady, a secretary of a company. Did she look happy? Look at the second one. What does she do now? Does she look happy? Why does she change the job and what happened? Try to describe the pictures in your own words. 【设计意图:作为本单元最后一个课时,学生已具备较多的知识背景储备,创设情境邀请学生观察和比较两张图片,并用自己的语言描述图片初步串起故事情节。】 Step 2 Reading Comprehension1. Discuss the pictures Students read the six pictures carefully. They can ask any question about the story, and invite the other students to answer. They can get the answer from the report or use their imagination to get reasonable answers. The teacher gives six questions. Students read and underline the answers in the report:(1) what was her life like?(2) Which does she like better, travelling by car or by plane?(3) In which way did she learn about ORBIS?(4) After learning about it, how did she feel and what did she do?(5) What is her life like now?(6) How does she feel about the changes? 2. Analyze the structure of the article T: Now please find the topic sentences of each paragraph, and get the main idea of each paragraph. 3. Compare the lives in the past and at present T: The first paragraph and the third paragraph tell Diana’s work, lifestyle and way of travelling. They have similar structures. 【设计意图:从讨论图片入手,引导学生自己提出问题并试图通过阅读和合理的想象推理回答问题,从而体会细节的重要性;找出每段的中心句,引导学生总结出文章大体的段落结构;分段比较阅读,帮助学生赏析示范文章布局的严密,层层深入,为下一环节的写作提供素材和范例。】 Step 3 Writing practice1. How to write Show the five steps of writing; indicate that we should write step-by-step.【设计意图:写作实践环节首先向学生展示写作的五个基本流程,五个流程环环相扣,操作性强,能有效帮助学生明确按步骤写作的理念。】2. Prewriting—choose a topic/collect details (1) Ask students to write about an Indian girl helped by UNICEF and show the pictures and the information. Show the subject, form, purpose and audience. (2) Ask students to complete a 5 W’s chart. Writing tips: An experience includes the basic details, sensory details and dialogues. (3) Ask students to put things in order. Ask students to use the time line to organize things in time order.【设计意图:写前环节除了列出相关图片和教科书提供的提纲信息外,还帮助学生了解本次写作的体裁、目的、读者类型,有效地提高写作的目的性和针对性;介绍了叙事文的写作的两个准备环节:1. 利用5w交代叙事文几大要素;2. 时间轴帮助排列事件顺序。这两种方法适用于大多数的叙事文写作。提示了学生叙事要注意关注基本细节、感官细节和对话。】3. Writing—write a first draft: a beginning + a middle + an ending Show the structure of the report. (1) The beginning should get the readers’ attention and introduce the experience. Show three ways to begin: a. Start with dialogues; b. Begin with a fact or an interesting statement; c. Put yourself in the middle of the action. Give three examples and encourage students to write their own. (2) The middle part tells story in time order. It may include sensory details, use dialogues, and share the feelings people experienced.Give a model middle and guide the students to pay attention to the transition words and sensory details. (3) The ending should bring the story to a close. Show three possible ways: a. Tell what you learnt from the experience; b. Explain how the experience changed you; c. Tell how you felt about the experience. Give three examples and encourages students to write their own.【设计意图:分段落指导学生写作,列出几种开头和结尾段落的写法,并阐明写作意图,给出具体的范例,有助于学生掌握叙事类文章的特点。】4. Revising—improve your writing (1) Show the steps to revise. Read—review—ask—change (2) Add and move parts. Use the model passage to show how to add and move parts and explains why. (3) Rewrite parts. Ask students to rewrite three sentences. Give three tips: a. Transition words help connect ideas; b. Use specific nouns, vivid verbs and colorful adjectives; c. Add variety to sentences. 【设计意图:如何润色英语作文是一个难点,学生往往感觉无从下手。本环节的设计给出具体的步骤,并通过修改例文,说明修改的原因,并给出了一些修改的小提示,可以启发鼓励学生改善自己的习作。】5. Editing—check for errors Invite the students to check the article for punctuation, capitalization, grammar error and spelling.6. Publishing—share your writing Show the final copy. Give two tips: a. Use blue or black ink and write neatly; b. Indent every paragraph and leave a one-inch margin of all sides.【设计意图:五个写作环节环环相扣,一气呵成,通过剖析一篇例文具体的写作过程,为学生提供很好的范例。】7. Assessing the final copy Show how to assess the final copy.8. Reflecting on your writing Reflect by answering four questions.【设计意图:评价和自我反思环节引导学生在写后进一步思考,学会学习。】9. The advantages of writing Show the advantages of writing: become a better student, understand your experience, connect with others, enjoy life ... Encourage the students to write more.10. Write your article V. Homework1. Make your article better.2. Put the best articles onto the wall and enjoy together.
这是一份初中英语牛津译林版八年级下册lntegrated skills课文配套ppt课件,文件包含英语译林版8年级下册U7Integratedskills课件ppt、英语译林版8年级下册U7Integratedskills教案doc等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共21页, 欢迎下载使用。
这是一份英语八年级下册Welcome to the unit授课课件ppt,文件包含英语译林版8年级下册U7Welcometotheunit课件ppt、英语译林版8年级下册U7Welcometotheunit教案doc等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共23页, 欢迎下载使用。
这是一份初中英语牛津译林版八年级下册Study skills图片课件ppt,文件包含英语译林版8年级下册U7Studyskills课件ppt、英语译林版8年级下册U7Studyskills教案doc等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共25页, 欢迎下载使用。