叛乱者 | rebeller | insurgent |
原始的 | primitive | pristine |
遗赠 | devise | bequeath |
强迫性的 | compelling | obsessive |
各自地 | respectively | apiece |
年迈的 | old | hoary |
流浪汉 | stroller | bum |
从今以后 | so far | hereafter |
逃避的 | truant | evasive |
风尚 | fashion | fad |
队长 | captain | skipper |
传奇故事 | legend | saga |
警告 | warm | admonish |
嘲笑2 | mock | jeer |
不正常 | abnormality | anomaly |
欺骗2 | delude | beguile |
附属物 | attachment | adjunct |
摇摆 | totter | teeter |
临时的 | temporary | makeshift |
非凡的 | prominent | phenomenal |
气馁 | discourage | daunt |
难看的 | ugly | unsightly |
昏暗的 | dim | dingy |
提升 | promote | exalt |
基本的 | fundamental | rudimentary |
难以忘怀的 | unforgettable | indelible |
恶心的 | disgusting | rancid |
可怕的 | horrible | horrendous |
多产的 | productive | prolific |
回归的 | regressive | regressive |
抓住 | grasp | grapple |
周围环境 | surrounding | entourage |
流动 | flow | flux |
天才 | genius | prodigy |
选举权 | the right to vote | sufferage |
孝顺 | piety | /ˈpaɪəti/ |
淹没 | submerge | inundate |
吸引 | attract | mesmerize |
宽大 | width | lenience |
慷慨激昂的 | passionate | impassioned |
插嘴 | cut in | interject |
改变观念 | change | veer |
胆小的 | timid | eerie/diffident |
过时的 | out of fashion | obsolete |
偏见 | prejudice | warp |
至上的 | supreme | consummate |
芳香的 | fragrant | aromatic |
讨厌的 | hideous | invidious |
长处 | advantage | forte |
完全的 | utter | outright |
前锋 | pioneer | vanguard |
传言 | rumour | hearsay |
瘦的 | thin | meager |
变化无常的 | variable | fickle |
抑郁的 | dismal | somber |
不知情的 | unknown | unwitting |
不虔诚的 | unreligious | impious |
纵容 | indulge | pamper |
尖叫 | scream | screech |
茂盛的 | exuberant | lush |
愉快的 | pleasant | genial |
镇静 | poise | composure(n.)镇静 |
贫乏的 | scarce | tenuous |
强烈的 | strong | vehement |
恳求 | plead | implore |
著名的 | famous | illustrious |
颜色 | colour | hue |
渴望 | be dying for... | itch |
表明 | manifest | evince |
好奇的 | curious | inquisitive |
古怪的 | odd | whimsical |
顽固的 | stubborn | hidebound |
私密的 | secret | clandestine |
不舒服的 | uncomfortable | indisposed |
沉默寡言的 | incommunicative | taciturn |
温顺的 | gentle | meek |
赞美 | praise | extol |
节约 | saving | stint |
脾气暴躁的 | ill-tempered | grumpy |
论述 | discussion | treatise |
暗淡的 | dim | dusky |
先驱 | pioneer | forerunner |
不雅的 | indelicate | ungainly |
有害的 | mischievous | pernicious |
重申 | iterate | iterate |
有教养的 | educated | genteel |
兴奋的 | exciting | heady |
肮脏 | squalor | squalor |
仔细检查 | inspect | scrutinize |
放弃 | quit | forsake |
肥沃的 | fertile | fecund |
假的 | bogus | shoddy |
疾走 | trot | scurry |
报复 | revenge | reprisal |
激怒 | irritate | exasperate |
寂寞的 | lonely | doleful |
天资 | aptitude | dowry |
会犯错的 | fallible | fallible |
意见分歧 | division | dissension |
喘息 | breathe | pant |
博学的 | knowledgeable | erudite |
刺激 | stimulate | incite |
挫折 | setback | lurch |
关键的 | key | pivotal |
费力的 | arduous | strenuous |
拥挤的 | crowded | congested |
严峻的 | stern | austere |
有洞察力的 | perspective | sagacious |
幻觉 | illusion | mirage |
迷人的 | fascinating | intriguing |
狂喜 | gusto | rapture |
偿还 | repay | reimburse |
引诱 | allure | entice |
令人尊敬的 | respective | venerable |