湖南省长沙市2022-2023广益中学 初二英语 上学期期末(无答案)
这是一份湖南省长沙市2022-2023广益中学 初二英语 上学期期末(无答案),共8页。试卷主要包含了ica'm,'Whal,BNQ噜l205, W比t,des Bi等内容,欢迎下载使用。
时让120分钟 总分,12,0分
第一部分听力 (共两节,满分20分)
听下面5段对话。,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两汹. ()I曜`Vhichtcamwill thobo,Join?
A...A V'oU:eyball1.ica'm.. 8. A soccer'lc.am.1.
CAbaskc1ball icam看
A. Sin钟ng. B. Dancin,g. C. Cookins
)3悬Howmuchdoesthcgirlpay foroncpianolcsson?
A. 0yuan.B.lOOyuan暑
')4.`Wo isthctallcslinJanc`sciass?
B. Kale鲁 1C'Jan.r,.
,5Whaiare theytalIdngabout?
A OldschooKB.Citywalls.
A. Her fri.iends壹B Herfamily.
)7.'Whal.did the gi_rl do in Cbon,gqi_ng?
A. Sbe tried delic,·ious food., B,. She sa,w s,o,me,anima'ls.
)8. Wha,t's th,c c-alo,r o'f Jim's a,panmcnt building?
C HerClassmates晕
C ShewentClimbin化
A麟,师ite瘦 B Red嘈
J19 Wha1鲁S1Ji:m's room number?
A No!Il2l05. BNQ噜l205.
C Yellow., 1C.No橐1502.
()10售,Whaiwilllheboyhavetmdimlcrtoda” A`INoodles.B S叩,dwiches. C, Dumpli1ngs.
l -
. 斗I • 暑
)11. Ho1\Vmucll beef,does the,boy's mother ask him to buy?
A. Half a,ki'lo(千克)暑
B. kilo. C.1\vo kilos.
')1.2. \Vho did lilv :go to the zoo,vith?
A. r friends.
R. H'cr-parcnt:s..
C..Her classmates',
)'13..\Vha·t does L,il.y_th·ink of pandas?
A.-Smart and 1cute:.
B. icndly and cule.
C. t an,d fric.ndly.
)14. \Vba,t does the bo:,:..think th,ey,should o?
A. t pandas,oft,en.. B.,G'i ' ,pa das mo.re food.
C Dolheirbcsttoprotectpandas1. `
)IS. What'i l'UCk")''Sl10fCJike a cording to the boy?
A. is big.,
B. 1is new. C, lt1s close to'tbe,ir home.
, 叫 i
)l6 Whattimewilllheirdadusehiscar?
A. At 2:00 p.m.,
B. 2·30 p.m.
)1.7. Wh,ere·will'they go finally?
A. a心taurant.
8. To a theater.
C. a sup1ennarke1.---
)18. How many days does BUI work a week?
A. . B. Four,,
)19. W比t,does Bi.ti'like doing 1>n w·eeken心?
C.. Five咖
A晕.—L,i·sitsete··nnina to1music.
B. g fishing.
C. layin.g s_po,rts. ..
)2(1. How oft1C1d1oes Bill wat1ch TV?
A..Oncje a W'eek鲁
B.. Twice a week.
C. ic'e,a month.
第二部分阅读 (共三节,满分50分)
B,eijin,g International Horticultural Expo(世界园艺博览会)Timet Theme: Live Green, Liv,e Better.
Aprll 29-0c:tober7
Many Dowers and herbs from both home and abroad are on disp ay at the expo.There are also lots of
叭l1dt1,OWC.rs'.. .
undll0countnes血d intemadonal orRa血 lion&ti比严inthe exp . ex.po bas·41o·utdoor display centers and about.2, 500 activi·ties.,
. ·2.1..H.
ow long wil.l the expo last?
t 1 -
A Morethan 5 months. B. More than 6 months., C. Less,than S months., (,)12,, Whi1ch of the follo,wing,about the BeiJing In·tem.atiunal Horticultural :Expo is True·
A You ca.n't see wildflowers at the expo.
B. There are many flowers and herbs from bo1th Chin.a and other coun」.tries.
C.. About 4.1countries and international 0rgan·izat:i10ns take p1art in th expo.
Indoor Wate,r Park
♦ : OOa.m.一6:0卯.m. from M,onday to Fri1day
Opening time
♦ 8: OOa.m,矗.
l O: OOp.m..lfr_om_Satur.day ·t—o,Sun·day
Ticket price
♦ Adu·11s: 1SO vr,an/person: 130 yi1an1memb
♦ Children: above 1.2 meters, 7S yua几pemo”
60 yuan/member under 1.2.
meters. free Should not tak1e I food, pets, knives. ri'ng.s
♦ Children under I. 4 meters and. old严ar,1le a加ve 60 5bou1d st.ay with other adults
Things to remember|♦You should follow the rules in the wa,Ier·park.
♦ Ifyou have some heal1th probl 血s and aren'I sui.table for water activit es
you1'd better not com.e in
(:)23. How long is the wat可park open 10n Tuesday?
A. Fors.even hours 8..Fo·r eijlht bours
髻 _
C. f'or n.ine hours
()24.An aduli membr, and a child 111c·mhorl1above 1.2 meters)sbouJd pay: for伽e·tickets.
A.190 y111an B. 205,y111an C. 225 y,,an
()25. Wh.at can visUors p1robably take to the l.ndoor Water Park?
A. Rings :e..Food C. Mobile phones
书 Afte·r winning the fi t prize at the ASICS Te血s Junio1r Tour in Gu叩gzhou in late Augus't,
2022, Wang Fa q ic ly became popular onlin.e. Wang was known for吐寸ng his te血s rac:kets i:n a
·bamboo basket, maJdn,g him get.the name of''bas'ket tennis boy•\
· ,The boy, Wang Fa, 14, is a membei'of the Va ethnic group(低族)加m Y . "We always
C'&rry bamboo·baske'tSwhen.w1e wo_rk on the fann. This is a typical farming·tool(具有代农仕的农具)
_,-of山eVae血1c group. 1carried my rackets this way to honor(,宽ii%) my b1ometown," W血g辽id唾、
Before pla.ying,le面s, Wang was just a comm.on boy from a village. Bu't in 2016, be w,as chosen by a club as one of.the first 10 children to learn 10 p,lay tennis. Over the p,ast six years, Wang has practice,d harcl along with other players. The children would,get up at 6:3,0 a.m"'·and practice:for m,ore than six hours a,day., E,vcry da,y. they needed t:o swing a racket more than 7,000 ti,mes and run 9
/' ,干,
Wang's p1arent:s 1di.dn't want hi.m to learn tennis at first.They thought it w·as too expens,ive. But the'tennis club said they wou'ld teach him for free. Wang's hometown was ju.sl Ii.fled out of poverty
(脱贫)in 21019.
For Wan,g,,vinn·ing the compet.ition,vas the beginning,of o h1opeful future...I will go,fo1r the top nl aces in the tennis w,orldt''he said.
('26.'When did Wang begin to learn to play tennis?
A. At the age of 6. B. At the age of 8. C. At the a,ge of 12. ()27售Whydid\Vang四l'Y his rackets in the:bamboo·basket?
A. To make him prac·tice teMis more e函ly anywhere.
B. !o bec,ome more p,opular ontine.
C. To ho or his hometo\叽 ()28. Paragra.ph 3 is ma·inly written to.
--- ·---.—
A. expla:in(解释)why Wang chose this activity
B. sho,v how hard Wane p,racticed tennis
C. show Wang's talents in his young ag1e .
('29.Which of the fallowing i.s NOT true?
A. The bamboo1b,asket is a·typical fanning tool oft.he Va ethn.ic group. fl.Wang bas practiced h江d by'himselfover the past six years..
歹 .
睿C. Wang•s parents didn't expect ·their son to be a tennis player at first.
()30. What can W1e learn加m the passage?
A. Wan.g is hopeful and sure about his和ture蠡
B Wang needed to·give mo,ney to the club to learn to play tennis.
. 卓i
C. Wang and other pl:ayers had to practic,e for over nine hours a day. ,
Once upon a time, the:re lived a wise :man. Eve.ryone loved hi·m. Hi.s son. however, was very lazy and,did nothing all day.
The wise man was wonied ab1 ut his son,'s future. One day, he said to,h"is s1on. "I want you to go
to find some treasure(财宝).I have drawn a map to guide you. " Then he handed his son a b_?g.
Inside the b.ag w·ere clothes, some food, a little m.oney and,the·map.
The son se't.1out on his.long journey the next day争He had to trave·1across forests, rivers and mountains. Along the way, he met a-lot of people.-Some helped him with food,严d some with a place to live,. He also met robbers (强盗)·who tried to rob him but failed. He :saw changing landscapes(风景)'and ex.pe:rienced differenl kinds of weather ,
Finally, after a long year, he,,eached the place of treasure. He spent two days looking and
“邸ing for·the treasure, b·ut found nothing.
Feeling sad, he headed back to his home蠡On his way·back, he experienced the same 1changing landsca,pes and sc·asons. Sometimes,,'he would st.op to,enjoy the beauty of nature, He also leam.ed to
hunt and make meals. He had to fix (ij补)his own clothes and the tent h·imself. e was now able t,o te·11.ti:mc·by the sun and protect(保护)himself from wild animals. He m.et the same people who bad
h1elpe·d him earlier. Thi.s l·ime.,he stayed and helped them in order to repay them..
When he reached home·, he said sorry'lo his father for not finding lhe treasur .
"There四sn't.any tre·asure in the very first ·place, my son, ''But I think you ha.ve found your life•s ·true meaning."
()31. The wise man.gave his son to leave.
" the father answered with a smile.
A. some treasure B. a tour gu.idc C..11.map
()32.. What didn't,·he son do during山e rIJ'Stjoumey?
A. H'e passed by·w,oods, rivers and m1ountains,.
B. He got help from some kind people..
C. He,lost a lot of money b1ecause of the robbery.
() 3.Aft.er the journey, the son_.
A. found the treasure and gave it to,his father
B. :made u,p his mind to live by himse,tf
C. learned some life skills and became smarter
( )34, The underlined,word玉血means .
A.支付 B信任 C.报答
()35, What is the.best title for the passage·'?
A. Wonderful Experiences B. Find Life''s Tru.e Meaning C. Always Help Others
,勹 二一 第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)
Ev·eryone feels stress sometimes. You fee,) stress when. you·have a lot of work to do and. not enough time.一36-—,Som-etimes, a littl.e stress can be good. But usually, stress is bad.
37 . s廿ess can make it hard to sleep well. 1:1can also make it difficult t:o finish
school work. If you have a health :prob em,.stress can mak.e it wort,.
There are some,·things you can do to feel less stress.
一Talkin.g about stress can
help you Wlde·rstand it How clan you take away the problem, that is making you feel stress?
/Exercise: is also a good way to help1with stress.Different exe·rcise.si, like playing s.ports or
wa即ng. can help you feel bett1er. 40 food, and having time to sit still are all imp如血.
Getting enough sleep., ea·ting the right kinds of
If you feel that you have too much stress, teil other people an·dget some help.
A. Som,etimes,, writing down the:prob1\em and writing ways lo tak,e it.away can bel.,p.
B. Make sure that you are taking care ofy1ourself.
(: You,can also feel s阮ss,vben you hav·e problems鲁
D. Too much stress can ca,u:s,e health problems.
E. You can talk to your parents or a, friend about your feeli gs.
The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar tenns.G·rain Rain(谷雨),
at the last t:erm in spring,,gene·rally stans on.A. pril 20th and,e·nds on May 4小蠡
G·rai.n Rain comes fro1m,ano'ld sayin,g. "Rain bring,s up山e,growth of hundreds of grain"', which
shows that this period of ra·infall is very·important fo·r the growth of crops.u·ere's something that you咂
may not know about the Grain Rain.. _
Seasonal characteristics
When the GminRainend尺,t'he summe,r lnrt, And the temperature rises much higher than·it does,in Marc,h, With』dry soil and he,avy winds, sandsto,nns may happen more,often.,
Customs in southern 1China
There is an old cus,to,m in southern China thal people drink tea O'D山c day ofG面n Rain,.S,pring
tea during Cirain.Rain is good for- the e:yes. _ ,
Traditions in ·n.o呻em China
Grain.Rain.An old Chinese saying g,oes'"toona sinensis before the·rain is just I让esi1k”l1!,Thevege国ble
is good fO·r the·stomach and skin虐
G呻,Ra:in Festival
The Grain Rain Festival is celebrated by fi·shing villagers ia north叩I Chi皿GrainRainmarks the start or the fishennan'.s firsl voyage(航行)of the year The custom.dates bac::k lo(追溯到),more th.an 2000 years ag .
41. When d,oes the Cirain Rain generally st,art?
42. Whi1c'b season starts when the 0面n'Rai.n e·nds?
43. Why do peo1pl1e in southern Ch.ina drink te·a,on th.e day 1of Orain Rain?
• 44. Is toona sinen:sis a kind of healthy vegetable? '.
45. Who1celebrate th,e1Grain Rain Festival?
Th :'tc wa.s a t兀e in.my garden. One day,
画 _ne山born bab1ies.
彻o birds came to the tre,e and buHt a house for their
One n1orning, I,vas getting up,vhen I _ the sound of (he lktlc l}i.rds. I ran out ofmy
bedroom and found two babies e.ating food on the ground in the·处L,-4 tn叩ght they dropped off th.eir
h.ouse, so I decided to help them get back to their house. At that time, the _:i9 bird and the mother
bi.rd came back,' ey brought some food for the third baby. They pul it.on the ground . t11eir
getr the fo,od, she had to fly lo it. Although she was L..tJ. was',afraid of getting out of the bous,e to eat ·it, To·my 记her parents just s·tood there an.d did nothing嘈
After about ten SJ the third baby bird di血't have any·other choice. She slowly ·went to ·the
border(边缘)of'the house and began to
5 •_,
She flew down,加m the house. Finally, she landed
safely on the ground and found the food soon.
Thesebirds Iaughtusa lesson:i
If'We want our food, we will. have lo learn to Oy·by拉_.
A.. two
A. garden
A. sister
A. beside
A. full A.jo:y
A. days
A.. fly
.A. ourselves
B. three
B. smelt
B. house
B.. brot.ber
B. nex't to
B. hungry
B. surpri.se:
8. weeks
B. eat
B. yourselves
C. five C.,saw
C.. bedroom
C. father
C', far away from 1C. thirs'ty'
1C. exc'i,tement
C. minutes
C. th1emselv'es
Lily was,a sing.le mother who1:lived with her little son. She 101st her job two years ago and they live1d S,61. very hard life. Her bean was S7.—(break) evC!Y time her son asked, "C.O I have some_more bread, Mommy? "
10ne day,, 5一8.
r son asked the same questi.on ag.ain, s.be bought som1e food with her
only S dollars and 1cooked a big 111eal for him at h,omc. Lily w压,a shy mother, but sh.e was strong -
mi.n.d1ed. Sbe used to love writing, so she decided S:9. _ 1(write)1some articles for magazines
to make money.
1Things went 60. _ (well) th:an before. Thanks to some:free 61.._ (vegetable) provided by the local food bank, her son had more to ea.LOnce'he told L·ily that th.e dishes sh1e made 62.(be) very delicious.. :Suddenly, an idea came to Lily's mind, " Why not share my·
recipes(仓诮)_63 t.he Internet'? •• She did so. Many people liked h1e:r recipes and :s.be became popular.
S1oon after that, Lily wrote a book on 64,,_,(cook) and got much,money from i.t. Finally,
she ·had a,good sleep for.,thee 16S. _ (one) night durin,g the two years. Now Lily lives happily, but she'll never fo屯et the days when she worked hard for a,good life.
In our daily life, much plastic package ·is used just once and then thrown away..According to a new s,tu,dy from the University of California, 9% of this is recycled, 12% is burnt and 791% g,oes to landfill And because most plastic doe:sn't biodegrade(生物降解),once it s in th.e ground, it stays there.66. The stud also shows that ei ht milIion,ons of lastic waste am urin into the sea_eve
Scientists have 1Calculated(计算)the t.otal am1ount of plastic e·ver·made: 8 3billion tons. That's as · · heavy as one billio:n elephants. And.almo1 t all.of it:has been made i:n the lasJ 65years.
67.每个人都应该参与拯_救地球:—.-Piotcct.ing the·environment is protecting ours,elv,es. If屾 environ.men.I is taken good care of, we can have clean water and green mountains. 68绿水,凡戊H卢
What can we do as stu.dent.s? Just say no to single-us,e p'lastics like straws, cups and bags. ·Many people l.ove to dri:nk from. a straw or use, plastic to carry things bu,加y are really b:ad for the · environment.
69. It can be h叫·to re·member.,Just 1
put.a pair of chops·ticks in your bag before you lea.ve home.
You know you're goin.g to need somC Water to get you through your day. So cany a bottle (o ,,a
cup)'with you. 10,. 川h呴"ouavoidplasticbo”1es.妒.
71. 假如你叫李华,新学期来临,请谈谈你对新学期运动、劳动、学习三个方面的安排与打算。
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My,name is Li Hua. I have made some plans fo,r the coming,new tenn. .