展开高考英语读后续写素材积累一、蹦蹦跳跳skip /skɪp/ : 双脚交替小步跳,像跳舞一样。1.“I’m gonna be a Lady Tiger,” she whooped, skipping into the room and throwing her arms in the air.“我要成为一只老虎小姐,” 她欢呼着,蹦蹦跳跳地走进房间,把胳膊挥向空中。2.Our younger daughter, Randi, skipped to the table and leaned against me.“What are you writing, Momma?”我们的小女儿Randi蹦蹦跳跳来到桌子边,靠着我,“妈妈,你在写什么?”3.From time to time I would see a little girl skipping across the playground and suddenly remember a little girl who tugged at my soul on a warm summer evening.时不时我会看到一个小女孩在操场上蹦蹦跳跳,然后突然想起一个小女孩在一个温暖的夏日傍晚牵动着我的灵魂。4.She skipped happily along beside me.她连蹦带跳,高高兴兴地跟着我走。hop /hɒp/ : 单脚跳或双足猛跳;(鸟、青蛙)双脚跳1.It came through the surgery in good shape, and by the following morning was hopping about on three legs.它的手术非常成功,第二天,它就用三条腿蹦蹦跳跳了。2.Several frogs were hopping about on the lawn.有几只小青蛙在草地上跳来跳去。scamper: /ˈskæmpə(r)/ :(尤指儿童或小动物 开开心心地) 蹦蹦跳跳1.The gray deer scampered between rows of trees to feast on apples that had fallen to the ground.灰鹿蹦蹦跳跳地穿梭在一排排的树林间,影影绰绰,尽情享用着掉在地上的苹果。2.Sixteen kindergarten students scampered in at a quarter past eight.Their little eyes stared up at me.八点一刻,16名幼儿园的学生蹦蹦跳跳地进来了。他们的小眼睛盯着我。3.Children scampered off the yellow school bus and into the playground. 孩子们跑下黄颜色的校车,奔跑进了操场。bounce /baʊns/ :向前或向上双脚跳跃1.He bounced up and down in anticipation.他满怀期待地蹦蹦跳跳。2.Jumping wildly, he bounced and spun around exactly like Toby did when he was excited.他疯狂地跳跃着,蹦蹦跳跳地转来转去,就像托比兴奋时所做的那样。3.I grabbed the case and bolted out the door with a bounce in my step.我抓起箱子,蹦蹦跳跳地冲出了门。prance /prɑːns/ :(马)腾跃1.She pranced like a circus pony and was indeed charming. 她像马戏团的小马一样蹦蹦跳跳,真的很迷人。二、离开1.含泪离开:leave in tearsShe left in tears and was melancholy for days.她流着泪离开,接下来几天都会闷闷不乐。2.离开某人的身边:leave one's sideI broke into a jog, but the little stray never left my side.我开始慢跑,但那只小流浪狗从未离开过我的身边。3.匆忙离开:leave in a hurryHe got all red in the face and left in a hurry.脸通红,他赶紧离开。4.撤退:retreatThe tears threatened me again, and we made a hasty retreat before I embarrassed him.我的眼泪又要流出来了,于是我们在我让孩子尴尬之前迅速离开了。5.走开:wander awayApparently the cow had wandered away from the herd and managed to slip down the muddy bank of the creek into the cold rushing water.显然,那头奶牛已经离开了牛群,设法从泥泞的小溪旁滑进了冰冷的湍急水中。6.走开:walk awayI proudly tucked him in that night, but as I started to walk away from his cot, he grabbed my arm.那晚我得意洋洋地帮他掖好被子,但当我要离开他的行军床时,他抓住了我的胳膊。7.depart:更加有启程出发之意。The train departed the station 2 hours ago.火车两个小时前离开了车站。、8.be away:不在场,离开The first Christmas, they were both away.第一个圣诞节,他们都离开了。He used my refrigerator while I was away.我不在的时候他使用了我的冰箱。三、叫喊1.边跺脚边大喊:sb stamp one's feet, yelling.1)这里把stamp feet and yell 处理成伴随状语yelling,用了更加复杂的语法。2)yell /jel/ :多指救援,鼓励时的呼喊,或者外界因素刺激而发出尖厉的叫声。1)Mammaw and Baby Brother stomped their feet, yelling.妈妈和弟弟边跺着脚边大喊。2)Daniel yelled at the top of his lungs.丹尼尔声嘶力竭地喊道。3)Mr.Tom then yells out the last two lines, and the children laugh and repeat at the top of their lungs.汤姆先生喊出最后两句,孩子们使出吃奶的力气大声跟着重复。 2.pipe /paɪp/ :n.管子,管乐器;动词:(尤指鸟的)发出尖细的叫声(或歌声)“Australia,” another little son piped.“澳大利亚,”另一个小儿子尖声喊道。3.call out:大声说话、叫喊,一般是为了引起某人的注意力1)I called out to Papa as I drew near, and he turned in his chair, eyes glowing with delight as usual when he saw me.当我走近时,我向爸爸喊了一声,他在椅子上转过身来,看到我时,眼睛里像往常一样闪耀着喜悦的光芒。2)Jesse shot an alarmed glance at me before turning to call in a firm voice, “Shadow, come here; stay.”杰西惊恐地瞥了我一眼,然后坚定地喊道:“Shadow,过来,别动。”3.scream /skriːm/ :因恐惧,痛苦快乐而发出尖锐刺耳的叫声1)I began screaming for my mother, who came down the stairs to see what was wrong.我开始大声喊我妈妈下楼,她来看看出了什么事。2)At the sound of his voice, the little girl could no longer contain her curiosity and screamed with excitement.“I knew it!” she cried.听到他的声音,小女孩再也藏不住她的好奇心,兴奋地尖叫起来。“我知道了”!她喊到。We all screamed Happy New Year and popped the champagne open.我们都高喊着“新年快乐”,打开香槟庆祝。4.exclaim /ɪkˈskleɪm/ :多因高兴,愤怒,惊讶等突发感情而高声叫喊。1)Silently exclaiming “FOUR DOLLARS!” Rodney threw up his thin arms and rolled his large brown eyes.默默地喊着“四美元!”罗德尼举起他纤细的手臂,转动着他那双棕色的大眼睛。2)“Puppy!” my son exclaimed, spreading his arms apart in a welcoming gesture.“小狗! 我儿子喊道,张开双臂表示欢迎。 3)My mom exclaimed gleefully, “It’s him alright!”妈妈高兴地喊道:“是他!”5.shout /ʃaʊt/:指有意识地高喊,常用于提出警告,发出命令或者引起注意。1) “Open your eyes!” Frankie and Sarah shouted in chorus.“睁开眼睛!”弗兰基和莎拉异口同声地喊道。2)He moved with amazing speed and running to the bottom of the stairs he threw his head back and shouted, “Hey, Julie, Jen, Jon, Mama’s taking me to the store! Anybody need anything?”他以惊人的速度跑到楼梯底下,仰头喊道:“嘿,朱莉,珍,琼恩,妈妈要带我去商店!有人需要什么吗?”积累好词1.边跺脚边大喊:sb stamp one's feet, yelling.2.某人声嘶力竭地喊道:sb yelled at the top of one's lungs.3.靠近:draw near4.某人两眼闪耀着喜悦的光芒:sb's eyes glow with delight.5.某人惊恐地瞥了A一眼:sb shot an alarmed glance at A 6.坚定地喊道:call in a firm voice7.藏好好奇心:contain curiosity8.兴奋地尖叫:scream with excitement9.举起某人纤细的手臂:threw up one's thin arms 10.转了转眼睛:roll eyes11.张开双臂表示欢迎:spread arms apart in a welcoming gesture12.高兴地喊道:exclaim gleefully13.异口同声地喊道:shout in chorus14.跑到楼梯底:run to the bottom of the stairs15.仰头喊道:throw head back and shout四、跳起来1.jump:普通用词,双脚跳或者在同一水平面上跳到有一定距离的某一点上。1)When I heard the doorbell ring, I jumped from my chair and raced out of my room to the top of the steps.当我听到门铃响时,我从椅子上跳起来,冲出房间,跑到楼梯顶上。2)Alarmed by her sudden outburst, I quickly jumped up to grab her some napkins as my friend comforted her.我被她突然情绪的爆发吓了一跳,很快跳起来给她拿了几张纸巾,我的朋友也在安慰她。3)At six months, she could jump like a deer, and all the fences were raised to a height of ten feet.六个月时,她能像鹿一样跳起来,因此所有的篱笆都抬高到十英尺。2.leap:侧重身体猛得跳起并朝着前面急冲,有突然跳起的感觉。1)I leaped out of bed and ran to the living room.我从床上跳起来,跑到客厅里去了。2)They had discarded their shoes and were tiptoeing into the water, laughing and leaping each time a wave broke over their legs.他们扔掉了鞋子,踮着脚尖走进水里,每当一个浪头打到他们的腿上时,他们就笑着跳起来。3.spring:有力的弹跳动作1)I spring from my bed and head straight into the bathroom with such excitement.我从床上跳起来,兴奋的径直走向浴室。2)As Coach Maguire emerged from her office, the chatter subsided and all eyes zeroed in on her.I inched to the edge of my seat ready to spring to my feet as soon as she said my name.当Maguire教练走出她的办公室时,谈话声渐渐平息,所有的目光都集中在她身上。我慢慢挪到座位边缘,准备在她说出我名字的时候跳起来。积累好词积累好词1.从...跳起来:jumped from2.冲出A,跑到B:race out of A to B.3.被某物吓了一大跳,某人跳了起来:Alarmed by sth, sb jumpe up 4.给某人拿纸巾:grab sb some napkins5.像鹿一样跳起来:sb jump like a deer6.从床上跳起来:leap out of bed7.从床上弹跳起来:spring from bed 8.径直走向:head straight into A 9.扔掉鞋子:discard shoes 10.踮着脚走进水里:tiptoe into the water11.笑着跳起来: laugh and leap12.海浪拍打到腿上: a wave breake over legs.13.从A走出来:emerge from A14.谈话的声音渐渐平息:the chatter subside 15.专注于: zeroe in on sb/sth16.慢慢移动到...:inch to A17.跳起来:spring to one's feet