名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 A Silver Braid班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________心灵鸡汤精选A Silver Braid话题归类阅读难度词数难忘的经历(挑战自我)五星949 【文章梗概】作者参加了一场大型竞走和慢跑比赛。我以往的半程马拉松成绩都超过了两小时,但这一年的目标是在两小时内。但由于最初跑在后面,且遇到了长达一英里的堵塞,我开始怀疑能否实现目标。但当我遇到一个有一条银色辫子的女选手后,情况改变了。最终我刷新了我的个人记录,并比我的预定目标快了8分钟。You have a choice. You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off your face. ~Gatorade adWhat a mistake. Starting in the back of a large race with the walkers and joggers left me in a mile-long human traffic jam. Running through a wide green valley in the Ogden Half Marathon in Utah, I already felt a sense of loss. And it was still only mile 1.I started at the back of the pack to keep my nieces company. I thought I could work my way up to the two-hour pacer who was holding a bright orange sign. But at the end of the first mile, I was still stuck between joggers and walkers, trying to work my way through the crowd. The pacer had left me far behind.The two-hour half marathon had been a goal I’d chased for years. Between giving birth to five children, I’d done lots of half marathons and gotten decent times: 2:05, 2:08, 2:02. But the elusive sub-two-hour evaded me.This was my year to blow away that goal. I’d been training hard for that distance and that time. I’d done the speed work and gone overboard on long distance by training for the full marathon. My goal time was within my grasp. This was my race. But in the back of my mind, I knew my time in the first few miles was critical. And that first mile wasn’t nearly fast enough.To make up for the lost time, I would need to go faster than I had trained for the remaining 12 miles of the race — a rookie mistake I had learned not to repeat long ago. It’s a recipe for burnout and failure. Today, of all days, I did not want to fail.During the second mile, I finally worked my way out of the joggers in the back. I found a clear lane and plodded forward, determined to finish strong. Self-doubt gnawed at me as I saw the two-hour pacer dip over a distant snow-capped hill. I wondered if I would ever see the pace group again.That’s when a silvery braid bounced by me. Going a little faster than my current pace, a woman about my height and build strode away. Her tanned skin showed the flawsand wrinkles that years of endurance training bring. She was probably 20 years my senior. And there she was, stepping away from me in my race.I wondered how long she had prepared for this event. Months? Years? This was clearly not her first half marathon. I felt it also wouldn’t be her last. I found myself accelerating to match her even strides. I imagined reaching out to hold that braid like a guide rope. If I could hang on with her, I would finish strong.Near the fourth mile, what felt like a miracle occurred. My silver-braided companion and I caught up to the two-hour pace group. I relaxed, happy to be with the right crowd. But she did not. She passed through the two-hour group, surgingsteadily ahead of them.Something in my heart was still attached to her flowing braid. I followed her, knowing even if I slowed near the race’s end, the pacer was behind me and I could still make my goal. Coming down a craggy, rock-lined canyon, she ran even faster. I followed, drafting in her wake.Miles blurred together, and the canyon leveled out to a broad river path winding toward the finish. Around mile 10, the increase in crowd support inspired me to pick up my pace. The disco music at the water stop really got me going. I caught a second wind. Silver Braid was slowing. I passed her as the music filled the air around us.Mile 11, with the music behind me, I felt the sadness in my poor, tired legs. Glancing at my watch, I was thrilled to be far ahead of my projected training time. But I also felt the strain of the additional speed. I had outpaced my training. I was getting to the end of my endurance. My body hit a wall.Silver Braid passed me again. She gave me a thumbs-up and said something encouraging my exhausted mind didn’t process. Praising her steadiness, I fell in behind her. My focus was still on the end of her braid.Mile 12 was the hardest mile. Knowing the finish line was close, but feeling the aching strain of prolonged effort, I was tempted to walk. But just then, new inspiration found me. A college-age girl from the crowd started shouting and running ahead of us.“Go, Ann! That’s my mom!” the girl shouted. “Keep it up, Ann!”Silver Braid had a daughter and a name. If Ann could keep going, so could I.The thought crossed my mind that maybe someone behind me was watching my brown braid, needing my strength. A chain of runners stretched ahead of me and behind me. We pulled each other along.I crossed the finish line a full 10 minutes faster than my old personal record and eight minutes faster than my goal. 1:52! Looking at my watch, I could barely believe it. It was more than I had hoped for. But I couldn’t take credit for it. I ran the race borrowing strength from Ann.Ann finished a few seconds ahead of me. She hugged her cheering daughter and then turned to embrace me. She said my persistence had inspired her. I know her steadiness carried me.That day, Ann gave me something that she didn’t know she was handing out. She gave me an example of fortitude. Hard days and slow miles come to all of us, but we keep running. If we draw on the people around us, we can all finish strong. 【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。1.braid [breɪd] n.______________________2.pacer [ˈpeɪsə] n.______________________3.chase [tʃeɪs] v.______________________4.elusive [iˈluːsɪv] adj.______________________5.evade [ɪˈveɪd] vt.______________________6.overboard [ˈəʊvəbɔːd] adv.______________________7.go overboard______________________8.rookie [ˈrʊkɪ] n.______________________9.lane [leɪn] n.______________________10.plod [plɒd] v.______________________11.gnawed [nɔː] v.______________________ gnaw at______________________12.dip [dɪp] v.______________________13.snow-capped [ˈsnəʊ kæpt] adj.______________________14.stride [straɪd] vi./n.______________________15.tanned [tænd] adj.______________________16.flaw [flɔː] n.______________________17.endurance [ɪnˈdjʊərəns] n______________________18.accelerate [əkˈseləreɪt] v.______________________19.miracle [ˈmɪrəkl] n.______________________20.surging [sɜːdʒ] vi.______________________21.steadily ['stedɪlɪ] adv.______________________22.craggy [ˈkræɡi] adj.______________________23.canyon [ˈkænjən] n.______________________24.blur [blɜː(r)] v.______________________25.thrilled [θrɪld] adj.______________________26.strain [streɪn] n.______________________27.outpaced [ˌaʊtˈpeɪs] vt______________________28.exhausted [ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd] adj.______________________29.steadiness [ˈstedinis] n.______________________30.strain [streɪn] n.______________________31.prolonged [prəˈlɒŋd] adj.______________________32.tempted [ˈtemptɪd] adj.______________________33.embrace [ɪmˈbreɪs] v._____________________34.persistence [pəˈsɪstəns] n.______________________35.fortitude [ˈfɔːtɪtjuːd] n.______________________【句子学习】请根据中文句子填空。㈠动作描写1. I started at the back of the pack to ______________________my nieces______________________. 我从后面出发,目的是与侄女作伴。2. But at the end of the first mile, I was still ______________________ between joggers and walkers, ____________________________________________ my way ______________________ the crowd. 但在第一英里的终点,我仍然被夹在慢跑者和步行者之间,试图在人群中穿行。3. The pacer had ______________________ me far ______________________. 步行者把我远远抛在了后面。4. That’s when a silvery braid ______________________ by me. 就在那时,一条银色的辫子从我身边蹦了出来。5. And there she was,______________________ away from me in my race. 她就在那里,在我的比赛中从我身边走开。㈡情绪描写1. Running through a wide green valley in the Ogden Half Marathon in Utah, I already______________________. 在犹他州奥格登半程马拉松赛中,我跑过一个宽阔的绿色山谷,我已经感到一种失落感。2. I found a clear lane and plodded forward, ______________________. 我找到了一条清晰的车道,步履蹒跚地向前走,决心坚强地完成比赛。3. I relaxed, ____________________________________________. 我放松了下来,很高兴和合适的人在一起。㈢环境描写1. Running through ____________________________________________, I already felt a sense of loss. 在犹他州奥格登半程马拉松赛中,我跑过一个宽阔的绿色山谷,我已经感到一种失落感。2. Miles blurred together, and ___________________________________________________. 几英里的距离模糊在一起,峡谷变得平坦,形成一条蜿蜒向终点的宽阔河道。㈣心理描写1. Today, of all days,_______________________________________. 今天,在所有的日子里,我不想失败。2. I _______________ if I would ever see the pace group again. 我想知道是否还可以再次看到这跑步组。3. I _______________ how long she had prepared for this event. 我想知道她为这次活动准备了多久。4. This was clearly not her first half marathon. I _______________ it also wouldn’t be her last. 这显然不是她的第一次半程马拉松。我觉得这也不会是她最后一次。5. If _____________________________________________, I would finish strong. 如果我能和她在一起,我会坚强地结束。拓展练习读后续写阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。.In the sport of track and field, athletes compete not only with one another but against themselves, and with each race they strive to achieve a new personal best.For Brandon Schutt running in what would likely be his final cross-country match before graduating high school, his personal best turned out not to be about marking the fastest time but displaying the biggest heart.Although it was difficult for him to advance to upcoming state meet last Thursday, if his time was good enough that day, he still had the potential to qualify for the match.After running for one mile, however, Schutt realized he wasn’t going to be able to keep up the fast speed.Rather than risk injury, he slowed to a necessary pace that would allow him to enter the state meet.Meanwhile, Omaha Burke High School sophomore (二年级学生) Blake Cerveny was running a very different kind of race.Aiming to beat his own personal record, after a fast start, he continued to push himself hard.With less than 400 meters to go, Cerveny’s legs cramped up (抽筋) and failed him.But his will did not.Determined to finish, Cerveny rose from the ground and continued on, only to fall again after another 150 meters… and again, he got up and started running.This time he’d made it only 25 meters more before going down.But he wasn’t done yet.Concerned, his dad and his coach asked Cerveny if he wanted to stop.He didn’t.With a lot of effort, the young runner pulled himself up and with an unsteady gait (步伐), moved forward for one final push.It wasn’t enough.A less 100 meters from the finish line, he lay curled on the ground and his legs had simply given out.Before Cerveny’s dad could reach his son, another runner—Brandon Schutt—was at his side to offer a helping hand.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。However, his first attempt to get Cerveny up failed.Deeply touched by the two boys’ story, the local TV station arranged an on-camera (摄像机拍摄的) reunion where the boys were given the chance to know each other. 心灵鸡汤精选答案【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。1.braid [breɪd] n.辫子2.pacer [ˈpeɪsə] n.步行者3.chase [tʃeɪs] v.追赶4.elusive [iˈluːsɪv] adj.难以捉摸的5.evade [ɪˈveɪd] vt.逃避6.overboard [ˈəʊvəbɔːd] adv.向舷外7.go overboard做得过分8.rookie [ˈrʊkɪ] n.新手9.lane [leɪn] n.车道10.plod [plɒd] v.艰难地行进11.gnawed [nɔː] v.咬 gnaw at折磨12.dip [dɪp] v.浸13.snow-capped [ˈsnəʊ kæpt] adj.顶部被雪覆盖的14.stride [straɪd] vi./n.大步走 15.tanned [tænd] adj.晒黑的16.flaw [flɔː] n.瑕疵17.endurance [ɪnˈdjʊərəns] n.耐力18.accelerate [əkˈseləreɪt] v.加速19.miracle [ˈmɪrəkl] n.奇迹20.surging [sɜːdʒ] vi.涌动21.steadily ['stedɪlɪ] adv.稳定地22.craggy [ˈkræɡi] adj.俊俏的23.canyon [ˈkænjən] n.峡谷24.blur [blɜː(r)] v.(使)变得模糊不清25.thrilled [θrɪld] adj.非常兴奋26.strain [streɪn] n.压力27.outpaced [ˌaʊtˈpeɪs] vt.超过28.exhausted [ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd] adj.筋疲力尽的29.steadiness [ˈstedinis] n.稳定30.strain [streɪn] n.劳损;扭伤31.prolonged [prəˈlɒŋd] adj.长期的32.tempted [ˈtemptɪd] adj.希望做的33.embrace [ɪmˈbreɪs] v.拥抱34.persistence [pəˈsɪstəns] n.坚持不懈35.fortitude [ˈfɔːtɪtjuːd] n.坚忍不拔【句子学习】请根据中文句子填空。㈠动作描写1. I started at the back of the pack to keep my nieces company. 我从后面出发,目的是与侄女作伴。2. But at the end of the first mile, I was still stuck between joggers and walkers, trying to work my way through the crowd. 但在第一英里的终点,我仍然被夹在慢跑者和步行者之间,试图在人群中穿行。3. The pacer had left me far behind. 步行者把我远远抛在了后面。4. That’s when a silvery braid bounced by me. 就在那时,一条银色的辫子从我身边蹦了出来。5. And there she was, stepping away from me in my race. 她就在那里,在我的比赛中从我身边走开。㈡情绪描写1. Running through a wide green valley in the Ogden Half Marathon in Utah, I already felt a sense of loss. 在犹他州奥格登半程马拉松赛中,我跑过一个宽阔的绿色山谷,我已经感到一种失落感。2. I found a clear lane and plodded forward, determined to finish strong. 我找到了一条清晰的车道,步履蹒跚地向前走,决心坚强地完成比赛。3. I relaxed, happy to be with the right crowd. 我放松了下来,很高兴和合适的人在一起。㈢环境描写1. Running through a wide green valley in the Ogden Half Marathon in Utah, I already felt a sense of loss. 在犹他州奥格登半程马拉松赛中,我跑过一个宽阔的绿色山谷,我已经感到一种失落感。2. Miles blurred together, and the canyon leveled out to a broad river path winding toward the finish. 几英里的距离模糊在一起,峡谷变得平坦,形成一条蜿蜒向终点的宽阔河道。㈣心理描写1. Today, of all days, I did not want to fail. 今天,在所有的日子里,我不想失败。2. I wondered if I would ever see the pace group again. 我想知道是否还可以再次看到这跑步组。3. I wondered how long she had prepared for this event. 我想知道她为这次活动准备了多久。4. This was clearly not her first half marathon. I felt it also wouldn’t be her last. 这显然不是她的第一次半程马拉松。我觉得这也不会是她最后一次。5. If I could hang on with her, I would finish strong. 如果我能和她在一起,我会坚强地结束。拓展练习读后续写参考答案However, his first attempt to get Cerveny up failed.But like Cerveny, he too refused to quit.With a second try, Cerveny was on his feet.At a measured jog, with Cerveny holding Schutt for support and Schutt helping Cerveny maintain balance, the two completed the final 75 meters of the course in tandem.Schutt even made sure the injured runner crossed the finish line first, securing his opponent a faster time.Hardly had they crossed the line when Cerveny was taken to the medical tent for care.And Schutt rejoined his teammates even without saying a word with Cerveny.Deeply touched by the two boys’ story, the local TV station arranged an on-camera reunion where the boys were given the chance to know each other.Thanks to the opportunity, Cerveny met the person to whom he always wanted to express his appreciation.When they met, Cerveny said with his heart flowing with gratitude, “Brandon is an excellent person.He is really kind.My gratitude is beyond words.” Hearing that, Schutt hugged Cerveny tightly and said, “I just help someone in need.” In today’s competitive world in which the emphasis in athletics is so often put on breaking records, it was inspiring to see that for an athlete like Brandon Schutt, the value of true sportsmanship still had legs.