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    高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 The world of science完美版教学课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 The world of science完美版教学课件ppt,共31页。PPT课件主要包含了课文结构图解,课文预习自测,题组练·领悟方法等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Ⅰ 阅读理解 (根据课文内容选择正确答案)1. What’s the passage mainly abut?A. The publishing f a new bk.B. Fur great inventins in Ancient China.C. The changes in the inventin tday.D. What inspires a man t invent smething.2. Why des Richard mentin the fur great inventins in Ancient China?A. T prve the glden ages f inventin in histry.B. T tell us the imprtance f the fur great inventins.C. T share his knwledge abut the fur great inventins.D. T cmpare them with the great Western inventins.
    3. What new inventins are NOT mentined in the text? A. Virtual reality and wearable tech. B. The flexible battery and the 3D printers. C. The inventins made by Richard. D. The replacements f human rgans. 4. What is Richard’s attitude t inventing a time machine? A. Negative. B. Supprtive. C. Critical. D. Optimistic. 5. What d we knw abut the new great inventins tday? A. All f them are tech -based. B. Cmputer technlgy helps a lt. C. The slar technlgy is always ec-friendly. D. A slutin t a prblem is an inventin.
    Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)   Accrding t Dr Richard Fairhurst,whse new bk The New Age f Inventin has just been published,there have been 1     (gld)ages f inventin thrughut histry. Think f the fur great inventins in Ancient China:gunpwder,papermaking,2     (print)and the cmpass. These things 3     (change)the wrld frever. Then there were the great Western inventins:the steam engine,the telephne and the radi. And nw,mst f the new great inventins are tech-based. Fr example, advances in virtual reality and 4       (wear)tech,as well as the flexible battery,mean we shuld sn be seeing 5    (far)develpments. In additin,imprtant advances have been made in medicine and 6      (envirnment)science thanks t increasing cmputer pwer. New inventins 7      3D printers have been used t make replacement hearts and bne parts. In terms f the envirnment,8      is nw pssible t create an intelligent walking huse.   Dr Richard Fairhurst,an 9     (invent)himself, hlds the view that mst inventins start with recgnising a prblem 10       needs a slutin. But the real spirit f inventin is that we have an incredible desire t think and create.
    Ⅲ 概要写作   阅读课文,根据其内容写一篇60 词左右的内容概要。 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    One pssible versin:   Dr Richard Fairhurst,an inventr and the authr f The New Age f Inventin,thinks there have been glden ages f inventin thrughut histry. Fr example,there were fur great inventins in Ancient China and great Western inventins. Tday mst f the new great inventins are tech-based. And mst inventins start with recgnising a prblem needing a slutin. But the real spirit f inventin is an incredible desire t think and create.
    核心词汇 教材原句p.25 Presently I am ging t press the lever,and the machine will g. 现在我要按一下操纵杆,机器就要开动了。1 press v. 按,压;催促,敦促 n. 新闻报道,评论In case f emergency,press the buttn and break the glass. 万一遇到紧急情况,按下按钮并击碎玻璃。The cmmittee pressed him t reveal mre infrmatin. 委员会敦促他透露更多信息。The play has had a gd/bad press. 这部戏受到新闻界的好评/批评。 ▶【单词积累】 pressure n. 压力       under pressure 承受压力;被迫reduce pressure 减轻压力   put pressure n sb. 向某人施压
    ▶单句语法填空(1)Michael tk a few steps backwards and pressed his back        the wall. (2)They are pressing us       (make)a quick decisin. ▶完成句子 (3)I’m     (承受压力) frm my parents t becme a teacher. (4)The cmpany may have            (向她施加压力)t agree. (5)Develping a habit f playing team sprts can        (减轻压力)and keep fit.
    under pressure
    put pressure n her
    reduce pressure
    教材原句p.25 A faint blue light sht acrss it,darkening t purple... 一道微弱的蓝光穿过它,渐渐暗成紫色…… 2 sht v. & n. (1)v. 射出(光、亮等),放射;射杀,射伤;拍摄;射门;冲,奔A wman was sht dead in an attempted rbbery. 一名女子在一桩抢劫未遂案中中枪身亡。He sht frm the middle f the field and still managed t scre. 他在中场投篮,仍成功得分。She sht past me several metres befre the finishing line. 她在离终点线几米时冲刺超过了我。(2)n. 嫩芽,新枝;拍摄new green shts 绿色的新芽   a fashin sht 时装摄影   ▶ 【单词积累】 sht n. 开枪;射球;照片;镜头 take a sht at 对……开枪   take a sht f 给……拍照
    ▶单句语法填空 (1)He rdered her t sht        the apple with ne f her arrws. (2)The cruel man tk a       (sht)at the camel,but missed. (3)The murderer sht the expert in      back and stle the dcument frm his suitcase. (4)I tk        sht f the beautiful scenery in the desert. ▶完成句子 (5)As the birds rise,the hunters         (向它们射击). (6)He admitted that he had           (打中了熊的腿).
    sht at them
    sht the bear in the leg
    教材原句p.26 Fr example,advances in virtual reality and wearable tech,as well as the flexible battery,mean we shuld sn be seeing further develpments. 比如说,虚拟现实、可穿戴科技设备与柔性电池技术的进步意味着我们很快会看到更多相关领域的产品研发。3 as well as (1)用作连词,连接并列成分,意为“不但……而且……,既…… 又……”。We expect her t d the husewrk as well as lk after the children. 我们不仅期望她照看孩子,而且期望她做家务。(2)用作介词,意为“除了……之外”,后面接名词或动名词,相当于in additin t,besides,apart frm。 As well as knwing sme Russian,she speaks English very well. 除了懂一些俄语外,她英语说得也不错。(3)构成同级比较,意为“和……一样好”。Yu lk as well as yu did ten years ag. 你的身体看起来还和十年前一样好。
    ▶ 【学法点拨】 A as well as B 强调A,作主语时,谓语动词与A 保持一致。nt nly A but als B 强调B,作主语时,谓语动词与B 保持一致。Yur wife as well as yu is friendly t me. = Nt nly yu but als yur wife is friendly t me. 不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。
    ▶单句语法填空 (1)As well as       (play)the pian,the actress can sing well. (2)A museum shuld aim t entertain as well as       (educate). (3)Helen as well as I       (be)eager t read the adventure stries. (4)I as well as they       (be)unable t recgnise ur ld teacher. (5)Nt nly I but als Mary       (make) a living by teaching. ▶一句多译玛丽和我都填写了一张表格。(6)                     (as well as) (7)                 (nt als...)
    Mary as well as I has filled ut a frm.
    Nt nly I but als Mary has filled ut a frm.
    教材原句p.27 In additin,imprtant advances have been made in medicine and envirnmental science thanks t increasing cmputer pwer. 此外,得益于不断强化的计算机能力,医药与环境科学也取得了重要进展。4 in additin 除此之外,另外In additin,it’s best fr yu t frgive and frget. 此外,你最好还是不念旧恶。[词汇复现] The cmpany prvides free service in additin. 另外,该公司还提供免费服务。▶ 【词语辨析】in additin 与 in additin t
    ▶选词填空(in additin/in additin t) (1)I can pst the letter fr yu.       ,ding sme walking des me gd. (2)         the names n the list,there are six ther applicants. ▶完成句子 (3)The prducts are f high quality.        (另外),the price is lw. (4)             (除了游泳),she likes playing the guitar.
    In additin
    In additin t
    In additin t swimming
    教材原句p.27 In terms f the envirnment,it is nw pssible t create an intelligent walking huse. 在环境领域,建造智能可移动房屋现在已成为可能。5 in terms f 就……而言,在……方面;根据,依照▶搭配:describe/measure/evaluate sth. in terms f sth. 根据……描述/ 衡量/ 评价…… In terms f envirnmental prtectin,he gverned this regin very well. 在环境保护方面,他把这个地区治理得很好。It is a small cuntry bth in terms f size and ppulatin. 就面积和人口而言,它都是个小国。It is widely acknwledged that students shuld be evaluated in terms f verall quality. 人们普遍认为应该根据学生的综合素质来评价学生。▶ 【归纳拓展】 be n gd/bad terms(with sb.)(与某人)关系好/ 不好 in the lng/shrt term 从长期/ 短期来看
    ▶单句语法填空 (1)Tm is superir t Jhn        terms f cmpetence. (2)Learning is nt always easy,but it is always gd        the lng term. ▶完成句子 (3)Yu can chse landscapes r paintings         (根据)yur wn taste. (4)They              (与…… 关系好)their neighburs ever since they mved there.
    have been n gd terms with
    教材原句p.27 It is capable f using GPS technlgy t travel t different places,with cmputing technlgy cntrlling its “legs”. 它能依靠全球定位系统技术四处移动,计算机技术则控制着它的“双腿”。6 capable adj. 有能力的;能力强的,能干的I’m perfectly capable f ding it myself. 我完全有能力自己做这项工作。a strng capable wman一个坚强能干的女人   We need t get an assistant wh’s capable and efficient. 我们需要一个能力强、效率高的助理。I’ll leave the rganizatin in yur capable hands. 我要把这个组织交给你这位能手。
    ▶单句语法填空(1)A frce-ten wind is capable f       (blw)the rfs ff huses. (2)I’m ging away next week,s I’ll be leaving everything        yur capable hands. ▶完成句子 (3)Actually,we      ( 有能力阻止)the disease frm spreading. (4)The cmpany           (没有能力)dealing with an rder that large.
    are capable f preventing
    isn’t capable f
    教材原句p.27 Nw,reduced energy supplies and envirnmental pllutin have led t mre advances in the technlgy f new energy vehicles. 现在,能源供应紧缩与环境污染推动了新能源汽车技术的进一步发展。7 lead t 导致,造成;通向,通往(t 是介词) The lng ht summer has led t serius water shrtages. 漫长的炎热夏天导致了严重的水资源短缺。[词汇复现] The winding drive leads t the tp f the hill. 蜿蜒的车道通往山顶。▶ 【归纳拓展】 “导致,引起”的多种表达: (1)lead t 客观描述结果,好坏结果都可用。(2)result in 侧重强调所造成的结果,通常是不良或消极的结果。Staying up late can result in a series f health prblems. 熬夜会导致一系列健康问题。
    (3)bring abut 多指“带来”某种变化、好处等,或“导致”“造成” 某种问题、不良结果等。The Internet has brught abut many changes in ur wrk,study and life. 互联网已经给我们的工作、学习和生活带来了许多变化。(4)cntribute t 本义是“对……作贡献”,在不好的方面作贡献引 申出“造成”“导致”的意思,用于好的方面则表示“促成”“有助于”。Cigarette smking is believed t be a majr factr cntributing t lung cancer. 吸烟被认为是导致肺癌的一个主要因素。[词汇复现]
    ▶完成句子 (1)War never settles anything. It nly            (导致暴力). (2)As we all knw,bad eating habits and a lack f exercise may           (造成健康问题). (3)It desn’t matter whether yu turn right r left at the crssing—bth rads ________________(通向公园). ▶选词填空(lead t/result in/bring abut/ cntribute t) (4)Prper rest and enugh sleep          lngevity. (5)Yga is an exercise t         a state f calm. (6)This cnditin can             ther health issues such as diabetes,high bld pressure,heart attacks and strkes.
    leads t vilence
    lead t health prblems
    lead t the park
    cntribute t
    bring abut
    lead t/result in/bring abut/cntribute t
    教材原句p.27 But what remains imprtant is that we have an incredible desire t think and create,and that’s the real spirit f inventin. 不过有一点依旧重要,就是我们对思考与创造有着一种极度的渴望,而这正是真正的发明精神。8 desire n. 欲望,渴望 v. 渴望,期望I have n desire t cause my cmpanin any truble. 我不想给我的同伴带来任何麻烦。Peple with disabilities desire t live a nrmal life. 残疾人渴望过正常的生活。[词汇复现] ▶ 【误区警示】 desire 后的名词性从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用“shuld + 动词原形”,shuld 可以省略。
    ▶单句语法填空 (1)Fashin is a cmpetitive and hard business where peple’s desire        new ideas is hard t satisfy. (2)It is desired that the expert       (cme)at nce. ▶完成句子 (3)I            (不想惹任何麻烦). (4)She           (极其渴望)t g back t her hme cuntry befre she died.
    have n desire t cause any truble
    had a burning/strng desire
    重点句式 教材原句p.26 There have been glden ages f inventin thrughut histry. 纵观历史,我们经历过很多发明创造的黄金时代。1 There have/has been...(there be 句型的现在完成时) There has been a decrease in traffic accidents. 交通事故减少了。 Culd I ask yu if there have been any further prblems? 我想问您一下,是否还有其他的问题?[词汇复现]
    ▶【学法点拨】 there be 句型可以用于多种时态,基本结构是“there + be 的各种 时态”。There is a map f China n the wall. 墙上有一幅中国地图。(一般现在时) There were sme children swimming in the river. 一些小孩在河里游泳。(一般过去时) There is ging t be rain sn. 马上就要下雨了。(一般将来时) There will be thusands f ftball fans in Lndn next mnth. 下个月伦敦将有成千上万的足球迷。(一般将来时) There have been tw shps and a hspital here. 这里已经有两家商店和一家医院了。(现在完成时) There wuld be endless rws if I was at hme. 如果我在家的话会有吵不完的架。(过去将来时)
    ▶单句语法填空 (1)There       (be)a building at the crner. (2)There        (be)a plan fr the prject tmrrw. (3)There       (be)ging t be a film in ur schl this weekend. (4)The teacher said there       (be)a ftball match n TV this evening. (5)There       (be)many such accidents this year. (6)There       (be)lts f cmplaints abut the bys,but nne abut the smke. (7)There       (be)a lively interest in the electins in the last tw weeks.
    will be/is ging t be
    教材原句p.27 It is capable f using GPS technlgy t travel t different places,with cmputing technlgy cntrlling its “legs”. 它能依靠全球定位系统技术四处移动,计算机技术则控制着它的“双腿”。2 with 复合结构 构成:with + 宾语+ 宾语补足语常在句中充当状语,表示原因、时间、条件、伴随、方式等,还可以作定语。具体形式主要有: (1)with + 宾语 + 现在分词(作状语,现在分词表主动和进行) With prices ging up s fast,we can’t buy a huse f ur wn. 由于物价上涨很快,我们买不起自己的房子。(2)with + 宾语 + 过去分词(作状语,过去分词表被动和完成) She had t walk hme with her bike stlen. 她的自行车被偷了,她只好步行回家。
    (3)with + 宾语 + 不定式(作状语,不定式表将来) With s many things t deal with,I can’t g n hliday. 有那么多事情要处理,我不能去度假。(4)with + 宾语 + 介词短语(作状语或定语) He was asleep with his head n his arms. 他枕着胳膊睡着了。 The wman with a baby in her arms is Li Ping’s mther. 怀里抱着小孩的那个妇女是李平的母亲。(5)with + 宾语 + 形容词/ 副词(作状语) It was cld utside;the by ran int the rm with his nse red. 外面很冷,小男孩儿跑进房间,鼻子红红的。With her sister ut,she had t stay at hme alne. 她的姐姐出去了,她不得不独自待在家里。
    ▶单句语法填空 (1)The manager came in with his assistant       (fllw)him. (2)With a lt f prblems       (settle), I can’t g skating with yu. (3)With all the wrk       (finish),they hurried back hme fr lunch. (4)[2020 • 江苏卷]Then ne perfect Amaznian evening,with mnkeys       (call) frm beynd the village green,we played sccer. (5)A yung lady came up t me        sme literature bks in her hand. (6)The ld man walked in with a stick        his hand.

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