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    这是一份2023届山东省日照市高三上学期高考一模考试英语试题,文件包含2023届山东省日照市高考一模英语试题解析版docx、2023届山东省日照市高考一模英语试题原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共25页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Petry Cntest
    The cntest is pen t anyne aged thirteen and up wh writes petry. Enter yur pem fr a free chance t win prizes! Yu can submit a pem n any tpic, emplying whatever style yu prefer.
    N entry fee is required fr the cntest. The main cntest is held twice a year. Cntest dates are January 1—June 30 and July 1—December 31. All winners will receive a letter and their prize via regular mail. The first place winner will be cntacted by phne r email and asked t call ur ffice t cnfirm their identity befre their prize is mailed. As sn as the cmplete list f winners is drawn up, it will be psted n the hme page.
    ·Only submit ONE pem, ONE time. Only ne pem per husehld will be accepted.
    ·Pem must be 26 lines r fewer, including stanza breaks but nt including the title, and lines may be n mre than 55 characters acrss, including spaces.
    ·D nt use “texting” ling. Prperly spell ut all wrds and typing the first wrd f each line in capital letter.
    ·All pems must be written in English.
    Bth cntests award ne first place prize f $ 2, 000. 00 and a first prize wall plaque(匾牌)($ 100. 00 value); twenty secnd place prizes f $ 100. 00 each and a secnd place wall plaque($ 75. 00 value); ne hundred third place winners f a third place gift certificate($ 25. 00 value). Sixty t seventy percent f all entries becme semi-finalists and receive a certificate f participatin suitable fr framing.
    1. What d we knw abut the petry cntest?
    A. It is a free cntest.B. Anyne can enter fr it.
    C. All pems will be published.D. Each cntestant will get a reward.
    2. Which f the fllwing will cause disqualificatin?
    A. Submitting ne pem.B. Cmpsing a pem f 23 lines.
    C. Writing a pem in English.D. Typing the pem in capital letters.
    3. What will be awarded t a third place winner?
    A. A wall plaque.B. A gift certificate.C. $25. 00.D. $75. 00.
    Elie Wiesel and his wife, Marin, established The Elie Wiesel Fundatin fr Humanity sn after he was awarded the 1986 Nbel Prize fr Peace. Ellen DeGeneres wuld be a great candidate fr the Humanitarian f the Year Award.
    DeGeneres is utstanding in her awareness f thse in need. It is in the ‘hw’ Ellen gives that makes her exceptinal in kindness. Prezi. cm wrte, “Ellen DeGeneres has made a psitive impact. n the wrld by helping cancer patients. Ellen DeGeneres helped Talia with her last dying wish t becme a make-up artist and gave her a $20,000 check just mnths befre she died.” Additinally, nearly n a daily basis, she prvides t thse in need:a car fr a family that lst everything t Hurricane Sandy; a new car and $15,000 Sam’s Club gift card t a family that sld anything necessary t have the mney t adpt fur bys frm Ghana. These are just a few f the thusands f peple in need that Ellen has helped.
    Accrding t Lktthestars. rg, Ellen supprts 44 charities and 30causes. With Ben Affleck, DeGeneres launched the “Small Change Campaign” t benefit the Feeding America prgram, which aids Americans that cannt affrd fd. Ellen cntinues her supprt f the Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund thrugh the American Red Crss. Fundraising fr breast cancer is the fcus f the Ellen fr the Cure campaign, run during Octber’s Breast Cancer Awareness Mnth n her televisin shw.
    DeGeneres’ effrts t help the hmeless are substantial as well. Fx News first reprted the stry f Derrick Waltn last February. He went frm being hmeless n the streets t feeding thusands f hmeless peple. After DeGeneres heard abut the stry, she brught him t appear n her shw where he received a $10,000 check and prmised t keep his peratin ging. The Waltn stry is just ne f many stries in which DeGeneres has lent a helping hand t the hmeless and made a huge difference.
    4. What can we learn abut Ellen frm Paragraph 2?
    A. She established a website.B. She fught against disasters.
    C. She always helps the needy.D. She has adpted fur children.
    5. What des the Cure campaign aim t d?
    A. Raise mney fr breast cancer.B. Spread the prgram in the media.
    C. Distribute mney t the patient directly.D. Relieve fund thrugh the American Red Crss.
    6. Which f the fllwing best describe Ellen?
    A. Psitive and brave.B. Plite and hnest.
    C. Cnsiderate and thughtful.D. Generus and helpful.
    7. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Why Ellen DeGeneres deserves the award
    B. Wh will be rewarded the Nbel Prize fr Peace
    C. What websites reprted abut Ellen DeGeneres’ stries
    D. Hw Ellen DeGeneres launched Small Change Campaign
    Great Smky Muntains Natinal Park lies n bth sides f the brder between Nrth Carlina and Tennessee. Its highest peak is called “Clingmans Dme”. But befre it gt that name, the Cherkee peple called the muntain “Kuwahi”. It sits n ancestral Cherkee hmelands. Since the ancient times, the landscape, including muntains and streams, has shaped the histry f Cherkee peple. They used that name fr hundreds f years. Nw, tribal members are hping t return t the Kuwahi name.
    The Cherkee Natin nce spread acrss what is nw Gergia, Nrth Carlina, Tennessee and Alabama. In 1838, the tribe was frcibly relcated t present-day Oklahma—in what was later knwn as the “Trail f Tears”. Thrugh sickness and terrible travel cnditins, nearly 4,000 Cherkee peple died during the frced remval frm their hmeland. Sme Cherkee managed t avid relcatin t Oklahma by ging int hiding, including n Kuwahi. “We’re here tday because ur ancestrs hid in thse muntains, specifically in Kuwahi,” Hill said.
    The name change f the Cherkee’s muntain came in 1859, when gegrapher and prfessr Arnld Henry Guyt labeled Kuwahi “Clingmans Dme”. The peak was named after Thmas Lanier Clingman, wh was a strng supprter f slavery. Clingman was nt cnnected t the Cherkee peple in any way. “Naming the muntain after Clingman erases everything that the Cherkee peple are in rder t rename it after smene with zer ties t ur cmmunity. He didn’t even live here,” said Hill.
    In June 2022, Yellwstne Natinal Park’s Munt Dane was renamed t First Peples Muntain. “That was a huge victry fr ur brthers and sisters,” Hill said. “I hpe it’s just the beginning f accurately recgnizing and hnring numerus histrically significant sites fr tribes and native peple natinwide. There were s many places that were special and imprtant t native peple prir t clnizatin. I want t be the vice fr my peple, fr my ancestrs.”
    8. What d the Cherkee peple intend t d accrding t Paragraph 1?
    A. Save their language.B. G back t their hmeland Kuwahi.
    C. Reshape their histry.D. Change the name back t “Kuwahi”.
    9. What is Paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A. The sad histry f the Cherkee peple.
    B. The sheltering place fr the Cherkee peple.
    C. The causes f the decrease f the Cherkee peple.
    D. The traveling rute f the ancient Cherkee Natin.
    10. What des Hill think f “Clingmans Dme”?
    A. It is related t the culture f the Cherkee peple.
    B. It reminds the Cherkee peple f their ancestrs.
    C. It remves everything abut the Cherkee histry.
    D. It reflects the slave psitin f the Cherkee peple.
    11 What des Hill actually mean in the last paragraph?
    A. T add great hnr t her ancestrs.B. T make his hmeland well-knwn.
    C. T express the pinins f her peple.D. T name mre histrically significant sites.
    Set n a slped plt (山坡) abve Prague in the city’s Trja district, Villa Sphia has n keys, n light switches and a pian that can play by itself. The huse can clse the windws when it rains and read alud materials it has selected frm the Internet, based n the wners’ interests.
    “The huse is like a brain,” said Michaela Pankva, wh shares the hme with her husband, Karel Panek, and their daughters. “It makes decisins fr yu based n previus experience.” The hme, designed by the Prague-based firm Cll Cll, is intended t g beynd autmated t autnmus. “As we say, if we have t cntrl it urselves, it’s nt smart enugh,” said Mr. Panek, a cmputer scientist.
    The cuple wanted n cmprmises in quality and efficiency. When they culdn’t find a technlgy that met their standards, Mr. Panek, the brain behind his hme’s brain, designed his wn system. While family members g abut their daily lives, the system cllects data and evaluates that data in real time, then cmes up with slutins and implements (实施) them. It can accept deliveries when the family isn’t he, thanks t individual dr frm afar and valuatin f the hme’s external cntext. It can preheat the driveway t clear snw and ice(but nly if it predicts its use, saving energy therwise)and lck the drs.
    Put energy hme security and cnvenience aside, the system’s benefit is that in develping beynd a smart hme system t a smart hme it free the hmewner frm the burden f cnstant cntrl.
    Mr. Panek calls himself a technlgy ptimist, and Mrs. Pankva said it tk her sme time t wram up t the system. “In the beginning I wasn’t int the idea f living in an AI huse,” she said. “During the time f the preparatin and later the cnstructin, I slwly started t be pen t the idea.”
    12. What can be inferred abut the huse frm Paragraph 1?
    A. It is lcated at the ft f a hill.B. It perates autmatically.
    C. It frees the family frm wind and rain.D. It is prly equipped with furniture.
    13 Wh did sme extra wrk t imprve the cntrl system f the huse?
    A. Cll Cll.B. Mrs. Pankva.C. Mr. Panek.D. The cuple’s kids.
    14. What is the best advantage f the smart hme?
    A. Picking up deliveries.B. Saving energy.
    C. Preheating the driveway.D. Remving the task f cnstant cntrl.
    15. What d the underlined wrds “warm up t” prbably mean in the last paragraph?
    A. Apply t.B. Adapt t.C. Turn t.D. Keep t.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    We’re all tld time and again hw imprtant it is t exercise fr gd health. But with ur busy schedules, finding the time t wrk ut is ften easier said than dne. ___16___
    UK exercise guidelines suggest that adults shuld d at least 150 minutes f exercise a week fr gd health ___17___ It is abut whether r nt yu can still get the benefits f exercise if yu squeeze(挤出) it all in n a weekend instead f spreading it thrughut the week.
    A recent study fund that weekend exercisers had a 30% lwer risk f premature death frm all causes cmpared t inactive peple. Risk f death frm heart disease was als arund 40% lwer, while risk f death frm all types f cancer was arund 18% lwer cmpared t thse wh were inactive. But they als fund that spreading yur wrkuts thrughut the week was assciated with the greatest benefits fr yur health. ___18___ That is, they had a 5% lwer risk f premature death frm any cause cmpared t weekend exercisers.
    ___19___ It suggests the mre exercise yu d, the mre beneficial it is t yur health. But this is nly true up t a certain pint—with research shwing that ding mre than five times the minimum recmmended weekly activity has n added benefits.
    It’s well-knwn that exercise imprves ur heart fitness. This allws us t exercise lnger and mre intensely. ___20___ This is als likely the reasn why peple wh exercise regularly have lwer risk f premature death frm any cause.
    But research shws that hw ften yu exercise is als imprtant fr imprving and maintaining fitness. Regular exercise will lead t adaptatins that are gd fr health.
    A. But debate is grwing arund the issue.
    B. This finding is cnsistent with previus research.
    C. Regularly active peple had the best health verall.
    D. Mst peple find it hard t d exercise at the weekend.
    E. Fr many f us, the weekend is the nly time t exercise.
    F. Hwever, it may cause serius diseases, such as heart attacks.
    G. Als, it imprves ther aspects f ur health like lwering bld pressure.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    A 17-year-ld teenager, Anika Puri, has invented a lw-cst tl t spt elephant pachers(偷猎者) in real time. She wn the 2022 Peggy Scripps Award fr Science Cmmunicatin fr her mdel f a machine-learning-driven sftware that ___21___ mvement patterns in thermal vides f humans and elephants. “I’m especially excited by the ___22___ fcusing n endangered species and envirnmental science,” Puri said.
    During a recent trip t India, Puri realized that elephants were still being ___23___ fr their tusks(牙). “I was quite taken aback,” Puri said. “Because I always thught, ‘well, paching is ___24___ ; hw cme it really is still such a big ___25___ ?’”
    Over the next tw years, Puri ___26___ the sftware EISa(shrt fr elephant savir). This wildlife pacher detectin slutin is based n a ___27___ prcess: an EISa camera attached t a mbile phne ___28___ ver a park n a drne and ___29___ the mvements f elephants r humans. The sftware is fur times mre ____30____ than existing state-f-the-art detectin methds. It als decreases the ____31____ fr expensive high-reslutin thermal cameras.
    The 17-year-ld’s inventin has eared ____32____ frm ntable scientists. “Puri’s sftware is quite admirable,” says Jasper Eikelbm, an eclgist, “It’s quite ____33____ that a senr high schl student has been able t ____34____ smething like this. Nt nly the research and the analysis, but als being able t ____35____ it in the mdels.”
    21. A. analyzesB. changesC. repeatsD. draws
    22. A. discveryB. inventinC. theryD. cncept
    23. A. trainedB. prtectedC. killedD. raised
    24. A. dangerusB. harmfulC. unnecessaryD. illegal
    25 A. issueB. businessC. burdenD. effect
    26. A. usedB. createdC. dwnladedD. sld
    27. A. similarB. naturalC. simpleD. gradual
    28. A. passesB. spreadsC. jumpsD. flies
    29. A. detectsB. cntrlsC. stpsD. directs
    30. A. expensiveB. accurateC. activeD. cmplex
    31. A. wishB. valueC. needD. preparatin
    32. A. incmeB. praiseC. qualificatinD. cnfidence
    33. A. strangeB. essentialC. mysteriusD. Remarkable
    34. A. achieveB. recrdC. imagineD. learn
    35. A. absrbB. repairC. mixD. apply
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    A rbt has been taught t laugh at jkes t make it mre human. Researchers are using AI t train rbts abut apprpriate laughter, and ___36___ (distinguish)between chuckles and screams.
    They described ___37___ (wrk)with a rbt called Erica in the hpe f making a cnversatin mre natural. “We think that ne f the imprtant ___38___ (functin)f cnversatinal Al is sympathy,” said Dr Kji Inue, a prfessr. “A cnversatin is, f curse, multimdal, nt just respnding crrectly. S we decided that ne way a rbt can empathize(共情)with users is t share their laughter, ___39___ yu cannt d with a text-based chatbt.”
    Creating a “ ___40___ (share)laughter” mdel, the researchers used AI t help detect laughter and decide whether t laugh and what kind f laughter wuld be ___41___ (gd). Fur shrt dialgues between real peple and Erica ___42___ (use)t test the system, which perfrmed well.
    Hwever, the experts said there is mre wrk t d t create ___43___ (true)natural laughter situatins.
    Dr Inue said, “The rbt shuld actually have ___44___ distinct character, and it can shw this character thrugh its cnversatinal behavirs, such as laughing, ye gaze, gestures and speaking styles. It may well take mre than 10 t 20 years befre we can finally have a casual chat ____45____ a rbt like we wuld with a friend.”
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你的好友Michael非常喜欢中国美食。本学期你校要开设烹饪选修课程,请你写封信向他介绍此课程,内容包括:
    1. 开设时间:
    2. 课程内容。
    1. 词数80左右:
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Michael
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Autism is a mental disrder that affects children, particularly their ability t relate t ther peple. Having a child with autism adds an additinal learning curve t parenting. And parents with kids with autism knw just hw beautiful and cruel it can be because they aren’t kids wh fit int sciety’s typical mld. It simply means that parents, friends, strangers, caregivers, neighbrs, and teachers need t find different ways t create a supprtive cmmunity because every individual with autism is uniquely different.
    Daniel, wh has autism, recently wrte dwn his wish and Keivn, Daniel’s father, shared that because f his sn’s autism. Daniel typically prefers t play alne. In fact, thrughut his entire childhd Daniel never nce asked t g play with friends. But this year, Daniel made a special birthday wish. The request flds and shcked his father because Daniel’s birthday wish was t make a few friends.
    Kevin ften shares updates abut Daniel n scial media in hpe f recrding his life. He is clearly aware that scial skill training is imprtant and difficult t autism children. After he learned f his sn’s birthday wishes, he eagerly wanted t make Daniel’s birthday just a little sweeter.
    On scial media, he wrte, “Daniel is my sn. Prfundly Autistic, he hasn’t ne single friend. It’s his birthday tday.” He psted his sn’s written birthday wish and plitely asked thers t put in and wish his sn a happy birthday. A dad’s heartfelt birthday wish fr his sn is the mst beautiful stry yu will find, and this ne is taking ver the Internet.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Kevin didn’t realize this simple request f kindness wuld spread s widely.
    Kevin reflected why there was such a psitive respnse fr such a simple request.

    2023届山东省日照市高考二模英语试题(含答案): 这是一份2023届山东省日照市高考二模英语试题(含答案),共21页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023届山东省日照市高考二模英语试题: 这是一份2023届山东省日照市高考二模英语试题,共9页。

    2023届山东省日照市高考二模英语试题(含答案): 这是一份2023届山东省日照市高考二模英语试题(含答案),共12页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,用单词的适当形式完成短文,其他应用文,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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