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    专题14 8BU6-牛津译林版初中英语第二学期单元知识点囊括及易错题分析(江苏专用)
    专题14 8BU6-牛津译林版初中英语第二学期单元知识点囊括及易错题分析(江苏专用)01
    专题14 8BU6-牛津译林版初中英语第二学期单元知识点囊括及易错题分析(江苏专用)02
    专题14 8BU6-牛津译林版初中英语第二学期单元知识点囊括及易错题分析(江苏专用)03
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    专题14 8BU6-牛津译林版初中英语第二学期单元知识点囊括及易错题分析(江苏专用)

    这是一份专题14 8BU6-牛津译林版初中英语第二学期单元知识点囊括及易错题分析(江苏专用),共18页。

    专题14 8BU6-牛津译林版初中英语第二学期单元知识点囊括

    Sunshine for all
    It is +adj+of/for sb to do sth句式的区分和用法


    1. I'm training to be a volunteer for the Olympic Games. 我正在为成为奥林匹克运动会的志愿者而训练。
    【考点解析train】train意为“训练”,常构成短语train for,意为“为……而训练”,介词for表示目的,意为“为……”;其中train作不及物动词;train as意为“训练当……”。
    【例句】He is training to be a doctor.他正训练当一名医生。
    They are training for the coming World Cup.他们正在为即将到来的世界杯集训。
    He is now being trained as a volunteer.他现在正在接受训练成为一名志愿者。
    【例句】They are training the dolphin to help them save people in the sea.
    ◆◆◆trainer n.教练员.驯兽师trainee n.接受培训者,学员,实习生
    学生们正为做志愿者而进行训练。The students _______ _______ _______ _______ _______.
    【答案】are training for the volunteers

    2. It's meaningful to do something for the Olympics. 为奥林匹克运动会做一些事情是很有意义的。
    句型“It's+adj.+(for sb.)+to do sth.“结构。
    【例句】It's meaningful to plant trees every year.每年植树很有意义。
    【拓展】mean 动词,意为“意思是,意味着”
    1.Swimming in the sea is a_______ (mean) experience.
    2.My parents think anything is ______ (mean) except learning.
    3.What’s the______ (mean) of the following word?
    4.What does the sign ______ (mean)?
    【答案】meaningful, meaningless, meaning, mean

    3. I need some more food to eat at work.我还需要更多食物在工作时吃。
    【考点解析1】 need
    (1) 作情态动词,通常用在疑问句、否定句中。
    Need he go so soon? 他这么快就要走吗?
    He needn't go.他不必走。
    (2) 作行为动词
    Does he need to go so soon? 他这么快就要走吗?
    He doesn't need to go.他不需要走。
    He needs to go.他得走。
    He needs our help.他需要我们的帮助。
    The garden needs watering(=to be watered).花园该浇水了。
    【批注】need to be done是need做实义动词,一般情况下的被动语态。need doing是一个特殊用法,表达被动意义。所以这两种表达都是表示被动的。此类词还有:want, require

    【考点解析2】some more food 更多一些食物
    数量意义词+more+名词: 表更多……=another+数量意义词+名词
    【例句】two more apples 再两个苹果= another two apples
    ---Can I have_______ water? ---Of course. Here you are.
    A. more any B. any more C. some more D. more some

    4. They can provide special places for homeless people to stay.
    【考点聚焦】provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物 =provide sb. with sth.
    【例句】He was very poor because he’d to provide food for seven children.

    5、blind adj. 瞎的
    短语:go blind 失明;turn a blind eye to 对……佯装不见 be blind to 对……视而不见
    deaf adj. 聋的
    例如: He is a deaf man.
    He is deaf of an ear.
    拓展:①be deaf to advice 意为“不听劝告”
    Tom is always deaf to advice.
    ②turn a deaf ear to 意为“对……充耳不闻”
    Don’t turn a deaf ear to what I said.

    6.with one’s support 在某人的支持下
    without one’s support 没有某人的支持
    support sb. to do 支持某人做某事
    变形:supporter n. 支持者

    7.一个残疾人 a disabled man
    区分没有能力的 unable
    cn. 缺陷,障碍 disability
    * the + adj. 表示一类人,谓语动词要用复数:
    the blind the deaf the disables the rich the poor the homeless the elderly

    8.work closely 密切合作 watch closely 密切关注
    辨析:close adv. 近地 sit close to me

    9.background可数,但是放在名词前不要加复数,如:many background pictures

    10.加入组织 join the organization
    组织 vt. organize 组织者 n. organizer
    有条理的 adj. organized

    11.the introduction to ……的简介,可翻译为引进 变形:vt. introduce

    12. disease 可数名词,一般指疾病名称,与illness不同

    13. Survivor 幸存者 注意后缀是or,不是er
    以or结尾的表示人的单词:visitor actor
    地震幸存者 earthquake survivors
    变形:survive vt. 幸存于……
    survive the earthquake

    14. 在中国西南 South-west China=the south-west of China=south-western China

    15.有足够的钱给这样一个手术 have enough money for such an operation
    考点:enough+n adj.+enough
    Such+名词短语 so+adj./adv. Such...that.... So...that.... 如此……以致于……

    16.否则,他会失去他的生命。 Otherwise, he will lose his life.
    1) 然而 however 此外 moreover 无论如何,不管怎样 anyway
    2) lose vt. 失去 lose one’s way 迷路
    lost adj. 迷失的 get lost 迷路

    17.很快康复 get well again soon
    Well做形容词指身体好 感觉身体棒 feel well

    18.确保…… make sure+that从句

    19. Liu Ming did not know what to expect…刘明不知道期待什么……
    【考点聚焦】 expect表示“期待,期望”,通常用作及物动词
    I expect to finish the work by Friday.我预计在星期五以前完成此项工作。
    He expected her to go with him.化期望她同他一起去。
    比如:I don’t think he can swim.

    20.The special Olympics World Games give children and adults with intellectual disabilities a
    chance to show their skills to the world..
    ①give sb. a chance to do sth. 意为“给某人做某事的机会”
    例如:I will give you a chance to explain yourself.
    ②句中的 with intellectual disabilities 为后置定语,修饰 children and adults。介词短语作定语一般要后置。
    例如:The students on duty are cleaning the classroom.
    ③chance 可数名词,意为“机会”,强调偶然性。
    例如:Do you have a chance to win? You have no chance now.

    21.They include many events similar to those in the Olympics .很多与奥运会类似的项目。
    【考点聚焦】短语similar to those in the Olympics为后置形容词短语, 用于修饰events。similar 意思是“相似的,类似的”。
    be similar to 意为“与……相似 / 相仿”。
    His teaching style is similar to that of most teachers. 他的教学风格和多数教师相似。

    22.Then they provided support for the athletes and helped make the event a great success.
    make the event a great success 意为“使本届特奥会取得很大的成功”,
    make +sb./sth. + 名词结构,其中 the event 是 make 的宾语,a great success 为其宾语补足语
    例如:Hard life makes the boy a man.
    We made Tom our monitor.
    拓展:make 后还以接省略 to 的动词不定式、形容词、过去分词作宾语补足语。
    Don’t make the boy cry anymore.
    The boy often makes his mother angry.
    I can’t make myself understood in Chinese.

    23.I was the swimming coach for a young boy from….
    ①coach 此处为可数名词,意为“教练”,复数形式为 coaches
    ②coach 还可用作及物动词,意为“训练,指导”。
    ③coach 还可用作可数名词,意为“客车,长途汽车”。
    例如:He is a football coach.
    Could you help coach a football team for little kids?
    I will take a coach to Nanjing.

    24、He was born with intellectual disabilities.
    be born with…..意为“生来具有……”
    例如:He was born with a weak body. 他生来体弱。

    25.It was necessary for these volunteers to receive training before doing the task.
    【考点聚焦】necessary adj. 必须的;必要的
    necessity n. 必要性
    【拓展】句型“It's+adj.+(for sb.)+to do sth.“结构。
    当形容词修饰后面的动词不定式时,如necessary, difficult/hard, tiring, easy, (im)possible等时,介词用for;
    当形容词修饰人(的内在品质时),如generous, kind, good/great, polite等时,介词用of。

    26.It was very brave of him to join the competition. 他参加竞赛真的很勇敢。
    【考点解析】句型It’s + adj. + of sb. to do sth. 通常表示说话人对客观事件的惊讶、兴奋、懊悔、难过等感叹情绪。该句型中用作表语的形容词常见的有如下几类:
    (1) 表示聪明或愚蠢的形容词, 有clever, wise, foolish, stupid, silly, unwise, dumb(愚笨的), absurd (荒谬的)等。
    如:It’s silly of him to do such a thing. 他竟干出这样的事,真是愚蠢!
    (2) 表示正确或错误的形容词, 有 right, wrong, correct, incorrect 等。
    如:It was right of her not to come here. 她没有来这儿,太对了!
    (3) 表示好坏等品性的形容词, 此类词较多, 有good, nice, kind, friendly, lovely, wonderful, bad, unkind, naughty等。
    如: It’s friendly of you to come and see me. 你能来看我,真够朋友!
    (4) 表示褒义或贬义色彩的形容词, 有brave, polite, careless, selfish等。
    如: It was brave of you to manage to do it. 你居然能做成这件事,真勇敢!

    27.To Li Hai, the most important thing is not to win a gold or a silver, but to take part.
    We won in the football match last week.在上周的足球比赛中我们赢了。
    He won the Nobel Prize for physics.他获得诺贝尔物理学奖。
    He won the first prize for his invention.他的发明获得了一等奖。
    We beat them.我们赢了他们。
    Who won the game,Li Ming or Liu Hai?谁赢了游戏,李明还是刘海?
    例如: Jim’s father is not a teacher but a doctor.
    The book is not hers but mine.
    ②gold 此处用作可数名词,意为“金牌”。
    例如:He won many golds.
    拓展:gold 还可用作不可数名词,意为“黄金,金子”;gold 用作形容词时,意为“金黄色的,金质的”。
    How much gold do you have? 你有多少黄金?
    The girl with a gold watch is Mary. 那个戴金表的女孩是玛丽。

    28..Athletes and volunteers from different backgrounds feel like part of one big family.
    【考点解析】feel like有两个意思:
    (1)意为“想要”,feel like doing意为“想要做某事”,相当于want/would like to do sth.
    I feel like eating this kind of food.我想吃这种食物。
    The cap feels like an animal.这帽子摸起来像一个动物。

    29.Volunteering for the Special Olympics World Games 为夏季特奥会做志愿者
    【考点聚焦】(1)volunteer vi. & vt. 志愿做,义务做
    volunteer for ... 志愿做……;主动做……
    No one volunteered for cleaning the hen house. 没有人主动去清理鸡舍。
    (2) volunteer to ... 志愿做……;主动提出……
    He volunteered to water our plants. 他主动提出给我们的植物浇水。
    (3) volunteer n. 义务工作者;志愿者

    30.He feels more confident now because of the Special Olympics World Games.
    confident adj. 此处意为“自信的”,可以作表语或定语。其常见搭配有:be confident of sth. 意为“对……有信心”;be confident + that 从句意为“确信……,对……有信心”。
    例如:He is a confident person.
    Mary is confident of passing the exam. = Mary is confident that she can pass the exam.

    31.He feels more confident now because of the Special Olympics World Games.
    confident adj. 此处意为“自信的”,可以作表语或定语。其常见搭配有:be confident of sth. 意为“对……有信心”;be confident + that 从句意为“确信……,对……有信心”。
    例如:He is a confident person.
    Mary is confident of passing the exam. = Mary is confident that she can pass the exam.

    32.I know some people offer to help without getting paid for the event.
    offer to do sth.意为“主动提出做某事”。
    例如:Mary offered to help me with my English.
    拓展:offer sth.提供某物;offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb.
    He offered some advice.
    They offered us hot water.= They offered hot water to us.

    33.What are the Special Olympics World Games for?
    例如:---What are you here for?
    ---To meet my uncle.
    辨析:what…for 与 why
    用于询问目的或用途,一般用动词不定式或 for 介词短语等回答,不能用 because 回答
    例:---What do you want a basket for?
    ---I want to buy some apples.
    侧重询问原因,一般用 because 作答
    例:---Why were you late for school?
    ---Because I missed the early bus.

    It is+ adj. +of/for sb+ to-infinitive
    1) It is+ adj.+ to-infinitive
    “It is+形容词+动词不定式”可以用来描述行为和情境。在该句型中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。把真正的主语放在句末而用it作形式主语也是为了句子的协调,避免“头重脚轻”。该句型中的形容词是用来描述行为或情境的。
    如:It is dangerous to play football in the street.在街上踢足球是危险的。
    It is hard to understand what he said.要理解他的话是很难的。

    2) It is+ adj.+ for…+to-infinitive
    “It is+形容词+for…+动词不定式”可以用来具体说明正在谈论的事情。在该句型中,it是形式主语,for后面所引导的人或物是动词不定式的逻辑主语,for sb./sth. to do sth.在英语中通常称为动词不定式的复合结构。其中的形容词用来说明不定式的特征,而不是说明人的特征或性格。用于该句型的常见形容词有:hard,difficult,easy,important, interesting, dangerous, possible, 'impossible, meaningful, comfortable, uncomfortable等。
    如:It's difficult for you to pass the exam.对你来说通过这次考试是困难的。

    3) It is+ adj.+ of…+ to do sth.
    “It is+形容词+ of…+ 动词不定式”结构用来对某人的品质、性格等作出评价,其中的形容词必须是表示人的品质、性格等的形容词。it是形式主语,没有实际意义。
    该结构中的sb.和(not) to do sth.有着逻辑上的主谓关系,所以该句型又可以转换成“sb.+ be+ adj.+(not) to do sth.”。用于该句型的常见形容词有:careless,careful,clever, foolish, good, kind, nice, polite, impolite, rude, selfish, generous, wise, silly, modest, proud, thoughtful等。
    如: It's very nice of you to give me a gift. =You are very nice to give me a gift.你送给我礼物,你真好。
    It is silly of you not to forgive others for their mistakes.
    =You are silly not to forgive others for their mistakes.

    1. 训练成为一名志愿者 train to be a volunteer
    2. 志愿帮助穷人 volunteer to help the poor
    3. 支持我 support me
    4. 需要帮助的人们 people who need help
    5. 一个残疾人 a disabled person
    6. 一个盲人 a blind person
    7. 给他们提供食物和衣服 give them food and clothes
    12. 提供特别居所给无家可归的人 provide special places for homeless people
    = provide homeless people with special places
    13. 一份志愿者经历的报告 a report on the experience of a volunteer
    14. 期待他做一名工程师 expect him to be an engineer
    15. 为奥运会志愿服务 volunteer for the Olympics
    16. 他一生中最神奇的经历之一 one of the most amazing experience of his life
    17. 有智障的儿童和成年人 children and adults with intellectual disabilities
    18. 与…相似 be similar to …
    19. 接受训练 receive training
    20. 获得一等奖/第一名 win (the) first prize
    21. 获得第四名 finish fourth = come fourth
    22. 使他们梦想成真 make their dreams come true
    23. 帮助他们实现梦想 help them realize/achieve their dreams
    24.捐钱给慈善机构 donate money to charities
    25.通过写邮件相互联系 keep in touch with each other by writing emails
    26.由…组成 be made up of …
    27.患了严重的血液病 have a serious blood disease
    28.地震幸存者们 earthquake survivors

    为奥运会做些事情很有意义。 It’s meaningful to do something for the Olympics.
    作为志愿者工作真的很精彩。 It’s fantastic to work as a volunteer.
    The Special Olympic World Games give children and adults with intellectual disabilities a chance to show their skills to the world.
    They include many events similar to those in the Olympics, such as basketball, football and swimming.
    It is necessary for the volunteers to receive training before doing the tasks.
    They provided support for the athletes and helped (to) make the event a great success.
    他生下来(天生)就有智力缺陷。 He was born with intellectual disabilities.
    参加这项比赛,他真的十分勇敢。It was very brave of him to join in /take part in the competition.
    To Li Hai, the most important thing is not to win a gold or a silver, but to take part.
    李海尽了最大努力并获得第四名。 Li Hai tried his best and finished fourth.
    Athletes and volunteers from different backgrounds feel like part of one big family.
    It’s great for us to work closely with these special athletes.
    You get to help them achieve their dreams.
    你听说过比尔盖茨吗?Have you heard of Bill Gates?
    It’s important for people to learn good manners.
    = It’s important that people learn good manners.
    It’s impossible for them to do their work one-to-one without the help of volunteers.
    Do you have any trouble talking to people with intellectual disabilities?
    到处乱扔垃圾,这些人的行为是错误的。It’s wrong of the people to drop litter everywhere.
    It’s kind of the young man to donate blood to people in need.
    In this way, they can help the local people improve their lives.
    我们需要采取行动保护环境。 We need to take action to protect the environment.
    However, it’s important for him to have the operation as soon as possible.
    Otherwise, he may lose his life.
    If all of us can give a helping hand, he may get well again soon.


    1. It is impossible ____ her ____ the work in half an hour.
    A. for; finish   B. of; finish C. for; to finish   D. of; to finish
    2. It’s really kind _______ you _______ help me with my English.
    A. for, to B. of, to C. for, for D. of, for
    3.---It’s so kind of you to give me a ride to the station. ---_____________
    A. It doesn’t matter B. Never mind
    C. Don’t mention it D. Not at all. It’s a pleasure
    4. It is difficult for him the task within two hours.
    A. to finish B to finishing C finishing D not to finish

    1. It was stupid ____ me to talk in that way to my mother.
    2. It is very important ___ us to master English.
    3. It was impossible ____the little boy to carry such a heavy box.
    4. It is smart ___ them to make good use of the Internet.
    【答案】of  ;for ;for ;of

    1. This task is difficult to finish.
    difficult this task.
    2. I find it easy to learn English well.
    easy learn English well.
    3. You’ll lose your way easily in such a big city.
    It’s for you to in such a big city.
    4. We should train ourselves before running.
    us to train ourselves before running.
    5. He’s unable to work out such a difficult problem.
    him to work out such a difficult problem.
    6. The girl gives her seat to people in need. She is very kind.
    the girl her seat to people in need.
    7. The old man donated lots of money and things to the people in Ya’an. He was generous.
    the old man lots of money and things to the people in Ya’an. He was generous.
    8. Tom doesn’t forgive others for their mistakes. He is silly.
    Tom others for their mistakes.
    1 It is; to finish 2 It is ; for me to 3 easy; get lost 4 It’s necessary for
    5 It’s impossible for 6 It’s kind of ; to give 7 It was generous of ; to donate 8 It’s silly of ; not to forgive

    ( ) 1. -_______and I will give you a surprise!
    A. Support me B. Supporting me C. To support me D. Supports me
    ( ) 2. _______ is impolite for us to shout at others loudly.
    A. This B. That C. There D. It
    ( ) 3. -What are these young girls doing?
    -They are training_______ volunteers_______ the Spring Sports Meeting.
    A. to be; to B. as; for C. for; for D. as; to
    ( ) 4. The disabled_______ able to do the same things as common people.
    A. is B can be C. are D. can
    ( )5. It's very nice_______ you to give me such a chance.
    A. to B. for C. of D. at
    ( ) 6. It's necessary_______ us to keep the classroom_______ every day.
    A. for; cleans B. of; clean C. for; clean D. of; cleaning
    ( ) 7. It is_______ of the people to_______ money to the poor people.
    A. important; donating B. generous; raising
    C. meaningful; raise D. helpful; donate
    ( ) 8. It is wrong_______ us_______ look down upon(看不起)the disabled people.
    A. of; to B. for; for C. to; to D. of; for
    ( ) 9. _______to get there within ten minutes. Ten minutes_______ too short for us.
    A. It is impossible of us; are B. It's impossible for us; is
    C. We are impossible; are D. We aren't possible; is
    ( ) 10. -What do you think of tomorrow's basketball match?
    -_______ difficult for us_______ the match.
    A. We're; winning B. It's winning C. We're; to win D. It's; to win
    ( )11. The Olympic Games_______ us_______ a chance_______ show our skills.
    A. provide; with; to B provide; for; to
    C. provides; with; for D. provides; to; with
    ( ) 12. These college students_______ in getting new jobs, so they have to stay in school.
    A. trouble B. have trouble C. have fun D. have a good time
    ( ) 13. Valentina is good at English. I think it's easy_______ her_______ English well.
    A. for; to learn B. of; to learn C. for; learning D of; learning
    ( ) 14. Is_______ possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship?
    A. this B. that C. it D. /
    ( ) 15. -I like my Chinese teacher. He is very kind_______ us.
    -That is very kind_______ him.
    A. of; to B. to; of C. to; to D. of; of .
    ( ) 16. My daughter think_______ necessary_______ to take so many dancing classes.
    A. that; for her B. it; of her C. that; of her D. it; for her
    ( ) 17. Michel has_____ all his pocket money_____ the local charity to help people in need.
    A. given; for B. raised; to C. donated; to D. bought; for
    ( ) 18. He never works hard so it's_______ for him to pass the exam.
    A. hopeless B. useless C. useful D. hopeful
    【答案】1-5 ADBCC 6-10 CDABD 11-15 ABACB 16-18 DCA

    It’s great ___________________________________________these special athletes.
    You _____________________________________________.
    If all of us can , the poor children may
    It’s him finish the article within half an hour.
    The money the disabled.
    1. for us to work closely with 2. have a chance to help them realize their dreams
    3. lend a helping hand, get better 4. hard for to writing 5. is used to help

    1.His mother wants him to be more c________(be sure of one’s abilities) in his study.
    2.. I have a bicycle __________ (alike, but not the same) to my uncle’s.
    3.---The 2-year-old child was the only s_______ in the accident.---Oh, my god.
    4. It was not an easy (a piece of hard work that must be done) for us.
    5.They studied the _________ (项目) very carefully to save more money.
    6.I offered my seat to a ______________(盲的) woman on the bus yesterday.
    7.In Olympics, athletes who win the first place will be presented with g_________ medals..
    8.We all _________ (期待) him to come soon so that we could finish all the work earlier.
    9.---Do you think it’s ______________(必要的) to read for half an hour every day? ---Of course.
    10. Many students don't know how to a ___________a balance (平衡) between study and hobbies.
    B. 用所给词的正确形式填空
    1. This summer I will do something _______________ (mean) by joining the Helping Club.
    2. The sunlight we are all used to _______________ (include) seven colours.
    3. Mr. Lee is trying to set up an___________ (organize) to help people with blindness.
    4. You know our help ______________ a lot to the homeless people. (mean)
    5.The ________ (die) old man ____________ (raise) plenty of money for the poor family so far.
    6. He is stubborn (固执的)and he never gives up ____________.(easy)
    7. He is very strange and he likes doing everything ________ (different).
    8.Your _______(donate) is very important to people in need.
    9.The 12th Special Olympics World Games were _________ (success) held in Shanghai in 2007.
    10.Because of colour_________(blind),Amy can’t join the army.
    11.We all know that __________ (take) care of others will make us live happily.
    12. The __________ (survive) in the natural disaster are in great need of help.
    13. Most of the food for the homeless is provided by voluntary __________ (organize).
    14. The 12th Special Olympics World Games were _________ (success) held in Shanghai in 2007.
    15. His teachers warned the students ________ (not stay) up too late close to the exams.
    1. confident 2. similar 3. survivor 4. task 5.project
    6. blind 7. gold 8. expect 9. necessary 10. achieve
    1. meaningful 2. includes 3. organization 4. means 5. dying has raised 6. easily 7. differently 8. donation 9. successfully 10. blindness 11. taking 12. survivors 13. organization 14. successfully 15. not to stay

    1. How can we help others in our daily life?
    2. We should save our pocket money and donate it to the poor.
    3. In this way, we can help local people improve their lives.
    4. It's good to give our seats on the bus to the elderly.
    6. We will keep in touch by writing letters.

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