





中考英语一轮复习【讲通练透】考点43 补全对话
这是一份中考英语一轮复习【讲通练透】考点43 补全对话,文件包含考点43补全对话-讲通练透教师版doc、考点43补全对话-讲通练透学生版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共55页, 欢迎下载使用。
中考英语总复习方法指导中考英语考点一遍过为了帮助考生更好的冲刺中考英语,从命题趋势、易错警示、方法技巧、跟踪训练、真题再现等几个方面帮孩子更准、更快、更有效的复习。中考总复习一般分为三轮:1、第一轮复习为基础知识的单元、章节复习。通过第一轮的复习,使学生系统掌握基础知识、基本技能和方法,形成明晰的知识网络和稳定的知识框架。我们从双基入手,紧扣中考知识点来组织单元过关。2、第二轮复习打破章节界限实行大单元、小综合、专题式复习。第二轮复习绝不是第一轮复习的压缩文档,而是一个知识点综合、巩固、完善、提高的过程。复习的主要任务及目标是:完成各部分知识的条 理,归纳,糅合,使各部分知识成为一个有机的整体,力求实现基础知识重点化,重点知识网络化,网络知识题型化,题型设计生活化。3、第三轮复习是知识、能力深化巩固的阶段。复习资料的组织以中考题及模拟题为主,回扣教材,查缺补漏,进行强化训练。同时,要教给学生一些必备的应试技巧和方法,使学生有足够的自信从容地面对中考。 【讲通练透】考点43 补全对话★ 常见题型补全对话主要考查学生的口语能力。常见题型有:1. 填单词型补全对话;2. 写句子型补全对话;3. 选句子型补全对话。★ 解题要求1. 考生应熟读并背诵问候、介绍、问路、看病、购物、就餐、祝愿、打电话、谈天气等情境中的固定句式和习惯表达方式。2. 答题时要面向整体内容,切忌片面理解。3. 抓好关键词,进行推断,使填词后组成的句子结构完整、合理。4. 注意对话的表达要符合英美人的风俗习惯。5. 正确书写,从容答题。答题时应注意单词的正确拼写和大小写。★ 答题步骤1. 通览全文、揣摩话题。解题时应先跳过空格通览全文。2. 根据语境填写单词或句子。3. 通盘考虑、前后联想、先易后难。4. 通读对话、义形结合、验证答案。★ 注意事项1. 必须瞻前顾后、全盘考虑。2. 做题前应注意试题前面有没有中文或英语的背景提示。3. 考生应注意把已选出的选项划去,避免重复选择的错误。4. 做题时要先易后难。★ 满分技巧 1. 填单词型补全对话主要的答题策略有:答题时要面向整体内容,切忌片面理解。答题时,跳过空行,快速把全篇对话通读一篇,了解对话的整体结构,把握对话的内容及语境。语境决定了语言的表达方式、双方说话人的态度以及表达的内容。如在餐馆、图书馆、车站、商店等不同的地点,都有各自的语言表达方式。因而,在做题时,应在理解全篇对话内容的基础上,准确地把握语言环境,把自己"置身"于语境之中,理解双方谈话的意图。①根据语境、填写单词。在把握话题和语境的基础上,针对对话的每一空白处,细读所提供的前后文,认真分析它们之间的异同,依据对话有关情景内容,填写相应的单词。②通读对话、义形结合、验证答案。将对话补全之后,再将整段对话通读一遍,逐一验证答案。所填的答案不仅语义上要符合语境,而且要保证语言正确,做到说话得体。根据对话的内容考生写出句子,这样的题型相对难一些,要求考生不仅能正确理解短文的语境,还要用正确的句子表达出来,它是以书面形式考查考生英语口头交际能力和逻辑思维能力。要熟悉中西差异,掌握两个不同民族的交际习惯,特别是和生活有关的口语运用中的表达习惯。2. 写句子型补全对话的解题策略有:①明确要表达的意思。对于对话的内容要熟悉,根据上下文的语境推测空格处要表达的意思。②注意时态。既然要写的是句子,当然要用适当的时态,具体用什么时态,需要根据上文表达的语境来判断,不能随意写。③注意句型。要用适当的句型来写,并且用自己熟悉的正确的句型,不要写出汉语式的英语句子。使所写句子与上下文呼应,争取做到天衣无缝。要充分利用所给的提示或上下文甚至文章中的标点信息,认真分析上下文是做好补全对话题目的有效手段,有些题目是可以从下文中得到启示的,还有些题目需要通读全文之后才能推敲出答案,所以一定要注意联系上下文。3. 选句子补全对话的解题策略有:①浏览快速通读全文,了解补话试题的大致内容及情景。在头脑中快速筛选使用什么语句,把自己想象成对话中的一个角色,切身体验如何进行对话交际。②分析对话,试填答案。根据通读全文所获得的信息试探性地猜测所需语句。试填答案时一要问答一致,根据所学有关方面典型句型来试填。 二要注意对话的表达要符合西方人的风俗习惯,英汉两种语言对日常生活中的同一话题可能会有不同的表达方法。通常在补全对话命题中可以根据答语来确定疑问句的种类,如以yes, no作答的肯定是一般疑问句和反意疑问句;以时间、地点或方式等细节信息作答的多为特殊疑问句。如: A:_____________________?B:We’re going to Los Angeles.我们只需对Los Angeles这个地名画线提问就可以了,找出特殊疑问词Where,然后变原句为一般疑问句即可,正确答案:Where are you going?。③复读全文,验证答案。填完后要求考生把整个对话重读一遍,检查问答是否一致,对话是不是通顺、流畅,前后句子是不是符合逻辑,是否符合习惯用法。4. 选词型补全对话的解题策略有:原题给出单词,要求考生根据语境来判断这里应该选用哪个词是最佳答案。要根据上下文来判断该词用的什么形式,所写的单词的形式要符合句子结构、句式特点及句意。①仔细阅读对话,了解大意。了解对话所围绕的哪种情景,如去商店、书店、药店、水果店买东西、看电影、彼此交谈、某项活动、同学对话等等。不同的内容用不同的交际用语。②推敲语境、分析句子结构及特点。在解题过程中,要根据具体语境和上下文分析对话中所缺成分,判断所缺单词的词类,看看是名词、动词、还是形容词、副词等;是词组、短句还是固定搭配。注意变化形式,如动词形式和时态、语态特征等。5. 考生易犯的错误错误一:答题时只见"树木",不见"森林"。即对上下文中的信息点把握不全,答题时急于动手。错误二:不看场景,乱用熟悉句式。即对已掌握的大纲规定语言项目机械记忆,答题时随机使用,忽视上下文。 错误三:忽视中西差异,使用汉式英语。即对中西文化、思维、语言差异不重视,以至于失分错解。错误四:语法基础不扎实的错误。有些同学虽然能把握上下文语境,只顾填词、填句而忽略了时态或形式等语法规则,造成答案错误失分。错误五:忽视生活常识。缺乏对生活常识的积累,解题时凭空猜想。错误六:忽视主题。答题时缺少对全文的把握,不能正确判断对话的主题,断章取义。速记口诀文化差异要分清,常用语句记心中。通读全文判情景,标点符号要注意。先易后难为顺序,完后重读来验证。巧思多练是上策,补全对话不难做。总之,在做补全对话题时,考生应在通读全篇对话的基础上,把握各部分之间的逻辑关系,充分理解谈话内容及谈话人双方的意图,使补全后的对话思想通顺,前后连贯,且符合英美人的语言表达方式,这样才算把补全对话题做得完美无缺了。解题时应正确使用会话用语,日常会话用语有一定的语言模式,应熟练掌握;理清询问或答语:若为询问句,则应注意询问句与其上下句的关系;若为疑问句,还要搞清楚何种疑问句,是一般疑问句,还是特殊疑问句,或选择疑问句。弄清了疑问句的种类,好对症下药,给出中肯的答语;注意上下句式关系:上下句子间有多种关系、有因果关系、转折关系,描述、过程、空间、举例、证明、分类、比较、对比、比拟、类推和添加等关系。对话句之间的关系搞清楚了,就容易根据这一特定语境确定选项。A通读下列对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容。Maria: Hi, Kevin! We haven’t seen each other for years! Did you use to wear glasses?Kevin: ___1___ You have a good memory. I heard that you have been to America. Your English must be very good. Maria: It has become much better although I can’t understand well sometimes. Kevin: ____2____Maria: I practice English by talking with friends.Kevin: Great. Look at your ring. It looks beautiful. ____3____Maria: It is made of silver. It’s from my American friend Susan.Kevin: ____4____Maria: You are supposed to open it as soon as you get the gift box in America.Kevin: That sounds quite different. Look, there is a book. Whose book is it? Maria: ___5___ Her name is on the book cover.Kevin: That’s right. I will take it to Linda. Thank you. See you.Maria: See you.B根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hi, Judy. _______6_______?B: Hi, Dennis. I read a book this morning.A: _______7_______?B: It’s about the invention of paper money.A: _______8_______?B: It was invented in the 11th century in China. And the money was called “jiaozi”. From the book, I learned Sweden people made the first European banknotes in 1661.A: Really? It’s much later than China. Chinese people are very great! B: Yes. _______9_______.A: Like what?B: Paper, silk, chopsticks and so on.A: Wow! There are many inventions in China. _______10_______.B: Yes, I agree with you. They have greatly improved our life.C填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。A: Which teachers will you miss the most after you graduate from school?B: Ms. Lee and Mr. Brown.A: I know that Ms. Lee was always patient ____11____ you in math class.B: Yeah, she helped me work out the answers no matter ____12____ difficult questions I met.A: How about Mr. Brown?B: He guided me to do a lot ____13____ in science. He always ____14____ the time explaining things to me whenever I couldn’t understand anything.A: Yeah, he is really a good teacher.B: Who will you miss?A: Ms. Griffin. She always encouraged me in English class. Without her help, my exam scores couldn’t double.B: Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you?A: Good idea! ____15____ go shopping tomorrow.D在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。A: Mom, I’m reading about the flood disaster (洪灾) that happened in Henan this July. How awful it was!B: So it was. The rain water floods (淹没) many areas. Summer is a season with too much rain. So we should be __16__ on rainy days.A: Yes. The report says the __17__ number of deaths during the flood was over 300. What a great number! If I were in a flood, I wouldn’t know how to protect __18__.B: Well, it’s time to teach you some basic ways about self-protecting. If you are outside, don’t stay under trees or beside power supply lines (电线). And __19__ standing on bridges, especially over rivers. Floods may wash them away. Lastly don’t stay in the __20__ transportation. It’s reported that 14 people died on the subway in Zhengzhou.A: OK, I got it. It is dangerous to stay outside. So I’ll just stay inside whenever it rains heavily, and that will make sure of my __21__.B: Is that so? What if the flood is so strong that it floods your room?A: Emm... I don’t know.B: Listen! When you are at home, keep windows and doors __22__ and turn off the gas and electronic devices (设备). Get some food and swim rings __23__ around you. If the rain water enters your room, you must cut off the power to __24__ it from hurting you. Of course, the best __25__ is to stay at a higher place.A: Thank you, Mom. These tips are very useful for me. Besides, I think it’s necessary for us to get some first aid (急救) knowledge.E根据对话内容, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A: Hello, is this Mr Rogers?B: Yes, it is. ____26____A: I’m from the package delivery company(快递公司). I have your package. Are you at home?B: Unluckily, I’m at work right now. ____27____A: Actually, this package needs your signature(签名). Can I bring it to your office instead?B: ____28____I don’t have time to leave my desk.A: I see. ____29____B: Yes, that would be better. Can you bring it to my home at 6 p.m.?A: Sure, that is fine. ____30____B: Great, thank you so much!A.Can you leave the package at my door?B.What time is it?C.Well, can I bring the package tomorrow?D.I’ll see you tomorrow at 6 p.m.E.What can I do for you?F.How much does it cost?G.I’m quite busy at work now.F根据对话内容,从选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A: Hi, Rose. Do you like traveling?B: Yes, I do. _____31_____ I was on vacation last month.A: _____32_____B: I went to Beijing. It is one of the most famous cities that I have ever known.A: Yeah, Beijing is the capital of China. _____33_____B: Of course. I went to the Great Wall with some Chinese friends.A: What do you think of it?B: _____34_____ As far as I know, there are no other man-made wonders as big as this.A: Wow, that’s amazing! _____35_____B: Everything tasted really good! And I bought some Beijing duck for my parents.A: That must be delicious!A.It isn’t as interesting as I thought.B.It is such a wonderful place.C.I like traveling to different places.D.Did you go anywhere special there?E.Where did you go on vacation?F.Then how about the food there?G.How long have you been there?G根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。Laura: Hello. This is Laura. May I speak to Molly?Molly: Hi, Laura. This is Molly.Laura: Hi, Molly. ____36____Molly: Yes. What’s up?Laura: I wanted to know if you want to go to an art show with me.Molly: Sure. Which day?Laura: ____37____ Is that good for you?Molly: Ah, Saturday is going to be a little difficult. ____38____Laura: How about Sunday afternoon? ____39____Molly: Sunday afternoon would be perfect.Laura: ____40____Molly: I’ll be there at that time. See you on Sunday.Laura: See you.A.I was thinking Saturday afternoon.B.I guess we can meet at 2 p.m.C.Could we meet on Sunday instead?D.Are you available this weekend?E.I need to attend a meeting in the morning.HA: Excuse me, could you please tell me where the nearest museum is?B: __41__You can go along the street, then turn right at the first crossing. Then walk on and you’ll find one there. __42__A: Oh, thanks. Do you know when it opens?B: __43__ It opens at 8:00 a. m. A: Good. And can you tell me which bus I should take? B: Which bus? I don’t know. You may ask the policeman over there. __44__A: OK. By the way, where’s the nearest McDonald’s, do you know?B: __45__ See that sign?A: Oh, thanks a lot. B: You’re welcome.A.You can’t miss it.B.It should be open now.C.Right behind you.D.Well it’s a little far.E.He must know that.A(2021·辽宁葫芦岛·中考真题)A: Hi, Zhang Rui,1. B: I’ll return to my hometown.A: How long haven’t you returned home?B: For almost three years.A:2.B: Yes. It used to be old, but now many new buildings have appeared.A: What are you going to be after you return home?B:3.I want to be a teacher there.A:4.B: I want to help the kids achieve their dreams.A:5.I hope your hometown will be better and better.B: Thank you.A.It takes time.B.You are so great!C.What is your hometown like?D.Why do you want to be a teacher?E.Has your hometown changed a lot?F.What will you do after leaving school?G.The government set up a new primary school.B(2021·辽宁中考真题)从选项中选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话,其中有两个多余选项。A: Hi, Wu Lan! What are you doing?B: Hi, Li Ming! 6 Here, it is reported that mobile phones are banned(禁止) in primary and secondary schools by the Ministry of Education.A: Oh, no! 7 We’ve grown up with them.B: Well, I think it’s a good rule, though. If we bring mobile phones to school, we might want to check them out from time to time.8A: But we can try to control ourselves.B: Even adults can’t always control themselves, let alone(更何况) kids like us.A: 9 However, I have to use a bike-sharing app on the phone every day.B: Hmm ... Maybe it is a little inconvenient sometimes. 10A: Well, I hope so.A.It’ll get in the way of our schoolwork.B.I’m reading a novel.C.Mobile phones are part of our life now.D.Anyway, some ways will be found to solve such problems.E.I’m reading the newspaper.F.That’s a good idea.G.Sounds like you have a point.C(2021·广西中考真题)从选项选择恰当的句子补全下面对话。(其中有两项是多余的选项)A: Hey, Dick! I met someone famous last Sunday.B: Really? who?A: Well, I was sitting in the airport, waiting for a flight to Si Chuan. I remember, I was watching a short video about Li Ziqi at the time. Suddenly, a girl next to me said, “Excuse me, are you enjoying it?”B: 11A: I looked at her and suddenly I realized it was Li Ziqi.B:What? The popular short video creator you were watching? 12 What did you say?A: At first, I didn’t know what to say, but luckily, she was really friendly.13B: Great!A: Umm...I’ll never forget that day.B: 14A: I told her the positive(正面的)energy she spreads has made her popular on the Internet.B:Yes. I admire her for her patience, her ability to find the beauty...A: Em...15B: I hope we can learn a lot from our own idol(偶像).A.In the end, we talked for about ten minutes.B.What did you talk about?C.Can I talk with her?D.Who was she?E.An idol plays an important role in our lives.F.That’s amazing!G.He is patient in doing something.D(2021·辽宁中考真题)(Xiao Yu is being interviewed in the street.)Reporter: Excuse me, I’m a reporter from FM106 Chaoyang Traffic Radio. We are recording a program called “Chaoyang in My Eyes”. 16Xiao Yu: Of course.Reporter: 17Xiao Yu: Well, I think it has changed a lot over these years. For example, a lot of tall buildings were built. And the streets are much wider and cleaner than what they used to be like. 18Reporter: That’s true. Our city is becoming more and more modern and beautiful. As you know, the 1st Chaoyang Hongshan Culture Exhibition is coming. 19Xiao Yu: Well, I plan to help clean up the city parks to make the environment better. And I also hope to get a chance to be a volunteer at the exhibition.Reporter: Wonderful! 20Xiao Yu: Good idea!A.What are you going to do to welcome it?B.Thanks for your time.C.May I ask you some questions?D.So what do you think of our city?E.It is very important.F.And they are so beautiful at night with many colorful lights in the trees.G.Let’s take action to make our city better and better.E(2021·湖南中考真题)通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文补全对话。A: Hi, Rose. Do you like travelling around the world?B: Yes, I do. I like travelling to different places. I was on vacation last month.A: 1?B: I went to Beijing on vacation. It is one of the most famous cities that I have ever known.A: Yeah, Beijing is the capital of China. Did you go anywhere special there?B: 2. I went to the Great Wall with some Chinese friends.A: 3?B: It is wonderful. As far as I know, there are no other man-made objects as big as this. It is the longest wall in the world.A: Wow, that’s amazing! 4?B: Everything tasted really good! There was lots of delicious food in Beijing. And I bought some Beijing duck for my parents.A: That sounds great! 5?B: I have been there for ten days.A: Did everyone have a good time?B: Yes. Everything was excellent.F(2021·辽宁中考真题)在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可以是句子、短语或词), 使对话完整, 并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。, A: Hi, Li Ming. Did you watch the program of CCTV-1 last night?B: No, I didn’t. 6?A: It was about environmental protection. I like it very much. B:7?A: Well, we should save water in our daily life. B:8?A: We’d better not use plastic bags, either. B: Good idea! The natural environment is badly polluted with plastic bags. A: Right. We can also save paper. Making paper needs many trees. B: OK. Thank you. A: 9. Would you like to join me to protect the environment?B: 10. I think we should try our best to protect the environment.G(2021·辽宁辽阳·中考真题)在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语,使对话完整。A: Hello, Steven! How did you like the dinner last night?B: 11. It is the most delicious dinner I have ever eaten, Tom. A: I’m so happy that you enjoyed it. B: 12. A: You’re welcome. You know, we are old friends. B:13?A: My father’s birthday is coming, I’m going to the shopping center to buy him a gift. 14?B: Sure, I’d love to. 15?A: Let’s take the bus there. B: OK. Let’s go.H(2021·湖北中考真题)结合上下句和横线后所给标点符号, 在横线上填写适当的词或句子, 使对话完 整、正确。A: Hello, Kangkang. I have just called you, but you weren’t in. 16 ?B: I have just been to a shopping center with Li Lei. I’ve never been there before, but I don’t want to go there any more. A: 17 ?B: Because there were too many people. We got lost and couldn’t find each other. A: 18 ! Have you found him yet?B: No, he has probably gone home. Let’s call him up now. I really hate to go to such a place. Let’s go to the Ocean Park next time. A: 19 ! A (2021·陕西陇县·三模)根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。A: Are you free tomorrow?B: ________1________. Do you have any plans?A: I hear Chinatown Detective III is on. It is interesting. ________2________.B: I’d love to. ________3________?A: At 4 o’clock in the afternoon.B: ________4________?A: It’s 60 yuan for one ticket.B: OK. Let’s meet at the Ticket Office at 3:40 tomorrow afternoon.A: OK. See you then.B: ________5________.B(2021·四川·成都市树德实验中学三模)在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。A: Hi, Mike.B: Good morning, Mary!A: Do you have a minute to ____6____ , Mike?B: Yes, Mary, how can I help you?A: Well, I have been getting ____7____ music coming from your apartment. And it is always there, from 6:30 in the evening to 11: 00 at night when I am trying to ____8____ . Is it possible to turn down?B: Oh, I’m sorry about that. I hadn’t been ____9____ to my apartment for two weeks. It must be Jimmy, my new roommate. I forgot to tell him how ____10____ the walls are around here.A: I realize that. Could you have a talk with that guy Jimmy and get him to lower the volume(音量) ? It’s not that I don’t ____11____ that kind of music. It’s just that..., well you know how it is around this time of the year with final exams and everything.B: No problem. And I tell you that I won’t even ____12____ that it was you who complained (抱怨).A: Well, Mike, thanks. But I’m afraid that this is not the only problem I have to bring up. Jimmy is also taking up two parking places in the parking lot. As you know, we are kind of ____13____ on parking spaces here.B: Really, I didn’t know that! Well, Mary, I’ll have a talk with him tonight.A: I just hope you can deal with things ____14____. I don’t want to be the villain(坏人) causing you guys to have a fight.B: Oh, don’t worry. Yeah, it’s not like it’s the most pleasant thing to do and it is not what I want to do, but I want to set the _____15_____ clear.A: That’s very kind of you. Thanks.C(2021·四川·石室中学二模)A: You look sad, Amy!B: Yeah. We are at the end of our junior high and it’s time to say goodbye to everyone. I just feel sorry to be __16__ from my friends and teachers.A: How time flies! Who would you most like to thank in the past three years?B: I’d like to thank __17__ groups of people.A: I guess your friends must be one of them.B: Yes, sure! I’ve learnt the importance of __18__.A: You __19__ have had a wonderful time with your friends!B: Of course. We’ve worked hard, and we’ve even faced some hard times, but we’ve also had a lot of fun. Many of us will go to different new schools. But we’ll always keep in touch together.A: A life without friends is __20__ a day without sunshine. But friends don’t have to see each other all the time. Sometimes the friends you value most are the friends you see __21__ often. What about the second group?B: They are my parents. They provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for me where I feel both safe and relaxed and where I can __22__ myself for my school days.A: Yes. When we are disappointed about study, they always cheer us up.B: I also thank my teachers, __23__ friends and parents. I can never pay them back for their kindness and their patience. They are so __24__ that I believe there are no questions that they can’t answer. Sometimes they’ve been strict with us. But they went out of their way to make me understand more and my exam scores doubled.A: I agree. I will forever thank them for not giving up and pushing me on to the ___25___ I could.D(2021·安徽利辛·三模)根据对话内容,从选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A: Hi, Tom. Any plans for the coming summer vacation?B: Yes. ___26___A: What will you do there?B: ___27___ It is necessary for us to experience life there. A: Sound great. ___28___B: Then we will enjoy ourselves traveling there. A: ___29___B: For about a month.A: Oh, it’s quite a long time. Where are you going to stay?B: Just in the village with my grandparent. It must be exciting. A: ___30___B: Thank you.A.Anything else?B.Who is calling, please?C.I will go to Hefei with my friends.D.Wish you have a good time there.E.How long will you stay there?F.We will take a volunteer activity there.G.Is there any other way I can reach her?E(2021·广西河池·模拟预测)根据上下文意思,从选择五个句子补全对话,使其意思完整。其中有两项为多余选项。A: Excuse me. Could you please tell me the way to Town Cinema?B: Of course. ____31____ It’s next to the bookshop.A: ____32____B: It’s about 15 minutes’ walk.A: How can I get there?B: ____33____A: Which bus should I take?B: The No.3 bus.A: I see. ____34____B: You’re welcome. Look! The No.3 bus is coming.A: OK. Bye-bye!B: ____35____A.How far is it?B.Bye!C.Thank you.D.Have a good time!E.You can take a bus there.F.Yes, it is.G.Go down this road and turn left.F(2021·安徽砀山·三模)Dave: You must be excited about leaving for America tomorrow, Alice?Alice: Yeah. ____36____Dave: Why?Alice: I don’t know many of the customs or manners in the US. ____37____Dave: Sure.Alice: ____38____Dave: Well, it’s important to be on time when you’re invited for dinner. ____39____Alice: Then how long may I stay there?Dave: ____40____ Or you seem to have come only for the meal. When your friends seem to be getting tired and running out of things, it’s time to leave. The next day, call or write a thank- you note to say how much you enjoyed the evening.A.Could you give me a hand?B.But I haven’t decided yet.C.What can we do there?D.But I’m a bit nervous.E.After the meal, don’t leave at once.F.What rules do they have in America?G.It’s impolite to arrive late.G(2021·安徽无为·三模)根据对话内容,从选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。Frank: Bill, who is the hero in your heart?Bill: ___41___Frank: Why?Bill: Because he can help people to be healthy.Frank: Is he strict with you?Bill: Oh, yes. ___42___ But like close friends sometimes.Frank: Do you often talk with each other?Bill: Yes, we talk every day. Frank: ___43___Bill: Well, everything. We talk about his job, our hobbies, my dream and so on. Frank: What’s your dream?Bill: ___44___ You know, my dad is a famous doctor in our town.Frank: Yeah. Then you should really study hard. ___45___Bill: Thank you.A.I want to be a doctor like my father.B.That’s the problem.C.He is a little bit serious.D.Well, it sounds crazy.E.My father, of course.F.What do you talk about?G.I hope your dream will come true one day.H(2021·四川·成都市树德实验中学三模)根据对话内容,选出适当的选项补全对话。A: Hi, Cindy. How long have you been in China?B: For about two months. ____46____A: _____47_____B: Yes. I’ve visited the Great Wall and the Bird’s Nest.A: _____48_____B: I’ve been to West Lake in Hangzhou. It’s very beautiful.A: OK. ____49____B: Oh, yes. I’ve tried many Chinese dishes. They’re delicious.A: What Chinese food do you like best?B: My favorite is Beijing Roast Duck.A: Great! _____50_____B: Thanks.A.What else outside Beijing?B.Did you try any Chinese dishes?C.Wish you a pleasant stay in China.D.Have you been to anywhere of interest?E.And I’ll still stay here for another month.
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