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    高中英语北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 12 InnovationLesson 3 Stephen Hawking完整版ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 12 InnovationLesson 3 Stephen Hawking完整版ppt课件,文件包含UNIT9TOPICTALK课件PPTpptx、Unit9PeriodⅠTopicTalk同步练习含答案docx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共49页, 欢迎下载使用。

    ACTIVE AND SHRAEPair Wrk Have yu heard abut Stephen Hawking? What did he discver r d?What was special abut him?
    ne f the wrld’s mst famus scientists in theretical physicst have a rare disease t lse speech t vercme the challenge physical abilities decline t discver the secrets f the universe
    READ AND EXPLORELk at the webpage abut Stephen Hawking. Cmplete the infrmatin n the left. Then g back t Activity 1, and answer the questins in mre detail.Birth______________EducatinSt Albans SchlThe University f ________________ (1955-1962), studied _________PhD, the University f Cambridge (1966)
    8 January, 1942
    READ AND EXPLORELk at the webpage abut Stephen Hawking. Cmplete the infrmatin n the left. Then g back t Activity 1, and answer the questins in mre detail.CareerInstitute f Astrnmy, ___________ (1968-1973)Prfessr f Mathematics, Cambridge (1979-2009)Directr f Research, Centre fr Theretical Csmlgy, Cambridge (2009-2018)FamilyMarried t Jane Wilde (1965-1991, three children) and Elaine Masn (1995-2006)
    Pair wrk Read the webpage again. Cmplete the timeline abut Stephen Hawking’s life and wrk. Then tell each ther abut him in pairs based n the timeline.
    was diagnsed with ALS
    went t University f Oxfrd t study physics
    had t have an peratin/ lst his speech as a result
    his bk A Brief Histry f Time: Frm the Big Bang t Black Hles sld ne cpy fr every 750 peple n earth
    decided t write a simpler versin, A briefer Histry f Time
    said t a TV audience f 900 millin peple at the pening ceremny f Lndn 2012 Olympics: “Lk up at the stars and nt dwn at yur feet… be curius.”
    Read the webpage again. Ask and answer the questins abut Stephen Hawking in pairs.
    When did he becme ill? What was the result f his illness?————————————————————————————————————————2. What did he study? What did he find?——————————————————————————————————————————
    He was diagnsed with ALS at the age f 21. He was nly expected t live fr a few years.
    He studied black hle. There was a srt f hle in the centre f a black hle. This hle led t anther universe, cmpletely separate frm ur wn.
    3. What bks did he write? What did he argue in the bks?——————————————————————————————————————————4.What is a black hle?——————————————————————————————————————————
    He wrte Frm the Big Bang t Black Hles, A Briefer Histry f Time, The Grand Design.He argued that we shuld lk fr a different way t discver the deepest secrets f the universe.
    A black hle is a place in space where gravity is very strng. Anything that falls int it never cmes ut. Nting can escape frm it, nt even light. As a result, it is impssible t see a black hle.
    Intrduce Stephen Hawking based n the diagram.
    Stephen Hawking
    Attitude twards life
    Grup Wrk Think and share.
    What was Stephen Hawking’s attitude twards life? Find evidence frm the webpage.
    Hawking had a psitive attitude twards life and he never gt disappinted r discuraged frm his illness. “Hawking was famus. Nt just fr his brilliant wrk in theretical physics and csmlgy, but als …”
    “Althugh Hawking’s physical abilities declined ver decades, he never ceased his studies…”“In spite f his disease, Hawking didn’t cnsider himself an unlucky man.”“My expectatins were reduced t zer when I was 21. everything since then has been a hnus.”
    2. What d yu think this saying by Stephen Hawking means: “Lk up at the stars and nt dwn at yur feet … be curius.”?3. Hw are the paragraphs n the webpage cnnected t each ther? Find and circle the indicatrs.
    It means that we shuld nt fcus n ur everyday lives and wrry t much abut unimprtant matters. We shuld think n a larger scale and be curius abut nature and the simple things f life.
    Hawking later fund…, althugh Hawking’s physical…, Hawking als wrte…, In spite f his disease
    Cmplete the summary f Stephen Hawking’s life based n what yu have learnt.
    Stephen Hawking was brn in 1942. he studied at Universities f Oxfrd and Cambridge, but at the age f 21, he was diagnsed with a serius disease. Hwever, he finished his 1. __________ and gt a jb at the University f Cambridge and cntinued his wrk in 2. __________________physics and 3. __________.While his reputatin fr his wrk spread, his physical ability 4. _________. In 1985, after an peratin, he started t use 5. _______________________________ t help him talk. Hwever, Hawking never ceased his studies and he cntinued t develp his theries n 6. ___________. Hawking believed that he was nt an unlucky persn. Frm his diagnsis at 21 he regarded everything since then as a 7. _________. He was prud f his family and his wrk, and he appreciated the help that many peple had given him.
    speech-generating equipment
    black hles
    Cmplete the Wrd Builder with phrasal prepsitins. What ther phrasal prepsitins d yu knw?
    Phrasal Prepsitins1. _______________ 21, when Hawking spent his first year at the University f Cambridge…2. His thery was that there was a srt f hle __________________ a black hle.3. _____________ trying t find ne big new explanatin, scientists shuld … 4. _____________ his disease, Hawking didn’t cnsider himself an unlucky man.
    Wrd builder
    At the age f
    in the centre f
    Use the phrasal prepsitins belw t cmplete the webpage belw n Stephen Hawking.
    instead f with the help fin spite fas a result f
    After the OperatinIn 1985, Hawking had t have an peratin n his thrat. 1. ________________ the peratin, he culdn’t speak at all. Hwever, 2. ________________ nt being able t talk, he was still able t cmmunicate by raising his eyebrws when smene pinted t the right letter n a spelling card.
    As a result f
    A cmputer expert heard f Hawking’s prblem and sent him a cmputer prgramme. 3. _________________ this prgramme, Hawking culd chse wrds frm a menu n a screen. 4. ______________ pressing a switch in his hand, he culd cntrl the prgramme by making a head r eye mvement. At first, he culd run the prgramme n a desktp cmputer, but then a man called David Masn fitted a small prtable cmputer t his wheelchair.
    With the help f
    Cmplete the questins with a prepsitin. 1 What are yu interested     ? 2 In yur family,wh d yu have a gd relatinship     ? 3 What are yu afraid     ? 4 What are yu prud     ? 5 What’s the mst serius prblem that’s ever happened    yu? 6 Hw did yu deal      yur prblem?
    Activity 10
    Ⅰ 阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案) 1. Where is the passage taken frm? A bk. B. The Internet. C. The newspaper. D. The TV news. 2. When was Stephen Hawking discvered t suffer frm ALS?A. When he was brn. B. When he was studying at the University f Oxfrd. C. When he was studying at the University f Cambridge. D. When he was wrking at the Institute f Astrnmy in Cambridge.
    3. Which f the fllwing is NOT true accrding t the passage? A. Stephen Hawking was famus fr his thery f black hles. B. Stephen Hawking was the c-authr f the bk The Grand Design. C. The bk A Brief Histry f Time: Frm the Big Bang t Black Hles was ppular because it is easy t understand. D. The bk A Briefer Histry f Time(2005)is easier than the bk A Brief Histry f Time:Frm the Big Bang t Black Hles. 4. Which f the fllwing can be used t describe Hawking? A. Optimistic and grateful. B. Unlucky and miserable. C. Generus and determined. D. Humrus and academic.
    Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)     On 14 March,2018,ne f the wrld’s mst influential scientists,Stephen Hawking,died at his hme in England, 1    (age)76. Hawking was famus,nt just fr his brilliant wrk in theretical physics and csmlgy, but als fr vercming the challenges f ALS.   Stephen Hawking was brn n 8 January,1942,in Oxfrd. He was discvered t have a rare disease 2     the age f 21 when he was studying at the University f Cambridge and 3_____________(expect)t live fr a few years. In the early stages f his career,his illness gt 4___________(bad),but he was allwed 5    (d) research nly rather than teach,6     _____________was easier fr him. He first lst his speech because f an peratin and then the use f his hands.
    was expected
    Althugh Hawking’s physical abilities 7     (decline)ver decades,he never ceased his studies and he develped 8     number f new ideas abut black hles. He wrte bks. His 1988 bk,A Brief Histry f Time:Frm the Big Bang t Black Hles,sld well. But it’s difficult fr cmmn peple t understand s he decided t write a simpler versin. He argued in ne f his bks that we shuld lk fr a different way t discver the 9    (deep)secrets f the universe. He als encuraged peple t be curius abut the universe.   In spite f his disease,Hawking was quite ptimistic and didn’t cnsider 10    (he)an unlucky man.
    Language pints
    教材原句p.58 t vercme the challenge f... 克服……的挑战 1 vercme vt. 克服(困难),控制(感情);征服,战胜搭配vercme difficulties/fear/shyness 克服困难/ 恐惧/ 羞怯vercme the enemy 战胜敌人【学法点拨】be vercme with/by 往往表示“被某种情绪所控制/ 制服”,表示人的一种情绪状态。be vercme with srrw 伤心欲绝be vercme with jy 喜不自胜The night befre the test I was vercme by fear and despair. 考试的前一晚我被恐惧与绝望困扰着。[词汇复现] She was vercme with grief when her husband died. 她的丈夫去世时她悲痛欲绝。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1) Althugh there were lts f difficulties       (vercme),she never let her prblems defeat her. (2)[词汇复现]Even tday,I wuld       (vercme)with srrw whenever I think f the dg. 完成句子(3) I think yu’d better read sme bks in Chinese t                 (克服困难) in understanding the language befre yu cme here. (4)[词汇复现]Actively getting invlved in varius scial activities is the best way t ________________________(克服文化冲击).
    t vercme   
    be vercme  
    vercme the truble/difficulty  
    vercme the culture shck   
    教材原句p.59 Althugh Hawking’s physical abilities declined ver decades,he never ceased his studies... 尽管在过去几十年里霍金的身体机能不断下降,但他从未停止过研究…… 2 decline (1)vi. 减少,降低 搭配decline t 减少到…… decline by 减少了…… The price f 14-inch TV sets declined frm 400 yuan t 320 yuan each. 14 英寸的电视机的价格每台从400 元降到了320 元。He is vercme with disappintment because f the fact that the funding fr technlgical innvatin has declined by 40%. 他很失望, 因为用于技术创新的资金已经减少了40%。
    (2)n. 减少;下降;衰退fall/g int decline 开始衰落搭配n the decline 在下降in decline 在衰退中a rapid/sharp/gradual decline 迅速/ 急剧/ 逐渐下降 Thankfully the smking f cigarettes is n the decline. 令人高兴的是吸烟的人正在减少。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1) At that time,the ecnmy f the cuntry is        the decline. 完成句子(2) Accrding t scientists,ur mental abilities           (开始衰退) frm the age f 27 after reaching the highest level at 22. (3) As far as we knw,the prt         (开始衰落)in the 1990s. (4) It is reprted that the prfit declined         4.1% last year. (5) The number f staff has declined frm 217,000        114,000 in the cmpany.
    begin t decline
    fell/went int decline
    教材原句p.59 In spite f his disease,Hawking didn’t cnsider himself an unlucky man. 尽管霍金患有疾病,但他并不认为自己是个不幸的人。3 in spite f 虽然;不顾;尽管…… We prceeded with the wrk in spite f the cldness. 尽管天气寒冷,我们还是继续工作。[词汇复现] In spite f his advanced age,the bilgist is still buried in his research. 那位生物学家尽管年事已高,但仍埋头于他的研究工作。[词汇复现] The arts f China have nt declined in spite f the Western influence. 尽管受到西方的影响,中国的艺术并没有衰落。[词汇复现]
    【归纳拓展】(1)in spite f = despite (2)regardless f 不顾;不加理会Despite the fact that we may fail,we still try t team up with each ther efficiently. 尽管我们可能会失败,但我们仍然努力有效地相互合作。[词汇复现] He went ahead and did it,regardless f the cnsequences. 他说干就干,没有考虑后果。[词汇复现]
    完成句子(1)              (尽管) his ld age,he still leads an active life. (2) He has decided n the date f the pening f his wn cmpany _____________________________________(尽管事实是) that his parents dn’t agree with him. 同义句转换(3)[词汇复现]In spite f ur jint effrt,we still can’t make a great breakthrugh. →      ur jint effrt,we still can’t make a great breakthrugh.
    In spite f/Despite
    in spite f the fact/despite the fact
    重点句式 Hawking was famus,nt just fr his brilliant wrk in theretical physics and csmlgy,but als fr vercming the challenges f ALS(a disease that aects muscle cntrl). 霍金不仅因在理论物理学和宇宙学方面的杰出研究而著名,而且因克服了肌萎缩侧索硬化症(一种影响肌肉控制的疾病)的挑战而令人敬佩。 nt just... but als... nt just... but als... 也作nt nly... but als...,意为“不但……,而且……”,连接并列成分,在本句中连接两个并列的原因状语。This is nt just/nly an hnur fr myself,but als recgnitin and encuragement fr all scientists in China. 这不仅是我个人的荣誉,也是对中国所有科学家的认可和鼓励。[词汇复现]
    【归纳拓展】( 1)nt als... 连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式遵循“就近”原则。( 2)nt nly 放在句首时,所在的句子要用倒装结构,但but als 后的句子不倒装。Nt nly d the nurses want a pay increase,but they als want reduced wrking hurs. 护士们不仅想涨工资,而且还想减少工作时间。( 3)A as well as B“不但B,而且A”,该结构作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式要与A 保持一致。The by’s brther as well as his parents is willing t dnate bld t him. 不仅那个男孩的父母,而且他的弟弟也愿意给他献血。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1) Nt nly Tm but als his parents        (be)invited the ther day. (2) Nt nly his parents but als Tm        (be)invited the ther day. 完成句子(3) The cmputer was used in teaching. As a result, nt nly __________________________________(节省了老师的精力),but students als became mre interested in the lessns. (4) They                       (不但扑灭了大火)but als saved peple wh were in danger. 同义句转换(5)[词汇复现]He is nt nly a gifted musician, but als a great speaker wh can always give us students encuragement. → He is a gifted musician       a great speaker wh can always give us students encuragement.
    was teachers’ energy saved
    nt nly put ut the big fire  
    单元语法 短语介词短语介词的作用相当于一个介词,其后可接名词、宾格代词、动词的-ing 形式等。1 连词+ 介词because f 因为as fr/t 至于 but fr 要不是2 介词+ 介词alng with 随着;和……一起 except fr 除了3 介词+ 名词+ 介词by way f 通过……的方式 by means f 通过 with regard t 就……而言;关于 in case f 万一in charge f 掌管 in additin t 除了in hnur f 为了表达对……的敬意 in place f 代替in terms f 就……而言 in view f 鉴于 in favur f 支持 in memry f 为纪念in spite f 尽管 n behalf f 代表 in frnt f 在……前面 with reference t 关于fr fear f 唯恐,以免
    3 常用动词的搭配(1)have 的常用搭配have a fight/a headache/an argument/a cnversatin/an appintment 打仗/ 头痛/ 争辩/ 交谈/ 有约会have smething in cmmn 有共同点He has nthing in cmmn with his brther. 他和他兄弟毫无共同之处。(2)break 的常用搭配break the news t smene 向某人泄露消息break ne’s heart 伤某人的心break a prmise/recrd 违背诺言/ 打破纪录break the rules/the law/a habit/the ice/a leg 违规/ 违法/ 打破习惯/ 打破僵局/ 摔断腿He brke the rules and was blamed fr it. 他违反了规定,因此受到了责备。[词汇复现]
    形容词/ 副词+ 介词regardless f 不管;不顾 due t 因为wing t 因为 previus t 在……以前such as 例如 apart frm 除……之外(都) ahead f 在……前面;领先于 instead f 代替next t 紧挨着 tgether with 和……一起accrding t 根据;按照 clse t 离……近
    5 介词+ the + 名词+ 介词fr the purpse f 为了…… in the charge f 由……掌管at the expense f 以……为代价at the mercy f 任……处置;任由……摆布by the side f 在……附近;在……的旁边by the end f 到……末为止under the cntrl f 在……的控制下in the middle f 在……中间with the help f 在……的帮助下n the pint f 正要……的时候
    用所给的短语介词完成句子instead f,as fr,alng with,in spite f, in terms f,as a cnsequence f,in the middle f,in additin t,at the expense f,in favur f,wing t,regardless f (1) S       yur questin, Miles,the answer still has t be n. (2) She lst her jb when the factry clsed,         hundreds f thers. (3) [词汇复现]            his salary,he has a bnus f 250 yuan per mnth. (4) It was a bad year fr films,         bth quantity and quality. (5) He cncluded frm their remarks that they were nt         the plan. (6)        their quarrel,they remain the best friends.
    alng with  
    In additin t
    in terms f  
    in favur f  
    (7) There is a grwing tendency fr peple t wrk at hme             in ffices. (8) [词汇复现]Millins will face starvatin next year             the drught there. (9)They were              dinner when I called. (10)He built up the business                his health. (11)[词汇复现]Every student can participate in the activity,              bys r girls. (12)[词汇复现]He was given a cash bnus              the scientific break-thrugh he had made.  
    as a cnsequence f  
    in the middle f  
    at the expense f  
    regardless f  
    完成句子(13)There was a strange man            (坐在我旁边)n the plane. (14)D yu cme t China             (为了)studying r travelling? (15)The club welcmes all new members               (不管年龄). (16)           (在…… 的帮助下)a ladder,neighburs were able t rescue the children frm the fire. (17)She was always well        (领先于)the rest f the class in maths.
    sitting next t me
    fr the purpse f
    regardless f age  
    With the help f  

    高中英语北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Lesson 2 Aha Moment课文配套ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002392_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Lesson 2 Aha Moment课文配套ppt课件</a>,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了预习新知早知道,clueless,evaluation,overcome,grand,declined,bonus,gravity,emergence,享年76岁等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中北师大版 (2019)Lesson 1 Scientific Breakthroughs说课ppt课件: 这是一份高中北师大版 (2019)<a href="/yy/tb_c4002391_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Lesson 1 Scientific Breakthroughs说课ppt课件</a>,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了导读话题妙切入, miles,预习新知早知道,innovation,garbage,donate,instant,perceive,physicist,propose等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英语选择性必修 第四册Lesson 2 Aha Moment精品ppt课件: 这是一份英语选择性必修 第四册Lesson 2 Aha Moment精品ppt课件,文件包含UNIT9TOPICTALK课件PPTpptx、Unit9PeriodⅠTopicTalk同步练习含答案docx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共49页, 欢迎下载使用。






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