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    北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Lesson 3 Getting to the Top完整版课件ppt

    这是一份北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Lesson 3 Getting to the Top完整版课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Task 3,Reasons,Task 5, an , a ,Exercise ,the,The,不定冠词的用法,Summary等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    n. 极端vi. 努力;奋斗n. 百科全书n. 条目adj. 学术的vt. 糟蹋;毁坏vt. 不做(本来应做的事);蹦跳着走adj. 戒备的,自卫的n. 基本部分;要素n. 训练,锻炼
    intensityselfishsacrificecuntlesshiretriathletebilbil dwn t sthenrmusstay in
    n. 强度;强烈adj. 自私的,自私自利的n. 牺牲adj. 无数的,数不尽的vt. 租用n. 铁人三项运动员vi.&vt. (使)沸腾,煮沸归结为;要点是adj. 巨大的,庞大的待在家里
    lengthrugbyapply neself t sthapartapart frm…platfrminjuredutstandingaveragenrmal
    n. 长度n. (英式)橄榄球努力;专心致志于某事adj.&adv. 分开;散开除……之外n. 舞台;月台adj. 受伤的adj. 杰出的,优秀的adj. 平庸的,普通的;平均的n. 平均水平;平均数adj. 正常的,平常的
    Befre reading
    1. Which athlete d yu admire mst? Why?2. What did they d t get t the tp f the sprt?
    t strive fr greatness
    t push neself t the limits
    t give up everything fr the sprt
    t live ne’s life t extremes
    t be willing t d the extra little bit
    t be ttally fcused n the sprt
    While reading
    Read and finish the tasks as quickly as pssible.
    Read the article quickly. Answer the questins.
    1. What is the article abut?2. Is it frm an encyclpaedia entry, an academic bk r pssibly a blg?3. Wh d yu think the writer is?
    I think the writer is a triathlete.
    The article tells the stry f an athlete and the sacrifices she makes fr her sprt.
    I think it is frm a blg.
    Read paragraphs 1-4, cmplete the infrmatin in the table and then describe the writer’s situatin t yur partner.
    Things she gives up as an Olympic athlete
    Her friends’ wrries and her reactins
    Birthday parties, family hlidays, nights ut
    *She will lse her friends;*She culd have becme angry r defensive, but deep dwn she knew they were right.
    The fears she faces n a daily basis
    Whether she has t much mental intensity t handle; whether she is pushing the limits and extremes t much;whether she is being selfish.
    Answer the questins based n what yu have read.
    1. Did her friend understand her? Why?2. Did the writer get angry with her friend? Did she try t explain? Why?3. Was she clear abut why she had chsen t be an athlete? Hw d yu knw?
    1. Did her friend understand her? Why?2. Did the writer get angry with her friend? Did she try t explain? Why?
    N, he didn’t, because he was afraid that when she reached the tp she wuld have n friends and that it wuld be n lnger fun t train with her.
    N, she didn’t, because she knew what her friend said was right and she was pushing the limits t hard. She did nt try t explain because mst peple wuld nt understand.
    3. Was she clear abut why she had chsen t be an athlete? Hw d yu knw?
    Yes, she was. Frm the descriptin f her sacrifice we culd knw she is a “g-getter” with an enrmus amunt f drive and determinatin t be the best. We can see that thrugh her descriptins such as “ruining a family hliday because f the endless search fr a swimming pl t train in”, “almst missed my brther’s wedding because I was busy hiring a car and driving thrugh the ‘n g’ areas in rder t d a grup ride with the lcal triathletes.”
    Read paragraphs 5-8. Identify the reasns why the writer was able t get t the tp. Use a diagram t illustrate and talk abut yur analysis.
    get ahead n class wrk rather than g ut and playget the bus n her wn at ten years ldg t swim 100 lengths f the pl while ther kids play pl gamesthe nly girl in a rugby club f 250 bys
    Read the article again. What d the phrases r sentence refer t in the article?
    1. a very gd reasn ( line 3 ) 2. n a day-t-day basis ( line 12 )3. The list is endless. ( line 19 ) 4. an enrmus amunt f drive and determinatin ( line 20 )5. three r fur utstanding years f winning stuff ( lines 37-38 )
    it takes a lt t be at the tp
    Which statements d yu think are true accrding t the article? Why?
    1. The writer is a prfessinal triathlete.2. Her first sprt was rugby.3. At first, she was afraid t jin the rugby club because it had 250 bys.4. She missed many birthday parties, ruined family hlidays and skipped nights ut fr the sprt she devted herself t.5. What makes an Olympic champin stand ut frm ther cmpetitrs is the special talent she r he has.6. Althugh she knws that her way f life is unbalanced r unhealthy, she is determined t cntinue.
    The writer says “These are the fears I face as a prfessinal athlete n a day-t-day basis.” And she als mentins swimming and riding.
    Because she says “l miss birthday parties, ruin family hlidays and skip nights ut” and “missing my brther’s wedding… in rder t d a grup ride with the lcal triathletes”.
    We can see frm “it is certainly nt a balanced way t live and it is certainly nt nrmal but thse wrds are generally nt used fr anyne wh is striving fr greatness.”
    Cmplete the summary using the crrect frm f the wrds and phrases belw.
    enrmus utstanding extreme cuntless intensity length selfish nrmal bil dwn t apply myself
    It 1. ____________ this: I was brn with an 2. ________ amunt f drive and determinatin. In my attempt t strive fr greatness, I made 3.________ sacrifice, living my life t 4. ________ where every wrkut had a mental 5. ________ that seemed t much fr mst peple. If yu are nt ttally cmmitted t yur sprt and want t lead a 6. ________ life, yu can never be a(n) 7.____________ athlete, let alne an Olympic champin. Yu may think it is unhealthy r 8. ________ t g t these 9. ________, but that is the way I rll, n matter what I’m 10. ______________ t.
    applying myself
    After reading
    analyzing, mindmap, summary, retelling
    1. What are the three mst imprtant reasns why the writer was able t get t the tp? Find evidence t supprt yur cnclusin.
    2. What is yur pinin abut the writer’s attitude and cmmitment t the prfessin she has chsen?
    Pssible answers:
    She was brn with an enrmus amunt f drive and determinatin (in para. 5).
    She has always lived her life t extremes, whatever it is she is applying herself t (in para. 6).
    As a prfessinal athlete she is prepared t d that little extra in her preparatin that sets her apart frm her cmpetitrs(in para. 8).
    2. What is yur pinin abut the writer's attitude and cmmitment t the prfessin she has chsen?
    Pssible answers: I think she will get t the tp because she has s much cmmitment t the prfessin she has chsen and she is s determined t be the best.
    Chse the fur mst imprtant things yu need t get t the tp. Then rank yur chices frm 1 (mst imprtant) t 4 (least imprtant). Share yur list with the ther grup members. Give reasns fr yur chices.
    *intelligence *determinatin *patience *mental tughness *cncentratin *self-discipline
    Language Pints
    1. Ding what we d as athletes sets us apart because we are willing t d that extra little bit that might take us t the tp.
    ① He will tell yu everything that he heard abut it. ② All that can be dne has been dne.
    that 引导的定语从句
    because 引导的原因状语从句
    set sb apart 让某人与众不同
    当出现以下情况时,关系代词只能用that:①当先行词是不定代词all, much, little, the ne, smething, everything, anything, nthing, nne时;②先行词前有all, much, little, nly, n, any, every, few, very, sme等词修饰时;③当先行词有序数词、形容最高级等修饰时; …
    (1)apply ... t ...     把……运用到……中;把……涂到……上 apply neself t (=be applied t) 致力于;集中精力于 apply t ... 适用于…… apply (t ...) fr ... (向……)申请……(2)applicant n. 申请人 applicatin n. 申请;申请书;适用
    apply vt.涂;敷;搽;应用;运用 vi.申请;请求;使用;有效
    [高考佳句](2015·陕西高考写作)I'm writing t apply fr the psitin as a student vlunteer. 我写信是想申请学生志愿者这个职位。
    应试指导 申请类写作高频词汇
    We must apply what we have learned t ur daily wrk because in n case shuld thery be separated frm practice.我们必须把所学的知识应用到日常工作中去,因为理论与实践绝不能分开。 If yu apply yurself t the jb in hand, yu'll sn finish it.如果你尽全力做你手头的工作,你将会很快把它做完。 She applied t the internatinal schl fr a jb as an English teacher.她向这所国际学校申请英语教师的职位。 Apply sme medicine t his wund.给他的伤口上点药吧。
    Ⅰ.单句语法填空①(2014·山东高考阅读C)If the cnstitutin said that all peple were free and equal, then she thught it shuld apply ___ her. ②Over the years, he has applied himself t _________ (imprve) the living cnditins f the migrant wrkers.③His __________ (apply) fr membership f the rganizatin was rejected. Ⅱ.单句写作④(2015·重庆高考写作)得知您正在组织一项在全世界范围内分享图书的活动,我写信想申请它因为我热爱读书,同时我拥有大量图书。Learning that yu are rganizing this activity t share bks wrldwide, ___________________________ fr the simple reasn that I lve reading and I wn a large number f bks.
    I am writing t apply fr it
    apart/aside frm除……之外;此外(根据上下文的不同,可以分别相当于besides,except或except fr)
    “除……之外”的短语还有:besides=in additin t除……之外(还,也),常与als,mre,ther等连用。except除……外(都)……,常与all,every,n,nne,nthing等含有整体、肯定或否定意义的词连用。except fr除……以外,其后所跟的词往往与前面的不是同一类的,是指整体中除去的一个细节或某一方面。
    (1)Apart frm the cst,the dress desn’t suit me.姑且不论价格,这件衣服也不适合我。(2)N ne apart frm her husband knew abut her jb.除了她丈夫没有人知道她的工作是什么。
    用besides,except,except fr,apart frm填空(1)All the students tk part in the sprts meeting Tm.(2)We need three mre chairs these tw.(3) the ending,it’s a really gd film.
    except/apart frm
    besides/apart frm
    Apart frm/Except fr
    4. Articles 冠词
    1. Beijing is a huge city.2. It takes an hur t get there by bus.3. The small lcal schl in Parkville clsed dwn five years ag.4. It was a quiet village.5. They had a small huse, clse t fields and hills.6. Arnwick became a city with ver a millin peple.7. But it describes what is happening all ver the wrld.8. Arnwick was a city with 200,000 peple.9. I am preparing sme ntes fr a reprt.
    1. 冠词是虚词,是限定词的一种,不能单独使用,常用于修饰名词。
    3. 在很多场合我们还会看到零冠词的提法,所谓零冠词就是不使用冠词。
    Articles 冠词
    2. 冠词有两种形式:不定冠词 a/an & 定冠词the
    首次提到某人某物,不定冠词起介绍作用。如: I am preparing sme ntes fr a reprt. 我在为一个报告做些笔记。
    例: -Why nt take ____ friend with yu? -That’s ____ gd idea. A. a, a B. the, the C. a, the D. the, a
    2. 表示“每一”的概念,相当于every。That makes ver 131.4 millin births a year. (a year = every year)这就意味着每年有超过1.314亿人出生。
    例: Take the medicine three times ____ day. A. a B. the C. an D./
    例: ______ steel wrker makes steel. A./ B. A C. This D. That
    a (an)放于单数的可数名词前表示“一类”。该句中 a steel wrker是指钢铁工人们。表示“一类”有三种方式:①A bike is slwer than a car. ②The bike is slwer than the car.③Bikes are slwer than cars.
    3. 用于可数名词单数形式之前,表示人或事物的类别。如:My mther is a dctr. 我母亲是一位医生。
    4. 某些固定短语中,要用不定冠词。如:have a gd time, in a hurry, have a break, a lt f, have a lk, with a smile…
    例1:Tm has ____ high fever and his mther is lking after him.  A. a B. the C. an D./
    例2:Mary takes ____ walk after supper every day. A. the B. a C. / D. ne
    give, take, have与一些动词名词化的词连用,表示一次动作,名词前要加 a。have a talk (bath, lk) make a living (prmise) take a swim (walk, rest)give a talk (whistle, smile)
    例: There is ____ “f” and ____ “u” in the wrd “fur”. A. an, a B. a, a C. an, an D. a, an
    在名词前使用 a 或 an 要取决于该名词的读音。如果首字母的读音是元音因素,应用 an;如果首字母的读音是辅音音素,应用 a。
    1. 元音音素开头的单词不一定是元音字 母(a, e, i, , u)开头。 u 发音 [ju:]或[ju]时前面用冠词 a, u 读[ʌ]时前面用冠词an。2. 26个字母中开头以元音音素发音的字母有: f [ef], h [eitʃ], l [el], n [en], r [a:], s [es], x [eks]
    在使用不定冠词时要注意a与an的不同:*a 用在辅音音素开头的单词前;*an用在以元音音素开头的单词前。
    1. There is ____ “R” in the wrd.2. This is _____ Eurpean cuntry.3. This is _____ ne-eyed dg.
    2. 指谈话双方都知道的人或物。
    ①I have a dg and a cat. The dg is brwn and the cat is black.②The ld man with thick glasses is their histry teacher.
    I had t write the reprt twice last term!
    例1: There is ___bridge ver the river. ___ bridge is made f stne.A. a, A B. a, The C. the, The D. the, A 
    例2: ___ ld wrkers under that tree are frm Shanghai. A. The B. An C. This D. That
    3. 用于序数词以及形容词的最高级之前。China has the largest ppulatin in the wrld, and India has the secnd largest ppulatin.中国是世界上人口最多的国家,印度次之。
    例1: ____ first ne sat dwn and the secnd std up. A. The B. A C. One D. An
    例2: Winter is ___ cldest seasn f the year. A. a B. the C./ D. s
    例: ___ mn mves arund ___ earth, and they bth are smaller than ____ sun. A. The, the, the B. A, an, a C. The, an, the D. The, the, a
    4. 用于指世界上独一无二的事物。如:The mn is far smaller than the earth. 月球比地球小得多。
    例: We live in ____ suth f China. A. the B./ C. a D. sme 
    5. 用于表示方位的名词前。如: Shanghai is in the east f China. 上海位于中国的东部。
    6. 用于江河、海洋、山脉等地理名词及由普通名词构成的专有名词前。例如:the Pacific Ocean the Nile the Great Wall f China the Alps
    例: There are cuntless islands in _____ Pacific Ocean.  A. a B. an C. the D. /
    例: I was playing ____ pian at eight yesterday mrning. A. a B. / C. the D. this
    play+乐器表示弹奏时,该乐器名词前加 the。Alice likes t play the vilin while Kate likes t play the flute.
    7. 用在乐器名称的前面表弹奏。如:Can yu play the guitar?你会弹吉他吗?
    例: ___ yung shuld care fr and help ___ ld. A. The, a B. The, the C. A, the D. An, an
    the+形容词(形容词名词化)表示一类人或事物。 the pr / the rich / the sick / the beautiful
    8. 在某些形容词前加定冠词,表示一类人或物。如:She devted her life t helping the pr.她毕生都在帮助穷人。
    例: ____ Brwns are watching TV at hme at the mment. A. / B. The C. Mr. D. A
    9. 用于姓氏复数形式之前,表示“一家人”或“夫妇两人”。如:The Smiths are cming t visit n Saturday.周六史密斯一家要来访。
    10. 用于某些固定短语中。如: in the mrning the day after tmrrw listen t the radi at the mment g t the beach by the way…
    例1: Last night we went t ____ cinema. A. the B. a C. / D. thse
    例2: Our teacher gets up early in __ mrning. A. the B. / C. a D. an
    牢记一些含 the 的习惯用语,在句中用作时间状语。 in the afternn (evening)/in the daytimeat the beginning/in the end
    例3: There is a large ship in ____ middle f the river. A. a B. / C. the D. any
    牢记一些含the的习惯用语,在句中用作地点状语。n the right (left) / in the frnt f…/ in the middle f / in the frest / at the ft f the hill
    名词前已有物主代词、指示代词、不定代词、所有格或数词等作定语,则其前面不再用冠词。如: My schlbag is nt red. 我的书包不是红色的。 I have tw questins t ask. 我有两个问题要问。
    例: There is n ____ bk n the desk. A. the B. a C. an D. /
    2. 在球类活动、棋类、学科名称和表三餐的名词前不用冠词。如:The little girl likes playing chess. 这个小姑娘喜欢下棋。
    例1: These bys play ___ ftball after class. A. a B. the C. that D. /
    例2: He desn’t have ___ breakfast at hme. A. a B. the C. this D. /
    表示三餐的名词前不加冠词,如果前面有形容词修饰该词,表示“一顿……的饭”,可加a。have a big supper (nice lunch)
    3. 在表示洲名、国名、人名以及专有地名的名词前不加冠词。如:Asia is the largest cntinent in the wrld.亚洲是世界上最大的洲。
    例1: They ften take a walk in ___ Hyde Park. A. the B. a C. / D. this
    例2: I studies ___English in___ England. A. /, / B. an, the C. an, an D. /, the
    学科前和国名、洲名前一般不加冠词。*learn Chinese (maths, physics, chemistry) *China is in Asia. *in Germany (Japan) *in Africa (Eurpe …)
    4. 在节假日、星期、季节、月份等名词前不加冠词。如:Wmen’s Day is n March 8th. 妇女节是3月8日。
    例 1: We have n classes n ____ Sundays. A. the B. these C. / D. thse
    例2: ___ January is the first mnth f the year. A. The B. A C. / D. That
    分析: 表示节日、月份的名词前一般不加the:*Spring is cming. *He was brn in December.如果表示有某年限定的季节和月份时,季节和月份前要加 the。 *He was brn in the summer f 1964.
    例: ____ running is gd. A. The B. A C. / D. An 
    5. V-ing形式前一般不用冠词。 Walking n the mn is difficult. 在月球上行走是十分困难的。
    例: We g t wrk by __ bus. A. / B. a C. the D. ne
    6. 表示交通工具的手段时,用“by+名词”表示,该名词前不用冠词。如:by bike (taxi, car, train, plane, spaceship)或by sea (water, air, land)
    例: The students f ____ Grade One are having a meeting. A. these B. / C. a D. an
    7. 名词+数词表示顺序时,前面不加冠词 the;序数词+名词表示顺序时,序数词前加冠词the。turn t page 3 / the third pageLessn One / the first lessngate Five / the fifth Gate
    例: He ften wrks late at ____ night. A. / B. the C. a D. all
    8. 表示时间或地点的一些“介词+名词”的词组和一些固定词组中,均不加冠词。如:at hme in twn at nn in factat daybreak in truble in danger…
    注意:有些名词前用冠词或不用冠词,其意义有所不同。如:1) at table 在吃饭 at the table 在桌子旁2) in class 在上课 in the class 在班级中3) g t schl 去上学 g t the schl 到那所学校去4) g t bed 上床睡觉 g t the bed 到床那边去5) in frnt f 在……(范围外)的前面 in the frnt f 在……(范围内)的前部
    1. (2020全国卷II) The plum trees are ______ first t flwer even as the snw is melting(融化). They represent the prmise f spring and a renewal f life.2. (2019全国卷I) When we gt a call saying she was shrt­listed, we thught it was ______ jke.3.(2019浙江卷) Everybdy wears _____ same style f clthes.
    4. (2018全国卷II) Crn prductin has jumped nearly 125 percent ver _____ past 25 years, while rice has increased nly 7 percent.5. (2018全国卷III) Unexpectedly, I’m face-t-face with the grilla, wh begins screaming at _____ tp f her lungs.
    1. Why d Olympic athletes push themselves t _____ limits? 2. I miss ______ birthday parties, ruin family hlidays and skip nights ut. 3. "Were wrried abut yu, " said my friend frm acrss ______ table. 4. Dn't they knw hw hard it is t be at ______ tp in sprt? 5. ... because I was t busy hiring a car in dwntwn ______ Jhannesburg. 6. I was brn with an enrmus amunt f ______ drive and determinatin. 7. I was ______ nly girl in a rugby club f 250 bys. 8. But if yur dream is t be ______ best and reach the winner's platfrm, yu had better be ttally cmmitted t yur sprt.
    Cmplete the sentences with definite article the r zer articles.
    the nly girl
    Find examples fr the rules abut definite article the and zer articles frm the sentences in Activity 10.
    the sacrifices
    push the limit…
    birthday parties
    1. Hw far is it frm ______ capital city? 2. Did yu see ______ last episde f Heres? 3. I’ve bught a new phne. ______ phne’s gt a fantastic camera. 4. Wh is ______ best singer at the mment? 5. All children shuld d ______ sprts when they are at ______ schl. 6. Is that ______ huse where yu grew up?
    Cmplete the sentences with “the” r “/”.
    1. 首次提到某人某物,不定冠词起介绍作用。2. 表示“每一”的概念,相当于every。3. 用于可数名词单数形式之前,表示人或事物的类别。4. 用于某些固定短语中。
    1. 指前文提到过的人或物,或特指某人或某物。2. 指谈话双方都知道的人或物。 3. 用于序数词以及形容词的最高级之前。4. 用于指世界上独一无二的事物。 5. 用于表示方位的名词前。6. 在江河、海洋、山脉等地理名词前及由普通名词构成的专有名词前。7. 用在乐器名称的前面表弹奏。 8. 在某些形容词前加定冠词,表示一类人或物。 9. 用于姓氏复数形式之前,表示“一家人”或“夫妇两人”。 10. 用于某些固定短语中。
    1. 名词前已有物主代词、指示代词、不定代词、所有格或数词等作定语,则其前面不再用冠词。2. 在球类活动, 棋类, 学科名称和三餐的名词前不用冠词。3. 在表示洲名, 国名, 人名以及专有地名的名词前不加冠词。4. 在节假日, 星期, 季节, 月份等名词前不加冠词。5. V-ing形式前一般不用冠词。6. 表示交通工具的手段时,用“by+名词”表示,该名词前不用冠词。7. 名词+数词表示顺序时,前面不加冠词the; 序数词+名词表示顺序时,序数词前加冠词the。8. 表示时间或地点的一些“介词+名词”的词组和一些固定词组中,均不加冠词。
    1. Finish the exercises in Learning English.2. Preview the grammar: Articles.

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