展开高考英语读后续写素材积累一、单词替换成短语like--------have a passion forbegin--------get down to decide--------make up one’s mindcry--------burst into tears remember--------bear...in mind come--------draw nearimportant--------of importance refuse--------turn down finally--------in the end/ at lengthsee-------- catch sight of about---------with regard to affect--------have an effect/influence onusually--------more often than not meet--------come across solve--------work out/ figure out二、句子表达1.情绪、神态描写1).Hearing this, he was wild with joy,tears of happiness flooding his eyes.听到这话,他欣喜若狂,喜悦的泪水充满了他的眼睛。2).A smile of joy and satisfaction lit up her face.她微笑着,脸上呈现出快乐与满意的神色。3)Seeing the beautiful sight, he could hardly conceal his excitement.看到这样的美景,他几乎无法掩饰自己的兴奋。4)Hearing that he was coming, the children yelled with excitement and could hardly wait to see him.听说他要来,孩子们兴奋得喊叫起来,都迫不及待地想见他。5)Mary’s face turned to thunder.玛丽的表情变得愤怒起来。6)A flush of anger spread across his cheeks.一抹愤怒的红晕掠过他的面颊。7)Thousands of eyes fixed upon him, the speaker felt very nervous so that his mind went blank.几千双眼睛盯着他,演讲者感到非常紧张以至于他的大脑一片空白。8)All the people present stared at him in amazement.在场所有人都惊异地盯着他。9)He was so astonished that he was at a loss what to say他是如此吃惊以至于不知道说什么好。10)He hugged me tightly, tears of gratitude welling up in his eyes.他紧紧地拥抱着我,眼里涌出感激的泪水。11)Unwillingly, I accompanied her to the cinema.我不情愿地陪她去了电影院。12)My mother was content with what I had done and I was proud of it as well.我妈妈对我所做的事很满意,我也为此感到骄傲。2.动作描写1)She got up in a rage and stormed out.她愤怒地站起来,气冲冲地走了。2)I stopped where I was, trembling with shock.我停在原地,吓得发抖。3)I was speechless with horror and unable to move.我吓得说不出话来,动弹不得。4)A boy with a cheery face bounded into the room,laughing.一个兴高采烈的男孩笑着蹦蹦跳跳地走进房间。5)Gently, Mom picked it up from the box and put it on the floor.妈妈轻轻地把它从盒子里拿出来, 放在地板上。6)The young girl blushed with delight and leaped.年轻姑娘高兴地脸都红了,跳了起来。3.主题升华句1)It is happier to help others than enjoy ourselves.帮助他人比自我享乐要更快乐。2)It is love that makes the world warmer and warmer.是爱使这个世界越来越温暖。3)Helping others is helping ourselves.帮助别人就是帮助自己。4)Sometimes,a small act of kindness may be powerful enough to make a huge difference.有时候,一个小小的善举可能足以产生巨大的影响5)Never underestimate the power of your action.With one small gesture,you may not only spread love,but also positively influence others’ lives.永远不要低估你的行动的力量。你的一个小小的动作,不仅可以传播爱,还可以对别人的生活产生积极的影响。三、高级句式(一)非谓语动词having done1.在家整整复习了一个周末,他满怀信心地期待即将到来的考试。Having reviewed his lessons for a whole weekend at home, he expected the coming exam with confidence.2.她接连经历了那么多次失败后,终于振作起来了。Having experienced so many failures one after another, she finally picked herself up.3.在银行排队等了一个小时后,这个女人变得不耐烦,然后离开了。Having waited in line for an hour at the bank, the woman grew impatient and left.4.她在街上漫无目的地逛了好几个小时,感到有点饿,想吃点东西。Having wandered aimlessly in the street for hours, she felt a little hungry and wished for something to eat.5.向邻居们打了招呼后,我们开始搭起崭新的帐篷。Having greeted our neighbors, we began to set up our brand-new tent.6.说出真相后,他心里轻松了很多,心情放松地回家了。Having told the truth, he felt easier in his mind and returned home with a lighter heart.7.做好充分的准备后,她站在窗边,期待着女儿的到来。Having made full preparations, she stood by the window, expecting the arrival of her daughter.8.为了给裁判留下好印象,我花了很大力气,因此当知道自己没有赢的时候我很失望。Having made a huge effort to impress the judges, I was rather disappointed on knowing that I didn’t win.9.得到了我会在家里好好照顾母亲的承诺后,爸爸放心地把行李放进了他的后备箱。Having gotten my promise of taking good care of my mother at home, my father rested assured and put his luggage into the trunk of his car.10.因为承诺了五点之前我们一定到那儿,所以当车抛锚的时候,我非常慌张。Having promised that we would get there before five, I was seized with panic when the car broke down. (二)非谓语动词doing/done, with复合结构1.我小心翼翼打开信,希望能找到一些有关钱包主人身份的线索。I opened the letter carefully, hoping for some clue to the identity of the owner of the wallet.2.女孩微笑着,长发在微风中飘动。The girl smiled with her long hair flowing in the breeze.3.他的妻子伤心极了,眼里满是泪水。His wife was in deep sorrow with her eyes filled with tears.4.他又沮丧又低落,低着头,走在队伍的最后。Depressed and low-spirited, he walked at the end of the line with his head drooping.5.他聚精会神地听着,咬着嘴唇,眼睛盯着地板。He listened with close attention, biting his lips and staring at the floor.6.天亮时Jane醒了,觉得头晕晕的。It was daybreak when Jane woke up with her head spinning.7.意外毁了他的计划,他愤怒地大叫了一声。With his plan ruined by the accident, he let out a cry of anger.8.“当然有圣诞老人啊”,奶奶说道,一边用手指拨弄着我的头发。“Of course, there is a Santa Clause.” Grandma said, stroking her fingers through my hair.9.她感到累极了,坐在溪边,让疼痛的双脚放松一下。She felt exhausted and sat by the stream, resting her aching feet.10.她穿着圣诞老人的服装,悄悄溜进房间,没有被看到。Dressed in a Santa Claus costume, she slipped into the room without being noticed.11.Jane觉得冷得无法忍受,精疲力竭,完全不知道该如何应对这种可怕的情况。Feeling unbearably cold and extremely exhausted, Jane was quite at a loss as to how to cope with the terrible situation.12.Ronny沉浸在强烈的恐惧感中,一句话也说不出来。Immersed in a strong sense of scare, Ronny couldn’t utter a single word.13.他屏住呼吸,尽力不发出任何声音,免得让人知道他来了。He held his breath, trying not to make the slightest sound that might betray his presence.14.好奇心切,她从河岸边跑开,穿过田野去追兔子。Burning with curiosity, she ran away from the riverbank and across the field to chase after the rabbit.15.他痛苦地喘着气,强迫自己站了起来,迈着缓慢的步子,摇摇晃晃地开始走。Gasping with pain, he forced himself to his feet and with slow, shaky steps, began to walk.16.充分利用这次近距离接触,我给这只熊拍了一些照片。(2020年7月浙江卷)Making the best of this close encounter, I took some pictures of the bear.17.简在黑暗中躺在床上睡不着,她非常想和汤姆以及家人在一起。(2016年10月浙江卷)Lying awake in the dark, Jane wanted very much to be with Tom and her family.18.他站起来,拥抱父母,微笑着,努力不让情绪影响到自己。(2020年1月浙江卷)He stood up, hugged his parents, and smiled, trying not to let his emotions get the better of him.19.爬到高处后,她转过身,希望能看到湖泊。(2016年10月浙江卷)After she had climbed to a high place, she turned around, hoping to see the lake.20.母亲离开房间后,孩子们坐在那里想着伯纳德的事情。(2020年新高考全国Ⅰ卷)After their mother left the room, the children sat thinking about Bernard.21.我害羞地环顾四周,只发现一个老人站在角落里。I looked around shyly, only to find an elderly man standing at the corner.22.既害怕又震惊,贝蒂一句话也说不出来。Scared and shocked, Betty couldn't say a word.23.他和安妮于1960年结婚,他们没有孩子。Married in 1960, he and Anne were childless.24.受到这些话的启发,他开始脱颖而出,并在整个学校生活中继续这门课程。Inspired by the words, he began to excel and continued this course throughout his school life.25.没有男孩住的房子如同一座坟墓一般安静。(2020年1月浙江卷)The house seemed quiet as a tomb without the boy living there.26.除了我们之外,没有其他人离开这个房子,这个地方可以找些乐子。(2020年1月浙江卷)Without anybody left in the house but us, this place could use a bit of fun.27.他用一只手扶着栏杆,向狼喷了喷雾。(2017年6月浙江卷)With one hand on the bars, he fired the spray at the wolf.28.一切准备就绪,伯纳德开始了他的新业务。(2020年新高考全国Ⅰ卷)With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business.四、背诵素材(一)01.One evening Mr.Loisel came home with a big smile on his face.一天晚上,Loisel 先生回家, 脸上挂满了笑容。02.She eagerly opened the envelope and pulled out a little card.On it were printed these words: ....她急切地打开信封,拿出一张小卡片。上面印着这些字...03.Instead of being delighted, as her husband had hoped, Matilda frowned andtossed the invitation on the table.玛蒂尔达没有像她丈夫所希望的那样高兴,而是皱起眉头,把请柬扔到桌上。04.She just tossed her head and walked off.她头一甩(tɒs以表示恼怒或不耐烦),走开了。05.He suddenly stopped talking, for he saw that his wife was beginning to cry.Two tears rolled slowly down her face.他突然不说话了,因为他看到他的妻子开始哭了。两滴眼泪慢慢地顺着她的脸流下来。06.She wiped her wet cheeks with the back of her hand.她用手背擦泪湿的面颊。07.Matilda thought about this for a few seconds.She was wondering how much she could ask for without frightening her thrifty husband.玛蒂尔达想了一会儿。她想知道自己要多少钱才能不吓到节俭的ˈθrɪfti丈夫。08.The party was only a few days away.Matilda's gown was ready, but she seemed sad, troubled and uneasy.离舞会只有几天了。玛蒂尔达的礼服ɡaʊn已经准备好了,但她似乎很悲伤、烦恼和不安。09.She looked into his troubled face.她仔细打量着他那张布满愁容的脸。10.He suddenly exclaimed, "How foolish we are! Ask your friend to lend you some jewels.She'll be glad to do you a favor."他突然喊道ɪkˈskleɪm: "我们真傻!请你的朋友借给你一些珠宝。她很乐意帮你一个忙。"11.She opened her eyes and exclaimed in delight at the scene.她睁开眼睛,看到这情景,高兴得叫出声来。12.The next day she went to her friend's house and explained the situation.Mrs.Forester immediately opened a drawer, took out a large jewel box, and held it out to Matilda.第二天,她去她朋友家解释了情况。弗雷斯特太太立刻打开抽屉,拿出一个大珠宝盒,递给玛蒂尔达。13."I'm Nancy Drew," she said, holding out her hand."我是南希·德鲁,”她伸出手来说。14.Then suddenly she saw a magnificent diamond necklace.Her hands shook as she picked it up, and her heart pounded with desire as she held it against her neck.She looked at herself in delight.突然她看到一条华丽的mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt钻石项链。当她拿起它时,她的手在颤抖,当她把它靠在脖子上时,她的心因渴望而怦怦直跳。她高兴地看着自己。15.Her heart was pounding with excitement.她激动得心怦怦直跳。16.Matilda threw her arms around her friend and kissed her.Then she rushed home with her treasure.玛蒂尔达搂着她的朋友亲吻了她。然后她带着她的财宝赶回家。17.The day of the party finally came.Mrs.Loisel was a great success.She was the prettiest woman there, charming and smiling.舞会的日子终于到了。Loisel太太非常成功。她是那里最漂亮的女人,满面春风。18.It was after midnight when they got ready to go home.他们准备回家的时候已经是深夜了。19.After a few minutes they found a cab and headed for home.The cabstopped at their door and they wearily went up to their apartment.几分钟后,他们找到一辆出租车,回家去。出租车停在他们家门口,他们疲惫不堪地向公寓走去。20."Anything else?" Colum asked.Kathryn shook her head wearily."还有别的吗?" 科拉姆问。凯瑟琳疲惫地ˈwɪərili摇了摇头。21.Matilda took off her coat in front of the mirror.She wanted to take one last look at herself in her gown.Suddenly she cried out in horror, "The necklace! The diamond necklace! It's gone!"玛蒂尔达在镜子前脱下外套。她想最后一次看了看自己穿着长袍的样子。突然她惊恐地大叫: "项链!钻石项链!它不见了!" (二)01.Farmton wondered what to say to the girl.弗雷姆顿想知道该对女孩说些什么。02.He looked around the room and wondered whether or not Mrs.Sappleton was married.他环顾了一下房间,想知道萨普尔顿太太是否结婚了。03.You are probably wondering why we keep that window wide open on a day in October.你可能想知道为什么我们在十月的某一天把窗户敞开着。04."Do you know many people around here? "the young lady finally asked.Her words broke a long silence.“你认识很多人吗?”这位年轻女士最后问道。她的话打破了长久的沉默。05.He nerved himself to ask her out.他鼓足勇气去约她出来。06.The girl's voice began to crack."Poor, dear aunt," said the girl.女孩的声音开始嘶哑。”可怜的,亲爱的阿姨,”女孩说。07.Her voice cracked and she began to cry.她的声音变得沙哑,继而哭了起来。08.He always sang that to tease her because she said it got on her nerves.他总是唱那首歌来取笑她,因为她说过那让她很紧张。09.Framton paused and then added, "The doctors do not agree about what foods I should eat."弗雷姆顿停顿了一下,接着又说道:“医生们对我应该吃什么食物没有达成一致意见。”10."Really?" said Mrs.Sappleton,beginning to yawn.Then suddenly she sat up straight in her chair and looked bright and alert.“真的吗?”萨普尔顿太太说,开始打哈欠。然后她突然在椅子上坐直,看起来很警觉。11."Here they are at last!" she exclaimed."They're just in time to have tea/in time for tea.And, as I thought, they have mud all over their boots.""他们终于来了!"她叫道, "他们正好赶上喝茶。我想,他们的靴子上全是泥。"12.Framton shivered slightly.He shook his head sadly and turned to the girl to give her a look of pity.弗雷姆顿微微发抖。他伤心地摇摇头,转向这个女孩,表示同情。13.But the girl was staring out through the open window.Her eyes were wide with horror.A chill went up his back as he turned around in fear.但那女孩正透过开着的窗户向外张望。她吓得睁大了眼睛。弗雷姆顿害怕地转过身来,后背一阵寒意袭来。14.In the dim light, three figures were walking across the lawn toward the window.在昏暗的灯光下,三个人正穿过草坪走向窗户。15.Framton grabbed his hat and ran wildly out of the house.Someone riding a bicycle had to drive into a bush to keep from hitting him.弗雷姆顿抓起帽子,疯狂地跑出了房子。骑自行车的人不得不把车开进灌木丛里,以免撞到他。16.He nodded gravely as I poured out my troubles.我倾诉我的苦恼时他心情沉重地点了点头。17.A tired brown dog stayed close to their heels.Without making a sound, they moved closer to the house.一只疲惫不堪的棕色狗紧紧地跟在他们的后面。他们没有发出声音,就向房子靠近了。18.A pack of hungry dogs stood a few feet above him, barking and snarling and growling.一群饥饿的狗站在他上方几英尺的地方,吠叫着,怒吼着,咆哮着。19.He could only talk about how ill he was.Then he ran away without saying a word when you arrived.One would think he had seen a ghost.他只说他病得有多严重。你们到的时候他一句话也没说就跑了。有人会以为他看见鬼了。