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    高 一 英 语 试 卷
    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
    如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡 上,写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
    做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答 案转涂到答题卡上。
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话 仅读一遍:
    1. What does the man want the woman to do?
    A. Draw a picture. B. Take a photo. C. Buy a camera.
    2.When are the speakers chatting most probably?
    A.In the afternoon. B. In the morning. C. At night.
    3.How much does the dress cost?
    A.$10. B.$45. C.$50.
    4.Where will the man stay?
    A. In Los Angeles. B. In Chicago. C. In Houston
    5. How does the woman usually eat?
    A.She often eats junk food. B. Her mom cooks for her.C. She never eats dinner.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完 后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6.What's the most probable relationship between the speakers?
    A.Teacher and student. B. Wife and husband. C. Boss and secretary.

    7.Where are the speakers going?
    A.To a restaurant. B. To a bookstore. C. To their kitchen.
    8. What did the woman do last night?
    A. She cared for her mom. B.She went to a concert. C. She went to night school. 9. Why did the man call?
    A. To buy a ticket.
    B. To get to know Miss Lee.
    C. To ask about the homework.
    10. When will the man begin to exercise?
    A.At 2:00. B.At 2:20. C.At 2:30.
    11.How far is the gym?
    A. One mile away. B. A 10-minute walk. C.A 15-minute ride.

    12.What are the speakers going to do in the afternoon?
    A. Go to the gym B. Take an exam. C. Go to a movie.
    13. Who plays the piano now?
    A.The woman. B. The woman's daughter.C. The woman's mother.
    14.How often did the woman play the piano?
    A. Twice a day. B. Five times a week. C. Almost every day.
    15.What's the woman?
    A.A writer. B. A singer. C. A pianist.
    16.What's the book that the woman mentioned about?
    A. A girl who wants to be an astronaut.
    B. A woman dreaming of being a writer.
    C. A woman who likes playing the piano.
    17.When did the speaker and Lily become friends?
    A. Two years ago. B. Five years ago. C.Ten years ago.
    18.What does Lily like?
    A. Singing. B. Doing sports. C. Drawing.
    19.What's Maria's favourite sport?
    A.Basketball. B. Ping-pong C.Football.
    20. How old is Lisa?
    A.Twelve. B. Thirteen. C. Fourteen.

    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A
    Each country and culture has its own set of public holidays and festivals.While some of these holidays and festivals like Christmas and New Year are common across the world,there are many more holidays that are unknown outside of national borders.
    1. Blessed Rainy Day
    Life in a country where it rains a lot can be hard. In Bhutan,Blessed Rainy Day is the holiday marking the end of the monsoon season(雨季).On this day,everyone is encouraged to enjoy a bath out of the house to wash away bad luck.
    2. Melon Day
    Turkmenistan's Melon Day is a celebration of their national fruit.It takes place on the second Sunday in August.Thousands of mouth-watering melons are given away in the heat of the Turkmen capital Ashgabat on Sunday to celebrate Melon Day.
    3.“Punch Your Neighbor”Festival
    The cities of Potosi and Macha in Bolivia hold the festival in the Bolivian Andes Mountains in May every year.It's celebrated by thousands of people and it's based on the Quechua word “Tinku”that means“meeting” .The meaning of the word has become worse as it now is celebrated with beatings that can actually really hurt people.
    4.Haxey Hood
    The Haxey Hood game in England has a big group of people trying to push a small leather tube(管子)towards one of the four pubs(酒馆)in town,where it will stay until the following year's game. Once a person has the tube,he cannot run with it or throw it. He has to pass it on to people on his team. The game usually lasts a few hours.
    21.How do people celebrate Blessed Rainy Day most probably?
    A. By pouring water on others. B. By belssing rainy days indoors.
    C. By getting wet in the rain. D. By taking a bath in the bathroom.
    22.Where would you go if you want to get free fruit?
    A.To Bhutan. B.To Turkmenistan. C.To Bolivia. D. To England.
    23.What should people do in Haxey Hood?
    A. Run with a team. B. Push each other forward.
    C. Try to win a drink at a pub. D. Pass a tube towards a pub.

    Many of my friends meet on Wednesday in the morning to go to a specific parking lot sale held at a second-hand store. We love it because we can put whatever fits into the grocery bag

    for just $1
    As we finished one day and paid our dollars,we noticed the clothing that remained was being thrown into their trash(垃圾)can . We asked why,and they said they had no room for the extra clothes.I asked them why they have not contacted other places like churches,shelters for women and children.They said they did several times in the past and they only came two or three times and stopped as they had to be there at a specific time in the morning which was right after the parking lot sale.After coming a few times,most of these organizations quit.
    Well,we said that we could take whatever was left. They agreed!So we loaded our two cars up to the roadside and dragged it to our city. We have done this every Wed now for two years!We opened up a clothing closet called Gifts Of Grace when a storage facility donated two units to us. We were holding yard sales and markets until then for anyone who needed clothing.
    Now we have a real building and advertise free clothing for anyone who has the need. We have served hundreds of families in the tough economy(经济)so far with the clothing they were just going to throw away. Now our community is better because of it. Their lives are made a bit easier to have this opportunity to find nice clothing for not one single penny.
    We volunteer and run it about two or three days a week.
    24.Why did the organizations quit according to the workers at the store?
    A. They didn't arrive on time. B. They didn't need the clothes.
    C. They didn't have extra space. D. They didn't have a suitable time.
    25.What does the underlined word“it”in the third paragraph refer to?
    A. The author's car. B. The remaining clothing.
    C. The specific parking lot. D. The author's grocery bag.

    26.How does the author feel about what he has done?
    A.Fortunate. B. Proud. C. Inspired. D. Surprised.
    27. Which of the following may the author agree with?
    A. When you help others,you also help yourself.
    B. A friend indeed is known by sharing his wealth.
    C. One person's trash is another person's treasure.
    D. It is everyone's responsibility to make use of waste.
    An early night can work wonders for kids with new research showing sleep can reduce
    Body Mass Index(BMI)just as well as exercise.
    Australian scientists have discovered that while physical exercise gives great all-round health and welbeing,children can achieve the same 7.4 per cent reduction in BMI by either exercising 17 minutes more a day,sleeping an extra 52 minutes or reducing their sitting time by
    an extra 56 minutes.

    The study,from the University of South Australia,the Murdoch Children's Research Institute and the National Heart Foundation of Australia,assessed(评估)1,179 children aged
    11 and 12.
    “International guidelines suggest that children need 9 to ll hours of sleep,60 minutes of physical exercise and no more than two hours of relaxing screen time per day,yet only 7 per cent of children can meet these goals,”said lead researcher Dr. Dot Dumuid,from the University of South Australia.
    Queensland sleep expert Amanda Bude said sleep had an influence on children's physical and mental(心理的)health . “Sleep health is not just about the physical characteristics(特 征)of health but also the mental health and safety of our teens .Not getting enough of sleep can have a bad influence on emotional development and even cause some mental health problems.It is so important that parents are able to help their children deal with the over scheduling of their busy lives and keep healthy as well.As a child enters the teenage years
    their circadian clock(生物钟)starts to set later and later and finding a balance is important,”
    she said.
    Sunshine Coast mum Cindy Buswell said keeping her four children active during the day helped them get a good night's sleep.“Good sleep and exercise should go hand-in-hand not one or the other,”she said.
    Sandringham mum Maxine Thomson also thought that sleep was important for her two daughters.“They have always had pretty good habits.At 8 p.m. we do reading and wind down,”she said.
    28.How long do the international guidelines suggest for children's screen time?

    A. Only one hour.
    C. Not more than one hour.
    29. How does the author develop the passage? A. By giving explanations.
    C. By asking questions.
    B. Just two hours.
    D. Less than two hours.

    B. By following time order.
    D. By showing cause and effect.

    30.What does the underlined phrase“wind down”in the last paragraph mean?
    A. Relax slowly B. Suddenly stop.
    C. Fall asleep. D. Get recovered.
    31.What's a suitable title for the passage?
    A. Do the right amount of sleep and never overdo it
    B. Sleep is just as good as exercise to keep kids healthy
    C. Sleeping too much can be bad for your mental health
    D. Health and wellness are dependent on sleep and exercise

    You have probably heard the saying,“When life gives you lemons(柠檬),make lemonade.”Since lemons are considered bitter and lemonade is considered sweet,the saying tells you to make the best out of a bad situation.
    Unfortunately,when something bad happens,it's not uncommon for most people to talk about it to anyone who'll listen,and complain(抱怨)about life,“Why me?”That's like getting a bag of lemons,putting them down,and thinking“Lemons taste bad!Id rather have chocolate!”If you don't make anything with the lemons,they will go bad. But what if you did something with them? What if you made lemonade? Isn't it possible to do something similar with a bad situation? Here's an example:Let's say you're about to go to the movies,but you discover you have a flat tire(瘪胎) .You consider this a terrible thing .After all,you are really looking forward to spending some time with Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. Now you're all stressed out,hating the tire,the car,and your life.But what if you called AAA,got your tire fixed or got caught up on things that you'd been meaning to do? What if you did some reading,or had coffee with a friend instead?A bad experience can be turned into something good. Almost anything can work itself out into something better.You can't change what has happened,right? So make the best of it.I'm not saying it will be easy.The easy thing to do is complain about your bad situation and not consider what it could be turned into.
    Next time when some unfortunate things happen stop and think,“How can I turn this around? How can I make it an awesome experience?”You needn't fear difficulties.As long as you keep on changing it,you will see the benefits at last.
    32. Why does the author quote the saying in paragraph 1?
    A. To lead in the topic. B. To raise a question.
    C. To tell the difference. D. To introduce the speaker.

    33.What do most people usually do when something bad happens?
    A. Accept it. B. Find out the reasons.
    C. Ask others for help. D. Complain about it.
    34.Why does the author use the example of seeing a movie?
    A. To tell us how to avoid awkward situations.
    B. To tell us that a flat tire happens from time to time.
    C. To tell us what we can do when in bad situations.
    D. To tell us meeting film stars is a very exciting experience.
    35.According to the author,what is the best way to deal with a bad situation?
    A. Trying hard to solve it . B. Laughing your way through it.
    C. Turning it into something good. D. Thinking more about its benefits.

    根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。
    We all know what harnful drinks can cause:obesity,heart problems,stomach pain,skin diseases,calories … This list sounds so scary so Idon't want to continue it.But what if… what if we completely replace all drinks with water. 36
    You lose weight faster.
    Yeah,you do!No special diet is required. You replace all drinks with water for 9 days, and you'll lose the equal amount of calories as when jogging for 8 kilometers a day. 37 I'm going to try it out.Are you?
    Your brain works better.
    Do you know that your brain is 75% to 85% water — nothing else just water?So by drinking,you fuel it,which helps you concentrate. Drink water to work more efficiently. Cope with all daily tasks quickly. 38 Doesn't this sound like a dream?
    Your heart works better.
    Yes,it's a true fact.Five glasses of water a day lowers the risk of a heart attack by 41%! 39 So what are you waiting for?Have a glass of water to stay healthy.
    Water reduces appetite(食欲),which helps you lose weight .Also sometimes,we confuse hunger with thirst.If you suddenly want to eat something high-calorie,maybe all you need is just a glass of water.Try it out next time you feel hungry. It really works.
    A. You eat less.
    B. You never feel thirsty.
    C. How can we change our life?
    D. This number is really impressive.
    E. What would happen with our bodies then?
    F. And you will stay energized even late in the evening.
    G. This seems to be a great way to stay slim without much effort.

    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。
    A daughter was tired of fighting.She thought about 41 .It seemed as if one problem
    was just solved before a new one 42
    Her father took her to the kitchen. He 43 three pots with water and placed each on a

    fire. He placed carrots,eggs,coffee beans in each of the pots. He let them boil,without
    saying a word.
    The daughter 44 waited,asking repeatedly what he was doing. In about twenty minutes he turned 45 the buners. He pulled the carrots and the eggs out and placed them each in a bowl. Then he spooned the coffee out and placed it in another. 46 her he asked,
    “Darling,what do you see?”
    “Carrots,eggs,and coffee,”she 47 . He asked her to feel the carrots. She did so
    and noted that they were soft. He then asked her to take an egg and break it.After 48 off the shell,she found the hard-boiled egg!Finally, he asked her to taste the coffee.She smiled as she tasted its rich flavor(香味) . She 49 asked,“What does it mean,Father?”
    He explained that each of them had faced the same 50 ,boiling water,but each reacted differently. The carrot had been hard. But after 51 the boiling water,it softened. The egg had been easily 52 . But after sitting through the boiling water,its 53 became hardened. The coffee beans were different,however.After they were in the boiling water,they had changed the 54 .“Which are you?”he asked.“When challenge knocks on your door,
    how do you 55?Are you a carrot,an egg,or a coffee bean?”
    41. A. making up B. giving up C. keeping up D. signing up
    42. A. quit B. failed C. asked D. arose
    43. A. filled B. coyered C. cleaned D. washed
    44. A. kindly B. happily C. impatiently D. independently
    45. A. on B. off C. up D. down
    46. A. Fed up with B. Catching up with C. Turning to D. Moved by
    47. A. applied B. described C. argued D. replied
    48. A. pulling B. letting C. biting D. putting
    49. A. sharply B. awkwardly C. disappointedly D. humbly
    50. A. strength B. relief C. challenge D. failure
    51. A. drinking B. feeling C. passing D. suffering
    52. A. removed B. broken C. boiled D. prepared
    53. A. sound B. side C. face D. inside
    54. A. water B. function C. power D. pot
    55. A. respond B. recover C. choose D. calm

    Most of the Christmas traditions in Greece are 56 (slight)different from the West. Children travel from house to house on Christmas Eve singing carols(颂歌)and offering their
    good wishes.In return, they will receive sweets,coins,small gifts and other things of appreciation.
    In major cities and towns of Greece,decorations 57 (make)with brilliant lights hung
    across the streets. Shops are decorated with all the usual Christmas 58 (decoration).A
    number of rituals(仪式)are connected with the 59 (celebrate)of the festival.
    During the day,the mother of a family sprinkles(撒)some holy water in each room 60 (scare)bad spirits away.The bad spirits are supposed to do bad things like putting out fires and making milk go off. Besides, 61 time to time priests(牧师)go to the houses
    sprinkling holy water around so that bad spirits dare not to come any 62 (long).
    In most Greek homes,an evergreen tree is decorated with a star placed on top. 63 is known that the main Christmas meal is roasted lamb and pork along with salads and vegetables. In addition,people enjoy 64 (they)by eating Christmas desserts like Melomakarona,egg-
    shaped biscuits 65 are made from flour,olive oil and honey.

    第四部分 写作(共三节,满分50分)
    第一节 汉译英(根据提示词完成句子)(每小题2分;共10分)
    66. 他通过努力工作在篮球队谋得一席之地。(earn)
    67. 我不会让你们失望的。(down)
    68. 我一到老家就被河南话包围了。(moment)
    69. 在春节的第一天,孩子们都穿上新衣服。(put)
    70. 我们市出行便利。 (convenient)
    第二节 书面表达(满分15分)

    “It's a waste of time”,I said when my mom told me Ihad to join Madcaps,a mother and daughter's club helping the poor,and then when she told me Ihad to volunteer at a homeless
    shelter(场所)I thought this just could not get worse .
    We got there late and walked to the dirty homeless shelter,where we saw a lady shouting at the guard. He dealt with her and then led us to the kitchen where we ran into my five fellow
    Madcaps class of 2017 mothers and daughters. Since I'm usually so socially awkward I had met
    only one person at the pool party.I looked around for my mom but she was not there.I was
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Soon the homeless families started to walk in and a little girl,around 5 years old, walked up and pointed to the food I was handing out.

    After that moment I had a change of heart and began to love Madcaps.

    1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.C
    11.B 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.A 17.C 18.A 19.C 20.B
    21.C 22.B 23.D 24.D 25.B 26.B 27.C 28.B 29.A 30.A
    31.B 32.A 33.D 34.C 35.C 36.E 37.G 38.F 39.D 40.A
    41.B 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.B 46.C 47.D 48.A 49.D 50.C
    51.D 52.B 53.D 54.A 55.A
    56. slightly 57.are made 58.decorations 59.celebration 60.to scare 61.from 62.longer 63.It 64.themselves 65.which/that
    66.He earned his place on the basketball team by working hard.
    67.I won't let you down.
    68.The moment I got to my hometowm,I was surrounded by Henan accents.
    69.On the first day of Spring Festival,children put on new clothes.
    70.It's convenient to travel around in our city.

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