Most forms of conventional advertising — print, radio and broadcast television — have been losing ground to online ads for years; only billboards, dating back to the 1800s, and TV ads are holding their own. Such out-of-home advertising, as it is known, is expected to____1____ by 3.4% in 2022, and digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising, which includes the LCD screens found in airports and shopping malls, by 16%. Such ads draw viewers5 attention from phones and cannot be skipped or ____2____, unlike ads online.
Billboard owners are also ____3____ the location data that are pouring off people’s smartphones. Information about their owners’ locations and online browsing gets collected and sold to media owners. They then use these data to work out when different groups — “business travellers”, say — walk by their ads. That____4____ is added to insights into traffic, weather and other external data to produce highly relevant ads. DOOH ____5____ can deliver ads for coffee when it is cold and iced drinks when it is warm.
Such ____6____ works particularly well when it is accompanied by “programmatic” advertising methods, a term that describes the use of data to automate and improve ads. In the past year billboard owners such as Clear Channel and jcDecaux have ____7____ programmatic platforms which allow brands and media buyers to select, purchase and place ads in minutes, rather than days or weeks. It is said that outdoor ads will increasingly be bought like online ones, based on audience and views as well as____8____.
That is possible because billboard owners claim to be able to ____9____ how well their ads are working, even though no “click-through” rates are involved. Data firms can tell advertisers how many people walk past individual advertisements at particular times of the day. Advertisers can estimate how many individuals ____10____ to an ad for a handbag then go on to visit a nearby shop (or website) and buy the product. Such metrics make outdoor ads more____11____ -driven, automated and measurable, argues Michael Provenzano, co-founder of Vistar Media, an ad-tech firm in New York.
However, the outdoor-ad revolution is not ____12____ -free. The collection of mobile-phone data raises privacy concerns. And ____13____ of the online-ad business for being vague, and occasionally dishonest, may also be targeted at the OOH business as it becomes bigger and more complex. The industry is ready to____14____ such concerns, says Jean-Christophe Conti, chief executive of VIOOH, a media-buying platform. One of the____15____ of following the online-ad pioneers, he notes, is learning from their mistakes.
1.A.shrink B.grow C.disappear D.emerge
2.A.obtained B.blocked C.separated D.arranged
3.A.making progress in B.getting engaged in C.becoming part of D.taking advantage of
4.A.value B.record C.knowledge D.feeling
5.A.opponents B.providers C.learners D.instructors
6.A.adding B.collecting C.targeting D.producing
7.A.changed B.forbidden C.cleared D.launched
8.A.marketing B.evolution C.location D.branding
9.A.measure B.wonder C.notice D.forget
10.A.devoted B.opposed C.related D.exposed
11.A.concept B.data C.customer D.research
12.A.stress B.conflict C.injury D.problem
13.A.aspects B.demands C.criticisms D.details
14.A.address B.share C.reflect D.emphasize
15.A.benefits B.difficulties C.challenges D.conditions
Many people I know(including members of my family) feel exercise is a time-consuming and unpleasant activity. They need to change into other clothes, to frequently take a block of time out of busy lives, and to get dirty and exhausted: they find it all ____16____. But I’ve always____17____ the hard work and even the satisfaction of earning the next day’s sore muscles. And I had a slight sense of pride in knowing not only that I was helping the biological machinery that promotes health but also that I got a nice side____18____ of being able to eat cookies because I’d burned extra calories.
____19____ Or, at least, not entirely right. As science shows over and over again, our intuitive ideas of how things work often don’t ____20____ in the face of data and careful analysis. The benefits of exercise are a case in point. In this issue’s cover story, “The Exercise Paradox scientist Herman Pontzer describes a surprising and fascinating result of evolution: humans bum about the same number of calories regardless of ____21____ level. And compared with other animals, we use a lot of calories. In addition to ____22____ our common sense, the findings provide further insights about why our kind has been so extraordinarily successful, becoming the ____23____ force on the planet. By the way, to be clear, we should all ____24____. Regular activity does help our inner engines run right, and it has some benefits in elevating mood and improving cognition (认知). But enabling weight loss regardless of diet? Not so much.
The knowledge that we have had the capability to rule over our own world has____25____ the idea that we would someday also come to live on other planets. To be sure, that____26____ encompasses healthy amounts of romanticism, a sense of adventure and even concerns about having sufficient options to ensure our species long-term survival. ____27____ the “easy” problems of longer space journeys include escaping Earth’s gravity with rockets, building airtight ships with enough air to breathe, and carrying huge amounts food and water. A much harder____28____ is one that Hollywood never told you about: the damage to the brain done by cosmic radiation (宇宙射线),which neuroscientist Charles L. Limoli describes in “Deep-Space Deal Breaker.” Will it prove to be the barrier to our ____29____ “the final frontier? One thing is certain: the human ambition means we won’t ____30____ trying.
16.A.amusing B.unappealing C.convincing D.shocking
17.A.enjoyed B.minded C.reflected D.forgot
18.A.obstacle B.benefit C.impact D.view
19.A.Wonderful B.Wrong C.Pointless D.Right
20.A.stand up B.take off C.end up D.turn off
21.A.service B.income C.activity D.demand
22.A.underrating B.over-impressing C.under-training D.overturning
23.A.dominant B.singular C.cultural D.declining
24.A.celebrate B.return C.remember D.exercise
25.A.rejected B.considered C.questioned D.inspired
26.A.ruling B.survival C.knowledge D.shift
27.A.Besides B.Otherwise C.Similarly D.Unfortunately
28.A.routine B.version C.challenge D.option
29.A.demanding B.measuring C.conquering D.recognising
30.A.stop B.advise C.deserve D.keep
Beside pencil sharpeners and calendars in classrooms throughout Minnesota’s Lakeville Area Schools, there are now big blue boxes with a red button and the word POLICE. The button sends a text message to emergency correspondents, alerts the rest of the school to potential danger, and ___31___ 1,200 pounds of magnetic (磁性的) force to keep the door shut.
It’s one of the measures that Michael Baumann has employed to ___32___ the schools in his district and protect against active shooters since he became supervisor in 2017. He hired four more advisers to improve mental-health services. He established a team to monitor ___33___ threats of violence. He spent $14.4 million installing the emergency-alert system and building panels into walls that are designed to stop bullets—all ___34___ helping students and teachers survive an active shooter.
“Everybody goes to bed and thinks, ‘That’ll never happen in my school district. ‘ Well, I can tell you as a supervisor, that’s the ___35___ dream,” says Baumann, who previously served in the Army. “I felt like it was my ___36___ to do what I could.”
Fear of shootings has turned school security into a ___37___ industry. The market for school-security equipment and services reached $2.7 billion in 2017, according to a report by the research firm Omdia. That was before the 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., further increased the focus on security measures at schools.
The school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, on May 24 this year has restarted the discussion about whether safety measures at schools can ___38___ mass shootings. And many politicians, after indicating that they are ___39___ to support gun-safety lawmaking, have argued instead that heightened physical security measures are necessary to prevent future attacks.
____40____ , experts say it’s not clear that such measures actually make schools safer. Research shows that the number of deadly shootings at schools has increased since 2012, during a period in which protective measures also ____41____ . There also isn’t clear evidence that school resource officers (SROs) improve safety. SROs were ____42____ in Uvalde and in Parkland before the gunmen entered the schools, but failed to stop those shootings.
“When we add metal detectors, observation cameras, increased police presence, active-shooter drills, and we turn schools into this mix of castles and ____43____ ,” says Bryan Warnick, an education professor at Ohio State University.
Although many school districts invest in security in the hopes of preventing shootings, some worry that reinforcing schools ultimately makes ____44____ responsible for solving the gun-violence outbreak.
“Schools are ____45____ with trainings and new procedures,” Warnick says. “It’s a larger social problem of easy access to guns, of lack of access to mental-health care.”
31.A.reserves B.sustains C.activates D.balances
32.A.construct B.harden C.reopen D.finance
33.A.potential B.immediate C.mental D.empty
34.A.stood for B.depended on C.referred to D.aimed at
35.A.vivid B.horrible C.curious D.foolish
36.A.responsibility B.freedom C.instruction D.recreation
37.A.state-run B.high-tech C.booming D.domestic
38.A.monitor B.witness C.maintain D.cease
39.A.reluctant B.supposed C.delighted D.regretful
40.A.Instead B.However C.Meanwhile D.Therefore
41.A.relaxed B.withdrew C.expanded D.survived
42.A.on the scene B.behind time C.at a loss D.in return
43.A.hospitals B.prisons C.police station D.fire department
44.A.markets B.communities C.psychologists D.educators
45.A.secured tightly B.supported greatly C.turned upside down D.reformed more or less
When looking at ways to expand your business, does it make sense to go global? The answer is yes — expanding to international markets helps companies grow, increases buying power and diversifies market opportunities. It better prepares the company for changes in the ____46____ economy. It can result in increased profits, a diverse customer base and improved stability.
Before the pandemic, ____47____ expansion almost always meant international travel. ____48____ bias (偏见) in some countries historically made business expansion difficult for women, and international travel can ____49____ the delicate work-life balance entrepreneurs (企业家) of both sexes strive to maintain.
The Covid-19 pandemic ____50____ global e-commerce and opportunities. The world is conducting business ____51____ with far more success than anticipated. This shift to business by the internet presents tremendous global opportunities for women as it effectively makes the situation ____52____.
Conducting business on the internet ____53____ the complications of gender, race, religion, color and lifestyle, simplifying business down to the principles of supply and demand. This opens more doors for growth and enables entrepreneurs to study potential markets and the buyer’s journey from the ____54____of their own office.
So, how can you accomplish successful international expansion? First, identify your target market, and then develop an inbound marketing strategy.
This involves providing all the information your target consumers need on your _____55_____ so consumers can find you and research the answers to their initial questions on their own. With a defined inbound strategy, well-written content and social media outreach, you can bring _____56_____ buyers to you instead of continually searching for new buyers.
A vital part of your global inbound marketing strategy will be to translate important information from your website into your target consumer’s native language. Even if your target consumers are multilingual, most _____57_____ to buy from sites that provide information in their native language.
Then how can you develop your inbound marketing strategy? The first step is to select a market that _____58_____ your company goals and marketing strategy. Choose one country, one language, and develop a multilingual marketing strategy that defines your goals and prepares you to connect with prospective buyers. Once you create the plan and process for the first country, you can copy it when you’re ready to expand into _____59_____ markets.
You might believe that your business is too small to get involved with _____60_____ — but consider this: When you make use of the power of the internet, it doesn’t matter if your company is large or small. The key is to shift your focus from outbound to inbound marketing — and bring buyers to you.
46.A.booming B.domestic C.current D.industrial
47.A.rapid B.successful C.further D.global
48.A.Gender B.Media C.Cultural D.Political
49.A.keep B.upset C.promote D.restore
50.A.looks into B.breaks down C.speeds up D.responds to
51.A.desperately B.efficiently C.securely D.remotely
52.A.fair B.worse C.real D.reliable
53.A.increases B.promotes C.removes D.illustrates
54.A.angle B.comfort C.relief D.imagination
55.A.desk B.website C.shoulder D.market
56.A.qualified B.wealthy C.foreign D.optimistic
57.A.intend B.hesitate C.volunteer D.prefer
58.A.attaches to B.benefits from C.sees through D.agrees with
59.A.commercial B.additional C.overseas D.private
60.A.marketing B.financing C.exporting D.training
The human memory is phenomenally strong. It also has a habit of getting things badly wrong. According to Jonathan Hancock, our memory expert, faulty memories can be ___61___ revealing.
Just last week,___62___, my wife and I were discussing how we’d chosen our youngest son’s name. I had a ___63___ memory of us writing out a list of possible names, but stopping after just a few because we’d spotted one we both loved.
My wife ___64___. In her memory, we’d had a much longer list, and gone back and chosen one from the middle of the list.
So we dug out the piece of paper we’d used-and found that we’d actually done something completely ___65___ to choose Nate’s name.
Memory mistakes happen on a larger scale, too. The “Mandela Effect” is when lots of people have confident recollections that turn out to be ___66___. It was named by researchers who were discussing their strong memories of Nelson Mandela’s death in prison-when he actually lived for 23 years after his ___67___.
There are plenty of other examples of this phenomenon. If you’re sure that you remember seeing the Monopoly Man wearing a spyglass, for instance, or hearing a wicked queen say “Mirror, mirror on the wall,” you’ve ___68___ it yourself (he doesn’t, and she says, “Magic mirror on the wall”___69___).
So what’s going on? Well, for starters, memory often works by __70__, and similar bits of information can overlap in our brains. We’re also good at “filling in the blanks” with details that are logical but untrue. What’s more, whenever we run through a memory, we make it stronger—___71___ any bits that were wrong.
But there’s plenty of good news here, too.
Everyone misremembers. We shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves when we make mistakes. The mental associations that sometimes lead to ___72___ can also help us to find information otherwise difficult to locate.
If you’re __73__ with someone’s name, try thinking of things you associate with them, and see if your brain gets the push it needs.
Discussing your memories is great mental exercise. It highlights strengths and weaknesses, and lets you learn tips from others.
___74___ memories often builds a much more accurate picture. That was certainly true for my wife and me.
Make sure to remember that remembering is a creative ___75___: mind-blowingly powerful, and also likely to make mistakes.
61.A.subsequently B.extremely C.rarely D.instantly
62.A.on the contrary B.for example C.in addition D.by the way
63.A.faint B.smart C.painful D.vivid
64.A.inferred B.hesitated C.confirmed D.disagreed
65.A.different B.subjective C.primitive D.contradictory
66.A.wrong B.consistent C.substantial D.right
67.A.rejection B.release C.imprisonment D.movement
68.A.experienced B.witnessed C.anticipated D.spread
69.A.though B.finally C.instead D.otherwise
70.A.conservation B.separation C.facilitation D.association
71.A.excluding B.regarding C.including D.considering
72.A.errors B.trials C.facts D.data
73.A.competing B.struggling C.corresponding D.exchanging
74.A.Attaining B.Boosting C.Perceiving D.Comparing
75.A.component B.phase C.outcome D.process
Are you a digital hoarder?
Most people are familiar with hoarding (囤积) and the psychological issues associated with it. Hoarding leads to messy homes and difficulty ____76____ with items that you don’t use and don’t even need. But hoarding can also occur in the digital world.
Digital hoarding, also known as e-hoarding, is too much acquisition and ____77____ to delete electronic material no longer valuable to the user. Most computer users save digital files to some extent, and that’s expected. With digital hoarding, however, the act of saving the files becomes an uncontrollable ____78____. Digital hoarders may collect emails, photos, articles, podcasts, or any type of computer files they believe they may want to revisit in the future, and ultimately, in most cases, they ____79____ get to actually use it or listen to it or read it.
Digital hoarding also occurs when someone is too ____80____ to the data even to consider getting rid of it. This can include chats and photos of an old partner, ____81____ sent by a long-lost friend, or even screenshots collected several years ago.
Researchers have ____82____ digital hoarders into 4 different types, according to their characteristics. “Collectors” are organized, ____83____ and in control of their data. “Accidental hoarders”, also called “____84____ or disorganized hoarders”, don’t intentionally save unnecessary data. They just don’t know how to organize it. “The hoarders by instruction” keep data on behalf of their company (even when they could delete much of it). Finally, “anxious hoarders” have strong emotional ____85____ to their data — and are worried about deleting it.
The problem has only gotten worse since we have more ____86____ to digital storage than ever. In addition, cloud storage makes it incredibly easy to purchase more storage as needed. With ____87____ cloud space, it’s logical when network users don’t think twice about saving files.
However, studies found that digital hoarders experience increased levels of stress and now researchers are observing that the negative consequences of digital hoarding may be similar to those of ____88____ hoarding. ____89____, it’s important to set time aside to have a good clear-out, in the same way we do in the physical world. By organizing and ____90____ useless files in a regular way, people with this problem can ease some of their distress and clear their own mind as well.
76.A.stocking B.binding C.living D.parting
77.A.reluctance B.eagerness C.perspective D.fantasy
78.A.obstacle B.boost C.urge D.stream
79.A.substantially B.frequently C.autonomously D.rarely
80.A.transmitted B.closed C.attached D.assigned
81.A.flowers B.texts C.gifts D.letters
82.A.regulated B.categorized C.integrated D.stimulated
83.A.rigid B.generous C.patriotic D.systematic
84.A.disengaged B.enthusiastic C.reliable D.discriminated
85.A.appeals B.conflicts C.issues D.ties
86.A.access B.concern C.desire D.excuse
87.A.multiple B.secure C.limitless D.meaningless
88.A.massive B.regular C.casual D.physical
89.A.Instead B.However C.Otherwise D.Therefore
90.A.making use of B.taking care of C.getting rid of D.getting used to
Does a reassuring touch on the back bring you comfort during a tough day? A new study finds, when it comes to touching, people aren’t even ____91____ about who’s doing it. Researchers in Germany say the touch of a humanoid (人形的) robot makes people ____92____ and more likely to follow their requests.
Instead of being ____93____ on other humans, researchers are hoping that one day robots may be able to fulfill the roles of therapists, personal trainers, and even life coaches. Their study follows the widespread increase of touch ____94____ during the COVID-19 pandemic. Several studies have pointed out how physical distancing and isolation is creating a variety of negative effects that increase feelings of stress, depression, and anxiety.
In this research, 48 students engaged in a conversation with NAO – a programmable research robot. During the course, for some participants, the robot briefly and seemingly randomly ____95____ the back of the participant’s hand.
This differed from the design of other studies, which have relied on ____96____ touch. In response to the robot’s touch, most participants smiled and laughed, and none ____97____. Results show those who were touched were more likely to ____98____ the robot urging them to show interest in a particular academic course discussed during the conversation. Participants also reported a better ____99____ state after the robot’s tap on the hand. ____100____, students who were touched were more likely to give the robot a higher score for physical attractiveness (although these participants still only rated poor NAO a 2.5 out of 5 on average).
“A robot’s non-functional touch ____101____ to humans,” Laura Hoffmann from Ruhr University and her team write. “Slightly tapping human participants’ hands during a conversation resulted in better feelings and more compliance (依从) to the request of a humanoid robot.”
“It is remarkable that simple and brief tap on the back of participants’ hands showed such an effect. Involving more complex and ____102____ touching from a robot might increase engagement and compliance.”
As the researchers argue, this small study – one of the first to examine the ____103____ of robot-initiated touch – suggests that through the use of comforting touches, robot therapists could better ____104____ patients to engage in healthy activities such as exercise. However, they caution that much about human-robot ____105____ are complex, with there still more to be learned about the difference between human and robot touch.
91.A.curious B.crazy C.picky D.certain
92.A.happier B.freer C.more stressed D.more frightened
93.A.hard B.dependent C.impressed D.based
94.A.completion B.formation C.imagination D.starvation
95.A.watched B.patted C.cleaned D.blocked
96.A.human-initiated B.time-pressed C.technique-based D.goal-oriented
97.A.made out B.thought back C.pulled away D.set off
98.A.look over B.go along with C.take off D.stand up against
99.A.physical B.emotional C.financial D.social
100.A.However B.Therefore C.Furthermore D.Still
101.A.matters B.sees C.relates D.gets
102.A.warmer B.longer C.more friendly D.more forceful
103.A.theory B.history C.trend D.potential
104.A.warn B.persuade C.force D.control
105.A.similarities B.conflicts C.constructions D.interactions
Some personal characteristics play an important role in the development of one’s intelligence. But people fail to realize the importance of training these factors in young people.
The so-called ‘non-intelligence factors’ include one’s feelings, will, motivation, interests and habits. After a 30-year study, American psychologists __106__that the main cause of differences in intelligence is not intelligence ___107___, but non-intelligence factors including the desire to learn, will power and self-confidence.
___108___people all know that one should have definite objectives, a strong will and good learning habits, quite a number of teachers and parents don’t pay much attention to ____109____ these factors.
Some parents are greatly worried when their children fail to do well in their studies. They blame either genetic factors, or laziness, but they never take into ___110___these non-intelligence factors. At the same time, some teachers don’t inquire into reasons why students do ___111___. They simply give them more courses and exercises, or ___112___criticize or laugh at them. After all, these students lose self-confidence. Some of them just feel defeated and ___113___themselves up as hopeless. Others may go astray (堕落) because they are sick of learning. An investigation of more than 1,000 middle school students in Shanghai showed that 46.5 per cent of them were __114__of learning, because of examinations, 36.4 per cent lacked persistence, initiative and consciousness and 10.3 per cent were sick of learning.
It is clear that the lack of cultivation of non-intelligence factors has been a main ___115___ to intelligence development in teenagers. It even causes an imbalance between physiological and ___116___development among a few students.
If we don’t start now to __117__the cultivation of non-intelligence factors, it will not only affect the development of the ___118___of teenagers, but also affect the quality of a whole generation. Some experts have put forward __119__about how to cultivate students’ non-intelligence factors. Parents and teachers should ____120____understand teenage psychology. On this basis, they can help them to pursue the objectives of learning, exciting their interests and toughening their willpower.
106.A.came out B.found out C.made out D.worked out
107.A.in itself B.by itself C.itself D.on its own
108.A.Though B.Nevertheless C.However D.Moreover
109.A.believing B.studying C.cultivating D.developing
110.A.effect B.comment C.consideration D.preparations
111.A.poorly B.properly C.successfully D.dependently
112.A.ever B.even C.still D.more
113.A.put B.get C.handle D.give
114.A.afraid B.ahead C.aware D.ashamed
115.A.difficulty B.question C.threat D.obstacle
116.A.intelligent B.characteristic C.psychological D.physical
117.A.practise B.regulate C.strengthen D.urge
118.A.intelligence B.diligence C.cultivation D.performance
119.A.projects B.warnings C.suggestions D.decision
120.A.fully B.greatly C.very D.highly
The invention of the printing press eventually led to our modern world.
What does the printing press do and why is it important?
A printing press is any form of technology that applies pressure between an inked surface and a print medium (like paper or cloth). ___121___, it is a means of transferring ink from an inked surface to the medium.
The modern printing press was an enormous improvement on the ___122___ system. People used to record by hand using a “pen” and ink or brushing and rubbing repeatedly to achieve ink transfer. Such methods were historically used primarily for texts, which ___123___ a small circulation (流通) and a high prize.
However, the invention of the printing press ___124___ bookmaking and distribution around the world. As the prices of book production fell, less wealthy members of society could suddenly gain access to this former ___125___ item.
Where was the printing press invented?
When someone mentions the printing press, the western world will ___126___ think of Johannes Guttenberg’s revolution in the 15th Century. While his invention was a(n) ___127___, it wasn’t the first printing press to be developed.
Actually, its initiation stretches back to the 3rd Century in a small number of areas, with its ___128___ into wide use during the Tang Dynasty.
Despite this fact, Guttenberg ___129___ his place in history for the fantastic mass-production of books for the first time. Before his invention, ideas were spread in a(n) ____130____ process. That effectively meant access to the printed world was limited to those who could ____131____ its high price.
Did the Chinese invent the printing press?
The earliest copy of The Diamond Sutra (《金刚经》) was discovered inside a cave near Dunhuang, which was printed in the 9th Century. This text is described as “the earliest complete ____132____ of a dated printed book”. Its discovery ____133____ what the westerners thought they knew about the development of the printing press.
Printing process was heavily ____134____ in the 11th Century after Bi Sheng, who was born into a common family, developed a form of early movable type. Although little else is known about Bi, his ____135____ method of producing hundreds of individual characters was a huge stepping-stone on the path to the modern printing press.
121.A.For example B.By contrast C.In other words D.As a result
122.A.repetitive B.progressive C.recordable D.previous
123.A.featured B.eliminated C.reversed D.promoted
124.A.discharged B.revolutionized C.prioritized D.implemented
125.A.vigor B.luxury C.visible D.plain
126.A.neutrally B.jealously C.instinctively D.distressingly
127.A.insight B.downturn C.outburst D.breakthrough
128.A.restriction B.investigation C.perception D.adaptation
129.A.deserves B.insists C.forecasts D.strengthens
130.A.time-limited B.tech-addicted C.effort-consuming D.money-saving
131.A.impact B.afford C.revise D.boast
132.A.destruction B.renewal C.survival D.motivation
133.A.inherited B.declared C.misled D.rewrote
134.A.modeled B.fueled C.industrialized D.suspended
135.A.innovative B.unimpressive C.abnormal D.conventional
In The Debunking (揭穿真相) Handbook, a short guide published in 2011, John Cook, at George Mason University, and Stephan Lewandowsky, at the University of Bristol, looked at the world-view backfire effect, the idea that if a correction of a false claim disagrees with your world view, it strengthens the ___136___. Jason Reifler at the University of Exeter found this in his Iraq study, but he points out that the effect only appeared in two out of five experiments.
What’s more, although some later studies have seen similar results, many haven’t seen the effect at all. This suggests it is much ___137___ than Reifler’s work suggested, which he thinks is fantastic news.
But whatever you do, don’t point this out, or turn to ___138___ (“You’re wrong!”, “You’re ignorant”.). Instead, listen and ask questions that ___139___ why someone has those opinions (“What makes you think that?”).
The good news is that social events are ___140___ situations for correcting myths. Assuming there is at least some trust between you, the other person will probably hear you out. And corrections from credible, trusted sources are more ___141___. There’s also far more time to discuss the topic ___142___ than compared with, say, interactions on social media.
The bad news is that even with all this in mind, you are still unlikely to ___143___ someone, especially if you are challenging their world view. Corrections that are totally different from one’s world view are by-and-large ineffective, especially in conservative people.
So why even ___144___? Firstly, people are much less likely to spread false information if they are held accountable for it, says Reifler. ___145___ your relatives’ false claims may make them think twice before spreading nonsense on another occasion.
And always ___146___ the other people in the room. Even if you do not change your Aunt Susan’s mind, you may sow a seed in your nieces’ and nephews’ minds.
Indeed, Cook thinks there is little chance of changing the minds of, say, the 7 per cent of people in the US who are very ___147___ that global warming isn’t happening at all. Instead, he thinks we should ___148___ the majority still open to persuasion. His studies show that people are less likely to fall for false arguments if they are warned against them. ___149___, forewarn them about the problem of false balance in the media and their views won’t change when they read an article full of false-balance quotes. Those who are not warned become more ___150___ their judgement.
136.A.association B.offensiveness C.probability D.misconception
137.A.harder B.rarer C.more diverse D.more important
138.A.reactions B.judgements C.forecasts D.reasons
139.A.reveal B.avoid C.define D.link
140.A.frustrating B.excellent C.familiar D.occasional
141.A.widespread B.deliberate C.inevitable D.effective
142.A.in person B.in detail C.on purpose D.on business
143.A.encourage B.impress C.surprise D.convince
144.A.try B.stop C.move D.wait
145.A.Validating B.Investigating C.Questioning D.Understanding
146.A.support B.locate C.interview D.consider
147.A.aware B.happy C.sure D.disappointed
148.A.make up B.look up to C.focus on D.set out on
149.A.For instance B.What’s more C.As a result D.On the contrary
150.A.surprised at B.doubtful of C.curious of D.annoyed at
1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:众所周知,这种户外广告预计在2022年将增长3.4%,而数字户外广告,包括机场和购物中心的液晶显示屏,将增长16%。A. shrink缩小,减少;B. grow增长;C. disappear消失;D. emerge出现。根据下文“Such ads draw viewers5 attention from phones(这样的广告吸引了手机观众的注意力)”及下文内容可知,户外广告预计在2022年将增长3.4%,故选B。
2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:与在线广告不同,这类广告吸引观众注意,无法跳过或屏蔽。A. obtained获得;B. blocked遮住;C. separated分离; D. arranged安排。此处与“skipped”意义一致,结合句意及“unlike ads online”可知,户外广告无法被屏蔽,故选B。
3.考查动词短语辨析。句意:广告牌公司也在利用从人们的智能手机上得到的大量位置数据。A. making progress in在……方面进步;B. getting engaged in从事;C. becoming part of成为……一员;D. taking advantage of利用。根据下一句“Information about their owners’ locations and online browsing gets collected and sold to media owners.(有关手机用户的行踪和在线浏览的信息被收集起来并出售给媒体所有者)”可知,广告牌公司利用从人们的智能手机上得到的大量位置数据。故选D。
4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:把这些信息添加到对交通、天气和其他外部数据的洞察中,就可以生成高度相关的广告。A. value价值;B. record记录;C. knowledge知识,信息;D. feeling感觉。根据上文“They then use these data to work out when different groups — ‘business travellers’, say — walk by their ads.(然后它们利用这些数据计算出不同的人口群体——比如‘商务旅客’——何时经过它们的广告牌)”可知,此处指上文提到的利用数据计算出的“信息(knowledge)”。故选C。
5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:数字户外广告供应商可以在天气寒冷时播放咖啡广告, 在炎热时打出冷饮广告。A. opponents对手;B. providers供应者;C. learners学习者;D. instructors教练,导师。结合句意及“deliver ads”可知,此处指广告供应商播放广告。故选B。
6.考查动名词词义辨析。句意:这种定向广告在与“程序化”广告方法结合时尤为有效,“程序化”广告就是利用数据来实现广告的自动化及改进。A. adding增加;B. collecting收集;C. targeting目标市场选择;D. producing生产。根据上文内容可知,广告牌公司利用从人们的智能手机上得到的数据再精准投放广告,所以此处指定向广告,故选C。
7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:过去一年里,Clear Channel和JCDecaux等广告牌公司推出了程序化广告平台,让品牌和媒体买家按分钟选择、购买和投放广告,而不是按天或按周。A. changed改变;B. forbidden禁止;C. cleared清理;D. launched发起,发行。根据“which allow brands and media buyers to select, purchase and place ads in minutes, rather than days or weeks”可知,此处指推出程序化广告平台,launch符合语境,故选D。
8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:据说户外广告会越来越像网络广告那样,根据受众、观看次数以及位置来购买。A. marketing市场;B. evolution进化;C. location位置;D. branding品牌。根据上文“Billboard owners are also ____3____ the location data”可知,广告牌公司利用收集用户的位置信息,所以户外广告会根据受众、观看次数以及位置来购买,故选C。
9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是可能的,因为广告牌公司声称能够测量出广告的效果,即使没有“点击率”。A. measure测量;B. wonder想知道;C. notice注意到;D. forget忘记。根据下一句“Data firms can tell advertisers how many people walk past individual advertisements at particular times of the day.(数据机构能告诉广告商一天的特定时间路过某广告的人数)”及下文提到可以估计购买产品的人数可知,此处指广告牌公司声称能够测量出广告的效果,下文中的“measurable”也是提示。故选A。
10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:广告商可以估计接触一款手提包广告,然后走进附近的商店(或网站)并购买该产品的人数。A. devoted致力于;B. opposed反对;C. related使有联系;D. exposed接触。根据上下文及“then go on to visit a nearby shop (or website) and buy the product”可知,此处指接触到广告,然后去购买,故选D。
11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:纽约广告技术公Vistar Media联合创始人Michael Provenzano认为,这些指标使户外广告更具数据驱动性、自动化和可衡量性。A. concept概念;B. data数据;C. customer顾客;D. research研究。上文讲述用数据测量出广告的效果,所以此处指这些指标使户外广告更具数据驱动性,故选B。
12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,户外广告革命并非没有问题。A. stress压力;B. conflict冲突;C. injury伤,损害;D. problem问题。根据下一句“The collection of mobile-phone data raises privacy concerns.(移动电话数据的收集引发对隐私的担忧)”可知,户外广告革命并非没有问题,故选D。
13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于在线广告业务不透明,有时甚至是欺诈性的批评,也可能会针对户外业务,因为它变得越来越大,越来越复杂。A. aspects方面;B. demands需求;C. criticisms批评;D. details细节。根据“the online-ad business for being vague, and occasionally dishonest”可知,此处指“对于在线广告业务不透明,有时甚至是欺诈性的批评”,故选C。
14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一家媒体购买平台VIOOH首席执行官Jean-Christophe Conti表示,业界已准备好解决这些问题。A. address设法解决;B. share分享;C. reflect反映;D. emphasize强调。上文描述了户外广告的问题,此处是指业界准备好解决这些问题,故选A。
15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他指出,追随在线广告开拓者的好处之一就是从他们的错误中吸取教训。A. benefits好处;B. difficulties困难;C. challenges挑战;D. conditions条件。根据“learning from their mistakes”可知,此处指追随在线广告开拓者的好处之一,故选A。
16.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们需要换上别的衣服,经常从繁忙的生活中抽出一段时间,变得又脏又累: 他们觉得这一切都没有吸引力。A. amusing有趣的;好玩的;B. unappealing令人不快的;C. convincing有说服力的; D. shocking惊人的。根据上文“get dirty and exhausted”可知,锻炼会让他们变得又脏又累,因此他们觉得是令人不快的。故选B。
17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是我一直享受着辛苦的工作,甚至是第二天肌肉酸痛的满足感。A. enjoyed欣赏;B. minded介意;C. reflected反思;D. forgot忘记。结合下文“and even the satisfaction ”可知,我很享受锻炼。故选A。
18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我有一点点自豪感,因为我知道我不仅帮助了促进健康的生物机制,而且我还得到了一个很好的附带好处,那就是我能够吃饼干,因为我燃烧了额外的卡路里。A. obstacle障碍;B. benefit好处;益处;C. impact影响;D. view观点。根据上文“helping the biological machinery that promotes health ”及下文“being able to eat cookies because I’d burned extra calories”可知,锻炼不仅帮助我促进健康的生物机制,还能燃烧额外的卡路里,这都是锻炼的好处。故选B。
19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:错。或者,至少,不完全正确。A. Wonderful精彩的;B. Wrong错误的;C. Pointless无意义的;D. Right正确的。根据下文“not entirely right”可知,不完全对,说明是错的。故选B。
20.考查短语词义辨析。句意:正如科学一次又一次地显示的那样,我们对事物如何运作的直觉想法在面对数据和仔细分析时往往站不住脚。A. stand up(论点、论据)站的住脚的; B. take off 脱下;起飞;C. end up结束;D. turn off关掉。根据空处前后内容可知,这里指面对数据和经过仔细分析之后,我们的直觉想法并不可靠,即站不住脚。故选A。
21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:运动悖论科学家 Herman Pontzer 描述了进化的一个令人惊讶和迷人的结果: 不管运动水平如何,人类消耗的卡路里数量是相同的。A. service服务; B. income收入;C. activity活动;D. demand要求。根据下文“Regular activity does help our inner engines run right, and it has some benefits in elevating mood and improving cognition (认知)”可知,此处指不管运动的水平怎样,消耗的热量都是同样的。故选C。
22.考查动名词词义辨析。句意:除了颠覆我们的常识之外,这些发现还提供了进一步的见解,说明为什么我们人类如此非凡地成功,成为地球上的主导力量。A. underrating低估; B. over-impressing印象深刻; C.under-training训练不足;D. overturning推翻。根据上文“humans bum about the same number of calories regardless of 6 level. ”可知,科学家 Herman Pontzer 描述的研究发现和我们对锻炼的常识刚好相反,即推翻了我们的认知。故选D。
23.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:除了颠覆我们的常识之外,这些发现还提供了进一步的见解,说明为什么我们人类如此非凡地成功,成为地球上的主导力量。A. dominant支配的;统治的;B. singular非凡的;显著的;C. cultural文化的; D. declining衰落的。根据下文“we have had the capability to rule over our own world”可知,我们有能力统治这个世界,因而人类成为了地球上的主导。故选A。
24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:顺便说一句,我们都应该锻炼身体。A. celebrate庆祝;B. return返回;C. remember记住;D. exercise锻炼。根据下文“Regular activity does help our inner engines run right, and it has some benefits in elevating mood and improving cognition (认知)”提到了定期锻炼的好处,所以此处指所有人都要锻炼。故选D。
25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:知道我们有能力统治我们自己的世界激发了这样的想法,我们有一天也会来到其他星球上生活。A. rejected拒绝;B. considered考虑;C. questioned询问;D. inspired启发。根据上文“we have had the capability to rule over our own world”可知,我们有能力统治世界的这个知识激发了我们有了一个想法:我们有一天也会来到其他星球上生活。故选D。
26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:可以肯定的是,这些知识包含了大量的浪漫主义、冒险精神,甚至是对有足够的选择来确保我们物种长期生存的担忧。A. ruling统治;B. survival存活;C. knowledge知识;D. shift转变。根据上文“The knowledge that we have had the capability to rule over our own world ”可知,此处指的就是我们有能力统治我们自己的世界的知识,故选C。
27.考查副词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,长途太空旅行的“简单”问题包括用火箭逃离地球引力,建造有足够空气呼吸的密封飞船,以及携带大量的食物和水。A. Besides此外; B. Otherwise否则;C. Similarly同样地;D. Unfortunately不幸运地。根据下文“escaping Earth’s gravity with rockets, building airtight ships with enough air to breathe, and carrying huge amounts food and water”可知,要长途太空旅行需要解决这些问题,而事实是实现是困难的,所以这是不幸地。故选D。
28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个更加困难的挑战是好莱坞从来没有告诉你的: 宇宙辐射对大脑造成的损害,这是神经科学家Charles L. Limoli 在“深空交易破坏者”中描述的。A. routine常规;B. version版本;C. challenge挑战; D. option选择。根据上文“escaping Earth’s gravity with rockets, building airtight ships with enough air to breathe, and carrying huge amounts food and water”讲述了长途太空旅行要解决的问题,即这是一个挑战,此处指比这还难的挑战就是宇宙辐射对大脑造成的损害。故选C。
29.考查动名词词义辨析。句意:它会成为我们征服“最后边疆”的障碍吗?A. demanding要求;B. measuring测量;C. conquering征服;D. recognising认出。根据上文提到人类某一天会到其它星球生活,要像在地球上一样成为统治者。所以此处指不遭受宇宙辐射可能会成为实现这个征服的障碍。故选C。
30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一件事是肯定的:人类的野心意味着我们不会停止尝试。A. stop停止;B. advise建议;C. deserve应得到;D. keep保持。根据上文“the human ambition”可知,有抱负就不会停止尝试。故选A。
31.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个按钮会向紧急调度员发送一条短信,提醒学校的其他人注意潜在的危险,并激活1200磅的磁力使教室门关闭。A. reserves预订;B. sustains维持;C. activates激活;D. balances使平衡。根据句中“The button”和“1,200 pounds of magnetic (磁性的) force to keep the door shut”可推知,按钮会激活1200磅的磁力来关闭教室门。故选C项。
32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是迈克尔·鲍曼自2017年担任学区负责人以来实施的措施之一,目的是加强学区内学校的安全,防止活跃枪手的袭击。A. construct建造;B. harden使变硬,加强;C. reopen重开;D. finance提供资金。根据句中“protect against active shooters”和“he became supervisor in 2017”可推知,作为学区负责人,迈克尔·鲍曼采取措施是为了加强学校的安全。故选B项。
33.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他成立了一个小组来监控潜在的暴力威胁。A. potential潜在的;B. immediate立刻的;C. mental思考的;D. empty空的。根据“monitor(监控)”可知,成立的小组职责是监控环境,发现潜在的危险。故选A项。
34.考查动词短语辨析。句意:他花费了1440万美元安装了紧急警报系统,并在墙壁上安装了用来阻挡子弹的面板,所有这些都是为了帮助学生和教师在活跃的枪手袭击中幸存下来。A. stood for代表;B. depended on依赖,依靠;C. referred to提及;D. aimed at旨在。根据句中“installing the emergency-alert system and building panels into walls that are designed to stop bullets”可知,这些措施旨在帮助和保护学生和教师。故选D项。
35.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“好吧,作为一名主管,我可以告诉你,这是一个可怕的梦,” 鲍曼说,他之前曾在军队服役。A. vivid生动的;B. horrible可怕的;C. curious好奇的;D. foolish愚蠢的。根据上文可知,人们报有侥幸心理,认为暴力事件不会发生在自己的学区,对于这种情况,迈克尔·鲍曼告诫人们,那是一个可怕的梦。故选B项。
36.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我觉得尽我所能是我的责任。A. responsibility责任;B. freedom自由;C. instruction指示;D. recreation娱乐。根据上文可知,迈克尔·鲍曼是学区负责人,所以他觉得尽力保护学生和老师是他的职责所在。故选A项。
37.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对枪击的恐惧使学校安保成为一个蓬勃发展的行业。A. state-run国有的;B. high-tech高科技的;C. booming繁荣的;D. domestic国内的。根据句中“Fear of shootings”和下文“The market for school-security equipment and services reached $2.7 billion in 2017”可知,对枪击事情的恐惧让校园安保行业蓬勃发展。故选C项。
38.考查动词词义辨析。句意:今年5月24日发生在德克萨斯州乌瓦尔德的校园枪击案再次引发了关于学校安全措施能否阻止大规模枪击事件的讨论。A. monitor监视;B. witness目击;C. maintain保持;D. cease终止。根据句中“whether safety measures at schools”人们讨论学校安全措施能否终止大规模枪击事件的发生。故选D项。
39.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:许多政客在表示不愿支持枪支安全立法后,转而辩称,加强人身安全措施是防止未来袭击的必要措施。A. reluctant不情愿的;B. supposed假定的;C. delighted高兴的;D. regretful遗憾的。根据下文“have argued instead that heightened physical security measures are necessary to prevent future attacks.”可推知,这些政客不愿支持枪支安全立法,而把希望寄托在加强人身安全措施上。故选A项。
40.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,专家表示,目前尚不清楚这些措施是否真的能让学校更安全。A. Instead代替;B. However然而;C. Meanwhile与此同时;D. Therefore因此。根据下文“it’s not clear that such measures actually make schools safer”可知,专家表明,尚不清楚这些措施是否真的能让学校更安全,与上文政客们的愿望相悖,上下文有转折关系。故选B项。
41.考查动词词义辨析。句意:研究表明,自2012年以来,校园致命枪击事件的数量有所增加,在此期间,保护措施也有所扩大。A. relaxed放松;B. withdrew收回;C. expanded增加,扩展;D. survived幸存。根据上文“the number of deadly shootings at schools has increased”和“also”可知,校园致命枪击事件的数量的增加也导致了校园安保措施的增加。故选C项。
42.考查介词短语辨析。句意:在枪手进入学校之前,警察在乌瓦尔德和帕克兰的现场,但未能阻止这些枪击事件。A. on the scene在现场;B. behind time逾期;C. at a loss困惑;D. in return作为报答。根据下文“but failed to stop those shootings”可知,枪击事件发生时,驻校警察在场,而且未能成功保护学生和老师。故选A项。
43.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们增加金属探测器,观察摄像头,增加警力,积极射击训练,我们把学校变成城堡和监狱的混合体。A. hospitals医院;B. prisons监狱;C. police station警察局;D. fire department消防部门。根据上文“add metal detectors, observation cameras, increased police presence, active-shooter drills”可推知,教授认为学校变成了受严密监控的城堡和监狱。故选B项。
44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管许多学区在安全方面投入了大量资金,希望能防止枪击事件发生,但一些人担心,强化学校安全最终会让教育工作者负责解决枪支暴力泛滥问题。A. markets市场;B. communities社区;C. psychologists心理学家;D. educators教育工作者。根据上文可知,学区在安全方面投入了大量资金,比如增加金属探测器,观察摄像头,增加警力,进行积极射击训练,这些措施最终把学校变成了城堡和监狱,这也会让教育工作者站到了解决枪支暴力泛滥问题的前沿。故选D项。
45.考查动词短语辨析。句意:学校被培训和新的程序搞得天翻地覆。A. secured tightly严密保护;B. supported greatly极大地支持;C. turned upside down天翻地覆;D. reformed more or less或多或少改的革。根据上文可知,因为安保,学校变成了配有各式安保设施的城堡和监狱,所以学校被搞得天翻地覆。故选C项。
46.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这有助于公司更好地应对国内经济的变化。A. booming蓬勃发展的;B. domestic本国的;C. current当前的;D. industrial工业的。根据前文“expanding to international markets helps companies grow, increases buying power and diversifies market opportunities”可知,对应上文国际扩展,此处指“国内的经济”。故选B项。
47.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在疫情大流行之前,全球扩展几乎总是意味着国际旅行。A. rapid快速的;B. successful成功的;C. further进一步的;D. global全球的。根据前文“When looking at ways to expand your business, does it make sense to go global?”和后文“international travel”可知,此处指“全球扩展”故选D项。
48.考查名词和形容词词义辨析。句意:历史上,一些国家的性别偏见使女性难以拓展业务,而国际旅行可能会打破企业家们努力维持的微妙的工作与生活平衡。A. Gender性别;B. Media媒体;C. Cultural文化的;D. Political政治的。根据后文“made business expansion difficult for women”以及“both sexes”可知,此处指“性别偏见”。故选A项。
49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:历史上,一些国家的性别偏见使女性难以拓展业务,而国际旅行可能会打破男女企业家们努力维持的微妙的工作与生活平衡。A. keep保持;B. upset使颠覆,打翻,打破;C. promote促进;D. restore恢复。根据前文“ 3 bias (偏见) in some countries historically made business expansion difficult for women”可知,由于一些国家对女性的限制,因此国际旅行不利于商务工作,可能会打破工作与生活平衡。故选B项。
50.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:2019冠状病毒病大流行加速了全球电子商务和机遇。A. looks into调查;B. breaks down发生故障,分解;C. speeds up加速;D. responds to响应。根据常识和前文“The Covid-19 pandemic”可知,由于疫情阻隔,不能出行,所以加速了全球电子商务和机遇。故选C项。
51.考查副词词义辨析。句意:全球正在远程开展业务,取得的成功远远超过预期。A. desperately绝望地;B. efficiently有效地;C. securely安全地;D. remotely远程地。根据前文“The Covid-19 pandemic 5 global e-commerce and opportunities.”可知,全球在开展电子商务,远程业务。故选D项。
52.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这种向互联网商业的转变为女性提供了巨大的全球机会,因为它有效地使情况变得公平。A. fair公平的;B. worse更糟的;C. real真实的;D. reliable可信赖的。根据前文“ 3 bias (偏见) in some countries historically made business expansion difficult for women”以及后文“Conducting business on the internet 8 the complications of gender, race, religion, color and lifestyle”可知,互联网商业更趋公平。故选A项。
53.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在互联网上开展业务消除了性别、种族、宗教、肤色和生活方式的复杂性,将业务简化为供需原则。A. increases增加;B. promotes促进;C. removes去掉,移除;D. illustrates说明,解释。根据后文“simplifying business down to the principles of supply and demand”可知,是消除了这些问题的复杂性。故选C项。
54.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这为增长打开了更多的大门,使企业家能够在舒适的办公室里研究潜在的市场和买家的旅程。A. angle角度;B. comfort舒适;C. relief宽慰;D. imagination想象力。根据前文“Conducting business on the internet”和后文“their own office”可知,在互联网上开展业务,在舒适的办公室里就能完成。故选B项。
55.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这包括在你的网站上提供你的目标消费者需要的所有信息,这样消费者就可以找到你,并自己研究他们最初问题的答案。A. desk课桌;B. website网站;C. shoulder肩膀;D. market市场。根据前文“Conducting business on the internet”和后文“so consumers can find you and research the answers to their initial questions on their own”可知,是在网站上提供信息。故选B项。
56.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:通过明确入境策略,精心编写的内容和社交媒体推广,可以为您带来有资格的买家,而不是不断地寻找新买家。A. qualified有资格的,合格的;B. wealthy富有的;C. foreign外国的;D. optimistic乐观的。根据语境和前文“With a defined inbound strategy, well-written content and social media outreach”及后文“instead of continually searching for new buyers”可知,这可以带来符合要求的有资格的买家。故选A项。
57.考查动词词义辨析。句意:即使你的目标消费者会说多种语言,大多数人也更喜欢从提供母语信息的网站上购买。A. intend打算;B. hesitate犹豫;C. volunteer志愿;D. prefer更喜欢。根据前文“A vital part of your global inbound marketing strategy will be to translate important information from your website into your target consumer’s native language.(全球入站营销策略的一个重要部分是将网站上的重要信息翻译成目标消费者的母语。)”可知,大多数人更喜欢从提供母语信息的网站上购买东西。故选D项。
58.考查动词短语辨析。句意:第一步是选择一个符合你公司目标和营销策略的市场。A. attaches to附加到;B. benefits from从中受益;C. sees through看透;D. agrees with同意,适合于。根据语境和后文“Choose one country, one language, and develop a multilingual marketing strategy that defines your goals and prepares you to connect with prospective buyers.(选择一个国家,一种语言,并制定一个多语言营销策略,以确定您的目标,并为您与潜在买家联系做好准备。)”可知,是选择一个适合于公司目标和营销策略的市场。故选D项。
59.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一旦你为第一个国家制定了计划和流程,你就可以在准备拓展其他市场时复制它。A. commercial商业的;B. additional附加的,外加的;C. overseas海外的;D. private私人的。根据前文“Once you create the plan and process for the first country”可知,此处指“第一个国家之外的(即外加的其它)国家市场”。故选B项。
60.考查动名词词义辨析。句意:你可能认为你的公司太小了,不能参与出口——但是考虑一下:当你利用互联网的力量时,你的公司是大是小并不重要。A. marketing营销;B. financing融资;C. exporting出口,输出;D. training训练。根据前文“When looking at ways to expand your business, does it make sense to go global?”以及“So, how can you accomplish successful international expansion?”可知,本文建议拓展国际业务,使产品走向全球。结合句意可知,此处指“出口”。故选C项。
61.考查副词词义辨析。句意:根据我们的记忆专家Jonathan Hancock的说法,错误的记忆是非常有启发性的。A. subsequently后来;B. extremely非常;C. rarely很少;D. instantly立刻。根据下文“The mental associations that sometimes lead to ___12___ can also help us to find information otherwise difficult to locate”可知,错误的记忆是非常有启发性的。故选B。
62.考查介词短语辨析。句意:例如,就在上周,我和妻子还在讨论如何给小儿子取名字。A. on the contrary相反;B. for example例如;C. in addition另外;D. by the way顺便说一下。根据下文“my wife and I were discussing how we’d chosen our youngest son’s name”可知,此处是作者已自己的经历为例,空格处意为“例如”。故选B。
63.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我清楚地记得,我们列出了一个可能的名字的清单,但只写了几个就停了下来,因为我们发现了一个我们都喜欢的名字。A. faint模糊的;B. smart聪明的;C. painful痛苦的;D. vivid生动的,逼真的。根据下文“So we dug out the piece of paper we’d used”可知,作者清楚地记得,曾经列出了一个可能的名字的清单,因此这段记忆是很生动逼真的。故选D。
64.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我妻子不同意。A. inferred推断;B. hesitated犹豫;C. confirmed确认;D. disagreed不同意。根据下文“we’d had a much longer list, and gone back and chosen one from the middle of the list”可知,作者的妻子觉得当时列的清单更长,因此此处表示“妻子不同意”。故选D。
65.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:于是,我们拿出了之前用过的那张纸,发现我们为了给内特取名字所做的事情其实完全不同。A. different不同的;B. subjective主观的;C. primitive原始的;D. contradictory相互矛盾的。根据上文“stopping after just a few”和“we’d had a much longer list”可知,作者发现他们为了给内特取名字所做的事情其实完全不同,故选A。
66.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“曼德拉效应”指的是很多人自信满满的回忆最终被证明是错误的。A. wrong错误的;B. consistent一致的;C. substantial大量的;D. right正确的。根据上文“Memory mistakes happen on a larger scale”可知,句子表示“曼德拉效应指的是很多人自信满满的回忆最终被证明是错误的”。故选A。
67.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个名字是由研究人员命名的,当时他们正在讨论对纳尔逊·曼德拉在狱中死亡的强烈记忆——实际上,曼德拉在获释后还活了23年。A. rejection拒绝;B. release释放;C. imprisonment监禁;D. movement活动。根据上文“he actually lived for 23 years after”可知,曼德拉在获释后还活了23年。故选B。
68.考查动词词义辨析。句意:例如,如果你确信你记得看到大富翁男人戴着望远镜,或者听到邪恶的女王说“镜子,墙上的镜子”,那么你自己也经历过(他没有,她反而说的是“墙上的魔镜”)。A. experienced经历;B. witnessed目击;C. anticipated预期;D. spread传播。根据上文“you’re sure that you remember seeing the Monopoly Man wearing a spyglass, for instance, or hearing a wicked queen say “Mirror, mirror on the wall,””可知,此处表示“你自己也经历过这”。故选A。
69.考查副词词义辨析。句意:例如,如果你确信你记得看到大富翁男人戴着望远镜,或者听到邪恶的女王说“镜子,墙上的镜子”,那么你自己也经历过(他没有,她反而说的是“墙上的魔镜”)。A. though虽然;B. finally最后;C. instead反而;D. otherwise否则。根据上文“Mirror, mirror on the wall”和“Magic mirror on the wall”可知,此处表示她说的不是“Mirror, mirror on the wall”,而是“Magic mirror on the wall”,空格处是“反而”。故选C。
70.考查名词词义辨析。句意:首先,记忆通常是通过联想起作用的,相似的信息可以在我们的大脑中重叠。A. conservation保存;B. separation分离;C. facilitation促进;D. association联想。根据第12空前的“The mental associations”可知,此处表示“记忆通常是通过联想起作用的”。故选D。
71.考查动词词义辨析。句意:更重要的是,每当我们浏览一段记忆时,我们都会让它变得更强大——包括任何错误的部分。A. excluding把……排除在外;B. regarding认为;C. including包括;D. considering考虑。根据上文“We’re also good at “filling in the blanks” with details that are logical but untrue”可知,我们会把任何错误的部分包括进记忆中。故选C。
72.考查名词词义辨析。句意:有时导致错误的心理联想也可以帮助我们找到难以定位的信息。A. errors错误;B. trials试验;C. facts事实;D. data数据。根据上文“We’re also good at “filling in the blanks” with details that are logical but untrue”和“__11___ any bits that were wrong”可知,句子表示“有时导致错误的心理联想也可以帮助我们找到难以定位的信息”。故选A。
73.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你努力地想记起某个人的名字,试着想想与他们有关的事物,看看你的大脑是否得到了所需的推动。A. competing竞争;B. struggling努力;C. corresponding通信;D. exchanging交换。根据下文“try thinking of things you associate with them, and see if your brain gets the push it needs”可知,此处表示“如果你努力地想记起某个人的名字,试着想想与他们有关的事物,看看你的大脑是否得到了所需的推动”。故选B。
74.考查动词词义辨析。句意:比较记忆往往能构建出更准确的画面。A. Attaining获得;B. Boosting促进;C. Perceiving理解;D. Comparing比较。根据上文“Discussing your memories is great mental exercise. It highlights strengths and weaknesses, and lets you learn tips from others”和下文“That was certainly true for my wife and me”及前文描述的作者和妻子有不同的记忆可知,此处表示“比较记忆往往能构建出更准确的画面”。故选D。
75.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一定要记住,记忆是一个创造性的过程:惊人的强大,也可能犯错误。A. component成分;B. phase阶段;C. outcome结果;D. process过程。根据上文“remembering is a creative”和下文“mind-blowingly powerful, and also likely to make mistakes”可知,此处表示“记忆是一个创造性的过程”。故选D。
76.考查动词词义辨析。句意:囤积会导致家里乱作一团,也会让你难以舍弃那些你不用甚至不需要的物品。A. stocking储备,贮存;B. binding绑定;C. living生活;D. parting分离。根据下文“items that you don’t use and don’t even need”可知,此处是指舍弃那些你不用甚至不需要的物品。part with意为“舍弃”。故选D。
77.考查名词词义辨析。句意:数字囤积,也被称为电子囤积,是指过多地获取和不愿删除对用户不再有价值的电子材料。A. reluctance不情愿;B. eagerness渴望;C. perspective角度;D. fantasy华丽。根据上文“Digital hoarding”可知,数字囤积让人不愿删除对用户不再有价值的电子材料。故选A。
78.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,有了数字囤积,保存文件的行为就变成了一种无法控制的冲动。A. obstacle困难;B. boost推动,促进;C. urge冲动;D. stream小河,小溪。根据后文“Digital hoarders may collect emails, photos, articles, podcasts, or any type of computer files they believe they may want to revisit in the future(数字囤积者可能会收集电子邮件、照片、文章、播客或任何他们认为将来可能会重温的电脑文件)”可知,此处是指保存文件的行为变成了一种无法控制的冲动。故选C。
79.考查副词词义辨析。句意:数字囤积者可能会收集电子邮件、照片、文章、播客或任何他们认为将来可能会重温的电脑文件,但最终,在大多数情况下,他们很少真正使用、听或阅读这些文件。A. substantially实质上;B. frequently频繁地;C. autonomously自治地;D. rarely很少地。根据上文“Digital hoarders”和“electronic material no longer valuable to the user”可知,数字囤积者会囤积对用户不再有价值的电子材料,实际上他们很少真正使用、听或阅读这些文件。故选D。
80.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当一个人过于依赖数据,甚至不考虑丢弃数据时,也会发生“数字囤积”。A. transmitted播送,传输,发射;B. closed关闭;C. attached附属,依附;D. assigned分派。根据上文“Digital hoarding also occurs”可知,此处是指当一个人过于依赖数据,数字囤积会发生,be attached to (依恋、爱上)。故选C。
81.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些信息包括老朋友的聊天记录和照片,失散多年的朋友发来的短信,甚至是几年前收集的截图。A. flowers花;B. texts短信;C. gifts礼物;D. letters信。根据下文“sent by a long-lost friend”和上文“Digital hoarding”可知,数字囤积可包括失散多年的朋友发来的短信。故选B。
82.考查动词词义辨析。句意:研究人员根据他们的特点将数字囤积者分为四种不同的类型。A. regulated管理;B. categorized分类;C. integrated合并,成为一体;D. stimulated刺激。根据下文“into 4 different types”可知,此处是指将数字囤积者分为四种不同的类型。故选B。
83.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“收集者”是有组织的、系统的,并能控制他们的数据。A. rigid僵硬的;B. generous慷慨的;C. patriotic爱国的,有爱国心的;D. systematic系统的。根据上文“organized”和下文“and in control of their data”可知,“收集者”具有系统型特点。故选D。
84.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“意外囤积者”,也被称为“散漫或无序囤积者”,他们不会故意保存不必要的数据。A. disengaged散漫的;B. enthusiastic热情的;C. reliable可靠的;D. discriminated区分的。根据下文“disorganized hoarders”可知,“意外囤积者”是缺乏组织的、散漫的。故选A。
85.考查名词词义辨析。句意:最后,“焦虑囤积者”对自己的数据有着强烈的情感联系——他们担心删除数据。A. appeals呼吁,恳求;B. conflicts冲突,抵触;C. issues问题;D. ties联系。根据下文“and are worried about deleting it”可知,“焦虑囤积者”担心删除数据,说明他们对自己的数据有着强烈的情感联系。故选D。
86.考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于我们拥有比以往任何时候都多的数字存储,这个问题只会变得更糟。A. access获得的机会,使用权; B. concern担忧;C. desire愿望;D. excuse借口。根据后文“In addition, cloud storage makes it incredibly easy to purchase more storage as needed.”(此外,云存储使根据需要购买更多存储变得非常容易。)可知,此处是指我们拥有比以往任何时候都多的数字存储机会。故选A。
87.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有了无限的云空间,网络用户在保存文件时不必三思,这是合乎逻辑的。A. multiple数量多的;B. secure安全的;C. limitless无限的;D. meaningless无意义的。根据下文“it’s logical when network users don’t think twice about saving files”可知,网络用户可随意保存文件,是因为他们有了无限的云空间。故选C。
88.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,研究发现,数字囤积者的压力增加,现在研究人员观察到,数字囤积的负面后果可能与实物囤积类似。A. massive巨大的;B. regular规律的;C. casual随意的;D. physical物体的。根据上文“may be similar to”可知,此处是指数字囤积的负面后果可能与实物囤积类似,二者进行类比。故选D。
89.考查副词词义辨析。句意:因此,留出时间好好地清理一下是很重要的,就像我们在现实世界中所做的一样。A. Instead反而;B. However但是;C. Otherwise否则;D. Therefore因此。根据上文“However, studies found that digital hoarders experience increased levels of stress”和下文“it’s important to set time aside to have a good clear-out”可知,数字囤积者的压力会增加,因此,留出时间好好地清理一下是很重要的。故选D。
90.考查动词短语辨析。句意:通过定期整理和清除无用的文件,有这个问题的人可以减轻一些痛苦,也可以理清自己的思路。A. making use of利用;B. taking care of照顾;C. getting rid of清除;D. getting used to习惯。根据下文“useless files”可知,作者建议清除无用的文件。故选C。
91.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一项新的研究发现,当涉及到触摸时,人们甚至不会挑剔谁在触摸。A. curious好奇的;B. crazy疯狂的;C. picky挑剔的;D. certain确定的。根据下文“Researchers in Germany say the touch of a humanoid (人形的) robot makes people ____2____ and more likely to follow their requests”可知,当涉及到触摸时,人们甚至不会挑剔谁在触摸。故选C。
92.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:德国研究人员表示,与人形机器人的接触会让人更快乐,也更愿意听从机器人的要求。A. happier更快乐的;B. freer更自由的;C. more stressed感到更大压力的;D. more frightened更害怕的。根据下文“Slightly tapping human participants’ hands during a conversation resulted in better feelings and more compliance (依从) to the request of a humanoid robot”可知,与人形机器人的接触会让人更快乐,也更愿意听从机器人的要求。故选A。
93.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:研究人员希望有一天机器人可以扮演治疗师、私人教练甚至生活教练的角色,而不是依赖于其他人。A. hard困难的;B. dependent依赖的;C. impressed印象深刻的;D. based(以某事)为基础的,为根据的。根据下文“researchers are hoping that one day robots may be able to fulfill the roles of therapists, personal trainers, and even life coaches”可知,研究人员希望有一天机器人可以扮演治疗师、私人教练甚至生活教练的角色,而不是依赖于其他人。故选B。
94.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们的研究是在COVID-19大流行期间对触摸的渴望普遍增加之后进行的。A. completion完成;B. formation组成;C. imagination想象力;D. starvation饥饿。根据下文“Several studies have pointed out how physical distancing and isolation is creating a variety of negative effects that increase feelings of stress, depression, and anxiety”可知,在COVID-19大流行期间人们渴望触摸,空格处用starvation表示“渴望”。故选D。
95.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在这个过程中,对于一些参与者来说,机器人会短暂地、似乎是随机地拍他们的手背。A. watched观看;B. patted拍打;C. cleaned清洁;D. blocked堵塞。根据第9空后的“robot’s tap on the hand”可知,机器人会短暂地、似乎是随机地拍他们的手背。故选B。
96.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这与其他研究的设计不同,其他研究依赖于人类主动的触摸。A. human-initiated人类触发的;B. time-pressed时间紧迫的;C. technique-based基于技术的;D. goal-oriented面向目标的。根据下文“this small study – one of the first to examine the ____13____ of robot-initiated touch”可知,这个研究和其他研究不同,其他研究依赖于人类主动的触摸,空格处意为“人类触发的”。故选A。
97.考查动词短语辨析。句意:对于机器人的触摸,大多数参与者都笑了笑,没有人离开。A. made out辨认出;B. thought back回想;C. pulled away离开;D. set off出发。根据下文“Results show those who were touched were more likely to ____8____ the robot urging them to show interest in a particular academic course discussed during the conversation”可知,对于机器人的触摸,大多数参与者都笑了笑,没有人离开,故选C。
98.考查动词短语辨析。句意:结果显示,那些被触摸过的人更有可能同意机器人的要求,让他们对对话中讨论的特定学术课程表现出兴趣。A. look over检查;B. go along with赞同;C. take off起飞;D. stand up against反对。根据下文“Slightly tapping human participants’ hands during a conversation resulted in better feelings and more compliance (依从) to the request of a humanoid robot”可知,那些被触摸过的人更有可能同意机器人的要求。故选B。
99.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:参与者还报告说,机器人轻拍他们的手后,他们的情绪状态有所改善。A. physical身体的;B. emotional情绪的;C. financial金融的;D. social社会的。根据下文“Slightly tapping human participants’ hands during a conversation resulted in better feelings and more compliance (依从) to the request of a humanoid robot”可知,机器人轻拍他们的手后,他们的情绪状态有所改善。故选B。
100.考查副词词义辨析。句意:此外,被触摸过的学生更有可能给机器人的外表吸引力打更高的分(尽管这些参与者仍然只给可怜的NAO打了平均2.5分(满分5分))。A. However然而;B. Therefore因此;C. Furthermore此外;D. Still仍然。根据下文“students who were touched were more likely to give the robot a higher score for physical attractiveness”可知,空后内容是补充说明的,空格处是“此外”。故选C。
101.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“机器人的非功能性触摸对人类很重要,”Ruhr大学的Laura Hoffmann和她的团队写道。A. matters重要;B. sees看见;C. relates联系;D. gets得到。根据下文“Slightly tapping human participants’ hands during a conversation resulted in better feelings and more compliance (依从) to the request of a humanoid robot”可知,机器人的非功能性触摸对人类很重要。故选A。
102.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:让机器人进行更复杂、更长时间的触摸,可能会提高用户的参与度和依从性。A. warmer更温暖的;B. longer更长的;C. more friendly更友好的;D. more forceful更有力的。根据上文“Slightly tapping human participants’ hands during a conversation resulted in better feelings and more compliance (依从) to the request of a humanoid robot”和下文“might increase engagement and compliance”可知,让机器人进行更复杂、更长时间的触摸,可能会提高用户的参与度和依从性。故选B。
103.考查名词词义辨析。句意:正如研究人员所言,这项小型研究是首次检验机器人发起的触摸潜力的研究之一,它表明,通过使用舒适的触摸,机器人治疗师可以更好地说服患者参与健康活动,如锻炼。A. theory理论;B. history历史;C. trend趋势;D. potential潜能。根据下文“of robot-initiated touch”可知,这项小型研究是首次检验机器人发起的触摸潜力的研究之一。故选D。
104.考查动词词义辨析。句意:正如研究人员所言,这项小型研究是首次检验机器人发起的触摸潜力的研究之一,它表明,通过使用舒适的触摸,机器人治疗师可以更好地说服患者参与健康活动,如锻炼。A. warn警告;B. persuade说服;C. force强迫;D. control控制。根据上文“Slightly tapping human participants’ hands during a conversation resulted in better feelings and more compliance (依从) to the request of a humanoid robot”可知,机器人治疗师可以更好地说服患者参与健康活动。故选B。
105.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,他们警告说,人与机器人之间的互动很复杂,关于人与机器人触摸之间的区别还有更多需要了解的地方。A. similarities相同点;B. conflicts矛盾;C. constructions建造,建筑;D. interactions互动。根据下文“human and robot touch”可知,此处表示“人与机器人之间的互动很复杂”。故选D。
106.考查动词短语辨析。句意:美国心理学家经过30年的研究,发现造成智力差异的主要原因不是智力本身,而是包括学习欲望、意志力和自信在内的非智力因素。A. came out出来;B. found out发现;C. made out辨认出;D. worked out解决。根据下文“the main cause of differences in intelligence is not intelligence ___2___, but non-intelligence factors including the desire to learn, will power and self-confidence”可知,空后内容是美国心理学家经过30年的研究发现的研究结果。故选B。
107.考查介词短语和代词辨析。句意:美国心理学家经过30年的研究,发现造成智力差异的主要原因不是智力本身,而是包括学习欲望、意志力和自信在内的非智力因素。A. in itself实质上;B. by itself独自;C. itself它本身;D. on its own独自。根据下文“but non-intelligence factors including the desire to learn, will power and self-confidence”可知,造成智力差异的主要原因是在于包括学习欲望、意志力和自信在内的非智力因素,可得出造成智力差异的主要原因不是智力本身。故选C。
108.考查连词和副词词义辨析。句意:尽管人们都知道一个人应该有明确的目标,坚强的意志和良好的学习习惯,但相当多的老师和家长并不重视培养这些因素。A. Though尽管;B. Nevertheless然而;C. However然而;D. Moreover另外。根据下文“people all know that one should have definite objectives, a strong will and good learning habits, quite a number of teachers and parents don’t pay much attention to ____4____ these factors”可知,前后让步关系,空格处意为“尽管”,引导让步状语从句。故选A。
109.考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管人们都知道一个人应该有明确的目标,坚强的意志和良好的学习习惯,但相当多的老师和家长并不重视培养这些因素。A. believing相信;B. studying学习;C. cultivating培养;D. developing发展。根据上文“training these factors in young people”和下文第14空后的“cultivate students’ non-intelligence factors”可知,此处表示“老师和家长并不重视培养这些非智力因素”。故选C。
110.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们要么归咎于遗传因素,要么归咎于懒惰,但他们从来没有考虑过这些非智力因素。A. effect效果;B. comment评论;C. consideration考虑;D. preparations准备。根据上文“a number of teachers and parents don’t pay much attention to ____4____ these factors”可知,许多父母并不重视培养这些非智力因素,所以从来没有考虑过这些非智力因素,take sth. into consideration意为“考虑到某物”。故选C。
111.考查副词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,一些老师不去探究学生成绩差的原因。A. poorly差地;B. properly适当地;C. successfully成功地;D. dependently独立地。根据上文“when their children fail to do well in their studies. ”和下文“criticize or laugh at them”可知,老师和家长一样在意学生成绩,但当学生成绩不行时,一些老师不去探究学生成绩差的原因,而是批评或嘲笑他们。故选A。
112.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他们只是给他们更多的课程和练习,甚至批评或嘲笑他们。A. ever曾经;B. even甚至;C. still仍然;D. more更多地。根据上文“give them more courses and exercises”和下文“criticize or laugh at them”可知,前后递进关系,空后强调一些老师地过分之处。故选B。
113.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们中的一些人只是感到挫败,绝望地放弃自己。A. put放置;B. get得到;C. handle处理;D. give给。根据下文“as hopeless”可知,有些学生感到绝望,所以放弃自己,give themselves up意为“放弃他们自己”。故选D。
114.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一项针对上海1000多名中学生的调查显示,46.5%的中学生因为考试而害怕学习,36.4%的人缺乏毅力、主动性和自觉性,10.3%的人对学习感到厌倦。A. afraid害怕的;B. ahead在前的;C. aware意识到的;D. ashamed惭愧的。根据下文“because of examinations”可知,46.5%的中学生因为考试而害怕学习。故选A。
115.考查名词词义辨析。句意:显然,缺乏对非智力因素的培养已经成为青少年智力发展的主要障碍。A. difficulty困难;B. question问题;C. threat威胁;D. obstacle障碍。根据上文“the main cause of differences in intelligence is not intelligence ___2___, but non-intelligence factors including the desire to learn, will power and self-confidence”可知,造成智力差异的主要原因不是智力本身,而是包括学习欲望、意志力和自信在内的非智力因素,所以缺乏对非智力因素的培养已经成为青少年智力发展的主要障碍。故选D。
116.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它甚至导致少数学生生理和心理发展不平衡。A. intelligent有智力的;B. characteristic独特的,典型的;C. psychological心理的;D. physical生理的。根据上文“physiological and”可知,缺乏对非智力因素的培养甚至导致少数学生生理和心理发展不平衡。故选C。
117.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果现在不开始加强非智力因素的培养,不仅会影响青少年智力的发展,而且会影响一整代人的素质。A. practise练习;B. regulate控制,管理;C. strengthen加强;D. urge催促。根据下文“it will not only affect the development of the ___13___of teenagers, but also affect the quality of a whole generation”可知,非智力因素的培养对青少年发展很重要,所以要加强非智力因素的培养。故选C。
118.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果现在不开始加强非智力因素的培养,不仅会影响青少年智力的发展,而且会影响一整代人的素质。A. intelligence智力;B. diligence勤奋;C. cultivation培养;D. performance表演。根据第一段的“Some personal characteristics play an important role in the development of one’s intelligence(一些个人特征在智力发展中起着重要作用)”和上文“造成智力差异的主要原因不是智力本身,而是包括学习欲望、意志力和自信在内的非智力因素”可知,非智力因素的培养会影响青少年智力的发展。故选A。
119.考查名词词义辨析。句意:有专家提出关于如何培养学生非智力因素的建议。A. projects项目;B. warnings警告;C. suggestions建议;D. decision决定。根据下文“Parents and teachers should ____15____understand teenage psychology”可知,专家提出了关于如何培养学生非智力因素的建议。故选C。
120.考查副词词义辨析。句意:家长和老师应该充分了解青少年的心理。A. fully充分地;B. greatly极大地;C. very很;D. highly高度地。根据下文“On this basis, they can help them to pursue the objectives of learning, exciting their interests and toughening their willpower.(在此基础上,家长和老师可以帮助他们追求学习目标,激发他们的兴趣,增强他们的意志力)”可知,家长和老师要发挥作用就需要充分了解青少年的心理。故选A。
121.考查固定短语辨析。句意:换句话说,它是一种将墨水从着墨表面转移到介质上的方法。A. For example例如;B. By contrast相比之下;C. In other words换句话说;D. As a result结果。分析语境可知,后文“it is a means of transferring ink from an inked surface to the medium(它是把油墨从被墨的表面转移到介质上的一种方法)”是对前文“A printing press”的另一种解释,即,“换句话说”。故选C项。
122.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:现代印刷术是对以前方法的巨大改进。A. repetitive重复乏味的;B. progressive进步的,先进的;C. recordable可记录的;D. previous先前的,以往的。分析前后文语境可知,“system(方法)”应是指后文“People used to record by hand using a ‘pen’ and ink or brushing and rubbing repeatedly to achieve ink transfer.(人们习惯于用“笔”和墨水进行手工记录,或反复刷擦,以实现墨水的转移。)”提及的 “旧”印刷术。故选D项。
123.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这种方法在历史上主要用于文本,其特点是发行量小,成本高。A. featured以……为特色,以……为主要组成;B. eliminated清除,消除;C. reversed彻底转变,使完全相反;D. promoted促进,提升。根据前文“Such methods were historically used primarily for texts(这种方法在历史上主要用于文本)”可知,这种印刷术主要用于文本印刷,结合历史常识可推知,其特点应是流通性较小且成本高。故选A项。
124.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,印刷机的发明彻底改变了世界各地的制书和发行。A. discharged释放,允许……离开;B. revolutionized彻底改变,完全变革;C. prioritized优先考虑;D. implemented实施,执行。根据后文“As the prices of book production fell, less wealthy members of society could suddenly gain access to…(随着图书生产价格的下降,不太富裕的社会成员突然可以获得……)”可知,印刷术的发明使得不富裕的阶级能够接触到书本,由此可推知,印刷术改变了书本印刷和发行。故选B项。
125.考查名词词义辨析和形容词词义辨析。句意:随着书籍生产价格的下降,不太富裕的社会成员突然可以获得这种曾经的奢侈品。A. vigor活力;B. luxury奢侈;C. visible看得见的,明显的;D. plain朴素的,单纯的。根据前文“As the prices of book production fell(随着图书生产价格的下降)”可推知,以往的书本印刷和发行成本较高,对于不富裕阶级来说是奢侈品。故选B项。
126.考查副词词义辨析。句意:当有人提到印刷机时,西方世界会本能地想到15世纪 Johannes Guttenberg的革命。A. neutrally中立,保持中立;B. jealously努力地,嫉妒地;C. instinctively本能地,凭直觉地;D. distressingly令人苦恼地,悲惨地。根据后文“Despite this fact, Guttenberg ___9___ his place in history for the fantastic mass-production of books for the first time.(尽管如此,Guttenberg在历史上的地位当之无愧,因为他第一次大规模生产了大量的书籍。)”可知,Guttenberg的印刷术在历史上影响较为深远,因此,一提到印刷术,西方人会本能地想起他。故选C项。
127.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然他的发明是一个突破,但它并不是第一个印刷术。A. insight洞悉,了解;B. downturn衰退,下降;C. outburst爆发,激化;D. breakthrough突破。根据后文“Despite this fact, Guttenberg ___9___ his place in history for the fantastic mass-production of books for the first time.(尽管如此,Guttenberg在历史上的地位当之无愧,因为他第一次大规模生产了大量的书籍。)”可知,Guttenberg的印刷术在历史上影响较为深远,是一个突破。故选D项。
128.考查名词词义辨析。句意:事实上,它的起源可以追溯到3世纪的少数地区,并在唐代得到广泛应用。A. restriction限制规定;B. investigation调查,侦查;C. perception感知,见解;D. adaptation适应,改变。根据前文“in a small number of areas(在少数地区)”以及“into wide use(广泛使用)”可知,早期印刷术的使用经历了从小范围使用到大范围使用的改变和适应。故选D项。
129.考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管如此,Guttenberg在历史上的地位当之无愧,因为他第一次大规模生产了大量的书籍。A. deserves值得,应受;B. insists坚持;C. forecasts预测,预报;D. strengthens增强,巩固。根据后文“for the fantastic mass-production of books for the first time(第一次大规模生产书籍)”可知,Guttenberg的印刷术使得图书大量生产,由此在历史上应得到一定的地位。故选A项。
130.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在他发明之前,思想的传播是一个耗费精力的过程。A. time-limited有时间限制的;B. tech-addicted沉迷于技术的;C. effort-consuming耗费精力的;D. money-saving省钱的。根据后文“That effectively meant access to the printed world was limited to those who could___11__ its high price.(这实际上意味着只有那些能够负担得起高昂价格的人才能接触到印刷世界。)”可知,他的印刷术出现之前,印刷耗时耗力。故选C项。
131.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这实际上意味着只有那些能够负担得起高昂价格的人才能接触到印刷世界。A. impact(对某事物)有影响,有作用;B. afford承担得起;C. revise改变,修改;D. boast自夸。根据后文宾语“its high price”意为“高额的价格”,应是动作“承担得起”。故选B项。
132.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这本书被描述为“现存最早完整的印刷书籍”。A. destruction毁灭,破坏;B. renewal更新,重新开始;C. survival生存,幸存;D. motivation动力,诱因。根据前文“The earliest copy of The Diamond Sutra was discovered inside a cave near Dunhuang, which was printed in the 9th Century.(最早的《金刚经》是在敦煌附近的一个山洞里发现的,它是9世纪印刷的。)”可知,《金刚经》是9世纪印刷的,是历史演变过程中幸存下来的印刷本。故选C项。
133.考查动词词义辨析。句意:它的发现改写了西方人对印刷机发展的认知。A. inherited继承,继任;B. declared公布,宣布;C. misled误导;D. rewrote改写,重写。根据后文“what the westerners thought they knew about the development of the printing press(西方人以为他们了解印刷术的发展)”可知,《金刚经》的发现应是颠覆了西方人所了解的印刷术,“改写”了印刷术发展史。故选D项。
134.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在出生在普通家庭的毕昇发明了早期活字印刷术后,印刷术在11世纪得到了极大的发展。A. modeled将……做成模型,复制;B. fueled给……提供燃料,刺激;C. industrialized(使)工业化;D. suspended暂停,中止。根据后文“developed a form of early movable type(发展了早期活字印刷的一种形式)”可推知,毕昇发明的早期活字印刷给印刷术的发展带来了刺激和动力。故选B项。
135.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管人们对毕昇知之甚少,但他创造数百个汉字的创新方法是现代印刷术发展道路上的一块巨大垫脚石。A. innovative革新的,创新的;B. unimpressive普通的,平庸的;C. abnormal不正常的,反常的;D. conventional墨守成规的,传统的。根据前文“developed a form of early movable type(发展了早期活字印刷的一种形式)”可知,毕昇发展了早期的活字印刷术,这是一种改革和创新。故选A项。
【导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲的是在2011年出版的简短指南《揭穿手册》中,John Cook和Stephan Lewandowsky研究了世界观的逆火效应,即如果对错误主张的纠正与你的世界观不一致,就会强化误解。
136.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在2011年出版的简短指南《揭穿手册》(The Debunking Handbook)中,George Mason University的John Cook和University of Bristol的Stephan Lewandowsky研究了世界观的逆火效应,即如果对错误主张的纠正与你的世界观不一致,就会强化误解。A. association联系;B. offensiveness冒犯;C. probability可能性;D. misconception误解。根据上文“a correction of a false claim disagrees with your world view”可知,如果对错误主张的纠正与你的世界观不一致,就会强化误解。故选D。
137.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这表明它比Reifler的研究表明的要罕见得多,他认为这是一个极好的消息。A. harder更难的;B. rarer更罕见的;C. more diverse更加多样化的;D. more important更重要的。根据上文“many haven’t seen the effect at all”可知,句子表示“这表明它比Reifler的研究表明的要罕见得多”。故选B。
138.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但无论你做什么,都不要指出这一点,或做出判断(“你错了!,“你太无知了”)。A. reactions反应;B. judgements判断;C. forecasts预报;D. reasons原因。根据下文““You’re wrong!”, “You’re ignorant””可知,括号里内容是对人的判断。故选B。
139.考查动词词义辨析。句意:相反,倾听并问一些问题来揭示为什么别人会有这些观点(“你为什么这么想?”)。A. reveal揭示;B. avoid避免;C. define下定义;D. link连接。根据下文“why someone has those opinions (“What makes you think that?”)”可知,此处表示“倾听并问一些问题来揭示为什么别人会有这些观点(”。故选A。
140.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:好消息是,社会事件是纠正错误的观点的绝佳场合。A. frustrating令人沮丧的;B. excellent极好的;C. familiar熟悉的;D. occasional偶尔的。根据上文“The good news”可知,好消息是,社会事件是纠正错误的观点的绝佳场合。故选B。
141.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:而来自可靠的、值得信赖的来源的纠正更有效。A. widespread广泛的;B. deliberate故意的;C. inevitable不可避免的;D. effective有效的。根据上文“corrections from credible, trusted sources”可知,来自可靠的、值得信赖的来源的纠正更有效。故选D。
142.考查固定短语辨析。句意:与社交媒体上的互动相比,面对面讨论话题的时间要多得多。A. in person亲自;B. in detail详细地;C. on purpose故意地;D. on business出差。根据下文“compared with, say, interactions on social media”可知,与社交媒体上的互动相比,面对面即亲自讨论话题的时间要多得多,。故选A。
143.考查动词词义辨析。句意:坏消息是,即使你心里有这些想法,你仍然不太可能说服别人,尤其是当你在挑战他们的世界观时。A. encourage鼓励;B. impress使印象深刻;C. surprise使惊讶;D. convince说服。结合常识,纠正别人是为了说服别人。故选D。
144.考查动词词义辨析。句意:那么为什么还要尝试呢?A. try尝试;B. stop阻止;C. move移动;D. wait等待。根据上文“Corrections that are totally different from one’s world view are by-and-large ineffective, especially in conservative people”可知,既然纠正别人是没有效果的,那么为什么还要尝试呢。故选A。
145.考查动词词义辨析。句意:质疑你亲戚的虚假说法可能会让他们在下次胡说八道之前三思而后行。A. Validating批准;B. Investigating调查;C. Questioning质疑;D. Understanding理解。根据下文“your relatives’ false claims”可知,质疑你亲戚的虚假说法。故选C。
146.考查动词词义辨析。句意:还要时刻考虑房间里的其他人。A. support支持;B. locate确定……的位置;C. interview采访;D. consider考虑。根据下文“Even if you do not change your Aunt Susan’s mind, you may sow a seed in your nieces’ and nephews’ minds”可知,此处表示“还要时刻考虑房间里的其他人”。故选D。
147.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:事实上,库克认为,几乎不可能改变美国7%的人的想法,他们非常确信全球变暖根本没有发生。A. aware意识到的;B. happy高兴的;C. sure确信的;D. disappointed失望的。根据上文“7 per cent of people in the US”和下文“that global warming isn’t happening at all”可知,此处表示“几乎不可能改变美国7%的人的想法,他们非常确信全球变暖根本没有发生”。故选C。
148.考查动词短语辨析。句意:相反,他认为我们应该关注那些仍然愿意接受说服的大多数人。A. make up编造;B. look up to尊敬;C. focus on关注;D. set out on启程。根据下文“the majority still open to persuasion”可知,此处表示“我们应该关注那些仍然愿意接受说服的大多数人”。故选C。
149.考查固定短语辨析。句意:例如,预先警告他们媒体上的虚假平衡问题,他们的观点不会在他们读到一篇充满虚假平衡引用的文章时改变。A. For instance例如;B. What’s more另外;C. As a result结果;D. On the contrary相反。根据下文“forewarn them about the problem of false balance in the media and their views won’t change when they read an article full of false-balance quotes”可知,下文是举的一个例子,空格处意为“例如”。故选A。
150.考查形容词短语辨析。句意:那些没有得到警告的人会更加怀疑自己的判断力。A. surprised at对……感到惊讶;B. doubtful of对……怀疑;C. curious of对……好奇的;D. annoyed at对……生气的。根据上文“His studies show that people are less likely to fall for false arguments if they are warned against them”可知,那些没有得到警告的人会更加怀疑自己的判断力。故选B。