“Ice baths” are routinely used by professional athletes after sports events. Dipping into “icy” water, usually around10°c, for 5 to 10 minutes is claimed to improve muscle recovery and enhance future sports performances. ____1____
Johana Lanner is an expert in muscle physiology from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. ____2____ For this reason, ice baths are commonly used for muscle recovery after sports competitions.
What effect do ice baths have on exercise performance? As ice baths help muscles recover, it may follow that they can better sports performance. ____3____ Hakan Westerblad, an expert in cellular muscle physiology from Sweden, says, “Scientific studies show varying outcomes regarding the effect of post-exercise ice baths on subsequent performance, with results ranging from minor positive effects to negative effects.”
To measure the effect of ice baths on exercise performance, different types of exercise should be taken into account, such as endurance or strength training. Another expert from Australia thinks that after strength exercise, cold water baths may in fact prevent the benefits of exercise.
____4____ Christopher, from Mahidol University in Thailand, says, “Interestingly, there is evidence which suggests that cooling the exercise monocle increases the cellular simple, which turns on Mitochondria biogenesis (或粒体生物). “Mio- biogenesis in when cells increase their numbers of Mitochondria, which are structures that release energy. Mito- biogenesis is one of the positive effects that come from endurance training. ____5____
A.Unfortunately it is not that simple.
B.But what is the science behind these claims?
C.So ice baths could help to extend this benefit.
D.Effects on endurance training may be quite different.
E.So ice baths are beneficial to all athletes to relax muscles.
F.He says ice baths are effective at relaxing the painful muscles.
G.Professional athletes usually use ice baths to help muscles recover.
This holiday, I decided to go to Paris. My flight was at 6 in the morning, and I barely slept the night before. Instead, I was checking my luggage again and again, worrying about whether I had brought everything. My mom drove me to the airport at 3 am. ____6____I took a deep breath and walked into the terminal.
Then I got onto the plane. When I smelled the fuel of the airplane and fastened my seat belt, all of my memories of traveling came flooding back. After the initial excitement, I then started figuring out how I could kill the 22 hours ahead. The seats next to me were empty, so I removed the armrest and lay down. I now had a couch on the plane!____7____
What about the 15 hours left?____8____ Luckily, I soon discovered a better way; on board Wi-Fi. It was not cheap, but I would then get access to the internet.____9____It was a wise choice. The minute I logged into the Wi-Fi, messages started popping up. I texted back my friends, scrolled through my social media and read articles on my phone.____10____Also, access to the internet gave me a feeling that I was still on the ground with my friends.
At last, I survived the 22-hour flight, landed in Paris and started my exciting trip!
A.I decided to take a nap first.
B.Then, I was completely on my own.
C.After that, I was no longer discouraged.
D.I hesitated for a bit, but then I went ahead and bought it.
E.Those things killed time about as effectively as possible.
F.I felt so comfortable that I slept for seven hours in total during the flight.
G.Watching me episodes would be fun but I might get bored watching an entire season straight.
Trail Etiquette(狭路礼仪)
More and more people have been exercising outdoors, forcing people to rub shoulders for the first time. Following the unwritten rules of the trail can ensure proper civility.
Determine who has the right of way. On narrow trails, when you meet someone coming from the other direction or approaching from behind at a faster pace, one of you has to step aside and yield (让步). ___11___ The person moving uphill has the right of way. On a flat trail, yielding to another hiker is always appreciated.
Trail etiquette for other transports. Things often start to get hairy when people are using modes of transportation other than their feet. ___12___ That is, differently-abled people always get the right of way, no matter whether they’re on walking sticks, a power chair, or the like.
Leashed(拴绳) dogs are the best dogs. Dog owners must obey trail etiquette, too, starting with obeying all park regulations about leashing your pet. If off-leash dogs are permitted, you should still keep a leash handy for when you pass other hikers and pack animals. Keep in mind that some people are afraid of dogs. ___13___
___14___ Blasting your favorite tunes on your portable Bluetooth speaker may be the perfect addition to a great hike, but you need to think about how this might influence others. Everyone has their own reason to be outdoors-quiet comfort or fun recreation—and it pays to be respectful of that. If you choose to use earbuds, make sure you leave one out or keep your music down so you can still be aware of your surroundings. ___15___
If everyone agrees on how to behave, polite interactions on the trail are possible, and all involved can have a great time outside and protect the lands we love.
A.Keep the music down.
B.As a result, you should be considerate.
C.If they yield to you, be sure to say thanks.
D.Who does this depends on a few simple factors.
E.But there’s an easy golden rule you should always follow.
F.There may be others around you who are trying to pass.
G.Every time you step off the trail, avoid damaging plants and natural surroundings.
Bad days at work can slow you down and make you feel overwhelmed. ____16____This shall pass. Here’s a guide to cheer you up when your day at the office just didn’t go as planned.
Go for a walk around your neighborhood. Fresh air can do wonders.You’ve worked so hard! You deserve a break. This can also be helpful during a bad day before the workday is even done. ____17____
Talk to your family or friends. ____18____And if you’re not ready to talk about how you’re feeling just yet and just want their company, that’s totally okay, too.
Make a to-do list for tomorrow. What’s bothering you today might just be what will happen tomorrow. ____19____ For instance, if you have a presentation to work on, start your list by writing an outline, then making any slides or visual aids, and finally, writing any notes you may need. If you can make a plan, set goals, and organize your day ahead of time, the work may not feel terrifying.
____20____ This is often an essential part of self-care that’s overlooked.But there’s more to life than work. Try to remind yourself of activities that make you feel at peace, like taking photos, doing your skincare routine, or listening to music. Then spend at least an hour after work doing only that.
A.Do the things that you are good at.
B.Spend time doing something you enjoy.
C.Having a good friend is important for you.
D.Stepping outside for just 15 minutes can help you refresh yourself.
E.Sometimes it feels good to talk to someone who just wants to listen.
F.But it doesn’t mean every day that comes after will be exactly the same.
G.Organize your tasks into small parts, instead of complex, long-term projects.
Hearing is one of our most important senses. However, many people don’t realize that they may be exposing their ears to a huge amount of potentially damaging noise on a daily basis. It’s important to protect your hearing from noise and other damaging factors.
____21____ Listening to loud music through earphones has been identified as one of the major causes of hearing damage in young people. You also need to be careful when listening to loud music in enclosed spaces, such as in a car. Turning the volume down can make a difference to your hearing.
Don’t try to clean out your ears. Many people attempt to clean out their ears using cotton buds. ____22____ In more severe cases, cotton buds may damage the thin skin and even negatively affect your hearing. You can place a couple of drops of earwax solution into your ears. The solution will soften the earwax, causing it to flow out naturally.
Avoid head injuries. Damage to the middle and inner ear due to head injury can result in hearing loss. ____23____ Always wear a helmet when riding a bike or playing any kind of contact sports, and always wear a seat belt when travelling by car.
Be careful at live concerts and shows. Attending concerts or shows where you’re exposed to loud, live music can be damaging to your hearing. To protect your ears while listening to live music, strategically position yourself away from any amplifiers, speakers or stage monitors. ____24____
Get plenty of exercise. Aerobic exercise like walking, running or cycling helps to improve blood flow to your ears, which is good for your hearing. ____25____ This also gives your ears a break from the hustle and bustle (喧嚣) of daily life.
A.Turn down the music.
B.See a specialist if you suffer from hearing problems.
C.The further away you are from the source of the sound, the better.
D.However, cotton buds may pack earwax deeper into the ear.
E.Therefore, it is important to protect yourself from head injury in any way possible.
F.As a result, you can’t hold a conversation with someone standing two meters away.
G.It’s even better if you can do your exercise somewhere nice and quiet, like the woods.
Talking to yourself may seem a little shameful. If you’ve ever been overheard criticizing yourself for a foolish mistake or practicing a tricky speech ahead of time, you’ll have felt the social ban against communicating with yourself in words.
___26___ Talking to ourselves, whether out loud or silently in our heads, is a valuable tool for thought. Self-talk allows us to plan what we are going to do, manage our activities, regulate our emotions and even create a narrative (叙述)of our experience.
Take a trip to any preschool and watch a small child playing with her toys. You are very likely to hear her talking to herself: offering herself directions and giving voice to her frustrations (沮丧). ___27___ We do a lot of it when we are young—perhaps one reason for our shyness about continuing with it as adults.
As children, according to a Russian psychologist, we use private speech to regulate our actions in the same way that we use public speech to control the behavior of others. ___28___
We internalize (内化) the private speech we use as children—but we never entirely put away the out-loud version. ___29___ You’re bound to see an athlete or two encouraging themselves with a tart (刻薄的) phrase or scolding (责骂) themselves after a bad shot.
___30___ The to-and-fro between different points of view means our thoughts can end up in expected places. Both kinds of self-talk—the silent and the vocal (有声的)—seem to bring a range of benefits to our thinking.
A.But there’s no need for embarrassment
B.If you want proof, turn on the sports channel.
C.As we grow older, we make it part of our nature.
D.Psychologists refer to this as private speech.
E.Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness.
F.The effect of our words gives a valuable perspective on our actions.
G.Conducting a self-dialogue is good for solving problems and working through ideas.
Laziness during childhood often translates into a lazy adulthood as well. Here are some tips to help you avoid raising a lazy kid.
Resist giving in
One of the primary reasons children feel encouraged to be lazy is that they know their parents will do their work for them if they don’t do it themselves. Simply scolding or shouting at your kids won’t help if you choose to give in later. Instead, be strong enough to make your kids finish their chores themselves or else let them face the consequences. ___31___
Talk about responsibility
While it’s natural to feel protective about your children, the development of a sense of responsibility during childhood is extremely important. ___32___ . Explain that laziness during childhood will result in a lazy adulthood and poor performance in both professional and personal life.
Note down chores
It’s better to clarify to your children that they are responsible for completing certain chores around the house. ___33___ . For example, you can make your five-year-old throw away rubbish or wipe dishes after they’ re washed. With older kids there should be specific chores with timelines and detailed consequences.
In order to teach kids not to be lazy, you have to first try not to be lazy in front of your kids. Whenever you are faced with a difficult situation like going for a jog vs. lazing in front of the television, choose the more responsible option. Explain to your kids the reasons behind your choosing this option and the possible future advantages that it offers.
___35___. However, as a parent, it is one of the greatest lessons you can ever teach your kids.
A.Lead by example
B.Teach through experience
C.The art of not being lazy isn’t an easy one to learn
D.Talk to your kids about the disadvantages of being lazy
E.Once this happens, kids will quickly learn not to be lazy
F.As the kid takes responsibility, his self-confidence will increase
G.Even if your kids are very small, it’s necessary to give them tiny chores
Many people lead busy lives and think they barely have time to work out every day. ____36____ They are short workouts that often involve high-intensity(高强度的)exercises. Here we explore some reasons to do micro workouts.
Require Less of a Time Commitment
Committing to exercising for a certain amount of time per week can be difficult, especially when you do not have the time or motivation to work out for an extended period. Microworkouts are good alternatives. They take up only 10 to 30 minutes of your day. Many people spend much longer scrolling through social media each day. ____37____
Make Scheduling Workouts Easier
It can be challenging to commit the time needed to exercise every day,but it can also be hard to fit a workout into a tight schedule. However, a study suggests that it may be possible. ____38____ For example, walking your dog, using the stairs, parking farther away from adestination, or walking during your lunch break are all ways you can try.
Need No Equipment
Investing in expensive home gym equipment can be a real burden. When you decide to domicro workouts, though, you don’t need a bunch of equipment. ____39____ For example, you may choose to do steps on your stairs, run on the spot, or even do some star jumps. Since youcan choose what type of workout you’d prefer to do, it means that you can exercise wheneveryou please.
____40____ Now that you know all about micro workouts, you can add them to your day.Get as creative as you please and think about the types of movements that suit you. You neverknow-it might just boost your health and wellness.
A.Ready to get moving?
B.You just fit it into your routine.
C.Fitness should be simple and convenient.
D.So it should be a relatively easy time commitment.
E.If you feel this way, you may be interested in micro workouts.
F.Can micro workouts give the same benefits as longer workout sessions?
G.Instead,you can use things around your home to empower your workout.
Does your dog always want to go wherever you’re going and most of the time, this behavior is welcomed?____41____However, if you find your dog doing this too often or if it’s accompanied by other troubling behavior like eating less, going outside less often or interacting less with other family members, there could be potential issues.
____42____Usually, it’s simply out of loyalty and the close relationship that’s been created with its owner, because he or she is the one that provides care and comfort and keeps it safe. However, sometimes, your dog wants to follow you possibly due to something negative.____43____
Dogs are emotional animals and may feel anxious for some reason sometimes. It may take much time and training to help your dog work through what’s causing the problem____44____You’ll have to work with your dog consistently or hire a professional trainer.
One way to stop your dog from following you might be putting it in a secure and reliable area.____45____If your dog spends all of its time with you and you alone, it may express a dislike for being away from you or interacting with other humans or dogs.
A.You and your dog must have a similar lifestyle.
B.You may think it’s because it loves and trusts you.
C.There are many reasons why dogs follow their owners.
D.For example, it could be il, bored, nervous or stressed.
E.Keep in mind that the behavior won’t be cured overnight.
F.Another trick might be to make sure your dog socializes enough.
G.This could be especially true if dogs can take care of themselves.
It was a new home. It cost $154,000. Sarah Jennings of Bay Shore, New York was ready to buy it, but her real estate agent suggested getting a home inspection. ____46____ Jennings said, “I was just depressed. It was less than perfect.” Since the problems were minor and would cost little to fix, Jennings decided to buy the house anyway.
Many people are now adding the important step of home inspection into the process of buying a home. A home inspector does not check to see if the price is reasonable. ____47____ Is it safe? Do the electricity and water work well? Is the roof in good condition? What repairs may be necessary? The inspector gives an estimate of the cost for putting the home in good working condition. If the home inspector finds serious problems, the buyer may want to consider looking for another house.
____48____ Usually a buyer puts down some money (1%-5% of the purchase price) to show intent to buy. The seller and buyer may need to negotiate before they decide on the price for the house. In Bay Shore, there are more buyers than houses. ____49____
The American dream of owning a home is possible. But there are still many people looking. In Bay Shore recently, there were more than 2,000 people interested in buying 52 houses in the new housing project. ____50____ But Jennings is not one of them.
A.The inspector checks on the building.
B.So Jennings paid full price and did not negotiate.
C.After the inspection, Jennings made an offer on the house.
D.Among those people, at least 1,948 families are still looking.
E.The bank wanted to make sure the house was worth the price.
F.The monthly housing expenses should be no more than 29% of a family’s income.
G.After four hours, the home inspector gave Jennings a list of over 20 problems with the “new” home.
Food waste has become a severe problem across the world due to a lack of understanding of how to effectively use food and conserve it. Roughly one- third of the food produced globally is either lost or wasted every year. ___51___
Stop Food Waste Day is an international day of action in the fight against food waste. It began back in 2017 by Compass Group, one of the world’s largest food-service companies serving restaurants, cafes, hospitals, schools, and more. ___52___ On this day, Compass country teams will work together to raise awareness of the critical food waste problem and inspire change.
Stop Food Waste Day aims to educate people about their food waste.___53___ Stop Food Waste Day hopes to change the way leftovers are used, so people can take the most significant advantage of what food they use.
The Compass Group focuses the efforts of its mission by teaching their chefs how to track and reduce waste as much as possible. They also seek to donate more than 250, 000 pounds of food each year to local food banks.
___54___ Show your support by looking up simple recipes to best use leftovers and fresh produce. Before food shopping, plan ahead by making a list and only buying what you know you’ll use. ___55___
Get into the habit of freezing leftovers, instead of throwing them in the rubbish. Besides, help teach people about the benefits of saving food waste.
A.It brings 30 countries together.
B.Now it’s your turn to take action.
C.Food waste, however, can be stopped.
D.Help schedule cooking demonstrations and share recipes.
E.More importantly, it offers creative and impactful solutions.
F.Compass Group promised to reduce food waste by 30% by 2025.
G.Also avoid wasting food by seeing what needs to be used up before you go shopping.
Packing light is important when travelling with kids, but it is hard to do so when your kids want to pack every single toy they can lay their eyes on. ___56___. Here is a guide on how to pack light for a family trip.
Pack lightweight clothes
Before you start packing, check the weather at your family holiday destination. ___57___, packing becomes much easier. Packing light for warm weather isn’t hard but the same can’t be said for cold destinations. The key to cold weather packing is layering. Instead of packing heavy clothing items,pack a few lightweight clothing articles which, when layered, offer all the warmth you need.
We suggest not carrying any toiletries while travelling with kids since you can buy these wherever you are going. But if you do insist on carrying your own toiletries, use travel containers which are lightweight and won’t break and spill all over your clothes inside the luggage.
Separate suitcases for the win
Big suitcases bother every vacation. While it’s convenient to put all your needs in big suitcases, they aren’t exactly convenient to carry around.___59___. Prepare fun suitcases for your kids that are easy to drag around, which gives them a sense of ownership and responsibility. ___60___.
A.However, it is not impossible
B.Take personal belongings with you
C.Avoid carrying toiletries if possible
D.If you get your family members involved in the plan
E.Once you know what kind of weather you’ll be dealing with
F.The trip is much easier when everyone carries their own luggage
G.We suggest getting a lightweight suitcase for every family member
Why Should You Stop Yelling(吼叫)at Your Kids
It doesn’t make you look authoritative. It makes you look out of control to your kids.___61___.Yelling,similar to spanking(打屁股),is the response of a person who doesn’t know what else to do. The use of spanking to discipline children has been in decline for 50 years. But yelling?___62___.
Households with regular shouting incidents tend to have children with lower self-esteem (自尊心)and higher rates of depression. A 2019 study in The Journal of Child Development demonstrated that yelling produces results similar to physical punishment in children.___63___But most parents find it hard to imagine how to get through the day without yelling. The new research on yelling presents parents with twin problems:What do l do instead?And how do I stop?
Dr. Kazdin promotes a programme called the ABCs,which stands for antecedents(前情),behaviours and consequences. The antecedent is the setup telling a child,specifically,whatyou want them to do before you want them to do it.___64___ And the consequence involves an expression of approval when that behaviours performed,an expression of praise with an accompanying physical gesture of approval.
___65___Instead of yelling at your kid every night for the shoes thrown across the floor,ask him in the morning if he can put his shoes away when he comes home. Make sure when you come home that you put your own shoes away. And if your child puts his shoes away,or even puts them closer to where they’re supposed to be,tell him that he did a great job and then hug him.
A.It hurts your kids a little.
B.It makes you look weak.
C.Let’s take making kids putting away their shoes an example.
D.Behaviours are where the behaviour is defined and shaped by the parent.
E.Behavioural problems need a long-term joint efforts of parents and teachers.
F.Almost everybody still yells at their kids sometimes,even the parents who know it doesn’t work.
G.It increases levels of anxiety,stress and depression along with an increase in behavioural problems.
Helen Keller once wrote, “The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves.” ____66____ The UN has set December 5 as International Volunteers Day to give recognition to these people.
Nineteen-year-old Andrew Makhoul was a communications major at the University of Pennsylvania. It was coming up to spring break, but unlike his classmates, Makhoul wasn’t planning on spending the break relaxing. ____67____
He traveled to Guatemala. He went to an orphanage in one of the most violent and poor parts of Guatemala City. It depends upon volunteers to stay open. Although he didn’t speak much Spanish, he found communication wasn’t a problem: ____68____ And what he gave out, he got back: “You could see love when you looked in their eyes.”
Makhoul’s first time as a volunteer only lasted a week, but by the end of that week, he knew he’d be back in the future.
____69____ The UN highlighted the case of Palestinian women who are survivors of breast cancer. As part of the UN’s Aid and Hope Programme for Patient Care, the women have been volunteering their time to create low-cost breast prosthetics (假体) to be distributed to women for free, among whom Shahd El-Swerki is a brilliant example. ____70____ By the end of her time there, she admired these women who are “not only survivors but also volunteers”.
About 2,400 years ago, Greek philosopher Aristotle said, “The essence of life is to serve others and do good.” Volunteers all around the world are making these words come true, each and every day.
A.“You communicated with love.”
B.She volunteered in curing thousands of women.
C.She worked with the women as part of the programme.
D.Unexpectedly, volunteers benefit from their experiences.
E.Sometimes, volunteers themselves live with huge challenges.
F.He decided to spend his time doing something useful for people.
G.These words certainly prove true for the millions of volunteers all over the world.
Although the “no better time than now” idea makes some sense when it comes to forming good habits, the fact of the matter is that your willpower is limited. ___71___ If stressed, or otherwise not in a normal daily routine, you’ll find it much harder to keep up with a good habit.
Habits are something that is deeply rooted in our behavior.___72___ Similarly, starting up a good habit is going to take a lot of work and conditioning. If you try to take on too much at once, you are probably setting yourself up for failure. So focus on just one good habit for now and move on to the others later.
While your goal may be to end up doing something every day (like exercising), it’s unlikely that you’re going to be able to reach that goal right from the start. It’s going to take time and willpower to condition yourself. ___73___ Start building up that good habit gradually for a more successful habit forming.
___74___ If you can set a different goal each week or so, you can motivate yourself without getting upset. Try exercising just two or three days the first week, then set a slightly higher goal for the next week, and so on. As you get more used to the act of exercising during the day, it’ll become easier for you to work toward your end goal of working out every day. ___75___ The more consistently you can stick with it, the more you’ll want to keep going.
A.Once you do, keep it up.
B.You are expected to start small.
C.It is important to set goals for yourself.
D.This is why quitting a bad habit is so hard.
E.You can do anything if you put your mind to it.
F.Thus, don’t beat yourself up if you miss days at the beginning.
G.Considering this, it’s better to wait until your life is in order before starting.
Life Skills for High Schoolers Before Leaving the Nest
As we grow up, our roles and responsibilities change. Children often worry about how to fall asleep during nap time. Adults must worry about paying the bills for their families. Now, as teenagers, not only do we worry about our exam grades or university decisions, but also the transition into becoming those very adults that have been taking care of us since Day 1. But don’t worry! ____76____
Taking public transport
Unlike calling a Didi every time you need to go somewhere, public transportation is a convenient and financially sustainable way for you to get around. All you need is a navigation app like Apple, or Baidu Maps to help you find the right buses or subways to take. ____77____
Cooking basic dishes
____78____ , but it can be enriching for yourself if you start to learn how to cook some simple meals. Some examples are salads, cup noodles, and microwaved eggs. Cooking may seem hard and time-consuming, but you don’t have to be a professional chef to feed yourself.
You’re not babies anymore! From now on, there won’t be anyone constantly looking after you or telling you what to do. You should learn to maintain your physical health, eat balanced meals, and have enough sleep. Besides, your mental health should also be highly valued. Do what you love and learn to handle the stresses in your life.
Managing your own money
Now that you’re about to go out into the world as another independent adult, it is essential to know how to manage your money.
____80____. For example, turn to your parents for some ideas of creating a budget plan. Try your best not to end up drowning in debt for the rest of your life!
It’s quite bittersweet to say goodbye to your childhood and not have a care in the world, but it’s a part of growing up. There’s a lot to look forward to, and you can be sure that having these life skills will start your adult life off right.
A.Taking good care of yourself
B.Reminding yourself to deal with the stresses
C.It may be appealing to order takeout for a quick bite
D.It’s always a good idea to ask for advice from people you look up to
E.Cooking your own dishes can be an interesting and unforgettable experience
F.As long as you learn these life skills, it’ll be smooth sailing on the way to adulthood
G.As you get more familiar with your usual routes, you won’t need to rely on those apps
It’s important to plan ahead, but you have to live with the fact that you just can’t plan for everything. Life takes unexpected twists and turns(曲折)and throws surprises your way. ___81___. Luckily, here are some advice on how to get through.
___82___. Reflect both on what’s hard and on what’s still good. Maybe that’s in a diary or through a conversation with a friend. It doesn’t matter how you reflect, just that you find time to pause in a crisis.
There’s no right way to get through a difficult time. Some people get super productive. Others, not so much. Thus, it’s important to let go of the pressure of others’ expectations and ignore messages like what you should do.
Find your thing for the day.
Once you’ve stopped focusing on what you should do, take time to recharge by doing good, meaningful, even productive things. Maybe for you it’s baking a pie or organizing a closet.___84___.
Don’t try to make sense of things too soon.
It can be tempting to rush through an uncertain situation and try to make it seem certain—to leap ahead to what might be next or try to find reasons for things. ___85___. Things are just hard. So don’t try to make sense of things too soon. That leaves room for new possibilities.
A.Don’t “should” on yourself
B.Sometimes there isn’t a reason
C.Move past shame
D.Allow yourself to get in touch with how you’re feeling
E.And you feel lost about how to handle those uncertainties
F.You have to write a whole diary entry
G.Just follow your heart and do it for the day
Hunger and malnutrition still exist in the world. Luckily, there are exciting, creative solutions to solving the extra food coming from restaurants, grocery stores, and farmers. ___86___
On June 7, 2022, Spain adopted a draft bill on leftovers. Food businesses will have to submit their plans to reduce food waste. ___87___ Restaurants will soon be required to provide containers for customers to take home their leftovers. Although this may seem like normal practice, in Spain, this is not the custom. With this upcoming law, diners can request their leftovers to be wrapped in recycled packaging for no extra cost. ___88___ Supermarkets will also be asked to donate their unsold food to food banks and neighborhood organizations.
___89___ It can help reduce greenhouse gasses, ensure there is more food for the hungry, and save money in an economic depression. It may also heal nature as there’ll be less demand to destroy forest to grow crops and raise livestock. This, in turn, could reduce the usage of water and decrease pollution in the agricultural sector.
Along with France and Italy, Spain is paving the way for other countries to address this global issue. Spain hopes to enforce these new laws by 2023 and is also developing an awareness program to educate the consumer. Much food waste also comes from within the household. ___90___ Hence, teaching children about food waste is a big step towards making the world a better, less hungry place.
A.As the proverb goes, “Charity begins at home.”
B.If restaurants fail to do this, they could be fined.
C.Joint efforts are needed to deal with this global issue.
D.As a famous saying goes, “One good turn deserves another.”
E.Reducing food waste is of great significance in a hungry world.
F.Instead of being thrown out, unused food will soon be repurposed.
G.This new bill will impress upon the public a new attitude towards food waste.
Ways to Always Be Yourself and Live Happily
Don’t aim to please others. ____91____ This is why you shouldn’t please others but yourself. Pleasing others can be a nice thing to do, but know where your boundaries are. Instead of always aiming to please others, you should do things for yourself as well every now and then.
Don’t worry about how others view you. Occasionally thinking about how others view you may make you change for the better. ____92____ You should change if you want to, and change into what or who you want to change into.
____93____ Do you know who you really are? Ever since you were young, you have been conditioned to be one way or another. It may be unusual just to spend a day being your spontaneous(自然的)self, but sometimes it is the only way that you can learn how to be yourself.
Forgive yourself. Forgive yourself for thinking negatively. Forgive yourself for talking without thinking twice. Don’t think negative thoughts about yourself for taking wrong steps or making wrong decisions. This kind of thinking puts your focus on the problem and not the solution. It’s better to say good thing about yourself than to say negative things. ____94____
Strive for what you want to accomplish. Being yourself does not have to mean that you have to be stuck in the status quo(现状). ____95____ And strive for that accomplishment. You can improve yourself while still remaining true to yourself.
A.Learn more about yourself.
B.Aim for what you want to achieve.
C.Stop being negative about yourself.
D.Saying positive things is a sign that you have forgiven yourself.
E.Committing to something and working toward it will lead to happiness.
F.But you should not be constantly wondering about what others are thinking.
G.There is a problem if you are always doing what everyone else wants to do.
How to stop glasses fogging up with a face mask
Wearing a mask keeps you safe during the pandemic, but it comes with its own set of challenges. And, one of the biggest drawbacks of wearing a mask is how much your glasses fog up and affect your vision. Taking off your glasses to wipe them clean each time they fog up is not only frustrating, but it can also increase the risk of infection. ____96____Here are some tricks to stop it.
Twist your mask strings.
From the side, once you twist it, the strings will look like the figure eight. This is great for stopping fogging because it redirects your breath by putting slight downward pressure on the top part of the mask. ____97____. This may leave you infected by virus.
Wash your glasses with soap.
If you wash your glasses with soap, this creates a thin film on your lenses which limits fogging. Use a fragrance-free soap and mix it with warm water. ____98____ , and let them air dry. When you wear your glasses next, soap molecules on your lenses should block fogging.
Use tissues.
You can put a tissue under the top part of the mask. ____99____To do this DIY trick properly, you should fold a tissue in half and place the straight edge along the bridge of your nose.
Change the position of your masks and glasses.
____100____ But if you do this there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, you need to make sure that your mask still covers your chin (下巴) after you pull it up. And, if your prescription (解决方案) is stronger, this trick could impact your vision and cause increased blurriness (模糊强度).
A.Put your glasses in it
B.Wash your glasses with a soap
C.It will help catch air and damp, keeping your glasses free of fog
D.So the key is to prevent or minimize fogging due to face masks
E.Cover your chin with masks to prevent the need for re-positioning when talking
F.Though, it’s worth noting that it does create a slight gap between the mask and your face
G.Pull up your mask and draw your glasses down, blocking your breath from rising upwards
1.根据上文“Dipping into “icy” water, usually around10°c, for 5 to 10 minutes is claimed to improve muscle recovery and enhance future sports performances.(在大约10度的冰水里面泡五到十分钟,据说能促进肌肉恢复,提高接下来的运动项目表现。)”以及第二段给出了具体的原理作为回答,可以推理出作者要提出一个关于冰浴能促进肌肉恢复的问题,与B项“But what is the science behind these claims?(这些说法背后的原理是什么?)”表达的含义一致,故选B项。
2.根据下文“For this reason, ice baths are commonly used for muscle recovery after sports competitions.(因为这个原因,冰浴通常被用于运动场上比赛后的肌肉恢复)”可知与F项“He says ice baths are effective at relaxing the painful muscles.(他说冰浴在放松疼痛的肌肉方面有效)”为因果关系,故选F项。
3.根据下文“Scientific studies show varying outcomes regarding the effect of post-exercise ice baths on subsequent performance, with results ranging from minor positive effects to negative effects.(关于赛后的冰浴对随后的运动表现,科学研究发现了不同的结果,其结果有微小的积极影响,也有消极影响)”可知与上文的表达“As ice baths help muscles recover, it may follow that they can better sports performance.(由于冰浴能帮助肌肉恢复,随之而来的应该是能促进运动中的表现)”不一致,这与A项“Unfortunately it is not that simple(很不幸的是,它没有那么简单)”的含义表达一致,故选A项。
4.根据上文“Another expert from Australia thinks that after strength exercise, cold water baths may in fact prevent the benefits of exercise.(来自澳大利亚的另一位专家认为在力量训练之后,冰浴事实上有可能妨碍运动的益处)”以及下文“Mito- biogenesis is one of the positive effects that come from endurance training.(线粒体生物合成是来自于耐力训练的积极影响之一)”可知冰浴对力量训练和耐久力训练的影响不同,与D项“Effects on endurance training may be quite different(对耐久力训练的影响可能完全不同)”表达的意思一致,故选D项。
5.根据上文“Mito- biogenesis is one of the positive effects that come from endurance training.(线粒体生物合成是来自于耐力训练的积极影响之一)”表达的意思可知与C项“So ice baths could help to extend this benefit.(因此,冰浴能扩大这种益处)”为因果关系,故选C项。
6.上文“My mom drove me to the airport at 3 am.(我妈妈凌晨3点开车送我去机场。)”说明母亲送我到了机场;下文“I took a deep breath and walked into the terminal.( 我深吸了一口气,走进了航站。)”说明我告别了母亲,独自踏上了旅途。空格处承上启下,B项“然后,我就完全靠自己了”符合句意。故选B项。
7.上文“The seats next to me were empty, so I removed the armrest and lay down. I now had a couch on the plane!(我旁边的座位是空的,所以我移开扶手躺了下来。现在我在飞机上有了沙发!)”说明作者找到一个舒服的躺着的方式。F项“我觉得很舒服,在飞行中我总共睡了7个小时”与上文内容一致。故选F项。
8.上文“What about the 15 hours left?(剩下的15个小时怎么办?)”,说明作者要想办法度过剩下的时间;下文“Luckily, I soon discovered a better way; on board Wi-Fi.(幸运的是,我很快发现了一个更好的方法:飞机Wi-Fi)”说明作者找到了一个消磨时间更好的方法,空格处承上启下,G项“看我的剧集会很有趣,但我可能会厌烦看一整季”提到了看连续剧这种消磨时间的方式,符合语境。故选G项。
9.上文“It was not cheap, but I would then get access to the internet.(虽然不便宜,但我可以上网。)”说明买Wi-Fi很贵;下文“It was a wise choice. The minute I logged into the Wi-Fi, messages started popping up. (虽然不便宜,但我可以上网。我刚登录Wi-Fi,就有消息跳出来。)”说明作者最终还是买了Wi-Fi,D项“我犹豫了一会儿”与上文一致,“但后来还是买了下来”与下文一致。故选D项。
10.上文“I texted back my friends, scrolled through my social media and read articles on my phone.(我给朋友们回短信,浏览社交媒体,在手机上阅读文章。)”说明作者以多种方式消磨时间;下文“Also, access to the internet gave me a feeling that I was still on the ground with my friends.(而且,上网给了我一种仍与朋友在一起的感觉。)”说明作者对于这种上网方式感受不错,E项“这些事情尽可能有效地消磨时间。”与上下文内容一致,符合句意。故选E项。
11.根据上文“Determine who has the right of way”(确定谁拥有通行权)和“On narrow trails, when you meet someone coming from the other direction or approaching from behind at a faster pace, one of you has to step aside and yield (让步)”(在狭窄的小路上,当你遇到有人从另一个方向过来或从后面以更快的速度接近时,其中一人必须靠边让行)根据下文“The person moving uphill has the right of way. On a flat trail, yielding to another hiker is always appreciated.”(上坡的人有通行权。在平坦的小道上,向另一位徒步旅行者让步总是值得赞赏的。)可知,选项承上启下,说明了几个简单的因素会决定谁有优先权。故D选项“谁来做这件事取决于几个简单的因素”切题。故选D项。
12.根据上文“Things often start to get hairy when people are using modes of transportation other than their feet.”(当人们使用其他交通工具而不是他们的脚时, 事情往往开始变得棘手)和根据下文“That is, differently-abled people always get the right of way, no matter whether they’re on walking sticks, a power chair, or the like.”(也就是说, 不同能力的休闲爱好者总是有先行权, 无论他们是拄着拐杖、坐着电动椅还是使用其他类似的工具。)可知,选项与上文为转折关系,且引起下文。说明有可以遵循的简单黄金法则。故E选项“但有一条你应该始终遵循的简单黄金法则”。切题。故选E项。
13.根据上文“If off-leash dogs are permitted, you should still keep a leash handy for when you pass other hikers and pack animals. Keep in mind that some people are afraid of dogs.”(如果允许狗不牵绳,当你经过其他徒步旅行者和驮畜时,你仍应随身携带牵绳。记住,有些人害怕狗)可知,这是为他人着想的举措。故B选项“因此, 你应该为他 人着想”切题。故选B项。
14.根据下文“Blasting your favorite tunes on your portable Bluetooth speaker may be the perfect addition to a great hike, but you need to think about how this might influence others. Everyone has their own reason to be outdoors-quiet comfort or fun recreation—and it pays to be respectful of that.”(用便携式蓝牙扬声器播放你最喜欢的音乐可能是一次伟大的徒步旅行的完美补充, 但你需要考虑这可能会对其他人产生什么影响。每个人在户外都有自己的理由-安静的安慰或有趣的娱乐-尊重这一点是值得的。)可知,本段建议将音乐调低。故A选项“把音乐调低”切题,为本段的标题。故选A项。
15.根据上文“If you choose to use earbuds, make sure you leave one out or keep your music down so you can still be aware of your surroundings.”(如果你选择使用耳塞,请确保你一个耳朵戴耳塞,或者把音乐放低,这样你仍然可以感知周围的环境。)可知,选项承接上文说明上文做法的原因。故F选项“你周围可能有其他人试图通过”切题。故选F项。
16.根据前文“Bad days at work can slow you down and make you feel overwhelmed. (工作中糟糕的日子会让你工作效率下降,感到力不从心)”和后文“This shall pass. (这终将过去)”可知,该句描述我们都有可能会在工作中遇到不顺心的困境,但这不会持续很久。F选项句“But it doesn’t mean every day that comes after will be exactly the same. (但这并不意味着以后的每一天都是一样的)”承上启下,为后文提出具体建议做好铺垫,故选F项。
17.根据前文“Go for a walk around your neighborhood. (在小区附近散散步)”可知,作者在本段中建议读者适当散步,转换下心情。D选项句“Stepping outside for just 15 minutes can help you refresh yourself. (出门15分钟就能让你重新精神焕发)”符合文意,故选D项。
18.根据前文“Talk to your family or friends. (向你的朋友或家人倾诉)”可知,该段建议读者可以向朋友或家人倾诉工作中不顺心的事。E选项句“Sometimes it feels good to talk to someone who just wants to listen. (有时候和一个愿意倾听的人聊天会让你心情晴朗起来)”,符合文意,故选E项。
19.根据后文“For instance, if you have a presentation to work on, start your list by writing an outline, then making any slides or visual aids, and finally, writing any notes you may need. (例如,如果你要做一个演讲,首先写一个大纲,然后做幻灯片或视觉辅助工具,最后写下你可能需要的笔记)”可知,此处作者建议读者将较为复杂的任务,分解为多个部分,各个击破,G选项句“Organize your tasks into small parts, instead of complex, long-term projects.(将任务分解为一些细小的部分,而不是将它看作复杂长期的工程)”符合文意,故选G项。
20.根据前文“Make a to-do list for tomorrow. (制作一张明日待办事项清单)”和下文“Try to remind yourself of activities that make you feel at peace, like taking photos, doing your skincare routine, or listening to music. (试着提醒自己做一些让自己感到平静的事情,比如拍照、护肤或听音乐)”可知,该空格处应填写祈使句形式,建议读者要注意劳逸结合,在工作之余,享受让自己惬意放松的活动,B选项句“Spend time doing something you enjoy. (花一点时间做一些自己喜欢的事情)”符合文意,故选B项。
21.分析设空,空处位于段首,是本段的中心句,根据后文“Listening to loud music through earphones has been identified as one of the major causes of hearing damage in young people. You also need to be careful when listening to loud music in enclosed spaces, such as in a car. Turning the volume down can make a difference to your hearing.(通过耳机听吵闹的音乐被认为是年轻人听力受损的主要原因之一。在封闭的空间里听吵闹的音乐时也要小心,比如在车里。把音量调低会对你的听力产生影响)”可知,本段主要讲调低音量来保护听力,所以A项“Turn down the music.(把音乐关小一点)”符合文意。故选A项。
22.根据前文“Many people attempt to clean out their ears using cotton buds.(许多人试图用棉签清洁耳朵)”可知本段主要在讲,不要用棉签清理耳朵,所以D项“However, cotton buds may pack earwax deeper into the ear.(然而,棉签可能会把耳垢塞进耳朵深处)”是对前一句中提到的行为的结果,其中cotton buds为同词复现。故选D项。
23.根据前文“Avoid head injuries. Damage to the middle and inner ear due to head injury can result in hearing loss.(避免头部受伤。头部损伤导致的中耳和内耳损伤可导致听力丧失)”可知,本段主要讲注意保护头部来保护听力,所以E项“Therefore, it is important to protect yourself from head injury in any way possible.(因此,以任何可能的方式保护自己免受头部损伤是很重要的)”是对前句的论述下的结论,符合文意。故选E项。
24.分析设空,位于段尾,是对本段的总结,根据前文“Be careful at live concerts and shows. Attending concerts or shows where you’re exposed to loud, live music can be damaging to your hearing. To protect your ears while listening to live music, strategically position yourself away from any amplifiers, speakers or stage monitors.(现场音乐会和演出要小心。参加音乐会或演出时,你会暴露在嘈杂的现场音乐中,这会损害你的听力。为了在听现场音乐时保护你的耳朵,有策略地让自己远离任何放大器、扬声器或舞台监视器)”可知,本段主要讲述远离声音大的声源,所以C项“The further away you are from the source of the sound, the better.(你离声音的来源越远越好)”符合文意。故选C项。
25.根据前文“Get plenty of exercise. Aerobic exercise like walking, running or cycling helps to improve blood flow to your ears, which is good for your hearing.(多做运动。像散步、跑步或骑自行车这样的有氧运动有助于促进血液流向耳朵,这对你的听力有好处)”可知,本段主要讲通过锻炼来保护听力,所以G项“It’s even better if you can do your exercise somewhere nice and quiet, like the woods.(如果你能在舒适安静的地方锻炼就更好了,比如树林里)”符合本段主题。故选G项。
26.根据第一段中的“If you’ve ever been overheard criticizing yourself for a foolish mistake or practicing a tricky speech ahead of time, you’ll have felt the social ban against communicating with yourself in words.(如果你曾经被无意中听到批评自己犯了一个愚蠢的错误,或者提前练习了一个棘手的演讲,你就会感受到社会对自己与自己交流的禁令。)”可知,人们感觉自言自语受到社会的限制,描述自言自语是一件很尴尬的事情,而空后“Talking to ourselves, whether out loud or silently in our heads, is a valuable tool for thought.(自言自语,无论是大声还是默默地在脑海中,都是一个有价值的思考工具。)”描述的自言自语对思维很有价值的工具,由此可知,该空应该起过渡作用,且前后有转折关系,A选项“But there’s no need for embarrassment”中的but起到了承上启下的作用,符合题意。故选A项。
27.根据空前的“You are very likely to hear her talking to herself: offering herself directions and giving voice to her frustrations(沮丧).(你很可能会听到她自言自语:给自己指路,说出她的沮丧。)”可知,自言自语是很常见的事情,D选项“Psychologists refer to this as private speech.(心理学家将此称为私人演讲。)”中的this指代的内容与空前的“talking to herself”内容相符,且在下一段中经常提到“private speech”,所以,此处引出这一心理学家对自言自语的概念。故选D项。
28.根据上文“As children, according to a Russian psychologist, we use private speech to regulate our actions in the same way that we use public speech to control the behavior of others. (根据一位俄罗斯心理学家的说法,作为儿童,我们使用私人言论来规范我们的行为,就像我们使用公共言论来控制他人的行为一样。)”和下一段中的“We internalize (内化) the private speech we use as children—but we never entirely put away the out-loud version.(我们内化了我们小时候使用的私人演讲,但我们从未完全放弃大声的版本。)”可知,我们内化了小时候使用的私人演讲,C选项“As we grow older, we make it part of our nature.(随着年龄的增长,我们把它作为我们天性的一部分。)”论述了随着我们长大,我们把私人演讲看作自然的事情。选项中的it与前文private speech一致,与下文内容吻合。故选C项。
29.根据空后的“You’re bound to see an athlete or two encouraging themselves with a tart (刻薄的) phrase or scolding (责骂) themselves after a bad shot.(你一定会看到一两个运动员在投篮不好后用刻薄的短语鼓励自己或责骂自己。)”可知,此处描述的是运动员在场上自言自语的场景,B选项“If you want proof, turn on the sports channel.(如果您需要证据,请打开体育频道。)”中的sports channel与空前内容吻合。故选B项。
30.根据空后的“The to-and-fro between different points of view means our thoughts can end up in expected places.(不同观点之间的来回意味着我们的思想最终可以到达预期的地方。)”可知,此处讲述的是自言自语对思维所能达到的高度的影响,G选项“Conducting a self-dialogue is good for solving problems and working through ideas.(进行自我对话有利于解决问题和理清思维。)”中的ideas与空前的thoughts意义相同,均是受自言自语影响的思维。故选G项。
31.根据小标题“Resist giving in(不要屈服)”和上文“Instead, be strong enough to make your kids finish their chores themselves or else let them face the consequences.(相反,要足够坚强,让你的孩子自己完成家务,否则就让他们承担后果。)”可知,选项承接上文,说明上文产生的影响。故E选项“Once this happens, kids will quickly learn not to be lazy(一旦发生这种情况,孩子们很快就会学会不要懒惰)”,符合语境。故选E项。
32.根据上文“While it’s natural to feel protective about your children, the development of a sense of responsibility during childhood is extremely important.(虽然想要保护你的孩子是很自然的,但在童年时期培养责任感是非常重要的。)”和下文“Explain that laziness during childhood will result in a lazy adulthood and poor performance in both professional and personal life.(向他们解释,童年时期的懒惰会导致成年后的懒惰,在职业和个人生活中都表现不佳。)”可知,要和孩子说清楚懒惰的劣势。D项中“Talk to your kids”与“Explain that”有对应关系,符合语境。故选D项。
33.根据上文“It’s better to clarify to your children that they are responsible for completing certain chores around the house.(最好向你的孩子澄清,他们有责任完成家里的某些家务。)”和下文“For example, you can make your five-year-old throw away rubbish or wipe dishes after they’ re washed.(例如,你可以让你五岁的孩子扔垃圾或洗完盘子后擦碗。)”可知,D项中“your kids are very small”与下文“make your five-year-old”形成对应关系,说明要给孩子杂活去做。故选G项。
34.根据下文“In order to teach kids not to be lazy, you have to first try not to be lazy in front of your kids.(要教孩子不要偷懒,你首先要试着在孩子面前不要偷懒。)”可知,本题需要选择小标题,要概括本段中心大意,而本段第一句“you have to first try not to be lazy in front of your kids”与A项“Lead by example(以身作则)”有对应关系,符合语境。故选A项。
35.根据上文“Explain to your kids the reasons behind your choosing this option and the possible future advantages that it offers.(向你的孩子解释你选择这个选项的原因,以及它可能提供的未来优势。)”和下文“However, as a parent, it is one of the greatest lessons you can ever teach your kids.(然而,作为父母,这是你能教给孩子的最重要的一课。)”可知,父母是孩子最好的老师,但培养孩子的习惯需要父母花心思花时间。不懒惰的艺术不是一门容易学会的艺术。C项“The art of not being lazy isn’t an easy one to learn(不懒惰的艺术不是一门容易学会的艺术)”符合语境。故选C项。
36.上文“Many people lead busy lives and think they barely have time to work out every day.(许多人过着忙碌的生活,认为自己每天几乎没有时间锻炼。)”提到了没时间锻炼这一问题,下文“They are short workouts that often involve high-intensity(高强度的)exercises.(它们是短时间的锻炼,通常包括高强度的锻炼。)”提到了短时间锻炼,选项E中上半句If you feel this way承接上文内,下半句中micro workouts是关键词,引起下文内容,所以E选项“如果你有这种感觉,你可能会对微锻炼感兴趣。”承上启下,符合题意。故选E项。
37.上文“Microworkouts are good alternatives. They take up only 10 to 30 minutes of your day. Many people spend much longer scrolling through social media each day.(微锻炼是不错的选择。它们只占用你每天10到30分钟的时间。许多人每天花更长的时间浏览社交媒体。)”提到了微锻炼的时间问题和浏览社交媒体的问题,选项D中easy是关键词,与上文构成因果关系,所以D选项“所以这应该是一个相对容易的时间投入。”符合题意。故选D项。
38.下文“For example, walking your dog, using the stairs, parking farther away from adestination, or walking during your lunch break are all ways you can try.(例如,遛狗,走楼梯,把车停在离目的地更远的地方,或者在午休时间散步,这些都是你可以尝试的方法。)”提到了一些日常生活中的锻炼,选项B中routine是关键词,概括了下文内容,所以B选项“你只是把它融入你的日常生活。”符合题意。故选B项。
39.上文“When you decide to domicro workouts, though, you don’t need a bunch of equipment.(不过,当你决定固定健身时,你不需要一堆设备)”提到了健身时不需要一堆设备,选项G中Instead是关键词,与上文构成顺承关系,所以G选项“相反,你可以利用家里的东西来锻炼。”能承接上文,符合题意。故选G项。
40.下文“Now that you know all about micro workouts, you can add them to your day.Get as creative as you please and think about the types of movements that suit you.(现在你知道了所有关于微锻炼的知识,你可以把它们添加到你的日常生活中。尽情发挥你的创造力,思考适合你的动作类型。)”提到了准备开始你的行动,所以A选项“准备好行动了吗?”能概括下文内容,符合题意。故选A项。
41.根据上文“Does your dog always want to go wherever you’re going and most of the time, this behavior is welcomed? (你的狗总是想去你要去的地方吗?大多数时候,这种行为是受欢迎的)”说明狗的这种行为时受欢迎的,引出与空格处“受欢迎的原因”,因此B项“你可能认为这是因为它爱你,信任你”符合语境,故选B。
42.根据下文“Usually, it’s simply out of loyalty and the close relationship that’s been created with its owner, because he or she is the one that provides care and comfort and keeps it safe. (通常,这只是出于对主人的忠诚和与主人建立的亲密关系,因为他或她是提供照顾和安慰并保持其安全的人)”说明狗追随主人的原因,与空格处是本段主旨句,因此C项“狗追随主人的原因有很多”能够概括本段大意,故选C。
43.根据上文“However, sometimes, your dog wants to follow you possibly due to something negative (然而,有时,你的狗想要跟随你,可能是因为一些消极的事情)”说明的是狗追随的不好的原因,空格处举例说明有哪些不好的事情,因此D项“例如,它可能是疲倦、无聊、紧张或压力”与上文一致,故选D。
44.根据上文“It may take much time and training to help your dog work through what’s causing the problem (可能需要很多时间和训练来帮助您的狗解决问题的原因。)”说明处理狗的负面情绪需要大量的时间和训练,空格处对上文进一步强调,因此E项“请记住,这种行为不会在一夜之间得到治愈”与上文一致,故选E。
45.根据上文“One way to stop your dog from following you might be putting it in a secure and reliable area. (阻止你的狗跟着你的一种方法可能是把它放在一个安全可靠的地方)”说明阻止你的狗跟着方法之一,空格处是是介绍阻止你的狗跟着方法另外的犯法,因此F项“另一个技巧可能是确保你的狗足够社交”符合语境,故选F。
46.根据前文“Sarah Jennings of Bay Shore, New York was ready to buy it, but her real estate agent suggested getting a home inspection.(来自纽约海湾海岸的莎拉·詹宁斯(Sarah Jennings)准备买下这套房子,但她的房地产经纪人建议她去做房屋检查)”以及后文“Jennings said, “I was just depressed. It was less than perfect.”(詹宁斯说:“我只是很沮丧。它并不完美。”)”可知,空处应是一个过渡句,应该是检查房子的结果,所以G项“After four hours, the home inspector gave Jennings a list of over 20 problems with the “new” home.(四个小时后,房屋检查员给了詹宁斯一张清单,上面写着“新”房子的20多个问题)”符合文意。故选G项。
47.根据后文“Is it safe? Do the electricity and water work well? Is the roof in good condition? What repairs may be necessary? (安全吗?水电正常吗?屋顶状况好吗?可能需要哪些修理?)”可知,空处在本段中的作用为总结下文所列举的房屋问题。后面所有列举的问句都是空处这句话的某个方面,所以A项“The inspector checks on the building.(检查员检查大楼)”符合文意。故选A项。
48.根据后文“Usually a buyer puts down some money (1%-5% of the purchase price) to show intent to buy. The seller and buyer may need to negotiate before they decide on the price for the house. In Bay Shore, there are more buyers than houses.(通常买家会先付一笔钱(买价的1%-5%)来表示购买意向。卖方和买方在决定房子的价格之前可能需要协商一下。在Bay Shore,买家比房子多)”可知,本段是在讲买房缴费的事,空处位于段首,需起到引领本段的作用,所以C项“After the inspection, Jennings made an offer on the house.(看房后,詹宁斯对那所房子提出了价格)”符合文意。故选C项。
49.分析设空处位于段尾,应是对前文的总结或者承接上文的内容,根据前文“In Bay Shore, there are more buyers than houses.(在Bay Shore,买家比房子多)”可知,B项“So Jennings paid full price and did not negotiate.(所以詹宁斯付了全价,没有谈判)”和前句构成因果关系。故选B项。
50.根据前文“In Bay Shore recently, there were more than 2,000 people interested in buying 52 houses in the new housing project.(最近,在海湾海岸,有超过2000人对购买52套新住宅项目感兴趣)”以及后文“But Jennings is not one of them.(但詹宁斯不是其中之一)”可知,空处句子肯定有一类人的存在,并且还是和jennings所做行为相反,而Jennings果断买房这个行为和“people still looking(正在观望)”恰恰相反,所以D项“Among those people, at least 1,948 families are still looking.(在这些人当中,至少有1948个家庭仍在寻找)”符合文意。故选D项。
51.根据上文“Food waste has become a severe problem across the world due to a lack of understanding of how to effectively use food and conserve it. Roughly one- third of the food produced globally is either lost or wasted every year.(由于缺乏对如何有效利用和保存食物的了解,食物浪费已经成为一个严重的问题。每年全球生产的粮食大约有三分之一不是丢失就是浪费)”结合后文提到了停止食物浪费日,可知,本句与上文构成转折,故C选项“然而,食物浪费是可以停止的”符合语境,故选C。
52.根据上文“Stop Food Waste Day is an international day of action in the fight against food waste. It began back in 2017 by Compass Group, one of the world’s largest food-service companies serving restaurants, cafes, hospitals, schools, and more.(“停止食物浪费日”是一个打击食物浪费的国际行动日。它始于2017年,由Compass集团创办,Compass集团是世界上最大的食品服务公司之一,为餐厅、咖啡馆、医院、学校等提供服务)”以及后文“On this day, Compass country teams will work together to raise awareness of the critical food waste problem and inspire change.(在这一天,Compass国家团队将共同努力,提高人们对严重粮食浪费问题的认识,并鼓励变革)”可知,上文提到了Compass集团,故本句承接上文继续介绍Compass集团对食物浪费的态度,下文就是其具体行动,故F选项“Compass集团承诺到2025年减少30%的食物浪费”符合语境,故选F。
53.根据上文“Stop Food Waste Day aims to educate people about their food waste.(“停止食物浪费日”旨在教育人们减少食物浪费)”以及后文“Stop Food Waste Day hopes to change the way leftovers are used, so people can take the most significant advantage of what food they use.(“停止食物浪费日”希望改变剩饭剩菜的使用方式,这样人们就能最大限度地利用他们所使用的食物)”可知,后文提到了“停止食物浪费日”希望改变剩饭剩菜的使用方式,即为减少食物浪费提供了解决方案,故E选项“更重要的是,它提供了创造性和有影响力的解决方案”符合语境,故选E。
54.根据后文“Show your support by looking up simple recipes to best use leftovers and fresh produce. Before food shopping, plan ahead by making a list and only buying what you know you’ll use.(通过查找简单的食谱来表达你的支持,最好地利用剩菜和新鲜农产品。在购买食物之前,提前计划好,列一张清单,只买你知道你会用的东西)”可知,后文提到了食谱对减少食物浪费的作用。故D选项“帮助安排烹饪示范并分享食谱”符合语境,故选D。
55.根据上文“Show your support by looking up simple recipes to best use leftovers and fresh produce. Before food shopping, plan ahead by making a list and only buying what you know you’ll use.(通过查找简单的食谱来表达你的支持,最好地利用剩菜和新鲜农产品。在购买食物之前,提前计划好,列一张清单,只买你知道你会用的东西)”可知,上文提到了在购买食物之前,提前计划好,列一张清单,只买你知道你会用的东西,即在购物之前就选好食物,避免浪费。故G选项“在你去购物之前,也要看看哪些食物需要消耗掉,以避免浪费食物”符合语境,故选G。
56.根据上文“Packing light is important when travelling with kids, but it is hard to do so when your kids want to pack every single toy they can lay their eyes on.(和孩子一起旅行时,轻装上阵很重要,但当你的孩子想把他们能看到的每一个玩具都打包好时,这就很难做到了)”以及后文“Here is a guide on how to pack light for a family trip.(以下是关于家庭旅行如何轻装上阵的指南)”可知,本句与后文构成转折,指出轻松出行是可能的。故A选项“然而,这并非不可能”符合语境,故选A。
57.根据上文“Before you start packing, check the weather at your family holiday destination.(在你开始打包之前,检查一下你的家庭度假目的地的天气)”以及后文“packing becomes much easier. Packing light for warm weather isn’t hard but the same can’t be said for cold destinations.(打包变得容易多了。在温暖的天气里轻装上阵并不难,但在寒冷的目的地就不一样了)”可知,本句是在说明打包容易的条件:知道你要面对什么样的天气。故E选项“一旦你知道你要面对什么样的天气”符合语境,故选E。
58.根据本段内容“We suggest not carrying any toiletries while travelling with kids since you can buy these wherever you are going. But if you do insist on carrying your own toiletries, use travel containers which are lightweight and won’t break and spill all over your clothes inside the luggage.(我们建议带孩子旅行时不要携带任何洗漱用品,因为无论你去哪里都可以买到。但如果你坚持要自己带洗漱用品,那就用轻便的旅行容器,这样在行李里就不会破碎,也不会溅到衣服上)”可知本段的主旨是建议不携带洗漱用品。故C选项“尽可能避免携带洗漱用品”符合语境,故选C。
59.根据上文“Big suitcases bother every vacation. While it’s convenient to put all your needs in big suitcases, they aren’t exactly convenient to carry around.(每次度假,大行李箱都会给人带来困扰。虽然把所有需要的东西都放在大行李箱里很方便,但随身携带就不太方便了)”以及后文“Prepare fun suitcases for your kids that are easy to drag around, which gives them a sense of ownership and responsibility.(为你的孩子准备好玩的行李箱,让他们很容易拖着到处走,这给他们一种主人翁感和责任感)”可知,后文提到为孩子也准备自己的行李箱,即为每个家庭成员准备一个轻便的行李箱。故G选项“我们建议为每个家庭成员准备一个轻便的行李箱”符合语境,故选G。
60.根据上文“Prepare fun suitcases for your kids that are easy to drag around, which gives them a sense of ownership and responsibility.(为你的孩子准备好玩的行李箱,让他们很容易拖着到处走,这给他们一种主人翁感和责任感)”可知,上文提到为孩子准备自己的行李箱,即让每个人负责拉着自己的行李,旅行就更加轻便。故F选项“如果每个人都带自己的行李,旅行就容易多了”符合语境,故选F。
61.根据本空前面的两句话“It doesn’t make you look authoritative. It makes you look out of control to your kids.(它不会让你看起来有权威。它会让你看起来对自己的孩子失去了控制)”可知,对自己的孩子大喊大叫会让你看起来很软弱。选项 B“It makes you look weak.(这会让你看起来很软弱)”与这两句话的结构有相似之处,且在语境上也是连贯的。故选B。
62.根据本空前面的两句话“The use of spanking to discipline children has been in decline for 50 years. But yelling?(50年以来,利用打屁股的方式来管教孩子的行为逐渐下降。然而,对孩子吼叫呢?)”可知,下面一句话应该是对“吼叫”的现状进行介绍,所以选项F“Almost everybody still yells at their kids sometimes, even the parents who know it doesn’t work.(几乎每个人有时都会对自己的孩子大喊大叫,即使是那些知道这没有用的父母)”符合语境。故选F。
63.根据本空之前的这句话“A 2019 study in The Journal of Child Development demonstrated that yelling produces results similar to physical punishment in children.(2019年的《儿童发展》的研究表明,吼叫可以产生的结果与体罚小孩是相似的)”可知,下文应该会具体阐明吼叫对孩子产生的危害。所以选项G“It increases levels of anxiety,stress and depression along with an increase in behavioural problems.(它会增加焦虑、压力和抑郁的程度,同时行为问题也会增加)”符合语境。故选G。
64.根据文章第三段的第一、二句话“Dr. Kazdin promotes a programme called the ABCs, which stands for antecedents, behaviours and consequences. The antecedent is the setup, telling a child,specifically, what you want them to do before you want them to do it.(卡兹丁博士推动了一个名为abc的项目,即前因、行为和后果。前因是告诉孩子你想让他们做什么,特别是在你想让他们做什么之前)”以及本空之后的“And the consequence involves an expression of approval when that behaviour is performed, an expression of praise with an accompanying physical gesture of approval.(后果就是当这种行为发生时,人们会表达赞许,这种赞赏的表达伴随着赞许的肢体动作)”可知,这里应该谈的是行为。所以选项D“Behaviours are where the behaviour is defined and shaped by the parent.(行为是父母定义和塑造行为的地方)”符合语境。故选D。
65.根据本空之后的“Instead of yelling at your kid every night for the shoes thrown across the floor, ask him in the morning if he can put his shoes away when he comes home.(与其每天晚上因为你的孩子把鞋子扔在地板上而对他大吼大叫,不如早上问他回家后能否把鞋子收起来)”可知,本段主要以让孩子把鞋子收起来为例,如何避免对孩子大喊大叫。所以选项C“Let’s take making kids putting away their shoes an example. (让我们以让孩子把鞋子收起来为例)”符合语境。故选C。
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了一名19岁的宾夕法尼亚大学传播学专业的学生Andrew Makhoul在世界各地做志愿者的故事。
66.上文“The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves. ””(“无私地努力给别人带来快乐,将是我们自己更幸福生活的开始。”)为海伦·凯勒说的话。结合选项G项These words certainly prove true for the millions of volunteers all over the world.(这些话对世界各地数百万的志愿者来说无疑是正确的。)可知,该句中的“这些话”就是指的上文所说的话。上下文语意连贯。故选G项。
67.上文“It was coming up to spring break, but unlike his classmates, Makhoul wasn’t planning on spending the break relaxing.”(春假即将来临,但与他的同学不同,Makhoul不打算在假期放松。)以及下文“He traveled to Guatemala.”(他去了危地马拉。)故可推断空格处内容为他决定把时间花在做其他事情上面。结合选项F项He decided to spend his time doing something useful for people.(他决定把时间花在对人们有用的事情上。)符合此推断,是对上文内容的递进,也是引起下文。起到上下文的承上启下作用。故选F项。
68.上文“Although he didn’t speak much Spanish, he found communication wasn’t a problem:”(虽然他不太会说西班牙语,但他发现沟通不是问题)说明沟通不是问题,下文“And what he gave out, he got back: “You could see love when you looked in their eyes.””(他付出了什么,就会得到什么:“当你看着他们的眼睛时,你能看到爱。)提到了“爱”。结合选项A项“You communicated with love.”(“你用爱交流。”)可知,为上文的解决方法。也和下文内容一致,都提到了爱。上下文语意连贯。故选A项。
69.根据下文“The UN highlighted the case of Palestinian women who are survivors of breast cancer.”(联合国强调了患乳腺癌的巴勒斯坦妇女的情况。)引出话题,提到联合国强调的问题。以及“As part of the UN’s Aid and Hope Programme for Patient Care, the women have been volunteering their time to create low-cost breast prosthetics to be distributed to women for free,”(作为联合国“援助与希望病人护理计划”的一部分,这些女性自愿花时间制作低成本的乳房假体,免费分发给女性)可知,为志愿者面临的挑战。结合选项E项Sometimes, volunteers themselves live with huge challenges.(有时候,志愿者自己也面临着巨大的挑战。)意思一致,为总结该部分内容。故选E项。
70.根据下文“By the end of her time there, she admired these women who are “not only survivors but also volunteers”.”(在那里工作的最后,她钦佩这些女性,她们“不仅是幸存者,也是志愿者”。)可知,讲的是主人公Makhoul在这个项目工作。结合选项C项She worked with the women as part of the programme.(作为该项目的一部分,她与这些妇女一起工作。)和下文内容相关,下文是该空格处内容的补充。上下文语意连贯。故选C项。
71.根据下文“If stressed, or otherwise not in a normal daily routine, you’ll find it much harder to keep up with a good habit. (如果有压力,或者不在正常的日常生活中,你会发现很难保持一个好习惯。)”可知,要想保持一个好习惯,需要在正常的日常生活中。选项G“考虑到这一点,最好等到你的生活井然有序后再开始。”和下文意思一致。故选G。
72.根据上文“Habits are something that is deeply rooted in our behavior. (习惯是我们行为中根深蒂固的东西。)”和下文“Similarly, starting up a good habit is going to take a lot of work and conditioning. (同样,养成一个好习惯需要大量的工作和调节。)”可知,习惯在我们的行为中是根深蒂固的,所以要改变一个习惯很难。选项D“这就是为什么戒掉坏习惯如此困难的原因。”和上下文意思一致。故选D。
73.根据上文“While your goal may be to end up doing something every day (like exercising), it’s unlikely that you’re going to be able to reach that goal right from the start. It’s going to take time and willpower to condition yourself. (虽然你的目标可能是每天做一些事情(比如,锻炼),但你不太可能从一开始就实现这个目标。调整自己需要时间和意志力。)”可知,好习惯的养成需要时间和意志力来进行自我调节。选项F“因此,如果你一开始就错过了几天,不要自责。”和上文意思一致。故选F。
74.根据下文“If you can set a different goal each week or so, you can motivate yourself without getting upset.( 如果你能每周左右设定一个不同的目标,你就能激励自己而不会感到沮丧。)”可知,本段讲述了设定目标的重要性和方法。选项C“为自己设定目标很重要。”和下文意思一致。故选C。
75.根据下文“The more consistently you can stick with it, the more you’ll want to keep going. (你越能坚持下去,你就越想坚持下去。)”可知,一旦适应当前的节奏,你就要坚持下去,行为越具有连续性,你就越能够坚持。选项A“一旦你做了,就坚持下去。”和下文意思一致。故选A。
76.根据上文“As we grow up, our roles and responsibilities change. Children often worry about how to fall asleep during nap time. Adults must worry about paying the bills for their families. Now, as teenagers, not only do we worry about our exam grades or university decisions, but also the transition into becoming those very adults that have been taking care of us since Day 1. But don’t worry!(随着我们的成长,我们的角色和责任也在改变。孩子们经常担心如何在午睡时间入睡。成年人必须为支付家庭账单而烦恼。现在,作为青少年,我们不仅担心自己的考试成绩或大学决定,还担心自己如何转变成从第一天起就在照顾我们的成年人。不过别担心!)”结合后文介绍了一些生活技能,可知本句是在说明不担心的原因:只要你学会了这些生活技能,你的成年之路就会一帆风顺。故F选项“只要你学会了这些生活技能,你的成年之路就会一帆风顺”符合语境,故选F。
77.根据上文“Unlike calling a Didi every time you need to go somewhere, public transportation is a convenient and financially sustainable way for you to get around. All you need is a navigation app like Apple, or Baidu Maps to help you find the right buses or subways to take.(与每次需要去某个地方时叫滴滴不同,公共交通是一种方便且经济上可持续的出行方式。你所需要的只是一个像Apple这样的导航应用程序,或者百度Maps来帮助你找到正确的公交或地铁)”可知,本句为本段最后一句,应承接上文说明这些应用程序的影响。故G选项“当你越来越熟悉你的日常路线时,你就不需要依赖这些应用程序了”符合语境,故选G。
78.根据后文“but it can be enriching for yourself if you start to learn how to cook some simple meals. Some examples are salads, cup noodles, and microwaved eggs. Cooking may seem hard and time-consuming, but you don’t have to be a professional chef to feed yourself.(但如果你开始学习如何做一些简单的饭菜,它可以丰富你自己。比如沙拉、杯面和微波鸡蛋。做饭似乎很难而且耗时,但你不必成为一个专业的厨师来养活自己)”可知,后文与本句构成转折,指出自己做饭,可知本句是在说明点外卖。故C选项“点外卖吃点东西可能很吸引人”符合语境,故选C。
79.根据本段内容“You’re not babies anymore! From now on, there won’t be anyone constantly looking after you or telling you what to do. You should learn to maintain your physical health, eat balanced meals, and have enough sleep. Besides, your mental health should also be highly valued. Do what you love and learn to handle the stresses in your life.(你不再是婴儿了!从现在开始,没有人会一直照顾你或告诉你该做什么。你应该学会保持身体健康,饮食均衡,睡眠充足。此外,你的心理健康也应该高度重视。做你喜欢做的事,学会处理生活中的压力)”可知,本段的主旨是从各个方面照顾好自己。故A选项“照顾好自己”适合作小标题,故选A。
80.根据后文“For example, turn to your parents for some ideas of creating a budget plan. Try your best not to end up drowning in debt for the rest of your life!(例如,向你的父母寻求一些制定预算计划的想法。尽你最大的努力,不要让你的余生都沉浸在债务中!)”可知,后文提到要父母寻求建议,即向你尊敬的人寻求建议。故D选项“向你尊敬的人寻求建议总是一个好主意”符合语境,故选D。
81.根据前文“Life takes unexpected twists and turns and throws surprises your way.(生活总是有意想不到的波折,给你带来惊喜)”以及后文“Luckily, here are some advice on how to get through.(幸运的是,这里有一些如何度过难关的建议)”可知,空处应是一个过渡句,从讲生活中会发生意想不到的事,过渡到讲述处理方法,所以E项“And you feel lost about how to handle those uncertainties(你不知道如何处理这些不确定性)”符合文意。故选E项。
82.根据本段小标题“Reflect(反思)”可知,本段主要讲反思生活中发生的事,设空位于段首,应该是对小标题的进一步说明,所以D项“Allow yourself to get in touch with how you’re feeling(允许自己去了解自己的感受)”是对反思的解释,符合文意。故选D项。
83.分析设空可知,空处应该是小标题,是对本段的高度概括,根据后文“There’s no right way to get through a difficult time. Some people get super productive. Others, not so much. Thus, it’s important to let go of the pressure of others’ expectations and ignore messages like what you should do.(没有正确的方法来度过困难的时刻。有些人的方法效率很高。但是对其他人,就没那么高效了。因此,放下他人期望的压力,忽略你应该做的事情是很重要的)”可知,本段是在讲对自己不要给太多压力,没有那么多应该做的事,要学会放下,所以A项“Don’t “should” on yourself(对自己,没有那么多“应该”)”符合文意。故选A项。
84.分析设空可知,空处位于段尾,是对前文的总结,根据前文“Once you’ve stopped focusing on what you should do, take time to recharge by doing good, meaningful, even productive things. Maybe for you it’s baking a pie or organizing a closet.(一旦你不再专注于你应该做的事情,花点时间做一些有益的、有意义的、甚至是有成效的事情来充电。也许对你来说,它是烤馅饼或整理壁橱)”可知,本段承接上文,放下应该做的事,去做有意义的事,所以G项“Just follow your heart and do it for the day(跟着自己的心走,今天就去做吧)”符合文意。故选G项。
85.根据前文“It can be tempting to rush through an uncertain situation and try to make it seem certain—to leap ahead to what might be next or try to find reasons for things.(匆忙处理一个不确定的情况,并试图让它看起来是确定的——跃进到下一个可能发生的事情或试图为事情寻找原因)”以及后文“Things are just hard.(事情就是很艰难)”可知,空处应是一个过渡句,起到承上启下的作用,所以B项“Sometimes there isn’t a reason(有时候没有理由)”符合文意,其中reason为同词复现。故选B项。
86.根据上文“Luckily, there are exciting, creative solutions to solving the extra food coming from restaurants, grocery stores, and farmers.”(幸运的是,有令人兴奋的、创造性的解决方案来解决来自餐馆、杂货店和农民的额外食物)可知,选项承接上文说明如何解决来自餐馆、杂货店和农民的额外食物。故F选项“不用的食物很快就会被重新利用,而不是被扔掉。”故选F项。
87.根据上文“On June 7, 2022, Spain adopted a draft bill on leftovers. Food businesses will have to submit their plans to reduce food waste.”(2022年6月7日,西班牙通过了一项关于剩菜剩饭的法案草案。食品企业必须提交减少食物浪费的计划)可知,选项承接上文说明法案的作用。故G选项“这项新法案将使公众对食物浪费产生一种新的态度。”故选G项。
88.根据上文“With this upcoming law, diners can request their leftovers to be wrapped in recycled packaging for no extra cost.”(根据这项即将出台的法律,用餐者可以要求用回收包装打包剩菜剩饭,而无需额外费用)可知,选项承接上文,说明餐馆做不到如上的要求的后果。故B选项“如果餐馆未能做到这一点,他们可能会被罚款”切题。故选B项。
89.根据下文“It can help reduce greenhouse gasses, ensure there is more food for the hungry, and save money in an economic depression. It may also heal nature as there’ll be less demand to destroy forest to grow crops and raise livestock.”(它可以帮助减少温室气体,确保饥饿的人有更多的食物,并在经济萧条时省钱。它还可能治愈自然,因为为了种植作物和饲养牲畜而破坏森林的需求将减少)可知,减少食物浪费意义重大。故E选项“在一个饥饿的世界里,减少食物浪费意义重大。”切题。故选E项。
90.根据上文“Much food waste also comes from within the household.”(许多食物浪费也来自家庭内部);根据下文“Hence, teaching children about food waste is a big step towards making the world a better, less hungry place.”(因此,教育孩子关于食物浪费的知识是让世界变得更美好、更少饥饿的一大步)可知,选项进一步强调家庭对于减少浪费的重要性。故A选项“正如谚语所说,“慈善始于家庭”切题。故选A项。
91.上文“Don’t aim to please others.”(不要以取悦他人为目标。)引出话题,提出不要以取悦他人为目标,以及下文“This is why you shouldn’t please others but yourself.”(这就是为什么你不应该取悦别人,而应该取悦自己。)说明结果。故可推断空格处内容为不要以取悦他人为目标的原因。结合选项G项There is a problem if you are always doing what everyone else wants to do.(如果你总是做别人都想做的事,那就有问题了。)符合此推断,为说明不要以取悦他人为目标的原因。故选G项。
92.上文“Occasionally thinking about how others view you may make you change for the better.”(偶尔想想别人对你的看法可能会让你变得更好。),下文“You should change if you want to, and change into what or who you want to change into.”(如果你想改变的话,你应该改变,改变成你想改变的什么或谁。)结合选项F项But you should not be constantly wondering about what others are thinking.(但你不应该总是想知道别人在想什么。)和上文内容衔接,为对上文内容的语意递进,同时起到引起下文的作用,上下文语意连贯。故选F项。
93.由该题为段落小标题可知,为总结该段的内容。该段下文“Do you know who you really are? Ever since you were young, you have been conditioned to be one way or another. It may be unusual just to spend a day being your spontaneous self, but sometimes it is the only way that you can learn how to be yourself.”(你知道你到底是谁吗?从你年轻的时候起,你就被这样或那样的方式所制约。花一天时间做你自己可能不太寻常,但有时这是你学会如何做自己的唯一方法。)可知,讲的是要更多的了解自己。结合选项A项Learn more about yourself.(更多地了解自己。)意思一致,为总结该段的内容。故选A项。
94.由该段标题“Forgive yourself.”(原谅自己。)以及上文“It’s better to say good thing about yourself than to say negative things.”(说自己的好话总比说自己的坏话要好。)说明要积极的去看待问题。结合选项D项Saying positive things is a sign that you have forgiven yourself.(说一些积极的事情是你原谅自己的标志。)可知,和该段标题呼应,也是对上文内容的递进和补充。上下文语意连贯。故选D项。
95.根据该段标题上文“Strive for what you want to accomplish.”(为你想要完成的事情而努力。)说明为你想要完成的事情而努力。以及下文“And strive for that accomplishment.”(并为之奋斗。)说明努力。结合选项B项Aim for what you want to achieve.(以你想要达到的目标为目标。)和该段标题呼应,下文是对空格处内容的递进,上下文语意连贯。故选B项。
96.根据标题“How to stop glasses fogging up with a face mask(如何防止戴口罩眼镜起雾)”和前文“Taking off your glasses to wipe them clean each time they fog up is not only frustrating, but it can also increase the risk of infection. (每次起雾时摘下眼镜擦拭干净不仅令人沮丧,而且还会增加感染风险。)”可知,此处是讲要防止口罩引起的雾气,所以选项D“因此,关键是防止或尽量减少口罩引起的雾气”切合文意。故选D。
97.根据后文“This may leave you infected by virus.(这可能会让你感染病毒。)”和前文“This is great for stopping fogging because it redirects your breath by putting slight downward pressure on the top part of the mask(这是防止起雾的好方法,因为它通过在口罩顶部施加轻微的向下压力来改变你的呼吸方向)”可知,前后构成转折关系,对应选项F中的though,后文中的this是指选项F中的“it does create a slight gap between the mask and your face”,所以选项F“不过,值得注意的是,它确实在口罩和你的脸之间产生了一个微小的间隙”切合文意。故选F。
98.根据前文“Use a fragrance-free soap and mix it with warm water.(使用无香味的肥皂,并将其与温水混合。)”和后文“and let them air dry(让它们风干)”可知,此处是指将眼镜放在肥皂水里,所以选项A“把你的眼镜放进去”切合文意。故选A。
99.根据前文“You can put a tissue under the top part of the mask. (你可以在口罩的顶部放一张纸巾。)”和后文“To do this DIY trick properly, you should fold a tissue in half and place the straight edge along the bridge of your nose.(要正确地DIY这个技巧,你应该把一张纸巾对折,沿鼻梁放置直边。)”可知,此处是讲放置纸巾的好处,所以选项C“它将有助于吸收空气和湿气,使您的眼镜免受雾”切合文意。故选C。
100.根据小标题“Change the position of your masks and glasses.(改变口罩和眼镜的位置。)”和后文“Firstly, you need to make sure that your mask still covers your chin (下巴) after you pull it up.(首先,你需要确保你的口罩拉起后仍然覆盖着你的下巴。)”可知,此处是指把口罩拉上去,把眼镜拉下来。所以选项G“拉起口罩,放下眼镜,阻挡呼吸上升”切合文意。故选G。
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