Holidays are not necessarily for fun or rest. Doing something meaningful can also gain special pleasure. When the final bell rang, the students were reminded that there was no school on Monday—the Labor Day. “Enjoy your extra day off,”said the teacher to her class.
An extra day of fun suited Kayla just fine. She loved breaks. She wanted to go out to play with her friends. When the school bus dropped Kayla off, she ran into the house happily.
“How was school, Kayla?” asked her mom.
“It was great, Mom. I am excited about no school on Monday. ”
“You just started back to school two weeks ago. Already in need of a break, huh?” asked Kayla’s mom with a laugh.
Kayla slept in the next morning. Saturday was her favorite day of the week. It rained most of the day, so Kayla enjoyed playing video games inside. On Sunday, her friends came over and they played basketball for several hours.
Then it was Labor Day, you know, the extra day off that Kayla was so looking forward to. But Kayla was awakened early that morning by her dad. He told Kayla that in honor of Labor Day, the family would be cleaning both inside and outside the house. Kayla couldn’t believe it. This was a holiday. A day when she was supposed to be enjoying freshly squeezed lemonade while playing in her tree house. As Kayla wiped her eyes, she began to wonder if this was just a bad dream.
“Kayla, your breakfast is ready. We have a lot of work to do today. Let’s get a move on, ”said Kayla’s mom. As she sat down at the kitchen table, Kayla asked her parents,
“Are you serious about working today? Isn’t Labor Day a holiday?”
“Yes, Kayla. It is, ”replied her dad. “But your mom and I thought working hard today would make you appreciate why Labor Day was observed in the first place. ”
At first, Kayla felt disappointed at her parents’ plan for the holiday.
Paragraph 2:
But things began to change as she was doing the chores.
We were in our late 20s with a child when my husband, Ralph, finally graduated from college.
“OK, now I deserve a piano,” I blurted out when he sat down for lunch just before the graduation ceremony. A look of surprise crossed his face.
“We could never afford a piano. After so many years of hard work, we got you through school. Now I deserve a piano,” I repeated.
Several months later, Ralph, with help, moved the upright piano we bought for $ 100 into our cottage’s tiny arched dining room. It smelled a little musty, but had great tone.
Ralph started graduate school, leaving no money for private piano lessons. The first thing that came to my mind was Santa Monica City College—maybe it offered piano lessons. Skimming the catalog, I danced around the room when I found a class at the same time the boys were at preschool.
Practicing, however, was not so easy. Four-year old redheaded Denny crawled out of bed in the evening on a regular basis. That was my time to practice. He’d pad out of the bedroom in his sleeper and climb up on the bench with me. Soon he began plinking (发出叮铃声) on the high keys. I tried to ignore him. He listened to the echoes of the keys and plinked some more. Doing all I could do to keep focused on my own practicing, I continued to ignore him.
This practice pattern became an evening routine. After a while, I didn’t even hear him anymore. Ralph studied. Denny plinked on the high keys, and I focused on my piece for the end-of-the-term recital (独奏会).
That evening came. However, Ralph said he was busy preparing for the midterms and couldn’t watch Denny.
Pacing back and forth, I shook my head trying to figure out what to do. Time was running out. I bundled up Denny—with his sleeper on—and drove off to the recital with him.
“We’ll sit in the front row, Denny,” I whispered. “You have to be very quiet and listen when I am playing.” He nodded, said “Uh-huh,” and we sat down.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Denny held my hand, but then my turn came.
A small body climbed onto the piano bench next to me.
In a bustling city where people rushed from one place to another, John, a seasoned taxi driver, had spent most of his day ferrying passengers from one destination to another. Suddenly, it started pouring. He was crossing a corner when he noticed a mother with a child in her arms get out of a taxi. Instead of walking into the building nearby, she stood in the rain on the sidewalk, looking anxious and worried. He pulled up beside them and rolled down the window.
“Can I help you, ma’am?” he asked, his voice warm and friendly.
The mother turned to him pleading, “Thank you so much. My 6-year-old son Ivan suddenly has a fever and is having difficulty breathing now. I need to get him to the hospital right away.”
John suddenly realized that she was just refused by another taxi driver. Unwilling to leave them stranded in the middle of a crisis, John said, “Get in my taxi. I’ll take you to hospital.”
He swung open the door and helped the boy into the backseat. “Don’t worry, ma’am. I’ll get you there as fast as I can,” he said, his eyes meeting hers in the rearview mirror.
As he drove, John could feel the boy’s body trembling. He could hear the mother’s whispered prayers and the sound of her hands clasping together tightly. He knew he had to act fast. Despite the urgency of the situation, John remained calm and composed, skillfully weaving through traffic and red lights. A few minutes later, they arrived at the hospital, and Ivan was rushed inside for treatment.
Half an hour later, the boy was out of danger. “It was lucky that you made it here in time,” said the doctor. “Thank you, thank you so much,” the woman said, her voice choked with emotion. She then turned to John, fishing in her pocket for cash to pay him. “I have a principle: No fare for those making trips to hospital!” John refused, and quickly left.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Many years later, 63-year-old John was going to hospital for some tests.
“Free trip to hospital? But why?” John asked in surprise.
On a beautiful Thursday this April, Amy and Alan Green took their daughter Abbey out for a walk in the neighborhood. On their way back, Amy picked up a kite for Abbey from the Dollar Tree, blue with rainbows—there are a lot of rainbows decorating homes around the region these days, which helps make life less dull during the coronavirus pandemic.
In the afternoon, Abbey took the kite out for its first flight. At first, the wind was perfect. It took the kite high in the sky. However, suddenly, the wind became much stronger and pulled the kite out of Abbey’s hands in a moment. It flew farther and farther and finally got stuck on the power lines next to a big tree, wrapping itself over and over again around the wires. Since the kite was too high for them to reach, the Greens could do nothing about it. Worried less about the kite than the danger it might present to the lines, Amy called National Grid (国家电网) to report the incident.
About one hour later, Mike, a worker from the power company arrived. He carefully removed the kite line from the wires. After about 10 minutes’ effort, he successfully freed it. But unfortunately, as the kite was wrapped so tightly, there was some unpreventable damage. Still, he gave it back to Alan Green. As he was leaving, he noticed Abbey taking the kite to the backyard. Out of curiosity, he stood there for a while to see how the girl would deal with it. Surprisingly, she dug a hole and buried the kite in a shoebox. Even though he could not see the girl’s face clearly, he knew exactly how sad Abbey was. He really felt bad for her. And it was at that moment that he decided to do something.
The next day, Alan went out to get the mail as usual and found a box.
Deeply moved by this act of kindness, Alan posted the whole story on the Internet.
An A for Mrs.B
I was sitting next to Missy in my ninth grade world history class when Mrs. Bartlett announced a new project. In groups, we were to create a newspaper around the culture we were studying.
On a piece of paper, we wrote the names of three friends we wanted in our group. After collecting all the requests, Mrs. B.informed us that she would take into consideration the names we chose and would let us know the results the next day. I had no doubt I would get the group of my choice. There were only a handful of sociably decent people in the class, and Missy was one of them. I knew we had chosen each other.
The next day, I anxiously awaited the class. Mrs. B started to call out names. When she reached group three, Missy’s name was called. So I’m in group three, I thought. The second, third and fourth members of the group were called. My name was not included. There had to be some mistake!
Then I heard it. The last group: “Mauro, Julette, Rachel, Karina." I could feel the tears well in my eyes. How could I face being in that group-the boy who barely spoke English, the one girl who was always covered by skirts that went down to her ankles, and the other girl who wore weird clothes. Oh, how badly I wanted to be with my friends.
I fought back tears as I walked up to Mrs. B.She looked at me and knew what I was here for. I was determined to convince her I should be in the “good” group.
She gently placed a hand on my shoulder. “I know what you want, Katrina,” she said, “but your group needs you. I need you to help them get a passing grade on this assignment. Only you can help them.”
I was stunned and amazed. She had seen something in me I hadn’t seen. “Will you help them?” I stood straighter. “Yes,” I replied. I couldn’t believe it came out of my mouth, but it did. I had committed.
I bravely walked to where the others in my group sat.
I don’t recall what the newspaper’s headline was, but I did learn something that week.
With the start of new school, freshmen of Hendersonville High School in Nashville were excited to meet new classmates and teachers. Among them, however,15-year-old Sergio Peralta was feeling very nervous because his right hand had never fully formed since he was born. Going to a new school and being “different” is always scary. Sergio was particularly concerned with what his classmates would think of him.
Sergio’s parents had trained him to use his left hand from an early age. As he grew up, he was used to not using his right hand. He could write with his left one and do some things with special tricks or techniques. Despite this, in the first days of new school, Sergio always felt like hiding his underdeveloped right hand in his sleeve as if nobody would ever find out if he did so.
It didn’t take long for someone to learn Sergio’s secret. Jeff Wilkins, the teacher of Sergio’s engineering class, figured out that Sergio was missing part of his hand and decided to do something for the new student. Jeff had been leading a robotics project in the school and expert in 3D printing technology. Besides, he hoped to take advantage of this hands-on chance to help his robotics students learn more about engineering and how building a robotic hand worked.
So in his class, Jeff announced with great enthusiasm, “You’re supposed to be engineering, coming up with new ideas and solving issues. Now Sergio needs a new hand, so we’ll work together to build Sergio a robotic hand.” His words fueled everyone’s curiosity and creativity.
For the next four weeks, Jeff and his class including Sergio worked on the project. After some precise measurements and researches, the class put forward a design draft. Jeff made a few adjustments and gave them some practical suggestions. With access to online models and a 3D printer, they eventually created a robotic hand, which was intended to look good and work well, like catching something.
Then came the final testing day.
The life-changing gift for Sergio drew huge attention.
“Why are we bringing groceries for Mrs. Killinger?” Bobby asked his mother, Anna, as they walked back from the supermarket with a few extra bags for their elderly neighbor. He enjoyed helping his mother with these tasks, but they had never bought anything for any neighbor before.
“Honey, Mrs. Killinger is now having trouble walking around, so I offered to bring some things from the market,” Anna explained as they climbed up the wooden steps to Mrs. Killinger’s house and rang the doorbell.
“OH, but she could get a wheelchair and move around,” the boy commented as if it was the most straightforward solution in the world.
“You know, Bobby. Mrs. Killinger doesn’t have the money to buy one right now.
They can get expensive.” Anna explained, and Bobby pursed his lips in thought.
Mrs.Killinger answered the door, smiled, and invited them for some coffee and cookies. Bobby noticed how slowly she moved, and an idea formed in his mind. He told the older woman and his mother all about it, and they grinned at him indulgently (宽容地笑).Neither of them thought Bobby would do it.
That’s why Anna was surprised the following day when Bobby had made several ads. “Mom, can you add your phone number here, so people can call me with work?”
“Oh, honey. This is very sweet. But I don’t know if it’ll be enough to raise the money she needs to buy a wheelchair,” Anna explained. She loved that her son had such a big heart, but he didn’t want him to be heartbroken if no one called or he couldn’t raise the money.
“Well,at least,I can say that I tried to help,” Bobby chirped (欢快地说)with his bright smile and eager eyes. Anna nodded and added her phone number to the ads. In his ad, Bobby offered his “services” which included helping with shopping, mowing lawns, keeping company, and walking dogs. He also left the price of his services, which made Anna smile. He honestly just wanted to help.
Anna helped him put up the ads around the neighborhood.
Two weeks later, Bobby still hadn’t raise the amount of money he wanted.
At age 10, I stood in front of my new class, my new classmates looking at me with mild interest as my teacher introduced me. I joined in the middle of the school year. There were 41 students in my new class. I was the 42nd.
All my classmates sat in pairs except for this one girl, Kate. I went and sat down next to her and gave her a small, uncertain smile. She smiled in return. The class started and we didn’t talk until lunch time. At lunch time, I pulled out my lunch box, packed by my mother. It had fried rice with home-made cakes and a small box of fruits. Clearly my mom had spent time packing this yummy lunch. This girl took out a small box with bread butter inside. In India, it’s pretty rare for kids to just get bread butter for lunch. The only time I had bread butter for lunch was if my mom was unwell. So I thought that was what the problem here was. I offered her a small part of my lunch and forgot all about it. The next day, she again had bread butter. Well, I thought, her mother might have fallen ill, so she was taking time to recover. I again offered her a part of my lunch. This went on for a week. Then one day, I asked the one question that I shouldn’t have. “Is your mom not well?”
In fact, I wasn’t prepared for the answer. Later, I knew that her mother, who worked in a supermarket, was in poor health. She constantly stayed at home with no income. I didn’t know what to do. So I did the most obvious thing. I went home and told my mom that my lunch wasn’t enough and I still felt hungry after eating it. My mom started packing a bigger lunch. And in school, I’d tell Kate that my mom had packed me a lunch too big, so could she please help me finish it? Then I asked her what her favorite dish was. “Naan,” she whispered.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
When I told my mom that I wanted very much to have Naan, she felt puzzled.
I moved out of that school soon after and didn’t stay in touch with Kate.
Factoring in the biting wind, I knew the temperature was below zero. The bitter cold cut through my Californian sensibilities, as well as my enthusiasm as a tourist, so I moved to the nearest door for warmth and found myself in a station.
I settled onto one of the public benches with a steaming cup of coffee-waiting for feeling to return to my fingers and toes-and relaxed to watch the people around.
Several tables of diners spilled out into the great hall from the American Restaurant, and smells of the food caused me to consider an early dinner. I observed a man seated nearby and, from the longing in his eyes, realized that he, too, noticed the tasty food. His skinny body, chapped (皲裂的) hands and shabby clothes nearly shouted, “Homeless, homeless!”
I wondered how long it had been since he last ate.
Half expecting him to approach me for a handout (施舍物), I almost welcomed such a request. He never did. The longer I took in the scene, the crueler his situation seemed. My head and heart experienced a’ silent war, one telling me to mind my own business, and the other urging a trip to the food court on his behalf.
While my internal debate went on, a well-dressed young couple approached him. “Excuse me, sir,” the husband began. “My wife and I just finished eating, and our appetites weren’t as big as we thought. We hate to waste good food. Can you help us out and put this to use?” He extended a large container.
“God bless you both,” came the grateful reply.
Pleased, yet upset by my own lack of action, I continued to watch. The man rearranged the soup crackers, inspected the sandwich and stirred the salad dressing. Then, slowly he lifted the soup lid, cupping his hands around the steaming bowl. At last, he unwrapped the plastic spoon, filled it to overflowing, lifted it toward his mouth and, all of a sudden, stopped short.
I turned my head to follow his narrow-eyed gaze.
Entering the hall and walking slowly in our direction was an old man.
He placed the still-warm bowl of soup in the old man’s hands without waiting for an answer.
Guyo kicked the ground, a cloud of red dust flying in the air. “What’s wrong, Cuyo?” Guyo looked up to see his grandfather. “Father won’t let me drive cattle. He says I’m too little. But I really want to help the family,” said Guyo. “You can help me get honey,” said Grandfather. Guyo’s face lit up. His grandfather smiled, “We’ll gather honey the way our village has gathered honey for years.” He opened his hand. It held a whistle(口哨).“What’s that,Grandfather? ” “It’s a honeyguide whistle. When we use it,a honeyguide will come and lead us to a hidden honeycomb(蜂巢)”. He handed Guyo the whistle. “Call one.”
Guyo blew the whistle hard, creating a beautiful sound. Before long, a gray-brown bird flew to a nearby branch. She called many times. Once she had the attention of Grandfather and Guyo, she flew off toward the west. Guyo was eager to follow. His grandfather picked up a container and said, “Let’s go.” They hurried through the dry brush, always keeping the honeyguide being viewed. “Why do honeyguides help us?” Guyo asked. “They are experts in finding honeycombs. But because they’re small, bee stings(蜇伤)would kill them. They need our help to get what's inside the honeycomb.” Guyo and his grandfather followed the bird for half an hour. Finally, the honeyguide flew toward a hole in a mud wall. “We’re here,” said Grandfather. Guyo’s heart beat faster and faster as they approached the hole. A group of angry bees guarded the entrance, making much noise.
Grandfather gathered some small sticks. “Help me build a fire in front of the hole. The smoke will calm the bees.” When the smoke approached the bees, the noise disappeared. Grandfather tried to push his hand into the hole, but it wouldn’t fit. He said to Guyo, “You should be able to reach the honeycomb.” Guyo was afraid. What if the bees stung him? He looked at his grandfather. He couldn’t disappoint him.
Guyo took a deep breath and stretched out his arm.
Grandfather put most of the honeycomb inside his container.
I remember the first time I got on a horse. I was two years old and we were watching a friend of the family ride. My mom agreed to let me take a short ride with the friend and that was it! I was horse crazy. From then on, I drove my parents insane begging for a horse.
When 1 was four years old, I had Selective Mutism (缄默症). This is a rare childhood disorder in which children stop speaking in certain social situations. I spoke normally to my parents, my brother and certain other people, but was silent at school and in social situations. I went days, weeks, months without a sound at school.
I suffered silently through school until I was ten years old when one in a long string of psychologists had an idea. One day I was asked by the psychologist what I wanted more than anything in the world. He explained that I was going to be given an opportunity to work for it. I couldn’t believe my good luck, but I could not answer. Finally. I was permitted to whisper the answer in my mother’s ear. “A horse.” was all I could say.
I was to get a little horse, but I had to live up to my end of the bargain. I had a chart of weekly tasks I had to accomplish. I had to answer the phone five times per weck, make five phone calls to my friends, say one word to my teacher at school and the list went on. For a child with Selective Mutism, saying one word to someone can be like climbing Mount Everest.
I did everything that was asked of me and the day came when my parents found a local riding stable that had the perfect pony. His name was Sequoia, so perfect that I fell in love with him immediately. We boarded him and I began taking lessons. It truly was a dream come true.
Each week I could not wait for Saturday and my lesson.
As I see it, horses give me the strength I lack.
At the age of 17, I formed a band with three classmates. After we won the first prize at our school’s talent show, we decided to see if we could get some local performances. When we found out we’d gotten booked for a charitable event at a large hospital, we were excited. For two weeks, we practiced hard, getting together every day after school to sharpen our skills and learn enough songs to fill a one-hour show.
On the day of the concert, we showed up early to check out the stage. We set up and did a quick sound check, then went backstage lo have a soda and rest. While we were back there, the hospital’s entertainment director came over to talk to us.
“Okay, boys, I just want to fill you in on a couple of important details,” she told us. “A lot of the people in the audience are suffering from severe physical or mental disabilities. Also, many of them are very old. Don’t let that alarm you. They have very few chances to see live entertainment of any kind, so they enjoy any kind of musical talent. Just play your regular show, and you’ll do fine.” With that, she left, going to help the volunteers and staff that were assisting the patients to their seats.
Soon enough, it was showtime. Everything was perfect, and we played probably the best show of our lives. We hardly missed a note on any of our songs. Unfortunately, we couldn’t enjoy our performance. As each song finished, there was a short pause. This was the time when the audience would normally applaud. Now, we were getting nothing. Zero. The deafening silence only made us more determined to win the audience over. We tried harder. Loud songs, soft songs, it made no difference. After forty-five minutes, we decided to end our set early. Why bother finishing when no one was appreciating us anyway? We unplugged (拔去) our instruments and went backstage.
A moment later, the entertainment director ran back to us.
Returning to the stage, we played our final three songs.
At first, Kayla felt disappointed at her parents’plan for the holiday. How eagerly she wanted to go to out to play with her friends! She was against the annoying plan from the bottom of her heart, but she had no choice. First, Kayla was arranged to wash the breakfast dishes. After that, she was asked to give their puppy a bath. She knew it was a hard task, which needed a lot of tiring, careful and patient work. She has begun the work with great unwillingness.
Paragraph 2:
But things began to change as she was doing the chores. Brushing the puppy, she found it was a lot of fun with so many soap bubbles. Then it was on to yard work where Kayla helped to pick up sticks. She pretended the small sticks were basketballs, and shot them into a large trash can. So the work was done with great pleasure. Kayla felt proud to see how much better the yard looked. When she finished her meaningful chores, Kayla enjoyed relaxing in her tree house. The lemonade tasted wonderful after a hard day of work.
【点睛】本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:play with, be against, have no choice, pick up等高级词汇;How eagerly she wanted to go to out to play with her friends!运用了感叹句;When she finished her meaningful chores, Kayla enjoyed relaxing in her tree house.运用了时间状语从句等高级句式。
2.I told Danny it was my turn to play, be good, and be quiet when I play, and I'll come back to you when I'm done. He nodded and said I would be good, but I looked at Danny hesitantly and walked straight to the stage to begin my play. I want to give the audience my best. I was so absorbed in my performance that I forgot Danny was offstage.
I was playing to my heart's content, and I saw Danny climbing onto my piano stool, next to me. He was very quiet there. He didn't make a sound. He watched me play. My hanging heart calmed down and I focused more on my playing. Far from freaking me out, the arrival of the baby gave me a great deal of confidence, and I managed to complete my solo without a problem. When I finished, there was thunderous applause and I picked up my little Danni to thank the audience and waved off the stage.
回来,返回:come back /return
专心于:be absorbed in/focus on/concentrate on
成功做成某事:manage to do sth./succeed in donging sth.
.犹豫:hesitantly /with hesitation
感谢:thank /be thankful to
【点睛】[高分句型1]. I was so absorbed in my performance that I forgot Danny was offstage.(句中使用so…that引导的结果状语从句)
[高分句型2]. When I finished, there was thunderous applause and I picked up my little Danni to thank the audience and waved off the stage.(句中使用when引导的时间状语从句)
[高分句型3]. My hanging heart calmed down and I focused more on my playing.(该句是并列句,且使用现在分词作前置定语)
3. Many years later, 63-year-old John was going to hospital for some tests. His taxi driving career had come to an end owing to some health issues. Cold and distressed, he was waiting by the roadside when a taxi pulled up. He hopped in and told the driver to drop him off at the hospital in the city center. “Alright, sir!” the driver replied cheerfully, bringing him a sense of warmth. They didn’t talk much in the car. When they arrived, John suddenly realized he had no cash with him and thus couldn’t pay for the fare. “Sir, you don’t have to pay me. All trips I make to hospital are free!” the young driver said with absolute certainty.
“Free trips to hospital? But why?” John asked in surprise. “When I was little, I had a seizure. An angle in disguise drove me to hospital for free when my life was at stake. His kindness inspired me to pay it forward.” the young driver explained. It was not until then that John noticed the young driver’s name on the dashboard—Ivan Toney. By pure coincidence, their paths crossed again. John realized that his act of kindness had come full circle, and that the good he had done had found its way back to him. “Thank you,” John said, “Virtue is its own reward.”
①停车:pull up/pull over
②上车:hop in/get on
【点睛】【高分句型1】Cold and distressed, he was waiting by the roadside when a taxi pulled up.(运用了形容词作状语)
【高分句型2】When they arrived, John suddenly realized he had no cash with him and thus couldn’t pay for the fare.(由When引导的时间状语从句和省略连词that引导的宾语从句)
【高分句型3】It was not until then that John noticed the young driver’s name on the dashboard—Ivan Toney.(强调句)
4.The next day, Alan went out to get the mail as usual and found a box. He opened the box gingerly and looked inside. To his surprise, there was a new kite-a cute robin with beautiful feathers along with a note written on the National Grid’s notepaper. “I felt bad for your daughter, so I hope this new kite will make her smile,” it read. “Stay safe and healthy!” The note was unsigned, but Alan was convinced that the lovable gift was from the worker who came to help yesterday. He took the kite inside and gave it to Abbey. When she saw the kite, her eyes gleamed with excitement.
Deeply moved by this act of kindness, Alan posted the whole story on the Internet. Soon, word got back to National Grid, and the company quickly identified Mike as the worker. When interviewed about it, he explained that as he saw Abbey burying a kite, he knew exactly how the girl felt, which pushed him to do something for her. After leaving the Greens’ house, he stopped by a shop to buy the new kite and then laid the box quietly at their door. He didn’t expect to be recognized, but Alan’s post led to his identity being revealed, which resulted in the story being shared and liked by millions of people across the Internet.
②相信:be convinced/be sure
③导致:lead to/contribute to/result in/cause
【点睛】【高分句型1】The note was unsigned, but Alan was convinced that the lovable gift was from the worker who came to help yesterday.(运用了that引导的宾语从句以及who引导的定语从句)
【高分句型2】When interviewed about it, he explained that as he saw Abbey burying a kite, he knew exactly how the girl felt, which pushed him to do something for her.(运用了that引导的宾语从句、as引导的状语从句、how引导的宾语从句以及which引导的非限制性定语从句)
5.I bravely walked to where the others in my group sat. I sat down and we started. Different newspaper columns were assigned according to interests. We did research. Halfway through the week, I felt myself enjoying the company of these three misfits. There was no need for pretending-I grew sincerely interested in learning something about them. Mauro, was struggling with the English language. Juliette was only allowed to wear long skirts or dresses because of her religion. Rachel, who had a whole barrel of unique ideas, wanted to be a fashion designer. What a walk in another person’s shoes did for me! And at the end of the semester, Mrs.B gave us an A on that assignment!
I don’t recall what the newspaper’s headline was, but I did learn something that week. I was given a chance to see other people in a new light. I was given the opportunity to see in myself a potential that inspired my actions in later years. I learned that who we are is more important than what we are or seem to be. They weren’t misfits, just people that no one cared enough about to try to understand- except Mrs. B. Her insight, vision and thoughtfulness brought out the potential in four of her students.
费劲:struggling with/using great effort in
③推出,使显现,使表现出:bring out/unveil/reveal
①真诚地感兴趣:sincerely interested in/show genuine interest in
②用新的角度:in a new light/with a new perspective
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Rachel, who had a whole barrel of unique ideas, wanted to be a fashion designer.(由关系代词who引导非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2]. I was given the opportunity to see in myself a potential that inspired my actions in later years.(由关系代词that引导限制性定语从句)
Then came the final testing day. The whole class gathered in the science classroom, watching breathlessly as Jeff carefully loaded their self-made robotic hand onto Sergio's right arm. It fitted quite well! So excited was Sergio that his arm trembled slightly. Having put a baseball on the desk, Jeff signed to Sergio to pick it up. Slowly, Sergio extended his right hand and reached for the ball. Successfully he caught hold of it and everyone present broke into cheers! Holding the ball, Sergio couldn't contain his tears. Never in his life did he expect to catch something with his right hand!
The life-changing gift for Sergio drew huge attention. Jeff and his students became an instant hit and various media competed to cover the news. When interviewed about the intention of the project, Jeff said, “I intended Sergio's robotic hand to show our support for him. Meanwhile, I hope to foster students' scientific spirit through this hands-on operation.” His students stated that Jeff challenged them to transform abstract concepts into reality, from which they benefited greatly. Soon voluntary donations poured in, which would go to the school's scientific research and help students develop better.
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了Sergio因为有残疾的右手在新学校感到紧张,他特别关心同学们对他的看法。但是没过多久就有人知道了Sergio的秘密,工程课的老师Jeff Wilkins发现Sergio的手少了一部分,于是决定为这个新生做点什么。经过他的努力,成功为Sergio制作了一副机械手。
放置:put /place
延长:extend/ stretch
控制:contain /hold back
激动:excited /thrilled
各种各样:various / miscellaneous
【点睛】[高分句型1] The whole class gathered in the science classroom, watching breathlessly as Jeff carefully loaded their self-made robotic hand onto Sergio's right arm. (运用了现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2] So excited was Sergio that his arm trembled slightly. (运用了部分倒装)
7.One possible version:
Anna helped him put up the ads around the neighborhood. Very quickly Bobby’s ads spread around. Amazed to hear that a ten-year-old was offering his services to help an elderly woman, people from all over the city started calling and asking Bobby to do jobs for them. Soon he was asked to walk dogs, buy groceries, and mow lawns for people. Meanwhile Mrs. Killinger was very pleased with the extra companionship Bobby provided and Bobby quickly gained a reputation as a reliable and kind helper. Seeing the funds increasing, Bobby felt more than delighted.
Two weeks later, Bobby still hadn’t raised the amount of money he wanted. But Bobby didn’t give up. He continued to offer his services to anyone who needed it. Bobby even started a GoFundMe page and shared it on his social media accounts, hoping to reach more people. His efforts paid off when a local news station shared his story, and more people offered their support. Thanks to his hard work and kindness, Bobby was finally able to raise enough funds to purchase a new wheelchair for Mrs. Killinger.
【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了小男孩Bobby在看到邻居Mrs. Killinger没有能力购买轮椅之后决定帮忙筹钱,于是他制作了广告,通过提供自己的服务而获得报酬从而为Mrs. Killinger买轮椅。
②放弃:give up/abandon
【点睛】【高分句型1】Amazed to hear that a ten-year-old was offering his services to help an elderly woman, people from all over the city started calling and asking Bobby to do jobs for them(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
【高分句型2】Meanwhile Mrs. Killinger was very pleased with the extra companionship Bobby provided and Bobby quickly gained a reputation as a reliable and kind helper.(运用了省略关系代词的定语从句)
8.When I told my mom that I wanted very much to have Naan, she felt puzzled. Naan was not a common dish in our household, and my mom wasn’t sure if she could prepare it, but she promised she would try. The next day, I was thrilled to find that my lunch box now contained a piece of Naan, and I eagerly shared it with Kate. Seeing her smiling face made me feel really happy inside. From that day on, my mom would occasionally pack some Indian delicacies for me to share with Kate, and I would be more than happy to do so.
I moved out of that school soon after and didn't stay in touch with Kate. However, this experience taught me an important lesson about kindness and understanding. Often we judge people too quickly, without realizing their underlying struggles. While it may seem small, sharing my lunch with Kate helped me to connect with her on a deeper level and to understand her better. As I grew older, I would try to apply this lesson in my daily life – to be a little kinder, a little more empathetic, and a little more understanding of people's struggles.
②准备:prepare/intend/draw up
【点睛】[高分句型1]Seeing her smiling face made me feel really happy inside. (动名词做主语)
[高分句型2]As I grew older, I would try to apply this lesson in my daily life – to be a little kinder, a little more empathetic, and a little more understanding of people's struggles. (由As引导的时间状语从句)
9. Entering the hall and walking slowly in our direction was an old man. Hatless and gloveless,the elderly man was in a worn jacket, lightweight pants and open shoes. His face was blue with cold. I wasn’t alone in seeing this sad sight, but my needy neighbor was the only one doing something about it. Setting aside his meal, he jumped up and guided the elderly man to his seat. Gently, he put his worn jacket over the old man’s shoulders. “Sir,” he said, “an angel brought me this meal. I just finished eating and hate to waste good food. Can you help me out?”
He placed the still-warm bowl of soup in the old man's hands without waiting for an answer. “Sure, but only if you go halfway with me on that sandwich. It’s too much for a man my age,” the old man answered. It wasn’t easy to make my way to the food court with tears blocking my vision, but I soon returned with two large containers of hot coffee and a big box of cakes. “Excuse me,gentlemen, can you...” I left the station that day feeling warmer than I had ever thought possible.
①.看到:see / catch sight of
②.购买:buy / purchase
③.说:say / utter
①.泪水挡住了我的视线:with tears blocking my vision / with my eyes clouding with tears
②.轻柔地:gently / softly
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Setting aside his meal, he jumped up and guided the elderly man to his seat.(现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2]. It wasn’t easy to make my way to the food court with tears blocking my vision,but I soon returned with two large containers of hot coffee and a big box of cakes. (由it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语,with结构)
10.Guyo took a deep breath and stretched out his arm. “I can do it! I can do it!” he repeated. He closed his eyes and forced his hand into the hole. No stings! The smoke worked. Reaching as far as he could, he pulled out several large pieces of the honeycomb filled with sticky honey. Grandfather said, “That’s fine. We need to leave enough for the bees.” They backed away from the hole just as the bees started to make noise again.
Grandfather put most of the honeycomb inside his container. He handed Guyo a piece. “Give this to the honeyguide.” Guyo placed the piece at the base of the tree where the honeyguide sat. “Thank you for sharing this treasure with us.” The honeyguide dropped to the ground to eat his reward. As they walked home, Grandfather placed a hand on Guyo’s shoulder. “We’ll be able to sell the honey in the village. It’s a great help having you around.”Guyo smiled, “I guess being little is sometimes a good thing.”
②装满:filled with./full of
③返回:back/return/go back
①感谢:thank/showing his appreciation/show his gratitude/be grateful
【点睛】[高分句型1]Reaching as far as he could, he pulled out several large pieces of the honeycomb filled with sticky honey. (运用了现在分词作状语,和过去分词作定语)
[高分句型2]Guyo placed the piece at the base of the tree where the honeyguide sat. (运用了where引导定语从句)
11. Each week I could not wait for Saturday and my lesson. As time went on, I learned how to brush him, saddle him and even pick his hooves out. The relationship between Sequoia and me became closer and closer. When I got on sequoia, I always swelled with pride just like a noble knight, forgeting all my problems and feeling happy and secure. Gradually, I became more outgoing and confident and I started to take part in many school activities. It seemed that I was getting rid of Selective Mutism.
As I see it, horses give me the strength I lack. Although horses are silent, they are fast, powerful and free at the same time. They are the symbols of strength, freedom and courage, which encourage me to overcome difficulties and accept challenges. Horses have been part of my life for over twenty years, all the while helping me deal with an isolating, frightening disorder. when things get difficult, I go to my horses and I can hold my head up and have dignity and freedom by connecting with them. I am grateful to them.
①.骑上马:get on/mount on/ride
②.充满:swell with/be full of/ be filled with
③.参加:take part in/participate in
②.感谢:be grateful/show one’s appreciation/show one’s gratitude
【点睛】[高分句型1]. When I got on sequoia, I always swelled with pride just like a noble knight, forgeting all my problems and feeling happy and secure.(运用了when引导的时间状语从句及现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2].They are the symbols of strength, freedom and courage, which encourage me to overcome difficulties and accept challenges. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
A moment later, the entertainment director ran back to us. She asked us why we didn’t finish the show as promised. We told her how embarrassed we felt when we played in front of complete silence. We also expressed our concern that they must dislike us. “What are you talking about?” asked the director, “I’ve been talking to them. They love you so much.” It turned out that they just didn’t know they were supposed to clap. Or they simply couldn’t do so due to severe physical or mental disabilities. All of us stared at her in disbelief, and we decided to keep our word and finish the show.
Returning to the stage, we played our final three songs. Finally, with the show over, we began packing up our instruments. We had still received no applause. However, as we were to leave, at least fifty people crowded onto the stage. All of them wanted to thank us; some shook our hands, and some surrounded us with a wide grin. Several told us that we were the best band that had played for them in years. We couldn’t believe it. We never felt as good as we did that one special night.
【点睛】[高分句型1] She asked us why we didn’t finish the show as promised. (运用了why引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型2] We told her how embarrassed we felt when we played in front of complete silence. (运用了how引导的宾语从句和when引导的时间状语从句)
[高分句型3]Finally, with the show over, we began packing up our instruments. (运用了动名词作宾语)