浙江省衢温“5 1”联盟2022-2023学年高一下学期期中联考英语试题知识点汇总检测
这是一份浙江省衢温“5 1”联盟2022-2023学年高一下学期期中联考英语试题知识点汇总检测,文件包含20230414-高一衢温5+1期中考知识点汇总docx、20230414-高一衢温5+1期中考知识点汇总答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共8页, 欢迎下载使用。
4/Feb./2022 高一温州统考(期末考) 阅读A 用户费_subscription prices 提供线下课程 _offer offline courses_from the very beginning _从零开始;从头开始_ 在某方面做的很出色 _be excellent at doingone-time payment _一次性付清 make a serious/huge promise _作出严肃/巨大的承诺一个很棒的学习工具 _a great learning aid for a while_一会儿;一段时间获得...的终身使用(权力) have little access to 现实生活中的话题 _real-life topicsThose apps are for free, which makes it easy to practice your chosen language without having to make a serious promise.__ (这些应用程序是免费的,这使得你很容易练习你所选择的语言,而不需要做出严肃的承诺。) 阅读B homebody 宅男 hang out with sb. _与某人一起闲逛 在....和...之间没有区别_there was no difference between...and... be fond of _喜欢 成功做某事_succeed in doing sth._ foggy(adj.) _有雾的 upset(adj.)_沮丧的 talk sb into doing sth _说服某人做某事 朝/向四面八方_in all directions 耗尽力气或能量 _run out of energy 劝说某人_persuade sb _He always got a couple of colorful bugs in his head._ (他脑海里总是有很多奇思妙想。) _Unluckily, the weather was foggy most of the time, and the higher we climbed the mountains, the less we could see._ (不幸地是,不幸的是,大部分时间天气都是雾蒙蒙的,我们爬得越高,看到得越少。) the+比较级..., the+比较级... _Then the wind suddenly cleared the clouds and the sun came out.__ (然后,风突然吹散了云层,太阳出来了。) _It wasn't until then that I knew how beautiful the mountains looked.____ (直到那时我才知道这些山峰看起来多么秀丽。) 强调句式+not until 阅读C 导航员 _navigator - navigate_(v.)导航;确定...方向;浏览 challenging_有挑战的;有挑战性的 提出;想出 _come up with 找到某人回家的路 _find one’s way home visual memories_视觉记忆 千里迢迢去寻找食物 _travel long distances to search for food train sb to do sth. _训练某人做某事 set off in the correct direction _朝着正确的方向出发 利用_take advantage of a mix of _...的混合物;混合 神经的_neural backward (adj./adv.)_向/朝后(的) - (adv.) _backwards 地标_landmark 实施;执行;完成;落实_carry out 观察蚂蚁的行为observe ants’ behavior 给某人带来对...的全新认识_give sb new insights into be certain to do 一定做某事 调查周边环境_research into the surroundings be motivated by _被...激发;引起make a turn _转弯 -turn ( n. )_转向;转弯;轮流/顺序_ _Understanding their behavior gives us new insights into brain functions and has inspired us to build robot systems that copy their functions.__. (了解它们的行为使我们对大脑功能有了新的认识,并启发我们建立复制它们功能的机器人系统。) 阅读D听起来可行的 _plausible-sounding_ 批判性地思考问题 _think critically_发行;启动仪式;(火箭)发射(n./v.) _launch 反派(n.)_villain估计(vt.) _estimate a big deal _大事;大事件 be into sth. _喜欢/热爱某事_ 线索_clue_ /thread_ 相关信息_relevant information oceans of _大量 把...转变成为... _transform sth into sth encyclopedic questions_百科问题_ 百科全书词条_encyclopedia entryrelease(vt./vi.)_释放;放走;松开 show off _炫耀;使显眼;卖弄 fear that...害怕;担心A black-and-white situation 非黑即白的情况;显而易见的情况 工作原理_working theory呈现人工智能的创新性_present the creativity of AI(artificial intelligence) 忠心的仆人 _loyal servant三思而后行_think twice before trusting it_ outright (adv.)_完全地;直接地__What worries me most was educators who may actively try to discourage the recognition of AI like ChatGPT.__( 最让我担心的是教育工作者们,他们可能会积极尝试去阻止对像ChatGPT这样的人工智能的认可。) 主语从句What worries sb. most is... 七选五社交媒体 _social media 删除你的账号__delete your accounts despite( prep. ) _尽管;虽然discover(v.) _发现_- (n.)_discovery 碰见;遇到 _come across depressed (adj.)_沮丧的 你的第一想法是去做某事_your first thought may be to do 取消关注账号 _unfollow the account 遗漏;错失了... _miss out on sthload up 加载_ 关闭通知消息_turn off notifications养成...的良好习惯_create a healthy habit of doing notify (vt.)_通知;告知_ -(n.)_notification对...有巨大的影响或作用 make a big difference to sth troublemaker_制造麻烦的人或物减少花在做某事上的时间 reduce the amount of time you spend doing sth 以免;以防万一in case_Why not use some of these smart ways to help you find a good balance?_ (为什么不使用其中一些聪明的方法来帮助你找到一个好的平衡点呢?)_Setting time limits for social media apps on your devices isn't a perfect approach, as you can easily turn them off if the draw is too strong._ (在你的手机上给社交媒体软件设置时间限制并不是个完美的办法,因为如果诱惑力太大,你能够轻易地将它们关掉。) 完形填空regular customers 常客;老顾客 deaf (adj.)_聋的 blind(adj.) 瞎的;盲的_雇员;员工 _employee_/_staff- 老板;雇主_employer_ - (vt.)_employ 更进一步_take it a step further 手语_sign language gesture (n.)_姿势;动作;手势小小的善意_small act of kindness 因...被情绪所压倒;百感交集 _be overcome with emotion over把...视为... _see sth. as_ / _view sth. as_/ _regard sth. as_/__consider sth. as_take one’s order_点菜;记下顾客点的饭菜;上菜_ 真正的__genuinedeserve (v.) _值得 短信_text messages lecture (v.)_教训 语法填空追溯到_date from_=_date back to_(无被动态和进行时态) 以...命名_name after 据说 _be said to _ = __it is said that/to (句式转换)由...组成_be composed of_ = _consist of_ / _be made up of mild (adj.) _温和的;轻微的smooth (adj.) _光滑的;顺利的 同时 _meanwhile 吸引人的;有吸引力的 attractive_tune_曲调;曲子;旋律 musical scores_乐谱 accompaniment (n.) _伴奏recitation(n.) _背诵;朗诵_ -(vt.) _recite 推动;开展 _carry forward_有价值的_be of value_ = (adj.)_valuable_ literary ( adj.)_文学的;与文学相关的经历几个阶段_go through several stages common speech_普通话;常用语被认为_be recognized as_ = _be seen as_ /__be viewed as_/ _be considered as /_be regarded as birthplace _出生地___The performers attached great importance to clear recitation, correct singing and pure tunes._. (表演者非常重视清晰的朗诵、正确的歌唱和纯粹的曲调。) P.S.: 此讲义作为整理复习迎考的资料,请妥善保管,只此一家;且若有自己不熟悉的知识点可自行添加:) Viki