展开高考英语读后续写素材一、词汇1.情绪描写哭:howling(嚎哭), sob, weep, burst into tears, burst out crying.(one's eyes) brim with/be filled with tears怕:horror, frightened, scared, speechless, in(a)panic, in a cold sweat, be filled with terror, rooted to the spot, freeze, one's knees feel weak, (hands)sweat高兴、激动:(动词)dance, jump/leap with joy, feel a surge of joy/ excitement, whistle, overcome with happiness/ delight /joy / excitement, (one's eyes) twinkle,(one's heart) beat/ pound wildly;(形容词)delighted, overjoyed, excited, thrilled, wild with joy伤心、痛苦:feel a surge of sadness, (sadness) surge within sb., one's heart ache, overcome with sadness生气、愤怒:felt/ get angry/furious, feel a surge of anger/rage/fury, eyes blaze, storm out of/into/off, storm/say angrily, sth.makes sb.'s blood boil, sth.makes sb.extremely angry, clasp one's fists/teeth, sb.'s blood is up2.转折:个人努力或借助外界鼓起勇气:pluck up/take/gather/summon up one's courage毫不犹豫:without even thinking, without delay, without hesitation, without a second thought3.转机:事情似乎有了转机,并抱有希望,感到欣慰似乎:as if, seemingly, appear, seem欣慰:breath a sigh of relief, sigh with relief, to one's relief4.失望:但是问题还未解决或出现了新问题:徒劳: in vain, no use, without success茫然: at a loss, at sea, blankly, be lost in a fog5.想法:突然有了一个想法(一句话说明这个想法)occur to, hit, strike, flash into one's mind, crowd in one's mind, dawn on6.结局:过段时间,事情有了最后的转折:过了一段时间not long, shortly afterwards, before long, for an instant/moment令人惊讶的是to one's surprise, strangely enough7.总结:点题,呼应前文realize, echo, linger, whisper in one's mind, down deep in one's heart二、句子哭:1.A lump came to his throat.2.Her eyes were red from crying.3.Her eyes brimmed with tears.4.Tears coursed/trickled/streamed/ran down her cheeks.害怕:1.She was too frightened to tell her family what had happened.2.His heart was pounding, as if he were frightened.3.Liza was so frightened that she couldn't make a sound.4.I bowed my head timidly and dared not look at my father's cloudy face.5.My brain is blank.I just want to leave this horrible place.高兴、激动:1.When she knew...she felt excited/thrilled.2.When she knew...her eyes twinkled with excitement.3.When she knew...her heart was pounding with wild joy.4.When she knew...a wild excitement took hold of her.5.Knowing...she felt a surge of excitement.伤心、痛苦:1.A sadness came over her.2.Her heart ached, tears streaming down her cheeks.3.Numb with grief, she became speechless.4.Feeling a surge of sadness, she couldn't help crying bitterly.5.Sadness surging within her, she burst into tears.生气、愤怒:1.Sam stood rooted to the spot, his eyes blazing with anger.2.He felt so angry that he stormed out of the room, slamming the door furiously behind him.3.Boiling with rage, he shook his fist at me.4.Filled with fury, she was unable to utter a single word.鼓起勇气:1.He summoned up his courage and lodged a protest with his father.2.I finally plucked up the courage to ask her for..毫不犹豫:1.She could hardly wait to...2.Hardly thinking/Without even thinking, he ran to...转机:事情似乎有了转机,并抱有希望,感到欣慰1.It seemed as if/that someone was coming to save us.2.Oftentimes our tears of remorse reveal a glimmer of hope.3.A wave of relief flooded through me...4.A wave of relief washed over him...1.ltsuddlyoccur1失望:但是问题还未解决或出现了新问题1.But bad luck for me, I failed in my attempt to persuade her.2.She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to hold back the tears.3.All our efforts were in vain.4.She kept pacing, wondering what to do next.5.With tears streaming down her face, she didn't know what to do next.6.With tears streaming down her face, she was unsure of what to do next.7.She was at a loss what to do.8.He was in a dilemma about whether to do or not.想法:突然有了一个想法1.It suddenly occurred to him that...2.It hit me that I had a choice.3.A thought struck her that...4.It dawned that...5.An idea occurred/came to me that6.A ludicrous thought/idea flashed/came through Harry's mind.结局:过段时间,事情有了最后的转折1.It didn't take long before...2.It took some time before...3.To my surprise enough, it turned out that...总结:点题,呼应前文直到·······意识到倒装句:Not until+时间状语+did sb.realize/notice that+从句强调句:It was only+时间状语+that sb.realized that+从句还记得某人的话:1.One's words echoed/rang out in one's ears.2.One's words/voice/lingered/whispered in one's mind/head3.One's head was still full of...经历与教训1.What a/an valuable/useful/great/painful lesson she taught me/I learned from her!2.What a/an enjoyable/pleasant/wonderful/unforgettable/memorable/valuable experience I had!3.Down deep in my heart, it was an interesting experience I had ever had.