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    江苏省七市(南通、泰州、扬州、徐州、淮安、连云港、宿迁)2023届高三三模英语试题 Word版无答案
    江苏省七市(南通、泰州、扬州、徐州、淮安、连云港、宿迁)2023届高三三模英语试题  Word版无答案01
    江苏省七市(南通、泰州、扬州、徐州、淮安、连云港、宿迁)2023届高三三模英语试题  Word版无答案02
    江苏省七市(南通、泰州、扬州、徐州、淮安、连云港、宿迁)2023届高三三模英语试题  Word版无答案03
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    江苏省七市(南通、泰州、扬州、徐州、淮安、连云港、宿迁)2023届高三三模英语试题 Word版无答案

    这是一份江苏省七市(南通、泰州、扬州、徐州、淮安、连云港、宿迁)2023届高三三模英语试题 Word版无答案,共25页。

    英 语

    注 意 事 项
    2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请 用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上 无效。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出 最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
    1.When does the conversation take place?
    A. In the morning. B. At noon. C. In the evening
    2. What is the man doing?
    A.Teaching the woman to play golf.
    B. Watching a golf game.
    C. Doing some exercise.
    3.What surprises the man about the cat?
    A. That it can eat lots of cat food.
    B.That it can lock a door with a key.
    C. That it can open the kitchen door.

    4. What does the woman suggest the man do?
    A.Buy a box of tissues.
    B.Get some rest.
    C.See a doctor.
    5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. What to do after work.
    B. Where to have dinner.
    C. How to do their job well.

    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. How does the woman feel about the gift at the beginning of the conversation?
    B. Happy.
    C. Concerned.
    7.How old is the man?
    A.36. B.46. C.60.
    8.What does the man dislike?
    A.Space. B. Biology. C. Chemistry.
    9.What does the woman like learning about most in biology?
    A.Humans. B. Animals C.Plants.
    10.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A. Friends
    B. Family members.
    C.Teacher and student.
    11. What is the woman doing?
    A. Offering some advice.
    B.Conducting an interview.
    C.Providing professional training.

    12.How long will the man work tomorrow?
    A.5 hours. B. 8 hours. C.9 hours.
    13.Where does the conversation take place?
    A. In a factory yard.
    B.At the woman's home.
    C. In an office.
    14.What does Greg Samson do?
    A. A host. B.A singer. C. A dancer.
    15.What made Katy shocked about Greg Samson?
    A. His new songs.
    B.His excellent dancing skills.
    C.His show with new elements.
    16.Why does Greg Samson run for five miles before a performance?
    A.To keep fit.
    B.To lose weight.
    C.To explore a new place.
    17. What will Greg Samson do in the City Stadium tomorrow?
    A. Throw a party.
    B.Have a performance.
    C.Hold a press conference.
    18.What is the flight's destination?
    A. China, B. The UK. C.Mongolia.
    19. What will happen first?
    A.The movies will be played.
    B.The drinks will be served.
    C. The safety procedures will be shown.
    20.Who is the speaker?
    A.A tour guide.
    B.A passenger.
    C. A flight attendant.


    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)

    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A
    Four of the best off-grid(不入网的) stays in the UK Shepherds' Retreat
    Granite peaks, vivid green fields and speeding clouds are your only neighbours at this remote cottage in the Sperrins. Glass doors open straight on to this landscape, and though there's no phone reception or wifi, there's a TV with DVDs, and plenty of books to enjoy by the fire.There are stone circles and mountain bike trails(小路)nearby.
    Laggan Cottage
    On the Ardnish peninsula(半岛)and accessible only by boat — or a three-hour hike
    this comfortable off-grid pad is seriously isolated (偏僻的). There's zero mobile signal and no TV.Paraffin lamps, wood-burning stoves for hot water and a Calor gas cooker are the only modern conveniences you get. It is perfect for a week of watching the wildlife, hiking, and swimming.
    The Straw Cottage
    Candles and lanterns, gas lamps and solar lights create atmosphere at this straw-bale cottage, constructed using centuries-old methods. With no electricity or wif, this home set on Ty Gwyn Farm offers true escapism. Young explorers can build dens, play in the stream, follow a treasure hunt and toast marshmallows by the fire. Dogs are welcome, too.
    East Lodge
    Other than the lack of wifi, East Lodge is a perfectly contemporary cottage. Arch windows accompany modern conveniences including a TV and DVDs for movie nights, though you may prefer to switch off and focus on outdoor fun, biking on nature trails and watching the
    21. What might attract travelers to the four holiday destinations?
    A.Stylish decoration.
    B.Convenient location.
    C.Back-to-nature stays.
    D.Modern conveniences.
    22.What can visitors do in Laggan Cottage and East Lodge?
    A. Play games.
    B.Swim in the sea.
    C. Read by the fire.
    D. Watch the wildlife.
    英语试卷 第4页(共12页)

    23.Which cottage is pet-friendly?
    A. Shepherds’Retreat. B.Laggan Cottage.
    C. The Straw Cottage. D.East Lodge

    Ken Campbell had last attempted running at high school. When his wife,Susan, injured her foot, she needed support to rejoin her running group, so Campbell went along to keep her company and share in the recovery.“We were just walking at the beginning,”he says.“And I was heavy.I weighed over 90kg.”But as the weeks and months passed, the weight fell away, Susan recovered — and Campbell's abilities grew. At the age of 63, he ran 50km,and at 70, he ran through the night to complete a 100km ultramarathon.
    So how does someone with no sporting precedent(先例) become an ultradistance runner in his 60s and 70s? Susan had run marathons before her injury. But for Campbell, the turning point came when Susan's Fleet Feet running group took to the trails in the Sierra Nevada foothills near their home in Citrus Heights, California.
    Campbell went out to visit Susan's group, and“the trails were a terrible mess.It had been raining. And I was running in my road shoes. Slipping and sliding and falling. And I was struggling. I thought, well, I like this a lot but I could do better.”
    What he liked above all was the feeling of “being enveloped by the trail, being embraced by the closeness of the vegetation and the nearness of the river.I was walking where Native people had walked for thousands of years and where miners had walked on their way to gold.”
    Running the 100km ultramarathon took Campbell 16 hours. When Campbell crossed the finish line at 3am,Susan handed him a 100km sticker to display on the back of his truck.He already had a 50km one on there.“It is a public proclamation (声明)that you are part of this community,”he says.“Wherever we park, I see a line of vehicles with their various stickers and I feel that we are a tribe(部落). ”
    Campbell suffered arthritis before he started running,and is“a candidate for knee replacement".But for now, he is holding off on surgery. It could put an end to the running — but the“sense of wellbeing and accomplishment will carry me on for ever", he says.“If I can't run, I will walk.”
    24.What enabled Campbell to take up running again?
    A. He lost weight
    B.He trained overnight.
    C.His wife accompanied him.
    D.His wife shared her experience.

    25.What did Campbell discover while keeping his wife company on a trail run?
    A. The joy of being out in the wild.
    B.The hardships of Native people.
    C. The pleasure of gold mining.
    D. The mysteries of nature.
    26.What did the stickers on the back of Campbell's truck bring him?
    A.A discount on parking.
    B.A sense of belonging.
    C. An enormous income.
    D.An honour to his wife.
    27.What can we learn about Campbell from the text?
    A. He's a determined man.
    B. He's a people-pleaser
    C. He is easy to content.
    D.He is hard to cope with.

    The streets of Cotonou, Benin's largest city, have been Domingo Soule's workplace for 35 years. The 50-year-old motorcycle taxi driver spends his days driving for miles on roads blanketed in exhaust fumes (尾气),picking up customers and taking them to where they want to go. But Soule has developed a cough from breathing in air pollution,he believes, and at the end of each day his eyes hurt.
    Things may be about to change, however. In recent months, he's seen more and more electric motorbikes on the streets of Cotonou.The Indian manufacturer (制造商)M Auto introduced its electric bikes in Benin in July 2022 and there are already 2,000 on the roads; an additional 2,000 people have paid deposits(定金)and are waiting for delivery.
    Shegun Bakari, M Auto's chief executive, has ambitions to get all moto-taxi drivers in Benin to switch to electric. This month he plans to launch a campaign to encourage them to swap (交换) their old bikes for new electric models.
    The only sticking point is the battery. M Auto's business model relies on“swap stations”throughout the city. When the battery runs out after about 60 miles, drivers must visit a station and pay to exchange the empty battery for a full one. Concerns about the battery are also preventing Soule from buying an electric bike. It could cost him 4,000CFA (&5.40) a day to replace batteries, Soule says, whereas at the moment he can buy five litres of petrol (enough for one day) for 3,000CFA.
    Bakari understands his concerns. In Benin, close to 40% of the population live under

    the poverty line, carning less than US$2 a day.“If I'm living with $2 a day, I can't afford
    to pay more just because I want to save the planet,”he says.
    He and his team are working to persuade governments in Africa to reduce taxes on
    electric vehicles, as well as putting plans in place to produce the electric bikes in Benin. They are also in talks with the government to build a solar plant to provide the extra energy
    that will be needed.
    28.What does the author want to show by telling Soule's story?
    A. Air pollution becomes a health issue.
    B.Road conditions badly need improving.
    C.Taxi drivers find it hard to make a living.
    D.Motorbikes are a major means of transport.
    29.What is the solution to the problem caused by motorbikes?
    A. Riding old bikes.
    B.Building more roads.
    C. Banning them on road.
    D.Moving to electric bikes.
    30.What is the major concern of a potential electric bike user?
    A.Short battery life. B. Battery safety.
    C.Insufficient charging points. D. High battery replacement cost.
    31. What are Bakari and his team making efforts to do?
    A. Create more job opportunities.
    B.Make electric bikes affordable.
    C. Cut back on fuel supplies.
    D.Improve taxi drivers'welfare.

    Baby seabirds that have not yet hatched communicate with their siblings (兄弟姐妹) in
    neighbouring eggs by vibrating (震动) their shells, scientists have discovered.
    A study of yellow-legged gulls revealed one of the known examples of embryonic(胚胎
    期的)communication. When exposed to the alarm calls of an adult bird responding to a predator(捕食者),developing chicks apparently were able to convey the presence of danger to their nestmates by vibrating inside their eggs.
    The team collected 90 yellow-legged gull eggs from Salvora Island and sorted them
    into nests of three. When the eggs were six days off hatching, two of the three eggs in each
    nest were temporarily removed from the nest and exposed to either a recording of a predator
    alarm call or white noise each day until the chicks hatched. The noise was delivered four
    times a day at random for three minutes at a time. The third egg from each group remained
    英语试卷 第7页(共12页)

    in the nest.
    It was found that the embryos responded to the external alarm calls by vibrating more and vocalising (发声)less — and that this information appeared to be passed on to the third nestmate. It was seen to copy the vibrations. It also underwent genetic changes and had an increase in the production of stress hormones (荷尔蒙).
    “This kind of communication — embryo to embryo — can generate developmental changes that can have potential benefits to the birds after hatching,”said Noguera,the
    lead author of the study.
    A rise in stress hormones makes birds more aware of their surroundings after hatching. When hatched chicks were exposed to alarm sounds,it was found that those who had
    listened to the noises previously in the egg were quicker to run away and hide.
    Noguera said the phenomenon was likely to occur in other bird species. His team now
    plans to investigate whether the chicks are able to pick up other clues about their external
    environment before hatching, such as how many other eggs are in the nest. 32.What do the unhatched birds mean to do by vibrating shells?
    A. Fight with a predator.
    B. Warn others of danger.
    C. Play with their nestmates.
    D.Seek care from adult birds.
    33. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
    A.The findings of the experiment.
    B.The process of the experiment.
    C. The subjects of the experiment.
    D.The theoretical base of the experiment.
    34. What's the benefit of developing chicks'sharing information?
    A.It makes them mature earlier.
    B. It allows them to develop physically.
    C.It strengthens bonds with their siblings.
    D. It helps them adapt to life after hatching.
    35.What does Noguera mainly talk about concerning the research in the last paragraph?
    A.Its appeal to the public.
    B. Its practical application.
    C. Expectations for future studies.
    D.Scientists with new perspectives.

    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两 项为多余选项。
    The best feeling about going back to school is seeing all your friends. You get the chance to tell each other your holiday experiences. 36 You have to start from scratch (从头开始).Here are tips that will work for you.
    ●Do not be scared.
    It is not unhealthy to be scared on your first day of school. Remember that each student has gone through the same process. 37 Your new school can have the best team and the competitive drama program. Try and focus on things that make you want to
    go to that school.You will not have any reason to be scared.
    ● Know your surroundings.
    It is good to be familiar with the new environment. 38 It will help you take less time to go to your lesson and settle down before the teacher arrives. Knowing the surroundings will give you confidence because you will not have to ask around. It will
    make you feel better and ready for anything that comes your way.
    ● 39
    Do not try to change the person you are because of the new environment. Many people have gone through that road. Do not do that just to fit into a group of students. In the end, it will not be worth it. It is for people to love you the way you are. You are perfect the way
    you are.You have no single reason for changing yourself.
    ●Connect with people.
    The worst part about moving to a new school is making friends. There is a possibility you know some students from your new school.You can try and connect with the people you know first. They will introduce you to other people, and that is how you will make
    friends. 40 Go to the people you know and hang out.
    A. Be yourself.
    B. Do not be alone.
    C. Please the other kids.
    D.Going to a new school can be pretty challenging.
    E.Try to look at the positive side of joining a new school.
    F.It is advisable to know where the different rooms are located.
    G.Often the scariest part of change is not knowing what it looks like.

    第 三 部 分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)

    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。
    The suburb I live in backs on to a large nature reserve. One morning I saw a koala (考拉) sitting in a palm tree in my front yard.I phoned around to ask what I could 41 this koala, but no one wanted to know.I ended up 42 the koala out of my tree and we
    crossed the road 43 for him to return to the nature reserve.
    I've always been befriending animals. As a young kid I used to pick up lizard eggs and 44 them. It stimulated my interest as to why there wasn't anyone wanting to come and 45 this koala in my tree. After that, I signed up for all the 46 I could
    Once I had accreditation (合格证), I volunteered with the RSPCA in 2014, rehabilitating (使康复) wildlife.I was an ambulance driver, 47 overnight rescues.
    We rescued hundreds of animals and 48 more.
    One day, I thought why not 49 my own rescue group focusing on my backyard?I purchased a two-acre property and built enclosures on it to. 50 injured animals. Last year,I planted 300 eucalyptus trees(桉树), with seven varieties to 51 the koalas.
    I cut the leaves of the eucalyptus trees for the koalas to eat and look after the 52 wildlife at our centre.If they recover,they are 53 back to where they come from.
    As a kid I would never have imagined doing this. I feel like I'm the 54 girl on
    the planet that I get to do what I love. I believe it's my 55 .

    41.A.learn from
    B.do about
    C. require of
    D. save for
    B. shooting
    C. coaching
    D. blowing
    D. guiltily
    C. break
    C. purchase
    46.A. courses
    C. fairs
    D. shows
    C. recording
    48.A.made out
    B. ran across
    C. gave up
    D. cared for
    B. start
    C. dismiss
    D. advertise
    B. hunt
    C. train
    D. amuse
    B. direct
    D. test
    B. hungry
    C. deserted
    D. injured
    B. released
    C. thrown
    B. greediest
    C. noisiest
    D. luckiest
    B. calling
    D. fault

    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    China is known as the home of tea. It is said that Shennong discovered tea around 2700 B.C. At first, tea leaves 56 (chew). During the Tang dynasty, 57 (advance) were made in the processing of tea. The leaves were steamed, oxidized(氧化), and pounded into cake form. This made tea easier 58 (transport) and more pleasing to the tongue.
    The earliest batch (批次)of tea is often ready to be picked before Qingming. This precious small output of tea, widely 59 (seek) after for its outstanding quality, is called Mingqian tea. The seasonal tea is known 60 its tender leaves and fresh flavor. They have 61 better flavor than the later batches which can be grown overnight.
    East China's Zhejiang province is acknowledged as a major producer of tea.In spring, local hillsides 62 (fill) with tea workers sowing seeds on their land. In the peak seasons, many tourists flood to witness the beautiful scenery of tea farms for 63 (they), while enjoying a cup of tea.
    There are many ways you can experience tea culture in China. You can visit a tea plantation in Hangzhou or elsewhere to learn 64 tea is grown and harvested. You can sit inside a 65 (tradition) tea house and take in the classical atmosphere as you drink tea.

    第四部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)

    第一节 (满分15分)
    学校英文报正在开展以Protecting our eyes to enjoy a bright world为题的讨论。请 使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:


    将 P rotecting our eyes to enjoy a bright world
    The health of children aision jis facing a growing threat.

    乡 民
    英语试卷 第11页(共12页)

    第二节 (满分25分)
    It was Christmas Eve morning,and I awoke with a mission:to find my lost cat, Baby-Girl. As I got ready, I could hear icy rain pelting the windows. Baby-Girl was out there somewhere in the storm; I could just feel it.Sure, it had been a couple of weeks since she'd gone missing, but I still had faith. This was the season for miracles, after all.
    About two weeks ago, my sweet kitty disappeared from my parents' house in my hometown. Baby-Girl had been staying with them while I was between apartments. At the time, I lived and worked in another city.I was staying with friends until I rented my own house. Baby-Girl had gotten out of my parents' house the day before I was set to drive back home to pick her
    My dad and I had spent that entire visit searching for her. Dad was a“realist”,which meant he spent a whole lot of time trying to prepare me for the worst.“She's either been hit by a car or been taken in by someone who found her," he said.I rolled my eyes. He could do
    with a little more faith!
    Besides, though I couldn't explain it, I knew I'd see Baby-Girl again. She could survive all on her own. If any cat could do the impossible, it was my Baby-Girl. Even after I returned to my house without her, deep down I had this undeniable feeling that we would be reunited one day.
    Now, home again for the holidays, I was determined to pick up my search right where I'd left off.I grabbed Baby-Girl's cat carrier and loaded it into the car, then asked my dad to
    drive me to the shelter.
    At the shelter, a staff member took us to see the cats. We walked through rows of cages. My eyes scanned cats of all colors and sizes. None of them was my Baby-Girl. Then I noticed a room farther back. I pushed ahead.“Sweetheart, that's where they keep the cats that just
    came in,”Dad said.“Your cat wouldn't be in there.”
    Iimsisteditdidn't hurt to look and stepped into the room.

    Sensing their doubts, I was ready to prove ghdyas ay cat.



    江苏省七市(南通、泰州、扬州、徐州、淮安、连云港、宿迁)2023届高三三模英语试卷参考答案: 这是一份江苏省七市(南通、泰州、扬州、徐州、淮安、连云港、宿迁)2023届高三三模英语试卷参考答案,共1页。

    江苏省七市(南通、泰州、扬州、徐州、淮安、连云港、宿迁)2023届高三下学期三模英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份江苏省七市(南通、泰州、扬州、徐州、淮安、连云港、宿迁)2023届高三下学期三模英语试卷(含答案),共18页。试卷主要包含了听力题,阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    江苏省七市(南通、泰州、扬州、徐州、淮安、连云港、宿迁)2023届高三三模英语听力材料、参考答案及评分标准: 这是一份江苏省七市(南通、泰州、扬州、徐州、淮安、连云港、宿迁)2023届高三三模英语听力材料、参考答案及评分标准,共11页。






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