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    It goes without saying that sitting at a desk for a majority of the day will hurt our health. But don’t worry because there is a solution! After spending much time investigating the different offers when it comes to exercise equipment suitable for the office, I’d like to reveal some of my top recommendations.

    Stability CushionThese cushions are excellent to relieve back pain and shoulder aches, stabilize joints and strengthen muscles.

    Pros & Cons

    Small and lightweight

    .Works well for lower back and posture

    · Inflating isn’t easy for some

    Under-desk EllipticalKeeping your feet in motion while seated can go a long way to keep you happier, reduce stress, and increase your productivity

    Pros & Cons

    Easy to carry like a briefcase

    Whisper quiet and easy to use

    ·The rubber around the metal bar can wear out over time

    Fitness TrackerWhat gets measured gets managed, and one great way to keep track of your fitness data is a fitness tracker. A fitness tracker records your energy levels, steps, distance, hourly activity and more

    Pros & Cons

    ·Very comfortable to wear

    ·Lots of apps can be operated together

    ·Various customized options

    ·Sometimes there are connectivity issues

    Balance Ball ChairSitting on a balance ball leads to increased energy and productivity. In that way, it’s perfect for completing tasks at home or in the office. This chair promotes micro-movements, core strength, and stimulation

    Pros & Cons

    ·Straightforward to build

    ·A great solution if you experience back pain

    ·Needs to be reinflated often


    1Who are the intended readers of the text?

    AFitness trainers. BRecovering patients.

    COffice workers. DFurniture designers.

    2Which equipment promises to improve work efficiency?

    AStability Cushion and Fitness Tracker.

    BStability Cushion and Balance Ball Chair.

    CUnder-desk Elliptical and Fitness Tracker.

    DUnder-desk Elliptical and Balance Ball Chair.

    3What may be the problem of Fitness Tracker?

    AIt wears out easily over time. BIt may fail to get linked at times.

    CIt offers few personalized choices. DIt doesn’t allow the use of other apps.


    Well, well, well. It looks like robots are now coming for our beloved furry friends. According to a new study, animal robots may be just as effective, if not better, at providing therapeutic (治疗的) benefits to children as real pets. As someone who has both interacted with real dogs and robots, I can tell you that this is quite a bold claim.

    Sure, robots may have some benefits over real dogs. They can work for longer hours and won’t cause allergies (过敏) or pass on diseases. But can a robot give you that wet-nosed, tail-wagging, slobber-filled experience that a real dog can? I think not.

    Now, I’m not saying that robots don’t have their place in therapy. In fact, I can see how an animal robot could be helpful in certain situations where a real dog might not be possible. But let’s not go replacing all the good boys and girls with robots just yet.

    As for the study, it’s interesting to see that while the kids said they loved real-life dogs better, they actually spent more time interacting with the robot. I can only imagine that it was doing some pretty impressive tricks, some robot dance or robot jokes maybe, to hold the kids’ attention for that long.

    In all seriousness, though, I do think it’s important to consider the welfare of therapy dogs. Visiting hospitals can be stressful and tiring for them, and we should be exploring all options to make therapy experiences as positive and enjoyable as possible for both the animals and the patients.

    So, while I may not be ready to trade in my furry friends for robots just yes, I am open to the idea of introducing animal robots into therapy programs. Who knows? Maybe one day we’ll all have our own personal robot pets that can provide us with just as much love and companionship as the real thing. But until then, I’ll stick with my trusty furry friends.

    4What is the text?

    AA response to a recent study. BA summary of a scientific study.

    CA news report of a new invention. DA review on a medical experiment.

    5What does the writer mean by saying “this is quite a bold claim” in paragraph 1?

    AThe new study is quite a breakthrough. BHis personal experience supports the study.

    CRobots have no therapeutic benefits to children. DRobots cannot replace real pets at present stage.

    6Which of the following is a finding of the new study?

    AThe kids preferred robot pets to real dogs.

    BRobots kept the kids’ interest for a longer time.

    CThe kids’ concentration was effectively improved.

    DRobots had more tricks to impress kids than real dogs.

    7Why is the author open to the idea of using robots in therapy?

    AThey can share some of therapy pets’ work.

    BThey can guarantee the welfare of therapy pets.

    CThey provide us with just as much love as real pets.

    DThey are better at releasing patients’ stress and tiredness.


    The best ideas are often so smart, so simple and so clearly needed; it’s strange to discover they don’t already exist. So it is with Farm My School, a program that’s turning underused land at secondary schools into commercially achievable, regenerative market gardens farmed by and for local communities.

    Co-founded by permaculturist Ben Shaw and regenerative educator James McLennan, Farm My School connects local people and organizations through volunteering that helps establish a school’s market garden. Students learn about community networks, healthy eating, ecological responsibility, waste reduction, and climate relief while helping with food production. Schools integrate all these into their courses while producing vegetable boxes every week that feed local families, supply the school’s food needs and ultimately pay the farmer’s salary.

    Farm My School has gained the extraordinary enthusiasm of the locals, who answered an online shout-out to buy tickets to the program’s launch event at Bell Secondary School last October. Called Build A Farm in a Day Festival, the event featured workshops by Ben and James to share the skills required to build what they say is the world’s largest no-dig garden. “It was such a powerful event, and I think that comes down to people wanting to act now,” says James. “We charged for the experience and 600 guys turned up! They didn’t even need free drinks to get excited. We were gardening till midnight. It was amazing. We’ve got true community buy-in.”

    Volunteers have since begun beneficial planting throughout the school. Next steps include further discussions with local communities, employing a farmer, and bringing in a teacher to develop courses. “We’ve seen this huge push towards seeing schools as regenerative spaces, not just for planting but for kids to be more connected to the outside world, and really seeing the school in a whole new light,” James says. “For us, the big excitement is that by allowing a professional farmer to take the responsibility of growing food, it’s not only on the school to look after that farm anymore, which eventually makes it much more sustainable,” adds Ben.

    8Why was Farm My School founded?

    ATo raise the income of the local people.

    BTo advocate a commercial farming plan.

    CTo provide free food for local communities.

    DTo turn underused campus land into market gardens.

    9How do schools involve students into the program?

    ABy developing program-based courses.

    BBy organizing voluntary work in communities.

    CBy offering them part-time jobs in the market gardens.

    DBy encouraging them to produce daily vegetable boxes.

    10What does the underlined word “buy-in” mean in paragraph 3?

    ACompetition. BInvestment. CSupport. DProtection.

    11What is the highlight of the program according to Ben?

    AIt brings in money to support the school. BThe school farm will be able to last long.

    CThe local people will take care of the farm. DStudents connect more with the outside world.


    In 1977, Irene Pepperberg, a Harvard graduate, decided to investigate the thought processes of another creature by talking to it. To do this, she would teach a one-year-old African gray parrot (鹦鹉), Alex, to reproduce the sounds of the English language.

    Pepperberg bought Alex in a pet store, where she let the store’s assistant choose him because she didn’t want other scientists to say that she bad intentionally chosen an especially smart bird. Given that Alex’s brain was just the size of a walnut, most researchers thought Pepperberg’s communication study would be futile.

    But with Pepperberg’s patient teaching, Alex learned how to follow almost 100 English words. He could count to six and had learned the sound for seven and eight. But the point was not to see if Alex could learn words by heart. Pepperberg wanted to get inside his mind and learn more about a bird’s understanding of the world.

    In one demonstration, Pepperberg held up a green key and a green cup for him to look at. “What’s the same?” she asked. “Color,” Alex responded without hesitation. “What’s different?” Pepperberg asked. “Shape,” Alex quickly replied. His voice had the sound of a cartoon character. But the words — and what can only be called the thoughts — were entirely his. Many of Alex’s skills, such as his ability to understand the concepts of “same” and “different”, are rare in the animal world. Living in a complex society, parrots like Alex must keep track of changing relationships and environments.

    During the demonstration, as if to offer final proof of the mind inside his bird’s brain, Alex spoke up. “Talk clearly!” he commanded, when one of the younger birds Pepperberg was also teaching mispronounced the word “green”.

    Alex knew all the answers himself and was getting bored. “He’s moody,” said Pepperberg, “so he interrupts the others, or he gives the wrong answer just to be difficult.” Pepperberg was certainly learning more about the mind of a parrot, but like the parent of a troublesome teenager, she was learning the hard way.

    12Why did Pepperberg let the shop assistant choose the bird?

    AA bird with a small brain was needed. BShe wanted a very smart bird for her study.

    CA research subject should be randomly chosen. DThe shop assistant was better at choosing birds.

    13What might most researchers think of Pepperberg’s study at first?

    AInnovative. BPractical. CCostly. DFruitless.

    14Which of the following aspects of Alex’s ability did Pepperberg’s study focus on?

    AUnderstanding concepts. BCalculating.

    CRecognizing voices. DCreating English words.

    15What caused Pepperberg’s struggle in her study?

    AHer instructions had to be easy for Alex. BAlex was sometimes too clever to control.

    CAlex would point out other birds’ mistakes. DShe had trouble understanding Alex’s mood.




    What makes a work of architecture great? Most people would argue that aesthetics are the most important. ____16____However, Roman architect Marcus Vitruvius Pollio believed that we should also consider durability and function when assessing a structure. The Rostonville Library in my city is a great example of Vitruvius’s principles.

    Constructed entirely of granite — a hard and tough stone, the library is durable. It can withstand environmental pollution. For example, it is resistant to acid rain. Moreover, its granite structure is stable so it’s more likely to survive an earthquake._____17_____It uses solar energy for heating and a rooftop garden for cooling.

    _____18_____Providing free access to print and digital information, it conveys a feeling of openness and accessibility. Furthermore, the entire library is on one level, and it has an open design — there are no inner walls or dividers. In addition, large windows let in plenty of natural light, so it’s easy to see and get to each department within the library.

    Finally, the library is beautiful, with aesthetically pleasing details both inside and out. The large windows are copper-framed (铜框的). The copper color provides an interesting contrast against the color of the granite structure and it will remain as the copper ages. Growth from the rooftop garden, which reaches down the sides of the building, adds to the aesthetics of the building.______19______

    Durability, functionality and beauty make the Rostonville Library a great structure. Architects who follow Vitruvius’s principles help to make the city more pleasant to live in._____20_____

    AThe library is also sustainable.

    BIt is true that beauty is critical.

    CThis is not the only concern of the architects.

    DThe library was designed with functionality in mind.

    EIt softens the lines of the structure and helps it to fit into its natural surroundings.

    FPlus, the library was built on the edge of the city park, surrounded by native plants.

    GBuildings that fulfill these criteria offer both peace of mind and beauty for their users.




    A few years agoI spared a couple of hours from busy academic learning to work in a video store on a daily basis. An elderly woman walked into the store with a younger woman who I ____21____ was her daughter. The daughter was displaying a serious case of ____22____ checking her watch every few seconds. The older woman began to ____23____ the DVDs on the nearest shelf. After ____24____ hesitation, I walked over and asked if I could help. The woman smiled and showed me a title on a crumpled (皱巴巴的) piece of paper. Obviously a person looking for it knew a little about ____25____.

    Rather than rushing off to ____26____ the DVD for the woman, I asked her to walk with me so I could show her where she could find it. Something about her deliberate movements ____27____ me of my own mother, who had passed away the previous Christmas. The woman seemed ____28____ for the unrushed company and casual conversation. We found the movie, and I ____29____ her to the queue at the cash register. When the older woman was paying in cash, I walked over to the younger, who was still tapping her foot at the front of the store.

    “Is that your mom?” She rolled her eyes and said, “Yeah.” There was ____30____ in her reply, half sigh and half complaint. Still watching the mother, I said, “____31____ some advice?” “Sure,”said the daughter. I smiled to show her I wasn’t ____32____. I answered her ____33____ expression by saying, “When she’s gone, it’s the little ____34____ that’ll come back to you. Moments like this. I know.” Silent for a moment, the daughter placed her arm with ____35____ unaccustomed affection around her mother’s shoulders, gently guiding her out of the store.

    21Afound Brecognized Cguessed Dpredicted

    22Aanxiety Bconfusion Ceagerness Dimpatience

    23Alook around Blook through Clook into Dlook up

    24Acautious Blong Cslight Dinstant

    25ADVDs Bmovies Ctitles Drecords

    26Alocate Bconfirm Ccheck Dbuy

    27Ainformed Bconvinced Crecalled Dreminded

    28Asuitable Beager Cgrateful Dhopeful

    29Aasked Bwalked Cinvited Dintroduced

    30Aannoyance Bamazement Cconcern Ddisappointment

    31AGive BAccept CMind DFollow

    32Acriticizing Bkidding Cdisturbing Dinterfering

    33Acurious Bfrightened Cunbelievable Dregretful

    34Aexpressions Bmoments Cpossessions Dchances

    35Aimmediately Bconstantly Cunexpectedly Dapparently





    What’s the first thing that pops into your mind when you think of wheat straw? Most people would ____36____ (probable) just see it as a pile of waste in a farmer’s field. However, Wu Cui, an intangible cultural inheritor, can turn the straw left over from ____37____ (harvest) wheat into beautiful and eye-catching functional artworks.

    The earliest straw-weaving (草编的) ____38____ ( product) were discovered at Hemudu Cultural Ruins, a Neolithic cultural site located in eastern China’s Zhejiang province. Straw weaving is ____39____ method of manufacturing daily items or artworks. It ____40____ (list) as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2008.

    Wu explains the process of straw weaving: ____41____ (select) of materials is the first step of a complicated and labor-intensive process that can take weeks, or even months, to complete. You need to sketch the piece on paper, ____42____ requires drawing skills. Next ____43____ (come) weaving, shaping and preserving of the work. Even by finishing that process, it does not mean that you will always create a good piece of work, and the hardest part is ____44____ (make) it lifelike.

    When asked about her plans, Wu says she wants to dig deeper ____45____ local traditional culture and create cultural creative products by developing the straw-weaving technique.




    46.为庆祝420日中文语言日,你校举办了主题活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内 容包括:

    1. 活动内容;

    2. 活动反响。


    1. 写作词数应为80左右;

    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Chinese Language Day Celebrations on Campus





    Outside the Box

    The Harvestfest contest was falling on Friday and everyone in school was talking about it. All the students would show up in their self-made costumes and a winner would be chosen by the principal.

    “Do you have your costume for the Harvestfest contest?” Alice asked. “I’m going as a chocolate bar. My mom and I have been working on it all week.”

    “Yeah, I have a costume,” said Jordan Eastman, popping up the two front wheels of his wheelchair as he waited for his dad to pick him up. “But it’s boring.”

    “Why? What is it?” Alice asked.

    “MaxMag the superhero, but Danny, Tom and Izzy are all going as MaxMag too.” Jordan shook his head. “That’s too many to stand a chance at winning the contest.” He waved to his dad, who had just pulled up in front of the school.

    Jordan rolled his wheelchair toward his dad, and Alice walked with him to the minivan.

    “Maybe you should go as something else.”

    “The contest is Friday night.” Jordan sighed. “It’s too late to change costumes.”

    “Jordan, you have to think outside the box. Look around your house and see what you have. There’s hidden potential in everyday items.” She took a sip of her drink, and told Jordan that her chocolate-bar costume was made from old fabric her mom had lying around and recycled plastics.

    On his way home, Jordan was quiet. He kept thinking about Alice’s words: Think outside the box. There’s hidden potential in everyday items. When he got home, he found his mum handling with some wooden pieces. She was putting a new desk together. On top of the desk was the huge empty cardboard box the pieces had come in. Mom smiled at Jordan, pointing at the desk, “What do you think?”


    1. 续写词数应为150左右;

    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Jordan’s eyes fell on the box and he smiled, “It’s perfect . … with my wheelchair.”


    Soon it was Friday night, and Jordan couldn’t wait to show his costume.



    1C    2D    3B


    4A    5D    6B    7A


    8D    9A    10C    11B


    12C    13D    14A    15B


    16B    17A    18D    19E    20G



    21C    22D    23B    24C    25B    26A    27D    28C    29B    30A    31C    32A    33A    34B    35D



    36probably    37harvested    38products    39a    40was listed    41selection    42which    43comes    44to make/making    45into



    Chinese Language Day Celebrations on Campus

    April 20, the birthday of Chinese characters’ creator Cang Jie, witnessed the great success of our school’s first ever Chinese Language Day Celebrations.

    On that day, more than 20 events were organized around the campus, offering the fullest experience of the beauty of our mother tongue. Among those most popular events were the live Chinese calligraphy show from our teachers, and the paper-cutting contest, with participants demonstrating delicately designed patterns of Chinese idioms. What won the most applause was the contest of tongue twisters, attracting visiting foreign students to showcase their wonderful oral Chinese.

    The celebrations have had a positive effect on every participant. “Chinese language is so beautiful and interesting, I’ll definitely carry on my study into it,” one visiting student from France told the reporter.


    Chinese Language Day Celebrations on Campus

    To help students fully understand and appreciate the beauty of our mother tongue, our school held series of celedibrations on April 20th, the Chinese Language Day. Participants include language experts and all the school teachers and students.

    The celebrations include various wonderful activities. Language experts were invited to write Chinese calligraphy on the scene, winning whole-hearted praises from the audience. There were also speeches given by our teachers on how the Chinese language had thrived all the way through into modern times. The most impressive part was the students’ poetry recitation competition, fully displaying the rhythm and image of Chinese literary works.

    Our Chinese Language Day Celebrations proved to be a huge success. Participants thought highly of it, saying that the celebrations helped them see into our language in a more comprehensive and deeper angle.


    Jordan’s eyes fell on the box and he smiled, “It’s perfect…with my wheelchair.” Seeing the puzzled look on his mum’s face, Jordan quickly told her the design of his new costume — MaxMag on his car. She smiled and gave him a thumbs up. “No time to wait! Let’s get started!” exclaimed his dad who just went in. For two nights, they cut, pasted, folded and unfolded the box; they drew on it and colored it to make it look like a real car; and they glued the old MaxMag costume onto it. When the new costume was finally ready, Jordan tried it on several times and continued to make necessary changes until satisfied.

    Soon it was Friday night, and Jordan couldn’t wait to show his costume. When he wheeled himself into the party, he immediately spotted the three MaxMags. When they saw him, they couldn’t believe it. “The MaxMag and his car? That’s awesome!” Danny’s eyes lit up. “The wheels of your chair are just perfect!” said Tom. “You even have the headlights! It’s so cool.” Izzy pointed to the front. Jordan beamed. “Thanks!” When it was time to announce the winner, Jordan joined his friends by the stage. “The winner of this year’s Harvestfest costume contest is…”, the principal paused to read the name off the card, “Jordan Eastman!” Everyone clapped. “See? You just needed to be creative!” Alice said. “You mean think outside the box!” Jordan patted on the flaming-red car attached to his chair, with an iconic MaxMag smile.


    Jordan’s eyes fell on the box and he smiled, “It’s perfect … with my wheelchair.” Realizing Mom was confused, he quickly added, “That’s a cool desk, Mum. But can I have the big box for the Harvestfest contest?” He then explained excitedly how to turn it into a mobile refrigerator. “Brilliant! You will definitely be the superhero of the party, serving people their favourite drinks,” Mum exclaimed with a broad smile. In the following days, his priority after school was designing and making the new costume, fixing it to his wheelchair and exquisitely making a door. Finally, he even prepared some soft drinks to surprise his friends.

    Soon it was Friday night, and Jordan couldn’t wait to show his costume to his friends. When he wheeled himself in as a mobile refrigerator, he heard admiring exclamations, guessing about who it would be. Jordan felt an increasing sense of pride and satisfaction. When he spotted a chocolate bar, he quickly moved towards it, stopped just several inches in front and quickly opened the door. “Jordan, it’s you!” Alice cried out. Jordan passed her her favourite drink. “Thank you, Alice. That’s an idea outside the box.” That night, although he didn’t win the best costume award from the principal, Jordan felt like the real MaxMag: his body and soul were no longer confined to the wheelchair. And he came to realize: there is hidden potential in everyday items, and so it is with every individual.



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