高考英语读后续写场景动作描写素材一、灼伤Characteristics:红肿:red and mildly swollen非常疼痛:extremely painful开始起泡:begin to blisterTreatment:把烧伤的部分放在流动的冷水下 place burns under cool running water用干净的布擦干烧伤的部位dry the burnt area with clean cloth如果有必要,用剪刀把衣服剪掉remove any clothes using scissors if necessary用一块宽松的干净布覆盖烧伤部位cover the burnt area with a loose clean cloth立即送往医院rush the victim to the hospital二、溺水Characteristics:失去意识:lose consciousness无法呼吸:can't breatheTreatment:把溺水的人拉出水面pull the drowning man out of water让受害者仰卧lay the victim on the ground进行心肺复苏perform CPR按压胸部push down the center of his chest抬起下巴lift up his chin进行人工呼吸perform mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing/blow air in检查看他是否呼吸 check to see if he is breathing叫救护车call for an ambulance三、哽噎
Characteristics:抓住他的喉咙,脸通红hold his throat with his face turning red说不出话:can’t speakTreatment:拍他的背slap him on the back帮助他站了起来help him to his feet环抱住他的腰wrap your arms around him握紧拳头cleanch his fist
四、笑1.smile v.&n.笑give a soft smile莞尔一笑(等上)give a charming smile迷人(醉人)的微笑smile at sb. / sth.对..笑smile with relief 宽慰地笑smile sweetly 嫣然一笑smile faintly微微一笑smile broadly咧嘴一笑2.Laugh v.&n. 大笑laugh a hearty laugh 开怀大笑laugh oneself to death笑得要死laugh oneself's head off笑掉大牙give a horse laugh 一阵狂笑burst into laughter突然大笑起来burst into gales of laughter 突然狂笑起来explode with laughter 哄堂大笑roars of laughter 大笑laugh it off 一笑而过3.Grin 露齿而笑;咧着嘴笑grin amiably 亲切地微笑grin with delight高兴的咧嘴而笑grinfrom ear to ear 笑得合不拢嘴grin a welcom 咧嘴一笑以表欢迎sheepish/ˈʃiːpɪʃ/ adj.尴尬的,难为情的He repliedwith a wry smile.他苦笑着回答道。4.roar v.放声大笑;喧哗set the table in a roar 使哄堂大笑roarwith laughter 哄然大笑5.beam v.笑容满面beam at sb. 对某人笑beam from ear to ear 开怀大笑;笑容满面beam with joy 笑逐颜开beam with satisfaction 满意地微笑6.嘲笑laugh at 嘲笑sneer at 嘲笑;讥笑;嗤笑jeer at 嘲笑;奚落make fun of sb. 嘲笑某人