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    这是一份2023届福建省宁德市三模英语试题,文件包含高三英语参考答案docx、高三英语docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共25页, 欢迎下载使用。

    【原文】M: I can’t wait until this week is over. All these reports are driving me crazy.
    W: You should do something that takes your mind off your work. What about holding a party to relax? That must be exciting.
    【原文】W: Wait, I left my sunglasses in the room. Do you mind if I go back up and get them?
    M: Sure. You have our room card, right?
    W: Yes.
    M: All right. See you on the ground floor, then.
    【原文】M: Would you like me to take off my shoes? I don’t want to get your floor dirty.
    W: It’s fine. I have to clean it anyway. Here, let me take your jacket from you.
    【原文】M: Can I borrow your car to drive to my friend’s house, Mom?
    W: Yes — but only after you’ve finished your homework. And you must fill up my car with gas when you’re done using it.
    【原文】W: Hello, Dr. Lin’s office. How can I help you?
    M: Hello, this is Tom Harris speaking. I need to make an appointment to see Dr. Lin.
    W: How about 2:00 this afternoon?
    M: Good, but can you tell me how to get to your office?
    6.A 7.B
    【原文】M: We can start cooking our soup now. I cut the chicken and vegetables.
    W: Great. This type of soup is from Thailand, so we’ll use coconut milk as the base.
    M: I’ve heard the food in southern Asia is quite hot. Do you want to add pepper?
    W: I’d like to make it sweet and sour instead.
    M: Do you have any lemon juice we can add?
    W: No. I’ll get some from my mom’s house now. Do we need anything else?
    M: I have everything. I’ll start cleaning the kitchen. We’ll be ready to cook when you get back.
    8.C 9.A
    【原文】M: We have some things to do before people come over tonight, Mary.
    W: I know. I’ll be picking up the groceries, and James is cooking.
    M: OK, I’ll get some gas for the barbecue.
    W: What should we do after dinner? Do you still want to go to the club?
    M: Why don’t we just stay here? We can watch a movie or play a board game.
    W: Good idea, Steve. I don’t have a lot of money, anyway.
    M: Me, neither. When you’re shopping, can you pick up some cleaning supplies?
    W: Sure, and don’t forget to send people directions. Our place is hard to find.
    M: Got it. Let’s get to work!
    10.A 11.A 12.B
    【原文】W: Hi, Henry. What’s your plan tonight? Do you feel like playing a game of tennis?
    M: That’s a good idea. I haven’t played tennis for ages.
    W: Great! Is six o’clock all right?
    M: Could we make it a little later? I have to work until a quarter to six today.
    W: No problem. What time do you want to meet?
    M: I can be at the tennis court by half past six, but how about having dinner together first? I had to finish an important report today, and I didn’t even have time for lunch.
    W: Sure. I know a fantastic Mexican restaurant. Or do you want some Italian food?
    M: I don’t really like Mexican food or Italian food. Could we go to a Chinese restaurant instead? I really want to eat dumplings or noodles.
    W: Oh, me too. I know a famous restaurant which is close to the court. We could meet there.
    M: Sounds great.
    13.C 14.B 15.C 16.B
    【原文】M: Hey, Cindy! It’s me, Douglas. We were classmates in high school.
    W: Oh, Douglas! Fancy meeting you here. You look very different now. I almost didn’t recognize you.
    M: No wonder. I was pretty fat. I’ve lost a lot of weight, since I’m into sports now. I wish I had been more involved in the sports clubs in high school.
    W: That’s true. We had some fun times in high school.
    M: I’m with you on that. Remember Mr. Robinson’s chemistry class that I had that funny accident?
    W: You mean that explosion in the experiment?
    M: Exactly.
    W: Luckily, no one got hurt. Well, you didn’t show up at our 10-year high school reunion, so I haven’t heard from you since graduation.
    M: Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to make it to the reunion.
    W: I see. Did you know that Nancy married Tom 2 years ago?
    M: That’s great.
    W: Do you still live in Houston now?
    M: No, I moved to San Antonio 8 years ago. What about you?
    W: I still live here in New York.
    17.A 18.B 19.C 20.C
    【原文】Alex Lin is a 16-year-old boy. One day, he read about something called e-waste in the newspaper. He learned that when people buy new computers, TV sets, phones, washing machines, etc., they simply throw the old ones away. These things are called electronic waste, or e-waste. Alex also learned that e-waste is dangerous to the environment. He decided to do something about it. To help stop e-waste, Alex got help from a charity group called WIN. WIN sends people the message about e-waste and gives people a chance to recycle and reuse their e-waste. Alex also found there’s a project run by WIN that helps the environment and people’s lives. With the help of WIN, Alex saved more than 200 pounds of e-waste that was about to be thrown away. They fixed about 300 computers and gave half of them to the students in Alex’s town. They also set up two computer centers for schools. Now they are trying to work with the United Nations Environment Programme. The computer centers will donate computers to the poor students in Central America and Africa.
    21.C 22.D 23.B
    21.细节理解题。根据Guy’s Grocery Games部分的“It’s a fairly lighthearted show in which chefs from all over the U.S. compete in a series of challenges focused on making high-end dishes only with ingredients (原料) you can buy in any average grocery store.(这是一个相当轻松的节目,来自美国各地的厨师在一系列挑战中竞争,重点是用你在任何普通杂货店都能买到的食材制作高端菜肴)”可知,如果你对用普通食材制作高端菜肴感兴趣可以选择Guy’s Grocery Games。故选C。
    22.细节理解题。根据American Barbecue Showdown部分的“Lasting for 1 Season; Broadcast by Netflix(持续一季;由Netflix播出)”,和The Great British Bake Off部分的“Lasting for 5 Seasons; Broadcast by Netflix(持续5季;由Netflix播出)”可知,这两个节目的共同之处是都在Netflix播出。故选D。
    23.推理判断题。根据第一部分的“Top Chef is a reality competitive cooking show focused on finding America’s best chefs and setting them against one another.(Top Chef是一个竞争性的烹饪真人秀节目,专注于寻找美国最好的厨师,并让他们相互竞争)”,第二部分的“Instead of making food in the kitchen, this Netflix original series takes the fierce competition to barbecue country. (这部Netflix原创剧集没有在厨房里制作食物,而是将激烈的竞争带到烧烤国家)”,第三部分的“Guy’s Grocery Games is a more relaxing, down-to-earth version of Chopped. Hosted by one of our favorite celebrity chefs, Guy Fieri, each episode takes place in an actual grocery store.(Guy’s Grocery Games是一款更轻松、更接地气的Chopped。由我们最喜欢的名厨之一盖伊·菲利主持,每集都发生在一个真实的杂货店)”和最后一部分的“The Great British Baking Show is one of the most relaxing food competitions you’ll ever see.(Great British Baking Show是你见过的最轻松的美食比赛之一)”推知,本文的主要目的是介绍几个和烹饪有关的节目。故选B。
    24.D 25.B 26.C 27.D
    24.细节理解题。根据第一段“Before starting a restoration project, Song and her colleagues have to evaluate the subject to consider what problems can be solved through restoration and those that cannot. (在开始修复项目之前,宋静和她的同事必须对受试者进行评估,以考虑哪些问题可以通过修复解决,哪些问题不能通过修复解决。)”可知,错误的评估可能会破坏修复工作。故选D。
    25.推理判断题。根据第一段“Fearing the chemicals in commercially produced pastes (胶水) might harm the books, they have to make the glues they need by themselves, starting from removing starch(淀粉) from flour. (由于担心商业生产的糊状物中的化学物质可能会危害书籍,他们不得不自己制作所需的胶水,从去除面粉中的淀粉开始。)”和第二段““The restoration also requires high levels of control in brushing the paper. If the pressure is not properly controlled during the brushing process, the paper may tear, but if the touch is too light, the paper won’t stick,” Song explains. (“修复还需要对刷纸进行高度控制。如果在刷纸过程中压力控制不当,纸可能会撕裂,但如果触摸太轻,纸就粘不住,”Song解释道。)”可知,古籍修复工作复杂且具有挑战性。故选B。
    26.推理判断题。根据第六段“As Song looked into undergraduate curricula (本科课程) arrangement for that particular field of study, she found it was mostly related to chemistry. Therefore, she chose to start a chemistry degree at Fudan University in Shanghai in 2008. (当宋研究该特定研究领域的本科生课程安排时,她发现这主要与化学有关。因此,她选择于2008年在上海复旦大学攻读化学学位。)”和第七段“(她说:“我开始了解化学的某些方面是如何在修复文物方面发挥重要作用的。”)”可知,宋静去上海复旦大学攻读化学学位是因为她发现研究该特定研究领域的本科生课程安排时,她发现这主要与化学有关,所以她去学习化学是为自己梦想中的职业做好更好的准备。故选C。
    27.推理判断题。根据第三段“Song was determined to join the field from an early age. As a child, she was attracted by documentaries about the world’s cultural relics (遗物) and became deeply interested in the art of artifact restoration. (宋从小就决心加入这个领域。小时候,她被关于世界文物的纪录片所吸引,并对文物修复艺术产生了浓厚的兴趣。)”,第四段“In senior middle school, those earlier experiences helped her to set her sights on becoming a master restorer of ancient books. (在高中时,这些早期的经历帮助她立志成为一名古籍修复大师。)”,第六段“As Song looked into undergraduate curricula (本科课程) arrangement for that particular field of study, she found it was mostly related to chemistry. Therefore, she chose to start a chemistry degree at Fudan University in Shanghai in 2008. (当宋研究该特定研究领域的本科生课程安排时,她发现这主要与化学有关。因此,她选择于2008年在上海复旦大学攻读化学学位。)”和最后一段“After graduating from Fudan, she was accepted as a master’s candidate to the cultural heritage preservation program at Peking University. From then on, she has been on a mission to make her dreams a reality. (从复旦大学毕业后,她被北京大学文化遗产保护项目的硕士研究生录取。从那时起,她就肩负着实现梦想的使命。)”可知,宋静的故事告诉我们,只要付出和努力就会有回报。故选D。
    28.B 29.A 30.C 31.C
    28.推理判断题。根据第二段的“‘Do you still want one of the kittens? There’s one here with no eyes and no one would like to take him’. Without thinking I told her that I did want the kitten.(“那窝小猫里你还想要一只吗?”这里有一只没有眼睛的,没有人愿意收养它。”我想都没想就告诉她我想要这只猫。)”可知,杰克之所以能来作者的家是因为作者不介意它是一只瞎猫,故选B。
    29.词句猜测题。根据第三段的“At times he gets lost in the house, he’ll stop. But we just call his name and talk to him and it isn’t long before he finds his way back to us.(有时他在房子里迷路了,他就会停下来。但我们只是叫它的名字,和它说话,不久它就会找到我们身边。)”可知,那只猫可以在屋里到处跑,也就是说它虽然眼睛瞎了,但是在屋里跑是没有困难的,因此划线词issue在本文中指的是“困难、问题”,与A项单词trouble意思相似。故选A。
    30.细节理解题。根据第四段的“He always knows when Bear is around. He’ll run across the yard straight to Bear and wrap his front legs around his neck in a big hug. They run after each other around and wrestle (摔跤). They’ll lie down in the grass together when tired.(Bear在的时候它总能知道。它会穿过院子径直跑向Bear,把前腿绕在Bear的脖子上,给它一个大大的拥抱。它们互相追逐和摔跤。它们累的时候会一起躺在草地上。)”可知,两只猫是在户外摔跤,而非indoors,排除A。文章没有提到Bear没有眼睛,所以排除B。根据第三段的“After about a day he had no issues running around and climbing on everything.(大约一天后,他到处跑,到处爬就不成问题了)”可知,Jack适应环境挺快的。故选C。
    31.主旨大意题。通读全文尤其最后一段的“Jack is truly an inspiration. I’ve owned lots of kittens in my life, but Jack is the happiest and most playful. He doesn’t feel sorry for himself. He doesn’t need pity.(杰克真是一只鼓舞人心的猫。我养过很多小猫,但杰克是最快乐、最好玩的。他并不为自己感到遗憾。他不需要同情。)”可知,Jack虽然没有眼睛,但是却是最快乐的,不为自己难过,不需要怜悯。因此文章主要内容用“自助者,天助之”来概括最合适,即God helps those who help themselves,故选C。
    32.C 33.D 34.C 35.C
    32.推理判断题。根据第二段“But many of their studies did not have good sample sizes. So, Chaarani and his team worked with data, or information, from 2,217 children. All of these children participated in a much larger study.”(但他们的许多研究都没有很好的样本量。因此,沙拉尼和他的团队研究了2217名儿童的数据或信息。所有这些孩子都参加了一项规模更大的研究。)可知,之前的研究没有好的样本数量,说明之前研究的孩子人数少,新的研究和过去的研究不同的是孩子们的数量要多得多。故选C项。
    33.推理判断题。根据第四段“The results matched the brain scans. For the kids they looked at, areas of the brain involved in working memory, attention and problem solving were more active in gamers Areas of the brain involved in hand-eye coordination were less active in gamers than non-gamers.”(结果与脑部扫描结果相符。对于他们观察的孩子来说,游戏玩家的大脑中参与工作记忆、注意力和解决问题的区域更活跃,游戏玩家的脑中参与手眼协调的区域不如非游戏玩家活跃。)可知,学家们在研究中使用了功能磁共振扫描仪的原因是检查游戏玩家的特定大脑区域是否更活跃。故选D项。
    34.细节理解题。根据第四段“For the kids they looked at, areas of the brain involved in working memory, attention and problem solving were more active in gamers Areas of the brain involved in hand-eye coordination were less active in gamers than non-gamers.”(对于他们观察的孩子来说,游戏玩家的大脑中参与工作记忆、注意力和解决问题的区域更活跃。游戏玩家的脑中参与手眼协调的区域不如非游戏玩家活跃。)可知,游戏玩家的大脑中参与工作记忆、注意力和解决问题的区域更活跃,说明沙拉尼的研究结果表明玩家比非玩家有更好的记忆力。故选C项。
    35.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Fran Blumberg who studies children’s attention and problem —solving skills agreed with the result of the study but he also advised Chaarani to collect more data as the kids get older. Then he can see whether their skills — and brains — change over time.”(研究儿童注意力和解决问题技能的Fran Blumberg同意这项研究的结果,但他也建议沙拉尼随着孩子年龄的增长收集更多的数据。然后他可以看到他们的技能和大脑是否会随着时间的推移而改变。)可知,Fran Blumberg要求沙拉尼收集更多数据,说明他对于这个研究的态度是谨慎的。故选C项。
    36.B 37.E 38.G 39.D 40.F
    36.上文“While it does make people’s lives easier, there are disadvantages.(虽然它确实使人们的生活更容易,但也有缺点。)”提到电子设备有缺点,下文“You might have noticed how everyone is constantly clicking their phones, iPad, and others portable devices. (你可能已经注意到,每个人都在不断地点击他们的手机、iPad和其他便携设备。)”提到电子设备的一个缺点就是人们一直不断地点击自己的电子设备,这导致了人们缺乏与其他人的交流,B项“其中之一就是电子设备似乎正在取代人们的社交关系。”符合,指出了电子设备的缺点——影响社交关系,下文每段提出了在不看电子设备的情况下,如何维护好社交关系,故选B。
    37.上文“Disconnecting from gadgets might be challenging, but there are ways to spend time with your friends without using these gadgets.(断开与电子设备的联系可能是一个挑战,但是有很多方法可以让你不用看电子设备就可以和朋友在一起。)”指出有一些方法可以让你在不看电子设备的情况下和朋友一起度过美好时光,下文“Turning off your gadgets could be the first step you can do.(关掉你的电子设备可能是你能做的第一步。)”提到第一步要关掉电子设备,这说明你要牺牲看屏幕的时间,E项“如果你想和对方共度美好时光,你们所有人都需要牺牲你们的屏幕时间。”符合,引起下文,故选E。
    38.上文“Before the trend of high-tech gadgets, board games had always been the source of entertainment when a group of friends wanted to have some fun. Meeting with your friends could be the best time to bring these classic board games back.(在高科技产品出现之前,当一群朋友想找点乐子时,棋盘游戏一直是娱乐的来源。与你的朋友见面可能是把这些经典棋类游戏带回来的最佳时机。)”提到与朋友见面时可以玩棋盘游戏,空处承接上文,指出玩棋盘游戏有好处,G项“虽然它们有数字对等物,但是以传统的方式玩,你仍然可以得到好处。”符合,“They”代指上文提到的“board games”,故选G。
    39.上文“Eating together is a chance to bond, de-stress, and relax.(一起吃饭是一个联络感情、减压和放松的机会。)”指出和朋友一起吃饭的好处,下文“The same study also found out that eating together involves laughter and reminiscing.(同一项研究还发现,一起吃饭包括欢笑和回忆。)”中的also可知,空处和下文是并列关系,也是在讲研究发现,D项“一项研究表明,社交饮食已经演变成一种改善社交关系的机制。”符合,承接上文,用研究来证明一起吃饭是有好处的,“One study”呼应下文“The same study”,故选D。
    40.上文“Entertainment isn’t the only way to interact with your friends.(娱乐不是与朋友互动的唯一方式。)”指出娱乐不是与朋友互动的唯一方式。空处应该指出其他方式,F项“尽管享受你们的聚会很重要,进行一次有目的的谈话也很重要。”符合,指出聚会时要进行有目的的交谈,下文“You don’t know what your friends are going through, and making room for a heart-to-heart talk might be what they need.(你不知道你的朋友正在经历什么,为他们的心灵交流腾出空间可能是他们需要的。)”解释了这么做的原因,选项中“a purposeful conversation”和下文“a purposeful conversation”相呼应,故选F。
    41.A 42.B 43.C 44.D 45.A 46.B 47.C 48.D 49.A 50.B 51.C 52.B 53.D 54.A 55.D
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了17岁的青少年Anika Puri发明Elsa——一种低成本的可以实时发现大象偷猎者的工具。
    41.考查副词词义辨析。句意:“我对这项专注于濒危物种和环境科学的发明感到特别兴奋,”Puri说。A. especially特别;B. usually通常;C. specifically具体地;D. mostly主要地。根据第一句“A 17-year-old teenager, Anika Puri, has invented a low-cost tool to spot elephant poachers (偷猎者) in real time.”可知,Puri发明了一种低成本的工具,她当然对自己的发明感到特别兴奋。故选A项。
    42.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我对这项专注于濒危物种和环境科学的发明感到特别兴奋”Puri说。A. discovery发现;B. invention发明;C. theory理论;D. concept概念。根据第一句“A 17-year-old teenager, Anika Puri, has invented a low-cost tool to spot elephant poachers (偷猎者) in real time.”和最后一段的“the 17-year -old’s invention”可知,Puri发明了Elsa这一软件。故选B项。
    43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在最近的一次印度之行中,Puri意识到大象仍在被杀害以获取象牙。A. trained训练;B. protected保护;C. killed杀;D. raised提出。根据空格后的“for their tusks”可知,大象肯定是被猎杀。故选C项。
    44.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“我很吃惊,”Puri说,“因为我一直认为,嗯,偷猎是非法的;为什么这仍然是一个大问题?”A. dangerous危险的;B. harmful有害的;C. unnecessary不必要的;D. illegal非法的。根据上文的“During a recent trip to India, Puri realized that elephants were still being   3     for their tusks.”和空格前的poaching(偷猎)可知,猎杀大象肯定是违法的。故选D项。
    45.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我很吃惊,”Puri说,“因为我一直认为,嗯,偷猎是非法的;为什么这仍然是一个大问题?”A. issue问题;B. business商业;C. burden负担;D. effect效果。根据上一句“well, poaching is    4    ”可知,猎杀大象是违法的,所以Puri不理解,这为什么仍然是一个大问题。故选A项。
    46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的两年里,Puri创建了软件EISa(elephant savior的缩写)。A. used使用;B. created创建;C. downloaded下载;D. sold卖。根据文章第一句“A 17-year-old teenager, Anika Puri, has invented a low-cost tool to spot elephant poachers (偷猎者) in real time.”可知,Puri肯定是发明创造了这一软件。故选B项。
    47.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这种野生动物偷猎者探测解决方案基于一个简单的过程:连接在手机上的EISa摄像头通过无人机在公园上空飞行,探测大象或人类的活动。A. similar类似的;B. natural自然的;C. simple简单的;D. gradual逐渐的。根据下文的解释可知,这种利用Elsa发现偷猎者的过程是很简单的。故选C项。
    48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这种野生动物偷猎者探测解决方案基于一个简单的过程:连接在手机上的EISa摄像头通过无人机在公园上空飞行,探测大象或人类的活动。A. used使用;B. applied应用;C. adapted改编;D. attached连接。Elsa的作用是发现偷猎者,所以它的摄像头一定是和手机相连。故选D项。
    49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这种野生动物偷猎者探测解决方案基于一个简单的过程:连接在手机上的EISa摄像头通过无人机在公园上空飞行,探测大象或人类的活动。A. detects探测;B. controls控制;C. stops停止;D. directs指导。Elsa的作用是发现偷猎者,所以它的摄像头一定是探测大象或人类的活动。故选A项。
    50.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:该软件比现有的最先进的检测方法精确四倍。A. expensive贵的;B. accurate准确的;C. active积极主动的;D. complex复杂的。根据第一段的“low-cost”和上文的“on a 7 process…”可知,这一工具及便宜又简单,再根据下一段的“Puri’s software is quite admirable”可知,Puri的软件一定比现有的最先进的检测方法精确四倍。故选B项。
    51.考查名词词义辨析。句意:它还减少了对昂贵的高分辨率热像仪的需求。A. wish希望;B. value价值;C. need需要;D. preparation准备。根据上一句“The software is four times more   10    than existing state-of-the-art detection methods.”可知,Puri的软件比现有的最先进的检测方法精确四倍。这当然就不需要那些昂贵的高分辨率热像仪了。故选C项。
    52.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这位17岁少年的发明赢得了著名科学家的赞誉。A. income收入;B. praise赞美;C. qualification资格;D. confidence信心。根据下文的句子“‘Puri’s software is quite admirable,’ says Jasper Eikelboom, an ecologist, ‘it’s quite   13  that a senior high school student has been able to    14    something like this. Not only the research and the analysis, but also... being able to    15    it in the models.’”可知, Puri赢得了科学家的称赞。故选B项。
    53.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“Puri的软件极其出色的,”生态学家Jasper Eikelboom说,“一个高中生能够做到这样的事情是非常了不起的。不仅是研究和分析,而且……能够将其应用到模式中。”A. strange奇怪的;B. essential基本的;C. odd怪异的;D. remarkable非凡的。根据下文的“a senior high school student has been able to  14   something like this”可知,一个高中生能够做到这样的事情肯定是非常了不起的。故选D项。
    54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“Puri的软件是极其出色的,”生态学家Jasper Eikelboom说,“一个高中生能够做到这样的事情是非常了不起的。不仅是研究和分析,而且……能够将其应用到模式中。”A. achieve成功;B. record记录;C. imagine想象;D. learn学习。根据上文内容可知,Puri发明了Elsa,对于一个高中生来说,有这种成就是了不起的。故选A项。
    55.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“Puri的软件是极其出色的,”生态学家Jasper Eikelboom说,“一个高中生能够做到这样的事情是非常了不起的。不仅是研究和分析,而且……能够将其应用到模式中。”A. absorb吸收;B. repair修理;C. mix混合;D. apply应用。根据空格前的“Not only the research and the analysis, but also...”可知,Puri的发明不仅仅是研究和分析,而是能应用到具体的模式中。故选D项。
    56.typical 57.harmonious 58.dynasties 59.designed 60.solution 61.shallow 62.insects 63.agriculture 64.priority 65.recommended
    59.考查谓语动词的语态。句意:这些梯田设计巧妙,有数百条水道相互连接,雨水沿着这些水道向下流动,进入农田。本句谓语不完整,主语These terraces与动词design之间是被动关系,因此填过去分词与are构成一般现在时的被动语态。故填designed。
    61.考查形容词。句意:一方面,平坦的梯田解决了该地区耕地不足的问题,有助于防止浅层土壤被冲走。根据汉语提示,可知填形容词shallow修饰名词soil ,作定语。故填shallow。
    65.考查非谓语动词。句意:作为一个强烈推荐的景点,隆基梯田吸引了成千上万的游客来欣赏这个人与自然共同创造的伟大奇迹。分析句子可知,主句有谓attract,故使用非谓语动词,recommend与逻辑主语scenic spot之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作前置定语。故填recommended。
    66.Dear Daniel,
    I’m very sorry to hear that a conflict occurred between you and your mother because of your Internet addiction.
    In my opinion, you should apologize to your mother. Although the Internet plays an important role in modern life, we can’t ignore its harm. Many students spend much time on the Internet, which may result in poor health and affect their study. Worse still, students may also have less communication with the real world.
    You’d better take some exercise to keep fit or do some reading for fun. Only in this way can you live and study happily and healthily.
    Li Hua
    因为:because of →due to
    扮演重要角色:play an important role →play a crucial part
    忽略:ignore →neglect
    保持健康:keep fit →keep healthy
    原句:I’m very sorry to hear that a conflict occurred between you and your mother because of your Internet addiction.
    拓展句:I’m very sorry to hear that a conflict occurred between you and your mother because you are addicted to the Internet.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Many students spend much time on the Internet, which may result in poor health and affect their study. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] Only in this way can you live and study happily and healthily. (运用了部分倒装结构)
    67.Paragraph 1:
    Slowly, Peter raised his hand. “Mr. White, I didn’t get full marks on the test. I made a mistake.” He stood up and handed his teacher the dictionary he liked best and his test paper, “I spelled contribution with ’s-i’ instead of ‘t-i’. ”Peter could feel his classmates looking at him with surprise as he walked back to his desk. Mr. White held up Peter’s testpaper. “Class,” he said, “Peter did something even more important than spelling every word correctly on a test.” Mr. White smiled at Peter, “He taught us all a lesson on being honest.”
    Paragraph 2:
    Peter looked around. He found many of his classmates were smiling at him. “Peter, I want you to have this dictionary because you set a good example for all of us,” Mr. White said. Peter took the dictionary from his teacher and expressed his thanks to Mr. White. Meanwhile, he couldn’t wait to show it to Mum and tell her one of his best days ever.
    递给:hand/pass on
    拥有:have /possess
    惊讶:with surprise /surprisedly
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Peter could feel his classmates looking at him with surprise as he walked back to his desk. (运用了as引导时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] Peter, I want you to have this dictionary because you set a good example for all of us .(运用了because引导原因状语从句)


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