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    A Day Out at the City FarmCome and join us for a day of fun! Get in touch with nature and learn about the importance of growing our own food. Bring back your own mini garden to start your urban farming journey!

    Date:28 May 2023 (Sunday) Time:8 a.m. to 5 p.m.Venue: City Farm

    GUIDED TOUR 9 a.m. or 3 p.m.

    Free registration (registration ends 5 minutes before tour starts)

    Our friendly guide will share interesting facts about some common local plants and their uses. You will have an opportunity to touch, smell and taste some of the vegetables and fruits. Our guide will also highlight some farming methods that are environmentally friendly.


    1What can a visitor enjoy during the guided tour?

    ATrying out new farming methods.

    BTasting some vegetables and fruits.

    CVisiting the farm without registration.

    DSharing knowledge of plants with the locals.

    2How much need a couple with one child pay for My Miniature Garden?

    A$40. B$55. C$65. D$80.

    3What is the main purpose of the event?

    ATo instruct visitors to prepare gifts.

    BTo advocate the protection of the farm plants.

    CTo publicize the sale of organic produce.

    DTo encourage people to grow their own food.


    Keeping a language alive can strengthen people’s sense of identity and most importantly lead to the preservation of a whole culture. This is probably why a group of Cherokee music artists decided to create a music album (唱片) exclusively in the Cherokee language, a highly endangered Native American language. Currently, there are fewer than 2,000 fluent speakers of the language remaining in the world, and the number is declining every year.

    The album, tilted DOAP oaV and pronounced ‘Ah’ ‘Nuh’ ‘Duh’ ‘Nah’ ‘Lees’ ‘Gi’, means “Performers” in English. It is comprised of a range of contemporary styles, including Pop, Reggae, Country, Heavy Metal, Hip Hop, and Folk. With a planned release date of Labor Day weekend, the record company is using the platform of the National Cherokee Holiday to give this album as much exposure as possible.

    Jeremy Charles, a key figure in getting this album off the ground, has said that the “music will shine a spotlight on Cherokee artists and speakers, and increase exposure to our culture and language worldwide”. He aims for the album to be an inspiration to the next generation of Cherokee language learners. Featuring 12 Cherokee artists ranging from ages 14 to 50, you can see how this album is going to do a lot for the promotion of Cherokee music and can inspire people of any age to make music that connects with their heritage (遗产).

    The youngest contributor on the album, Lillian Charles, is only in 8th grade but had a major contribution to the Goth-pop song  “Circus”—a song she wrote at the age of 12. It originally written in English, she worked with translators Bobbie Smith and Kathy Sierra to be able to fully express herself in Cherokee.

    Projects like the DOOAP oaV album bring a modern approach to revitalizing language and culture and encourage a younger audience, to get involved and start learning the Cherokee language. On average, a native language is lost forever every two weeks, and these people want to make sure that the Cherokee language isn’t one of them.

    4What can we learn about the album from paragraph 2?

    AIt has various musical styles.

    BIt is titled Performers in English.

    CIt sings high praise of Labor Day.

    DIt was exposed to the public by chance.

    5What’s Jeremy Charles’s expectation of the album?

    AIt will make a huge profit for the record company.

    BIt can help the 12 artists rise to fame overnight.

    CIt will satisfy the fans’ demand for pop music.

    DIt can fuel the youth’s interest in Cherokee language.

    6Which can best replace the underlined word “revitalizing” in the last paragraph?

    ATranslating. BReviewing. CRestoring. DCreating.

    7What’s the best title of the text?

    AAlarming! The Cherokee Language is Dying

    BAmazing! An 8th Grader is Releasing an Album

    CBringing Music to Life with Modern Technology

    DPreserving a Language Through the Power of Music


    What is the 15-minute city? It’s the urban planning concept that everything city residents need should be a short walk or bike ride away—about 15 minutes from home to work, shopping, entertainment, restaurants, schools, parks and health care. Supporters argue that 15-minute cities are healthier for residents and the environment, creating united mini-communities, boosting local businesses, and encouraging people to get outside,walk, and cycle.

    Many cities across Europe offer similar ideas, but Paris has become its poster child. Mayor Anne Hidalgo has sought to fight climate change by decreasing choking traffic in the streets and fuel emissions. In 2015, Paris was 17th on the list of bike-friendly cities; by 2019, it was 8th. Car ownership, meanwhile, dropped from 60 percent of house holds in 2001 to 35 percent in 2019. The 15-minute city figured largely in Hidalgo’s successful 2020 re-election campaign. The idea has also gained support in the U.S.

    It clearly won’t work everywhere: Not every city is as centralized and walkable as Paris. Some car-dominated cities like Los Angeles and Phoenix would be hard-pressed to provide everything people need within walking distance. In addition, some urban planners argue that the 15-minute city could increase the separation of neighborhoods by income. Neighborhoods equipped with all the conveniences required by the 15-minute city also tend to have high housing costs and wealthier residents.

    Despite some resistance, the basic principles behind the 15-minute city are influencing planning in cities around the world, including Melbourne, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Singapore, and Shanghai. Urban designer and thinker Jay Pitter says cities where basic needs are within walking distance create more individual freedom than needing to drive every where. “In a city where services are always close by,” he says, “mobility is a choice: You go where you want because you want to, not because you have to. My fight is not against the car. My fight is how we could improve the quality of life.”

    8Which best describes the 15-minute city?

    AModern. BConvenient.

    CEntertaining. DSmart.

    9What’s the original intention for Paris to advocate the 15-minute city?

    ATo address climate issues. BTo beautify the city.

    CTo promote the bike industry. DTo help Hidalgo get re-elected.

    10What’s some urban planners’ worry about the 15-minute city?

    AIt slows the city’s expansion.

    BIt represents a setback for society.

    CIt may widen the gap between neighborhoods.

    DIt can cause the specialization of neighborhoods.

    11What’s Jay Pitter’s attitude to the concept of 15-minute city?

    ADoubtful. BFavorable.

    CCritical. DUninterested.


    Thousands of years have passed since humans discovered silk, but scientists are still finding new uses for this remarkable material. Now researchers say it could help tackle a growing environmental and health concern: Micro-plastics.

    Micro-plastics that are now found worldwide are increasingly recognized as a serious pollution threat, and have been found in the bloodstream of animals and people. Some of these micro plastics are intentionally added to a variety of products to generally protect some specific active components from being degraded by exposure to air. For example, vitamins are often delivered in the form of micro capsules packed into a pill or capsule,and herbicides(除草剂)are similarly enveloped. But the materials used today for such micro-encapsulation are plastics that stay in the environment for a long time. To date, there has been no practical, economical alternative available that would biodegrade naturally.

    Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and chemical company BASF developed a silk-based biodegradable alternative to these capsules.

    Silk is recognized as safe for food or medical use, as it degrades naturally in the body. The silk protein used in the new alternative material is widely available and inexpensive and the silk fibers can simply be dissolved(溶解), lead researcher Benedetto Marelli says. Besides, the processing is so simple and tun-able that the resulting material can be adapted to work on existing manufacturing equipment.

    Replacing non-biodegradable micro-capsules with silk might not work in every case,but given the current and future challenges related to food insecurity, agricultural production, and a changing climate, the silk-based material is of great importance. Products using silk-based micro-capsules are expected to be commercially available in a few years. And the researchers will next try encapsulating active components that could require a different manufacturing approach, such as those that must remain in liquid or gas forms.

    12What can be inferred from paragraph 2?

    ARemoving plastic pollution is a piece of cake.

    BMicro-plastics can degrade quickly and naturally.

    CMicro-plastics have become a severe pollution threat.

    DDeveloping an alternative for micro-plastics is urgent.

    13What’s the major concern of researchers choosing silk as an alternative?

    AIt is economical. BIt is biodegradable.

    CIt is widely available. DIt is skin-friendly.

    14What’s the last paragraph mainly about concerning the silk-based material?

    AIts promising future. BIts marketing method.

    CIts existing limitations. DIts making approach.

    15In which part of a magazine can the passage probably be found?

    AClimate. BAgriculture.

    CTechnology Advances. DHealth Guidelines.




    Growing plants is often seen as a very “green” thing to do, but like many products, they take a huge amount of energy to produce.____16____For example, they use geothermal(地热的) energy to heat greenhouses and solar power to supply electricity and lighting. While domestic growing doesn’t involve the same carbon footprint as commercial growing, it’s important to consider what we can all do to minimize our own impact while still enjoying growing plants.

    Over-consumption of plants is a big issue. It’s so easy to get overexcited when you see all these incredible plants, and you can end up carrying home huge numbers of them.____17____ The more plants you have, the more limited your time and resources become, and plants can suffer. This leads to another issue-many people may end up throwing away their plants which don’t look perfect or stop flowering, in a similar way to the world of fast fashion. ____18____.

    If you are ready and able to increase your collection, propagate(繁殖) from your own plants rather than buying more, and share plants with others. ____19____Meanwhile, we can build a community of like-minded, passionate plant people.

    Recycling takes a huge amount of input, which can end up more damaging to the environment, so instead of buying something of lower quality that needs replacing every year, buy fewer things of a higher quality. ____20____And they can be passed down the generations.

    ABut large collections call for an enormous amount of work.

    BMany commercial growers continue to market their produce.

    CThis removes the need to buy plants and encourages a sharing culture.

    DThese will last many years and be more cost-effective in the long term.

    ESo it’s important to assess your collection and buy plants you have time to look after.

    FThrowing them away will greatly reduce your gardening footprint on the environment.

    GMany large-scale growers have used technology to minimize their impact on the environment.




    I recently attended a wedding in Canada, in the countryside. When the Taxi driver sent us back at midnight, I was____21____worried all the way home about tipping him since I was not rich. I____22____nervously in my purse and realized that all I had was a $100 note, which I was keeping for a(n)____23____, nothing else but two chocolates from the wedding. I couldn’t not tip him, so I was____24____between a rock and a hard place. I handed in the note at last, controlling the urge to ask for ____25____.

    Tipping has long been a source of____26____interactions throughout the world. Tipping customs____27____wildly from country to country, which generates no small amount of ____28____. Norwegians, who come from a culture where wages are high and tips are low, could____29____ people in Las Vegas with their tiny offerings.____30____, high-tipping Americans might anger people in Tokyo because good service in Japan is a____31____of honour.

    Such an embarrassed mess often occurs because there’s no____32____logic to any of this. None! Similarly, a 2016 study from Cornell University,____33____, that people are twice as likely to tip a supermarket delivery person than a supermarket store worker. Why is that?And nobody can work out the reasons for this____34____.

    Perhaps, tipping one and not the other only____35____in terms of what has become customary.

    21Ahelplessly Bcuriously Csecretly Dstrangely

    22Aselected Bfished Cweighed Dcalculated

    23Aemergency Btip Caward Ddeal

    24Aburied Blost Cstuck Dlocked

    25Agratitude Bpermission Chelp Dchange

    26Acommon Bawkward Cnecessary Dactive

    27Avary Bspread Cgrow Dwork

    28Apanic Bharm Cbond Dconfusion

    29Aamuse Bastonish Cannoy Dsatisfy

    30ATherefore BLikewise COtherwise DFurthermore

    31Amatter Bchoice Cway Dtrick

    32Aofficial Bconvenient Cpractical Dconsistent

    33Afound Bensured Cconfirmed Dwitnessed

    34Aassumption Bconcept Cdifference Daccident

    35Apays off Btakes place Ctakes effect Dmakes sense





    Bringing National Treasures to Life

    A cross-border cooperation mini concert held by six national treasures has gone viral overnight, ____36____(touch) the hearts of audiences around the world.

    In the catchy music “Dala Bongba”, the six “big brothers” from the field of cultural relics sing proudly and skillfully, creating an____37____(except)scene. Among them, the most shining Changxin Palace lantern sings, holding the torch and sending____38____(blessing) to the aerospace rocket; the Sanxingdui bronze mask uses____39____(extreme) rich facial expressions to praise the beautiful life after poverty-relief efforts.... The national treasures are no longer cold and distant objects____40____(house) in museums but lively and humorous entertainers who can sing and talk.

    China has many museums in____41____the collections of cultural relics are beyond count. It would be a pity if so many cultural relics and cultural heritages were only displayed in museum cabinets, lifeless and cold. Aimed____42____“bringing life to the national treasures”, scientific and technological innovations____43____(integrate) with cultural conservation in the past few years.

    The technology that makes these cultural relics “talk” is not complicated; the difficulty lies in the inspiration of creativity. The creativity of this mini concert is____44____great success: to some extent, it offers a Chinese way____45____(preserve) the world-wide cultural relics.




    46.假定你是李华。你校英文报Campus Life将为“Never Fading Memories”主题征文大赛举行颁奖活动。请你给外教Caroline写封邮件,邀请她做颁奖嘉宾,内容包括:






    2.参考词汇:颁奖嘉宾award presenter;


    Dear Caroline,


    Yours sincerely,

    Li Hua




    “A nursing home would be safer, Dad,” Arlyn told her father, Jim.

    “No way,” Jim interrupted. His wife passed away just a year before. At 91, he still wanted to remain in the cottage he and his wife had built.

    Jim started experiencing an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease. Arlyn found his decline was indeed all-consuming. However, she herself was in her late sixties; her house was a 40-minute drive from the cottage. One day, when she read about a new eldercare service called Care. coach, it fueled her interest. For about $200 a month, a computerized avatar (头像) (controlled remotely by a human caregiver) would watch over a home-bound person 24 hours a day. She signed up immediately.

    A week later, a tablet arrived. Following the instructions, Arlyn uploaded dozens of family pictures. Then an animated dog appeared on the screen. She presented the tablet to Jim, pointing to the screen pet, and said excitedly, “Here Dad. You have a new companion.” Jim, doubtful about the dog’s service, knew he had to learn how to get along with the dog before Alzheimer’s took hold.

    Within a week, Jim and his dog, whom he named Pony, settled into a routine. Every15 minutes or so, Pony would look for Jim calling his name if he was out of view. Sometimes Jim would “pet” to awake the sleeping Pony on screen. Pony reminded Jim which caretaker would be visiting to do the tasks: preparing meals, driving him to a senior center, etc. Pony would read poetry aloud or discuss the news. When Pony praised Jim’s sweater, Jim repaid by petting Pony’s screen with his finger sending hearts floating up from the dog’s head. One evening when Arlyn came to visit her father as usual, she was amazed to find that Pony was holding up a photo of her late mum to her dad between its paws.




    Jim stared at the photo fondly, with tears welling up in his eyes.


    Seeing the close bond between Pony and her dad, Arlyn felt a relief.



    1B    2C    3D


    4A    5D    6C    7D


    8B    9A    10C    11B


    12D    13B    14A    15C


    16G    17A    18E    19C    20D



    21C    22B    23A    24C    25D    26B    27A    28D    29C    30B    31A    32D    33A    34C    35D



    36touching    37exceptional    38blessings    39extremely    40housed    41which    42at    43have been integrated    44a

        45to preserve


    46Dear Caroline,

         I hope this email finds you well. Our English newspaper, Campus Life, will hold an awarding ceremony for the essay competition themed “Never Fading Memories”. I am writing to invite you to be our award presenter and guest speaker.

         The ceremony will take place at 9 a. m. this Saturday in the Lecture Hall. The winners of the competition would be honored if you present medals to them. Besides, you are expected to deliver a short speech and share your insights into the topic. Your considerable expertise and constructive advice would be highly anticipated.

         Thanks in advance. Best regards.

                                                                                                                                                                                Yours sincerely,

                                                                                                                                                                                   Li Hua

    47      Jim stared at the photo fondly, with tears welling up in his eyes. Memories flashed through Jim’s mind. It had been more than a year since his wife’s death and hardly had he mentioned her anymore. That day, though, he gazed at the photo affectionately and declared emotionally, “I still love her”. Sensing Jim’s sadness, Pony sent hearts to Jim on the screen and comforted him. Uplifted by Pony’s loving remarks, Jim petted Pony’ screen with his finger sending hearts floating up from the dog’s head again. Pony responded with its tail wagging cheerfully. Arlyn sat in silence, with an illusion of slipping back to the old happy days.

          Seeing the close bond between Pony and her dad, Arlyn felt a relief. She was amazed at Pony’s heart-warming service and her dad’s fondness for Pony. Pony was more than just a virtual companion; rather, he had become a member of the family, a loyal friend who had helped them through the tough times. With time going by, Arlyn noticed the improvement in her father’s cognitive ability and mood, and he got more engaged in conversations. Arlyn was grateful to Pony. Knowing that Pony was not a substitute for human interaction, she resolved to cherish every moment with her dad, for the presence of loved ones was crucial.



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    2023届山东省济宁市高三三模英语试题: 这是一份2023届山东省济宁市高三三模英语试题,共10页。试卷主要包含了05, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023届山东省济宁市高三二模考试英语试题(含答案): 这是一份2023届山东省济宁市高三二模考试英语试题(含答案),共14页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,用单词的适当形式完成短文,图表作文,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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