As much as 80 percent of premature heart disease is preventable by making specific lifestyle choices.____1____But others may not have crossed your mind. “A small change in your everyday routine can potentially have a big impact in the long run,” says preventive cardiologist Dr. Beth Abramson.
●Get eight hours of sleep.
“When you're not rested, everything that happens in your life is a lot more stressful,” says Dr. Arya Sharma, a professor of medicine at the University of Alberta. If we're sleep deprived, our bodies also have more difficulty controlling blood pressure, inflammation and glucose levels.____2____
Doing good for others helps your self-esteem and relieves stress. Research published in Psychosomatic Medicine in 2016 showed that a feeling of purpose in life is linked to a lower likelihood of heart attack and stroke. “We know that loneliness is a risk factor for heart health,” adds Sharma. “Volunteering gets you out of the house and creates a social network.”
●Avoid polluted air.
Exposure to this kind of pollution over time raises your risk of heart disease. Inhaling contaminants formed from chemicals like Sulphur (硫) dioxide, carbon and nitrogen oxides may irritate arteries (动脉) and increase inflammation.____4____Try to get your outdoor exercise far away from highways and industrial districts, and spend more time indoors when the air quality index is poor.
●Eat breakfast.
A recent study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that healthy people who skipped breakfast were almost three times more likely to have heart disease six years later than those who partook in a substantial morning meal. According to Abramson, you need to eat a balanced diet as part of a healthy lifestyle.____5____If you're eating a proper breakfast, you’re less likely to be hungry later and make poor food choices.
A.Be social and outgoing.
B.Engage in voluntary work.
C.There are physiological effects of this condition on the body.
D.These factors can all have an impact on cardiovascular (心血管的) health.
E.Choose whole-grain, low-fat breakfast foods and include fruit.
F.Some strategies, such as exercising and managing weight, are well known.
G.Even short periods of exposure are unhealthy for people with other health risks.
International Languages Week is an annual event held in New Zealand to promote language and culture from around the world. Learning an international language involves much more than language proficiency( 熟练). Knowing an international language means knowing about the culture that is the foundation of that language. Take advantage of International Languages Week now.____6____
Use your students as teachers. There is a high chance that you will have some students who can speak languages other than English in your school.____7____. And you can ask them to share their language knowledge with others in the class.
____8____. International Languages Week is an ideal opportunity to connect with your families to find out what languages are spoken in your community. Invite family members with a second language into the school as guest speakers, to read first language books, or practice conversations with students.
Celebrate the cultural diversity in your school.____9____. Students can plan an international day activity where they wear the traditional dress of their own culture and share music, customs, food and dance. They can also plan an International Languages Week assembly where students can show their greetings, customs, experiences, and stories to the rest of the school. Students can work together to make a video to promote International Languages Week.
Create a language resource. Develop a language resource for your school or local community.
____10____. Or you can use a greetings poster to encourage the use of international greetings around the school. Students may want to create a slideshow(幻灯片) or video in an international language to welcome new migrants and inform them about your local area .
A.Make connections with your community.
B.Connect with a class in an overseas country.
C.And here are some ideas for classroom programs.
D.It can be simple vocabulary cards to help students learn new words.
E.Consider what understandings are gained by learning a new language.
F.Hold an event where the multiculturalism of your school is celebrated.
G.Encourage the students to be experts during International Languages Week.
Nearly 60% of people report experiencing loneliness at some point in their lives. Loneliness can happen to anyone. It can happen in short bursts throughout someone’s life or become a lasting condition. Lasting loneliness can cause someone to think negatively about themselves and increase their risk for depression and anxiety. Long term, it can disturb someone’s cognition(认知), such as problem solving and concentration. While it’s a journey to get through, you can cope and come out of loneliness.____11____
Acknowledge what you’re feeling
It might seem small, but naming what you’re feeling is one of the most important things you can do when coping with loneliness.____12____You can’t find a solution to something if you don’t know what you’re dealing with. Once you accept that you’re feeling lonely, you can step back and see how it’s impacting your life. Then you can decide what to do next.
Make connections with others
____13____One of the best ways to cope with loneliness would be to be intentional about meeting people and cultivating relationships. How you choose to put yourself out there is entirely up to you. It can be anything —volunteering, joining a class or hanging out with your family.
Use peer(伙伴) support groups
Meeting others is great._______14_______There are various online support groups that will allow you to share experiences and build relationships with people who have similar interests.
Consider therapy(治疗)
There’s no exact cause for loneliness.____15____You sometimes need help with loneliness beyond self-help strategies, and that’s okay. Sometimes, the root problem needs to be addressed in therapy. Working with a therapist through cognitive behavioral therapy will help you challenge negative thinking and direct your thoughts, emotions and actions more constructively. Start looking for the best therapist through your healthcare provider, online resources or local groups. Loneliness can feel incredibly isolating, but you’re not alone.
A.Loneliness stems from the lack of meaningful connection with others.
B.However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get help for your feelings.
C.Maybe it’s taking up a new hobby or working toward a goal you have.
D.Try using these strategies when you’re experiencing loneliness.
E.It’s the basis for everything you do next.
F.It may take a while to feel comfortable and shake off negative feelings.
G.Actually, the deepest connection comes from people who understand what you’re going through.
Learning how to care for a sad person will help you be there for your loved ones and friends when they are down. However, knowing how to care for a sad person is not something an individual is born with. ____16____ Here are a few tips that will eventually help you lift the spirit of a sad person.
Give a hug. Hugging someone shows your affection and care. ____17____ This can make them feel relaxed and open to you. This can also help them recognize that you are there to help them go through this moment. With no kind and loving words, your actions have already said a lot.
____18____ Now, go on and say some kind words. Words like “I’m here”, “we are in this together”, “you’ll get over this”, “lean on me” and so on, can help a sad person feel better and know that you’re there to take him/her through the sad moment.
Use the right tone of voice. ____19____ They go along with tone to convey a meaning to the listener. To convey your words with faith that would create a positive effect on the sad person, you would need to say it with the right tone of voice.
Listen patiently. People ask lots of questions but they end up paying little attention to getting the feedback (反馈) that they wanted. Don’t be that person. After asking the questions, listen patiently to know what the sad person would appreciate at that time. ____20____
A.Say kind loving words.
B.Make use of polite expressions.
C.Then choose to appreciate others too.
D.Remember that words do not stand alone.
E.It will help you know how to offer the best fitting help.
F.This knowledge is gained through research and practice.
G.When you do this to someone, they can feel your warmth.
Pets should not be left alone for too long during the day. But our busy lifestyles will sometimes tear us away. ____21____ Here are some tips to keep your pets content.
Cats don’t simply curl up and sleep when you leave. ____22____ If they have a friend or sibling they will create games and comfort one another but if they are alone they will need more stimuli (刺激物). Leaving the TV or radio on can help, and while you work out their favorite channel, you can’t go far wrong with classical music.
____23____ They will keep your cat physically and mentally busy, which will lessen the separation anxiety. Some of the toys are also practical for your home, such as scratching posts to prevent the furniture from being scratched.
It’s not just cats that suffer from separation anxiety. Dogs also dislike being left alone and unfortunately they can’t tell whether it’s been ten minutes or ten hours: the displeasure felt is very similar.
____24____ Background noise from the TV or radio can help them to feel less alone. There is even a dog TV channel designed to create happy and calm thoughts in dogs, showing idyllic scenes of fields, beaches and other dogs.
You can also gradually lengthen the distance and time of your separation until your dogs can be left alone for 20 minutes without showing their usual symptoms of sadness and stress. ____25____
A.A number of cat toys are also helpful.
B.Schedule daily play sessions with your cats.
C.But you can help ease the negative feeling at least.
D.That creates a lot of guilt and worry for their well-being.
E.In this way, they can disassociate your absence with negativity.
F.They need stimulation for the period when they will be left alone.
G.Over time, they will look forward to their separation to get a reward.
John Myatt is an artist. He may not be the greatest artist in the world, but he is possibly the world’s greatest forger (伪造者). He is able to paint pictures in the style of famous artists like Monet and Matisse.
___26___ This unusual skill got Myatt into a lot of trouble in the 1990s. For many years he taught art at a secondary school, but then he got divorced (离婚) and he gave up his job to spend more time with his children. In order to make some money he started painting pictures in the style of famous artists and selling them.
___27___ He was honest about his work—he wrote his name on the back, and he sold them for £150 each. However, one of his customers, John Drewe, started to resell Myatt’s paintings as genuine, original works. Drewe had sold one of Myatt’s paintings for£25,000. He contacted Myatt and suggested that they go into business together. Myatt agreed. He continued to paint and Drewe sold his paintings to art collectors around the world. ___28___
The amazing thing is that Myatt painted his pictures with decorator’s paint. ___29___ But it soon came to an end. Drewe was divorced too, and his ex-wife found out about the forgeries. She went to the police and they arrested Dewe and Myatt. At their trial Drewe was sent to prison for six years and Myatt for less than one year.
___30___ When he came out he started to produce pictures in the style of famous artists again. But he put his name on the back, as he’d done before he met Drewe. Myatt is now famous and instead of charging£150 for a painting, he can charge£40-50,000.
A.It wasn’t illegal.
B.Then he decided to stop copying famous paintings.
C.It was the same paint that people use to paint houses!
D.Myatt only spent four months in prison for good behavior.
E.That’s more than Drewe gave him for his ‘genuine’ paintings!
F.His pictures are so good that experts can’t tell that they are not originals.
G.Between 1986 and 1994 they sold about 200 paintings and made over a million pounds.
The teenage years are probably the most unsettled and stressful years in a person’s life. Teens experience significant physical, emotional, social and cognitive changes. And teens of today face more challenges as they go through more uncertain times of the 21st century. ____31____
As teens experience massive physical, social and emotional changes, the challenges are managing social expectations of ideal body images, developing their identity and finding their place in the world. In the past, a teen who was criticized for his or her larger figure or pimpled (有粉刺的) face, might feel embarrassed and dejected in school. ____32____ Constant comparison and endless posts of picture — perfect images and lives give teens greater pressure to follow current fashion trends. The Wall Street Journal reported that Instagram made body images worse for one in three teenage girls.
____33____ Statistics show that most cases of cyber bullying take place on popular social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchats and Twitter, where cyber bullies make emotionally scarring comments. These can be made publicly on a teen’s social media account. ____34____ As a result, cyber bullying can be more threatening than traditional bullying because it can be shared and viewed repeatedly on social media. In this age of social media, it is also important for teens to learn to cultivate positive, and healthy relationships with people.
There have been many discussions about new technologies and ways of working, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, which will impact future jobs. ____35____. Unlike in the past, the situation is different today as AI and automation are causing some jobs to disappear. Teens will have to meet this challenge by adopting an attitude of lifelong learning, and keeping paces with technology.
A.They can also be spread quickly by sharing with others.
B.Furthermore, social media has taken bullying to a new level.
C.The future has always been a dreamland for teens to anticipate.
D.Today, these same sufferings can be expanded by social media.
E.Social media, and technological advances are posing new challenges.
F.Additionally, social media is a strong tool for a teen to defend himself.
G.The challenge for a teen today is preparing for a largely unknown future.
How to accept change in life and embrace it positively
Change is the only constant in life. ____36____ Because whether we want it or not, change is inevitable. It is “change” that makes our life move forward. It’s “change” that makes life exciting and worth living. Let’s see how to stay strong when we face changes in life.
Accept the situation
Changes happen expectedly and unexpectedly. ____37____ But there can be changes that happen so suddenly that you might have to experience painful days and have a tough time coping with them. Give yourself sometime to come to terms with it. You may have to go through a mourning period where you have to experience all kinds of emotions. Let the emotions come out and make space for them. It’s normal to feel sad and a sense of loss when you think about your old life. Seek support and if possible, take a few days off to find your strength. It’s important to learn to deal with the transition phase before you fully start living the new reality.
Embrace the unknown
Most of us are afraid of the unknown and therefore are resistant to change. ____38____ Even if it is for good, we hesitate to accept change because human beings love structure and routine. But I have often experienced in my life that the “unknown” I feared so much was not that scary at all, once I went through it. And that my worries were something that my mind made up. Truth be told, most of the things I worried about didn’t happen anyway. If we are not willing to embrace the unknown, we may miss out on lots of good things that life has kept in store for us.
One of the reasons change is difficult to accept is because of the range of emotions we feel when we confront change. ____40____ Acknowledge your fears, but stop yourself from being tunnel-visioned. Our mind has away of bringing up possible scenarios and fear them. But I have learned over the years that most of the things we fear don’t happen and usually, something good comes from change. I recently learned how to embrace emotions from one of my spiritual teachers. She would say, “When you feel emotions, give them a name and acknowledge that they have come to ‘visit’.”
A.Acknowledge your fears.
B.Look at how far you have come.
C.The sooner we learn to make peace with this fact, the better.
D.We fear the unknown because anything can happen to us there.
E.Expected or planned changes can buy us sometime for preparation.
F.It’s important to embrace your feelings and accept that they are there.
G.People who have experienced the loss of loved ones often talk about how that experience changed them.
Tears can ruin make-up, bring conversation to a stop, and give you a runny nose. ____41____However, crying is a fact of life, and tears are very useful. Even when you’re not crying, your eyes produce tears. These create a film (薄膜) over the eye’s surface. This film contains a substance that protects your eyes against infection.
Tears reduce stress, but we tend to fight them for all sorts of reasons. “____42____ They’re afraid that once they lose control, they’ll never get it back,” explains psychologist Dorothy Rowe.
Almost any emotion—good or bad, happy or sad—can cause tears. ____43____ Tears help you when you feel you are ready to explode because of very strong feelings. It may explain why people who are afraid to cry often suffer more heart attacks than people who cry more freely.
When some people become very stressed, however, they can’t cry. They may be feeling shock, anger, fear or grief, but they control the emotion. “Everyone has the need to cry,” says psychotherapist (精神治疗医师) Vera Diamond. ____44____ They practice crying so that they can get used to expressing emotion.
____45____ It’s good to hold back tears during a tense business discussion. “But once you are safely behind closed doors, don’t just cry,” Diamond says. She suggests that you act out the whole situation again and be as noisy and angry as you like. It will help you feel better. “And,” she adds, “once your tears have released the stress, you can begin to think of logical ways to deal with the problem.”
Tears are a sign of our ability to feel. You should never be afraid to cry.
A.People worry about showing their emotions.
B.The more you cry, the healthier you will become.
C.Crying is a way that we release built-up emotions.
D.Sometimes patients participate in crying exercises.
E.They can leave you embarrassed and without energy.
F.In certain situation, such as at work, tears are not appropriate.
G.Many people get uncomfortable when others cry in front of them.
In recent years, cotton bags have risen to popularity as an eco-friendly alternative to single-use bags. Many supermarkets have made the change. ___46___
As a study by the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark shows, a cotton bag needs to be used 20,000 times to offset (抵消) its overall impact of production on the environment. ___47___ According to this measure, for Venetia Berry, an artist in London who found she had at least 25 cotton bags, she would have to live for more than 1,000 years to offset her current bags.
According to the Circular Laboratory, it requires between 10,000 and 20,000 liters of water to produce one kilogram of cotton. And only 15 percent of the 30 million tons of cotton produced every year actually makes its way to textile (纺织品) warehouses. Even when a cotton bag does make it to a treatment plant, most logos printed on them are not recyclable. ___48___ .
That’s not to say cotton is worse than plastic. They both have disadvantages. ___49___ And plastic bags use fossil fuels that produce greenhouse gases, never biodegrade (生物降解) and block the oceans.
Buffy Reid, of the British knitwear label & Daughter, stopped production of her cotton bags in April 2021. ___50___ For example, British designer Ally Capellino replaced cotton with hemp (麻纤维). In fact, the simplest solution may be the most obvious: Not every product needs a bag.
A.Cotton has dried up rivers for water use.
B.Some companies are turning to other textile solutions.
C.They’re extremely difficult to break down chemically.
D.We are hardly aware of the overuse of plastic in packaging.
E.That is equal to daily use for 54 years for just one cotton bag.
F.However, the production process requires using much more water.
G.But the increase in the use of cotton bags may have created a new problem.
When raindrops fall to the ground in summer, a familiar scent always follows. Many people call this the “smell of rain”. However, rain is made up of odorless (无味的) water. So, where does this smell come from?
___51___ But it actually comes from wet soil. This special odor even has its own name: petrichor (潮土油), which comes from a pair of chemical reactions.
The pleasant smell has long been an interest of scientists since Australian scientists first documented the formation of petrichor in 1964. According to scientists, some plants produce oils during dry periods. ___52___
Yet, it’s the second reaction that creates the most petrichor. It occurs when chemicals produced by bacteria in soil are released. ___53___ These bacteria break down and change into simple chemical compounds, providing nutrition for plants. Meanwhile the process also produces geosmin (土臭素), a compound with a distinct earthy aroma (香味).
Lots of animals are sensitive to geosmin but human beings are extremely sensitive to it. When it rains after a long period of dryness, drops of water hit the ground. Geosmin is then released from the surfaces. ___54___ And it finally gives raindrops their familiar scent. If it rains heavily enough, geosmin will be spread downwind, warning others of coming rain.
___55___ And the next time someone mentions how much they love the smell of rain, you can prove your intelligence by explaining where that smell comes from.
A.And when it rains, these oils are released into the air.
B.The smell of petrichor is quite pleasant to the human nose.
C.There are a group of microorganisms widely found in soils.
D.Rain can refresh the soil specially when it rains heavily.
E.Scientists found the distinctive smell doesn’t come from rain.
F.The pleasant smell always comes into being with the flow of air.
G.It is further spread around its surroundings with the aid of wind and rain.
Making Your Memories Last
“My father wrote me a lovely letter before he died. It is the most cherished thing I own.” Have you ever heard someone say so?
As you all know,your houses, cars, jewels or even money are your financial properties, which are relatively easy to pass along because they are in a physical form. But don’t let your possessions become the only representations of your life. Your thoughts and life journey are equally valuable. ____56____
Studies have shown that kids who know about their family’s past are more empathetic,have better coping skills and higher self-esteem.____57____So how can you turn those feelings, thoughts, and insights into something that can be passed on? These tips can help get you started.
Create a catalogue
Before you begin, check what you’ve got. If you want to pass along family stories or wisdom, list everything available to you, such as photos and letters from your parents.____58____ You could, for example, interview your parents about their lives or write an article about your academic progress.
Make a plan
Once you know what you’ve got and what you need, make a list that details how you’re going to produce what you’re missing and how to record it. ____59____You don’t want the book of your life stories lost in an attic!
You can’t possibly get everything done at once. By taking active steps and starting with the easiest-to-create projects, you can bring memories to life. For example,you can write a short article about your childhood or film a two-minute video about your wedding day. When you see the results of these smaller projects, you may well be inspired to create more.
A.Take simple steps
B.Get more specific
C.And it’s also significant to consider how to keep it.
D.Then figure out what you still need to add to your collection.
E.For older adults, passing on their life stories helps decrease depression.
F.They become the foundation on which family members build their lives.
G.But they can always get a head start equipped with those precious memories.
Soon you’ll be done with the stresses of high school. You might think college will be a breeze — studying your favorite courses and hanging out with your friends all day. ____61____ Creating good habits can help you settle in faster and make the most of college life. Here are some habits you might need to work on.
•Manage your time. No more sitting in the classroom from dawn till dusk. You’ll have a unique class timetable and more free time. Parents or teachers won’t be around to help plan your schedule. Spend some time working out what study routine and schedules work best for you. ____62____
•____63____College is a crucial time in life for personal development, so make sure you stay on track and always feel positive. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you face problems you don’t know how to deal with. Colleges offer many wonderful student services, including academic tutoring, mental health counseling (咨询) and career advice. It’s a great free resource that helps you both in the long and short run. ____64____ This will save you a lot of stress.
•Be kind to yourself. There may be expectations for you or others to do really well at college. If you don’t reach this expectation, you might feel upset. ____65____ You may get stressed in the first semester of college if your grades are lower than expected. Once adjust your expectations and improve skills, you may feel much more comfortable.
Above all, be brave! You only live once!
A.Seek help when you need it.
B.Keep positive when in trouble.
C.College life can be tough for most freshmen.
D.But in the beginning, you may find yourself overwhelmed.
E.If you have questions about class content, ask your teacher or classmates.
F.This way, you’ll avoid stressing over study and have enough time to socialize.
G.Don’t compare yourself to others and always have strategies to help release stress.
When starting college, most students enjoy a week’s stay on campus before classes actually begin. ___66___ Below are several tips to ease yourself into college life.
Participating in campus welcome activities.
Most universities host welcome events before the academic year officially begins, including freshmen orientations (迎新会), campus picnics, and entertainments like concerts. Participating in such events is a great way to learn about school facilities and understand campus culture: ___67___ What are their favorite classes? What is the history of your university? It can help you observe campus life outside the classroom.
Exploring campus.
Getting to know where essential campus resources are — such as the student advising center, psychological services, and the tutoring center will make your first few weeks on campus a lot easier. Take some time to check out the buildings where your classes will be held. This will prevent you from getting lost in the first few days of classes. ___68___ .
Starting classes means being in different places at different times, so it’s a great idea to start getting used to that routine right this week. ___70___ Following the planned time will ensure you have enough sleep to get to those early classes and stay wide awake. If you have other daily routines, such as exercising or talking on the phone with family, work those into your day-to-day life before classes start so that you get a better idea of how they fit in with your schedule.
A.Starting a routine.
B.Scheduling your life.
C.What do students do for fitting in?
D.What should you do with that time?
E.What helps you most is to schedule your sleep.
F.What can you do to adapt to the new high school life?
G.It also familiarizes you with how long it takes to get from place to place.
Museums can be overwhelming. With thousands of pieces there, how do you know which to focus on? And once you see a piece you like, how do you interact with it? Here is some advice on how to have a meaningful connection when you look at art.
Get up close and personal.____71____ Therefore, take your time to observe qualities about a work that may not come through on a computer screen. That includes its look and the feel of its surface, the marks made by the brush and the path your eyes take when viewing the work.
Stand back. Next, take a few steps back, stand in the center — and observe what’s happening in the big picture. What’s going on in the piece? ____72____ What are they doing? How are they related?
Look at it from an angle. Then try looking at an artwork from its sides, because you might catch something you might not have seen straight on. If it’s something like The Ambassadors by Holbein at The National Gallery in London, if you stand to the side, you’ll see something that from front on looks very different. ____73____ That’s called anamorphic art.
Move your body. If you’re looking at a painting, you can take a finger to the air and trace the outline of the figure or the movement of the brushstrokes. ____74____ This can help you see and feel what it might be like to make this artwork from the artist’s perspective.
Consider the subject of the art. That can have a profound effect on how you feel about the work-and perhaps you can learn something from it. Take the example of Andrew Wyeth’s famous painting, Christina’s World, which depicts (描绘) a girl with a muscle disease crawling across a field to get to her home in the distance. The painting personifies (体现) determination.____75____
A.So just keep an open mind.
B.What have they gone through?
C.When you stand to the side, it changes.
D.How are the figures in the piece arranged?
E.We have the luxury of seeing the real thing at a museum.
F.When looking at sculptures, try the poses with your body.
G.It can in a way relieve your stress to know we have this inner strength.
Now more than ever, libraries have become a center for community learning. No two libraries are the same. One could be a center of students doing projects, while another could be a center for the homeless and people seeking jobs. ___76___ It used to be an unwelcome place for children, but now it has become a hub(活动中心)for community activity.
Holly Jackson, a library consultant, says that year by year, library checkouts are going up, and activities are well-attended. ___77___ When you arrive, there will be someone there to help you and your children set up library cards, sign up for programs, and show you where the books are.
Jackson advises parents visiting the library when lots of activities are going on, as well as when it is quiet time. ___78___ It helps builds confidence in children to talk to librarians, participate in book selection, and share stories with others.
___79___ When there are a lot of activities, Jackson says some children can feel stressed. But going during quiet times gives children a chance to explore at their own pace and allows you the opportunity to meet different people.
“So often people say. ___80___ Go find out what’s going on,“ says Jackson. It could be for filling out a job application, or just finding a book. ”Go find out what it is and find what is there for you and your family.“
A.However, the library provides more books than you expect.
B.Jackson says all you need to do to visit a library is show up!
C.The activities are what librarians design on purpose to attract readers.
D.Quiet time is also an important time to take your children to the library.
E.Parents can set a good example by using the library themselves as a resource.
F.Still, the focus of a library remains as a place for information and knowledge.
G.I haven’t stepped foot in a library in years because I don’t need to know it anymore.
The idea that red means stop and green means go affects more than just traffic light colors. We have been taught from a young age that red means danger, while green means safety. __81__For something we have to look at every day, why couldn’t they have been prettier colors? You’re about to find out.
Before there were traffic lights for cars, there were traffic signals for trains. At first, railroad companies used red to mean stop, white to mean go and green to mean caution. But train conductors ran into a problem with the color white meaning go — bright white could easily be mistaken for stars at night. ___82___ It has been that way ever since.
___83___ That means that as it travels through the air, it gets diffused (分散) less than other colors, so it can be seen from a greater distance. For example, think about how the light turns red as the sun sets. Even though the human eye is most sensitive to a yellowish-green highlighter color, it can see red from further away. But this could happen by chance. It’s not clear whether that was chosen based on wavelength, contrast against green nature or natural connection of red with things like blood. __84__
Yellow has a shorter wavelength than red but a longer wavelength than green. This means that red is noticeable the furthest away, yellow in the middle and green the least distance away — a helpful advanced warning for needing to slow or stop.
However, believe it or not, yellow was once used to mean stop. Back in the 1900s, some stop signs were yellow because it was too hard to see a red sign in a poorly lit area. __85__ Since yellow can be seen well at all times of the day, school areas, some traffic signs and school buses continue to be painted the color. Keep these safe driving tips in the back of your mind whenever you see a yellow light.
A.Railway companies eventually moved to the color green for go.
B.It could be a mix of all three!
C.But why were those particular colors chosen for traffic lights?
D.Employ these driving rules and know that traffic lights have certainly come a long way.
E.Red is the color with the longest wavelength.
F.When you’re impatiently waiting at a traffic light, don’t get mad.
G.Eventually, highly reflective materials were developed, and red stop signs were born.
An escape game, is a game in which a team of players discover clues, solve puzzles, and accomplish tasks in one or more rooms in order to accomplish a specific goal in a limited amount of time. The goal is often to escape from the site of the game. ____86____
Keep it simple
For most escape games, even the very challenging ones with very high difficulty ratings, the puzzles and clues are surprisingly simple. They are just cleverly hidden and worded to make them appear difficult to solve. Don’t make things difficult by looking for complex solutions. ____87____
Sometimes, the escape game creators add a puzzle to confuse players, but this hardly happens. As usual, every puzzle is important and each clue has the potential for revealing the key. Carefully analyze every puzzle you come across. Don’t ignore any, as it may be central to achieving your goal of breaking out. If worse comes to worst, ask for a clue from the game master.
Think like a 4th grader
Escape games can get really challenging. To break out, you need to totally bury yourself in the game. Think outside the box and motivate all your creative juices. Remember when you were a kid and you would think up all these imaginative stories and situations. ____89____. Think like a 4th grader and you’ll find the game more enjoyable and the puzzles easier to solve.
Experiment with use
Is the honey bucket just a metal thing filled with human waste or is there a clue under it? ____90____. We get so stuck on how things are normally used that our minds refuse to think of alternative ways of using them. And just to ease your fears, no escape game will put you in a room with a bucket full of human waste. Like I mentioned earlier, use your imagination and think outside the box.
A.Don’t ignore escape game puzzles.
B.You need to imagine you to be a 10-year-old child.
C.You’d better play the game with a child.
D.More often than not, the answer is right there staring you in the face.
E.There are four tips to play escape games.
F.Don’t keep the excitement levels high.
G.Or maybe, it can be turned upside down to use as a simple ladder.
How to Quiet a Complainer(抱怨者)
Have you ever suffered your mother’s complaints about her aches and pains? Lengthy complaints will ruin the quality of your time together. ____91____ Actually there are some ways to get a complainer to stop without starting an argument.
Change the subject. Some complainers will switch topics if you shift the conversation in a direction that interests them. If your neighbor is complaining about the phone company, tell her about an unexpected call you received from an old friend. If your coworker is complaining about your boss, ask whether he met the new employee. ____92____
Summarize the complaint. If your complainer keeps repeating himself, he may stop if you show that you’re listening. ____93____ Using “I” statements rather than “you” statements show that you’re interested rather than trying to shut the person down. Avoid saying the word complaining. Saying you hear their dissatisfaction gets the points across.
Try to be honest. When you have things to do, tell the complainer that you must cut the conversation short. ____94____ You can simply be honest, even saying you need to move on so the conversation doesn’t bring you down – especially if it’s someone who’s complained to you many times before.
____95____ When it’s someone very close to you–your partner, sibling, or best friend–who stresses you out with a lot of negativity, it’s important to talk about the problem with an open heart. Otherwise, if you bottle up your feelings and continue listening to repeated complaints, you may grow angry or start avoiding the person.
A.Have a heart-to-heart talk.
B.Challenge the person to act.
C.But you may not be brave enough to stop her.
D.Just get them off the focus that they’re currently on.
E.The problems start when complaining becomes a habit.
F.You don’t need excuses such as a work deadline or a dentist appointment.
G.Ask something like, “Can I tell you what I’ve heard and I understand how you feel?”
Every parent wants their children to develop well. ____96____. However, for a child, play is the main way of interacting with the world, mastering new knowledge and skills. The game performs several functions.
____97____. Through the game, the child learns new skills and develops speech, thinking and logic, memory, attention and other mental functions. This applies not only to special educational games, but outdoor games which promote physical development and strengthen the health of the child. Also, any games develop creativity and imagination.
Way of communication. A game for a child is also a way to convey to an adult their experiences: joys, anxieties, fears, hopes, expectations. Often, through the game, the child tells parents something important about himself and learns something important about his parents. The game is a way to be closer, to feel the support, care and love of parents. ____98____.
Development of social skill and familiarity with social roles. ____99____. Through the game, children learn about the concepts of “good” and “bad”. In games, children learn different social roles: they learn to be parents, friends, teachers, doctors, kings and presidents. Many games develop independence and responsibility, teach the child to overcome difficulties, take care of others, give gifts and share.
Pleasure and joy. The game brings pleasure, joy and a lot of other positive emotions to the child and the significance of this cannot be underestimated (after all, even for adults, positive emotions are very important: they support us, help us develop and look at life positively). ____100____. It is the key to the full development of the individual.
A.Knowledge of the world.
B.Education and development.
C.Therefore, it is very important that parents find time to play together with their child.
D.Joint games best teach adults to understand their children and find a common language with them.
E.Also, through the game, the child learns to be proud of his success, which supports his self-esteem.
F.In games, children learn to follow the rules, control their behavior, develop communication skills with peers and adults.
G.Sometimes it seems that a child’s game is empty entertainment and it would be better to replace it with something more useful.
We all know about the health benefits of swimming. It offers a great workout for the body--it builds perseverance, muscle strength, and cardiovascular (心血管的) fitness.____101____? Well, many people are trying, based on evidence that it is good for us.
Cold-water swimming involves swimming in natural areas including ponds, rivers, and the sea. Jumping in gives a short sharp shock to the body, but many participants say they get used to it. ____102____. And research has found it can have much bigger benefits than that for your body and mind. Besides being good exercise, spending time outdoors and in the water improves well-being.
____103____. One man who suffered constant pain after surgery claimed he was cured by taking a dive in cold open water. And another swimmer, Sandria Simons, told the BBC, “The immersion of your body in cold, salt water, just feeling like you’re at one with nature if you like, just feels amazing.”
But what are people gaining from this chilly experience? Doctors say getting into cold water causes a stress response, but the more you do it, your reaction to stress is reduced. It’s also thought to have a strong anti-inflammatory (消炎的) effect. ____104____. Some experts believe cold-water swimming helps “cross-adaptation”, where one form of stress prepares the body for another. For example, it also helps reduce the stress of exercising at high altitudes.
____105____: approach it with great care, swim with a friend, and maybe start in the summer, when the water temperatures are higher!
A.A cold swim wakes you up
B.So, if you’re convinced that this is for you, take this advice
C.Do you want to have a go at open water swimming
D.But who would enjoy swimming in water that’s ice cold
E.But there are bigger benefits to this stress-reducing exercise
F.Evidence suggests that cold-water swimming has cured certain health conditions
G.It can also be dangerous, so it’s important to do it right
You don’t need to be an astronomer with a giant telescope to enjoy a simple but spellbinding activity: stargazing. ___106___ It’s so interesting to discover what’s going on. With a bit of practice, and know-how from books and websites, stargazers can spot particular stars and also groups of stars.
There is plenty to take in using just your eyes but some people use a telescope for a more detailed look. For the best results, choose a clear night when the moon is not very bright. ___107___
It can be harder to see the stars in towns and cities. It is because of light pollution. The night sky is brightened by light from street lamps, shops and car headlights. The best places for stargazing are open, hilly areas or the coast. ___108___ It is our home galaxy stretching across the night sky and is best seen in summer and fall evening skies. If the full moon is up, it will be hard to see. Try going for a night hike instead! Let your eyes adjust to the moonlight and keep your flashlight turned off.
___109___ That is camping in a national park under a star-filled sky. Many national parks offer various night sky programs, from telescope astronomy events to full moon walks with rangers. Besides, national parks are also great places to know about the animals that are awake at night and asleep during the day. Sit quietly and listen for these creatures.
When you head out at night, always go with an adult. Dress warmly and take a blanket or a chair to sit on, plus a hot drink to warm you up. You might want to take a camera with you as well, so you can take a photo if you see something amazing in the sky. A whole new world comes alive at night and is waiting to be explored. ___110___
A.Get prepared for the wonder above.
B.Just go outside at night and look up.
C.You are supposed to avoid the full moon.
D.It also matters which direction you observe.
E.In these places, you can look for the Milky Way.
F.What is the better way to experience the great wonder?
G.Where do you prefer to have a stargazing trip at night?
You’ve probably heard countless times how exercise is “good for you”. But did you know that it can improve your mood too? ___111___.
Exercising regularly can help prevent weight gain, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Exercises like jumping or lifting weights can help keep your bones strong. Also, when you exercise, your body makes chemicals that help you feel good. Exercise lowers your chances of depression and decreases feelings of anxiety. ___112___ .
Considering all the health benefits of being physically active, it’s easy to see why doing exercise is wise. And the great thing is that it’s never too late to start. ___113___— like taking a short bike ride, walking the dog or raking (用耙子拢) leaves.
However, sometimes you may find it hard to keep exercising regularly. ___114___ . If what you’re doing isn’t fun, it’s hard to keep it up. But there are many different sports and activities you can try and see which one inspires you. If you need a little more motivation, take a class, join a team or find an exercise buddy to help keep you on track.
___115___ , even those with disabilities or medical problems. But if you have a health problem or other concerns, talk to your doctor before beginning an exercise plan.
A.Even small things can count as exercise
B.Everyone can benefit from moving more and sitting less
C.Exercise benefits every part of the body, including the mind
D.Sports and activities that encourage flexibility are easy to find
E.One of the biggest reasons people drop an exercise program is a lack of interest
F.Plus, exercise can give you a sense of accomplishment after you achieve a goal
G.Strengthening the heart, muscles and bones isn’t the only important goal of exercise
Any time of the day you can commit to exercising is a good time for getting active. However, the best time for exercise is different for each person.____116____
Determine when you have the most energy. Do you struggle to get out of the bed in the morning or do you wake up energized and ready to go? Are you a night owl and never get to bed before midnight? Once you establish what your sleep tendencies are, you will have a better idea of when your body is most ready to exercise. ____117____You are more likely to hit the snooze button instead of getting a workout in.
Consider your daily schedule. When are you the busiest?____118____Try to fit in exercise before or at least around these events. Some people would prefer to get it out of the way first thing, while others prefer to put it off until the end of the day when they are all caught up.
Determine your exercise goals. If you are trying to develop a routine, you may want to exercise in the morning. People who exercise in the morning are more consistent.____119____If you are trying to improve your performance, evening exercise may be best. You may experience less tiredness, quicker reaction times, and more strength and flexibility in the evening. If you are trying to lose weight, you may want to exercise in the morning before you have eaten when your body is more likely to use fat instead of carbohydrates for energy
____120____This way, you’ll see how you feel and find the time that works best with your schedule. Keep an exercise log to help you evaluate each time.
A.This will give your body time to relax.
B.Do you perform better in the morning or at night?
C.You may not feel like exercising after a long day of work.
D.When do you tend to schedule your most important tasks?
E.Consider your lifestyle and exercise goals to find the right time.
F.If you’re not a morning person, do not schedule an early morning workout.
G.Anyway, you’d better experiment with both morning and evening workouts.
Hilde’s father was a reporter. He often took her to work with him, and she developed a strong interest in news stories and reporting.____121____She did the writing, her sister Izzy took pictures, and her father helped her organize and print the newspaper. Hilde wanted to cover big stories in her town. Following the rules her father had taught her, she researched and reported stories in her monthly newspaper.
The newspaper suddenly became famous when a murder happened in the town, and Hilde was the first person to report it. Soon, news organizations around the country were doing stories on Hilde.
____122____Some people criticized her parents for allowing her to report on something as unpleasant as a murder.
Others criticized Hilde for “pretending to be a reporter’’. Some people even suggested she should be playing with dolls.____123____She responded with a YouTube video.“I never began my newspaper so that people would think I was cute,” she said.“I want to be taken seriously.’’
That wasn’t the last time Hilde had trouble getting people to take her seriously. Sometimes, it was because of her age. Other times, it was because she was a girl.____124____Hilde continued reporting and her activities as a reporter have made her famous.
Now Hilde has published a book telling her own story and the challenges she has faced. Some of those challenges came from Hilde herself, struggling to figure out who she was as she grew older.____125____But she is still just 15, and has plenty of time to decide what she wants to do with her life. Her efforts have already inspired people around the world.
A.But she never let that stop her.
B.Hilde was upset by the complaints.
C.For now, Hilde says she has given up reporting.
D.When she was 8, Hilde started her own newspaper.
E.Her great success in reporting has changed her life.
F.Not everyone was happy about Hilde’s efforts, though.
G.She was clearly in a dilemma about how to solve the crisis.
We all know that leading a healthy lifestyle is essential, but sometimes it’s hard to stick to good habits. If you’re looking to make some changes and improve your health, this blog post is for you! ____126____
Get moving
It’s no secret that exercise is good for you. Not only does it help to improve your overall health, but it can also boost your mood and increase your energy levels. ____127____ This could include going for a brisk walk, riding your bike, or taking a fitness class. There’s no need to go all out. Even moderate activity around your house, such as working in your garden, can benefit significantly.
Reduce or get rid of sugar
Sugar can cause inflammation (发炎) and worsen existing health conditions like diabetes and heart disease. ____128____ When you cut sugar out of your diet, you’ll likely notice an improvement in your energy levels, mental clarity, and overall sense of well-being. You may even drop a few pounds.
Drink more water
Your body comprises about 60% water. It helps flush toxins from your body, carry nutrients to your cells, and keep your skin healthy. It helps improve your mood and energy levels and helps you lose weight. ____129____ Also, it may surprise you how much better you feel.
Get enough sleep
A good night’s sleep is one of the best things you can do for your health and wellness. When you sleep enough, your body has adequate time to recharge and heal from the day’s activities, which also helps to improve focus and concentration, and help boost your mood. ____130____
A.It can also lead to weight gain and make you feel exhausted.
B.You may have heard the advice to drink eight glasses of water a day.
C.These tips can help you get the restful sleep you need to feel your best.
D.Here are some simple tips that can help you turn things around within 30 days.
E.So next time you’re feeling tired, reach for a glass of water instead of a cup of coffee.
F.One way to make exercising easier is to set a daily goal of 30 minutes of physical activity.
G.However, when you don’t get enough rest, you’re more likely to have trouble concentrating.
As much as 80% of heart disease is preventable by making specific lifestyle choices. Some strategies, such as exercising and managing weight, are well known. ____131____ These small changes in your everyday routine can have a big impact in the long run.
Get eight hours of sleep.
____132____ If we are lacking in sleep, our bodies also have more difficulty controlling blood pressure and glucose(血糖) levels. These factors can all have an impact on cardiovascular(心血管) health.
Engage in volunteer work.
Doing good for others helps your self-esteem and relieves stress. ____133____ We know that loneliness is a risk factor for heart health, and volunteering gets you out of the house and creates a social network. Depending on the type of work you do, volunteering might even increase your physical activity.
Exposure to this kind of pollution over time raises your risk of heart disease. Breathing in contaminants(污染物) formed from chemicals may harm your heart. Even short periods of exposure are unhealthy for people who already have cardiovascular risks, such as high blood pressure. Try to get your outdoor exercise far away from highways and industrial districts.
Eat breakfast.
Healthy people who skipped breakfast were three times more likely to have heart disease than those who have a substantial morning meal. If you’re eating a proper breakfast, you’re less likely to be hungry later and make poor food choices. ____135____ Choose whole-grain foods and include fruit.
Start now and boost your heart health!
A.Avoid polluted air.
B.Stay in fresh environment,
C.But others may not have crossed your mind.
D.We need to intake enough energy as part of a healthy lifestyle,
E.Take adequate rest and exercise regularly, and you’ll feel energetic.
F.When you’re not rested, everything that happens in your life is more stressful.
G.It is proved that a feeling of purpose in life is linked to a lower likelihood of heart attack.
What is the best sleep position for your health?
It’s difficult to control what sleeping position we naturally fall into, as our body will subconsciously all into the most comfortable position for us. However, some positions are better for you than others and come could hold back your health and wellbeing. ___136___ .
If you sleep on your side
More than 60 per cent of people sleep on their side. Often our body naturally moves to this position, which is linked to when we were in the womb in the foetal(胎儿的) position.___137___It offers a number of benefits to your body, from promoting healthy spine alignment(脊椎对齐) which can help to prevent back pain to reducing heartburn and snoring(打鼾).
If you sleep on your back
Lying on your back is the second most popular sleeping position and offers just as many benefits as side sleeping. When you’re sleeping on your back, it’s easy to keep alignment and to also evenly distribute your weight. ___138___
If you sleep on your stomach
Sleeping on your stomach is the least common sleeping position. ___139___ . And those who sleep on their stomach could put themselves at risk of a less restful night’s sleep. The stomach offers the least amount of back support and can increase pressure on the spine which may cause pain once you wake up.
___140___ You should consider various factors such as if you snore or suffer sleep problems, or if you often have back and neck pain. Side sleeping has been noted as the best position for the body, so this is probably one to try and get into the habit of trying, but again, it all depends on you.
A.This also helps to prevent any neck and back pain.
B.Sleeping on your side is probably the best position
C.Side sleeping would be particularly beneficial for older people.
D.There are more negatives to this position compared to positives.
E.Determining the sleeping position for you is personal preference.
F.Here, this article reveals exactly how your sleep position is affecting your health.
G.This is mostly likely because it is one of the most comfortable sleeping positions.
Why Do Movie Theaters Serve Popcorn?
The savory smell. The crunchy bite. The buttery finish. Americans will recognize the smell and flavor of their favorite movies snack anywhere. Why is it that we feast our taste buds on these crisp kernels (玉米) while our eyes focus on the big screen?
____141____ The main reason is the snack’s price, convenience, and timing. Popcorn was cheap for sellers and for customers, and making it didn’t require special equipment. ____142____ . That is how popcorn got introduced to the silver screen.
Popcorn does not refer to the popped kernel alone. ____143____ It was originally grown in Central America and became popular in the U. S. in the mid-1800s. Compared with other snacks at the time, it was super easy to make, and it got easier in 1885 when the mobile steam-powered popcorn maker was invented. In the late 19th century, a large number of independent popcorn suppliers became widely available. ____144____
Since popcorn was cheap to make, it was also cheap to buy, which increased the popularity of this treat during the Great Depression. The Depression increased consumer spending on cheaper luxury items such as popcorn and movies, and the two industries teamed up. ____145____ By the mid-1940s, however, movie theaters began to have their own concession stands (小卖部) in the lobby. The introduction of the popcorn-driven concession stand to movie theaters kept the movie theater industry running smoothly, and popcorn has been a basic movie-watching food ever since.
A.A few aspects made popcorn the typical movie snack.
B.They were like the great-great-grandfathers of food truck.
C.Besides, the secret of popcorn’s pleasant taste lies in the special material.
D.It’s also the name for the specific type of corn that is used to make the snack.
E.Theaters would allow a popcorn salesman to sell right outside for a daily fee.
F.Popcorn also got popular at a time when theaters badly needed an economic increase.
G.Therefore, movie theaters which sold cheap popcorn attracted more and more customers.
Smartwatches and fitness trackers (健身追踪器) have gained popularity recently. These tools can record your daily steps, heart rates, etc. ___146___ If yes, it might be a sign that you’re addicted to your fitness tracker.
___147___ If you keep setting unrealistic daily goals that include doing exercise for too long, and if you begin to ignore friends and responsibilities to make time for your exercise, then you’re most probably addicted to your fitness tracker.
It’s difficult to overcome the addiction to fitness trackers. ___148___ For example, the number in your smart watch showing how far you’ve come can give you a sense of achievement.
Of course, failing to meet your daily goal can be sad. You might focus on your weaknesses rather than your progress. Another problem is that you might find yourself paying too much attention to the step number rather than how your body feels. ___149___
Therefore, if you’re spending too much time looking at your smartwatch, limit your daily step count to a comfortable level. ___150___ For example, concentrating on your hobbies or socializing with friends can be a great way to keep your mind on other things.
A.Don’t overuse your smartwatch.
B.It doesn’t show what you’re really feeling.
C.After all, reaching a daily step count can be so attractive.
D.How can you tell whether you’re addicted to your fitness tracker?
E.Actually, this addiction to step count can be risky, mentally and physically.
F.However, do you find yourself checking your steps and heart rates too often?
G.Besides, you can find other things to do that don’t include checking your fitness tracker.
1.F 2.D 3.B 4.G 5.E
1.根据上文“As much as 80 percent of premature heart disease is preventable by making specific lifestyle choices. (多达80%的早发心脏病是可以通过选择特定的生活方式来预防的)”可知,本句主要是在特定生活方式进行举例:锻炼和控制体重,故F选项“有些策略,如锻炼和控制体重,是众所周知的”符合语境,故选F。
2.根据上文““When you're not rested, everything that happens in your life is a lot more stressful,” says Dr. Arya Sharma, a professor of medicine at the University of Alberta. If we're sleep deprived, our bodies also have more difficulty controlling blood pressure, inflammation and glucose levels. (阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta)医学教授Arya Sharma博士说:“当你没有休息好时,生活中发生的每件事都会给你带来更多压力。”如果我们睡眠不足,我们的身体也会更难控制血压、炎症和血糖水平)”可知,上文提到了血压、炎症和血糖水平,本句为本段最后一句,应说明这些因素对心血管的影响。故D选项“这些因素都会影响心血管健康”符合语境,故选D。
3.根据本段内容“Doing good for others helps your self-esteem and relieves stress. Research published in Psychosomatic Medicine in 2016 showed that a feeling of purpose in life is linked to a lower likelihood of heart attack and stroke. “We know that loneliness is a risk factor for heart health,” adds Sharma. “Volunteering gets you out of the house and creates a social network.” (为别人做好事有助于你的自尊和缓解压力。2016年发表在《身心医学》上的一项研究表明,生活中的目标感与心脏病发作和中风的可能性较低有关。“我们知道孤独是心脏健康的一个风险因素,”夏尔马补充说。“志愿活动可以让你走出家门,建立一个社交网络。”)”可知,本段的主旨是从事志愿活动,可以有助于你的自尊和缓解压力。故B选项“从事志愿工作”符合语境,故选B。
4.根据上文“Exposure to this kind of pollution over time raises your risk of heart disease. Inhaling contaminants formed from chemicals like Sulphur (硫) dioxide, carbon and nitrogen oxides may irritate arteries (动脉) and increase inflammation. (长期暴露在这种污染中会增加患心脏病的风险。吸入由二氧化硫、碳和氮氧化物等化学物质形成的污染物可能会刺激动脉并增加炎症)”以及后文“Try to get your outdoor exercise far away from highways and industrial districts, and spend more time indoors when the air quality index is poor. (尽量远离高速公路和工业区进行户外锻炼,在空气质量指数较差的时候多呆在室内)”可知,上文提到了污染对身体的危害,本句进一步进行补充说明:即使是短时间的接触对有其他健康风险的人来说也是不健康的。故G选项“即使是短时间的接触对有其他健康风险的人来说也是不健康的”符合语境,故选G。
5.根据后文“If you’re eating a proper breakfast, you’re less likely to be hungry later and make poor food choices. (如果你吃了一顿合适的早餐,你就不太可能在之后感到饥饿,也不太可能做出糟糕的食物选择)”可知,本句主要针对早餐吃的食物进行建议。故E选项“选择全麦、低脂的早餐食物,包括水果”符合语境,故选E。
6.C 7.G 8.A 9.F 10.D
6.上文“International Languages Week is an annual event held in New Zealand to promote language and culture from around the world. Learning an international language involves much more than language proficiency(熟练). Knowing an international language means knowing about the culture that is the foundation of that language. Take advantage of International Languages Week now.(国际语言周是在新西兰举办的年度活动,旨在促进世界各地的语言和文化。学习一门国际语言所涉及的不仅仅是语言能力。了解一门国际语言意味着了解作为该语言基础的文化。好好利用国际语言周吧。)”介绍了国际语言周是什么,并且提到了好好利用国际语言周;下文“Use your students as teachers.(把学生当老师。)”开始提出建议。由此可知,设空处应为过渡句,承上启下。C项“And here are some ideas for classroom programs.(这里有一些关于课堂项目的想法。)”与上下文对应。故选C项。
7.段首主旨句“Use your students as teachers.(把学生当老师。)”建议把学生当老师;上文“There is a high chance that you will have some students who can speak languages other than English in your school.(在你的学校里,你很有可能会遇到一些会说英语以外的语言的学生。)”提到了可能会遇到一些说英语以外的语言的学生;下文“And you can ask them to share their language knowledge with others in the class.(你可以让他们在课堂上与他人分享他们的语言知识。)”提到了让那些说英语以外的语言的学生在课堂上分享他们的语言知识。由此可推知,此处是让那些说英语以外的语言的学生当国际语言周活动的老师,G项“Encourage the students to be experts during International Languages Week.(鼓励学生在国际语言周期间成为专家。)”与上下文对应。故选G项。
8.设空处位于段首,应为段落主旨句;下文“International Languages Week is an ideal opportunity to connect with your families to find out what languages are spoken in your community. Invite family members with a second language into the school as guest speakers, to read first language books, or practice conversations with students.
(国际语言周是一个与你的家人联系,了解你所在社区使用什么语言的理想机会。邀请说第二语言的家庭成员来学校做演讲嘉宾,阅读母语书籍,或者和学生练习对话。)”提到了邀请说第二语言的家庭成员来学校做演讲嘉宾,阅读母语书籍或与学生练习对话。由此可知,这是建议和学生的家庭成员或者社区建立联系,以此来学习语言。A项“Make connections with your community.(与你的社区建立联系。)”与本段内容对应。故选A项。
9.上文“Celebrate the cultural diversity in your school.(庆祝学校的文化多样性。)”建议庆祝学校的文化多样性;下文“Students can plan an international day activity where they wear the traditional dress of their own culture and share music, customs, food and dance.(学生们可以计划一个国际日活动,穿着自己文化的传统服装,分享音乐、习俗、食物和舞蹈。)”提到了让学生计划一个国际日活动。由此可知,此处是建议举办庆祝学校文化多样性的活动,F项“Hold an event where the multiculturalism of your school is celebrated.(举办一个庆祝学校多元文化的活动。)”与上下文对应。故选F项。
10.上文“Create a language resource. Develop a language resource for your school or local community.(创建语言资源。为你的学校或当地社区开发语言资源。)”建议要创建语言资源;下文“Or you can use a greetings poster to encourage the use of international greetings around the school.(或者你可以使用问候海报来鼓励在学校周围使用国际问候。)”提到了可以使用海报来鼓励学生在学校周围使用国际问候。由下文的or可知,设空处与下文一样都是在提出关于语言资源的具体建议。D项“It can be simple vocabulary cards to help students learn new words.(它可以是简单的词汇卡来帮助学生学习新单词。)”中的simple vocabulary cards与上文的language resource和下文的poster对应。故选D项。
11.D 12.E 13.A 14.G 15.B
11.根据空前“While it’s a journey to get through, you can cope and come out of loneliness.(尽管要经历很长的一段路程,但是你可以处理,并从孤独中走出来。)”以及后文分别列出了几个解决方法可知,D项“当你感到孤独时,尝试用这些方法”符合,承上启下,引出下文的具体方法。故选D项。
12.根据本段小标题“Acknowledge what you’re feeling(承认你的感受)”以及空前“It might seem small, but naming what you’re feeling is one of the most important things you can do when coping with loneliness.(这似乎看起来很不起眼,但是了解你的感受是你在处理孤独时能做的最重要的事情。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是“承认你的感受”这一方法,且空前也陈述了了解你的感受的重要性,故E项“这是你做接下来的事情的基础”符合,E项中的“It”指代空前的“naming what you’re feeling”这件事,故选E项。
13.根据本段小标题“Make connections with others(与其他人建立联系)”可知,本段主要讲述处理孤独的另外一个方式——与其他人建立联系,故A项“孤独来源于与他人缺乏有意义的交流”符合,此空说明问题,空后提出解决方法,故选A项。
14.根据本段小标题“Use peer(伙伴) support groups(利用同伴互助小组)”可知,本段主要将手人们相互之间的帮助支撑,且根据空前“Meeting others is great.(和别人见面很棒。)”可知,G项“事实上,最深的联系来自于那些理解你所经历的人”是前文的顺义承接,与别人见面很棒,但最深的感情却来自于那些能懂你的人,故选G项。
15.根据空前“There’s no exact cause for loneliness.(对于孤独,没有确切的原因。)”和空后“You sometimes need help with loneliness beyond self-help strategies, and that’s okay.(你有时需要帮助来应对孤独,而不是自助策略。)”可知,空前说明孤独没有确切的原因,空后提出需要帮助来解决孤独,故B项“但这并不意味着你的得不到帮助。”符合,与空前构成转折,引出空后的解决孤独的方法,故选B项。
16.F 17.G 18.A 19.D 20.E
16.根据上文“Learning how to care for a sad person will help you be there for your loved ones and friends when they are down. However, knowing how to care for a sad person is not something an individual is born with.(学习如何关心一个伤心的人会帮助你在你爱的人和朋友倒下的时候陪在他们身边。然而,知道如何照顾一个伤心的人并不是一个人与生俱来的)”可知,上文提到“知道如何照顾一个伤心的人并不是一个人与生俱来的”,说明需要通过研究和实践获得,F选项This knowledge对应上文knowing how to care for a sad person。故F选项“这些知识是通过研究和实践获得的”符合语境,故选F。
17.根据上文“Give a hug. Hugging someone shows your affection and care.(给一个拥抱。拥抱某人表示你的爱和关心)”以及后文“This can make them feel relaxed and open to you.(这会让他们感到放松,对你敞开心扉)”可知,拥抱某人表示你的爱和关心,所以当你对别人这样做时,他们能感受到你的温暖。故G选项“当你对别人这样做时,他们能感受到你的温暖”承接上文,指出拥抱某人的好处,符合语境,故选G。
18.根据后文“Now, go on and say some kind words. Words like “I’m here”, “we are in this together”, “you’ll get over this”, “lean on me” and so on, can help a sad person feel better and know that you’re there to take him/her through the sad moment.(现在,继续说几句好话吧。像“我在这里”、“我们在一起”、“你会挺过来的”、“依靠我”之类的话,可以帮助悲伤的人感觉好一点,让他们知道你会陪着他/她度过悲伤的时刻)”可知,本段主要关于对别人说一些暖心的话语,故A选项“说些亲切的爱的话”符合语境,故选A。
19.根据上文“Use the right tone of voice.(使用正确的语气)”以及后文“They go along with tone to convey a meaning to the listener.(它们配合语气向听者传达意思)”可知,后文提到言语配合语气向听者传达意思,说明不是孤立的,D选项words对应后文they。故D选项“记住,言语不是孤立的”符合语境,故选D。
20.根据上文“After asking the questions, listen patiently to know what the sad person would appreciate at that time.(问完问题后,耐心地听,知道那个悲伤的人当时会感激什么)”可知,本句为本段最后一句,应承接上文说明倾听的作用:帮助你知道如何提供最合适的帮助,故E选项“它将帮助你知道如何提供最合适的帮助”符合语境,故选E。
21.D 22.F 23.A 24.C 25.E
21.根据上文“Pets should not be left alone for too long during the day. But our busy lifestyles will sometimes tear us away. (宠物不应该在白天独自呆太久。但我们忙碌的生活方式有时会让我们分心)”可知,本句应当说明宠物独自待太久的不良影响:产生内疚以及给它们的健康带来担忧。故D选项“这会产生内疚以及给它们的健康带来担忧”符合语境,故选D。
22.根据上文“Cats don’t simply curl up and sleep when you leave. (猫不会在你离开的时候蜷缩起来睡觉)”以及后文“If they have a friend or sibling they will create games and comfort one another but if they are alone they will need more stimuli (刺激物). Leaving the TV or radio on can help, and while you work out their favorite channel, you can’t go far wrong with classical music. (如果它们有朋友或兄弟姐妹,它们会创造游戏,互相安慰,但如果它们独自呆着,他们会需要更多的刺激。让电视或收音机开着会有帮助,当你找出他们最喜欢的频道时,古典音乐不会出错)”可知,后文提到了猫独自呆着的时候,需要更多刺激,故F选项“他们在独处的时候需要刺激”符合语境,故选F。
23.根据后文“They will keep your cat physically and mentally busy, which will lessen the separation anxiety. Some of the toys are also practical for your home, such as scratching posts to prevent the furniture from being scratched. (它们会让你的猫在身体上和精神上都很忙,这将减轻分离的焦虑。有些玩具对你的家也很实用,比如抓木桩,防止家具被抓伤)”可知,本句是在说明猫玩具可以帮助猫缓解分离焦虑,A选项A number of cat toys对应后文They。故A选项“一些猫玩具也很有帮助”符合语境,故选A。
24.根据上一段“It’s not just cats that suffer from separation anxiety. Dogs also dislike being left alone and unfortunately they can’t tell whether it’s been ten minutes or ten hours: the displeasure felt is very similar. (患有分离焦虑的不仅仅是猫。狗也不喜欢一个人呆着,不幸的是,它们分不清是呆了十分钟还是十小时:它们感受到的不快是非常相似的)”后文“Background noise from the TV or radio can help them to feel less alone. There is even a dog TV channel designed to create happy and calm thoughts in dogs, showing idyllic scenes of fields, beaches and other dogs. (电视或收音机的背景噪音可以帮助他们减少孤独感。甚至还有一个狗狗电视频道,旨在让狗狗产生快乐和平静的想法,展示田野、海滩和其他狗狗的田园诗般的场景)”可知,本段与上文构成转折,指出缓解猫狗宠物分离焦虑情绪的办法,故C选项“但至少你可以帮助缓解这种负面情绪”符合语境,故选C。
25.根据上文“You can also gradually lengthen the distance and time of your separation until your dogs can be left alone for 20 minutes without showing their usual symptoms of sadness and stress. (你也可以逐渐延长你的距离和时间,直到你的狗可以单独呆20分钟,而不会表现出他们通常的悲伤和压力症状)”可知,上文提到了“延长你的距离和时间”这种方法,本句为本段最后一句,应说明这种方法的作用:它们可以把你的缺席和消极联系起来。故E选项“通过这种方式,它们可以把你的缺席和消极联系起来”符合语境,故选E。
26.F 27.A 28.G 29.C 30.D
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍John Myatt,一位擅长模仿著名人物的风格作画的艺术家的经历。
26.根据上文“John Myatt is an artist. He may not be the greatest artist in the world, but he is possibly the world’s greatest forger (伪造者). He is able to paint pictures in the style of famous artists like Monet and Matisse. (John Myatt是一位艺术家。他也许不是世界上最伟大的艺术家,但他可能是世界上最伟大的伪造者。他能以莫奈和马蒂斯等著名艺术家的风格作画。)”可知设空处应继续写他模仿的有多逼真,所以F选项“他的画太好了,专家都看不出它们是不是真迹。”承接上文,并且呼应下文的“This unusual skill”,故选F。
27.根据下文“He was honest about his work—he wrote his name on the back, and he sold them for £150 each. (他对自己的作品很诚实——他在画的背面写上自己的名字,然后以每幅150英镑的价格出售。)”说明他这样做并不是抄袭,应该是不违法的,故选项A“这并不违法。”符合文意,故选A。
28.根据上文“Drewe had sold one of Myatt’s paintings for£25,000. He contacted Myatt and suggested that they go into business together. Myatt agreed. He continued to paint and Drewe sold his paintings to art collectors around the world. (Drewe以2.5万英镑的价格卖掉了Myatt的一幅画。他联系了Myatt,建议他们一起做生意。Myatt同意。他继续画画,Drewe把他的画卖给世界各地的艺术收藏家。)”可知这段主要描述Myatt和Drewe合作以真迹的形式卖画,所以G选项“从1986年到1994年,他们卖出了大约200幅画,赚了100多万英镑。”是承接上文继续说卖画赚了很多钱,符合题意,故选G。
29.根据上文“The amazing thing is that Myatt painted his pictures with decorator’s paint. (令人惊奇的是,迈亚特的画是用装饰漆画的。)”可知下文是对这个装饰漆的解释,所以C选项“和人们用来粉刷房子的颜料是一样的!”符合文意,故选C。
30.根据下文“When he came out he started to produce pictures in the style of famous artists again. (当他出来后,他又开始以著名艺术家的风格作画。)”可推测上文应该和在监狱的生活有关,故选项D“Myatt因为表现良好只在监狱里呆了四个月。”符合题意,故选D。
31.E 32.D 33.B 34.A 35.G
31.根据上文“Teens experience significant physical, emotional, social and cognitive changes. And teens of today face more challenges as they go through more uncertain times of the 21st century.(青少年经历了重大的身体、情感、社会和认知变化。今天的青少年面临着更多的挑战,因为他们经历了21世纪更多的不确定时期)”及下文“Constant comparison and endless posts of picture — perfect images and lives give teens greater pressure to follow current fashion trends.(不断的比较和没完没了的完美形象和生活的照片的帖子给了青少年更大的压力去追随当前的时尚潮流)”和“Statistics show that most cases of cyber bullying take place on popular social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchats and Twitter, where cyber bullies make emotionally scarring comments.(统计数据显示,大多数网络欺凌案件发生在Facebook、Instagram、Snapchats和Twitter等热门社交媒体网站上,网络欺凌者在这些网站上发表情感上的言论)”可知,E. Social media, and technological advances are posing new challenges.(社交媒体和技术进步带来了新的挑战)能够承上启下,符合语境。故选E。
32.根据上文“In the past, a teen who was criticized for his or her larger figure or pimpled (有粉刺的) face, might feel embarrassed and dejected in school.(在过去,一个青少年如果因为他或她的身材大或脸上有粉刺而被批评,在学校里可能会感到尴尬和沮丧)”可知,此处讲述过去青少年在学校遇到的挑战。由此可知,D. Today, these same sufferings can be expanded by social media.(今天,同样的痛苦可以通过社交媒体扩大)能够衔接上文,形成今昔对比,同时引起下文“Constant comparison and endless posts of picture — perfect images and lives give teens greater pressure to follow current fashion trends.(不断的比较和没完没了的完美形象和生活的照片的帖子给了青少年更大的压力去追随当前的时尚潮流)”,符合语境。故选D。
33.根据上文“Constant comparison and endless posts of picture- perfect images and lives give teens greater pressure to follow current fashion trends. The Wall Street Journal reported that Instagram made body images worse for one in three teenage girls.(不断的比较和没完没了的完美形象和生活的照片的帖子给了青少年更大的压力去追随当前的时尚潮流。《华尔街日报》报道称,Instagram让三分之一的少女的身体形象变得更糟)”可知,社交媒体给青少年带来很大的压力。再根据下文“Statistics show that most cases of cyber bullying take place on popular social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchats and Twitter, where cyber bullies make emotionally scarring comments.(统计数据显示,大多数网络欺凌案件发生在Facebook、Instagram、Snapchats和Twitter等热门社交媒体网站上,网络欺凌者在这些网站上发表情感上的言论)”可知,B. Furthermore, social media has taken bullying to a new level.(此外,社交媒体将欺凌行为推向了一个新的高度)能够承上启下,继续讲述社交媒体带来的负面影响,同时引出欺凌行为的话题,符合语境。故选B。
34.根据上文“Statistics show that most cases of cyber bullying take place on popular social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchats and Twitter, where cyber bullies make emotionally scarring comments. These can be made publicly on a teen’s social media account.(统计数据显示,大多数网络欺凌案件发生在Facebook、Instagram、Snapchats和Twitter等热门社交媒体网站上,网络欺凌者在这些网站上发表情感创伤评论。这些可以在青少年的社交媒体账户上公开发布)”可知,网络欺凌者在社交媒体账户上公开发布情感创伤评论。由此可知,A. They can also be spread quickly by sharing with others.(它们也可以通过与他人分享而迅速传播)能够衔接上文,其中选项中的They指代上文中的emotionally scarring comments,符合语境。故选A。
35.根据上文“There have been many discussions about new technologies and ways of working, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, which will impact future jobs.(关于新技术和工作方式的讨论很多,比如人工智能(AI)和自动化,这将影响未来的工作)”可知,此处指出新技术和工作方式将影响未来的工作。根据下文“Unlike in the past, the situation is different today as AI and automation are causing some jobs to disappear. Teens will have to meet this challenge by adopting an attitude of lifelong learning, and keeping paces with technology.(与过去不同,随着人工智能和自动化导致一些工作岗位消失,今天的情况有所不同。青少年必须采取终身学习的态度,跟上科技的步伐,以迎接这一挑战)”可知,此处提出了青少年应该怎样迎接新挑战。由此可知,G. The challenge for a teen today is preparing for a largely unknown future.(当今青少年面临的挑战是为一个基本上未知的未来做准备)能够承上启下,符合语境。故选G。
36.C 37.E 38.D 39.A 40.F
36.上文“Change is the only constant in life. (改变是生活中唯一不变的。)”指出改变是生活中唯一不变的这一事实,下文“Because whether we want it or not, change is inevitable. (因为不管我们愿不愿意,改变都是不可避免的。)”中的because可知,空处应该和下文是因果关系,C项“我们越早学会接受这个事实越好。”符合,即因为不管我们愿不愿意,改变都是不可避免的,所以我们要越早学会接受这个事实越好,“this fact”代指上文,故选C。
37.下文“But there can be changes that happen so suddenly that you might have to experience painful days and have a tough time coping with them. (但是有些变化可能发生得太突然,以至于你不得不经历痛苦的日子,并且很难应对它们)”中的But可知,空处和下文是转折关,下文指出有些变化发生得太突然,以至于没有准备,E项“预期或计划的变化可以为我们争取一些时间来准备。”指出预期的变化能为我们争取时间准备,和下文构成转折关系,选项中的“Expected or planned changes”和下文中的“changes that happen so suddenly”分别呼应上文“expectedly”和“unexpectedly”,故选E。
38.上文“Most of us are afraid of the unknown and therefore are resistant to change. (我们大多数人害怕未知,因此抵制改变。)”指出大多数人害怕未知,空处承接上文,指出害怕未知的原因,D项“我们害怕未知,因为在那里任何事情都可能发生在我们身上。”符合,下文“Even if it is for good, we hesitate to accept change because human beings love structure and routine (即使改变是好的,我们也不愿意接受,因为人类喜欢结构和常规)”进一步解释了人们害怕未知不愿改变的原因,故选D。
39.由下文“Acknowledge your fears, but stop yourself from being tunnel-visioned. Our mind has away of bringing up possible scenarios and fear them. (承认你的恐惧,但不要让自己看得太狭隘。我们的头脑已经远离了提出可能的情况和恐惧他们。)”可知,本段告诉我们要承认自己的恐惧,A项“承认你的恐惧。”适合做本段标题,故选A。
40.上文“One of the reasons change is difficult to accept is because of the range of emotions we feel when we confront change. ( 改变之所以难以接受,原因之一是当我们面对改变时所感受到的各种情绪。)”指出改变难以接受的原因是我们面对改变时有各种情绪,空处应该承接上文,告诉我们对此该如何做,F项“接受你的感受并接受它们的存在是很重要的。”符合,“your feelings”和上文“emotions”相呼应,故选F。
41.E 42.A 43.C 44.D 45.F
41.根据上文“Tears can ruin make-up, bring conversation to a stop, and give you a runny nose.(眼泪会破坏化妆,让谈话停止,让你流鼻涕)”可知,本句继续说明眼泪带给人的负面影响,E选项They指代Tears。故E选项“它们会让你感到尴尬,没有活力”符合语境,故选E。
42.根据后文“They’re afraid that once they lose control, they’ll never get it back(他们害怕一旦失去控制,就再也回不来了)”可知,本句主要是在说明人们因为担心表达自己的情绪,克制不哭的情况。故A选项“人们担心表达自己的情绪”符合语境,故选A。
43.根据上文“Almost any emotion—good or bad, happy or sad—can cause tears.(几乎任何情绪——好或坏,快乐或悲伤——都会让人流泪)”以及后文“Tears help you when you feel you are ready to explode because of very strong feelings. It may explain why people who are afraid to cry often suffer more heart attacks than people who cry more freely.(当你因为非常强烈的感情而感到自己快要爆发时,眼泪会帮助你。这也许可以解释为什么害怕哭泣的人比那些自由哭泣的人更容易患心脏病)”可知,后文提到害怕哭泣的人比那些自由哭泣的人更容易患心脏病,以及眼泪会帮助你释放情绪,故C选项“哭泣是我们释放累积情绪的一种方式”符合语境,故选C。
44.根据后文“They practice crying so that they can get used to expressing emotion.(他们练习哭泣,这样他们就能习惯表达情感)”可知,本句是在说明后文的They指代的是谁, 结合上文提到了精神治疗医师,可知是病人,故D选项“有时病人会参加哭泣练习”符合语境,故选D。
45.根据后文“It’s good to hold back tears during a tense business discussion. “But once you are safely behind closed doors, don’t just cry,” Diamond says. She suggests that you act out the whole situation again and be as noisy and angry as you like. It will help you feel better. “And,” she adds, “once your tears have released the stress, you can begin to think of logical ways to deal with the problem.”(在紧张的商务讨论中忍住眼泪是件好事。戴蒙德说:“但一旦你安全地关起门来,不要只是哭。”她建议你把整个情况再演一遍,随心所欲地吵闹和生气。这会让你感觉好一些。“而且,”她补充说,“一旦你的眼泪释放了压力,你就可以开始思考合理的方法来处理这个问题。”)”可知,后文提到在紧张的商务讨论中忍住眼泪是件好事,说明在工作中,流泪是不合适的。故F选项“在某些情况下,比如在工作中,流泪是不合适的”符合语境,故选F。
46.G 47.E 48.C 49.A 50.B
46.根据空格后句 “As a study by the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark shows, a cotton bag needs to be used 20,000 times to offset its overall impact of production on the environment. ”(丹麦环境和食品部的一项研究表明,一个棉袋需要使用20000次才能抵消其生产对环境的总体影响。)可知,这里是指出使用棉袋的负面影响,G选项的 “But the increase in the use of cotton bags may have created a new problem.”(但是,棉袋使用量的增加可能带来了一个新的问题),与后句语义相呼应,且引出话题,故选G。
47.根据空格前句 “As a study by the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark shows, a cotton bag needs to be used 20,000 times to offset its overall impact of production on the environment. ”(丹麦环境和食品部的一项研究表明,一个棉袋需要使用20000次才能抵消其生产对环境的总体影响。)可知,这里指的是棉袋的使用次数问题,E选项的 “That is equal to daily use for 54 years for just one cotton bag.”(这相当于一个棉袋54年来的日常使用量),是对前句的进一步阐释,故选E。
48.根据空格前句 “Even when a cotton bag does make it to a treatment plant, most logos printed on them are not recyclable.”(即使棉袋真的被送到了处理厂,印在上面的大多数标志也是不可回收的。)可知,这里指的是棉袋的缺点以及原因,C选项的 “They’re extremely difficult to break down chemically.”(它们极难被化学分解),是对前句原因的进一步解释,故选C。
49.根据空格前句 “They both have disadvantages”(它们都有缺点)以及后句“And plastic bags use fossil fuels that produce greenhouse gases, never biodegrade and block the oceans”(塑料袋使用的化石燃料会产生温室气体,永远不会生物降解并阻挡海洋)可知,这里指的是两者的缺点并指出了塑料袋的缺点,显然,空格处要指出棉袋的缺点,A选项的 “Cotton has dried up rivers for water use.”(棉花使以供用水的河流干涸。),符合前后逻辑,故选A。
50.根据空格后句 “For example, British designer Ally Capellino replaced cotton with hemp”(例如,英国设计师Ally Capellino用麻纤维取代了棉花)可知,这里指的是其他替代方案,B选项的 “Some companies are turning to other textile solutions.”(一些公司正在转向其他纺织品解决方案),这些例子的高度概括,先总后分,故选B。
51.E 52.A 53.C 54.G 55.B
51.根据上文“However, rain is made up of odorless water. So, where does this smell come from? (然而,雨是由无味的水组成的。那么,这种气味是从哪里来的呢?)”及下文“But it actually comes from wet soil.(但它实际上来自潮湿的土壤)”可知,空格处内容为这种独特的气味并不来自雨。由此可知,E项Scientists found the distinctive smell doesn’t come from rain.(科学家们发现这种独特的气味并不是来自雨)能够承上启下,符合语境。故选E。
52.根据上文“According to scientists, some plants produce oils during dry periods.(据科学家称,一些植物在干旱时期会分泌油脂)”可知,植物在干旱时期会分泌油脂。由此可知,A项And when it rains, these oils are released into the air.(下雨时,这些油被释放到空气中)和上文意思紧密联系,句中的these oils指的就是上文提到的油脂,是上文的语意递进,符合语境。故选A项。
53.根据上文“It occurs when chemicals produced by bacteria in soil are released.(当土壤中的细菌产生的化学物质被释放出来时,就会发生这种情况)”及下文“These bacteria break down and change into simple chemical compounds, providing nutrition for plants.(这些细菌分解成简单的化合物,为植物提供营养)”可知,此处讲述的是土壤中的细菌。由此可知,C项There are a group of microorganisms widely found in soils.(有一组微生物广泛存在于土壤中)能够承上启下,符合语境。故选C项。
54.根据上文“Geosmin is then released from the surfaces.(然后土臭素从表面释放出来)”及下文“And it finally gives raindrops their familiar scent.(它最终赋予了雨滴熟悉的气味)”可知,空格处内容为土臭素的进一步的传播。由此可知,G项It is further spread around its surroundings with the aid of wind and rain.(在风和雨的帮助下,它在周围进一步传播)能够承上启下,符合语境。故选G项。
55.根据下文“And the next time someone mentions how much they love the smell of rain, you can prove your intelligence by explaining where that smell comes from.(下次有人提到他们有多喜欢雨的味道时,你可以通过解释气味的来源来证明你的智商)”可知,此处提到有人很喜欢雨的味道。由此可知,B项The smell of petrichor is quite pleasant to the human nose.(雨后的芳香对于人的鼻子闻起来是很舒服的)和下文内容意思一致,都是讲的对于雨的味道的喜爱,符合语境。故选B项。
56.F 57.E 58.D 59.C 60.A
56.根据上文“But don’t let your possessions become the only representations of your life. Your thoughts and life journey are equally valuable.( 但不要让你的财产成为你生活的唯一代表。你的思想和人生旅程同样宝贵)”可知,上文讲的是思想和人生旅程很宝贵,与F项“They become the foundation on which family members build their lives.(它们成为家庭成员建立他们生活的基础)”表达的含义一致,故选F项。
57.根据上文“Studies have shown that kids who know about their family’s past are more empathetic, have better coping skills and higher self-esteem.( 研究表明,了解家庭过去的孩子更有同情心,有更好的应对能力和更高的自尊)”可知此处上下文讲的是讲述家庭过去的生活故事的好处,与E项“For older adults, passing on their life stories helps decrease depression.( 对于老年人来说,传递他们的生活故事有助于减少抑郁)”表达的含义一致,故选E项。
58.根据上文“If you want to pass along family stories or wisdom, list everything available to you, such as photos and letters from your parents(如果你想传递家庭故事或智慧,列出你能得到的一切,比如照片和父母的来信)”以及下文“You could, for example, interview your parents about their lives or write an article about your academic progress(例如,你可以采访你的父母,了解他们的生活,或者写一篇关于你学业进步的文章)”可知,此处上下文说的是添加更多的与家庭生活有关的内容,与D项“Then figure out what you still need to add to your collection(然后找出你还需要添加到收藏中的内容)”表达的含义一致,故选D项。
59.根据下文“You don’t want the book of your life stories lost in an attic!( 你不想把你的人生故事书丢在阁楼上)”可知,此处上下文讲的是如何保存生活故事,与C项“And it’s also significant to consider how to keep it.( 考虑如何保存它也很重要)”表达的含义一致,故选C项。
60.根据本段主题句“By taking active steps and starting with the easiest-to-create projects, you can bring memories to life.(通过采取积极的步骤,从最容易创建的项目开始,你可以把回忆带给生活)”可知,此处上下文说的是要采取行动,与A项“Take simple steps(采取简单步骤)”表达的含义一致,故选A项。
61.D 62.F 63.A 64.E 65.G
61.根据上文“Soon you’ll be done with the stresses of high school. You might think college will be a breeze — studying your favorite courses and hanging out with your friends all day.(很快你就会摆脱高中的压力。你可能认为大学是一件轻松的事——学习你喜欢的课程,整天和朋友们在一起)”以及后文“Creating good habits can help you settle in faster and make the most of college life. Here are some habits you might need to work on.(养成良好的习惯可以帮助你更快地适应并充分利用大学生活。这里有一些你可能需要改掉的习惯)”可知,本句与上文构成转折关系,指出大学中的不知道所措,后文提出要改掉的习惯。故D选项“但一开始,你可能会发现自己不知所措”符合语境,故选D。
62.根据上文“•Manage your time. No more sitting in the classroom from dawn till dusk. You’ll have a unique class timetable and more free time. Parents or teachers won’t be around to help plan your schedule. Spend some time working out what study routine and schedules work best for you.(•管理你的时间。不要再从早到晚坐在教室里。你将有一个独特的课程表和更多的自由时间。父母或老师不会在你身边帮你计划日程。花些时间找出最适合你的学习习惯和时间表)”可知,本句为本段最后一句,应承接上文说明找出适合自己的学习习惯和时间表的原因:避免学习的压力,有足够的时间去社交。故F选项“这样,你就可以避免学习的压力,有足够的时间去社交”符合语境,故选F。
63.根据后文“College is a crucial time in life for personal development, so make sure you stay on track and always feel positive. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you face problems you don’t know how to deal with.(大学是人生中个人发展的关键时期,所以要确保你走在正轨上,保持积极的心态。如果你遇到不知道如何处理的问题,不要犹豫寻求帮助)”可知,本段的主旨是及时寻求帮助。故A选项“需要帮助时寻求帮助”符合语境,故选A。
64.根据上文“Colleges offer many wonderful student services, including academic tutoring, mental health counseling (咨询) and career advice. It’s a great free resource that helps you both in the long and short run.(大学提供许多很棒的学生服务,包括学术辅导、心理健康咨询和职业建议。这是一个很好的免费资源,对你的长期和短期都有帮助)”以及后文“This will save you a lot of stress.(这会给你减轻很多压力)”可知,上文提到了大学提供学生服务,后文指出某种做法可以减轻压力,可知本句是在说明这一做法是什么:如果你对课堂内容有疑问,问你的老师或同学。故E选项“如果你对课堂内容有疑问,问你的老师或同学”符合语境,故选E。
65.根据上文“•Be kind to yourself. There may be expectations for you or others to do really well at college. If you don’t reach this expectation, you might feel upset.(•善待自己。人们可能期望你或其他人在大学里取得好成绩。如果你没有达到这个期望,你可能会感到沮丧)”以及后文“You may get stressed in the first semester of college if your grades are lower than expected. Once adjust your expectations and improve skills, you may feel much more comfortable.(如果你的成绩低于预期,你可能会在大学的第一学期感到压力。一旦调整了你的期望,提高了你的技能,你可能会感觉舒服得多)”可知,上文提到没有达到期望会感到沮丧,故本句是在说明解决方案。故G选项“不要拿自己和别人比较,总是有一些策略来帮助释放压力”符合语境,故选G。
66.D 67.C 68.G 69.A 70.E
66.上文“When starting college, most students enjoy a week’s stay on campus before classes actually begin. (刚开始上大学时,大多数学生都喜欢在上课前在校园里呆一周)”指出刚到学校的一周学生们都喜欢呆在校园里;下文“Below are several tips to ease yourself into college life. (以下是让自己轻松进入大学生活的几个技巧)”提出适应大学生活是有法可循的。由此推知,空处提出上课前的一周应该做什么,以引出下文的建议。D选项“那段时间你该怎么办?”切题。故选D项。
67.根据上文“Most universities host welcome events before the academic year officially begins, including freshmen orientations (迎新会), campus picnics, and entertainments like concerts. Participating in such events is a great way to learn about school facilities and understand campus culture (大多数大学在学年正式开始前都会举办欢迎活动,包括新生迎新、校园野餐和音乐会等娱乐活动。参加此类活动是了解学校设施和了解校园文化的好方法:)”推知,下文应陈述参加这些活动会让学生了解哪些方面的内容,再结合下文几个问句,可知空处也是问句。C选项“学生们如何适应?”切题。故选C项。
68.由上文“Take some time to check out the buildings where your classes will be held. This will prevent you from getting lost in the first few days of classes. (花点时间看看你将要上课的建筑。这样可以防止你在上课的头几天迷路)”可知,该空承接上文讲多花时间熟悉教学楼的作用:一是防止迷路,二是熟悉固定路程所需时间,G选项“它还让你熟悉从一个地方到另一个地方需要多长时间”切题。故选G项。
69.该空总结下文,选取小标题。由下文“Starting classes means being in different places at different times, so it’s a great idea to start getting used to that routine right this week. (开始上课意味着在不同的时间在不同的地方,所以本周开始习惯这种习惯是个好主意)”和“Starting classes means being in different places at different times, so it’s a great idea to start getting used to that routine right this week. (遵循计划时间将确保你有足够的睡眠来上早课并保持清醒)”可知,下文主要讲利用上课前的一周适应大学生活的策略之一——遵守习惯,A选项“开始一个习惯。”切题。故选A项。
70.下文“Following the planned time will ensure you have enough sleep to get to those early classes and stay wide awake. (遵循计划时间将确保你有足够的睡眠来上早课并保持清醒)”讲建立睡眠习惯的好处,由此推知,E选项“对你帮助最大的是安排你的睡眠”切题。故选E项。
71.E 72.D 73.C 74.F 75.G
71.由上文“Get up close and personal. (近距离接触,亲密无间)”和下文“Therefore, take your time to observe qualities about a work that may not come through on a computer screen. That includes its look and the feel of its surface, the marks made by the brush and the path your eyes take when viewing the work. (因此,花点时间观察电脑屏幕上可能看不到的作品的质量。这包括它的外观和表面的感觉,画笔留下的痕迹,以及你观看作品时眼睛所走的路径)”可知,只有在博物馆里才能近距离接触、仔细观察艺术作品,承接上下文,E选项“我们有幸在博物馆里看到真实的东西。”切题。故选E项。
72.由上文“Stand back. Next, take a few steps back, stand in the center — and observe what’s happening in the big picture. What’s going on in the piece? (退后。接下来,后退几步,站在中心,观察大局中发生了什么。这幅作品是怎么回事?)”和下文“What are they doing? How are they related? (他们在做什么?它们是如何关联的?)”可知,后退是为了更好地思考艺术作品的意义,可以通过相关问题来建立艺术联系,下文中的“they”指代D选项中的“the figures in the piece”,承接上下文,D选项“这幅作品中的人物是如何排列的?”切题,且与前后句式一致。故选D项。
73.由上文“Look at it from an angle. Then try looking at an artwork from its sides, because you might catch something you might not have seen straight on. If it’s something like The Ambassadors by Holbein at The National Gallery in London, if you stand to the side, you’ll see something that from front on looks very different. (从一个角度看。然后试着从侧面看一件艺术品,因为你可能会看到一些你可能没有直接看到的东西。如果它像伦敦国家美术馆的霍尔拜因大使,如果你站在侧面,你会看到一些从正面看非常不同的东西)”和下文“That’s called anamorphic art. (这就是变形艺术)”可知,不同角度看变形艺术,你会看到不同的东西,该空承接上下文讲不同角度视角下的变形艺术是什么样的,C选项“当你站在一边时,它会改变。”切题。故选C项。
74.承接上文“Move your body. If you’re looking at a painting, you can take a finger to the air and trace the outline of the figure or the movement of the brushstrokes. (移动你的身体。如果你在看一幅画,你可以把一根手指举到空中,追踪人物的轮廓或笔触的移动)”再次举例说明通过移动你的身体来与艺术建立有意义的联系,F选项“看雕塑时,试着用你的身体摆姿势。”切题。故选F项。
75.由小标题“Consider the subject of the art. (想想艺术的主题)”和上文“Take the example of Andrew Wyeth’s famous painting, Christina’s World, which depicts (描绘) a girl with a muscle disease crawling across a field to get to her home in the distance. The painting personifies (体现) determination. (以安德鲁·怀思的著名画作《克里斯蒂娜的世界》为例,这幅画描绘了一个患有肌肉疾病的女孩爬过田野去远方的家。这幅画体现了决心)”可知,本段作者建议通过思考艺术的主题来与艺术建立有意义的联系,以著名画作《克里斯蒂娜的世界》的艺术的主题(决心)为例,该空应讲明这种有意义联系的积极作用,承接上下文,G选项“知道我们有这种内在的力量,可以在某种程度上缓解你的压力。”切题。故选G项。
76.F 77.B 78.E 79.D 80.G
76.上文“No two libraries are the same. One could be a center of students doing projects, while another could be a center for the homeless and people seeking jobs.(没有两个图书馆是相同的。一个可以是学生做项目的中心,而另一个可以是无家可归者和寻找工作的人的中心。)”指出图书馆的不同功能,下文“It used to be an unwelcome place for children, but now it has become a hub(活动中心)for community activity.(它曾经是一个不受孩子欢迎的地方,但现在它已经成为一个社区活动的中心。)”描述图书馆如今的功能,由此可知,空处应该也是围绕图书馆的功能来讲,F项“尽管如此,图书馆的重点仍然是作为一个信息和知识的场所。”引起下文,讲述了图书馆如今的重点功能,下文“It”代指选项中的“a library ”,故选F。
77.下文“When you arrive, there will be someone there to help you and your children set up library cards, sign up for programs, and show you where the books are.(当你到达时,会有人在那里帮助你和你的孩子设置图书卡,注册项目,并告诉你书在哪里。)”指出你去图书馆借书不需要做什么,因为有人帮你做所有的事,你只管去图书馆即可,B项“杰克逊说,你只要去图书馆就行了!”符合,下文具体对此进行介绍,故选B。
78.上文“Jackson advises parents visiting the library when lots of activities are going on, as well as when it is quiet time(杰克逊建议家长在许多活动正在进行的时候以及图书馆安静的时候去图书馆。)”提到建议家长在有活动或图书馆安静的时候去图书馆,由此可知,空处指出父母应该去图书馆,E项“父母可以通过使用图书馆作为一种资源来树立一个好榜样。”符合,故选E。
79.下文“When there are a lot of activities, Jackson says some children can feel stressed. (杰克逊说,当有很多活动时,有些孩子会感到压力。)”指出在图书馆有活动时,带孩子去图书馆,会让有些孩子感到压力,由此可知,空处应该指出在图书馆安静的时候带孩子去,D项“安静的时间也是带孩子去图书馆的重要时间”符合,故选D。
80.根据上文“So often people say(人们常说)”可知,空处应该是引用人们常说的话,下文“Go find out what’s going on,(去看看怎么回事)”提倡人们人们要去图书馆,由此可知,空处指人们常说自己不去图书馆,所以才有了下文的号召人们去图书馆,G项“我已经很多年没进过图书馆了因为我不需要再去了解它了。”符合上下文,故选G。
81.C 82.A 83.E 84.B 85.G
81.空前说“We have been taught from a young age that red means danger, while green means safety.(我们从小就被教导红色代表危险,绿色代表安全。)”,空后说“For something we have to look at every day, why couldn’t they have been prettier colors? You’re about to find out.(对于我们每天都要看的东西来说,为什么它们不能有更漂亮的颜色呢?你马上就知道了。)”,因此空格处应该提出疑问,为什么非要用这红色代表危险,绿色代表安全,C选项“But why were those particular colors chosen for traffic lights?(但是为什么选择这些特定的颜色作为交通灯呢?)”引出下文的解释,因此C选项承上启下,符合语境,故选C。
82.空前说“But train conductors ran into a problem with the color white meaning go — bright white could easily be mistaken for stars at night.(但是火车售票员遇到了一个问题,白色的意思是“走”——明亮的白色很容易被误认为是夜晚的星星。)”,空后说“It has been that way ever since.(从那以后就一直是这样。)”,根据常识可知,现在是用绿色表示通行,因此空格处应该说铁路公司改为用绿色代表通行,A选项“Railway companies eventually moved to the color green for go.(铁路公司最终改用绿色代表通行。)”符合语境,故选A。
83.空后说“That means that as it travels through the air, it gets diffused (分散) less than other colors, so it can be seen from a greater distance. For example, think about how the light turns red as the sun sets. Even though the human eye is most sensitive to a yellowish-green highlighter color, it can see red from further away.(这意味着当它在空气中传播时,它比其他颜色扩散得更少,所以它可以从更远的地方看到。例如,想想太阳下山时光线是如何变红的。尽管人类的眼睛对黄绿色荧光最敏感,但它可以在更远的地方看到红色。)”,说明本段主要介绍的是红色,E选项“Red is the color with the longest wavelength.(红色是波长最长的颜色。)”描述的是红色,因此符合语境,故选E。
84.空前说“It’s not clear whether that was chosen based on wavelength, contrast against green nature or natural connection of red with things like blood.(目前尚不清楚这种选择是基于波长、与绿色的对比还是与血液等物质的自然联系。)”,既然尚不清楚,那就说明可能这几种都有,B选项“It could be a mix of all three!(它可能是三者的混合!)”说明了空前描述的这几种情况可能都有,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选B。
85.空前说“However, believe it or not, yellow was once used to mean stop. Back in the 1900s, some stop signs were yellow because it was too hard to see a red sign in a poorly lit area.(然而,信不信由你,黄色曾经被用来表示停止。早在20世纪初,一些停车标志是黄色的,因为在光线不足的地区很难看到红色标志。)”,空格处应该解释后来为什么又出现了红色标志,G选项“Eventually, highly reflective materials were developed, and red stop signs were born.(最终,高反射材料被开发出来,红色停车标志诞生了。)”说明了红色停车标志是如何诞生的,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选G。
86.E 87.D 88.A 89.B 90.G
86.分析语篇可知,该题起到总起作用,根据空前的“The goal is often to escape from the site of the game.(目标通常是逃离游戏现场。)”可知本文讲述的是密室逃生游戏,因为下文提到四个密室逃脱的小技巧,所以此空处引出下文讲述的四个技巧,E选项“There are four tips to play escape games.(玩逃脱游戏有四个技巧。)”引出下文,符合题意。故选E项。
87.根据空前的“Don’t make things difficult by looking for complex solutions.(不要通过寻找复杂的解决方案来使事情变得困难。)”并结合本段小主题句“Keep it simple”可知,此空处应与答案简单有关系,D选项“More often than not, the answer is right there staring you in the face.很多时候,答案就在你眼前。”符合本段的主题,与上空前内容衔接合理。故选D项。
88.分析语篇结构可知,此处为四个逃脱小技巧之一,应该是祈使句,根据下文中的“Sometimes, the escape game creators add a puzzle to confuse players, but this hardly happens. As usual, every puzzle is important and each clue has the potential for revealing the key.(有时候,逃脱游戏的创造者会添加谜题来迷惑玩家,但这种情况很少发生。像往常一样,每个谜题都很重要,每个线索都有可能揭示关键。)”可知,本段一直提到Puzzle这个词,所以本段主题与此有关,A选项“Don’t ignore escape game puzzles.(不要忽视逃脱游戏谜题。)”内容与本段吻合,且句式结构与其它仨段落主题句句式一致。故选A项。
89.根据空前“Remember when you were a kid and you would think up all these imaginative stories and situations.(记得当你还是个孩子的时候,你会想出所有这些富有想象力的故事和情景。)”与空后的“Think like a 4th grader and you’ll find the game more enjoyable and the puzzles easier to solve.(想像一个四年级的学生,你会发现游戏更有趣,谜题更容易解决。)”并结合本段主题句“Think like a 4th grader(像四年级学生一样思考)”可知,该题应该是与像个4年级孩子一样思考问题,B选项“You need to imagine you to be a 10-year-old child.(你需要想象你是一个10岁的孩子。)”与主题句内容一致,且起到承上启下的作用。故选B项。
90.根据本段主题句“Experiment with use(尝试不同用途)”可可知,本段讲述的与用途有关,根据空前的“Is the honey bucket just a metal thing filled with human waste or is there a clue under it?(蜂蜜桶只是一个装满人类排泄物的金属东西,还是下面有线索?)”和空后的“We get so stuck on how things are normally used that our minds refuse to think of alternative ways of using them.(我们如此纠结于事物通常的使用方式,以至于我们的大脑拒绝思考使用它们的替代方法。)”可知,该空是进一步说明the honey bucket的用途有关系,G选项“Or maybe, it can be turned upside down to use as a simple ladder.(或者,它可以倒过来作为一个简单的梯子使用。)”是从叧一个角度来说明the honey bucket的用途,代词it指代内容为空前的the honey bucket,指代内容与空前相符,且内容与主题吻合。故选G项。
91.C 92.D 93.G 94.F 95.A
91.上文“Have you ever suffered your mother’s complaints about her aches and pains? Lengthy complaints will ruin the quality of your time together. (你是否曾经遭受过你母亲关于她身体疼痛的抱怨?长时间的抱怨会破坏你们在一起的时间质量)”指出如果你的母亲在你面前抱怨这可以产生不好的结果,下文“Actually there are some ways to get a complainer to stop without starting an argument.(事实上,有一些方法可以让抱怨者停止抱怨而不会引起争论)”笔锋一转,指出有办法能让抱怨者停止抱怨而不会引起争论,由此可知,空处应该承接上文,C项“但你可能没有足够的勇气去阻止她”切题,是对上文的总结,同时也引出了本文话题,即针对你可能没有足够的勇气去阻止自己的母亲抱怨这种事,本文有一些方法,故选C。
92.根据本段中心句“Change the subject. (换个话题)”可知,本段主要讲了要转移抱怨者的话题,空前“If your neighbor is complaining about the phone company, tell her about an unexpected call you received from an old friend. If your coworker is complaining about your boss, ask whether he met the new employee.(如果你的邻居正在抱怨电话公司,告诉她你意外地接到了一个老朋友的电话。如果你的同事在抱怨你的老板,问问他是否见过新员工)”列举你会遇到周围的一些人向你抱怨的情况,空格处应该承接上文,指出我们如果遇到一些人向我们抱怨,应该如何做,即转移话题,D项“把他们从现在的焦点上转移开”符合本段中心思想,故选D。
93.上文“If your complainer keeps repeating himself, he may stop if you show that you’re listening.(如果你的抱怨者不断重复自己的话,如果你表现出你在听,他可能会停下来)”指出当抱怨者向自己抱怨时,要表示出你在听,空处应该承接上文,指出具体如何做才能表现出自己在听,G项“问一些类似这样的问题,‘我能告诉你我听到了的以及我理解你的感受吗?’”切题,是表现出自己在听的具体做法,故选G。
94.根据本段中心句“Try to be honest.(试着说实话)”可知,本段主要讲要对抱怨者说实话,上文“When you have things to do, tell the complainer that you must cut the conversation short.(当你有事情要做时,告诉抱怨者你必须中断谈话)”提到当你有事情要做时,告诉抱怨者你必须中断谈话,下文“You can simply be honest(你可以只是直说)”提到你要直说,即你不需要找借口,F项“你不需要诸如工作截止日期或者牙医预约之类的借口”切题,故选F。
95.此处是本段中心句。由下文“When it’s someone very close to you–your partner, sibling, or best friend–who stresses you out with a lot of negativity, it’s important to talk about the problem with an open heart. (当与你非常亲近的人——你的伴侣、兄弟姐妹或最好的朋友——给你带来很多负面压力时,敞开心扉谈论这个问题是很重要的)”可知,本段主要讲要和抱怨者敞开心扉谈论,A项“开诚布公地谈一谈”切题,能概括本段内容,故选A。
96.G 97.B 98.C 99.F 100.E
96.根据空格前的句子“Every parent wants their children to develop well(每个父母都希望自己的孩子能健康成长)”和空格后的句子“However, for a child, play is the main way of interacting with the world, mastering new knowledge and skills.(然而,对于一个孩子来说,游戏是与世界互动,掌握新知识和技能的主要方式)”可知,空格处的句子应说游戏的缺点,与空格后的句子形成转折关系。G项“Sometimes it seems that a child’s game is empty entertainment and it would be better to replace it with something more useful.(有时候,孩子们的游戏似乎是空洞的娱乐,最好是用更有用的东西来代替它)”是说游戏的缺点,所以把G项填入空格处,符合题意。故选G项。
97.下文“This applies not only to special educational games, but outdoor games which promote physical development and strengthen the health of the child. (这不仅适用于特殊的教育游戏,也适用于促进身体发育和增强儿童健康的户外游戏。)”说明的是游戏所起到点教育和发展的作用,因此B项“教育与发展”符合本段段意,故选B。
98.由上文“ The game is a way to be closer, to feel the support, care and love of parents. (游戏是一种更亲密的方式,可以感受到父母的支持、关心和爱)”可知,空处强调父母和孩子进行游戏的重要性;结合选项可知,选项C.Therefore, it is very important that parents find time to play together with their child.(因此,父母找时间和孩子一起玩是非常重要的。)承接前文,符合语境。故选C。
99.本段主旨句“Development of social skill and familiarity with social roles. (社交技能的发展和对社会角色的熟悉)”说明的是游戏培养孩子们的社交能力,因此F项“在游戏中,孩子们学会遵守规则,控制自己的行为,发展与同龄人和成年人的沟通技巧”符合语境,故选F。
100.上文“The game brings pleasure, joy and a lot of other positive emotions to the child and the significance of this cannot be underestimated (游戏给孩子带来了快乐、喜悦和许多其他积极的情绪,这一点的重要性不容低估)”说明游戏能带来的积极情绪,与因此E项“此外,通过游戏,孩子学会为自己的成功感到骄傲,这有助于他的自尊”是积极情绪的体现,故选E。
101.D 102.A 103.F 104.E 105.B
101.上文“We all know about the health benefits of swimming.(我们都知道游泳对健康的好处。)”说明游泳对健康有好处,选项D“但是谁会喜欢在冰冷的水中游泳呢”承接上文,转折语义,提出冷水游泳的问题,引出下文“Well, many people are trying, based on evidence that it is good for us. (很多人都在尝试,因为有证据表明这对我们有好处。)”说明冷水游泳对人们也有许多好处。故选D项。
102.下文“And research has found it can have much bigger benefits than that for your body and mind. (研究发现,它对你的身心有更大的好处。)”阐述冷水游泳对身心有好处,和上文选项并列,选项A“冷水游泳能使人清醒”具体说明冷水游泳的好处。语义一致,故选A项。
103.下文“One man who suffered constant pain after surgery claimed he was cured by taking a dive in cold open water.(一名手术后持续疼痛的男子声称,他在冰冷的开放水域潜水后痊愈了。)”举例说明冷水游泳能治愈某些疾病,选项F“有证据表明,冷水游泳可以治愈某些健康问题”提出有证据表明冷水游泳能解决某些健康问题。故选F项。
104.上文“Doctors say getting into cold water causes a stress response, but the more you do it, your reaction to stress is reduced. It’s also thought to have a strong anti-inflammatory (消炎的) effect. (医生说,进入冷水会引起压力反应,但你做得越多,你对压力的反应就会减少。它也被认为有很强的抗炎作用。)”说明冷水游泳引起的减压有抗炎作用,选项E“但这种减压运动还有更大的好处”承接上文,进一步说明这种减压运动还有更大的好处,和上文是递进关系。故选E项。
105.下文“approach it with great care, swim with a friend, and maybe start in the summer, when the water temperatures are higher!(小心地着手进行它(冷水游泳),和朋友一起游泳,也许在夏天开始,当水温更高的时候!)”对冷水游泳提出具体的建议,选项B“所以,如果你确信这是适合你的,接受这个建议”引领下文。语义一致,故选B项。
106.B 107.C 108.E 109.F 110.A
106.上文“You don’t need to be an astronomer with a giant telescope to enjoy a simple but spellbinding activity: stargazing.(你不需要是一个拥有巨大望远镜的天文学家,就可以享受一项简单但引人入胜的活动:观星)”说明想要享受观星这一活动不需要有巨大的望远镜,它很简单,B项“晚上出去抬头看看就好了。”介绍观星的简单方法,承接上文,符合题意。故选B。
107.上文“For the best results, choose a clear night when the moon is not very bright.(为了获得最佳效果,请选择一个月亮不太亮的晴朗夜晚)”说明观星时,夜晚的月亮不要太亮,C项“你应该避开满月。”承接上文,符合题意。故选C。
108.上文“The best places for stargazing are open, hilly areas or the coast.(观星的最佳地点是开阔的丘陵地区或海岸)”说明观星的最佳地点,以及下文“It is our home galaxy stretching across the night sky and is best seen in summer and fall evening skies.(它是我们的银河系,横跨夜空,在夏季和秋季的夜空中最为明显)”介绍银河系的相关信息,E项中the Milky Way表示“银河系”,是关键词,E项“在这些地方,你可以寻找银河系。”承上启下,“these places”代指上文提到的“open, hilly areas or the coast.”。故选E。
109.下文“That is camping in a national park under a star-filled sky.(那就是在星空下的国家公园里露营)”说明体验观星的最好方式就是在星空下的国家公园里露营,F项“体验这一伟大奇迹的更好方式是什么?”提出问题,引出下文的答案,符合题意,和下文构成一问一答。故选F。
110.上文“You might want to take a camera with you as well, so you can take a photo if you see something amazing in the sky. A whole new world comes alive at night and is waiting to be explored. (你可能也想带上相机,这样如果你在天空中看到了令人惊叹的东西,你就可以拍张照片了。一个全新的世界在夜晚活跃起来,等待着探索)”介绍为观星这一活动所做的准备,A项中prepared是关键词,A项“为上空的奇迹做好准备。”承接上文,符合题意。故选A。
111.C 112.F 113.A 114.E 115.B
111.空处位于第一段段末,应承上启下。上文“You’ve probably heard countless times how exercise is ‘good for you’. But did you know that it can improve your mood too?(你可能听过无数次运动‘对你有好处’。但你知道它也能改善你的情绪吗?)”提到运动对身体和情绪有好处,C项“锻炼对身体的每个部分都有好处,包括头脑”符合语境,总领下文,故选C。
112.上文“Also, when you exercise, your body makes chemicals that help you feel good. Exercise lowers your chances of depression and decreases feelings of anxiety.(此外,当你锻炼时,你的身体会产生帮助你感觉良好的化学物质。锻炼可以降低抑郁和焦虑的几率)”是具体讲述运动的好处,F项“此外,锻炼可以在你实现目标后给你一种成就感”与上文并列,也是具体描述运动的好处,故选F。
113.上文“And the great thing is that it’s never too late to start.(最棒的是,现在开始永远都不晚)”提到现在开始运动也不晚,结合下文“like taking a short bike ride, walking the dog or raking (用耙子拢) leaves(比如骑一小段自行车,遛狗或用耙子拢树叶)”可知,此处是列举能起到锻炼作用的一些小事,故A项“即使是很小的事情也可以算作锻炼”符合语境。故选A。
114.上文“However, sometimes you may find it hard to keep exercising regularly.(然而,有时你会发现很难保持有规律的锻炼)”提到有时很难保持有规律的锻炼,结合下文“If what you’re doing isn’t fun, it’s hard to keep it up.(如果你正在做的事情不有趣,就很难坚持下去)”可知,空处应是说明很难保持有规律的锻炼的原因——缺乏兴趣,E项“人们放弃锻炼计划的最大原因之一是缺乏兴趣”符合语境,故选E。
115.此处是总结上文,根据下文“even those with disabilities or medical problems(即使是那些有残疾或身体有问题的人)”推知,空处指出人人都能从锻炼中受益。B项“每个人都能从多动少坐中受益”符合语境,衔接合理。故选B。
116.E 117.F 118.D 119.C 120.G
116.根据上文“Any time of the day you can commit to exercising is a good time for getting active. However, the best time for exercise is different for each person.(一天中任何可以锻炼的时间都是活跃起来的好时间。然而,锻炼的最佳时间对每个人来说都是不同的)”可知,上文提到“锻炼的最佳时间对每个人来说都是不同的”,说明本句是在建议根据自身情况找到合适的锻炼时间。故E选项“考虑你的生活方式和锻炼目标,找到合适的时间”符合语境,故选E。
117.根据后文“You are more likely to hit the snooze button instead of getting a workout in.(你更有可能按下贪睡按钮,而不是去锻炼)”可知,后文提到可能贪睡,说明无法早起去锻炼,故F选项“如果你不是一个早起的人,就不要安排早起锻炼”符合语境,故选F。
118.根据上文“Consider your daily schedule. When are you the busiest?(考虑一下你的日常日程安排。你什么时候最忙?)”可知,本句与上文并列,都是关于日程安排的设问句,故D选项“你倾向于在什么时候安排你最重要的任务?”符合语境,故选D。
119.根据上文“Determine your exercise goals. If you are trying to develop a routine, you may want to exercise in the morning. People who exercise in the morning are more consistent.(确定你的锻炼目标。如果你想养成习惯,你可能想在早上锻炼。早上锻炼的人更稳定)”以及后文“If you are trying to improve your performance, evening exercise may be best.(如果你想提高你的表现,晚上锻炼可能是最好的)”可知,后文提到晚上锻炼最好,能提高表现,故本句是对一天日常活动对锻炼影响的猜测:工作一整天后,你可能不想锻炼。故C选项“工作一整天后,你可能不想锻炼”符合语境,故选C。
120.根据后文“This way, you’ll see how you feel and find the time that works best with your schedule. Keep an exercise log to help you evaluate each time.(这样,你会看到你的感觉,并找到最适合你的时间表的时间。做一个运动日志来帮助你评估每一次)”可知,本句主要提出了一种锻炼的建议,G选项中you’d better experiment with both morning and evening workouts对应后文this way。故G选项“不管怎样,你最好在早上和晚上都进行锻炼”符合语境,故选G。
121.D 122.F 123.B 124.A 125.C
121.上文“He often took her to work with him, and she developed a strong interest in news stories and reporting.”(他经常带她一起去工作,她对新闻故事及报道产生了强烈的兴趣。)说明了Hilde开始对报纸行业产生兴趣,结合下文“She did the writing, her sister Izzy took pictures, and her father helped her organize and print the newspaper.”(她负责撰稿,她的妹妹Izzy负责拍照,她父亲帮她排版和打印报纸。)可知,Hilde开始自己制作报纸,D项“When she was 8, Hilde started her own newspaper.”(当她八岁时,Hilde开办了自己的报纸。)衔接上下文恰当。故选D项。
122.上文“Soon, news organizations around the country were doing stories on Hilde.”(很快,全国各地的新闻机构都在报道Hilde。)可知,Hilde有了名声,结合下文“Some people criticized her parents for allowing her to report on something as unpleasant as a murder.”(有些人批评她的父母允许她报道一些像谋杀这样令人不快的事情。)可知,并不是所有人都欣赏Hilde的报道行为,F项“Not everyone was happy about Hilde’s efforts, though.”(但是,并不是每个人都欣赏Hilde做出的努力。)衔接上下文恰当。故选F项。
123.上文“Others criticized Hilde for “pretending to be a reporter’’. Some people even suggested she should be playing with dolls.”(有些人批评她说她假装记者。还有一些人甚至建议她应该玩洋娃娃。)描述了人们对Hilde各种各样的批评,空处应该承接上文,指出Hilde对此做出的反应,B项“Hilde was upset by the complaints.”(Hilde对这些抱怨感到不安。)中“complaints”照应上文提到的各种批评,衔接恰当。故选B项。
124.上文“Sometimes, it was because of her age. Other times, it was because she was a girl.”(有时候,是因为她的年龄,有时候是因为她的性别。)说明了人们批评Hilde的其他原因,结合下文“Hilde continued reporting and her activities as a reporter have made her famous.”(Hilde继续她的报道,她作为记者的行为使她非常出名。)可知,Hilde并没有因为批评而停止报道。A项“But she never let that stop her”(但她从未因此而停止。)衔接恰当。故选A项。
125.下文“But she is still just 15, and has plenty of time to decide what she wants to do with her life.”(但是她才15岁,有大量的时间去决定她想从事的工作。)可知,前句与其构成转折,C项“For now, Hilde says she has given up reporting.”(现在,Hilde说她已经不再报道新闻了。)说明她现在不再报道新闻了,衔接后文“虽然如此,但她年龄还小,有大量的时间去决定日后从事的工作”符合句意。故选C项。
126.D 127.F 128.A 129.E 130.G
126.根据上文“If you’re looking to make some changes and improve your health, this blog post is for you(如果你想做出一些改变并改善你的健康状况,这篇博客文章是为你准备的)”以及下文“Get moving(动起来)”可推理出下文讲的是有关改变并改善健康状况的方法技巧的过渡句,与D项“Here are some simple tips that can help you turn things around within 30 days.(以下是一些简单的技巧,可以帮助你在30天内扭转局面)”表达的含义一致,故选D项。
127.根据下文“This could include going for a brisk walk, riding your bike, or taking a fitness class.(这可能包括快走、骑自行车或参加健身课程)”可推理出,上文讲的是设定每天的体育运动目标,与F项“One way to make exercising easier is to set a daily goal of 30 minutes of physical activity.(让锻炼变得更容易的一种方法是设定每天30分钟的体育活动目标)”表达的含义一致,故选F项。
128.根据上文“Sugar can cause inflammation and worsen existing health conditions like diabetes and heart disease(糖会引起炎症,并使糖尿病和心脏病等现有健康状况恶化)”可推理出,糖会引起健康状况恶化,下文继续讲的是糖会导致身体的其他不适,与A项“It can also lead to weight gain and make you feel exhausted.(它也会导致体重增加,让你感到筋疲力尽)”表达的含义一致,故选A项。
129.根据上文“Your body comprises about 60% water. It helps flush toxins from your body, carry nutrients to your cells, and keep your skin healthy. It helps improve your mood and energy levels and helps you lose weight.(你的身体由大约60%的水组成。它有助于排出体内毒素,将营养物质输送到细胞中,保持皮肤健康。它有助于改善你的情绪和能量水平,帮助你减肥)”可知,水有益于人的健康,因此下文讲的是感到不适的时候,要喝水,与E项“So next time you’re feeling tired, reach for a glass of water instead of a cup of coffee(所以下次你觉得累的时候,去拿一杯水,而不是一杯咖啡)”表达的含义一致,故选E项。
130.上文“When you sleep enough, your body has adequate time to recharge and heal from the day’s activities, which also helps to improve focus and concentration, and help boost your mood.(当你睡眠充足时,你的身体有足够的时间从一天的活动中充电和恢复,这也有助于提高注意力和集中度,并有助于提振你的情绪)”提到睡眠充足有助于提高注意力和集中度,并有助于提振你的情绪,这是在强调睡眠充足的重要性,G项“However, when you don’t get enough rest, you’re more likely to have trouble concentrating.(然而,当你没有得到足够的休息时,你更有可能难以集中注意力)”和上文是转折关系,强调睡眠不足会使注意力难以集中,此处也是在强调睡眠充足的重要性,故选G项。
131.C 132.F 133.G 134.A 135.D
131.空前“Some strategies, such as exercising and managing weight, are well known.(一些策略,如锻炼和控制体重,是众所周知的。)”讲述的是一些较为人所知的预防心脏病的方式。而空后“These small changes in your everyday routine can have a big impact in the long run.(这些日常生活中的小改变从长远来看会产生很大的影响。)”中的“these small changes”则表明空处要提到另外一些可以预防心脏病的小改变。选项C“But others may not have crossed your mind. (但是其他的你可能没有想过。)”承上启下,引出下文。故选C。
132.根据下文“If we are lacking in sleep, our bodies also have more difficulty controlling blood pressure and glucose(血糖) levels. These factors can all have an impact on cardiovascular(心血管) health.(如果我们缺乏睡眠,我们的身体也更难控制血压和血糖水平。这些因素都会对心血管健康产生影响。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是缺乏睡眠带来的坏处。选项F“When you’re not rested, everything that happens in your life is more stressful.(当你没有休息好时,生活中发生的每件事都会更有压力。)”与下文内容一致,也是讲述缺乏睡眠的坏处。故选F。
133.空前“Doing good for others helps your self-esteem and relieves stress. (为他人做好事有助于你的自尊和缓解压力。)”可知,空前讲述的是做好事的好处;而空后“We know that loneliness is a risk factor for heart health, and volunteering gets you out of the house and creates a social network.(我们知道孤独是心脏健康的一个风险因素,志愿活动让你走出家门,建立一个社交网络。)”可知,生活有动力,不孤独也可以预防心脏病。选项G“It is proved that a feeling of purpose in life is linked to a lower likelihood of heart attack.(事实证明,生活中有目标的感觉与较低的心脏病发作的可能性有关。)”符合上下文内容,指的是如果一个人生活中有了目标,那么也可以预防心脏病。故选G。
134.空处为小标题,为本段主要内容。根据下文“Exposure to this kind of pollution over time raises your risk of heart disease. Breathing in contaminants(污染物) formed from chemicals may harm your heart. Even short periods of exposure are unhealthy for people who already have cardiovascular risks, such as high blood pressure. Try to get your outdoor exercise far away from highways and industrial districts.(长期暴露在这种污染中会增加患心脏病的风险。吸入由化学物质形成的污染物可能会伤害你的心脏。对于已经患有高血压等心血管疾病的人来说,即使是短时间的接触也不健康。尽量让你的户外运动远离高速公路和工业区。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是避免空气污染。选项A“Avoid polluted air.(避免空气污染)”与下文内容一致。故选A。
135.根据上文“Healthy people who skipped breakfast were three times more likely to have heart disease than those who have a substantial morning meal. If you’re eating a proper breakfast, you’re less likely to be hungry later and make poor food choices.(不吃早餐的健康人患心脏病的几率是早餐吃得丰盛的人的三倍。如果你吃了一顿合适的早餐,你之后就不太可能饿,也不太可能做出糟糕的食物选择。)”可知,空前主要讲述的是吃早餐的重要性。而空后“Choose whole-grain foods and include fruit.(选择全麦食品,包括水果。)”则推荐了早餐的种类。选项D“We need to intake enough energy as part of a healthy lifestyle.(作为健康生活方式的一部分,我们需要摄入足够的能量。)”承上启下,引出下文什么样的早餐才能保证足够的能量。故选D。
136.F 137.B 138.A 139.D 140.E
136.空格处的句子应该是一个承上启下的句子,根据下文讲述的三种睡觉姿势对健康的影响可知,空格处的句子应该提到睡觉姿势对人的健康的影响,所以F项“Here, this article reveals exactly how your sleep position is affecting your health.(在这里,这篇文章揭示了你的睡眠姿势是如何影响你的健康的)”填入空格处,可以引起下文,符合题意。故选F项。
137.空格前的句子“Often our body naturally moves to this position, which is linked to when we were in the womb in the foetal(胎儿的) position.(我们的身体通常会自然地移动到这个姿势,这与我们在子宫里的胎儿姿势有关)”是说侧卧而睡与胎儿的姿势有关,而空格后的句子“It offers a number of benefits to your body, from promoting healthy spine alignment(脊椎对齐) which can help to prevent back pain to reducing heartburn and snoring.(它对你的身体有很多好处,从促进健康的脊柱,可以帮助防止背痛,到减少胃灼热和打鼾)”却是在说侧卧而睡对健康的好处,前后句子之间缺少过渡,所以空格处的句子应该起到过渡作用,过渡到讲述侧卧而睡对健康的影响上来。所以B项“Sleeping on your side is probably the best position(侧卧可能是最好的睡姿)”填入空格处,可以起到这种过渡作用。故填B项。
138.空格前的句子“When you’re sleeping on your back, it’s easy to keep alignment and to also evenly distribute your weight.(当你平躺着睡觉时,很容易保持身体的直线,也很容易平均分配你的体重)”是说,平躺着睡觉对身体的好处,空格处的句子也应该涉及平躺着睡的好处,所以A项“This also helps to prevent any neck and back pain.(这也有助于预防颈部和背部疼痛)”填入空格处,可以顺接上文的内容。故选A项。
139.空格前的句子“Sleeping on your stomach is the least common sleeping position. (趴着睡是最不常见的睡姿)”是说趴着睡是最不常见的睡姿,空格后的句子“And those who sleep on their stomach could put themselves at risk of a less restful night’s sleep. The stomach offers the least amount of back support and can increase pressure on the spine which may cause pain once you wake up.(那些趴着睡的人可能会让自己晚上睡得不那么安稳。胃对背部的支撑最少,而且会增加脊椎的压力,醒来后可能会引起疼痛)”又说趴着睡对健康的不良影响,所以空格处的句子也应该是说趴着睡的弊端,所以D项“There are more negatives to this position compared to positives.(这种姿势的坏处比好处要多)”填入空格处,和上下文是顺接关系,符合题意。故选D项。
140.空格后的句子“You should consider various factors such as if you snore or suffer sleep problems, or if you often have back and neck pain.(你应该考虑各种因素,比如你是否打鼾或有睡眠问题,或者你是否经常背部和颈部疼痛)”是说,你的睡觉姿势可能受各种因素的影响,与个人的具体情况有关,空格处的句子也应该提到相关内容,所以E项“Determining the sleeping position for you is personal preference.(睡姿是个人喜好决定的)”填入空格处,和下文是顺接关系。故选E项。
141.A 142.F 143.D 144.B 145.E
141.根据后文“The main reason is the snack’s price, convenience, and timing. Popcorn was cheap for sellers and for customers, and making it didn’t require special equipment. (主要原因是这种零食的价格、方便和时机掌握。爆米花对卖家和消费者来说都很便宜,而且制作爆米花不需要特殊设备)”可知,本段主要在分析爆米花这种零食成为典型电影零食的原因,A项“A few aspects made popcorn the typical movie snack. (有几个方面使得爆米花成为典型的电影零食)”,为本段的主题句,后文中the snack指代A选项中popcorn,下文承接A项,解释爆米花成为电影院零食的一些原因,上下文衔接连贯顺畅。故选A项。
142.根据上文“The main reason is the snack’s price, convenience, and timing. Popcorn was cheap for sellers and for customers, and making it didn’t require special equipment. (主要原因是这种零食的价格、方便和时机掌握。爆米花对卖家和消费者来说都很便宜,而且制作爆米花不需要特殊设备)”,以及后文“That is how popcorn got introduced to the silver screen. (爆米花就是这样被引入银幕的)”可知,后文总结上文关于爆米花成为电影院零食的原因,可推测设空处与上文并列,都在说明这一原因的具体内容;F项“Popcorn also got popular at a time when theaters badly needed an economic increase.(爆米花在影院急需经济增长的时候也很受欢迎)”符合题意,句中的also表明此处为另一个原因,上下文衔接连贯顺畅,故选F项。
143.根据上文“Popcorn does not refer to the popped kernel alone. (爆米花不仅仅指被爆开的玉米粒)”,以及后文“It was originally grown in Central America and became popular in the U.S. in the mid-1800s. (它最初生长在中美洲,19世纪中期开始在美国流行起来)”可知,上文提到爆米花不仅仅指被爆开的玉米,后文则提到了爆米花品种的情况,故本句应承接上文继续就爆米花的品种展开说明,D选“It’s also the name for the specific type of corn that is used to make the snack. (它也是用于制作这种零食的特定类型的玉米的名称)”符合题意,选项中It指代上文中Popcorn,also也表明D项与上文的顺接关系,后文中的it指代D项中的the specific type of corn that is used to make the snack。上下文衔接连贯顺畅,故选D项。
144.根据上文“Compared with other snacks at the time, it was super easy to make, and it got easier in 1885 when the mobile steam-powered popcorn maker was invented. In the late 19th century, a large number of independent popcorn suppliers became widely available. (与当时的其他零食相比,它做起来超级容易,在1885年移动蒸汽动力爆米花机发明后,制作变得更加简单。在19世纪后期,大量的独立爆米花供应商变得广泛)”可知,上文提到了一种制作爆米花的装置,本句为本段最后一句,应承接上文继续就这种装置展开说明,B项“They were like the great-great-grandfathers of food truck.(它们就像是餐车的曾曾祖父)”符合题意,选项中they指代上文a large number of independent popcorn suppliers,与上文衔接连贯,语意一致,故选B项。
145.根据上文“Since popcorn was cheap to make, it was also cheap to buy, which increased the popularity of this treat during the Great Depression. The Depression increased consumer spending on cheaper luxury items such as popcorn and movies, and the two industries teamed up. (因为爆米花制作便宜,所以买起来也便宜,这使得这种零食在大萧条时期更受欢迎。大萧条增加了消费者在爆米花和电影等等廉价奢侈品上的支出,这两个行业联手了)”可知,上文提到爆米花行业和电影行业开始合作,故本句承接上文说明是如何合作的,E项“Theaters would allow a popcorn salesman to sell right outside for a daily fee. (电影院将允许爆米花推销员在外面卖爆米花,每天收取一定的费用)”承接上文,说明了两个行业的具体合作方法,故选E项。
146.F 147.D 148.C 149.E 150.G
146.上文“These tools can record your daily steps, heart rates, etc. (这些工具可以记录你每天的步数、心率等)”说明这些工具可以让你在运动后查看步数和心率,以及下文“If yes, it might be a sign that you’re addicted to your fitness tracker. (如果是,那可能是你对健身追踪器上瘾的迹象)”说明如果是的话,可能是对健身追踪器上瘾,F项中steps and heart rates是关键词,F项“然而,你是否发现自己过于频繁地查看自己的步数和心率?”提出问题,承上启下,符合题意。故选F。
147.下文“If you keep setting unrealistic daily goals that include doing exercise for too long, and if you begin to ignore friends and responsibilities to make time for your exercise, then you’re most probably addicted to your fitness tracker. (如果你总是设定不切实际的日常目标,包括锻炼太长时间,如果你开始忽视朋友和责任,腾出时间来锻炼,那么你很可能对你的健身追踪器上瘾了)”说明对健身追踪器上瘾的具体表现,D项“你如何判断自己是否沉迷于健身追踪器?”提出问题,引出下文的回答,符合题意。故选D。
148.下文“For example, the number in your smart watch showing how far you’ve come can give you a sense of achievement. (例如,智能手表上显示你已经走了多远的数字可以给你一种成就感)”举例说明智能手表上显示的步数会给你一种成就感,C项“毕竟,达到每天的步数是非常有吸引力的。”引出下文,符合题意。故选C。
149.上文“Another problem is that you might find yourself paying too much attention to the step number rather than how your body feels. (另一个问题是,你可能会发现自己过于关注步数,而不是你的身体感觉)”说明你可能会过于关注步数,而不是自己身体的感觉;E项“事实上,这种对步数的上瘾在心理和身体上都是有风险的。”进一步猜测过于关注步数的危害,承接上文,符合题意。故选E。
150.下文“For example, concentrating on your hobbies or socializing with friends can be a great way to keep your mind on other things.(例如,专注于你的爱好或与朋友社交是让你专注于其他事情的好方法)举例说明可以采用查看与健身追踪器无关的事情的方法,G项“除此之外,你还可以找到其他不需要查看健身追踪器的事情。”说明可以寻找其他不需要查看健身追踪器的活动,引出下文,符合题意。故选G。
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