教育科学出版社小学英语三年级起点六年级下册 Module 5 Travel Abroad 教案
展开Module 5 阅读拓展课 第六课时
I will choose to visit China
Module 5 的话题是travel abroad,本课是本模块的第六课时, 阅读拓展课,本课文本内容:I will choose to visit china,选自广州市教育研究院赵淑红老师主编的《拓展读与写》二级水平的一篇文章,本文虽然篇幅有点长,但是没有什么新单词,句子简单,文章从概况、天气、自然景观、美食和人五个方面介绍中国,脉络清晰、结构明了,学生比较容易理解文章内容。所以本课在文本输入的基础上,增加了拓展说,说说我去过的美丽地方;增加了写,写写美丽的增城,从而发展了学生听、说、读、写的综合语言运用能力。
二、 学生情况分析
三、 分课时目标
1. 师生共创情景,运用所学的语言知识与学生生活相结合,养成大胆开口说英语的良好习惯。
2. 通过参与小组活动,培养合作意识。
四、 教学重点与难点
- 理解文本材料的内容。
- 写一封介绍增城的英文信。
五、 教学内容
(一) 教学文本:选自广州市教育研究院赵淑红老师主编的《拓展读与写》二级水平的一篇文章
(二) 视频:《Welcome to Zengcheng》。
(一)Warming up
Play a guessing game: It is a big country. Its map looks like a chicken. There are five yellow stars on its national flag. Its capital is Beijing. What county is it? (China)
【设计意图:活跃气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,引入本课文本主题:China 】
Enjoy some pictures about Zengcheng and then answer the question: What do you think of China?
(三)While -reading
1. Listen to the text and tick the sentences they listen from the text.
2.Read the text silently and find out the main point of each part.
3.Read the text in group and finish the table.
4.Try to retell the text according to the table.
(三) Post-reading
- Talk about the places in China they have been to.
2.Watch a video of Zengcheng and then write a letter about Zengcheng.
Introduce Zengcheng to your parents and go to one beautiful place with your parents.
I will choose to visit China
general situation | in Asia, over 5000 years , ancient and modern |
weather | different in different part |
natural beauty | you can find mountains, lakes,foreasts and waterfalls |
food | in different parts of China, people have different tastes different to western food |
people | friendly, can speak English, happy to help you |