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    2023北京海淀初三(上)期末英语(教师版) 试卷
    2023北京海淀初三(上)期末英语(教师版) 试卷01
    2023北京海淀初三(上)期末英语(教师版) 试卷02
    2023北京海淀初三(上)期末英语(教师版) 试卷03
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    这是一份2023北京海淀初三(上)期末英语(教师版),共12页。试卷主要包含了 12等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英 语
    2022. 12
    1. 本试卷共10页, 共三部分, 55道题, 满分100分。考试时间120分钟。
    2. 在试卷和答题纸上准确填写学校名称、姓名和准考证号。
    3. 试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题纸上, 在试卷上作答无效。
    4. 在答题纸上, 选择题用2B铅笔作答, 其他题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。
    本部分共19题, 共32分。根据题目要求, 完成相应任务。
    一、听后选择(每题1. 5分, 共12分)
    听对话或独白, 根据对话或独白的内容, 从下列各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。
    请听一段对话, 完成第1至第2题。
    1. What do the speakers see on the desk?
    A. A music CD. B. A teacher’s notebook. C. A pair of gloves.
    2. Where will the speakers go next?
    A. To the music room. B. To the teacher’s office. C. To the playground.
    请听一段对话, 完成第3至第4题。
    3. Why did the girl miss the party?
    A. Because she lost her way.
    B. Because she helped an old lady.
    C. Because she was caught in the rain.
    4. What will the boy do next?
    A. Ask the police for help. B. Show the girl some pictures. C. Help the old lady out.
    请听一段对话, 完成第5至第6题。
    5. Why was the girl mad?
    A. Because she had a fight with her dad.
    B. Because she had no idea what to paint.
    C. Because her brother messed up her picture.
    6. What is the conversation mainly about?
    A. Solving a family problem.
    B. Developing a family hobby.
    C. Making a special family plan.
    请听一段独白, 完成第7至第8题。
    7. What can you learn from the speech?
    A. Memorizing things takes a lot of time.
    B. Asking for help makes us use time better.
    C. Understanding ideas helps prepare for exams.
    8. Why does the speaker make the speech?
    A. To introduce a way to look at exams.
    B. To give advice on time management.
    C. To explain reasons for taking exams.
    二、听后回答(每题2分, 共10分)
    听对话, 根据对话内容笔头回答问题。每段对话你将听两遍。
    请听一段对话, 完成第9题。
    9. What will the weather be like tomorrow?_______________________________
    请听一段对话, 完成第10题。
    10. Where is the chess club? _______________________________
    请听一段对话, 完成第11题。
    11. How often does the boy swim? _______________________________
    请听一段对话, 完成第12题。
    12. What time is the train supposed to arrive? _______________________________
    请听一段对话, 完成第13题。
    13. What will the speakers have for dinner? _______________________________
    第一节: 听后填空。听短文, 根据所听内容和提示信息, 将所缺信息填写在相应位置上。短文你将听两遍。(每题1分, 共5分)
    How to lower your stress
    Recall some good memories
    ·think about things in life that can __14__ you happiness
    ·watch an old movie
    ·look through some old__ 15__
    Do something __16__
    ·give yourself a __17 __to enjoy a hobby
    ·try something new or special. . .
    Organize your day
    ·set the daily goals you expect to achieve
    ·write down things. . .
    ·__18 __the achievements you've made
    第二节: 听后转写。请再听一遍短文, 根据所听到的内容和第一节中的提示信息, 写出短文的主要内容。短文的开头已给出。请注意语法正确, 语意连贯。(5分)
    19. I've got some ideas on _________________________________________
    本部分共31题, 共48分。根据题目要求, 完成相应任务。
    四、单项填空(每题1分, 共10分)
    从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    20. My brother is coming home from Shanghai. I will meet _______at the train station.
    A. it B. her C. him D. them
    21. I'm going to the zoo with my sister _______January 15th. It's her birthday.
    A. in B. on C. at D. to
    22. -Whose toy car is this?
    -It _______belong to Jim, because he is the only little child at the picnic.
    A. would B. need C. must D. can
    23. It's believed that the blue whale is _______animal on the earth.
    A. large B. larger C. largest D. the largest
    24. -- _______do you usually go running, Mrs. Wang?
    -In the park.
    A. How B. What C. Why D. Where
    25. We had to prepare for a test last night, _______we left Amy's birthday party early.
    A. so B. for C. but D. or
    26. -Peter, where is your faither?
    -Oh, he _______an online meeting in the study now.
    A. will have B. is having C. had D. has had
    27. Mr. Smith _______to more than 20 countries since 2010.
    A. travels B. was travelling C. has travelled D. will travel
    28. The music _______by a folk musician named Abing last century.
    A. writes B. wrote C. is written D. was written
    29. -Could you please tell me _______the Capital Museum?
    -Sure. You can take the subway.
    A. how I can get to B. how do I get to
    C. when I can get to D. when do I get to
    五、完形填空(每题1. 5分, 共12分)
    阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。
    When I moved to America in the 7th grade, I did not speak any English. I had no choice but to keep working hard. Although I made ___30 ___when I reached the 9th grade, people still found it difficult to understand me because of my accent(口音).
    One day, at a party, I was invited to play a guessing game. When it was my turn, I tried to ___31___ the object that I had in mind. Suddenly someone said with a laugh, “What did she say?” I felt ___32___. Out of kindness, a girl gently advised me to repeat it, but I got stuck on the word “purple”-I couldn't ___33___ it. This time, everyone laughed while I was trying hard to get the word out of me.
    This experience had its own influence on me. When opportunities were opened up for the summer program I had been waiting for, I ___34___ to attend the interview. Luckily, I got tons of encouragement from people around me. So I decided to have a try.
    At the interview, the other students in my group spoke professionally and very naturally, but I didn't speak that much. I knew that I could hardly be understood because of my accent. Besides, when I was ___35___ , it would be even more difficult for me to pronounce words clearly. After the interview, I stayed, said sorry and explained to the teachers. I didn't want them to think I wasn't interested or I was being unfriendly. But they appreciated(欣赏)that I ___36___ myself. “It’s OK. You don’t have to say sorry. Your accent does not make you less than others, ” said one of the teachers.
    Surprisingly, I was accepted into the program. Imagine how I felt!
    Up to now, I still feel lucky that I took that step. It is a ___37___ that I have changed. I did not let my accent stop me. I'm sure I will continue to feel anxious about speaking English with strangers. But that's OK. It will not stop me from trying to be better.
    30. A. turns B. trouble C. progress D. promises
    31. A. touch B. choose C. repeat D. describe
    32. A. unclear B. uneasy C. unexpected D. uninterested
    33. A. pronounce B. recognize C. translate D. understand
    34. A. failed B. feared C. managed D. volunteered
    35. A. confused B. special C. nervous D. respectful
    36. A. helped B. proved C. showed D. expressed
    37. A. sign B. lesson C. decision D. warning
    六、阅读理解(每题2分, 共26分)
    阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。
    Here are four amazing outdoor activities in the coming vacation.

    For questions 38-40, match the person with the right activity(A-D). There is one activity you do not need.
    Mike, Laura and Bob are making plans for the coming vacation. Mike always gets excited at the idea of exploring a desert. Laura is looking for a water activity to do with the exchange students from Italy. As for Bob, he plans to watch the wild animals.
    38. Mike A. Alaskan Sightseeing Tour
    39. Laura B. Red Rock Canyon Bike Tour
    40. Bob C. Snorkeling in Silfra
    D. Morning Volcano Hike
    As David was watching a family riding by on bikes, he remembered how some older boys laughed at him when he was practicing riding the bike last time. David knew he was too big for training wheels.
    “Mom, ” said David, with tears in his eyes. “Why is Dad always working? He promised to help me take off those training wheels and teach me to ride. ” David complained to Mom.
    “You know, he is under quite a lot of pressure now with his new job. Let's give him a break, ” Mom said, “Why not let me help you? We can give Dad a surprise when he gets back from work. "
    David sighed but agreed. Wearing his helmet (头盔), he rode the bike without training wheels.
    “You'd have to hold the bike for me. ”
    “Don't worry, " Mom replied.
    The bike felt shaky when he got on, but David knew Mom wouldn't let him fall. Slowly they moved farther.
    “You'd have to run with me, ”he said, riding faster.
    “Come on, David. You can do it, " Mom said.
    The soft wind kissed David's face as he rode along. "Then you'd have to let go. ”
    “I already did, ” a voice came from behind him.
    David turned his head and saw Mom waving, with a big smile on her face. He then rode back to his mother. It felt scary, but it also felt cool. He was riding like a big kid! Mom hugged him. “I'm proud of you! I'm sure Dad will be, too. ”
    Later that day when Dad's car pulled over, David rode to him on his bike, shaky but excited.
    “Wow, really? Without your training wheels, ha? I'm so proud of you!”
    “Thanks, but you know what, Dad? I can't wait to ride bikes together with you and Mom. ”
    “How about now?”
    41. David cried at first because ___.
    A. he had a fight with his mom
    B. other boys often laughed at him
    C. his bicycle was old and shaky
    D. his dad failed to keep his promise
    42. While practicing riding without the training wheels, David felt _____.
    A. painful but lucky
    B. nervous but excited
    C. angry but thankful
    D. upset but confident
    43. At the end of the story, David would probably ____.
    A. ask Dad for a new helmet
    B. join other boys in cycling
    C. ride bikes with his parents
    D. plan a family trip with Dad
    Research shows that there’s actually something people can do to reduce the risk for dementia(痴 呆). Just put on a step counter and start checking your steps-walking between 3, 800 and 9, 800 steps each day helps to cut down dementia risk.
    The study found that people between the ages of 40 and 79 who took 9, 826 steps per day were 50% less likely to develop dementia within seven years. Furthermore, people who walked with “purpose” - at a pace over 40 steps a minute - were able to cut their risk of dementia by 57% with just 6, 315 steps a day. “It is a brisk(轻快的)walking activity, like a power walk, " said Borja Del Pozo Cruz, a researcher in health sciences for University of Cadiz in Spain.
    The study showed even people who walked 3, 800 steps a day at any speed cut their risk of dementia by 25%. “That would be enough, at first, for inactive people, ” said Cruz in an email. “In fact, it is a message that doctors could use to make very inactive older adults move-3, 800 steps is very doable for many, even those that are less fit, " he added. "Perhaps, more active and fitter people should aim for 10), 000, where we see the greatest effects. ”
    But there was an even more interesting result coming out of the study: The largest reduction in dementia risk-62%-was achieved by people who walked at a very brisk speed of 112 steps per minute for 30 minutes a day. Earlier research described 100 steps a minute as a “brisk” level of intensity(强度). In their article Is 112 the New 10, 000?, Dr. Okonkwo and Dr. Planalp, two researchers on dementia, argued that 112 seemed easier to achieve than 10, 000 steps a day, and people looking to reduce their dementia risk focus on their walking speed over their walked distance.
    The researchers agree this is a very interesting finding, and they note that intensity of stepping matters more than how far people usually walk if they want to stay smart after aging. Technology could be used to follow not only number of steps but also speed. These types of numbers can also be put in common watches, but more research is needed.
    44. What can we know from Cruz's study?
    A. 100 steps a minute is a must for older people.
    B. Step length matters in reducing dementia risk.
    C. Inactive people can start with 3, 800 steps a day.
    D. Young people should aim for 10, 000 steps a day.
    45. Why does the writer mention the article Is 112 the New 10, 000?
    A. To question the effect of a power walk.
    B. To show the benefits of purposeful walk.
    C. To prove the importance of walking speed.
    D. To stress the advantages of walking distance.
    46. What is the best title for the passage?
    A. Walk Wisely and Stay Smart
    B. Walk Faster or Walk Forever?
    C. Stay Active and Walk Ahead
    D. Wear Counters or Watch Others?
    In a recent study in the U. S. and U. K. , Van Tilburg and his team asked people through online surveys to describe the characteristics of a boring person according to someone they knew. Being dull and quiet, having no interests, no opinions and lacking(缺乏) a sense of humor are often mentioned.
    The researchers then followed up with additional surveys. The results clearly suggest that being considered boring is a negative(负面的)personality characteristic, and is often tied to introversion(内向).
    So why are introverts sometimes seen as boring? Maybe because quiet people value their privacy and avoid sharing their everyday life. Their behavior is the opposite of the preference in a culture towards extroversion(外向). This preference leads to a fixed idea that “quiet” means “boring”, and it reflects a push toward uncontrolled extroversion - just think about people crazily posting nearly everything on social media of their life and activities to attract attention.
    Another research argued that it might be problematic to overvalue extroversion as more socially preferred than introversion. This wrong idea might start from teenage years when we think having the most friends and being the best-liked means being popular. This type of everyone-agreed popularity may make quiet people see their lack of extroversion as a deficit.
    In fact, introverts tend to have the “quiet ego(自我)”, which allows them to have the ability to put themselves in other people's shoes and understand situations from a bigger picture. According to researchers Bauer and Wayment, the quiet ego is a way of explaining the self that goes beyond being “self-centered” by considering both self and others. The quiet ego helps introverts to balance self- focused values, like power and achievement, and other-focused values, such as kindness and care for others. Balancing both values can lead to psychological well-being and life satisfaction.
    Generalizing introverted people with negative characteristics is false and harmful because introversion can carry many positive influences. In fact, an introverted style can be a strength. This is because introverts are likely to be truer to themselves than extroverts. Moreover, accepting their introversion as a benefit would in turn improve their sense of happiness. There can be a joy to being “boring” that can go along with a quiet, introverted personality.
    47. Introverted people are often seen as boring because ___.
    A. they have no interest in pleasing others
    B. they refuse to express their ideas in public
    C. their sense of humor is often difficult to get
    D. their behavior goes against cultural preference
    48. The word “deficit” in Paragraph 4 probably means “____”.
    A. mistake B. weakness C. symbol D. talent
    49. The writer would probably agree that _____.
    A. extroversion is more socially beneficial
    B. introversion usually leads to unhappiness
    C. being extroverted makes people truer to others
    D. introverted people are likely to get life satisfaction
    50. What is the writer's main purpose in writing this passage?
    A. To correct a false idea about introversion.
    B. To discuss different causes of introversion.
    C. To explain why introverted people are quieter.
    D. To compare self-focused and other-focused values.
    本部分共5题, 共20分。根据题目要求, 完成相应任务。
    七、阅读表达(第51至53题每题2分, 第54题4分, 共10分)
    阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。
    With just a boat, a paddle (桨) and a bit of water, you can experience fun and exercise in a kayak.
    Kayaking is a kind of paddling sport, and people often mistake it for canoeing(划独木舟), but there are some differences. Kayakers sit on the floor of the boat while canoeists sit on a bench. Also, kayak paddles have a wide flat part on either end, but canoe paddles have them on only one end.
    Within kayaking, there are a few styles that need different levels of skill and fitness. Anyone can enjoy relaxing kayaking, most often paddling on a lake or perhaps a gentle river. Whitewater kayaking is much more exciting because boats travel down fast rivers and even over small waterfalls. Surf kayakers must be both strong-willed and talented as they ride waves on the open ocean.
    The difficulty involved with kayaking is transportation - a boat several meters long is not exactly easy to carry around. However, a man who had to leave his kayak behind when moving to a smaller apartment borrowed the idea of Japanese paper folding, and made a new type of special kayak-it can be folded into a very thin pack, allowing the kayak to easily fit in a car. In this way, the problem was perfectly solved.
    Kayaking can offer sightseeing opportunities and a good way to exercise certain parts of the body. Paddling is helpful for strengthening the upper body and it requires continuing turning of your main body, giving it some great exercise. Another advantage is that these movements are gentler on the body’s joints and tissues(关节和组织)than running. Kayaking doesn’t just improve the health of the body, though-it also has been shown to make you less stressed as well. With so many benefits, why not head to the closest water and give it a try?
    51. Do kayakers sit on the floor or on a bench of the boat while kayaking?
    52. Why is whitewater kayaking much more exciting?
    53. What is special about the new type of kayak?
    54. Do you think kayaking will become popular in China? Why or why not? (Give at least 2 reasons)
    55. 从下面两个题目中任选一题, 根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。
    假设你是李华, 你们学校英语社团正在开展“好家规伴我成长”主题演讲比赛。请你用英文写一篇演讲稿, 谈谈你家有哪些家规, 以及它们对你的影响。
    提示词语: be allowed to, honest, responsible, deal with
    提示问题: ·What family rules do you have?
    ·How do they influence you?
    Dear teachers and fellows,
    I am glad to be here, telling you about my family rules.
    Thanks for listening.
    反思帮我们取得学业进步, 解决生活冲突; 反思助我们不断拔节生长, 收获美好人生。某英文网站正在开展以“反思成就自我”为题的征文活动。假如你是李华, 请用英语写一篇短文投稿, 谈谈促使你反思的一次经历, 以及你反思后的收获。
    提示词语: problem, think over, realize, a better self
    提示问题: ·What experience made you reflect? Please describe it.
    ·What have you learned?
    Reflection is very important in our life.

    1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. A
    9. Cold. / It will be cold.
    10. In the library. / The chess club is in the library.
    11. Once a week. / He swims once a week.
    12. At half past two. / Ten minutes earlier. / The train is supposed to arrive at half past two.
    13. Rice and fish. / They will have rice and fish.
    14. bring 15. photos 16. creative 17. chance 18. list
    19. 转写
    I’ve got some ideas on how to lower my stress.
    First, I can recall some good memories. I can think about things in life that can bring me happiness. I can also watch an old movie or look through some old photos.
    Second, I can do something creative. I can give myself a chance to enjoy a hobby (such as painting, cooking and gardening). I can try out something new or special, if I don’t know what to do.
    Third, I can organize my day. I can set the daily goals I expect to achieve. Then I can write down things that can keep my mind busy. At the end of the day, I can list my achievements.
    I’ve got some ideas on how to lower your stress.
    First, you can recall some good memories. You can think about things in life that can bring you happiness. You can also watch an old movie or look through some old photos.
    Second, you can do something creative. You can give yourself a chance to enjoy a hobby (such as painting, cooking and gardening). You can try out something new or special, if you don’t know what to do.
    Third, you can organize your day. You can set the daily goals you expect to achieve. Then you can write down things that can keep your mind busy. At the end of the day, you can list your achievements.
    20. C 21. B 22. C 23. D 24. D 25. A 26. B 27. C 28. D 29. A
    30. C 31. D 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. C 36. D 37. A
    38. B 39. C 40. A 41. D 42. B 43. C 44. C 45.C 46. A
    47. D 48. B 49. D 50. A
    51. (They/Kayakers sit) on the floor (of the boat).
    52. Because boats travel down fast rivers and even over small waterfalls.
    53. It can be folded into a very thin pack (allowing the kayak to easily fit in a car.)
    54. 第一问: Yes/ No;或I think kayaking will become popular in China.或者I don’t think kayaking will become popular in China.
    Yes. (I think kayaking will become popular in China.) Because in many parts of China, there are a lot of rivers and lakes, it’s easy to paddle on a lake or a gentle river. Besides, kayaking is a good way to enjoy the beautiful view and work out at the same time, and people will love it.
    No. (I don’t think kayaking will become popular in China.) Because if we want to kayak, we will need a car to carry the boat around. We all know not everybody can afford a car. Besides, we need water to do kayaking. If we live far from rivers or lakes, kayaking is not a choice for us.
    Dear Teachers and Fellows,
    I am glad to be here, telling you about my family rules. There are various kinds of rules in my family.
    First, in my family, I am supposed to be honest and polite, and show respect to others. Second, I’m required to share housework at home to relieve my parents’ burden. Third, doing exercise for half an hour every day is on my schedule. Also, we should have dinner together, which provides a bonding opportunity for us.
    These rules have shaped me. I have learnt how to behave well both in and out home. What’s more, by doing chores, my sense of responsibility and living skills have been improved. Besides, doing sports regularly helps me keep fit.
    To sum up, I believe family rules are there to make sure our life stays on track.
    Reflection is very important in our life. It provides us a chance to know and better ourselves. It was my failure in a contest that forced me to reflect and become more
    hard- working.
    I used to put things off till the last minute, because I thought I could always finish tasks perfectly on time. However, things changed after an English competition. At first, I was so confident about myself that I only practiced my speech the night before. Undoubtedly, I didn’t win any prize. This pushed me to think over my problem. I realized that I should work harder and take things seriously.
    My experience shows me the benefit of reflection. It’s important to find out why we think, say, and do certain things, and then make improvements.

    W: Kevin, look! Here’s a pair of black gloves on the desk.
    M: Are they Tom’s? His gloves are black.
    W: I don’t think so. There’s a letter C on them.
    M: Oh, I remember. Carla wore such gloves on the playground yesterday.
    W: Right. They must be Carla’s.
    M: Why don’t we give them back to her now?
    W: OK. She’s in the music room. Let’s go.

    M: Hi Alice, you were also invited to the party last night, weren’t you?
    W: Yes, I was.
    M: But I didn’t see you there. What happened?
    W: Well, on my way there, I saw an old lady asking for help in the rain. She lost her way.
    M: What did you do then?
    W: I called the police and waited for them to pick her up.
    M: That was so kind of you. I’m sorry you missed the party, but I’ll show you some wonderful pictures I took.
    W: Oh, I can’t wait to see them!

    W: I’m mad, Dad! Alex messed up the picture I’m working on!
    M: Katie honey, I’m sorry to hear that, but your brother is only four. 
    W: I know, but he always comes in when I’m painting!
    M: Well, I get it. Maybe he’s just trying to copy you. You’re his hero. 
    W: Really?
    M: Yes. See? He’s also trying to draw something, like you always do.
    W: But he should draw on his own paper, instead of mine.
    M: Right. He shouldn’t break our family rule. Let’s talk to him now.

    Hello, everyone, I’ve heard that some of you are afraid of exams. Why not think of exams this way? To begin with, exams are never meant to stress you out. They actually provide you with a chance to test your understanding of ideas and improve your ability. The key to better preparing for exams is to work on understanding, instead of simply memorizing things. Besides, exams help us become better learners. When studying for exams, you need to make wise use of your time, and ask your teachers for help when necessary. You may not get a satisfying score within a short period of time, but as long as you take exams as a way to test your ability and keep learning, you can get the most out of exams and truly make progress.

    M: Mom, what will the weather be like tomorrow?
    W: It will be cold. Do you have any plans?
    M: Yes. I’m thinking of going skiing with George.
    W: OK. Remember to wear your coats.

    W: Hey, Toby! What’s the rush?
    M: I’m going to the chess club.
    W: Can I go with you? Where is the club?
    W: In the library. Just follow me.

    请听一段对话,完成第11 题。
    W: Paul, you’re such a good swimmer. How often do you go swimming?
    M: I swim once a week.
    W: No wonder you can swim so well!
    M: Thank you.

    W: Tom, what time is it?
    M: It’s two forty.
    W: The train hasn’t come yet, but it’s supposed to arrive at half past two.
    M: Take it easy! Sometimes trains can be late.

    M: What shall we have for dinner today, Mom?
    W: What about noodles, honey?
    M: But I had noodles at noon at school. Can we have rice and fish?
    W: OK. Come here and give me a hand in the kitchen.
    Good morning, everyone. Do you sometimes feel stressed out? Today I’d like to share some ideas on how to lower the stress.
    First, recall some good memories. You can think about things in life that can bring you happiness. Other choices include watching an old movie or looking through some old photos.
    Second, do something creative. Hobbies such as painting, cooking and gardening can help to calm you down, so give yourself a chance to enjoy a hobby. You can try something new or special if you don’t know what to do.
    Third, organize your day. Start with setting the daily goals you expect to achieve. Then write down things that can keep your mind busy. At the end of the day, list the achievements you’ve made.
    Hope these ideas can be helpful if you’re under much pressure now.

    2023北京海淀初三(上)期中英语(教师版): 这是一份2023北京海淀初三(上)期中英语(教师版),共11页。试卷主要包含了11, 5分,共9分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022北京海淀初三(上)期中英语(教师版): 这是一份2022北京海淀初三(上)期中英语(教师版),共13页。试卷主要包含了10,5 分,共 12 分), B.At 5, Music, Warm and sft, diary15, B 26, B 39等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2022北京海淀初三(上)期末英语(教师版): 这是一份2022北京海淀初三(上)期末英语(教师版),共23页。







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