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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
    1. Where does the man want to go?
    A. A railway station. B. A post office. C. The seaside.
    2. What happened to the woman?
    A. She woke up late.
    B. She got to work late.
    C. She went to sleep late.
    3. What is the woman doing now?
    A. Baking cookies. B. Making a list. C. Shopping for groceries.
    4. How does the woman feel about the zoo?
    A. Sad. B. Impressed. C. Disappointed.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. Young people lose their jobs easily.
    B. Young people are too quick in making decisions.
    C. Young people seldom stay long in the same job.
    6. When will the man start his new job?
    A. Tomorrow. B. Next week. C. Next month.
    7. Why is the man paying for the woman’s lunch?
    A. She helped him a lot.
    B. It is his turn to pay.
    C. He wants to congratulate her.
    8. What is Anna’s chemistry grade now?
    A. B. B. B+. C. D.
    9. When does Anna’s study group meet?
    A. After school.
    B. On the weeks.
    C. During lunch hour.
    10. Who is Anna speaking to?
    A. A study group member.
    B. Her teacher.
    C. Her father.
    11. How old was Jonathan’s mother when she started doing laundry?
    A. 8 years old. B. 10 years old. C. 16 years old.
    12. Which temperature will Jonathan use for now?
    A. Hot. B. Cold. C. Warm.
    13. What is the “light” spin cycle used for?
    A. Jeans and towels.
    B. Most of Jonathan’s clothes.
    C. Sheets and pillow cases.
    14. Which decorations are on the sofa?
    A. The Christmas ones.
    B. The Halloween ones.
    C. The Thanksgiving ones.
    15. What did the man use to get the box out?
    A. A pole. B. A chair. C. A ladder.
    16. Where might the conversation take place?
    A. In the basement.
    B. In the bedroom.
    C. In the living room.
    17. What does the Golden Rule ask people to do?
    A. Develop personal rules.
    B. Respect their families and ancestors.
    C. Treat others as they wish to be treated.
    18. Which is a teaching of Confucius?
    A. Governments should be moral.
    B. Husbands should respect wives.
    C. People should memorize rules of behavior.
    19. How did Confucius teach lessons?
    A. Through arguments.
    B. Through reasoning.
    C. Through personal examples.
    20. What does the speaker say about Confucius’ influence?
    A. He used to be even more important.
    B. He has influenced many cultures.
    C. He has little effect on people today.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)sdzxlm
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    Rain beat against the window, matching my mood. I should have known that my new job at the hospital was too good to be true. Throughout the day, rumors (传言) warned that the newest employee from each department would be laid off. I was the newest one in the training department.
    My boss appeared. “You probably know we’re cutting back,” he said. “Administration wants us to offer outplacement classes to help those employees find other jobs, showing them how to act in an interview, for example.” “Fine,” I answered unwillingly, not knowing what else to say.
    I decided to go home early that day. In the hall, I met the lady who brought us cookies every Friday. She was a little woman with gray hair. Only her head and the top of her green apron were visible over the cart (小车) loaded with cleaning supplies. At least she had a job!
    At the final meeting, laid-off workers formed a line at the door. A colleague whispered, “I can’t believe our Cookie Lady is being laid off. We’ll miss her as much as we’ll miss her cookies.” When the colleague spoke to her in Spanish, I knew my classes would be useless for her and I realized how much better off was than this poor woman.
    I decided to do something for her. I wrote to a newspaper expressing how I felt about the unselfishness of the Cookie Lady who needed a job. A few days later, my article appeared in the newspaper and the Cookie Lady was allowed to stay in her position. On the same day, I received a letter, which seemed so unlikely that I read it twice. “An editor of a local magazine likes your piece and wants you to call her next time you’re looking for work …”
    1. How did the author feel on that rainy day?
    A. Nervous. B. Excited.
    C. Awkward. D. Proud.
    2. What was the author asked to do?
    A. Take care of patients. B. Leave earlier that day.
    C. Resign from the hospital. D. Help the laid-off workers.
    3. How did the author help the Cookie Lady?
    A. He offered her a high-paid job.
    B. He gave her advice on job hunting.
    C. He made her story known to others.
    D. He taught her how to pass an interview.
    4. What does the story tell us?
    A. Good deeds have their rewards.
    B. A fri in need is a fri indeed.
    C. Little people can make a big difference.
    D. Love brings more joy to people than work does.
    【答案】1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句Throughout the day, rumors (传言) warned that the newest employee from each department would be laid off. I was the newest one in the training department.可知,在这个雨天,因为作者的单位正在减员,“谣传每个部门的最新雇员将被解雇。我是培训部最新的一个”,所以作者的心里应当是很紧张的,分析选可知A正确 。
    细节理解题。根据第二段老板的话Administration wants us to offer outplacement classes to help those employees find other jobs, showing them how to act in an interview, for example可知,老板想请他给下岗工人上课,告诉他们在面试中如何做,即帮助那些下岗工作找到新工作,分析选项可知D项符合题意,故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第五段首句“I decided to do something for her. I wrote to a newspaper expressing how I felt about the unselfishness of the Cookie Lady who needed a job”可知作者写信给一家报纸,写了有关这位女士的故事,分析选项可知C项正确。
    推理判断题。本文作者面临着公司对新人的裁员,作者因为写了关于一个需要一份工作来养家糊口的女士的事故,让其得到工作,而自己的文章也得到了本地杂志的邀请信。这说明了善行总归有好报的。分析选项,A. Good deeds have their rewards. 善行必有回报。B. A fri in need is a fri indeed. 患难朋友才是真朋友。C. Little people can make a big difference.小人物大作为。D. Love brings more joy to people than work does. 爱带给人们更多的快乐,而不是工作。可知A符合题意。
    At your next meeting, wait for a pause in conversation and try to measure how long it lasts.
    Among English speakers, chances are that it will be a second or two at most. But while this pattern may be universal, our awareness of silence differs dramatically across cultures.
    What one culture considers a confusing or awkward pause may be seen by others as a valuable moment of reflection and sign of respect for what the last speaker has said. Research in Dutch and also in English found that when a silence in conversation stretches to four seconds, people start to feel uneasy. In contrast, a separate study of business meetings found that Japanese people are happy with silences of 8.2 seconds — nearly twice as long as in Americans’ meetings.
    In Japan, it is recognized that the best communication is when you don’t speak at all. It’s already a failure to understand each other by speaking because you’re repairing that failure by using words.
    In the US, it may originate from the history of colonial (殖民地) America as a crossroads of many different races. When you have a complex of difference, it’s hard to establish common understanding unless you talk and there’s understandably a kind of anxiety unless people are verbally engaged to establish a common life. This applies also to some extent to London.
    In contrast, when there’s more homogeneity, perhaps it’s easier for some kinds of silence to appear. For example, among your closest fris and family it’s easier to sit in silence than with people you’re less well acquainted with.
    5. Which of the following people might have the longest silence in conversation?
    A. The Dutch. B. Americans.
    C. The English. D. The Japanese.
    6. What might the Japanese agree with in a conversation?
    A. Speaking more gives the upper hand.
    B. Speak out what you have in your mind.
    C. Great minds think alike without words.
    D. The shorter talking silence, the better.
    7. What can we learn from the text?
    A. A four second silence in conversation is universal.
    B. It’s hard for Americans to reach a common agreement.
    C. English speakers are more talkative than Japanese speakers.
    D. The closer we and our family are, the easier the silence appears.
    8. What does the underlined word “homogeneity” in the last paragraph mean?
    A. Similarity. B. Contradiction.
    C. Diversity. D. Misunderstanding.
    【答案】5. D 6. C 7. D 8. A
    细节理解题。根据第二段首句“Among English speakers, chances are that it will be a second or two at most.”第三段最后两句“Research in Dutch (荷兰语)and also in English found that when a silence in conversation stretches to four seconds, people start to feel uneasy. In contrast, a separate study of business meetings found that Japanese people are happy with silences of 8.2 seconds---nearly twice as long as in Americans’ meetings.”可知,日本人可能在谈话中有最长沉默。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第四段首句“In Japan, it is recognized that the best communication is when you don’t speak at all.”可知,在日本,一般认为最好的交流是一句话不说的时候。因此推断日本人认为“伟大的心灵,无言而思”。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“For example, among your closest fris and family it’s easier to sit in silence than with people you’re less well acquainted with.”可知,亲密的人之间更容易出现沉默,因此我们和家人越亲密,沉默越容易出现。故选D。
    推理判断试题属于高层次阅读理解题。这种题型包括判断题和推理题。推理题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,作出一定判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可是某几句话,但做题的指导思想都是以文字信息为依据,既不能做出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理,也不能根据表面文字信息做多步推理。也就是说,要做到判断有据, 推论有理, 忠实原文。切忌用自己的观点代替作者的本意,切忌片面思考,得出片面结论。例如小题3:
    【解题剖析】此题属于推理判断题,推断合理信息。答案需要从文章的最后一句“For example, among your closest fris and family it’s easier to sit in silence than with people you’re less well acquainted with.”进行推断。
    【答案定位】根据文章最后一句“For example, among your closest fris and family it’s easier to sit in silence than with people you’re less well acquainted with.”亲密的人之间更容易出现沉默,因此推断我们和家人越亲密,沉默越容易出现。
    【推理关系】题干What can we learn from the text?☞文章内容among your closest fris and family it’s easier to sit in silence than with people you’re less well acquainted with.
    【答案】☞D选项The closer we and our family are, the easier the silence appears。
    Next month, I’m traveling to a remote area of Central Africa and my aim is to know enough Lingala — one of the local languages — to have a conversation. I wasn’t sure how I was going to manage this — until I discovered a way to learn all the vocabulary I’m going to need. Thanks to Memrise, the app I’m using. It feels just like a game.
    “People often stop learning things because they feel they’re not making progress or because it all feels like too much hard work,” says Ed Cooke, one of the people who created Memrise. “We’re trying to create a form of learning experience that is fun and is something you’d want to do instead of watching TV.”
    Memrise gives you a few new words to learn and these are “seeds” which you plant in your “greenhouse”. When you practice the words, you “water your plants”. When the app believes that you have really remembered a word, it moves the word to your “garden”. And if you forget to log on (登录),the app ss you emails that remind you to “water your plants”.
    The app uses two principles about learning. The first is that people remember things better when they link them to a picture in their mind. Memrise translates words into your own language, but it also encourages you to use “mems”. For example, I memorized motele, the Lingala word for “engine”, using a mem I created — I imagined an old engine in a motel (汽车旅馆) room.
    The second principle is that we need to stop after studying words and then repeat them again
    later, leaving time between study sessions. Memrise helps you with this, because it’s the kind of app you only use for five or ten minutes a day.
    I’ve learnt hundreds of Lingala words with Memrise. I know this won’t make me a fluent speaker, but I hope I’ll be able to do more than just smile when I meet people in Congo. Now, I need to go and water my Vocabulary!
    9. What does Ed Cooke make an effort to do with Memrise?
    A. Create memorable experiences.
    B. Make progress with hard work.
    C. Master languages through games.
    D. Combine study with entertainment.
    10. What do the underlined words “water your plants” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
    A. Learning new words.
    B. Being a Memrise user.
    C. Logging on to the app.
    D. Taking care of your garden.
    11. How does Memrise work?
    A. By linking different mems together.
    B. By putting knowledge into practice.
    C. By offering human translation services.
    D. By applying an associative memory approach.
    12. What is the author’s attitude towards Memrise?
    A. Positive. B. Doubtful.
    C. Uncaring. D. Disapproving.
    【答案】9. D 10. A 11. D 12. A
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段的内容:人们经常停止学习东西是因为他们觉得自己没有取得进步,或者因为这一切感觉太辛苦了,”创建Memrise的人之一Ed Cooke说。“我们正在努力创造一种有趣的学习体验,是你想做的事,而不是看电视。由此可推断出是Ed Cooke认为学习不应该是苦的,而应该是把娱乐和想要学习的东西结合在一起的学习体验,即寓教于乐,因此他创造出Memrise。分析选项可知D项正确。
    猜测词意题。根据第三段的内容可知,MeMeLead给你一些新单词来学习,这些是你在“温室”中种植的“种子”。当你练习单词时,你就是在“浇灌你的植物”。由此可知,练习单词,“就是浇灌你的植物” ,由引可推断出“water your plants”即在学习新单词,故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第五段的The app uses two principles about learning. The first is that people remember things better when they link them to a picture in their mind…For example, I memorized motele, the Lingala word for “engine”, using a mem I created — I imagined an old engine in a motel (汽车旅馆) room.. 句意“应用程序使用两个关于学习的原则。首先,运用联想记忆,他们会记得更好…例如,我记住了motele,Lingala的“引擎”一词,使用我创建的一个mem——我想象着汽车旅馆(汽车旅馆)房间里的一个旧引擎 ”。由此可知Memrise是通过运用联想记忆的方法来进行学习的。分析选项可知D项符合题意。
    【点睛】在阅读中我们经常会遇到许多生词。这时许多同学立即翻阅词典,查找词义。这样做不但费时费力,而且影响阅读速度、影响对语篇的整体把握。事实上,阅读材料中的每个词与它前后的词语或句子甚至段落都有联系。我们可以利用语境(各种已知信息)推测、判断某些生词的词义。例如第2小题词意猜测题。根据第三段的内容可知,MeMeLead给你一些新单词来学习,这些是你在“温室”中种植的“种子”。当你练习单词时,你就是在“浇灌你的植物”。由此可知,练习单词,“就是浇灌你的植物” ,由引可推断出“water your plants”即在学习新单词,故选A。
    Shopping for and choosing clothes is challenging enough. But imagine if you were unable to use your arms to do anything, or used a wheelchair.
    The conditions are reality for four people who became the “customers” of 15 students at Parsons School of Design at the New School this year. The students spent their spring term creating clothing to fit their customers’ unique requirements as part of a class run by Open Style Lab, a nonprofit organization whose aim is to design functional and fashionable clothing for people with disabilities.
    “Disability overlaps (关联、一致) with aging and universal design,” said Grace Jun, the director of the program. “We need to see it as part of our life cycle. It’s something that we need to not only see from a human rights standpoint but also for its economic value.”
    “I’m always looking at me being the problem and the clothing as being OK,” said Kieran Kern, who gets around in a wheelchair. When Ms. Kern approached Open Style Lab, she was looking for a coat that would be easy to put on with the limitations of a weaker body. Her team came up with a design with a circular rod (杆) that runs through the collar and allows Ms. Kern to swing the coat across her back with one hand.
    “The idea of having a coat that sees the parts that make me as just parts and not as a problem that I need to solve was really liberating in an identity sense,” Ms. Kern said. “Because generally, when you have a different body, you don’t really see yourself.”
    “I think the challenges the students faced throughout the course had a lot to do with the exchange of ideas,” Ms. Jun said. “They were able to understand that no two people with a disability are alike. Being able to design uniquely means you have to have a collaborative (合作) process. We’re designing with each other, not for.”
    13. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
    A. Aging. B. Disability.
    C. Design. D. The program.
    14. What did the students find challenging according to Ms. Jun?
    A. Creativity in fashion design.
    B. Interpersonal communication.
    C. Making clothing part of a wearer.
    D. Meeting the needs of the disabled.
    15. What would be the best title for the text?
    A. Open Style Lab
    B. A new fashion industry
    C. Disability is no longer a problem
    D. Designs that do more than meet the eye
    【答案】13. B 14. B 15. D
    猜测词义题。根据第三段的前部分Disability overlaps (关联、一致) with aging and universal design,” said Grace Jun, the director of the program. “We need to see it as part of our life cycle. 本句指“残疾与老化和通用设计有联系”,该项目的负责人Grace Jun说。“我们需要把它看作是我们生命周期的一部分|”。为了避免重复,我们常常把上文提过的事用代词来代替。此处提到上文的残疾是与老化及通用设计有关的,所以下文提到时便用it来替代它,因此选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第六段前两句.“I think the challenges the students faced throughout the course had a lot to do with the exchange of ideas,” Ms. Jun said. “They were able to understand that no two people with a disability are alike.可知,Jun女士说:“我认为学生在整个课程中所面临的挑战与思想交流有很大关系。”“他们能够理解,没有两个残疾的人是一样的”。由此可知,学生面临的挑战就是交流问题。分析选项可知B项符合题意。
    主旨大意题。通读本文可知,本文介绍帕森斯设计学院在新学校开设了一门课程,创造符合顾客独特要求的服装。文中以给Kern女士设计衣服为例,说明设计的衣服要适合具体的残疾人,因为每个残疾人都是不同的(They were able to understand that no two people with a disability are alike. Being able to design uniquely means you have to have a collaborative (合作) process.)。所以要设计出独一无二的实用的衣服。本文中多处出现设计衣服(designs)。故选D项。
    寻找文章的主题句。文章主要论题的关键是找到文章的主题句。主题句通常在文章的首段,也可能在文章的末段,在文章的某一段落,或分散在文章的各个段落中。如果每个段落都有主题句,那么把各段落的主题句的中心集中起来,即为全文的主题句。本文的中心句在最后一段 “They were able to understand that no two people with a disability are alike. Being able to design uniquely means you have to have a collaborative (合作) process.”可知,答案是D项。
    Spreading smiles at Birchwood
    When Ava McCarver was in kindergarten, her class visited a nursing home (疗养院). Ava learned that many of the residents (住户) there receive few visitors. ___16___ “I asked my mom if I could visit them,” she says. Soon, Ava and her mom became volunteers at Birchwood Health Care Center.
    That was six years ago. ___17___ She enjoys hanging out with Mary, Shirley and other residents during her twice-monthly visits. “I paint their nails, and I talk to a lot of them,” she says. Sometimes she helps lead craft (手工艺) projects. Other times they play card games. “It’s good for the residents to see little kids,” Ava says. “That makes them really happy.”
    ___18___ She has raised money for the nursing home by making refrigerator decorations and selling them at a craft fair. She has also collected used puzzles from garage sales and donated them to Birchwood.
    Ava wrote a book called The Squirrel Family. In the book, two squirrels raise a family and eventually move into a place called Birchwood where they live happily. ___19___ Ten stores in her city agreed to display the books, along with a can to collect money. Ava’s project raised about $750. Birchwood used that money to buy furniture for the residents.
    Ava says she enjoyed the look of “pure joy” on a resident’s face after a hug from her. That’s why she started visiting Birchwood — to bring happiness to others. ___20___ “It’s really fun,” she says. “They have good stories, and I enjoy my time there.”
    A. She decided to take action.
    B. But she has gained happiness for herself, too.
    C. Since then, Ava has made many fris at Birchwood.
    D. Ava used her book to raise money for the nursing home.
    E. Birchwood needs more volunteers for its craft project.
    F. Ava has found some creative ways to help her fris at Birchwood.
    G. Ava’s book has achieved a great success and earned a large amount of money for her.
    【答案】16. A 17. C
    18. F 19. D
    20. B
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共三节,满分55分)
    Draper, the owner of a secondhand bookstore, was sorting through a pile of old books when an envelope fell from one. Inside was an undated ___21___ and a faded photo of a woman holding a little girl on her lap. The letter said if Bethany was ___22___ it, it meant the author had died.
    Tears were welling up in Draper’s eyes. These were a ___23___ woman’s last words to her child. He had to ___24___ Bethany. “Whoever it is will ___25___ this,” he thought. “You wouldn’t ___26___ a letter like that.”
    He supposed if the ___27___ ed up in his shop then Bethany was likely from around Bishop Auckland. And he thought he ___28___ recognized the little girl’s face. Even if she’d since left the area, there might be someone in town who would recognize the ___29___.
    He started with the local newspaper. The Northern Echo ran the story of the ___30___ letter.
    ___31___, Bethany Gash, now 21 and a(n) ___32___ herself, was on Facebook about 10 miles away when a close fri messaged her to check out the ___33___. As she read her mother’s ___34___, words she thought had been lost forever, she said she thought she must be ___35___.
    Gash was only 4 when her mother ___36___. Five years later, her family moved to a new home and the letter, put away in the pages of a book for safe keeping, was unintentionally ___37___.
    She remembers unpacking and looking for the letter, and then ___38___ searching through everything in hopes that it was there. “That’s when I realized it was ___39___ gone by now and I’d never see it again,” she said.
    Draper ___40___ the letter in person. He also brought her a children’s book for her son. Gash was greatly moved to have the letter back, and also touched by the stranger’s kindness.
    21. A. message B. email C. postcard D. letter
    22. A. reading B. destroying C. forgetting D. copying
    23. A. determined B. kind C. selfish D. dying
    24. A. find B. introduce C. phone D. comfort
    25. A. enjoy B. avoid C. want D. like
    26. A. tear open B. cut up C. throw away D. pull out
    27. A. girl B. book C. reporter D. news
    28. A. hardly B. actually C. unfortunately D. accidentally
    29. A. author B. teacher C. picture D. stranger
    30. A. lost B. valuable C. wet D. broken
    31. A. Meanwhile B. Therefore C. However D. Eventually
    32. A. editor B. mother C. daughter D. assistant
    33. A. ticket B. magazine C. article D. homework
    34. A. vocabularies B. terms C. languages D. words
    35. A. writing B. joking C. playing D. dreaming
    36. A. came back B. passed away C. died out D. calmed down
    37. A. donated B. burned C. dirtied D. robbed
    38. A. secretly B. suddenly C. madly D. regularly
    39. A. almost B. never C. still D. long
    40. A. kept B. delivered C. composed D. published
    【答案】21. D 22. A 23. D 24. A 25. C 26. C 27. B 28. B 29. C 30. A 31. A 32. B 33. C 34. D 35. D 36. B 37. A 38. C 39. D 40. B
    考查名词辨析及上下文推理。句意:里面是一个无日期的信,一个褪色的照片,一个女人拿着一个小女孩在她的大腿上。A. message信息;B. email电子邮件;C. postcard明信片;D. letter书信。根据下文的“The letter said”可知,此处应该是一封信。故选D.
    考查动词辨析。句意:信中说当Bethany读这封信的时候,这意味着作者去世了。A. reading读书;B. destroying破坏;C. forgetting忘记;D. copying复制。根据上文是信,所以此处应该是读信。故选A.
    考查形容词辨析及上下文推理。句意:这些是一个将死的女人留给她的孩子的最后的话。A. determined坚决的;B. kind善良的;C. selfish自私的;D. dying临终的。根据上文“it meant the author had died.”可知,这是一位将死的女人留下的。故选D.
    考查动词辨析。句意:他必须找到Bethany。A. find找到;B. introduce介绍;C. phone打电话;D. comfort安慰。根据上文提到是Draper意外得到这封信,推知她要找到这个Bethany.故选A.
    考查动词辨析。句意:“无论是谁需要这个,”他想,“你都不会扔掉这样一封信”。A. understand理解;B. avoid避免;C. want想要;D. like喜欢。根据句意可知此处表示“需要,想要”。故选C.
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:“你都不会扔掉这样一封信。” A. tear open拆开;B. cut up切碎;C. throw away扔掉;D. pull out离开,撤离。根据语境推理,这样一封信,谁得到也不会扔掉。故选C.
    考查名词辨析。句意:他认为如果这本书出现在他的商店,那么Bethany很可能来自奥克兰毕肖普。A. girl女孩;B. book书;C. reporter记者;D. news新闻。根据上文提到Draper一家书店的老板,整理旧书时从一本书中发现的这封信。推知此处表示“这本书”如果在他家书店的话。故选B.
    考查副词辨析。句意:实际上,他认为他应该认得这个小女孩的脸。A. hardly几乎不;B. actually实际上;C. unfortunately不幸地;D. accidentally意外地。根据句意可知,此处表示实际上作者可能认得小女孩。故选B.
    考查名词辨析。句意:即使她离开了该地区, 在城里可能有人谁会认识到图片。A. author作者;B. teacher老师;C. picture图片;D. stranger陌生人。根据上文可推知信里有照片,此处表示可能会有人认得照片。故选C.
    考查形容词辨析。句意:The Northern Echo开始跑这封丢失的信的消息。A. lost丢失的;B. valuable有价值的;C. wet潮湿的;D. broken破碎的。根据上文可知,这封信是丢失的。故选A.
    考查副词辨析。句意:与此同时,21岁的Bethany Gash现在自己也是一位母亲,在10英里外的Facebook,一个亲密的朋友给她发了一份信息,让她去看这篇文章。A. Meanwhile同时;B. Therefore因此;C. However但是,然而;D. Eventually最后。上文提到Draper正在通过报纸寻找信的主人Bethany Gash,推知下文介绍“在此同时”Bethany Gash的情况。故选A.
    考查名词辨析。句意:与此同时,21岁的Bethany Gash现在自己也是一位母亲,在10英里外的Facebook,一个亲密的朋友给她发了一份信息,让她去看这篇文章。A. editor编辑;B. mother母亲;C. daughter女儿;D. assistant助手。根据文中最后“brought her a children’s book for her son”可知,Bethany Gash现在是一位母亲。故选B.
    考查名词辨析。句意:与此同时,21岁的Bethany Gash现在自己也是一位母亲,在10英里外的Facebook,一个亲密的朋友给她发了一份信息,让她去看这篇文章。A. ticket票;B. magazine杂志;C. article文章;D. homework作业。根据上文提到报纸上报道这封信的事情,所以推知此处表示朋友让Bethany Gash看报纸上的文章。故选C.
    考查名词辨析。句意:她读她的母亲的话,她以为已经永远失去了,她说,她认为她一定是在做梦。A. vocabularies词汇;B. terms条款;C. languages语言;D. words言语。此处表示她读到了母亲留给自己的话。故选A.
    考查动词辨析。句意:她读她的母亲的话,她以为已经永远失去了,她说,她认为她一定是在做梦。A. writing写;B. joking开玩笑;C. playing玩;D. dreaming做梦。根据上半句她以为她将永远失去了可知觉得自己像做梦一样。故选D.
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:当她的母亲去世时Gash只有4岁。A. came back回来;B. passed away去世;C. died out灭绝;D. calmed down冷静下来。根据句意可知Gash的母亲“去世”时只有4岁。故选B.
    考查动词辨析。句意:五年后,她的家人搬到一个新家,这封信放在一本书的页里面保存,是无意中被捐赠。A. donated捐赠;B. burned烧伤;C. dirtied弄脏;D. robbed抢劫。根据上文介绍这本书现在在Draper手里,应该是被捐赠的。故选A.
    考查副词辨析。句意:她记得开箱寻找这封信,然后疯狂地搜索,希望信还在那里。A. secretly秘密地;B. suddenly突然;C. madly疯狂地;D. regularly有规律地。根据语境可知这封信对Bethany Gash很重要,推知她会疯狂的寻找这封信。故选C.
    考查固定搭配。句意:“我意识到这是一去不复返了,我再也见不到它了,”她说。A. almost几乎,差不多;B. never决不,从不;C. still仍然;D. long长期地。根据语境可知,Bethany Gash认为这封信一去不复返。be long gone表示已成过去。故选D.
    考查动词辨析。句意:Draper把这封信寄送给了Bethany Gash。A. kept保持;B. delivered递送;C. composed组成;D. published出版,发表。根据下句他还给她的孩子一本书,可知他把信送还给Bethany Gash.故选B.
    如小题1,根据下文的“The letter said”,得到一个关键词“the letter”,从而得出答案。
    如小题12,本题从上文读下来无法得到答案,读到文中最后“brought her a children’s book for her son”可推知,Bethany Gash现在是一位母亲,得出答案。
    Baidu is not a doctor
    When people ___41___ (face) with health or nutrition questions, it is ___42___ (increasing) common to go online and diagnose themselves. But the Internet is full of conflicting health warnings with no regulation to get rid of the wrong advice, some of which ___43___ (be) extremely dangerous! Also, search engines rank results by ___44___ (popular) rather than accuracy, so solid facts can be tricky to find. It is worth ___45___ (check) if the writer of an online piece is properly qualified as an expert. Anyone can call ___46___ (they) a “diet expert”, “nutritionist” and even a “doctor” — given it could refer to qualifications like a PhD. But remember, only officially ___47___ (recognize) practicing doctors as well as dietitians have degrees in giving medical ___48___ (suggest). So if you are unsure and still wondering ___49___ the chocolate diet really does work or not, then it pays to make ___50___ appointment with your dietician or doctor. The truth is out there, and you just need to look in the right place!
    【答案】41. are faced
    42. increasingly
    43. is 44. popularity
    45. checking
    46. themselves
    47. recognized/recognised
    48. suggestions
    49. whether
    50. an
    考查固定搭配和动词的时态。句意:当人们面对健康或营养问题时,上网和自我诊断越来越普遍。be faced with…为固定搭配,意为“面对…..”.本句的主语是people是集合名词,所以谓语动词要用复数,又因本文时态为一般现在时,因此填are faced。
    考查主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,本句的主语是“some of which”,which指代前面的不可数名词advice,因此本小题要用单数形式,故be动词要用is。
    考查固定句式。sth. be worth doing为固定搭配,意为“值得做某事”,所以本空要用动词的ing形式,故填checking。
    考查反身代词。句意:任何人都可以称自己为“饮食专家”。call oneself 可译为“自称…”,因此本空填themselves 。
    考查词性转换和名词的复数。空格处作非谓语giving 的宾语,作宾语应用名词形式,指只有被官方认可的医生才有资格给出医学建议,故填suggestions。
    考查固定搭配。make an appointment为固定搭配,意为“与某人有约定,与某人有约会”、此处表示和医生预约,是泛指概念。因此填an。
    第三节 词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. His family then moved to a __________(稍微) larger house.
    52. An earthquake __________(测量) 6.1 on the Richter Scale struck California yesterday.
    53. How you greet a customer can leave a lasting __________(印象).
    54. King was a great speaker and an __________(inspire) leader.
    55. Winston is not someone who accepts __________(失败) easily.
    【答案】51. slightly
    52. measuring
    53.  impression
    54. inspiring
    55. failure
    考查副词修饰形容词。句意:然后他家搬到了一个稍微大一些的房子里。本空修饰形容词larger,修饰形容词一般用副词,故填副词 slightly。
    考查非谓语。句意:昨天加利福尼亚发生了6.1级地震。分析句子可知,本句中的主语An earthquake,谓语动词是struck,而主语与不及物动词“measure(测量) ”二者主动关系,所以要用动词的ing形式 measuring。
    考查名词作宾语。本空被形容词lasting修饰,形容词一般修饰名词,所以本空要填名词。二者一起做动词leave的宾语,所以要用名词。因此填名词“印象(impression )。
    考查形容词作定语修饰名词。分析句子可知leader为名词,所以本空应当是用形容词来修饰名词,因此要用动词 inspire的形容词形式。本空是修饰物的,所以要填inspiring。
    考查名词作宾语。句意:温斯顿不是容易接受失败的人。分析句子可知,accept为及物动词,后面必须有宾语,所以要用名词“失败(failure)”,因此本空填 failure 。
    56. _________ _________ _________(令我满意的是), he passed the exam.
    57. He gave the speech without _________ _________(参考) his notes.
    58. He had to make a decision _________ _________ _________(当场).
    59. _________ _________(抚养) in the city, he doesn’t know how to farm.
    60. _________(taste) nice, the food was all eaten up soon.
    【答案】56. (1). To (2). my (3). satisfaction
    57. (1). referring (2). to
    58. (1). on (2). the (3). spot
    59. (1). Brought (2). up
    60. Tasting
    考查固定搭配。句意:令我满意的是,他通过了考试。短语to one’s satisfaction 为固定搭配,意为“令某人满意的是”。本空“令我满意的是”可译为(1). To (2). my (3). Satisfaction。
    考查固定搭配及非谓语。句意:他发表演说时没有参考笔记。分析句子可知,本句的without 为介词,后面要用动词的ing形式。因此本句的参考要用 (1). referring (2). to。
    考查固定搭配。句意:他必须当场做出决定。On the spot为固定搭配,意为“当场”,因此本小题的答案为(1). on (2). the (3). spot。
    考查固定搭配及非谓语。句意:他在城里长大,不知道怎样种田。分析句子可知,本句为非谓。动词bring up(抚养)与其逻辑主语he二者是被动关系,他是被抚养,因此要用过去分词,所以本小题的答案为: (1). Brought (2). Up。
    考查省略句。句意:这种食物尝起来味道很好,所以很快就吃完了。本句为省略句。因为主从句的主语一致,省略了从句的主语the food,与从句的系动词taste是主动关系,要用动词的ing形式,因此填 Tasting。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    I will share one experience with you. With the College Entrance Examination draw near, I was filled with great anxiety. However, I couldn’t be absorbed in study, resulting from my failing in the examination. I got very discouraging. Just then, my teacher, Miss Zhang, approach me and said, “In life we all have moment when we can’t achieve what we want it. It is natural. Don’t allow those moments to weaken you, and turn them into motivation to inspire you.” Her words were a reminder which provided myself with constant encouragement to smile at life. Consequently, I gained what I deserved.
    So it is an optimistic attitude which matters most of all. It gives you the confidence to deal with difficulties and to achieve what you want in your life.
    1.draw改成drawing考查非谓语动词。句意:随着高考临近,我心中充满了焦虑。本句是介词with的复合结构,其中with的宾语the college Entrance Examination与动词draw构成主动关系,所以使用现在分词短语在句中做宾语补足语。故将draw改为drawing。
    3.from改为in考查动词短语。短语result in导致;result from因为,由于。正是因为我很焦虑,所以我才无法集中注意力于学习,导致我在考试中失败。根据句意可知应该使用短语result in“导致”,故将from改为in。
    5.approach改为approached考查时态。由时间状语just then可知用一般过去时态,故将approach改为approached。
    10.which改为that考查固定句型。句意:所以最重要的是乐观的态度,它让你有信心去面对困难,实现你生活中想要的。It is + 被强调部分+that+句子其他部分,是强调句型结构,故将which改为that。
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    62.假如你是李华,衡水中学学生会主席( Chairman of the Student Union),近日你校收到美 国友好交流学校 Roger Manverz School学生会主席John的邮件,希望你校捐赠一批传统文化书籍,供该校对此有兴趣的同学阅读,请你代表学校给John回复一封邮件,邮件中需要包含以下内容:
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear John,
    Yours faithfully,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear John,
    I am Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union of Hengshui High School. I am writing this letter on behalf of our school that we are more than glad to donate to your school some books on Chinese traditional culture.
    After discussion, we plan to donate about a hundred books, whose topics vary from Chinese ancient philosophy, Chinese traditional painting and calligraphy to Chinese classical literature.
    We plan to wrap them in a big parcel and post to your school. So I hope you can offer me the accurate address of your school as well as the name of the person in charge of receiving the parcel.
    Looking forward to your reply.
    Yours faithfully,
    Li Hua
    本文为说明文。作为衡水中学学生会主席,近日你校收到美国友好交流学校 Roger Manverz School学生会主席John的邮件,希望你校捐赠一批传统文化书籍,供该校对此有兴趣的同学阅读,请你代表学校给John回复一封邮件,邮件中需要包含以下内容:1.自我介绍;2.捐赠图书的具体信息;3.询问对方的收件地址和联系信息。
    【点睛】本文要点完整,层次分明。文中运用了许多高级词汇,如:on behalf of…, more than glad…, donate to…, vary from…, as well as…., in charge of.…等。句式相对比较灵活。文中运用了
    名词从句:I am writing this letter on behalf of our school that we are more than glad to donate to your school some books on Chinese traditional culture.;定语从句:we plan to donate about a hundred books, whose topics vary from Chinese ancient philosophy, ...和由so引导的状语从句:We plan to wrap them in a big parcel and post to your school. So I hope you can offer me the accurate address of your school …


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