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    专题04 完形填空12篇——2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期末专题冲刺复习(人教版2019)
    专题04 完形填空12篇——2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期末专题冲刺复习(人教版2019)01
    专题04 完形填空12篇——2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期末专题冲刺复习(人教版2019)02
    专题04 完形填空12篇——2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期末专题冲刺复习(人教版2019)03
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    专题04 完形填空12篇——2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期末专题冲刺复习(人教版2019)

    这是一份专题04 完形填空12篇——2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期末专题冲刺复习(人教版2019),共36页。

    人教版(2019)高一英语下学期期末复习 查缺补漏冲刺满分
    专题04 完形填空12篇
    (2022春·山东滨州·高一统考期末)As the foreign English teacher at my school in Japan, I had a weekly English music broadcast of different English songs. I tried to get the students to ____1____ songs to me for the broadcast. At the broadcast, I usually announced who recommended the song and then ____2____ it for everyone to hear during lunch time. I gave everyone an opportunity to share themselves through their music, including one ____3____ student of mine. This student constantly got into fights with the other students and ____4____ the energy of the class. But I knew that he just needed a ____5____, or at least someone he could connect with.
    I could ____6____ he was warming up to me over the last year. I told him to think of a song he liked and that I would play it on the broadcast for him. He ____7____ introduced a song, which I really liked so I put it on the broadcast and made sure to announce his____8____ , so everyone knew that he contributed such a great song.
    Needless to say, the boy was ____9____, and he’s been much happier and more focused in English class ever since. While everyone else ______10______ him and pushed him away, I saw right through his behaviour and knew that he just needed someone who acknowledged him and gave him a chance. There’s still a language ______11______ between us, but words aren’t needed, we can always sense when we’re at one with someone. He recently walked by me and gave me the most sincere ______12______ that I’ve ever seen. My ______13______ turned to me and said “I’ve never seen him smile like that before. How did you ______14______ it?” “I gave him a______15______ ,” I said, “through just one song.”
    1.A.sing B.recommend C.record D.create
    2.A.played B.performed C.introduced D.practiced
    3.A.clever B.tough C.honest D.active
    4.A.cut down B.broke down C.turned down D.brought down
    5.A.parent B.classmate C.friend D.teacher
    6.A.tell B.admit C.remember D.predict
    7.A.obviously B.absolutely C.regularly D.eventually
    8.A.class B.name C.family D.hobby
    9.A.scared B.powerful C.thrilled D.disappointed
    10.A.accepted B.inspired C.attacked D.misunderstood
    11.A.barrier B.training C.course D.connection
    12.A.thanks B.behavior C.confidence D.smile
    13.A.teacher B.relative C.roommate D.coworker
    14.A.get B.make C.observe D.recover
    15.A.choice B.comment C.comfort D.chance

    (2022春·广西桂林·高一统考期末)When I was about ten, my family moved to a neighborhood near a public library, Every evening, I would____16____to the library soon after school. On weekends, I would be there five minutes earlier than the opening hour of the library. Instead of____17____for the librarian to tidy up this area, I would____18____the kids’ section’s seats, turn on the lights and start my reading.
    I was____19____of the librarian at first, as I used to hear him being hard on people who had late returns. Every day, fifteen minutes before the____20____closing time, he would start to ask people to____21____.Because I did not have a library card, I wasn’t____22____to take my half-read books with me. After a few days, the librarian must have silently____23____my long face, because he started making____24____about closure only in other sections. He would leave the_____25_____on just enough for me to read while he tidied up the rest of the place._____26_____,this gave me another ten minutes to read. Five minutes before closing, I would put the books back and join him in _____27_____the doors. Very soon, in my head, we formed a team that opens and closes, the doors of the library.
    I lived there for about five years and the librarian and I had become _____28_____.He would simply point at the new books and smile at me. If I missed going to the library, the librarian would be_____29_____ and ask why I had missed my routine.
    I love books,_____30_____the silent librarian.
    16.A.drive B.escape C.return D.rush
    17.A.expecting B.waiting C.accounting D.allowing
    18.A.clean B.book C.paint D.arrange
    19.A.fond B.afraid C.proud D.aware
    20.A.possible B.flexible C.actual D.previous
    21.A.stay B.leave C.gather D.sit
    22.A.used B.required C.supposed D.allowed
    23.A.observed B.ignored C.praised D.forgotten
    24.A.decisions B.mistakes C.announcements D.wishes
    25.A.radios B.lights C.televisions D.computers
    26.A.Unluckily B.Interestingly C.Surprisingly D.Thankfully
    27.A.locking B.repairing C.answering D.pushing
    28.A.strangers B.lovers C.friends D.neighbors
    29.A.satisfied B.delighted C.puzzled D.worried
    30.A.rather than B.except for C.thanks to D.but for

    (2023·全国·高一期末)When my oldest son was in high school, he planned to ___31___ a concert with the youth group. To my ___32___, Aaron invited me to go along. I ___33___ accepted; however, by the time the date of the concert arrived,my youngest son had been ill,and I was concerned about him.I hesitated (犹豫).Then my husband ___34___ me to attend the concert, promising he would take care of our youngest. 
    Finally, the ___35___ was made. Aaron was sixteen years old.How many opportunities would I have to do something fun with him ___36___ he went away to college? And how many youths actually would ___37___ their mothers to attend a concert with them that was clearly for teens? I would not miss this opportunity. 
    At the concert,I sat with Aaron in the third row,putting cotton in my ears to block out the ___38___,ear-splitting music of the first performer.I stood when the kids stood,clapped when they clapped,and never let anyone know how ___39___ I was to feel the floor shaking beneath my feet.Aaron and his friends were ____40____ at my enthusiasm(热情). 
    By the time we left the concert, my ears were ringing, but it quickly passed.____41____ did my son’s teenage years.In no time he was in college and away from home.I missed him more than I could say. Whenever I felt ____42____,I would think back to the concert we attended and be thankful once again that I didn’t ____43____ an opportunity to spend time with my son. 
    Aaron is now grown and has a family of his own, but he often calls just to ____44____ and tell me about his day.I drop everything and ____45____ the moment.
    31.A.join B.take part C.join in D.attend
    32.A.shame B.agreement C.surprise D.disappointment
    33.A.hardly B.hurriedly C.suddenly D.happily
    34.A.prevented B.refused C.stopped D.encouraged
    35.A.concert B.decision C.problem D.promise
    36.A.after B.before C.when D.since
    37.A.permit B.advise C.invite D.promise
    38.A.loud B.pleasant C.wonderful D.sweet
    39.A.excited B.surprised C.curious D.nervous
    40.A.amused B.confused C.puzzled D.disappointed
    41.A.So B.Neither C.Such D.Either
    42.A.tired B.lonely C.upset D.worried
    43.A.have B.grasp C.obtain D.miss
    44.A.chat B.notice C.talk D.communicate
    45.A.wait B.enjoy C.listen D.spend

    (2022春·黑龙江大庆·高一大庆实验中学校考期末)Once upon a time, there was a man who believed he could see the future through the stars. He called himself an astrologer and got used to ___46___ at the sky all night. He was always busy worrying about the ___47___ . The ___48___ often came to him, hoping to know what their future would be like.
    One evening he was ___49___ on the main road outside the village. His eyes were fixed on the stars. He thought he saw that the end of the world was near. He was concentrated on thinking about the future. When he looked up at the stars, he walked without looking ___50___ . Suddenly he fell into a ditch (沟渠) full of ___51___ and water.
    He was ___52___ in the muddy water, and ___53___ trying to climb out. Being unable to crawl (爬行) out and fearing for his ___54___ , he started to shout for help and his ____55____ soon brought the villagers running towards him.
    As they pulled him out of the mud, one of them said, “You ____56____ to read the future in the stars, and yet you ____57____ to see what is at your feet! This may teach you to pay more attention to what is right in front of you, and let the future take care of itself.”
    “What use is it,” said another, “to read the stars, when you can’t see what’s right here on the earth?”
    We all want our future to be ____58____ and happy. However, the time doesn’t stop for anyone. There is always a tomorrow to look forward to and ____59____ , but you can’t go back to yesterday. So, maintain your ____60____ life while you work for a better tomorrow.
    46.A.laughing B.shouting C.aiming D.staring
    47.A.disaster B.future C.fortune D.others
    48.A.relatives B.teenagers C.villagers D.scientists
    49.A.driving B.cycling C.walking D.running
    50.A.back B.around C.down D.up
    51.A.stones B.fish C.waste D.mud
    52.A.struggling B.swimming C.flowing D.bathing
    53.A.madly B.patiently C.surprisingly D.confidently
    54.A.family B.life C.career D.money
    55.A.death B.injury C.cries D.climb
    56.A.like B.have C.pretend D.offer
    57.A.happen B.fail C.wait D.refuse
    58.A.bright B.rich C.different D.safe
    59.A.predict B.share C.improve D.prepare
    60.A.happy B.present C.unknown D.past

    (2022春·新疆昌吉·高一新疆昌吉回族自治州第二中学校考期末)In 2019, I went on a winter break trip with my family. One of our ____61____ was London. The first thing that I ____62____ when I landed in London was the weather. It was too ____63____ for my liking as it required me to wear a thick jacket.
    After some ____64____ using a map of London, we decided to go to Buckingham Palace first.
    Buckingham Palace was one of the ____65____ of a “hop-on, hop-off (随上随下)” bus that we took. The palace itself didn’t look very big or impressive from the entrance ____66____ it got much more impressive when you entered the gates.
    While continuing on the “hop-on, hop-off” bus, we ____67____ the London Bridge, which I didn’t notice until the driver pointed it out to me. While it felt kind of special to be driving on such an iconic (符号的) bridge, the ____68____ was not as cool as one would imagine it to be.
    Besides its history, this bridge was just another bridge that ____69____ two masses of land, something that pretty much all _____70_____ do.
    When we _____71_____ Big Ben, we decided to hop off the bus and take some _____72_____. Big Ben was a pretty _____73_____ experience for me. In many pictures of London, Big Ben is a very visible (看得见的) building in the skyline, and it was very nice for me to see the clock tower _____74_____. I am a big fan of skyscrapers (摩天大楼) and skyscraper-like buildings so this clock tower certainly caught my _____75_____.
    61.A.stops B.topics C.places D.changes
    62.A.forgot B.told C.noticed D.liked
    63.A.foggy B.cold C.dry D.clear
    64.A.testing B.planning C.touring D.calling
    65.A.ways B.dreams C.starts D.destinations
    66.A.so B.if C.but D.until
    67.A.greeted B.passed C.checked D.found
    68.A.history B.example C.position D.experience
    69.A.mixes B.spreads C.ends D.connects
    70.A.bridges B.buses C.drivers D.towers
    71.A.reached B.built C.visited D.left
    72.A.notes B.steps C.pictures D.lessons
    73.A.similar B.cool C.bad D.common
    74.A.in return B.in public C.in advance D.in person
    75.A.ear B.mind C.eye D.hand

    (2022春·辽宁·高一校联考期末)As families across Hampshire, a village in Britain, opened their homes to Ukrainian refugees (乌克兰难民), Jennie Maizels began a new chapter in her life.
    On watching news report of people____76____ from Ukraine for a place to live in, Jennie had no____77____ in becoming a host family and presented her____78____ to Homes for Ukraine, a Facebook group, through which Marilia was____79____ to her.
    Marilia arrived at Jennie’s house on an April sunny day when all the daffodils (水仙花) ____80____. It was like everywhere was saying “welcome”. Jennie even arranged a(n) ____81____ Ukrainian Easter party for Marilia in her garden. Naturally, there was much for Marilia to____82____ to, such as the driving on the left and the language. ____83____ since Jennie downloaded the translation app on Marilia’s phone, it had been amazing to see how her English had____84____.
    Besides, Marilia was welcomed with open arms by the neighbors. “As soon as Marilia arrived, I phoned a local bar whose landlady was just____85____. She immediately offered Marilia work and paid a good____86____.” Jennie recalled. Jennie’s action had a huge amount of____87____ on the neighbors. ____88____, they invited Marilia for tea and cake in their houses.
    Jennie was____89____ more people to consider____90____, since this had been so enriching and could make life fuller and happier.
    76.A.heading B.going C.settling D.escaping
    77.A.wish B.hesitation C.desire D.excuse
    78.A.application B.gift C.intention D.plan
    79.A.corresponded B.sent C.matched D.decided
    80.A.came out B.stood out C.came across D.died out
    81.A.individual B.traditional C.fashionable D.available
    82.A.apply B.adopt C.admit D.adapt
    83.A.Moreover B.Thus C.Therefore D.However
    84.A.fastened B.progressed C.developed D.explored
    85.A.calm B.unusual C.remarkable D.responsible
    86.A.interest B.award C.wage D.benefit
    87.A.influence B.difference C.attack D.stress
    88.A.Ultimately B.Surprisingly C.Undoubtedly D.Frequently
    89.A.advising B.pressing C.suggesting D.allowing
    90.A.supporting B.appealing C.hosting D.funding

    (2022春·辽宁沈阳·高一沈阳市第一二〇中学校考期末)Every week, Andy goes for a walk and about two miles away, his friend Gabe does the same thing at the same time. They walk toward each other and when they meet, the ___91___ thing happens. The two men clap, snap and high five. Then, they ___92___ and go home. The men say it’s their way of saying hi. “Picking up the phone is great, but I’ve got a friend who will ___93___ wind and rain just to give me a high five,” Andy said “And I wish everybody could feel that feeling.”
    Andy and Gabe are ___94___ and they became friends after they met at a concert in 2000. They ___95___ this bit of silliness seven years ago after Gabe, the gifted pianist, was hospitalized with a serious disease. It affected his brain and caused him to ___96___ his past. That’s when his friend Andy, came to ___97___. Knowing his situation, Andy said, “Well, Gabe, this is going to sound really ___98___ but I need you to do something for me. Give me a high five.” And he agreed ___99___, “OK!”
    Andy keeps a record of every ____100____ in his high-five journal, which includes the latest one: No. 312. “My ____101____ just did what it has been doing for years when the moment happened—clap, snap, and high five,” Gabe said. That was in September. Since then, a lot of Gabe’s ____102____ have returned, but few of them are more cherished (珍视的) than this silly tradition. Andy has also written a song about their tradition titled, “Small Things.” It ____103____ us that appreciating the little things in life is ____104____ a small thing. Going out of your way for someone is the straightest path to an everlasting ____105____.
    91.A.smartest B.strangest C.simplest D.toughest
    92.A.turn around B.carry on C.step forward D.break down
    93.A.brave B.remove C.narrow D.avoid
    94.A.photographers B.lawyers C.musicians D.authors
    95.A.adapted B.corrected C.invented D.recommended
    96.A.regret B.forget C.destroy D.escape
    97.A.permit B.stand C.comment D.visit
    98.A.satisfying B.neat C.creative D.silly
    99.A.gradually B.definitely C.obviously D.extremely
    100.A.encounter B.hug C.location D.movement
    101.A.head B.body C.feet D.legs
    102.A.responses B.expressions C.memories D.opportunities
    103.A.advises B.promises C.reminds D.warns
    104.A.only B.just C.even D.not
    105.A.adventure B.impact C.balance D.friendship

    (2022春·重庆·高一西南大学附中校考期末)Ten years ago when I was diagnosed with a serious illness, my first thought was, “Why me?” And this thought ___106___ me throughout my journey. It wasn’t until I was ___107___ enough to look back that I realized how much of my life was ___108___ by my illness not in a bad way.
    Being ___109___ for our past experiences and ___110___ can be a hard thing to do. We sometimes wish events in our past could be ___111___ so we could start a new life. But without these events, we wouldn’t learn, change and grow.
    The day I ___112___ this was volunteering with my boyfriend. A friend’s wife came up to me and asked me how school was, ___113___ I said I didn’t like it that much. She then ___114___ by saying, “Well, if you hadn’t gone, you wouldn’t have met him,” and pointed at my ____115____    .
    This really opened my eyes, and after I left I started seeing everything in my life in this ____116____. If I hadn’t gone to that school, I would never have met my future husband. If I hadn’t battled ____117____ the illness, I wouldn’t have found my true ____118____. At first I didn’t see how my illness could have ever been a blessing. But when I looked at it as an experience for me, I started to see that I had a lot to be grateful for.
    I grew closer to my mother while ____119____. I gained knowledge about myself that I could ____120____ gain through struggle, and learned how to take care of my wants and needs in a way that made me happy.
    106.A.injured B.followed C.delivered D.struck
    107.A.well B.brave C.scared D.ill
    108.A.widened B.lengthened C.shaped D.unified
    109.A.mindful B.thankful C.hopeful D.cheerful
    110.A.stories B.replies C.rewards D.struggles
    111.A.ruined B.caught C.swept D.taught
    112.A.recalled B.reminded C.removed D.realized
    113.A.but B.and C.so D.for
    114.A.responded B.collected C.refused D.lectured
    115.A.boyfriend B.girlfriend C.husband D.teacher
    116.A.way B.system C.regard D.case
    117.A.through B.for C.within D.against
    118.A.hope B.self C.relief D.friend
    119.A.living B.losing C.recovering D.searching
    120.A.never B.already C.only D.also

    (2022秋·贵州毕节·高一统考期末)When I was in my fourth year of ____121____, I was a high school track coach(田径教练). One year, I had a student, John, who changed to our school from Greece, and seemed to be____122____in sports, so I____123____him to join our track team. I explained to him that____124____he had never taken part in it before, I did believe that he could do well in any ____125____, and I would be____126____to teach him at whichever ones interested him. He____127____the offer, and began to work hard at every practice.
    About a month____128____, I had found out from other ways that John was a first-class tennis player, winning many ____129____in his home country. I went to him, asking, “John, I really enjoy that you came out for the track team, but why didn’t you_____130_____tennis instead? It seems that would interest you a lot more, since you’re so _____131_____at it.”
    John answered, “well, I like tennis, but you told me that you believed in me, and that you thought I could do well in _____132_____, so I wanted to try it for that reason.”
    From then on, I often remember my student’s_____133_____ I told it to a friend and she suggested I write it down to _____134_____ somewhere with more teachers. No matter how critical(不满的) students can be of themselves, I’ve found that a simple “I _____135_____ that you can do it!” can go a long way!
    121.A.discussion B.suffering C.friendship D.teaching
    122.A.boring B.interested C.anxious D.confused
    123.A.encouraged B.disagreed C.regretted D.continued
    124.A.because B.when C.even though D.as if
    125.A.goal B.reaction C.event D.impact
    126.A.tired B.willing C.ashamed D.fond
    127.A.ordered B.accepted C.hated D.protected
    128.A.late B.lately C.latest D.later
    129.A.prizes B.companies C.inventions D.ideas
    130.A.help B.notice C.play D.include
    131.A.special B.good C.wonderful D.beautiful
    132.A.schedule B.plan C.trap D.track
    133.A.reply B.effort C.goal D.lesson
    134.A.buy B.read C.share D.collect
    135.A.trust B.report C.admit D.record

    (2022春·河南新乡·高一新乡市第一中学校联考期末)Every Christmas, we get “The Box” from my uncle, who owns a local sporting goods store. He ___136___ uniforms to the sports teams and does T-shirt printing for parties. Every Christmas, instead of ___137___, he sends us the rejects(废品)from his shop.
    One year, we got caps that sported a company’s misspelled ___138___. It was “Lovie’s Mower Service” ___139___ “Louie’s Mower Service”
    Another year, we got a birthday party T shirt for a woman’s ninety sixth birthday when ___140___ to be her ninety seventh birthday. And another time we all got green football socks that weren’t exactly the ___141___ color for the football team that had ___142___ them.
    You never know what you’re going to get out of “The Box”, so we play a ___143___ with it on Christmas Eve. My father ___144___ one item at a time, and each of us has the ____145____ to keep it or not. It goes around the whole ____146____, and if someone wants it, he ____147____ it, if no one wants it, it goes in the pile to charity.
    We have had a million ____148____ over the years, with family reunion shirts, baseball pants, and different minor league baseball teams’ clothes with colorful names. “The Box” never ____149____ us.
    I’m not sure what we will do if my uncle runs out of things to send us! It’s a ____150____ , if a bit wacky (古怪), Christmas tradition.
    136.A.supplies B.designs C.transports D.counts
    137.A.celebrations B.presents C.blessings D.impressions
    138.A.place B.time C.name D.form
    139.A.but for B.other than C.compared to D.instead of
    140.A.supposed B.allowed C.forced D.encouraged
    141.A.ordinary B.special C.right D.green
    142.A.seen B.ordered C.found D.placed
    143.A.song B.joke C.sport D.game
    144.A.sets up B.brings back C.draws out D.gets in
    145.A.clue B.chance C.ability D.dream
    146.A.area B.week C.day D.circle
    147.A.buys B.takes C.refuses D.throws
    148.A.laughs B.protests C.attempts D.images
    149.A.excites B.reminds C.disappoints D.threats
    150.A.beloved B.legal C.native D.calm

    (2022春·贵州黔东南·高一统考期末)John was crazy about playing basketball. Every day after school, he would spend much time practising to  ___151___ basketball skills. Sometimes, he didn’t go back home until sunset, which made his mother___152___ angry.
    One day, as he was given a chance to watch a basketball game, he dreamed about___153___the college basketball team the next year. On the way, he was happy secretly. Suddenly, a car hit him. Luckily, some passers-by called the ___154___number in time, and he was sent to hospital at once.
    What a terrible experience! He___155___from terrible injuries. It seemed like a bad dream. John woke up in a hospital room, ___156___to death. When the doctor told him that both his___157___were broken and he had to sit in the wheelchair (轮椅) for the time being, he knew his___158___of becoming a member of college basketball team was over. He was really___159___. John followed what the doctor had told him, but it did not____160____entirely. When he left hospital, John was sent to a health center to____161____. He never heard of this center before, but he was relaxed when he knew his mother would keep him____162____. Life there was a struggle for him for the first few days. Despite the best efforts, he____163____to stand up. But he____164____to the changes. As time went by, he learned to be____165____about himself, bravely facing the difficulties.
    151.A.improve B.admire C.challenge D.apply
    152.A.suddenly B.actually C.extremely D.finally
    153.A.finding B.making C.searching D.contacting
    154.A.flight B.credit C.electricity D.emergency
    155.A.came B.suffered C.learned D.prevented
    156.A.frightened B.awkward C.attached D.excited
    157.A.hands B.ears C.legs D.eyes
    158.A.addiction B.pressure C.design D.goal
    159.A.fearless B.hopeless C.jobless D.homeless
    160.A.work B.affect C.cheat D.compete
    161.A.balance B.comment C.recover D.bury
    162.A.company B.breath C.gap D.adult
    163.A.sweated B.erupted C.demanded D.failed
    164.A.donated B.led C.compared D.adapted
    165.A.anxious B.positive C.curious D.careful

    (2022春·吉林延边·高一统考期末)It was 80 years ago when I wrote my first letter to Paul and Renee who lived in France. I was keen on learning languages, so I was ____166____ when my French teacher assigned us pen pals.
    It was quite a thing to get a letter from a ____167____ country, so I looked forward to ____168____ their reply. They weren’t particularly good at English, so we were all writing in French, which helped me acquire a good ____169____ of the language.
    I decided to go to France on holiday in 1949 to ____170____ them, but Paul was called up by the army, and Renee was away skiing. The family ____171____ me warmly, and I visited several times in the years that followed. The first time I met Renee, she picked me up at the station, and we hit it off straight away.
    I never got to meet Paul. Renee ____172____ to me and told me that he had died ____173____ after leaving the army. Renee and I continued writing to each other, and our ____174____ became deeper. We talked about our families, our favorite pastimes and our _____175_____ in life. Renee never married and worked as a nurse for half her life. As I continued to visit, I got to know her whole family, _____176_____ her aunts and uncles, and distant cousins all over France. I was so _____177_____ into their home life that I never felt like a tourist.
    I’m 93 now and I _____178_____ write to Renee. She has difficulty writing now, so she phone me to reply. Most people don’t seem to have the time for letters anymore, but it gives me great_____179_____ to write. My correspondence(通信)with Renee has offered me a wider _____180_____of what’s happening outside the UK. More importantly, this is the most enduring friendship I have ever had.
    166.A.pleased B.annoyed C.confused D.curious
    167.A.industrial B.rich C.foreign D.ancient
    168.A.debating B.exchanging C.appreciating D.receiving
    169.A.adventure B.knowledge C.effect D.description
    170.A.protect B.forgive C.meet D.recognize
    171.A.explored B.admired C.helped D.treated
    172.A.wrote B.expressed C.turned D.listened
    173.A.narrowly B.shortly C.obviously D.extremely
    174.A.responsibility B.solution C.friendship D.impression
    175.A.legends B.troubles C.protests D.means
    176.A.including B.with C.beyond D.about
    177.A.chosen B.preferred C.introduced D.welcomed
    178.A.rather B.hardly C.still D.never
    179.A.pleasure B.confidence C.personality D.power
    180.A.youth B.freedom C.goal D.view

    1.B    2.A    3.B    4.D    5.C    6.A    7.D    8.B    9.C    10.D    11.A    12.D    13.D    14.B    15.D
    1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我试着让学生们为我的广播推荐歌曲。A. sing唱歌;B. recommend推荐;C. record记录;D. create创造。根据下文“At the broadcast, I usually announce who recommended the song”中提到recommended可知,此处为作者试着让学生们为广播推荐歌曲。故选B项。
    2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在广播中,我通常会宣布谁推荐了这首歌,然后在午餐时间播放给大家听。A. played播放;B. performed执行;C. introduced介绍;D. practiced练习。根据上文“At the broadcast, I usually announced who recommended the song”可知,在午餐时间播放歌曲让学生们听。故选A项。
    3.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我让每个人都有机会通过音乐来分享自己,包括我的一个棘手的学生。A. clever聪明的;B. tough棘手的,困难的;C. honest诚实的;D. active积极的。  根据下文“This student constantly got into fights with the other students”可推知,这个学生是一个棘手的学生。故选B项。
    4.考查动词短语辨析。句意:这个学生经常和其他同学打架,降低了课堂的活力。A. cut down削减;B. broke down分解;C. turned down拒绝;D. brought down降低。根据该句中的“This student constantly got into fights with the other students”可推知,这个学生经常和其他同学打架,降低了课堂的活力。故选D项。
    5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但我知道他只是需要一个朋友,或者至少是一个能让他联系上的人。A. parent父母; B. classmate同学;C. friend朋友;D. teacher 教师。根据“at least someone he can connect with.”可知,作者认为他只是需要一个朋友,或者至少是一个能让他联系上的人。故选C项。
    6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我看得出来,过去的一年他对我越来越有好感了。A. tell告诉、知道;B. admit承认;C. remember记住;D. predict预测。根据后文“Needless to say, the boy was very  9 , and he’s been much happier and more focused in English class ever since.”可知,因为作者让他推荐了歌曲,他变得快乐和专注,所以作者看得出来,他对作者越来越有好感了。故选A项。
    7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他最终推荐了一首歌,我真的很喜欢这首歌,所以我加入了广播,并确保宣布了他的名字,这样每个人都知道他贡献了这么一首很棒的歌。A. obviously显而易见地;B. absolutely绝对地;C. regularly定期地;D. eventually最终。根据下文“I really liked so I put it on the broadcast”可推知,此处为这个学生最终推荐了一首歌。故选D项。
    8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他最终推荐了一首歌,我真的很喜欢这首歌,所以我加入了广播,并确保宣布了他的名字,这样每个人都知道他贡献了这么一首很棒的歌。A. class班级;B. name名字;C. family家庭;D. hobby爱好。根据下文“so everyone knew that he contributed such a great song.”可推知,作者真的很喜欢这首歌,所以加入了广播,并确保宣布了他的名字,每个人都知道他贡献了这么一首很棒的歌。故选B项。
    9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:不用说,这个男孩非常兴奋,从那以后,他在英语课上变得更加快乐和专注。A. scared害怕的;B. powerful强有力的;C. thrilled非常兴奋的;D. disappointed失望的。根据该句中的“and he’s been much happier”可知,这个男孩非常兴奋,从那以后,在英语课上变得更加快乐和专注。故选C项。
    10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然其他人都误解了他,把他推开,但我看穿了他的行为,知道他只是需要一个认可他、给他机会的人。A. accepted接受的;B. inspired鼓舞;C. attacked攻击;D. misunderstood误解。根据下文“pushed him away”可知,别人都远离他,所以是误解了他。故选D项。
    11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们之间仍然有语言障碍,但言语是不需要的,你总能感觉到你和某人在一起。A. barrier障碍;B. training训练;C. course课程;D. connection联系。根据下文“but words aren’t needed, we can always sense when we’re at one with someone.”可知,我们之间有语言障碍。故选A项。
    12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他最近从我身边走过,给了我一个我所见过的最真诚的微笑。A. thanks感谢;B. behavior行为;C. confidence信心;D. smile 微笑。根据下文“I’ve never seen him smile like that before”可知,他最近从作者身边走过,给了作者一个作者从未见过的微笑。故选D项。
    13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的同事转向我说:“我以前从未见过他这样笑。你是如何做到的?”。A. teacher教师;B. relative亲戚;C. roommate室友;D. coworker同事。根据下文“I’ve never seen him smile like that before.”可知,说话人和作者在一起,应是同事。故选D项。
    14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的同事转向我说:“我以前从未见过他这样笑。你是如何做到的?”A. get得到;B. make成为;C. observe观察;D. recover恢复。根据下文“I said, “through just one song.””可知,同事问作者如何成功做到让这个孩子有这种微笑的。make it成功做到,故选B项。
    15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我给了他一个机会。”我说“通过一首歌”。A. choice选择;B. comment评论;C. comfort安慰;D. chance 机会。根据上文的“I gave everyone an opportunity to share themselves through their music”以及上文讲述的内容可知,作者给了这个学生一个机会,通过一首歌曲,让这个孩子改变了。故选D项。

    16.D    17.B    18.A    19.B    20.C    21.B    22.D    23.A    24.C    25.B    26.D    27.A    28.C    29.D    30.C

    16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:每天晚上,我放学后很快就会冲到图书馆。A. drive驾驶;B. escape逃避;C. return返回;D. rush冲刺。根据下文“On weekends, I would be there five minutes earlier than the opening hour of the library. Instead of____2____for the librarian to tidy up this area, I would____3____the kids’ section’s seats, turn on the lights and start my reading.”可知,作者很喜爱读书,所以放学后就会想早点去,由此判断,是冲到图书馆。故选D。
    17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不会等图书管理员来整理这个区域,而是打扫儿童区座位,打开灯开始阅读。A. expecting期盼;B. waiting等待;C. accounting解释;D. allowing允许。根据下文“I would____3____the kids’ section’s seats, turn on the lights and start my reading.”可知,作者急着看书,根本等不得图书管理员来打扫位置。故选B。
    18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不会等图书管理员来整理这个区域,而是清理儿童区座位,打开灯开始阅读。A. clean清理;B. book预定;C. paint粉刷;D. arrange安排。根据上文“Instead of____2____for the librarian to tidy up this area,”可知,作者等不得图书管理员来打扫,所以是自己清理位置。故选A。
    19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:起初我很害怕图书管理员,因为我常常听到他对那些逾期归还的人很严厉。A. fond喜爱的;B. afraid害怕的;C. proud自豪的;D. aware明白的。根据下文“as I used to hear him being hard on people who had late returns.”可在,作者听到他对那些逾期归还的人很严厉,所以作者有点怕他。故选B。
    20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:每天,在实际关门前15分钟,他就开始叫人离开。A. possible有可能的;B. flexible灵活的;C. actual实际上的;D. previous之前的。根据上文的“fifteen minutes before”以及下文“this gave me another ten minutes to read.”可知,图书管理员是在实际关门前15分钟就开始叫人离开。故选C。
    21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:每天,在实际关门前15分钟,他就开始叫人离开。A. stay仍然;B. leave离开;C. gather聚集;D. sit坐。根据下文“this gave me another ten minutes to read.”可推断,这个图书管理员是提前15分钟让读书的人离开。故选B。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:因为我没有借书证,我不能带我读了一半的书。A. used使用;B. required要求;C. supposed认为;D. allowed允许。根据上文的“Because I did not have a library card”以及下文“take my half-read books with me.”可知,作者是没有借书证的,所以作者不被允许带走读了一半的书。故选D。
    23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:几天后,图书管理员肯定是默默地注意到了我的闷闷不乐的样子,因为他开始只在其他部分宣布关闭。A. observed观察、注意到;B. ignored忽视;C. praised表扬;D. forgotten忘记。根据下文“He would leave the____10____on just enough for me to read while he tidied up the rest of the place.”可知,图书管理员是注意到了作者闷闷不乐的样子。故选A。
    24.考查名词词义辨析。句意:几天后,图书管理员肯定是默默地注意到了我的闷闷不乐的样子,因为他开始只在其他部分宣布关闭。A. decisions决定;B. mistakes错误;C. announcements通知;D. wishes愿望。根据上文“Every day, fifteen minutes before the____5____closing time, he would start to ask people to____6____.”可知,图书管理员每天关门前15分钟就开始通知人们离开;而下文“He would leave the____10____on just enough for me to read while he tidied up the rest of the place.”可知,他会为作者留灯让作者继续阅读,所以他是不会在作者所在的区域通知人们离开。故选C。
    25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他会把灯开着,只够我看书,而他会收拾图书馆的其他地方。A. radios收音机;B. lights灯;C. televisions电视剧;D. computers电脑。根据下文的“just enough for me to read while he tidied up the rest of the place.”可知,图书管理员是为作者留了灯看书。故选B。
    26.考查副词词义辨析。句意:谢天谢地,这又给了我十分钟的阅读时间。A. Unluckily不幸地;B. Interestingly有意思地;C. Surprisingly令人惊叹地;D. Thankfully幸运地。根据上文可知,作者很爱读书;再根据下文“this gave me another ten minutes to read.”可知,对于爱读书的人而言,多十分钟阅读是幸运的。故选D。
    27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在关门前五分钟,我会把书放回去,和他一起锁上门。A. locking锁;B. repairing修复;C. answering回答;D. pushing推。根据“Five minutes before closing,”以及下文“Very soon, in my head, we formed a team that opens and closes, the doors of the library.”可知,作者会一直阅读到图书馆关门前五分钟,然后作者会把书放回原处,然后和图书管理员一起锁门。故选A。
    28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我在那里住了大约五年,图书管理员和我成了朋友。A. strangers陌生人;B. lovers爱人;C. friends朋友;D. neighbors邻居。根据下文的“He would simply point at the new books and smile at me. If I missed going to the library, the librarian would be____14____ and ask why I had missed my routine.”可知,作者和图书管理员已经成为了朋友。故选C。
    29.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果我错过了去图书馆的时间,图书管理员会很担心,问我为什么错过了我的日常活动。A. satisfied满意的;B. delighted高兴的;C. puzzled困惑的;D. worried担忧的。根据下文的“ask why I had missed my routine.”可知,作者如果不去看书,图书管理员还会感到担忧,询问作者怎么了。故选D。
    30.考查短语词义辨析。句意:我爱书,多亏了那个沉默的图书管理员。A. rather than而不是;B. except for除了;C. thanks to多亏了;D. but for要不是。根据全文内容可知,作者是因为有了图书管理员的帮助,才能多读书,并爱书。故选C。

    31.D    32.C    33.D    34.D    35.B    36.B    37.C    38.A    39.D    40.A    41.A    42.B    43.D    44.A    45.B

    31.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我大儿子上高中的时候,他计划和青年团体一起去听一场音乐会。A. join加入;B. take part参加;C. join in参加;D. attend出席。根据下文“Then my husband ___4___ me to attend the concert”可知,此处为他计划和青年团体一起去听一场音乐会。故选D项。
    32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:令我吃惊的是,亚伦邀请我一起去。A. shame羞耻;B. agreement同意;C. surprise惊讶;D. disappointment失望。根据上文提到的他计划和青年团体一起去听一场音乐会,以及该句中的“Aaron invited me to go along.”结合语境可推知,此处为亚伦邀请我一起去去听音乐会令我吃惊。故选C项。
    33.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我高兴地接受了。A. hardly几乎不;B. hurriedly匆忙地;C. suddenly突然;D. happily高兴地。根据句意以及上文提到的令我吃惊的是,亚伦邀请我一起去,可知,此处为我高兴地接受了。故选D项。
    34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后我丈夫鼓励我去听音乐会,并保证他会照顾我们最小的孩子。A. prevented阻止;B. refused拒绝;C. stopped停止;D. encouraged鼓励。根据下文“promising he would take care of our youngest.”可推知,此处为丈夫鼓励我去听音乐会,并保证他会照顾我们最小的孩子。故选D项。
    35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:最后,做出了决定。A. concert音乐会;B. decision决定;C. problem问题;D. promise承诺。根据上文提到的丈夫鼓励我去听音乐会,并保证他会照顾我们最小的孩子,以及下文“Aaron was sixteen years old. How many opportunities would…college?”可推知,此处为最后,做出了决定,我决定和大儿子去听音乐会。故选B项。
    36.考查连词词义辨析。句意:在他去上大学之前我还能有多少机会和他一起做些有趣的事呢? A. after在……之后;B. before在……之前;C. when当……时候;D. since自从。  根据上文“Aaron was sixteen years old.”那时亚伦十六岁,以及该句中的“he went away to college”可推知,此处为在他去上大学之前我还能有多少机会和他一起做些有趣的事呢?故选B项。
    37.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有多少年轻人会邀请他们的母亲和他们一起去听一场明显是为青少年举办的音乐会?A. permit允许;B. advise建议;C. invite邀请;D. promise承诺。  根据上文“Aaron invited me to go along”可知,此处为有多少年轻人会邀请他们的母亲和他们一起去听一场明显是为青少年举办的音乐会?故选C项。
    38.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在音乐会上,我和亚伦坐在第三排,用棉花塞住耳朵,挡住第一位表演者震耳欲聋的音乐声。A. loud大声的;B. pleasant令人愉悦的;C. wonderful精彩的;D. sweet悦耳的。根据该句中的“putting cotton in my ears to block out…”(用棉花塞住耳朵,挡住……)可推知,此处为我和亚伦坐在第三排,用棉花塞住耳朵,挡住第一位表演者震耳欲聋的音乐声。故选A项。
    39.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:孩子们站着的时候我也站着,他们鼓掌的时候我也鼓掌,我从不让任何人知道我对脚下的地板震动有多紧张。A. excited兴奋的;B. surprised惊讶的;C. curious好奇的;D. nervous紧张的。根据语境以及该句中的“I was to feel the floor shaking beneath my feet.”可推知,此处为我不让任何人知道我对脚下的地板震动有多紧张。故选D项。
    40.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:亚伦和他的朋友们被我的热情逗乐了。A. amused愉悦的;被逗笑的;B. confused困惑的;C. puzzled吃惊的;D. disappointed失望的。根据句意以及该句中的“at my enthusiasm”可推知,此处为亚伦和他的朋友们被我的热情逗乐了。故选A项。
    41.考查代词词义辨析。句意:我儿子的青少年时期也是如此。A. So这样的;B. Neither也不;C. Such这样的,如此的;D. Either两者之一。根据上文“By the time we left the concert, my ears were ringing, but it quickly passed.”当我们离开音乐会时,我的耳朵开始嗡嗡作响,但这一切很快就过去了,可推知,此处为的耳朵因为音乐会嗡嗡作响,但很快就过去了,同样,儿子的青少年时期也过去的很快。故选A项。
    42.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:每当我感到孤独的时候,我就会回想起我们参加的音乐会,并再次感激我没有错过与儿子共度时光的机会。A. tired劳累的;B. lonely孤独的;C. upset不安的;D. worried担心的。根据上文“I missed him more than I could say.”可推知,每当我感到孤独的时候,我就会回想起我们参加的音乐会,并再次感激我没有错过与儿子共度时光的机会。故选B项。
    43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:每当我感到孤独的时候,我就会回想起我们参加的音乐会,并再次感激我没有错过与儿子共度时光的机会。A. have有;B. grasp抓住;C. obtain获得;D. miss错过,想念。根据句意以及该句中的“and be thankful once again”可推知,回想起我们参加的音乐会,我感激我没有错过与儿子共度时光的机会。故选D项。
    44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:亚伦现在已经长大了,有了自己的家庭,但他经常打电话来只是为了聊天,告诉我他一天的生活。A. chat聊天;B. notice注意;C. talk谈论;D. communicate交流。根据该句中的“he often calls”以及“tell me about his day”可知,此处为但他经常打电话来只是为了聊天,告诉我他一天的生活。故选A项。
    45.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我放下一切,享受这一刻。A. wait等待;B. enjoy享受;C. listen听;D. spend花费。根据上下文语境以及给该句中的“I drop everything”可推知,此处为我放下一切,享受这一刻。故选B项。

    46.D    47.B    48.C    49.C    50.C    51.D    52.A    53.A    54.B    55.C    56.C    57.B    58.A    59.C    60.B

    46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他自称占星家,并且习惯了整夜盯着天空看。A. laughing大笑;B. shouting大喊;C. aiming旨在;D. staring盯着看。根据上文“there was a man who believed he could see the future through the stars.”可知,他相信自己可以通过观察星星预测未来,所以他整天盯着天空看。故选D项。
    47.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他总是忙于担心未来。A. disaster灾难;B. future未来;C. fortune运气;D. others其他。根据上文“there was a man who believed he could see the future through the stars.”可知,他总是担心未来。故选B项。
    48.考查名词词义辨析。句意:村民们经常来找他,希望知道他们的未来会是什么样子。A. relatives亲戚;B. teenagers青少年;C. villagers村民;D. scientists科学家。根据下文“One evening he was  ___4___  on the main road outside the village.”可知,此处表示村民们经常来找他。故选C项。
    49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天晚上,他走在村外的主干道上。A. driving开车;B. cycling骑自行车;C. walking走路;D. running跑步。根据下文“he walked without looking  ___5___  .”可知,此处表示他在走路。故选C项。
    50.考查副词词义辨析。句意:当他抬头看星星走路时,他没有向下看。A. back向后;B. around周围;C. down向下;D. up向上。根据上文“When he looked up at the stars,”可知,他走路时抬头看着星星,没有向下看,look down表示“向下看”。故选C项。
    51.考查名词词义辨析。句意:突然,他掉进了一条满是泥和水的沟渠里。A. stones石头;B. fish鱼;C. waste垃圾;D. mud泥。根据下文“He was  ___7___  in the muddy water,”可知,这条沟中满是泥和水。故选D项。
    52.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他在泥泞的水里挣扎,疯狂地试图爬出来。A. struggling挣扎;B. swimming游泳;C. flowing流动;D. bathing沐浴。根据下文“in the muddy water, and  ___8___  trying to climb out.”可知,此处表示他在泥泞的水中挣扎。故选A项。
    53.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他在泥泞的水里挣扎,疯狂地试图爬出来。A. madly疯狂地;B. patiently耐心地;C. surprisingly令人吃惊地;D. confidently自信地。根据下文“Being unable to crawl (爬行) out and fearing for his  ___9___  , he started to shout for help”以及语境可知,此处表示他不断挣扎,疯狂地想要爬出来。故选A项。
    54.考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于无法爬出来,担心自己的生命安全,他开始大声呼救,他的呼喊很快就使得村民们向他跑来。A. family家庭;B. life生命;C. career事业;D. money金钱。根据下文“he started to shout for help”以及语境可知,此处表示他担心自己的生命安全。故选B项。
    55.考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于无法爬出来,担心自己的生命安全,他开始大声呼救,他的呼喊很快就使得村民们向他跑来。A. death死亡;B. injury损伤;C. cries呼喊;D. climb攀爬。根据上文“he started to shout for help”可知,此处表示他的呼喊声使得村民们跑来。故选C项。
    56.考查动词词义辨析。句意:你假装在星星上读到了未来,但你看不到脚下有什么!A. like喜欢;B. have有;C. pretend假装;D. offer提供。根据上文“there was a man who believed he could see the future through the stars.”以及下文“and yet you  ___12___  to see what is at your feet!”可知,此处表示他不能通过观测星星而预知未来,事实是他在假装在星星上读到未来。故选C项。
    57.考查动词词义辨析。句意:你假装在星星上读到了未来,但你看不到脚下有什么! A. happen发生;B. fail失败;C. wait等待; D. refuse拒绝。根据上文“When he looked up at the stars, he walked without looking  ___5___  . Suddenly he fell into a ditch (沟渠) full of  ___6___  and water.”可知,他没能看到自己脚下的沟,fail to do sth.表示“没能做某事”。故选B项。
    58.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们都希望我们的未来是光明和幸福的。A. bright光明的;B. rich富裕的;C. different不同的;D. safe安全的。根据下文“and happy”以及常识可知,此处表示我们都希望未来是光明和幸福的。故选A项。
    59.考查动词词义辨析。句意:总有一个明天值得期待和改进,但你不能回到昨天。A. predict预测;B. share分享;C. improve改进;D. prepare准备。根据下文“while you work for a better tomorrow.”可知,此处表示明天是值得期待和改进的。故选C项。
    60.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:所以,在为更美好的明天努力的同时,保持你现在的生活。A. happy开心的;B. present现在的;C. unknown未知的;D. past过去的。根据上文“There is always a tomorrow to look forward to and  ___14___  , but you can’t go back to yesterday.”以及语境可知,在为更美好的明天努力的同时,也要保持现在的生活。故选B项。

    61.A    62.C    63.B    64.B    65.D    66.C    67.B    68.D    69.D    70.A    71.A    72.C    73.B    74.D    75.C

    61.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们的其中一站是伦敦。A. stops车站;B. topics话题;C. places地方;D. changes变化。根据“In 2019, I went on a winter break trip with my family.”可知,作者和家人是去旅游,伦敦是我们这次旅行其中的一站。故选A。
    62.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我降落在伦敦时,我注意到的第一件事就是天气。 A. forgot忘记;B. told告诉;C. noticed注意到;D. liked喜欢。根据“It was too ____3____ for my liking as it required me to wear a thick jacket.”可知,伦敦的天气令作者印象深刻,也就是说抵达伦敦后作者最先注意到的事是那里的天气。故选C。
    63.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:天气对我来说太冷了,因为我需要穿一件厚夹克。A. foggy有雾的;B. cold寒冷的;C. dry干燥的;D. clear清晰的。根据“as it required me to wear a thick jacket.”可知,伦敦的天气对作者来说太冷了。故选B。
    64.考查动词词义辨析。句意:用伦敦地图作了一番计划后,我们决定先去白金汉宫。A. testing测试;B. planning计划;C. touring周游;D. calling打电话。根据“using a map of London,”和常识可知,到了一个陌生的地方旅行,人们首先会利用当地的地图规划旅游路线。故选B。
    65.考查名词词义辨析。句意:白金汉宫是我们乘坐的“随上随下”巴士的目的地之一。A. ways方法;B. dreams梦想;C. starts开始;D. destinations目的地。根据“we decided to go to Buckingham Palace first.”可知,我们打算先去参观白金汉宫,而我们乘坐的随上随下观光巴士有一站就在白金汉宫停。故选D。
    66.考查连词词义辨析。句意:从入口看,宫殿本身并不大,也不令人印象深刻,但当你进入大门时,它就更加令人印象深刻了。A. so因此;B. if如果;C. but但是;D. until直到。根据“The palace itself didn’t look very big or impressive from the entrance”和“it got much more impressive when you entered the gates.”可知,本空前后部分之间为转折关系,所以用转折连词but。故选C。
    67.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们继续乘坐“随上随下”的公共汽车时,我们经过了伦敦桥,直到司机指给我看,我才注意到。 A. greeted打招呼;B. passed通过;C. checked检查;D. found发现。根据“While it felt kind of special to be driving on such an iconic (符号的) bridge,”可知,我们正在通过伦敦桥。故选B。
    68.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然在这样一座标志性的桥上驾驶感觉有点特别,但这种体验并不像人们想象的那么酷。A. history历史;B. example例子;C. position位置;D. experience经历;体验。根据“I didn’t notice until the driver pointed it out to me.”和“was not as cool as one would imagine it to be.”可知,本段描述的是作者看到伦敦桥的经历,很显然,这段经历并不怎么好。故选D。
    69.考查动词词义辨析。句意:除了它的历史,这座桥只是连接两片陆地的另一座桥,几乎所有的桥都是这样。A. mixes混合;B. spreads传播;C. ends结束;D. connects连接。根据“two masses of land,”可知,此处是说桥原本的作用——连接两片陆地。故选D。
    70.考查名词词义辨析。句意:除了它的历史,这座桥只是连接两片陆地的另一座桥,几乎所有的桥都是这样。A. bridges桥;B. buses公共汽车;C. drivers司机;D. towers塔。这里是对“this bridge was just another bridge”的补充说明:在作者看来,伦敦桥跟其他的桥没什么不同。故选A。
    71.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们到达大本钟时,我们决定下车拍些照片。A. reached到达;B. built建造;C. visited参观;D. left离开。根据“we decided to hop off the bus”可知,我们决定下车是因为抵达了大本钟。故选A。
    72.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们到达大本钟时,我们决定下车拍些照片。A. notes笔记;B. steps步骤;C. pictures图画;D. lessons课。根据常识以及下文描述作者对摩天大楼的喜爱可知,游客下车参观大本钟,自然会拍一些照片。故选C。
    73.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在伦敦的许多照片中,大本钟是天际线上一个非常明显的建筑,对我来说,亲眼看到钟楼是非常好的。A. similar相似的;B. cool凉爽的;C. bad坏的;D. common常见的。根据“and it was very nice for me to see the clock tower ____14____.”可知,作者很喜欢大本钟,因此这段经历对作者来说很不错。故选B。
    74.考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:在伦敦的许多照片中,大本钟是天际线上一个非常明显的建筑,对我来说,亲眼看到钟楼是非常好的。A. in return作为回报;B. in public在公共场合;C. in advance提前;D. in person亲自。根据“In many pictures of London, Big Ben is a very visible (看得见的) building in the skyline,”可知,不同于在照片上看到大本钟,作者这次是亲眼见到它。故选D。
    75.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我非常喜欢摩天大楼和类似摩天大楼的建筑,所以这座钟楼肯定吸引了我的眼球。A. ear耳朵;B. mind头脑;C. eye眼睛;D. hand手。catch sb.’s eye引起某人的注意。根据“I am a big fan of skyscrapers (摩天大楼) and skyscraper”可知,作者喜欢摩天大楼之类的建筑,因此宏伟的大本钟自然是吸引了作者的注意力。故选C。

    76.D    77.B    78.A    79.A    80.A    81.B    82.D    83.D    84.B    85.C    86.C    87.A    88.A    89.A    90.C

    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。讲述了Jennie Maizels为乌克兰难民Marilia提供寄宿家庭的经过和Jennie的感悟。
    76.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在看到人们逃离乌克兰找地方住的新闻报道时,珍妮毫不犹豫地成为了一个寄宿家庭,并向一个Facebook小组“乌克兰之家”提出了她的申请,通过这个小组,玛丽娅与她匹配。A. heading朝着;B. going去;C. settling定居;D. escaping逃走。根据上文“opened their homes to Ukrainian refugees”可知是逃离乌克兰的难民,故选D。
    77.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在看到人们逃离乌克兰找地方住的新闻报道时,珍妮毫不犹豫地成为了一个寄宿家庭,并向一个Facebook小组“乌克兰之家”提出了她的申请,通过这个小组,玛丽娅与她匹配。A. wish希望;B. hesitation犹豫;C. desire渴望;D. excuse借口。根据后文“in becoming a host family and presented her”并结合下文珍妮对玛莉亚的帮助可知,珍妮毫不犹豫地提供了帮助。故选B。
    78.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在看到人们逃离乌克兰找地方住的新闻报道时,珍妮毫不犹豫地成为了一个寄宿家庭,并向一个Facebook小组“乌克兰之家”提出了她的申请,通过这个小组,玛丽娅与她匹配。A. application申请;B. gift礼物;C. intention意图;D. plan计划。根据上文“in becoming a host family”可知,珍妮向一个Facebook小组“乌克兰之家”提出了她想成为寄宿家庭的申请,故选A。
    79.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在看到人们逃离乌克兰找地方住的新闻报道时,珍妮毫不犹豫地成为了一个寄宿家庭,并向一个Facebook小组“乌克兰之家”提出了她的申请,通过这个小组,玛丽娅与她匹配。A. corresponded通信,与……相符;B. sent发送;C. matched匹配;D. decided决定。根据后文“Marilia arrived at Jennie’s house”可知,玛丽娅的情况与珍妮的条件相符。故选A。
    80.考查动词短语辨析。句意:玛丽莉亚在四月的一个阳光明媚的日子来到珍妮家,那时所有的水仙花都开了。A. came out出版,开花;B. stood out突出;C. came across偶遇;D. died out灭绝。根据上文“all the daffodils”可知,指水仙花开放应用come out。故选A。
    81.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:珍妮甚至在她的花园里为玛丽莉亚安排了一个传统的乌克兰复活节派对。A. individual个人的;B. traditional传统的;C. fashionable时尚的;D. available可用的。根据后文“Ukrainian Easter party for Marilia”可知,派对是传统乌克兰风格的。故选B。
    82.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当然,玛丽莉亚有很多需要适应的地方,比如靠左行驶和语言。A. apply应用;B. adopt采取;C. admit承认;D. adapt适应。根据后文“such as the driving on the left and the language”指需要适应新的交通规则和语言,应用adapt to。故选D。
    83.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,自从珍妮在玛丽莉亚的手机上下载了翻译应用程序,看到她的英语有了惊人的进步。A. Moreover此外;B. Thus因此;C. Therefore因此;D. However然而。后文提到英语进步,前后文为转折关系,故选D。
    84.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,自从珍妮在玛丽莉亚的手机上下载了翻译应用程序,看到她的英语有了惊人的进步。A. fastened固定;B. progressed进步;C. developed发展;D. explored探索。根据上文“Jennie downloaded the translation app on Marilia’s phone,”可知,应用程序让英语有了进步。故选B。
    85.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:玛丽娅一到,我就给当地一家酒吧打了电话,那家酒吧的女房东人很好。A. calm平静的;B. unusual不寻常的;C. remarkable非凡的;D. responsible负责的。根据后文“She immediately offered Marilia work”可知房东是个好人,给玛丽娅提供了工作,故选C。
    86.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她立即给玛丽娅提供了一份工作,并支付了一份不错的工资。A. interest兴趣;B. award奖励;C. wage工资;D. benefit益处。根据上文“She immediately offered Marilia work”可知,提供了工作,并支付工资。故选C。
    87.考查名词词义辨析。句意:珍妮的行为对邻居们产生了很大的影响。A. influence影响;B. difference差异;C. attack攻击;D. stress压力。根据后文“they invited Marilia for tea and cake in their houses.”可知,珍妮的行为对邻居们产生了很大的影响。故选A。
    88.考查副词词义辨析。句意:最后,他们邀请玛丽莉亚到他们家里喝茶、吃蛋糕。A. Ultimately最后;B. Surprisingly惊人地;C. Undoubtedly无疑地;D. Frequently频繁地。上文提到珍妮的行为对邻居产生了影响,最后,他们邀请玛丽莉亚到他们家里喝茶、吃蛋糕。故选A。
    89.考查动词词义辨析。句意:珍妮建议更多的人考虑寄宿,因为这是如此丰富,可以使生活更充实、更快乐。A. advising建议;B. pressing按压;C. suggesting建议;D. allowing允许。根据后文“ more people to consider      15  , since this had been so enriching and could make life fuller and happier.”可知,此处为珍妮给其他人的建议,短语advise sb. to do sth.。故选A。
    90.考查动词词义辨析。句意:珍妮建议更多的人考虑寄宿,因为这是如此丰富,可以使生活更充实、更快乐。A. supporting支持;B. appealing吸引;C. hosting主持,寄宿;D. funding资助。呼应第二段“in becoming a host family”指珍妮建议更多的人考虑给难民提供寄宿,故选C。

    91.B    92.A    93.A    94.C    95.C    96.B    97.D    98.D    99.B    100.A    101.B    102.C    103.C    104.D    105.D

    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。Andy 每周都会去散步两英里,和Gabe相遇、击掌,然后各自返回,这似乎是很奇怪的事情,但他们坚持这样做好多年了。那是因为Gabe 的失忆了,这件似乎愚蠢的小事是他们的约定。现在Gabe 恢复了很多记忆,那件愚蠢的小事也变成了最珍贵的记忆。
    91.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们走向彼此,当他们相遇时,最奇怪的事情发生了。A. smartest最聪明的;B. strangest最奇怪的;C. simplest最简单的;D. toughest最艰难的。根据后文“The two men clap, snap and high five. Then, they __2__ and go home.”可知这两个男人,见面后只是拍手、击掌然后回家,没有其他的交流,所以是奇怪的事情。故选B项。
    92.考查动词短语辨析。句意:然后,他们转身回家了。A. turn around转身;B. carry on继续;C. step forward走出,向前进;D. break down垮掉。根据后文“and go home”可知,击掌后他们转身各自回家。故选A项。
    93.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“拿起电话很好,但我有一个朋友,他会冒着风雨和我击掌,”安迪说,“我希望每个人都能感受到这种感觉。” A. brave勇敢面对;B. remove移除;C. narrow缩小;D. avoid避免。根据后文“wind and rain just to give me a high five”可知这个朋友会勇敢地冒着风雨而来,只是为了和“我”击掌。故选A项。
    94.考查名词词义辨析。句意:安迪和盖比是音乐家,他们在2000年的一场音乐会上相遇后成为了朋友。A. photographers摄影师;B. lawyers律师;C. musicians音乐家;D. authors作者。根据后文“after they met at a concert”可知,他们相识于音乐会,且后文提到“Andy has also written a song about their tradition titled, “Small Things.””Andy因此事专门写歌了,所以他们是音乐家。故选C项。
    95.考查动词词义辨析。句意:七年前,在天才钢琴家盖比因重病住院后,他们发明了这种愚蠢的做法。A. adapted适应;B. corrected纠正;C. invented发明;D. recommended推荐。根据前文语境及后文提到“Well, Gabe, this is going to sound really __8__ but I need you to do something for me. ”可知,他们相遇后击掌,再回家这种事情是他们自己发明的。故选C项。
    96.考查动词词义辨析。句意:它影响了他的大脑,使他忘记了过去。A. regret重复;B. forget忘记;C. destroy毁坏;D. escape逃避。根据前文“ the gifted pianist, was hospitalized with a serious disease. It affected his brain ”和后文“Since then, a lot of Gabe’s __12__ have returned, but few of them are more cherished (珍视的) than this silly tradition.”可知 Gabe得病了,他的大脑受严重影响,失去了记忆。故选B项。
    97.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这时他的朋友安迪来看他。A. permit允许;B. stand站立,忍受;C. comment评论;D. visit拜访,参观。根据后文“Knowing his situation, Andy said”可知,Andy来探望Gabe,并且提出了他们相遇并击掌这件事情。故选D项。
    98.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:安迪知道自己的处境,就说:“盖比,这听起来可能很傻,但我需要你帮我做件事。A. satisfying令人满意的;B. neat整洁的;C. creative有创造力的;D. silly愚蠢的。根据后文调到的Andy提出的“clap, snap, and high five”可知,Andy认为这虽然愚蠢,但是Gabe要答应他做。故选D项。
    99.考查副词词义辨析。他肯定地说:“好吧!”A. gradually逐渐地;B. definitely肯定地;C. obviously明显地;D. extremely极度地。根据后文““OK!””可知Gabe爽快地答应了。故选B项。
    100.考查名词词义辨析。句意:安迪在他的击掌日志中记录了每次会面,其中包括最近的一次:第312次。A. encounter相遇;B. hug拥抱;C. location位置D. movement移动,动作。根据后文“high-five journal, which includes the latest one: No. 312.”可知,Andy在日记中记录了他们的每一次相遇。故选A项。
    101.考查名词词义辨析。句意:“当那一刻发生的时候,我的身体只是做了它多年来一直在做的事情——鼓掌、啪、击掌,”Gabe说。A. head头;B. body身体;C. feet脚;D. legs腿。根据后文“clap, snap, an high five”可知,Gabe一和Andy相遇,身体就会自觉地做出这些动作。故选B项。
    102.考查名词词义辨析。句意:从那以后,盖比的很多记忆都回来了,但很少有比这个愚蠢的传统更珍贵的。A. responses回应;B. expressions表情;C. memories记忆;D. opportunities机会。根据后文“have returned”和“few of them are more cherished (珍视的) than this silly tradition”可知,Gabe的很多记忆回来了。故选C项。
    103.考查动词词义辨析。句意:它提醒我们,珍惜生活中的小事并不是一件小事。A. advises建议;B. promises许诺;C. reminds提醒; D. warns警告。根据前面的歌名“ “Small Things.””和后文“appreciating the little things in life is __14__ a small thing. ”可知,这首歌提醒着我们。故选C项。
    104.考查副词词义辨析。句意:它提醒我们,珍惜生活中的小事并不是一件小事。A. only仅仅;B. just仅仅;C. even甚至;D. not不。根据上文“but few of them are more cherished (珍视的) than this silly tradition”可知,没有什么比这两个朋友之间相遇、击掌、回家这件事情更值得珍惜,说明“珍惜生活中的小事”这件事本身就不是一件小事。故选D项。
    105.考查名词词义辨析。句意:为某人付出自己的方式是通向永恒友谊的最直接的途径。A. adventure冒险;B. impact影响;C. balance平衡;D. friendship友谊。由上文语境可知,他们之间从朋友变成陌生人,又因恢复记忆再次成为朋友,是一种永恒的友谊。故选D项。

    106.B    107.A    108.C    109.B    110.D    111.C    112.D    113.B    114.A    115.A    116.A    117.D    118.B    119.C    120.C

    106.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个想法伴随着我的整个康复的历程。A. injured使受伤,弄伤;B. followed跟着,跟随;C. delivered递送;D. struck碰撞。根据句中“throughout my journey”和下文“It wasn’t until I was   2  enough to look back...”可知作者的这一想法一直跟随着她,直到她病情好转,恢复健康。故选B项。
    107.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:直到我恢复健康并可以回顾过去的时候,我才意识到我的病以一种不那么糟糕的方式很大程度上影响了我的生活。A. well健康的;B. brave勇敢的;C. scared惊恐的;D. ill有病的。根据句中“to look back”可推知,作者可以去回顾这段经历的时候,她已经恢复了健康。故选A项。
    108.考查动词词义辨析。句意:直到我恢复到可以回顾过去的时候,我才意识到我的病以一种不那么糟糕的方式很大程度上影响了我的生活。A. widened使扩大;B. lengthened延长;C. shaped影响……的发展;D. unified统一。根据第二段中“We sometimes wish events in our past could be   6  so we could start a new life. But without these events, we wouldn’t learn, change and grow.”可知,作者认为过去的事情会帮助我们学习、改变和成长,所以推知,作者认识到自己的生活受到这一次生病的经历的影响。故选C项。
    109.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:感谢我们过去的经历和艰难奋斗可能是一件很难的事情。A. mindful留心的;B. thankful感谢的;C. hopeful满怀希望的;D. cheerful欢快的。根据上文“作者认为过去的事情会帮助我们学习、改变和成长”和下文“We sometimes wish events in our past could be   6  so we could start a new life.”可知,有时我们对过去的经历是消极的,希望忘却,然后重新开始,所以感激过去是一件很难的事情。故选B项。
    110.考查名词词义辨析。句意:感谢我们过去的经历和艰难奋斗可能是一件很难的事情。A. stories故事;B. replies回答;C. rewards奖品;D. struggles奋斗,难事。根据句中“a hard thing to do”可知,过去的艰难很难让我们心存感激;同时最后一段中“I could  15  gain through struggle”是原词复现。故选D项。
    111.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们有时希望过去的事情可以清除,这样我们就可以开始新的生活。A. ruined毁灭;B. caught捕捉;C. swept清除;D. taught教授。根据句中“so we could start a new life”可知,有时我们希望过去的事情能被清除,然后重新开始。故选C项。
    112.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在和我男朋友一起做志愿者的那天我意识到这一点。A. recalled记起;B. reminded提醒;C. removed移开;D. realized意识到。根据上文“We sometimes wish events in our past could be   6  so we could start a new life. But without these events, we wouldn’t learn, change and grow.”和指代关系可知,句中指示代词“this”指的是上文中作者对过去事情的新的认知,这是她在和男朋友一起做志愿者的那天意识到的。故选D项。
    113.考查连词词义辨析。句意:一个朋友的妻子来找我,问我学校怎么样,我说我不太喜欢。A. but但是;B. and和;C. so所以;D. for因为。上文一个朋友提出一个问题,下文“I said I didn’t like it that much.”作者进行回答,上下文是顺承关系,用连词and连接。故选B项。
    114.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后她回应说,“嗯,如果你没有去,你就不会遇到他,”并指着我的男朋友。A. responded回应;B. collected收集;C. refused拒绝;D. lectured演讲。句中“saying, ‘Well, if you hadn’t gone, you wouldn’t have met him,’”是朋友对作者的话的回应。故选A项。
    115.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后她回答说,“嗯,如果你没有去,你就不会遇到他,”并指着我的男朋友。A. boyfriend男朋友;B. girlfriend女朋友;C. husband丈夫;D. teacher教师。根据上文可知,作者当时正和男朋友在做志愿者,结合句中“you wouldn’t have met him”可知,朋友指的是作者的男朋友。故选A项。
    116.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这真的让我大开眼界,在我离开后,我开始用这种方式看待我生活中的一切。A. way方法;B. system系统;C. regard尊重;D. case实例。根据下文“If I hadn’t gone to that school, I would never have met my future husband. If I hadn’t battled   12  the illness, I wouldn’t have found my true   13  .”可知,作者听了朋友的话后,开始用一种不同的方式来看待过去的事情。故选A项。
    117.考查介词词义辨析。句意:如果我没有和疾病斗争,我就不会找到真正的自己。A. through穿过;B. for给,对;C. within在……之内;D. against反对。根据上文可知,作者得了重病,所以她是与病魔斗争,battle against“与……斗争”。故选D项。
    118.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果我没有和疾病抗争,我就不会找到真正的自己。A. hope希望;B. self自己;C. relief宽慰,轻松;D. friend朋友。根据句后一段中“I gained knowledge about myself that I could   15  gain through struggle, and learned how to take care of my wants and needs in a way that made me happy.”可知,作者在与病魔斗争的过程中了解了真正的自己。故选B项。
    119.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在康复过程中,我和母亲的关系越来越亲密。A. living居住;B. losing失去;C. recovering康复;D. searching搜寻。根据上文可知,本文讲述作者与病魔斗争的康复过程中的感悟。故选C项。
    120.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我了解了自己,这是我只能通过斗争才能获得的,我学会了如何以一种让我快乐的方式来满足我的需求。A. never决不;B. already已经;C. only只,只有;D. also也。根据上文“If I hadn’t battled   12  the illness, I wouldn’t have found my true   13  . At first I didn’t see how my illness could have ever been a blessing. But when I looked at it as an experience for me, I started to see that I had a lot to be grateful for.”可知,作者认为是与病魔的斗争(struggle)让她认识了真正的自己,了解了自己。故选C项。

    121.D    122.B    123.A    124.C    125.C    126.B    127.B    128.D    129.A    130.C    131.B    132.D    133.A    134.C    135.A

    121.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我教学的第四年,我是一名高中田径教练。A. discussion讨论;B. suffering痛苦;C. friendship友谊;D. teaching教学。根据“I was a high school track coach”可知,作者是一名体育老师,在学校教学。故选D项。
    122.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有一年,我有一个学生,约翰,他从希腊转学到我们学校,他似乎对运动很感兴趣,所以我鼓励他加入我们的田径队。A. boring无聊的;B. interested感兴趣的;C. anxious焦虑的;D. confused困惑的。根据“in sports, ”可知,他似乎对运动很感兴趣,“be interested in”,意为“对……感兴趣”。故选B项。
    123.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一年,我有一个学生,约翰,他从希腊转学到我们学校,他似乎对运动很感兴趣,所以我鼓励他加入我们的田径队。A. encouraged鼓励;B. disagreed不同意;C. regretted后悔,惋惜;D. continued继续,持续。根据前文“seemed to be ____2____ in sports(似乎对运动很感兴趣)”可知,约翰对运动感兴趣,因此作者鼓励他加入田径队。“encourage sb. to do”,意为“鼓励某人做某事”,故选A项。
    124.考查连词词义辨析。句意:我向他解释说,尽管他以前从未参加过,但我相信他在任何项目上都能做得很好,只要他感兴趣,我愿意教他。A. because因为;B. when当……时;C. even though即使;D. as if好像。根据句意分析可知,该句“he had never taken part in it before(他以前从未参加过)”与后句“I did believe that he could do well…(我相信他在任何项目上都能做得很好……)”之间为让步转折关系。故选C项。
    125.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我向他解释说,尽管他以前从未参加过,但我相信他在任何项目上都能做得很好,只要他感兴趣,我愿意教他。A. goal目标;B. reaction反应;C. event比赛项目;D. impact影响。根据上文的“so I ____3____ him to join our track team(所以我鼓励他加入我们的田径队)”可知,这里应是指田径项目。故选C项。
    126.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我向他解释说,尽管他以前从未参加过,但我相信他在任何项目上都能做得很好,只要他感兴趣,我愿意教他。A. tired疲倦的;B. willing愿意的;C. ashamed羞愧的;D. fond喜爱的。根据“to teach him at whichever ones interested him”可知,只要他感兴趣,我就愿意教他。故选B项。
    127.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他接受了这个提议,并开始刻苦练习。A. ordered命令,订货;B. accepted接受;C. hated讨厌;D. protected保护。根据下文“and began to work hard at every practice(并开始在每一项练习中努力学习) ”可知,约翰接受了作者的提议。故选B项。
    128.考查副词/形容词词义辨析。句意:大约一个月后,我从其他途径得知约翰是一流的网球运动员,在他的祖国赢得了许多奖项。A. late晚的;B. lately最近;C. latest最新的;D. later以后。“About a month later”,意为“大约一个月后”。故选D项。
    129.考查名词词义辨析。句意:大约一个月后,我从其他途径得知约翰是一流的网球运动员,在他的祖国赢得了许多奖项。A. prizes奖项;B. companies公司;C. inventions发明;D. ideas主意。根据前文动词“winning(获得,赢得)”可知,应是与“prizes”搭配使用。“win prizes”,“赢得奖项”。故选A项。
    130.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我走过去问他:“约翰,我很高兴你来参加田径队,但你为什么不打网球呢?”A. help帮助;B. notice注意;C. play踢(球),击打(球);D. include包括,使成为……的一部分。“play tennis”,“打网球”。故选C项。
    131.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:看起来这个使你更感兴趣,因为你很擅长这个。A. special特殊的;B. good好的;C. wonderful精彩的;D. beautiful美丽的。根据前文“John was a first-class tennis player”可知,约翰是一流的网球运动员,因此应是“be good at”,意为“擅长”。故选B项。
    132.考查名词词义辨析。句意:约翰回答说:“嗯,我喜欢网球,但你告诉我你相信我,你认为我能在田径项目上取得好成绩,所以我想试试。”A. schedule安排表;B. plan计划;C. trap陷阱;D. track田径运动。根据上文“so I ____3____ him to join our track team(所以我鼓励他加入我们的田径队)”可知,此空应是呼应“track”。故选D项。
    133.考查名词词义辨析。句意:从那以后,我经常记得学生的回答。A. reply回复,回答;B. effort努力;C. goal目标;D. lesson课程。结合语境分析可知,设空应是对应前文约翰的回答“Well, I like tennis, but you told me that you believed in me, and that you thought I could do well in ___12_____, so I wanted to try it for that reason.(嗯,我喜欢网球,但你告诉我你相信我,你认为我能在田径项目上取得好成绩,所以我想试试。)”。故选A项。
    134.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我把它告诉了一个朋友,她建议我把它写下来与更多的老师分享。A. buy买;B. read读;C. share分享;D. collect收集。上一句说从那以后,我经常记得学生的回答,因此朋友建议我把这个回答与别的老师分享,“share sth with sb.”意为“与某人分享某物”。故选C项。
    135.考查动词词义辨析。句意:无论学生对自己有多挑剔,我发现一句简单的“我相信你能做到!”会大有帮助。A. trust相信;B. report报告;C. admit承认;D. record记录。与前文“I did believe that he could do well in any…(我相信他在任何项目上都能做得很好……)”中“believe”相呼应,这里应是“trust”。故选A项。

    136.A    137.B    138.C    139.D    140.A    141.C    142.B    143.D    144.C    145.B    146.C    147.B    148.A    149.C    150.A

    136.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他为运动队提供制服,为派对印刷T恤。A. supplies提供;B. designs设计;C. transports运输;D. counts计算。前文提到“my uncle, who owns a local sporting goods store.”(他在当地开了一家体育用品店。)由此判断,叔叔的体育用品店应该是当地运动队制服的供应商。故选A。
    137.考查名词词义辨析。句意:每年圣诞节,他都不送礼物,而是寄给我们他店里的废品。A. celebrations庆祝;B. presents礼物;C. blessings祝福;D. impressions印象。后文提到“he sends us the rejects from his shop.”(寄给我们他店里的废品。)由此判断,在圣诞节应该送礼物的时候,叔叔寄给我们的是他店里的废品而不是给我们的圣诞礼物。故选B。
    138.考查名词词义辨析。句意:有一年,我们收到的帽子上印着一家公司拼错的名字。A. place地点;B. time时间;C. name名字;D. form形式。后文中提到的“Lovie's Mower Service”(Lovie的割草机服务)应该是公司的名字,是帽子上的名字印错了。故选C。
    139.考查介词词组辨析。句意:是“洛维的割草机服务”而不是“路易的割草机服务”。A. but for要不是;B. other than除了;不同于;C. compared to把...比作;D. instead of而不是。前文提到“One year, we got caps that sported a company’s misspelled name. ”(有一年,我们收到的帽子上印着一家公司拼错的名字。)由此判断,叔叔把公司的名字印错了,正确的名字应该是“洛维的割草机服务”。故选D。
    140.考查动词词义辨析。句意:还有一年,我们收到了一位女士的96岁生日生日派对T恤,而当时她本该是97岁生日。A. supposed推断;料想B. allowed允许;C. forced强迫;D. encouraged鼓励。前文提到作者会收到叔叔寄过来的一些有拼写错误的商品,由此判断这次收到的有老奶奶生日的东西也是印刷错误的,应该是老奶奶97岁的生日而不是96岁。故选A。
    141.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:还有一次,我们都得到了绿色的足球袜,但对订购它们的足球队来说,颜色并不完全合适。A. ordinary普通的;B. special特别的;C. right正确的;D. green绿色的。前文提到作者会收到叔叔寄过来的一些有拼写错误的商品,由此判断作者这次收到的足球袜也是不合适的。故选C。
    142.考查动词词义辨析。句意:还有一次,我们都得到了绿色的足球袜,但对订购它们的足球队来说,颜色并不完全合适。A. seen看见;B. ordered订购;C. found发现;D. placed放置。前文提到“ He supplies uniforms to the sports teams and does T-shirt printing for parties.”(他给当地的运动队提供同时还为排队印刷T恤。)由此判断这次收到的足球袜应该是别人订购的,但是叔叔弄错颜色的。故选B。
    143.考查名词词义辨析。句意:你永远不知道你会从“魔盒”里得到什么,所以我们在平安夜用它玩了个游戏。A. song歌曲;B. joke玩笑;C. sport运动;D. game游戏。前文提到“You never know what you're going to get out of "The Box"”(你永远不知道你会从“魔盒”里得到什么)收到叔叔的盒子对我们来讲就好像是开盲盒的游戏一样。故选D。
    144.考查动词词组辨析。句意:父亲每次抽出一件东西。A. sets up建立;B. brings back拿回来;C. draws out取出;D. gets in进入。前文提到“You never know what you're going to get out of "The Box"”(你永远不知道你会从“魔盒”里得到什么),由此判断他们玩的游戏是父亲从箱子里抽取一样东西,大家再决定要不要留下。故选C。
    145.考查名词词义辨析。句意:父亲每次抽出一件东西,大家就有机会决定要不要留下。A. clue线索;B. chance机会;C. ability能力;D. dream梦想。后文提到“If no one wants it, it goes in the pile to charity.”(如果没有人想要的话就会捐给慈善机构。)由此判断,父亲在拿出一样东西的时候如果不想要就不会留下,对于想要的东西还是有机会留下的。故选B。
    146.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们一整天都在玩这个游戏。A. area区域;B. week星期;C. day一天;D. circle循环;周期。前文提到“so we play a game with it on Christmas Eve. ”(我们会在平安夜玩一个游戏。)叔叔每次寄来的东西很多,够我们玩一天这个游戏了。故选C。
    147.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果有人想要的话,就可以留下。A. buys购买;B. takes拿;C. refuses拒绝;D. throws扔掉。前文提到作者家里在平安夜那天会看叔叔寄过来的东西是什么,并且决定要不要留下,因此如果有想要的东西的话就可以留下。故选B。
    148.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些年来,我们有过无数次的欢笑,家庭团聚衫,棒球裤,还有不同的小联盟棒球队的衣服,上面有五颜六色的名字。A. laughs欢笑;B. protests抗议;C. attempts企图;D. images照片。前文提到“You never know what you're going to get out of "The Box", so we play a game with it on Christmas Eve.”(你永远都不知道你会从盒子里拿出什么来,所以我们在平安夜那一天就会玩一个游戏。)由此判断,从盒子里面拿出不同的东西给我们带来了非常的多的快乐。故选A。
    149.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“魔盒”从来没有让我们失望。A. excites兴奋;B. reminds提醒;C. disappoints失望;D. threats对待。前文提到“with family reunion shirts, baseball pants, and different minor league baseball teams' clothes with colorful names.”(我们有过无数次的欢笑,家庭团聚衫,棒球裤,还有不同的小联盟棒球队的衣服,上面有五颜六色的名字。)由此判断,作者一家从“魔盒”里拿出的东西都不尽相同,也带给他们欢笑,因此从未让他们失望过。故选C。
    150.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一个受人喜爱的圣诞节传统,虽然有点古怪。A. beloved受人喜爱的;B. legal合法的;C. native当地的;D. calm平静的。前文提到“You never know what you're going to get out of "The Box", so we play a game with it on Christmas Eve.”(你永远都不知道你会从盒子里拿出什么来,所以我们在平安夜那一天就会玩一个游戏。)由此判断,从盒子里面拿出不同的东西给我们带来了非常的多的快乐,我们一家人都很喜欢这个传统。故选A。

    151.A    152.C    153.B    154.D    155.B    156.A    157.C    158.D    159.B    160.A    161.C    162.A    163.D    164.D    165.B

    151.考查动词词义辨析。句意:每天放学后,他都会花很多时间提高篮球技术。A. improve改进;B. admire钦佩;C. challenge挑战;D. apply申请。根据前文“he would spend much time practising”可知l练习的目的是提高球技。故选A项。
    152.考查副词词义辨析。句意:有时,他直到日落才回家,这让他的妈妈非常生气。A. suddenly突然;B. actually实际上;C. extremely极端地,非常;D. finally最后。根据前文“he didn’t go back home until sunset”可知这让妈妈非常生气。故选C项。
    153.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一天,当他有机会观看篮球比赛时,他梦想着第二年加入大学篮球队。A. finding发现;B. making使,制作;C. searching搜索;D. contacting接触。此处构成固定短语make the team“加入球队”。故选B项。
    154.考查名词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,一些路人及时拨打了急救电话,他立即被送往医院。A. flight航班;B. credit信贷,信用;C. electricity电;D. emergency突发事件,紧急。根据前文的“Suddenly, a car hit him”可知这是突发事件,路人拨打的是急救电话。故选D项。
    155.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他受了重伤。A. came来;B. suffered遭受;C. learned学习;D. prevented阻止。根据前文的“Suddenly, a car hit him”可知他受伤了。此处构成固定短语suffer from“遭受”。故选B项。
    156.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:约翰在医院房间里醒来,吓得要死。A. frightened感到害怕的;B. awkward笨拙的;C. attached附属的;D. excited激动的。根据前文的“He ___5__ from terrible injuries.”可知约翰非常害怕。故选A项。
    157.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当医生告诉他,他的两条腿都骨折了,目前他不得不坐在轮椅上时,他知道自己成为大学篮球队成员的目标已经结束了。A. hands手;B. ears耳朵;C. legs腿;D. eyes眼睛。根据后文的“he had to sit in the wheelchair(轮椅)for the time being”可知约翰的腿断了。故选C项。
    158.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上题。A. addiction成瘾;B. pressure压力;C. design设计;D. goal球门,目标。根据前文“One day, as he was given a chance to watch a basketball game, he dreamed about___3___the college basketball team the next year.”可知此处指的是约翰成为大学篮球队员的梦想和目标。故选D项。
    159.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:约翰感到非常绝望。A. fearless无畏的;B. hopeless无望的,绝望的;C. jobless失业的;D. homeless无家可归的。根据前文“he knew his ___8___ of becoming a member of college basketball team was over.”可知自己梦想的破灭让他很绝望。故选B项。
    160.考查动词词义辨析。句意:约翰听从了医生的建议,但并一点也没有起作用。A. work工作,起作用;B. affect影响;C. cheat欺骗;D. compete竞争。根据后文“When he left hospital, John was sent to a health center to ___11___”可知约翰在医院的治疗以及医生的建议没有让他站起来,是没有效果的。故选A项。
    161.考查动词词义辨析。句意:约翰被送到了一家健康中心去康复。A. balance平衡;B. comment评论;C. recover恢复;D. bury埋葬。根据前文“John was sent to a health center”可知约翰到这里是为了康复。故选C项。
    162.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他以前从未听说过这个中心,但当他知道母亲会陪伴他时,他很放松。A. company公司,陪伴;B. breath呼吸;C. gap间隙;D. adult成人。根据句意以及选项可知company“陪伴”符合语境。故选A项。
    163.考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管尽了最大的努力,他还是没能站起来。A. sweated出汗;B. erupted爆发;C. demanded要求;D. failed失败。根据前文“Despite the best efforts”可知是让步,下文的结果就是没有达到预计的效果。fail to do没能做成,故选D项。
    164.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是他适应了这些变化。A. donated捐赠;B. led导致,领导;C. compared比较;D. adapted改编,适应。根据下文“As time went by, he learned to be ___15___ about himself, bravely facing the difficulties.”可知约翰逐渐适应了现在这种状态。故选D项。
    165.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:随着时间的流逝,他学会了自我肯定,勇敢地面对困难。A. anxious焦虑的;B. positive积极的;C. curious好奇的;D. careful仔细的。根据下文“bravely facing the difficulties.”可知约翰的态度变得积极起来。故选B项。

    166.A    167.C    168.D    169.B    170.C    171.D    172.A    173.B    174.C    175.B    176.A    177.D    178.C    179.A    180.D

    166.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很喜欢学习语言,所以当法语老师给我们分配笔友时,我很高兴。A. pleased高兴的;B. annoyed恼怒的;C. confused困惑的;D. curious好奇的。根据“I was keen on learning languages,”可知,作者很高兴能够拥有笔友。故选A。
    167.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:收到来自外国的信是一件很了不起的事情,所以我期待着收到他们的回信。 A. industrial工业的;B. rich富有的;C. foreign外国的;D. ancient古代的。根据“It was 80 years ago when I wrote my first letter to Paul and Renee who lived in France.”可知,笔友是法国的,所以收到的是来自外国的信。故选C。
    168.考查动词词义辨析。句意:收到来自外国的信是一件很了不起的事情,所以我期待着收到他们的回信。 A. debating辩论;B. exchanging交换;C. appreciating欣赏;D. receiving收到。根据“It was quite a thing to get a letter from a ____2____ country,”可知,我非常期待着收到笔友的回信。 故选D。
    169.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们的英语不是特别好,所以我们都用法语写信,这帮助我掌握了很好的语言知识。 A. adventure冒险;B. knowledge知识;C. effect影响;D. description描述。根据“so we were all writing in French,”可知,通过与笔友用法语写信,帮助作者掌握了很好的语言知识。 故选B。
    170.考查动词词义辨析。句意:1949年,我决定到法国度假去见他们,但保罗被军队征召入伍,蕾妮外出滑雪去了。 A. protect保护;B. forgive原谅;C. meet见面;D. recognize认出。根据“but Paul was called up by the army, and Renee was away skiing.”可知,在1949年的时候作者决定到法国度假去见笔友。故选C。
    171.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这家人对我很热情,在接下来的几年里,我去了几次。 A. explored探索;B. admired羡慕;C. helped帮助;D. treated对待。根据“and I visited several times in the years that followed.”可知,笔友的家人对待作者很热情。故选D。
    172.考查动词词义辨析。句意:蕾妮写信告诉我,他在退伍后不久就去世了。A. wrote写;B. expressed表达;C. turned转身;D. listened听。根据“It was 80 years ago when I wrote my first letter to Paul and Renee who lived in France.”及全文可知,与笔友交流是通过写信。故选A。
    173.考查副词词义辨析。句意:蕾妮写信告诉我,他在退伍后不久就去世了。A. narrowly狭窄地;B. shortly立刻;C. obviously明显地;D. extremely非常。根据“after leaving the army.”可知,蕾妮告诉作者,保罗退伍后不久就去世了。故选B。
    174.考查名词词义辨析。句意:蕾妮和我继续互相通信,我们的友谊加深了。A. responsibility责任;B. solution解决方法;C. friendship友谊;D. impression印象。根据“We talked about our families, our favorite pastimes and our ____10____ in life.”和“More importantly, this is the most enduring friendship I have ever had.”可知,作者与笔友蕾妮的友谊加深了。故选C。
    175.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们谈论我们的家庭,我们最喜欢的消遣和我们生活中的烦恼。 A. legends传奇;B. troubles麻烦;C. protests抗议;D. means方法。根据“Renee and I continued writing to each other, and our ____9____ became deeper.”可知,因为两人的友谊加深,所以彼此分享各自的烦恼。 故选B。
    176.考查介词词义辨析。句意:随着我继续去看她,我认识了她的全家,包括她的叔叔阿姨和远在法国各地的表兄妹。A. including包括;B. with有;C. beyond超出;D. about大约。根据“ As I continued to visit, I got to know her whole family,”可知,作者认识了蕾妮的全家,包括她的叔叔阿姨和远在法国各地的表兄妹。故选A。
    177.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们非常欢迎我进入他们的家庭生活,我从未觉得自己像个游客。A. chosen选择;B. preferred更喜欢;C. introduced介绍;D. welcomed欢迎。根据“ I never felt like a tourist.”可知,作者受到欢迎。故选D。
    178.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我现在93岁了,我仍然给蕾妮写信。 A. rather相当;B. hardly几乎不;C. still仍然;D. never从不。根据“She has difficulty writing now, so she phone me to reply.”可知,虽然作者93岁了,作者仍然给蕾妮写信。故选C。
    179.考查名词词义辨析。句意:大多数人似乎都没有时间写信了,但写信给我带来了极大的乐趣。A. pleasure愉快;B. confidence信任;C. personality个性;D. power力量。根据“Most people don’t seem to have the time for letters anymore,”和转折词but可知,写信给作者带来了极大的乐趣。故选A。
    180.考查名词词义辨析。句意:与蕾妮的通信让我对英国以外发生的事情有了更广泛的视野。A. youth年轻;B. freedom自由;C. goal目标;D. view观点;视野。根据“what’s happening outside the UK.”可知,通过通信让作者对英国以外发生的事情有了更广阔的视野。故选D。

    专题04 完形填空12篇(名校最新期末真题)-高一英语下学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版2019): 这是一份专题04 完形填空12篇(名校最新期末真题)-高一英语下学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版2019),共37页。

    专题04 完形填空12篇——2022-2023学年高二英语下学期期末专题冲刺复习(牛津译林版2020): 这是一份专题04 完形填空12篇——2022-2023学年高二英语下学期期末专题冲刺复习(牛津译林版2020),共38页。

    专题02 完形填空12篇——2022-2023学年高二英语下学期期末专题冲刺复习(北师大2019): 这是一份专题02 完形填空12篇——2022-2023学年高二英语下学期期末专题冲刺复习(北师大2019),共39页。

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