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    晋江二中、鹏峰中学、广海中学、泉港五中22-23学年上学期十月高三联考英语科答案 试卷
    晋江二中、鹏峰中学、广海中学、泉港五中22-23学年上学期十月高三联考英语科答案 试卷01
    晋江二中、鹏峰中学、广海中学、泉港五中22-23学年上学期十月高三联考英语科答案 试卷02
    晋江二中、鹏峰中学、广海中学、泉港五中22-23学年上学期十月高三联考英语科答案 试卷03
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    这是一份晋江二中、鹏峰中学、广海中学、泉港五中22-23学年上学期十月高三联考英语科答案,共10页。试卷主要包含了 C 22, D推理判断题,C 细节理解题, B 推理判断题, C 标题概括题, B 细节理解题, D 细节理解题, A 空处为段落主题句等内容,欢迎下载使用。




    1—5 CBCCB    6—10 ABAAC    11—15BBCBA  16—20 BBAAA



    A21. C    22.B    23. D




     细节理解题。从文章第二段The ‘Jian’ can be seen as an ancient refrigerator, which can be used to make cold drinks.(“Jian”可以被视为一种古老的冰箱,可以用来制作冷饮。)可知,Jian与现在的冰箱用途一样。故选C项。


    细节理解题。从文章第一段During the Qing Dynasty, ‘ice tickets’ were used and they were available only to officials and the rich.(在清朝,“冰票”被使用,并且只对官员和富人开放。)可知,在古代普通人无法得到冰票。故选B项。


    细节理解题。由小标题Icehouse and ice ticket(冰屋和冰票)Ice container(放冰容器)”,“Hiding food in the well(把食物藏在井里),和文章最后一段During the Qing Dynasty, taking Chinese herbal medicine was popular in Beijing. In hot summer, some people preferred to drink ice water, some boiled perilla leaves, and liquorice as summer soup to keep off the heat. Ancient people also loved to make lotus seed soup in summer for the benefit of strengthening the body.(在清朝,服用中草药在北京很流行。在炎热的夏天,一些人喜欢喝冰水,一些煮熟的紫苏叶和甘草作为夏天的汤来保暖。古人也喜欢在夏天做莲子汤,以强身健体。)以及结合上面内容可知,本文主要讲述了古人是如何避暑的,ABC选项只是其中一种或两种方略的目的,不能以偏概全。故选D项。

    B 24 D  25C   26B   27C


    24. D推理判断题。根据第二段第一句中的I have made a couple thousand dollars from selling what others throw out to the garbage可知,作者通过售卖别人不要的东西赚得了几千美元;再结合第三段内容可知,你不必创业,你可以简单地从出售人们赠送的二手物品中获利。由此可推知,作者是在告诉读者他赚钱的方式。因此make-money-quick guru指的是那些教人们如何赚钱的人。故选D

    25.C 细节理解题。根据第三段第三句中的I had my first experience selling an old pre-loved Logitech keyboard to a buyer on Gumtree.com.au for $50可知,作者是通过卖掉自己的旧物开始他的生意的。故选C

    26. B 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第一句Reinvest your money and buy something with a higher value that someone might be happy to get rid of, and sell that for a profit of $600, etc.可推知,作者购买一些有更高价值的物品是为了在将其卖掉后获得更高的利润。故选B

    27. C 标题概括题。通读全文可知,文章通过讲述作者通过买卖别人不要的物品来赚钱的经历告诉读者:旧物以及二手物品也可以创造财富。因此,C项是本文的最佳标题。故选C

    C28. C    29. D    30. C   31. B



    细节理解题。根据第二段People who seem to be sticking to public safety recommendations are still planning trips they don't intend to book. And, when I suddenly found myself addicted to an imaginary girls' trip to Joshua Tree, I wondered whether this was a healthy distraction.(那些似乎坚持公共安全建议的人仍在计划他们不打算预订的旅行。而且,当我突然发现自己沉迷于一个想象中的去约书亚树的女孩之旅时,我想知道这是否是一种健康的消遣)以及第三段“It’s an escapist imagination,” said Regine Galanti, a psychologist, adding that there’s nothing wrong with escapism during a global pandemic.(心理学家雷金加兰蒂说:“这是一种逃避现实的想象。”他还补充说,在疫情全球流行之际,逃避现实并没有错)”可知,人们在大流行期间制定想象中的旅行计划是想逃离现实。故选C项。


    词义猜测题。根据第四段We are a full year into living with COVID-19 as a pandemic, and that means you’ve probably had to navigate a range of emotions like discomfort, sadness, or even boredom. (我们整整一年都生活在新冠肺炎疫情之下 ”可知,在这种情况下,我们不得不处理比如不适、悲伤和无聊等一系列的负面情绪,由此可知,画线词词义为“处理”,故选D项。


    推理判断题。根据第五段 Vacation planning is a good way to spend some time, but there might be an even better way to get what you're desiring.( 制定度假计划是打发时间的好方法,但也许还有更好的方法来满足你的愿望)”可知,作者对想象中的旅行计划持支持的态度,认为制定想象中的度假计划是打发时间的好方法。故选C项。


    推理判断题。通过阅读全文,特别是根据第一段By now, most of us have picked up at least one pandemic hobby. And there's a seemingly common pandemic hobby trend: People who haven't been able to go anywhere are making imaginary travel plans. (到目前为止,我们大多数人都至少养成了一种疫情期间的爱好。还有一个似乎很常见的流行爱好趋势:那些无法去任何地方的人正在制定想象中的旅行计划)”可知,文章介绍了人们在新型冠状病毒肺炎流行待在家这一困难时期,形成了一种制定想象中的度假计划爱好,以逃避现实生活。这是一种面对生活的方式,因此文章最有可能出自报纸的生活方式版块,故选B项。



    32B  33D 34C  35C


    32. B 细节理解题。根据第二、三段的内容可知,研究人员是通过做实验得出他们的结论的。故选B

    33. D 细节理解题。根据第四段中的Researchers also did not see any effects of the masks during exercise on blood oxygen levels, which wouldn’t decrease if breathing was not affected.


    34. C 观点态度题。作者在肯定该研究结论的同时,在最后一段点出需要对更大的人群进行更多的研究,才能得出关于大众的全面的结论。由此推断,作者对该实验持客观态度。故选C

    35. C 标题概括题。本文主要介绍了一项有关戴口罩是否会影响人们的运动表现的研究,并说明了研究的结果——戴口罩不会影响运动表现。故选C

    七选五36-40 ECBAF


    36. E 根据上文的but true apologies are a different story和下文的With the following tips...hard.可知,空处的内容应该与道歉方式有关,且涉及相关的困难。故E你可能很难找到正确的方式去进行有意义的道歉符合语境。

    37. C 根据段落主题句Apologize sincerely.可知,本段讲的是道歉要真诚。再结合空前的A genuine apology can...remain tense if your apology seems casual.可知,C因此你必须真心实意地道歉与上文衔接且呼应段落主题。

    38. B 根据空前的take complete responsibility可知,此处主要陈述3R中的责任,空处内容应与承担责任有关,故B不要找借口或责怪受害者符合语境。

    39. A 空处为段落主题句。根据空后内容,尤其是I’d like an apology. I need you to acknowledge what you’ve done.可知,本段给出的建议是要求别人道歉。故A有必要的话,要求别人道歉符合语境。

    40. F 根据空前的that may mean... you care about is yourself及下文中的After all, they were hurt and it would take them a while to recover.可知,空处内容应与正确的做法有关,且涉及留给对方一定的时间来接受道歉。故F所以,道歉之后要留给他们一些时间,让他们从痛苦中走出来符合语境。


    41-45 ACBDC  46-50 BACBB  51-55 DCCDA


    41. A 根据第一段最后一句I        her again and she continued on down the hallway.可知,在交谈过后,她继续沿着走廊走去。由此可以推断,两人是在走廊(hall)相遇的,这也是两人在同一所学校任职很可能会出现的场景。walk by sb.指的是从某人身旁走过hall走廊;过道。注意:虽然下文出现了classroom,但这个词用在此处不符合逻辑。故选A

    42. C 根据下文She went on to say, ‘I always        you talking to me about integrity and

          and how important they were.’可知,作者以前向她讲过诚实正直的重要性,所以听到这个词,她立马(immediately)想到了作者。rarely很少,难得casually漫不经心地immediately立刻,马上potentially可能地,潜在地故选C

    43. B 作者的学生听到诚实正直就马上想起她,这件事自然让作者很满足(pleases)。please使满足;使高兴,与下文it brings a smile to my face意义是一致的。故选B

    44. D 作者的学生听到诚实正直就马上想起她,说明她对作者以前谈论的一些价值观记忆深刻。所以此处表达的是我永远记得您对我讲诚实正直与____以及它们的重要性。remember sb. doing sth.记得某人做过某事。故选D

    45. C 根据第一段倒数第二句“...you talking to me about integrity and      

    与第二段最后一句I believe that she connected the idea of honesty and moral character with me...可知,此空填character,是原词复现。character品质;性格。故选C

    46. B 根据上文I replied, ‘Thank you Pharen; that        me.’可知,作者已经表示过感谢,结合again一词可知,作者再次感谢了(thanked)对方。故选B

    47. A 根据空后的it brings a smile to my face以及空前的thisreflect on可以推断作者思考上文描述的这件事,也就是作者与她的学生之间的这次交流(interaction)。interaction交流,互动。故选A

    48. C 根据上文以及本句中的the fact that she associated the word ‘integrity’都提到了作者的学生诚实正直这个词和作者联想到一起,所以此处填words故选C

    49. B 作者的学生通过诚实正直这个词语联想起作者,这可以证明(proof)作者作为一个教育工作者的影响力。proof 证明证据。故选B

    50. B 分析上下文内容可知构成因果关系,即相信她之所以建立起这种联想是由于(because of在生活中就秉承着这样的价值观念,树立起了榜样。instead of而不是;because of由于;except for除了;regardless of不管。故选B

    51. D 根据for at the right time we will reap (得到) a harvest, if we do not give up.可知,此处指的应是做有益的事good用作名词,表示有益的事,此处的doing good该段倒数第二句中的doing the right thing是意义相近的表达。故选D

    52. C 今天发生的事引起了作者的思考,作者感激(grateful)今天发生这样一件给作者以提醒的事。helpful有帮助的faithful忠诚的grateful感激的delightful高兴的故选C

    53. C 该处意为:当看似没有人理解(getting)的时候。get it表示理解;明白,与句中的caught是近义词复现,catch在句中的意思是领会故选C

    54. D 该处为并列或者递进关系,结合备选项可知,此处表达的应该是在作者的坚持下,这些重要的价值观在被理解并传递下去(passed on)。caughtpassed on在语义上构成递进关系,并且通过文章内容这些价值观从作者传到她的学生”来看,用passed on一词也是很准确的。throw away扔掉;call off取消;figure out弄明白;pass on传递下去。本题C选项干扰性比较大,由于figured outcaught的语义重复,相比较,D项才是最符合语境故选D

    55. A 该处句意:身为一名老师,我知道在教学工作(teaching)中,你无法看到一天的工作成果。teaching一词作者老师的职业一致。故选A



    Keys: 56. presents 谓语动词,客观描述常态,用一般现在时

    57. The 冠词,特指

    58. followers变名词复数,粉丝,追随者

    59. him 代词宾格

    60. raised 非谓语动词,表被动, 被抚养

    61. were  be动词,过去时态

    62. natural 词形变换,变形容词,修饰名词habitat

    63. of/on介词, of her own “属于她自己的”, on one’s own “独自的

    64. to study 非谓语动词,apply to do sth “申请做某事

    65. what 连词,主语从句



    1. The Double Ninth Festival(重阳节)

    2. 农历的九月初九为重阳节。

    It is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.

    3. 重阳节是中国传统节日之一,用来推行一种敬老的活动。

    It is one of our Chinese traditional festivals, on which activities are held to respect or to arouse the awareness of caring for the elderly.

    4. 九月初九九九谐音是久久,有长久之意。

    Double Ninth in Chinese means long life (longevity).


    1. 由于当代人口老龄化的问题,关爱老人成为更重要的议题。

    With the ageing of population in modern society, it is more important than ever that the older should be taken good care of.

    2. 对个人来说。我们应当时常陪伴在老人身边,或者常通电话,常回家看看。

    For individuals, we should keep our parents or grandparents company on a regular basis, call them or go back to see them as frequently as possible.

    3. 社会应当为孤寡老人建立更多的敬老院,让他们在安全和温暖中享受退休后的生活。

    As a society, more nursing homes should be built to make sure that majority of old people and be safe and enjoy their retirement.

    4. 尊重身边的老人,无论你们关系是否亲密。

    Learn to respect the elderly, no matter how close you are.


    1. 通过大家共同的努力,提高老人的幸福指数。

    By working together, we can improve the level of happiness for the older.


    The Double Ninth Festival is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, on which activities are held to respect or to arouse the awareness of caring for the elderly. (定语从句)

    With the ageing of population in modern society, it is more important than ever that the older should be taken good care of. (形式主语,主语从句) For individuals, we should keep our parents or grandparents company on a regular basis. For a society, more nursing homes should be built to make sure that majority of old people can enjoy their retirement.

    Hopefully, by working together, we can improve the level of happiness for the older since it is what they deserve(原因状语从句+表语从句) after a lifelong hard working.


    【答案】    Today she showed up in a raincoat. Seeing her standing in the heavy rain with all the body wet, I finally could not control myself and shouted at her, “Why do you look so flustered? I don’t need you to take me home. I feel ashamed to have a mother like you!” Suddenly, Mom was shocked and silent. Maybe, she had never thought that I would have that feeling of her appearance and our home condition. She said nothing and just covered the raincoat on me. I pushed it away wildly.

        Mom tried to cover me with the back of the raincoat again as a storm set in. With a smile, she said, “Dear son, I’m trying my best to earn our living, and I’m sure that if we work harder, we will get whatever we want in the future.” Hearing her words, I felt embarrassed. I thought of the time when she knitted in the deep night and cooked for me in the early morning. Yes, she had always been doing whatever she could to make me live well. But I was still unsatisfied. I had known that if I wanted to get what others had, I should spare no efforts to study hard and get it by myself.









    尽全力做某事:try one’s best to do/ spare no efforts to do/do whatever one can to do

    谋生:earn our living/ make our living

    做饭:cook/make food




    【点睛】【高分句型1Maybe, she had never thought that I would have that feeling of her appearance and our home condition.(由that引导的宾语从句)

    【高分句型2I’m sure that if we work harder, we will get whatever we want in the future.(由that引导的宾语从句、if引导的条件状语从句和whatever引导的宾语从句)

    【高分句型3I thought of the time when she knitted in the deep night and cooked for me in the early morning.(由when引导的定语从句)

    【高分句型4Yes, she had always been doing whatever she could to make me live well.(由whatever引导的宾语从句)

    【高分句型5I had known that if I wanted to get what others had, I should spare no efforts to study hard and get it by myself.(由that引导的宾语从句、if引导的条件状语从句和what引导的宾语从句)






    Text 1

    M: Hi, Helen! Is this your new bike?

    W: Yes, I bought it only yesterday.

    M: It’s cool! May I have a try?

    W: Of course. Don’t forget to ride on the left.

    Text 2

    W: You look tired and sleepy. Do you have trouble falling asleep?

    M: No, I had to finish the paper for history class from 9:00 last night to 2:00 in the morning, because I didn’t remember it until I finished watching TV.

    Text 3

    W: I’m disappointed that Everest did not accept our offer.

    M: The director over there thought it wasn’t low enough.

    W: According to our research, it was generous by market standards.

    Text 4

    W: I’m going to try out some new recipes tonight.

    M: Well, remember that the Johnsons are coming over for dinner. You know how much I like your cooking, dear, but maybe you shouldn’t pick tonight of all nights to experiment.

    Text 5

    W: The bus isn’t supposed to arrive at this stop for another 30 minutes. I guess we’ll just have to wait until it comes.

    M: Normally I’d agree with you, but I’m only going to the next stop, and I feel like having a walk.

    Text 6

    W: Hello, Louis Catering. What can I do for you?

    M: Yes, I’m with the Colbert Corporation. We’re having a company party on February 15th next week, and I need to arrange for all the food and drinks.

    W: OK. How many people do you expect to take part in the party? And will it be an indoor one or outdoor one?

    M: About 108 employees will be there. In addition, 12 managing staff will also be present. And we’ll hold it indoors in one of our large conference rooms.

    W: OK. I see.

    Text 7

    W: What are you going to do in Canada?

    M: My lab is working together with a research station in Canada so I will work there for a long time.

    W: How long will it take?

    M: Three months, probably. It’ll depend on how everything is going.

    W: It’s cold there. You may need some heavy clothes. Oh, this suitcase is probably too small.

    M: Don’t worry! I do most of the work in the lab. But I do need a large suitcase. I’ll take a lot of research materials with me.

    W: So why don’t we go to the shop to get a larger suitcase?

    M: OK. Let’s go.

    Text 8

    W: Hi, Dad. Is your classmate still working in the power company?

    M: Yes. He is now the manager. Why do you ask?

    W: Oh. There is a summer vacation practice project of us students. Can you help me out? Besides, several of our classmates plan to have a picnic this morning.

    M: OK. You can come to the power company for the practice after that. I can drive you there or you can take a taxi.

    W: There is no need to do so. I can walk there.

    M: Shall I telephone my classmate to tell him that you will visit him?

    W: I’m not really a visitor. I plan to communicate with the workers and learn about their company culture.

    M: That will be a really good practice experience and you can learn much from it.

    W: I can’t agree with you more.

    M: Now, you have to prepare for the coming picnic. Enjoy your time.

    W: Thank you, Dad!

    Text 9

    M: Welcome. Jenny and I have got lots to tell you.

    W: That’s right. This week Westfield Radio runs its annual competition. Last year it was to find the best dancer, and next year it will be the turn of local actors to enter. But this year we’re looking for the best singer in our city.

    M: And what are the rules?

    W: Not many. You need to phone your entry. We don’t accept entries through the Internet or by fax.

    M: Right. Well, it’s school holidays this week, so what’s on offer?

    W: The sports hall will open an hour earlier than usual at 8:00 am and shut later at 10:30 pm instead of nine. The indoor football ground is always popular and has to be booked in advance.

    M: But what about the swimming pool?

    W: Not quite such good news, I’m afraid. It will be open about a week later than planned, but good news now there will be no charge for swimmers for the first week. It’s the same size as the old one, but it is much better equipped.

    M: That’s great.

    Text 10

    M: I started my own company, CyberEdit, when I was a freshman. Most students have to write essays, and I aimed to provide computer editing services for them. During one summer vacation, I worked for an Internet company and in the evening, I spent another four hours working on my website. It’s not easy to develop a business. If you hope to be financially independent, you must do something while you are young and you can work long hours. For a long time, I was editing nearly ten documents a night. I spent fifty hours a week doing this. It was hard. Then I hired my first four employees, and I never edited a single document again. The next year, I turned down my summer job at a big investment bank and spent the vacation expanding CyberEdit. In December, Wired magazine contacted me and asked me to write an article about my life. After the article appeared in March, interested investors began to contact me. In June, one of them decided to invest a large sum of money in the company. So the Wired article brought me over a million dollars in funding! More than anything else, good publicity helps a new business attract investors and customers. Investors came to me, not because I was making money and employing fifty college students, but because they read about it in Wired magazine, and saw it on ABC World News Tonight. My advice to young people who consider starting a company is: Do it now! Don’t delay starting it until you’ve finished school or had some “real-world experience”.





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