牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit 7 International charities第6课时示范课教案
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Unit 7 International charitiesStudy skills一、教学目标1. 能够掌握标点符号的含义和用法。2. 能够正确使用标点符号。二、教学重点及难点重点:1. 掌握标点符号的含义和用法。2. 正确使用标点符号。难点:正确使用标点符号。三、教学过程Step 1 RevisionGuide Ss to review something about Mr. Ma. (1) What did Dr. Ma say about helping people see again?(2) What do you think about charity work?【设计意图】通过复习马医生的信息,引出标点符号,自然过渡到本课主题。Step 2 PresentationAdd the punctuation marks and read the sentences aloud.Guide Ss to have a discussions.(1) Why do we punctuate sentences?(2) What’s the importance of punctuation marks?【设计意图】通过讨论和体验,引导学生关注使用标点符号的原因和重要性。3. Read the sentences and answer the questions.(1) How many punctuation marks are used in these sentences? (2) What are they?【设计意图】通过自我发现的方式,引导学生初步感知标点符号的用法。4. Learn the usages of five common punctuation marks.【设计意图】逐一学习五种常用的标点符号。逐步分解关键用法,并辅以例句来分析说明,便于学生掌握要领。5. Find out the differences.【设计意图】通过中英文标点对比,让学生发现在英语和汉语中标点符号书写的差异,确保学生正确书写。Step 3 Practice1. Are the punctuation marks in the sentences right or wrong? Correct ones that are wrong.【设计意图】通过练习,检测学生对标点符号的用法的掌握情况。2. Fill in the blanks with the correct punctuation marks.【设计意图】通过填空题,进一步加深学生对目标语言的理解和运用。3. Give a short passage without punctuation marks on PPT. Let Ss add the correct punctuation marks. Then check the answers with the students together.【设计意图】通过语篇练习,培养学生在真实语境中应用目标语言的能力。Step 4 SummarySummarize what they’ve learnt today.【设计意图】通过总结提炼,为学生形成结构化知识提供帮助和机会。Step 5 Homework1. Summarize the usages of punctuation marks.2. Write a passage using the comma, full stop, question mark, exclamation mark and quotation marks correctly. 【设计意图】总结归纳标点符号的用法,有助于学生的记忆,同时,写作训练帮助学生感受学以致用的目的。四、板书设计Unit 7 International charitiesStudy skills1. Comma: It’s used to make a pause between thought, and also to list things.2. Full stop: It is used at the end of a complete thought. It is also used after initials and as a decimal point.3. Question mark: It is used after a direct question or a tag question. Sometimes it is used to show doubt about the correctness of a detail.4. Exclamation mark: It is used for strong feelings.5. Quotation marks : They are used to enclose words and punctuation marks in direct speech.