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A daily multivitamin (复合维生素) may give your wellbeing an extra benefit, but if you’ve ever swallowed one and felt sick right after, you know it’s hardly a pleasant experience. 1
·You’re taking vitamins on an empty stomach.
Vitamins that are more acid in nature, like vitamin C, may cause nausea (恶心) if they’re consumed on an empty stomach. Vitamins A, D, E and K, unlike some others, maybe better absorbed when not taken with food.
Vitamins are like medicines in that they can act on each other and other medicines you’re taking. 3 Some research suggests that multivitamins could cause side effects when taken at the same time estrogen (雌激素) levels are raised.
·There’s a lot of iron in your pill.
Multivitamins that contain a lot of iron or iron supplements themselves can cause nausea. This is especially true if you’re taking them outside of a meal. Iron is interesting in that it’s best absorbed on an empty stomach, but it’s hardest to take on an empty stomach because of the nausea. 4 It might decrease the absorption a little bit but it’s better than nothing.
·Allergic Reaction Side Effects.
Since multivitamins contain so many vitamins and minerals, allergic reactions are certainly possible. Mild allergic reactions can include itchiness (痒) and a few hives (荨麻疹). 5 Should you experience more advanced signs of an allergic reaction, such as trouble breathing, chest pain, widespread hives or a swollen facial region, visit the closest emergency room immediately.
The label on your vitamins should provide directions for taking them. Check the information before taking it to see what else you should know.
A.You’re taking vitamins with other medicines.
B.Below are a few reasons why they may be making you ill.
C.It’s important to discuss with an expert the timing of these vitamins.
D.These stomach issues can be extremely disturbing.
E.It’s better to take it with food than trying to take it on an empty stomach.
F.If you experience these side effects, stop use and contact your doctor.
G.Please review the combinations to make sure there are no harmful interactions.
During job or school interviews, you’re likely to be asked what your strengths and weaknesses are, because the interviewers are interested in how your areas of strengths and weaknesses might affect your performance in this position. 6 For instance, you may be skilled in cooking, but if you’re applying for an office job, this strength may be irrelevant.
However, knowing your personal areas of strengths and weaknesses is not a piece of cake. It takes self-awareness and self-reflection. 7 Or, ask some of your friends what they see as your best qualities or shortcomings.
8 For example, let’s say my strength is creativity and yours is planning; we both want to have the same career. We might go about getting there in very different ways. If I did something creative to get my dream job and you planned carefully, we’d both likely be successful. But if I tried planning and you tried something creative, both of us might fail. 9
Having a weakness doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It could be something you struggle with, but it could also be something you haven’t spent time developing yet. 10 For example, maybe your area of weakness is relevant to gratitude. You just haven’t spent a lot of time thinking about gratitude before. But now you engage in a bunch of activities that help you turn gratitude into an area of strength. Hey, now you’ve got one more skill!
A.Is it proper to begin with a truthful answer?
B.So ask yourself what you are good or weak at.
C.Our areas of strengths can help us achieve our goals.
D.Thus, it’s helpful to know your strengths related to the role.
E.Many job applicants are unsure how to approach this question.
F.By turning a weakness into a strength, you build other important skills.
G.That’s why it is important to know and use our strengths to reach goals.
Communication is a way of putting across one’s ideas and opinions and listening to those of the others. Many people understand the importance of communication and want to communicate their points to the other people. However, they are unable to do so. 11 Here are a few ways to communicate effectively.
Avoid interruption. Interruption can be extremely impolite. 12 Constantly interrupting the other person can make them wander from the point and the conversation can take a different turn.
Listen patiently. Healthy conversation requires listening patiently as much as it requires putting one’s point across. In order to communicate effectively, you must first listen to what the other person has to say.
13 Your body language speaks volumes about you. It is essential to keep your body language warm and friendly rather than arrogant (傲慢的). Many people unintentionally give a wrong message through their body language. If you are not sure, then it is a good idea to learn the art of body language.
Don’t go overboard (过火) with your point. 14 It is not to prove that your point is correct and the other person is wrong. Many people try to win the conversation which is absolutely wrong. It leads to unnecessary arguments and conflicts (冲突).
Watch your words. Before you say something to someone make sure you know what you are saying. At times, out of anger or anxiousness, we say things that we must not say. Remember, words once spoken cannot be taken back. 15
A.Watch your body language.
B.Two-way communication is important.
C.This is because they lack good communication skills.
D.It is thus suggested not to say something you might regret later.
E.So, it is essential to understand the importance of communication.
F.The reason behind conversation is to let the other person know what you feel.
G.It is essential to let the other person complete his point before you make yours.
Looking for a way to be happier? Are you seeking deeper connections with friends or looking for more friends? 16 Try a little compassion.
Compassion, as one scholar describes it, is “experiencing feelings of loving kindness toward another person’s suffering”. The compassionate tend to have deeper connections with others and more friends. 17 Compassion also has direct personal benefit. The compassionate tend to be happier, healthier, more self-confident, and less self-critical.
Practicing compassion doesn’t have to cost you money. All you need is a quiet place. 18 Focus on your breath and try to clear your mind. Then mentally focus on your heart area and think about someone you feel tenderness toward. This could be your friend or your family. 19 As time allows, add more people to that circle. This may sound a little strange, but studies have shown this simple exercise really strengthens your sense of compassion.
Even short-term exercises like this broaden your attention, your thinking and your overall sense of well-being in a way that lasts. 20 Compassion helps your brain become more flexible, and lets your brain have a wider sense of what’s going on, and it gives you access to more ideas on how to act.
This practice is beneficial to physical health and can help reduce physical signs of stress. And the happiness that can come from compassion training is the kind that lasts.
A.Want to relate better to other people?
B.That’s in part because it changes your brain.
C.Compassion training is helpful to reduce stress.
D.In that quiet space, sit in a comfortable position.
E.Then expand that feeling to yourself and to others.
F.However, it is important to create a comfortable environment.
G.They are more forgiving and have a stronger sense of life purpose.
There are countless articles online that will give you advice on how to deal with homesickness, but here are some of my favorite advice and tips on what has helped me. 21 .
Make food from your home country
And if you don’t cook, try learning to cook with friends or find new places to eat. This may just be me loving food, but eating with friends really makes things so much better. 22 .
Food can be connected to memories. You can talk about what this reminds you of, while also creating new memories to mix with the ones that make you miss home.
Call home—but not every minute of every day
I was a little annoyed when I saw so many online sources phrase it this way: “Talk to your parents—but not too much. Call home—but not too often.” 23 . It’s good to keep in touch with your family and friends. However, it’s a problem when you’re talking to them so much that it’s stopping you from having real experience in this new place.
24 . Call the people you love often, keep them updated with your life and ask them how life is going for them. You’re going to need that. Think of it this way—the more you’re living outside of your room, the more you can tell them later about everything you’re learning.
There is nothing wrong with finding someone to talk about how you’re feeling. It can be friends and family, mentors or professors that you feel can understand you. Or it may mean talking to a counselor or getting psychological help if that’s what you think you need. Talking about mental health is becoming a lot more open. So, if you’re feeling homesick, it can also be helpful to do some research on who your university recommends you reach out to.
A.Talk to someone
B.Do some research
C.There is nothing wrong with being homesick
D.So, of course, keep in touch with your family
E.Hopefully, they will be helpful to you as well
F.But, the thing is, they really have a point when they say that
G.It’s a way to bond, an excuse to get closer, and you even get rewarded from it
I’ve been living in Spain for decades and I securely guarantee that I have a talent in figuring out the cool hidden local spots. As a foreigner, I couldn’t care less about doing the touristy things or enjoying fancy cuisine. 26 So I always attempt to find something that’s appealing and fun yet represents the local culture, and that offers an interaction with the locals.
My reputation for doing this has grown. 27 Since I am somewhat fluent in Spanish, I could charge people for this and become somewhat of an official tour guide. I choose not to though, because to me, the most important thing is making sure the tourist, who already spent a lot of time and money getting to where I am, has the fun and cultural experience they could possibly have. 28 In that case, tourists can explore the local culture further at the lowest cost. They could otherwise spend a significant sum of money on a guided tour that keeps them comfortable but separated from the culture. I choose to give them an experience that’s deeper and opens their mind, all for free.
29 When someone is visiting your area, don’t just take them to the touristy spots. Show them the places that mean something to you. Show them your heart through the places that you show them and the experience you give them. There’s something good in almost every town out there. If you don’t have any spots in your area that you like, learn to find the good in the place you live. If you find the good in where you live, you will also find the good in yourself. It’s a time that both you and the tourist will probably never obtain again. 30
A.Everyone can do the same.
B.I could hardly have imagined it would happen.
C.It could also help me create a lifelong connection with them.
D.What’s most crucial is experiencing the genuine country and culture.
E.I know better than tourists themselves what they are eager to experience.
F.Don’t rush the experience, thoroughly enjoy every moment with that person.
G.I’m being asked frequently to offer people tours, both to friends and strangers.
For decades, I was a hard drinker who could drink anyone under the table. This lasted from the age of 27 until after 50, a golden time during which I felt very sorry for ex-drinkers and people who couldn’t or wouldn’t drink. How did they make it through social situations, especially parties? What did they do at the end of a workday to celebrate and relax? 31
When I first tried to quit drinking myself in my early 50s, I wasn’t sure at first how it would work for me. But I did it anyway. 32 I was getting older. I had to concede that I wasn’t as tough as I used to be. Nights of drinking too much showed in my face, and I could feel it in my bones. I wanted to take care of myself. So for the next few years, I bounced between not drinking at all for months at a time, then slowly starting again until I had to quit again.
During these years, I didn’t love not drinking. But I had to admit that when I was off booze, I looked and felt better physically: I slept more deeply, had more energy, exercised more. My mind was clearer. My moods were brighter. Parties were hard, and so was cooking at the end of a day of writing without a glass of wine at my elbow. 33
I finally quit drinking for real almost four years ago, on 12 July 2019, when a writer friend stayed with my husband and me after his wife kicked him out. After my husband had gone upstairs to bed, my friend sat on our sofa drinking an entire bottle of gin, complaining about his fate, until he passed out next to our dog, whose bed that sofa was. 34 I didn’t have a drink the next night, or ever again since.
I’m not going to lie: being sober is not a hot-air balloon ride. 35 Having to feel my damn feelings without filters compels me to face and change the things in my life that keep me stuck. Hard work all around, but as my reward, I connect more deeply with the people I care about. I think of not drinking as a kindness I’ve given myself. And to my surprise, it’s rewarded me with true, hard-won happiness.
A.My body demanded it.
B.My health started improving rapidly.
C.It’s more like a hike in the mountains.
D.How did they quit drinking?
E.It was a wake-up call.
F.But the pluses seemed to outweigh the minuses.
G.How did they get through life?
The Healing Power of Water
Water can help. 36 They include reducing anxiety, easing mental tiredness and refreshing us. Here’s some advice on how to control and use the healing power of water.
● Remember that all water counts.
You likely have some close by, even if it is just a stream alongside the road. 37 Then ranch out to water you can visit on the weekend or a vacation.
Urban water matters — rivers, canals and fountains. 38 If you can’t get to actual water, then paintings, photographs, videos and movies can produce some of the same benefits.
Even virtual reality helps. In research studies, computer-generated virtual reality water scenes boosted participants’ moods, likely because they got to interact with the virtual environment.
● 39
Frequency makes a big difference. A 2019 study found that it takes at least two hours a week in nature to improve our well-being, although that time can be broken into smaller stretches. A more recent study found that spending a similar amount of time near water has the same benefits. Scientists also have found that people who peered into aquariums (水族馆) had lower heart rates and better moods after 15 minutes.
● Try a water sport.
And get good at it. This will help you experience a flow state where time and your worries fall away as you become fully engaged in what you are doing. When you become good at an activity, your brain changes. It forms new neural (神经的) pathways, which become faster and stronger. 40
A.Go often.
B.Start there.
C.Water helps your mind wander in a positive way.
D.So does domestic water — in pools, bathtubs, even basins.
E.Many of the most popular virtual reality water scenes involve water.
F.Spending time near oceans, lakes and other blue spaces can provide many benefits.
G.This makes it easier to enter a state of flow while doing this same activity next time.
Photography for me has always been a key. It opens up doors, gives me an excuse to travel with more purpose, and lets me see behind the scenes. 41 —“Better get back to taking photos. Nice to chat!”
What is my advice to beginners? I didn’t study photography; I’m not formally trained; 42 But that’s not what photography is about for me. If you want to be a photographer, be constantly asking yourself the question: “What is the story here?” It doesn’t matter if you are shooting a dish at your favorite restaurant or the food waste processing plant that deals with wat’s left over— 43 What does that mean? If I’m photographing a dinner party for Social Supply, it’s important to capture not just the plate of food, but to step back and capture the scene around it. If I’m taking photos of a mushroom harvest in Yunnan, I make sure to find an angle that shows just how much they’ve harvested, but also a few close-ups of the weathered hands that are carefully sorting.
44 I’ve taken hundreds of thousands of photos this year alone. The more you shoot the better you will be. So, start shooting—anything and everything, but specially your fiends’ businesses and projects.
Do I have a good camera? Yes, but some people still think that the photos I post from my phone were taken on that camera, so don’t confuse a good device with being a good photographer. 45 so start there, and start today.
A.Let the story guide you.
B.I have virtually no art experience.
C.Like anything, photography requires practice.
D.Photography becomes an incredible drive to explore.
E.Some of my favorite photographers just use their phone.
F.It also helps to slip out of awkward small talk at parties.
G.I feel deeply connected with whatever is captured through my camera lens.
Animals enrich our lives. By caring for pets and domesticated(驯养的)animals and respecting animals in the wild, you can show your kindness to the animals.
46 . No matter how old your pet is, make sure you are ready to take care of it for the rest of its life-or yours. Animals have feelings and bonds(联系)with their ”pet parents“. If you don’t take this promise seriously, you may harm your animals.
Promote your animal’s health. A healthy animal is a happy animal. Taking care of your animal’s and other domesticated animals’ health with regular vet visits and watching for signs of illness can promote their health, well-being, and show your kindness towards them. Regular vaccinations(疫苗)are important for your animals. 47
Give your animals a comfortable personal space. Just like people, pets and other domesticated animals like horses enjoy sleeping, having separate time, playing, and cleanliness, 48 . It shows your kindness and can help create a strong bond between the two of you. Prepare a comfortable sleeping space with items like a pet bed, a box with a blanket, or a nice. pile of clean hay.
Feed your animals regularly. Part of an animal’s health is related to daily food and water. 49 . Give your animals food at the same time every day. Ask your vet or conduct online research to figure out how often you should feed your pet.
Show your love. Always show your animals how much you love them. 50 . This helps build trust and can make them more likely to approach and seek out quality time with you.
A.Make a lifelong promise
B.Interact at the right time
C.Use proper ways to show such an emotion
D.Unfortunately, not every person is kind to animals
E.Do make sure your animals receive yearly vaccinations
F.Make your animals a personal space that is comfortable and clean
G.Mealtimes also help you establish a bond between you and your animal
Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a New Year address in Beijing at 19:30 on December 31, 2022. This is part of his New Year’s Day message:
Greetings to you all! The year 2023 is approaching! From Beijing, I send my best New Year wishes to all of you. 51 An ambition has been drawn for building a modern socialist country in all respects and advancing the great rejuvenation (复兴) of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization (现代化).
Since COVID-19 struck, we have put the people first and put life first all along. Following a science-based and targeted approach, we have adapted our COVID response in light of (按照) the evolving situation to protect the health of people to the greatest extent possible. Officials and the general public, particularly medical professionals and community workers, have bravely stuck to their posts through it all. With great efforts, we have prevailed over unprecedented difficulties and challenges, and it has not been an easy journey for anyone. We have now entered a new phase of COVID response where tough challenges remain. Everyone is holding on with great fortitude, and the light of hope is right in front of us. 52
53 The Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games ended with a complete success. Chinese winter sports athletes gave their all and achieved extraordinary (非凡的) results. Shenzhou-13, 14 and 15 soared into the heavens. China’s space station was fully completed and our “home in space” is roving in the deep-blue sky. The people’s army marked the 95th birthday and all service members are marching confidently on the great journey of building a strong military. China’s third aircraft carrier Fujian was launched. C919, China’s first large passenger aircraft, was delivered. And the Baihetan hydropower station went into full operation... 54 Countless working people are coming together and becoming the strength of China!
To the many people who are still busy working at this very moment, I salute (致敬) you all! We are about to ring in the New Year. Let us welcome the first ray of sunshine of 2023 with the best wishes for a brighter future.
May our country enjoy prosperity and our people live in harmony. 55 I wish you all a happy New Year and may all your wishes come true.
Thank you!
A.Today’s China is a country where dreams become reality.
B.None of these achievements would have been possible without the efforts of Chinese people.
C.In 2022, we successfully held the 20th National Congress of the CPC.
D.At this moment, I sincerely praise everyone’s fights and struggles.
E.These showed the great achievements and powerful appearance of China
F.May the world enjoy peace and people of all countries live in happiness.
G.Let’s make an extra effort to overcome the hardship, as solidarity (团结) means victory.
Most people buy a lot of gifts just before Christmas. But some people think we buy too much. They have started a special day called Buy Nothing Day. 56
Buy Nothing Day is on November 29. It’s 25 days before Christmas. It’s after Thanksgiving and often the first day of Christmas shopping. 57
The idea for Buy Nothing Day started in Vancouver, British Columbia. 58 In California, parents and children get together to read stories, sing songs, and paint pictures. The children talk about why they don’t need a lot of toys. This year, in Manchester, England, people dressed up in costumes to tell people that we buy too much.
In Albuquerque, New Mexico, high school students wanted to tell other students about Buy Nothing Day. They organized a spaghetti dinner to give people information about Buy Nothing Day. 59 They made posters and talked to other students about it. The dinner was a big success, and many students agreed not to buy anything on November 29. The students at high schools liked the idea of this new tradition. 60
A.They don’t want anyone to go shopping on that day.
B.Now people all over the world celebrate Buy Nothing Day.
C.Many people think highly of the idea of Buy Nothing Day.
D.They asked restaurants in the neighborhood to donate the food.
E.Buy Nothing Day has successfully persuaded people not to buy anything.
F.At this time, we see ads in newspapers and on TV telling us to “Buy! Buy! Buy!”
G.Next year, they want to have another dinner to tell more people about Buy Nothing Day.
A famous health tip says you’d better drink eight glasses of water (about two liters) a day. 61
An international group led by scientists at the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology in China found that the average daily water intake of a man in his 20s should be 1.5 to 1.8 liters, 62
The study published recently in the journal Science described, for the first time, a set of equations (方程式) to predict human water turnover (周转率), an indicator reflecting the amount of water used by the body each day.
The researchers investigated 5,604 participants from the ages of 8 days to 96 years, and from more than 20 countries, using special tracking methods. They have found that a man aged 20 to 35 consumes 4.2 liters of water each day, but a woman aged 30 to 60 consumes 3.3 liters, 63
Since the metabolism (新陈代谢) and water exchange on skin can provide 15 percent, while food and drinking respectively contributing half of the remaining 85 percent, 64 , according to the researchers.
“The majority of people perhaps don’t have to drink eight glasses of water a day,” says Zhang Xueying, co-first author of the paper and an assistant research fellow at the SIAT.
65 , including body size, physical activity, air temperature, humidity and altitude, according to the study. “it can be applied to individuals around the world,” says Zhang.
A.people are encouraged to drink less than 45 percent of the total daily turnover,
B.as the water requirements drop with he or she becoming older.
C.However, the results of a new study suggest that fewer are needed.
D.people living in developed countries have higher water turnover.
E.while it should be 1.3 to 1.4 liters for a female in the same age group.
F.The total water input and output vary according to multiple factors
G.But why do we need so much water?
We set off on our journey up Mount Wutai onto its peak to appreciate the mysterious and beautiful Bodhisattva Lights, ball-shaped lights floating in the whole sky with radiant beams. Seen from the foot of the mountain, the sky was gray and cloudy. 66 It sometimes appeared in white mist, and sometimes was completely covered by clouds.
On the mountainside, our clothing grew wet. 67 It slowed the horses down to a heavy pace. We spent the night at a small temple. The next morning we continued our climb in the rain. The road was more slippery than the day before, so we had no choice but to get down from our horses and walked on foot.
On the way, we were told the unusual phenomenon wouldn’t be observed in the rain. We sighed with disappointment. 68 And the sun set in the west, the clouds disappeared and the mist faded.
Eventually, we arrived at the peak, with the sky filled with stars. Late in the night, we got awake by a shout. “Get up. Hurry up to see the Lights!” We moved quickly, threw on a few pieces of clothing and ran out. It was cold, making our bodies shake from head to foot. 69 Just before our eyes, the mysterious phenomenon appeared.
Thousands of ball-shaped objects floated slowly in the distance, shining golden beams of light, as though the whole sky were filled with countless glowing lanterns. The balls moved across the sky at the same speed. 70 They were light and delicate. Meanwhile, we all just froze there, speechless with wonder, appreciating the incredible views.
A.It seemed to rain soon.
B.We had to stop for a shelter.
C.Unexpectedly, the sky began to clear.
D.In the distance stood the peak, unclear.
E.The road was slippery and difficult to walk.
F.However, our hearts were filled with excitement.
G.They were like goldfish swimming calmly in water.
I heard about a high school in Chicago where students had to pass a certain number of courses to graduate, and if they didn’t pass a course, they got the grade “Not Yet”. I thought that was fantastic. 71 But if they got the grade “Not Yet”, they understood that they were on a learning curve.
“Not Yet” also gave me more insight. I wanted to see how children coped with challenge and difficulty, so I gave 10-year-olds problems that were slightly too hard for them. Some of them reacted in a shockingly positive way. 72 They understood that their abilities could be developed. They had what I call a growth mindset. But other students felt it was tragic. From their more fixed mindset perspective, their intelligence had been up for judgment and they failed.
I’ll tell you what they do next. In one study, they told us they would probably cheat then next time instead of studying more if they failed a test. 73 For the fixed mindset students, there was hardly any. They ran from error. They didn’t engage with it. But the students with the growth mindset engaged deeply, exhibiting increased electrical activity in their brains. They processed the error and learned from it.
74 First of all, we can praise wisely. Praise the process that kids engage in: their effort, their strategies, their focus, their perseverance, their improvement. We can also change students’ mindsets. Research found that students who were not taught growth mindset continued to show declining grades. 75
A.So what can we do?
B.The researchers explained two mindsets.
C.They said things like, “I love a challenge.”
D.If they continued, they would develop a negative mindset.
E.If they got a failing grade, they would think: I’m nothing, I’m nowhere.
F.But those who learnt this lesson showed a sharp rebound in their grades.
G.Scientists measured the electrical activity from the brain as students confronted an error.
How to deal with silent treatment?
Is someone you know giving you the silent treatment? Maybe you did something wrong: you embarrassed or humiliated the other person; You let them down or failed to give them your support when they needed it. 76 .
Be clear about what happened
You probably already know what it was that you said or did. 77 . You could say, “ I feel like there’s a problem between us and that you might be upset with me.” If you do know what happened between you to cause this gap, ask if you can talk.
Explain that you know what happened between you wasn’t good and that you’d like to be friends again. Ask them what their thoughts and feelings are now about what happened. Acknowledge what they say about how they feel, and then say how you feel. For example, “ I understand why you are upset and that you are angry. I feel sad/upset/bad about what happened, and I’d like to put things right. ”
Take responsibility and apologize
This doesn’t mean taking all the blame. 79 . For example, “ I know you wanted our situation to be kept private and I’ve really upset you by telling other people about it. I’m sorry I did that. I thought that talking about it to others would help me make sense of what was going on.”
Try only once
80 . You’ve done your best. Now, it is up to them. They may need more time to process what happened between you, so give them some space.
A.But if not, ask.
B.Share your past experiences.
C.Ask about thoughts and feelings.
D.It also means that we should keep it to ourselves.
E.No matter what it is, here’s a handful of ways that will set you in the right direction.
F.If the other person refuses to restart talking to you, there’s nothing else you can do.
G.It simply means admitting your part in any wrongdoing and expressing that you’re sorry.
The human brain is the command centre for the nervous system and enables thoughts, memory, movement, and emotions.
81 As the population ages, the challenges for the preservation of brain health increase. It is therefore vital for seniors to understand how to protect it.
Exercise regularly. Regular physical exercise tends to help fight against the natural reduction in brain connections that occur during aging. Multiple studies show that physically active people are less likely to experience a decline in their mental function and have a lower risk of developing brain disease. 82
Have a “right” nap. Having a nap after lunch can be good for your brain and many seniors have developed such a good habit for long. 83 While a 30-min to 90-min nap has brain benefits, anything longer than an hour and a half may create problems with cognition, the ability to think and form memories.
84 Your brain is similar to a muscle - you need to use it or lose it. There are many things that you can do to keep your brain in shape, such as doing crossword puzzles, reading, or playing cards. You can also learn something new such as musical instruments, drawing, or even digital devices. Combine different types of activities to increase the effectiveness.
Eat a Mediterranean diet. Studies show people who closely follow a Mediterranean diet are less likely to have brain disease than people who don’t follow the diet. 85 However, we at least know that omega fatty acids found in olive oil and other healthy fats are vital for your cells to function correctly.
A.Stay mentally active.
B.Explore new interests if possible.
C.But keep in mind that the length matters.
D.Your diet plays a large role in your brain health.
E.The benefits result from increased blood circulation.
F.Maintaining a healthy brain is the primary goal in pursuing health.
G.Further research is needed to decide which parts of the diet help brain the most.
Communicating with Nature
The natural world is amazing. In fact, it is one that you can have a “conversation” with. 86 Apart from the obvious-that it’s an enjoyable, uplifting thing to do-you may seek to communicate with nature to benefit your mental health, for example.
When you arrive at your chosen spot, sit quietly for a few moments. 87 Just talk in your head as you would to someone you’re opening a conversation with. “Hey, I’m Nikki. How are you doing today? Do you have time for a chat?” It doesn’t matter what you say, so long as you say it with an open heart, and you make it clear that you’re inviting communication.
88 A million ways. You may notice a particular animal or insect coming closer to you and communicating energetically. You may notice a rhythm (韵律) or a pattern in the sound of the water or of the wind. Be mindful of what’s going on around you, be part of the natural world——you’ll soon notice so many ways in which your answers may come.
The first few times you attempt this exercise, you probably won’t see, hear or notice anything you choose to interpret as communication. 89 If you practice this on a regular basis, however, you will start to pick things up. As you become more and more familiar with the oneness of yourself and the world around you, you will sense and understand more about what will occur during your “conversations”.
90 There should be some benefit to nature, just as there is a benefit to you. When your time is over and you’re ready to leave, say thank you energetically and in your mind, but also say thank you in a practical way. Leave the area in a better state than you found it, for example, by picking up rubbish on your way out.
A.That’s OK. It doesn’t happen overnight.
B.How will you know if nature responds to you?
C.Communication with nature should be a two-way street.
D.And then ask to communicate with the nature around you.
E.How can you start communicating with the natural world?
F.It just depends on what you choose for your “conversation”.
G.You may be wondering why you might want to communicate with nature.
How to Listen to a Teen’s Complaints
As your child reaches his teen years, he’s likely experiencing a conflict (冲突) between his social and family lives. This often causes frequent complaining (抱怨). 91 By listening to your teen’s complaints in an active way, you make your relationship better and allow for better joint decisionmaking.
92 You can see complaints from your teen as natural and positive, though the actual content of what he says might be negative (负面的). Believe that listening to your teen’s complaints is a chance to know your teen better. By psychologically preparing yourself in this way, the conversation will go forward more easily.
Accept your teen’s feelings. Understand that your teen’s complaining behavior might be wrong but that his feelings are never wrong. Recognize that negative emotions are natural and do not easily fall under the control of teens or even adults. Note that your teen is at least handling his negative emotions in the right way — through words. 93
Listen patiently and carefully. 94 Listen for the words in his complaints, such as “I am sick of this” or “It’s unfair to me”. This often shows his feelings. Through body language or eye contact, show your teen you are listening to him carefully.
React to your teen’s complaints. 95 If you disagree, explain why. Finish the conversation by praising him for coming to you and expressing himself.
A.Do you think your reply is right?
B.Allow your teen to express his dissatisfaction.
C.Prepare yourself to listen to something negative.
D.This is normal but not something parents should ignore.
E.Parents should figure out what causes his complaints.
F.If you agree with his complaints, discuss ways to solve the problem.
G.However, keep in mind that accepting his feelings does not mean you accept his complaints.
For most of the recorded history of bicycles, wearing a helmet was something that was limited to professionals participating in competitions. 96
Nowadays, people are more aware of the need to make reasonable preparations to enjoy cycling safely. 97 The fact is that it is unsafe to engage in this sort of behavior. Here are some facts that help explain why no one should ride a bicycle without a helmet.
A helmet can protect the rider from head injuries. Tens of thousands of bike riders are admitted to emergency rooms every year. In most cases, the rider was not wearing a bicycle helmet. The fact is that riding bicycle without a helmet is like operating a motor vehicle without wearing a seat belt. 98 The types of injuries range from simple cuts to major damage that causes swelling and pressure on the brain and even death.
99 In many instances, accidents involving bike riders also include some sort of motor vehicle. In a crash between the two devices, the rider of the bicycle is much more likely to suffer a serious injury. Helmets cushion (缓冲) the skull at the point of impact, minimizing the chances of any type of permanent damage that could result in brain damage or even death.
Adults should set an example for teens, teaching the value of safety by their actions. 100 Teens should also be engaged in setting the example for younger children.
A.Then a helmet makes your head safe.
B.Unfortunately, not everyone appreciates bicycling.
C.Still, some people continue to ride a bicycle without a helmet.
D.Wearing a helmet yourself will encourage others to do likewise.
E.Bicycle helmets are designed to help absorb the shock of a crash.
F.In both cases, there is an increased risk of bodily harm, even permanent injury.
G.Until the 1980s, a movement to encourage the use of bicycle helmets among all bike riders arose.
Rising parental expectations and criticism are linked to an increase in perfectionism among college students. 101 They may include depression, anxiety and self-harm.
102 Prior research has shown that perfectionists become more neurotic (神经质的) and less careful as they get older. Perfectionism also can pass through generations, with perfectionist parents raising perfectionist children.
Three types of perfectionism were increasing among young people. Self-oriented perfectionism involves perfectionist standards about the self. 103 That is to say, someone expects others to be perfection. Socially prescribed perfectionism is the perception that other people and society require perfection. The three types of perfectionism interact and even worsen the effects of each other in negative ways.
Parental expectations had a larger impact than parental criticism on self-oriented and other-oriented perfectionism. 104 Parental expectations have a high cost when they’re perceived as excessive. Young people take in those expectations and depend on them for their self-esteem. And when they fail to meet them, they’ll be critical of themselves for not matching up. To compensate, they strive to be perfect.
Parents can help their children navigate societal pressures in a healthy way by teaching them that failure, or imperfection, is a normal and natural part of life. Another method is to focus on learning and development, not test scores or social media to help children develop healthy self-esteem. 105
A.Perfectionism often becomes a lifelong character.
B.So parental expectations maybe more damaging.
C.It can have damaging mental health consequences.
D.Self-respect is important to teenagers’ development.
E.Other-oriented type is perfectionism turned outward.
F.These ways can be effective to cope with perfectionism.
G.The older they are, the more likely they will be perfectionists.
When suffering from social anxiety, you will be frightened to deal with some situations. Wherever your fear arises, you are likely to experience sweating, flushing, feeling your heart race, or other symptoms of anxiety. 106
Relaxing your muscles.
107 For deep muscle relaxation, you will tighten and then relax the major muscle groups of your body, starting with your feet and stretching your way towards your head and face.
Controlling your breathing is another good way to deal with your emotions. When you’re anxious, your breathing becomes faster and not as deep. Consequently, you’ll feel dizzy, which brings on more anxiety. Learning to breathe slower and more regularly through your nose will help you calm down.
Adopting visualization.
The key to visualization is to remember a place that made you feel safe and comfortable. Create a vivid picture of that place in your mind so that you can feel, see; smell and even taste it. 109 Keep trying and you will benefit from it eventually.
Facing your anxiety.
Most people with social anxiety want to hide, avoid, or run away from whatever they’re scared of. 110 When using this method, focus on what’s going on around you instead of what’s going through your mind. That should help you distract yourself from those anxious thoughts.
A.Breathing via your nose.
B.Taking your breath slowly.
C.It takes time and patience to practice this technique, however.
D.This technique will help you better handle the situation of being desperate.
E.Luckily, there exist ways to tackle social anxiety, whatever your symptoms.
F.As is recognized, learning to physically relax is a good approach to manage anxiety.
G.But if you face anxiety bravely, you’ll be aware that it is simply something you can live with after a few exposures.
Back pain can make it difficult for many people to function in everyday life. 111 If you suffer from back pain, read on for four everyday fixes.
Our bodies need adequate movement throughout the day to avoid the stiffness that contributes to aches and pains. If the weather is good, don't hunt for the nearest parking spot; don't take the elevator when you have the option of one or two flights of stairs. When you need to sit for long periods, set a timer to get up every hour and be active for just a few minutes. 112
When we overuse our dominant side, we create muscle patterns of weakness and tension that increase pain, especially in our backs. Consider the actions you take repeatedly throughout the day that shift your weight to one side. 113 And use your opposite hand every so often for basic activities, such as opening doors.
Psychological stress is a noted risk factor for back pain, according to research. Most mental stress is caused by focusing on the past or future. 114 A few minutes a day of mindfulness can go a long way toward minimizing the impact of stress. Additionally, mindfulness practices like tai chi have all shown effectiveness in reducing back pain.
115 That is, you can create a game plan of daily activities to practice for back health. If your back hurts at the end of the day, don't just decide it was a “bad” day. Ask yourself if you practiced the activities to help you avoid the stress and tension. Taking an active, daily-life approach to maintaining a healthy body is the key to keeping back pain at bay.
A.Switch sides when you carry things.
B.It affects how you move, feel and think.
C.You should learn more about the cause of your pain.
D.Approach the health of your back as a responsibility.
E.So actively being mindful of the present reduces stress.
F.You'd better take a quick break to check in with your breathing.
G.More minutes of movement add up to big health benefits over time.
One of the first things people tend to lose when cutting personal budgets is their hobbies. 116 Actually, there are a bunch of suggestions for hobbies that will help you keep your spirits up without using up your money.
There are a lot of puzzles (智力游戏) in this world. You can find tons of puzzle books for free at libraries, and you can also turn to used books. So you can be addicted to this hobby for a very small budget. 117
When you think of photography as a hobby, you might think you need an expensive camera and lots of education. 118 And there are plenty of free online tools you can use to edit and improve the photos. Without spending a penny, you can get some impressive photos that you can post online.
If you’re looking for a free hobby, why not combine that restless energy with improved health and fitness? 119 You can start hiking any time. Running is another choice. You don’t necessarily need an expensive pair of shoes to take it up. And you can do yoga in your own home for free using a variety of online resources.
120 That is reading. With a library card or an e-reader, you can read tens of thousands of books without spending much. And best of all, you can use books to learn about other hobbies. Making reading your hobby can have a social aspect to it as well, as you can join or form a book club to read and discuss books with others.
A.That’s because hobbies can be expensive.
B.Finally, there is one of the oldest hobbies around.
C.Signing up for a gym class can actually be a good choice.
D.There’re often activities for all levels of fitness and difficulty.
E.But a ton of hobbies that you can take up don’t cost much at all.
F.What you get in return are hours of fun that will keep your mind sharp.
G.But the truth is that you can go pretty far with just a smartphone and some fundamentals.
Trying to motivate yourself to exercise can sometimes feel like a fruitless attempt. Here are some tips on setting your mind on getting active, and getting fit.
Make your fitness goals known. Tell your family, friends and co-workers about your fitness goals and encourage them to ask you how your goals come along. 121
Make an appointment with your doctor. Ask the doctor about your health condition and how becoming more physically fit can help you become healthier. 122 A government study found just three hours of advice by doctors over two years helped improve couch potatoes’ physical fitness.
123 If you’re new to exercise, it’ll be better to have a fitness professional set your goals rather than doing it alone. That means setting the weights on machines for you, determining how long you should walk or run, or giving you a time limit for the running machines.
Consider healthy living, not just workouts. Even if you spend three hours a week in the gym, what of the other 100-plus waking hours each week? Fit people keep energetic during their entire day. 124 You can simply stand up and walk around whenever you get on the phone and always take the stairs, not the lift.
Do it for charity. 125 If you fall into that category, then find a way to use your charitable nature to motivate yourself to exercise. For example, donate & 1 for every mile you walk. Or commit to several fund-raising events that involve walking, biking, dancing, or a sports match.
A.Hire a personal trainer.
B.Then ask for some suggestions.
C.Focus on what matters most to you.
D.Some of us get great satisfaction from helping others.
E.The ongoing everyday activity leads to a whole lot of fitness.
F.Documenting your workouts and progress is a good way to hold yourself accountable.
G.Knowing that everyone is watching you provides great motivation to stick to your goals.
Everyone has one or more talents. Bringing out the best in others can gradually change the world. 126 With patience, you can gradually find the admirable characteristics of people around you. Here are some ways to help you to identify and admire the talents of people around you.
Giving is a good way to find out the good qualities in others. Being kind doesn’t just mean helping someone financially. You can assist them with your advice, talents and so on. 127 Besides, you will know how they deal with their problems in life with a mind: never give up.
Talents adopt several forms and they put people in different circumstances. Thus, you need to be flexible to discover good qualities in others. Some people you come across may have different attitudes towards life from you. 128
Nobody is perfect and everyone has some shortcomings. However, these are useful to you. 129 Start by analyzing the shortcomings in others, and then you can easily find out the good qualities they already have.
130 One of the finest ways to discover good characteristics of others is to ask them something about their success and failure. The more you are curious, the more you will know about a person.
A.Develop an interest in others.
B.Live in the present to spot others’ talents.
C.Knowing one’s weaknesses is a great way to understand them.
D.For that, you need to learn to explore good qualities in others.
E.Discovering the good in others can bring out the best in yourself.
F.During this process, you will know what difficulty they are facing now.
G.Your biggest challenge is to put aside your own mind and see the bright spot of them.
Keeping Safe in Your House During a Fire
Though you may not think you’ll ever fall victim to a house fire, it’s better to be prepared to avoid panicking. To increase your chances of survival, just follow these steps.
React as soon as you hear your smoke alarm go off. On hearing your smoke detector or alarm going off and seeing a fire, exit your home as safely as possible. 131 Your only concern is to get out of there as fast as possible. Nothing else is as important as this. You should be getting yourself and your family members out safely.
Safely exit through doors. If you don’t see smoke at the door, open it slowly and pass through it after making sure the door feels cool. If there is a fire preventing you from exiting the room, close the door.
Protect yourself from smoke inhalation (吸入浓烟). Get low to the floor and crouch or crawl on your hands and knees to avoid the smoke. 132 Cover your nose and mouth if you have to walk by or through a room filled with heavy smoke.
133 If your clothes catch fire, immediately stop what you’re doing, drop flat onto the ground, and roll around until you put the fire out.
Prevent the smoke if you can’t get out. 134 Close your door and cover all vents (通风口 ) and cracks (缝隙) around it with cloth or tape to keep smoke out. Whatever you do, don’t panic. You can always reclaim some measures of control, even if you feel trapped.
Call for help from a secondstory window. 135 You can take a sheet or something else—white preferably—and hang it out the window to signify that you need help when the first responder get there.
A.If you can’t escape your home, don’t panic.
B.Stop, drop, and roll if your clothes catch fire.
C.You are probably a lot safer by closing doors.
D.Escape from a secondstory window if you can.
E.Smoke inhalation causes people to become unconscious.
F.Do not try to get your phone, valuables, or your other important possessions.
G.If you are trapped in your secondstory room, get to an area where people can find you.
Small eco-friendly(利于环保的) decisions can add up to make a huge difference to our planet. Being eco-friendly doesn’t need to empty your wallet when you travel. 136
Make flights a little greener if you need to take a flight for a trip. Do you know flying first class can be more than five times as heavy on carbon per person as flying economy class, according to studies? Why not fly economy class? 137 Therefore, you cut down on the weight of the airplane and save fuel and baggage charges.
138 If possible, choose the train instead of a flight. Those travelers who seek to reduce carbon emissions should seriously consider rail travel, especially for long distances.
Eat and drink locally. Step away from Starbucks and McDonald’s and seek out the best in local produce. Jonathan Engels, from Green Global Travel, recommends seeking out traditional local dishes rather than imported stuff to recreate the same unhealthy food we try to avoid at home.
139 If you choose a vegetarian diet, it is even better.
Do not disturb. One of the simplest ways you can help the environment is by hanging up a “Do not disturb” sign on your door. 140 You save the electricity needed to vacuum(用吸尘器打扫),and the water needed to wash sheets and clean bathrooms, not to mention the harmful chemicals used in the cleaning process. Best of all, some hotel chains reward you for choosing not to have your room cleaned.
A.Slow down your travels.
B.Plan how to travel in advance.
C.It means you can conserve energy.
D.Have an enjoyable meal with friends or family.
E.You can also help by packing as light as possible.
F.Here are some easy tips to make a difference on holiday.
G.Street food is always a cheap way to experience the best a region offers.
The holiday tip can be a way to say thank you to the people who don’t hear it much from you throughout the year. 141 This is especially true for people who aren’t already in the habit of doing so.
About 30 percent of people are not planning to tip for the holidays, according to a survey by Care.com. a website that pairs families with caregivers. Of those who are giving, only 41 percent of people said they budgeted for it. About 30 percent are tipping cash only. 142
The list of whom to tip will be different depending on where you live and what your relationship is with the service provider. 143 give priority (优先) to the people who truly make your daily life easier, says Lizzie Post, author and spokeswoman for the Emily Post Institute. “You want to think about who it is that has really been in your life,” she says.
Think about tipping your baby sitter, especially if she is always available when things come up at the last minute, Post says. 144 People in big cities might want to thank their apartment building manager who holds packages for them at the front desk. For someone with a house in the suburbs, it may be more important to tip the garbage man or the gardener.
145 . For the people you already tip regularly, it may make more sense to give them a small gift instead. Don’t go into debt (债务) if you don’t have the cash to tip everyone on your list. Small gestures such as a homemade gift, a baked good or a handwritten note can still make a difference.
A.If you can’t tip everyone
B.After you have finished the list
C.And 60 percent are giving cash and gifts
D.The amount you tip changes from person to person
E.But don’t feel the pressure to tip everyone the same way
F.But figuring out whom to tip and how much to give can be stressful
G.For some pet owners, now may be a good time to thank their dog walker
Finishing my high school life in Canada, I started classes at the University of Toronto at the beginning of September and soon I found that there are lots of differences between Canadian high schools and universities.
146 Although high schools in Canada also need students to choose courses by themselves, most of the students have the same compulsory (必修的) classes, and the options (选择) are quite limited. For university students, almost everyone has different classes, as the classes one takes depend on one’s major. 147 There are hundreds of majors that students can choose from, and each major has at least three or four compulsory classes each year. Do the math and you’ll be surprised by how many options students have.
Each class has a maximum student number, usually between 100 to 300. 148 The university will assign (分派) a certain time for students to select classes on the course-enrolling website. So everything depends on one’s luck and fortune.
Even if a student doesn’t successfully enroll in the classes that he or she wants, they can still be on the waitlist. If someone drops a class, another student will automatically (自动地) be enrolled (注册). 149
Usually, there are two parts to most classes, the lecture and the tutorial (辅导课). Lectures usually have more than 100 students, and the instructors are the professors. For tutorials, they’re always run by teacher assistants, usually master’s or PhD students. Tutorials contain at most 30 students, and that’s where quizzes and discussions take place.
150 For instance, my philosophy professor asks us to finish one book every week, which is the hardest thing for me to do right now.
A.Take my university for example.
B.To me, the biggest difference is the course selection system.
C.There is a saying that goes, “If you are at ease with yourself in the world, the world will be at ease with you.”
D.The biggest challenge for a freshman in Canada is how to get on well with the teacher assistants.
E.Since universities in Canada have a longer summer holiday, the semesters are quite short, which means the progress of the class is very fast.
F.The limited number of students means that some students may not be enrolled in the classes that they want to get into.
G.Therefore, the university suggests that everyone should have a plan B in case something goes wrong.
1.B 2.A 3.G 4.E 5.F
1.根据前文“A daily multivitamin(复合维生素) may give your wellbeing an extra benefit, but if you’ve ever swallowed one and felt sick right after, you know it’s hardly a pleasant experience.(每天服用多种维生素可能会给你的健康带来额外的好处,但如果你曾经吞下一种维生素并在之后感到恶心,你就知道这不是一种愉快的经历)”和下文介绍的几个导致人们服用维生素不舒服的原因可知,空处应承上启下,引出下文内容,所以选项B“以下是它们可能让你不舒服的几个原因”切合文意。故选B。
2.根据后文“Vitamins are like medicines in that they can act on each other and other medicines you’re taking.(维生素就像药物一样,它们可以相互作用,也可以与你服用的其他药物相互作用)”可知,此处是指同时服用维生素和其它药物可能会产生副作用,所以选项A“你同时服用维他命和其他药物”切合文意。故选A。
3.根据后文“Some research suggests that multivitamins could cause side effects when taken at the same time estrogen(雌激素) levels are raised.(一些研究表明,在雌激素水平升高的同时服用复合维生素可能会产生副作用)”可知,此处是指要注意维生素和其它药物之间有没有有害的相互作用,所以选项G“请检查组合,以确保没有有害的相互作用”切合文意。故选G。
4.根据前文“Iron is interesting in that it’s best absorbed on an empty stomach, but it’s hardest to take on an empty stomach because of the nausea.(铁的有趣之处在于,它在空腹时吸收最好,但空腹最难吸收,因为恶心)”可知,此处是指不能空腹服用铁,所以选项E“最好是与食物一起服用,而不是空腹服用”切合文意。故选E。
5.根据前文“Mild allergic reactions can include itchiness (痒) and a few hives (荨麻疹).(轻微的过敏反应包括发痒和一些荨麻疹)”和后文“Should you experience more advanced signs of an allergic reaction, such as trouble breathing, chest pain, widespread hives or a swollen facial region, visit the closest emergency room immediately.(如果出现更严重的过敏症状,如呼吸困难、胸痛、大面积荨麻疹或面部肿胀,请立即前往最近的急诊室)”可知,此处是指如果出现前文中提到的症状要立即就诊,所以选项F“如果你遇到这些副作用,停止使用并联系你的医生”切合文意。故选F。
6.D 7.B 8.C 9.G 10.F
6.根据空后的“For instance, you may be skilled in cooking, but if you’re applying for an office job, this strength may be irrelevant.(例如,你可能擅长烹饪,但如果你申请的是办公室工作,这一优势可能就无关紧要了)”可知,此处举例说明空处的内容,所以此空处讲述的内容应与“优势与职位是否相关”有关,D选项“Thus, it’s helpful to know your strengths related to the role.(因此,它有助于了解自己的优势与作用)”中的thus为关键词,结合句意可知,D选项与空前内容为因果关系,且内容吻合。故选D项。
7.根据空前的“However, knowing your personal areas of strengths and weaknesses is not a piece of cake. It takes self-awareness and self-reflection.(然而,了解自己的优势和劣势并不是一件容易的事。这需要自我意识和自我反省)”可知,认识到自己的优势不是一件容易得事情,根据空后“Or, ask some of your friends what they see as your best qualities or shortcomings.(或者,问问你的一些朋友,他们认为你的优点和缺点是什么)”内容中的or可以推断,此空处讲述的内容与“如何了解自己的优势”相关,B选项“So ask yourself what you are good or weak at.(所以问问你自己你擅长什么或者哪方面弱)”内容与空前内容为因果关系,且与空后的or为选择关系,符合逻辑。故选B项。
8.分析语篇可知,此空为本段的主题句,根据空后列举的例子“For example, let’s say my strength is creativity and yours is planning; we both want to have the same career. We might go about getting there in very different ways. If I did something creative to get my dream job and you planned carefully, we’d both likely be successful. But if I tried planning and you tried something creative, both of us might fail. .(例如,假设我的优势是创造力和你的优势是计划;我们都想拥有同样的事业。我们可能会以非常不同的方式到达那里。如果我做了一些有创意的事情来得到我梦寐以求的工作,而你精心策划,我们都有可能成功。但如果我试着做策划,而你试着做一些有创意的事情,我们俩都可能失败)”可知,该段举例说明的是“恰当利用好自己的优势能促进成功”,C选项“Our areas of strengths can help us achieve our goals.(我们的优势可以帮助我们实现目标)”讲述的内容与空后举例内容吻合,且概括了本段的主题。故选C项。
9.分析语篇可知,此空位于段位,可能是对本段的总结,根据空前的“If I did something creative to get my dream job and you planned carefully, we’d both likely be successful. But if I tried planning and you tried something creative, both of us might fail.(如果我做了一些有创意的事情来得到我梦寐以求的工作,而你精心策划,我们都有可能成功。但如果我试着做策划,而你试着做一些有创意的事情,我们俩都可能失败)”可知,只有知道自己的优势并且利用合理能促进我们成功,但是利用不当便会失败,G选项“That’s why it is important to know and use our strengths to reach goals.(这就是为什么了解并利用我们的优势来实现目标是很重要的)”中的that指代的内容与空前的内容吻合,且构成因果关系。故选G项。
10.根据空后列举的例子“For example, maybe your area of weakness is relevant to gratitude. You just haven’t spent a lot of time thinking about gratitude before. But now you engage in a bunch of activities that help you turn gratitude into an area of strength.(例如,也许你的劣势与感恩有关。你只是以前没有花很多时间思考感恩。但现在你参与了一系列活动,这些活动可以帮助你把感恩变成一种优势)”可知,此处列举内容表达的是“劣势有时候可以转化为优势”,F选项“By turning a weakness into a strength, you build other important skills.(把劣势变成优势,构建其他重要的技能)”讲述的是“将劣势转换为优势的好处”,内容与空后的举例内容相关。故选F项。
11.C 12.G 13.A 14.F 15.D
11.根据上文“Many people understand the importance of communication and want to communicate their points to the other people. However, they are unable to do so. (许多人理解沟通的重要性,并希望将自己的观点传达给其他人。然而,他们无法做到这一点)”可知,人们知道沟通的重要性,但却不能很好的沟通。结合下文提到的几个沟通技巧可知,出现这样的情况,是因为人们缺乏沟通技巧。C项“This is because they lack good communication skills.(这是因为他们缺乏沟通技巧)”符合题意,This指代上文“they are unable to do so”。故选C。
12.根据上文“Interruption can be extremely impolite.(打断别人是非常不礼貌的)”可知,打断别人说话非常不礼貌。由此可知,等别人说完,你再说话是基本礼仪。G项“It is essential to let the other person complete his point before you make yours.(在你提出你的观点之前,让对方完成他的观点是基本礼仪)”符合题意,且贴合本段主旨“Avoid interruption.(避免插话)”。故选G。
13.空处为本段主旨句。根据下文“Your body language speaks volumes about you. It is essential to keep your body language warm and friendly rather than arrogant (傲慢的). Many people unintentionally give a wrong message through their body language. If you are not sure, then it is a good idea to learn the art of body language.(你的肢体语言充分说明了你。保持你的肢体语言温暖友好而不是傲慢是至关重要的。许多人无意中通过肢体语言传递了一个错误的信息)”可知,本段的建议是注意自己的肢体语言。A项“Watch your body language.(注意你的肢体语言)”可以作为本段主旨句。故选A。
14.根据主旨句“Don’t go overboard (过火) with your point.(不要过分强调你的观点)”和下文“It is not to prove that your point is correct and the other person is wrong. (这并不是为了证明你的观点是正确的,而另一个人是错误的)”可知,不要过分强调自己的观点,交流的目的不是证明谁对谁错。由此推知,空处陈述交流的真正目的——让其他人了解你的想法和感受。F项“The reason behind conversation is to let the other person know what you feel.(交流背后的原因是让对方知道你的感受)”符合题意。故选F。
15.空处位于段末,应承接上文。根据上文“At times, out of anger or anxiousness, we say things that we must not say. Remember, words once spoken cannot be taken back.(有时,出于愤怒或焦虑,我们会说一些我们不能说的话。记住,一旦说出的话就无法收回)”推知,我们不能因为糟糕的情绪说出一些让自己后悔的话,因为一些话一旦说出就无法收回。D项“It is thus suggested not to say something you might regret later.(因此,建议以后不要说一些你可能会后悔的话)”符合题意,且贴合本段主旨“Watch your words. (注意你的言辞)”。故选D。
16.A 17.G 18.D 19.E 20.B
16.根据空前“Looking for a way to be happier? Are you seeking deeper connections with friends or looking for more friends?(正在寻找一种让自己更快乐的方法吗?你是在寻求与朋友之间更深层次的联系,还是在寻找更多的朋友?)”以及空后“Try a little compassion.(尝试一点同情心)”可知,空后提供了上文问题的解决方法,由此推断空处为疑问句。选项A“Want to relate better to other people?(想更好地与他人相处?)”句型上和上文保持一致,且引出下文。故选A。
17.根据空前“The compassionate tend to have deeper connections with others and more friends.(富有同情心的人往往与他人和更多的朋友有更深的联系)”推知,选项G“They are more forgiving and have a stronger sense of life purpose.(他们更宽容,有更强的人生目标感)”符合题意,they指代上文the compassionate,陈述为什么会出现这样的情况。故选G。
18.根据空前“All you need is a quiet place.(你只需要一个安静的地方)”以及下文“Focus on your breath and try to clear your mind.(专注于呼吸,试着理清思绪)”可知,本段主要讲述的是如何练习富有同情心。而空前则建议读者找到一个安静的地方,由此推知,空处陈述找到这个安静地方后该做什么。选项D“In that quiet space, sit in a comfortable position.(在那个安静的空间里,坐到一个舒适的位置)”符合题意,承上旗下,选项中的that quiet space呼应上文a quiet place。故选D。
19.根据上文“Then mentally focus on your heart area and think about someone you feel tenderness toward. This could be your friend or your family.(然后在心里把注意力集中在你的心脏部位,想一个你感到温柔的人。这可能是你的朋友或家人)”可知,作者建议读者想一个让你感到温柔的人,有可能是朋友或家人。而空后“As time allows, add more people to that circle. (如果时间允许,把更多的人加入那个圈子)”则建议读者想象更多温暖的人。选项E“Then expand that feeling to yourself and to others.(然后将这种感觉扩展到自己和他人身上)”符合题意,承上启下。故选E。
20.根据下文“Compassion helps your brain become more flexible, and lets your brain have a wider sense of what’s going on, and it gives you access to more ideas on how to act. (同情帮助你的大脑变得更灵活,让你的大脑对正在发生的事情有更广泛的感觉,它让你获得更多关于如何行动的想法)”可知,这里讲述的是同情心对大脑的影响。选项B“That’s in part because it changes your brain.”(这部分是因为它改变了你的大脑)”符合题意。故选B。
21.E 22.G 23.F 24.D 25.A
21.根据空前的“There are countless articles online that will give you advice on how to deal with homesickness, but here are some of my favorite advice and tips on what has helped me.(网上有无数的文章会给你关于如何处理乡愁的建议,但这里有一些我最喜欢的建议和技巧,它们对我很有帮助。)”可知我有一些应对想家的建议和技巧,根据后文“Make food from your home country(制作来自祖国的食物)”可知下文是在提出自己的一些具体建议,空处承上启下,所以空处应该讲的是希望我的建议会对你有帮助,E项Hopefully, they will be helpful to you as well(希望它们也能对你有所帮助)指出我希望自己的这些建议会对你有帮助,承接上文,引出下文,而且E项中的they指代上文的some of my favorite advice and tips,符合上下文语境。故选E项。
22.根据本段小标题“Make food from your home country(制作来自祖国的食物)及空前“And if you don’t cook, try learning to cook with friends or find new places to eat. This may just be me loving food, but eating with friends really makes things so much better.(如果你不做饭,试着和朋友一起做饭,或者找新的地方吃饭。这可能只是我对食物的热爱,但和朋友一起吃饭真的会让事情变得更好。)”可知本段主要讲的是通过制作食物或者和朋友一起吃饭来减轻对于家的想念,空处位于段末,对前文进行总结,所以空处应该讲与朋友一起吃饭的好处,G项It’s a way to bond, an excuse to get closer, and you even get rewarded from it(这是一种增进感情的方式,一个拉近距离的借口,你甚至还能从中得到回报)指出与朋友一起吃饭的好处,对前文进行了总结,而且G项中的It指代上文的eating with friends这件事,符合上下文语境。故选G项。
23.根据本段小标题“Call home—but not every minute of every day(给家里打电话——但不要每时每刻都打电话)”以及空前“I was a little annoyed when I saw so many online sources phrase it this way: “Talk to your parents—but not too much. Call home—but not too often.”(当我在网上看到这么多这样的说法时,我有点恼火:“和你的父母谈谈——但不要太多。”给家里打电话,但不要太频繁。”)”可知我对于网上的一些建议与家人打电话不要太频繁的说法有些恼火,根据空后“It’s good to keep in touch with your family and friends. However, it’s a problem when you’re talking to them so much that it’s stopping you from having real experience in this new place.(与家人和朋友保持联系是件好事。然而,当你和他们聊得太多的时候,这会阻碍你在这个新地方获得真正的体验,这是一个问题。)”可知虽然与家人保持联系是一件好事,但是许多在线资源认为如果同家人聊太多则会不利于自己在新的地方获得一个真正的体验,空处承上启下,所以空处应该讲的是许多在线资源认为不应该同家里联系太频繁实际上是有道理的,F项But, the thing is, they really have a point when they say that.(但问题是,他们这么说确实有道理。)指出建议不同家人频繁联系是道理的,而且F项中的they指代的是前文的so many online sources,承接上文,引出下文,符合上下文语境。故选F项。
24.根据空前“However, it’s a problem when you’re talking to them so much that it’s stopping you from having real experience in this new place.(然而,当你和他们说得太多时,这会阻碍你在这个新地方获得真正的体验,这就是一个问题。)”可知同家人与朋友说太多会阻碍自己在新地方的体验,根据空后“Call the people you love often, keep them updated with your life and ask them how life is going for them. You’re going to need that. Think of it this way—the more you’re living outside of your room, the more you can tell them later about everything you’re learning. (经常给你爱的人打电话,让他们了解你的生活,问问他们生活得怎么样。你需要那样做。这样想——你在外生活的时间越长,你以后就越能告诉他们你学到的东西。)”可知此处讲的是要经常给自己爱的人打电话的原因,空处承上启下,所以空处应该讲虽然同家人联系太频繁会阻碍自己在新地方的体验,但是这并不代表不同家人联系,相反一定要同家人联系,D项So, of course, keep in touch with your family(所以,当然,要和家人保持联系。)指出要同家人保持联系,承接上文,引出下文,符合上下文语境。故选D项。
25.空处为本段标题,应提出一项策略,同时对空后内容进行概括,根据空后“There is nothing wrong with finding someone to talk about how you’re feeling. It can be friends and family, mentors or professors that you feel can understand you. Or it may mean talking to a counselor or getting psychological help if that’s what you think you need.(找个人谈谈你的感受并没有错。可以是你觉得能理解你的朋友、家人、导师或教授。或者,如果你认为自己需要的话,这可能意味着与咨询师交谈或获得心理帮助。)”可知本段讲的是同别人交谈的好处,所以空处应该提出同别人进行交谈的建议,A项Talk to someone(与别人交谈)提出同别人进行交谈的建议,对全段内容进行概括,符合上下文语境。故选A项。
26.D 27.G 28.C 29.A 30.F
26.根据空后“So I always attempt to find something that’s appealing and fun yet represents the local culture, and that offers an interaction with the locals.(所以我总是试图找到一些既吸引人又有趣的东西,同时又能代表当地文化,并提供与当地人互动的机会)”中的so可知,此空处讲述的内容与空后内容为因果关系,D选项“What’s most crucial is experiencing the genuine country and culture.(最重要的是体验真正的国家和文化)”中的experiencing the genuine country and culture与空后内容相关,都与体验当地文化相关,且与空后内容为因果关系。故选D项。
27.根据空后的“Since I am somewhat fluent in Spanish, I could charge people for this and become somewhat of an official tour guide.(因为我的西班牙语说得比较流利,所以我可以向人们收取费用,这样我就可以成为一名正式导游)”可知,此处讲述的是作者因西班牙语说的很流利而成为正式的导游,G选项“I’m being asked frequently to offer people tours, both to friends and strangers.(我经常被要求提供人们提供旅游,既有朋友也有陌生人)”讲述的内容与作者作导游相关。故选G项。
28.根据空前的“I choose not to though, because to me, the most important thing is making sure the tourist, who already spent a lot of time and money getting to where I am, has the fun and cultural experience they could possibly have.(但我选择不这么做,因为对我来说,最重要的是确保那些已经花了很多时间和金钱来到我所在的地方的游客,能尽可能地享受到乐趣和文化体验)”可知,作者认为最重要的是确保游客体验到该有的乐趣和文化体验,结合空后“In that case, tourists can explore the local culture further at the lowest cost.(在这种情况下,游客们可以以最低的成本进一步研究当地文化)”可知,那样的话,游客就能以最低的价格体验当地文化,由其中的in that case可推断,此空处是使游客能以最低的价格体验当地文化的方式,C选项“It could also help me create a lifelong connection with them.(它还可以帮我与他们创建一个终身关系)”中的them与空前的they指代一致,且与空后的in that case指代内容相关。故先C项。
29.分析语篇可知,此空处为本段的主题,根据空后的“When someone is visiting your area, don’t just take them to the touristy spots. Show them the places that mean something to you. Show them your heart through the places that you show them and the experience you give them.(当有人来你的地区旅游时,不要只带他们去旅游景点。带他们去那些对你有意义的地方。通过你带他们去的地方和你给他们的经历,向他们展示你的心)”可知,本段讲述的是有人去你所在的地区,不要带他们去景点,你可以带他们去你觉得有意义的地方,结合上一段中讲述的作者带他游客去他所在地区体验当地文化可知,该段讲述的与上文作者的做法一样,A选项“Everyone can do the same.(每个人都可以做同样的事情)”概括了本段的内容,且起到了承上启下的作用。故选A项。
30.根据空前的“It’s a time that both you and the tourist will probably never obtain again.(这是一个你和游客可能永远不会再获得的时刻)”可知,此处讲述的是这是与游客很可能永远不会获得的时间,F选项“Don’t rush the experience, thoroughly enjoy every moment with that person.(不要匆忙的体验,彻底享受和那人在一起的每一刻)”中的“enjoy every moment with that person.”与空前的内容吻合,其中的that person与空前的the tourist指代一致。故选F项。
31.G 32.A 33.F 34.E 35.C
31.上文“This lasted from the age of 27 until after 50, a golden time during which I felt very sorry for ex-drinkers and people who couldn’t or wouldn’t drink. How did they make it through social situations, especially parties? What did they do at the end of a workday to celebrate and relax(这种情况从27岁一直持续到50岁以后,在那段黄金时期,我为那些曾经喝酒的人和那些不能或不愿喝酒的人感到非常遗憾。他们是如何通过社交活动,特别是派对的?他们在工作日结束时做了什么来庆祝和放松?)”指出作者爱喝酒,并提出几个问题为那些曾经喝酒的人和那些不能或不愿喝酒的人表示遗憾,由此可知,空处也应是提出问题,表示遗憾,G项“他们是如何度过一生的?”符合,故选G。
32.上文“When I first tried to quit drinking myself in my early 50s, I wasn’t sure at first how it would work for me. But I did it anyway( 在我50岁出头的时候,我第一次尝试戒酒,起初我并不确定这对我有什么用。但我还是做了。)”指出作者开始戒酒,下文“I was getting older. I had to concede that I wasn’t as tough as I used to be.(随着年纪变大,我不得不承认我不像以前那么坚强了。)”说明作者戒酒的原因——即岁数大了,身体不允许作者再喝酒了,A项“我的身体需要这样做。”符合,引起下文,故选A。
33.上文“But I had to admit that when I was off booze, I looked and felt better physically: I slept more deeply, had more energy, exercised more. My mind was clearer. My moods were brighter. Parties were hard, and so was cooking at the end of a day of writing without a glass of wine at my elbow.(但我不得不承认,当我戒酒后,我的身体状况看起来好多了:睡得更深,精力更充沛,锻炼得更多。我的头脑更清醒了。我的心情好多了。聚会是艰难的,在一天写作结束的时候,手边没有一杯葡萄酒,做饭也变得艰难起来的。)”重点描述了戒酒的好处,由此可知,戒酒利大于弊,空处对上文进行总结,F项“但利大于弊。”符合,故选F。
34.上文“After my husband had gone upstairs to bed, my friend sat on our sofa drinking an entire bottle of gin, complaining about his fate, until he passed out next to our dog, whose bed that sofa was(在我丈夫上楼睡觉后,我的朋友坐在我们的沙发上喝了一整瓶杜松子酒,抱怨他的命运,后来他昏倒在我们的狗旁边,那张沙发就是我们狗的床。)”描述作者朋友喝醉酒后躺在狗床上睡着了,下文“I didn’t have a drink the next night, or ever again since.(第二天晚上我没有喝酒,从那以后我再也没有喝过酒。)”指出作者从那以后戒酒了,由此可知,空处应该是描述朋友喝酒对作者的影响,即让作者戒酒了,E项“这是一个警钟。”符合,故选E。
35.由上文“I’m not going to lie: being sober is not a hot-air balloon ride.(我不想撒谎:保持清醒不是坐热气球(让人飘忽不定)。)”可知,空处承接上文,应该指出不喝酒的感觉是什么样的,C项“更像是在山里远足。”符合,故选C。
36.F 37.B 38.D 39.A 40.G
36.上文“Water can help (水有帮助)”提到水对我们有帮助,下文“They include reducing anxiety, easing mental tiredness and refreshing us. (它们包括减轻焦虑、缓解精神疲劳和提神。)”具体介绍了水对我们的帮助是什么,空处应该介绍“They”,即水的好处,F项“花时间在海洋、湖泊和其他蓝色空间附近可以带来很多好处。”符合,“They”代指“many benefits”,故选F。
37.本句本段小标题“Remember that all water counts. (记住,所有的水都很重要。)”可知,本段主要介绍所有的水都很重要,上文“You likely have some close by, even if it is just a stream alongside the road. (你附近可能有一些水,即使它只是一条小溪旁边的道路。)”指出你附近可能有一些水很重要,下文“Then ranch out to water you can visit on the weekend or a vacation. (然后你可以在周末或度假的时候去水边牧场。)”中的Then提示,空处和下文是一系列的动作顺承关系,B项“从这里开始”符合,there代指上文的“some close by”,其中“Start”和“Then”是先后顺承关系,故选B。
38.上文“Urban water matters — rivers, canals and fountains. (城市水很重要——河流、运河和喷泉。)”指出城市重要的水是河流、运河和喷泉,D项“家庭用水也是如此——在游泳池、浴缸甚至盆里。”和上文是并列关系,指出家庭用水也很重要,即我们可以利用城市水或家庭水来给我们带来好处。故选D。
39.此处是本段小标题。根据下文“Frequency makes a big difference. A 2019 study found that it takes at least two hours a week in nature to improve our well-being, although that time can be broken into smaller stretches. A more recent study found that spending a similar amount of time near water has the same benefits. Scientists also have found that people who peered into aquariums (水族馆) had lower heart rates and better moods after 15 minutes. (频率产生很大影响。2019年的一项研究发现,自然界中每周至少需要两个小时来改善我们的健康状况,尽管这个时间可以分成小段。最近的一项研究发现,花相似的时间在水边也有同样的好处。科学家们还发现,观察水族馆的人在15分钟后心率更低,心情也更好。)”可知,本段主要介绍了我们经常要花时间在水边,A项“经常去”适合作本段标题。故选A。
40.上文“When you become good at an activity, your brain changes. It forms new neural (神经的) pathways, which become faster and stronger. (当你擅长某项活动时,你的大脑就会发生变化。它形成了新的神经通路,变得更快更强。)”指出当你擅长某项活动时,你的大脑就会发生变化。它形成了新的神经通路,变得更快更强,空处承接上文,对上文进行总结,G项“这使得下次执行相同活动时更容易进入流状态。”符合,介绍了这么做的好处,故选G。
41.F 42.B 43.A 44.C 45.E
41.上文“Photography for me has always been a key. It opens up doors, gives me an excuse to travel with more purpose, and lets me see behind the scenes.(摄影对我来说一直是个关键。它为我打开了一扇门,给了我一个更有目的旅行的借口,让我看到了幕后。)”提到了摄影对作者的重要性;下文““Better get back to taking photos. Nice to chat!”(“还是聊回拍照吧。这很好聊!”)”转而提到“回到拍照的话题”,为过渡句,下文第二段开始提出学习摄影的建议。由此可知,设空处应是承接上文的话题,与摄影的好处相关。F项“It also helps to slip out of awkward small talk at parties.(这也有助于在聚会上避免尴尬的闲聊。)”中的it指代上文的Photography,also helps也与上文对应。故选F项。
42.上文“I didn’t study photography; I’m not formally trained;(我没有学过摄影;我没有受过正规训练;)”提到了作者既没学过摄影,也没有受过正规训练;下文“But that’s not what photography is about for me.(但这不是摄影对我的意义。)”转而提到上文提到的那些都不是摄影对作者的意义。结合设空处前面的分号可知,设空处与上文两个句子构成排比句式。B项“I have virtually no art experience.(我几乎没有美术经验。)”与上文对应。故选B项。
43.上文“If you want to be a photographer, be constantly asking yourself the question: “What is the story here?” It doesn’t matter if you are shooting a dish at your favorite restaurant or the food waste processing plant that deals with wat’s left over(如果你想成为一名摄影师,就要不断地问自己这个问题:“这里的故事是什么?”无论你是在你最喜欢的餐馆拍摄一道菜,还是在处理剩饭剩菜的食物垃圾处理厂)”提到了如果相当一名摄影师,就要不断问自己“这里的故事是什么?”;下文“What does that mean? If I’m photographing a dinner party for Social Supply, it’s important to capture not just the plate of food, but to step back and capture the scene around it.(这是什么意思?如果我正在为Social Supply拍摄晚宴,重要的是不仅要捕捉一盘食物,还要退后一步,捕捉周围的场景。)”通过举例子进一步解释了问“这里的故事是什么?”的含义。A项“Let the story guide you.(让故事引导你。)”与上文的“What is the story here?”对应。故选A项。
44.设空处位于段首,为段落主旨句;下文“I’ve taken hundreds of thousands of photos this year alone. The more you shoot the better you will be. So, start shooting—anything and everything, but specially your fiends’ businesses and projects.(仅今年一年,我就拍了数十万张照片。你拍得越多,你就会越好。所以,开始拍摄吧,什么都可以,尤其是你朋友的生意和项目。)”提到了拍得越多,就会越好,说明摄影是需要练习的。C项“Like anything, photography requires practice.(像任何事情一样,摄影需要练习。)”最能概括本段内容。故选C项。
45.上文“Do I have a good camera? Yes, but some people still think that the photos I post from my phone were taken on that camera, so don’t confuse a good device with being a good photographer.(我有好的相机吗?是的,但有些人仍然认为我从手机上发布的照片是用那台相机拍摄的,所以不要把一个好设备和一个好摄影师混为一谈。)”提到了不要把好设备和好摄影师混为一谈,由此可知,设空处应与摄影设备和摄影师有关。E项“Some of my favorite photographers just use their phone.(我最喜欢的一些摄影师只用他们的手机拍。)”与上下文对应。故选E项。
46.A 47.E 48.F 49.G 50.C
46.后文的“No matter how old your pet is, make sure you are ready to take care of it for the rest of its life-or yours. ”(不管你的宠物有多大,确保你准备好照顾它的余生——或者你的余生。)以及“If you don’t take this promise seriously, you may harm your animals.”(如果你不认真对待这个承诺,你可能会伤害你的动物。)讲述如果选择了宠物就要做好照顾好它一生的准备。A项“Make a lifelong promise”(许下一生的承诺。)该项总起后文的内容,符合文意。故选A。
47.该段首句提到“Promote your animal’s health.”(促进你动物的健康。),前文“Regular vaccinations(疫苗)are important for your animals.”(定期接种疫苗对你的动物很重要。)提到了宠物健康的重要性,宠物需要接受定期疫苗。E项“Do make sure your animals receive yearly vaccinations”(确保你的动物每年都接种疫苗)该项总结了前文的内容,符合段落主旨。故选E。
48.前文提到“Give your animals a comfortable personal space. Just like people, pets and other domesticated animals like horses enjoy sleeping, having separate time, playing, and cleanliness”(给你的宠物一个舒适的私人空间。就像人一样,宠物和其他驯养的动物,如马,也喜欢睡觉,有单独的时间,玩耍和清洁)可判断,宠物也需要干净卫生舒适的私“宠”空间。F项“Make your animals a personal space that is comfortable and clean”(给你的动物一个舒适和清洁的私人空间)该项起到承上启下的作用,符合文意。故选F。
49.前文提到“Feed your animals regularly. Part of an animal’s health is related to daily food and water.”(定期给你的动物喂食。动物的健康部分与日常的食物和水有关。),后文提到“Give your animals food at the same time every day.”(每天在同一时间给你的动物喂食。)说明要定时定点给你的宠物喂食,这样宠物就能形成按时吃饭的好习惯,这也是你和宠物之间建立联系的好时机。G项“Mealtimes also help you establish a bond between you and your animal”(进餐时间也可以帮助你和你的动物建立联系。)该项起到承上启下的作用,符合文意。故选G。
50.前文提到“Show your love. Always show your animals how much you love them.”(表达你的爱。总是让你的动物知道你有多爱它们。)说明向宠物展示你对它们的爱也是非常重要的一件事情,C项“Use proper ways to show such an emotion”(用适当的方式表达这种情绪。)起到承上启下的作用,符合文意。故选C。
51.C 52.G 53.A 54.B 55.F
51.根据后文“An ambition has been drawn for building a modern socialist country in all respects and advancing the great rejuvenation (复兴) of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization (现代化).(提出了全面建设社会主义现代化国家,沿着中国特色现代化道路全面推进中华民族伟大复兴的宏伟目标)”可是,本句是在说明提出后文目标的会议:第二十次全国代表大会。故C选项“2022年,我们成功召开中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会”符合语境,故选C。
52.根据上文“Since COVID-19 struck, we have put the people first and put life first all along. Following a science-based and targeted approach, we have adapted our COVID response in light of (按照) the evolving situation to protect the health of people to the greatest extent possible. Officials and the general public, particularly medical professionals and community workers, have bravely stuck to their posts through it all. With great efforts, we have prevailed over unprecedented difficulties and challenges, and it has not been an easy journey for anyone. We have now entered a new phase of COVID response where tough challenges remain. Everyone is holding on with great fortitude, and the light of hope is right in front of us.(疫情发生以来,我们始终坚持以人为本、生命至上。我们遵循以科学为基础和有针对性的方法,根据不断变化的形势调整了应对措施,以最大程度地保护人们的健康。官员和广大群众,特别是医务工作者和社区工作者,勇敢地坚守岗位。经过艰苦努力,我们战胜了前所未有的困难和挑战,走过的路对任何人来说都不容易。我们现在进入了应对COVID的新阶段,严峻的挑战依然存在。每个人都在顽强地坚持着,希望之光就在我们面前)”可知,本句为本段最后一句,应总结上文对每个人的奋斗和努力作出肯定。故G选项“在这一刻,我真诚地赞美每个人的奋斗和努力”符合语境,故选G。
53.根据后文“The Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games ended with a complete success. Chinese winter sports athletes gave their all and achieved extraordinary (非凡的) results. Shenzhou-13, 14 and 15 soared into the heavens. China’s space station was fully completed and our “home in space” is roving in the deep-blue sky. The people’s army marked the 95th birthday and all service members are marching confidently on the great journey of building a strong military. China’s third aircraft carrier Fujian was launched. C919, China’s first large passenger aircraft, was delivered.(北京冬奥会、冬残奥会圆满成功落下帷幕。中国的冬季运动运动员尽了最大的努力,取得了非凡的成绩。神舟13号、14号和15号飞入天空。中国的空间站全面建成,我们的“太空之家”正在深蓝色的天空中漫游。人民军队迎来建军95周年,全体军人正满怀信心地踏上强军伟大征程。第三艘航空母舰“福建”号下水。中国首架大型客机C919交付使用)”可知,后文主要列举了中国所取得的成就,即实现了梦。故A选项“今天的中国是一个梦想成真的国家”符合语境,故选A。
54.根据后文“Countless working people are coming together and becoming the strength of China!(无数劳动人民凝聚在一起,成为中国的力量!)”可知,本句是在肯定中国人民为实现上文提到的成就所作出的努力。故B选项“如果没有中国人民的努力,这些成就是不可能实现的”符合语境,故选B。
55.根据上文“May our country enjoy prosperity and our people live in harmony.(祝我们国家繁荣昌盛,人民和睦相处)”以及后文“I wish you all a happy New Year and may all your wishes come true.(祝大家新年快乐,心想事成!)”可知,本段主要是对人民和国家的祝愿,故F选项“祝世界和平,各国人民幸福”符合语境,故选F。
56.A 57.F 58.B 59.D 60.G
56.根据前文“But some people think we buy too much. They have started a special day called Buy Nothing Day.(但是有些人认为我们买得太多了。他们开始了一个特别的日子,叫做“不买东西日”。)”可知,此处是指在“不买东西日”不进行购物,所以选项A“他们不希望任何人在那天去购物。”切合文意,承接上文,具体介绍了“不买东西日”。故选A。
57.根据前文“Buy Nothing Day is on November 29. It’s 25 days before Christmas. It’s after Thanksgiving and often the first day of Christmas shopping.(11月29日是“不买东西日”。离圣诞节还有25天,在感恩节之后,通常是圣诞节购物的第一天。)”可知,“不买东西日”是在感恩节之后,圣诞节购物的第一天,所以这时候,报纸和电视上的广告都在告诉人们买东西,所以选项F“这个时候,我们在报纸和电视上看到广告,告诉我们‘买!买!买!’”承接上文,切合文意。故选F。
58.根据后文“In California, parents and children get together to read stories, sing songs, and paint pictures. The children talk about why they don’t need a lot of toys. This year, in Manchester, England, people dressed up in costumes to tell people that we buy too much.(在加州,父母和孩子聚在一起读故事、唱歌和画画。孩子们谈论为什么他们不需要很多玩具。今年,在英国的曼彻斯特,人们盛装打扮,告诉人们我们买得太多了。)”可知,此处是指“不买东西日”获得了全球的认可,所以选项B“现在全世界的人都庆祝“不买东西日”。”切合文意。故选B。
59.根据前文“In Albuquerque, New Mexico, high school students wanted to tell other students about Buy Nothing Day. They organized a spaghetti dinner to give people information about Buy Nothing Day.(在新墨西哥州的阿尔伯克基,高中生们想告诉其他学生“不买东西日”。他们组织了一顿意大利面晚餐,向人们提供关于“不买东西日”的信息。)”可知学生组织意大利面晚餐来宣传“不买东西日”,空处承接上文,对此进行描述,所以选项D“他们要求附近的餐馆捐赠食物。”切合文意。故选D。
60.根据前文“The students at high schools liked the idea of this new tradition.(高中学生喜欢这个新传统的想法。)”可知,此处是指学生们认可了“不买东西日”的宣传晚餐,所以期待下一次,所以选项G“明年,他们想再举行一次晚宴,告诉更多的人“不买东西日”。”切合文意。故选G。
61.C 62.E 63.B 64.A 65.F
61.上一句“A famous health tip says you’d better drink eight glasses of water (about two liters) a day.(一个著名的健康提示说你最好每天喝八杯水(大约两升))”以及后文“An international group led by scientists at the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology in China found that the average daily water intake of a man in his 20s should be 1.5 to 1.8 liters(由中国深圳先进技术研究院的科学家领导的一个国际研究小组发现,20多岁的男性平均每天的饮水量应该是1.5到1.8升)”可知,上下文语意间为转折关系,实际上并不需要摄入那么多的水。故C选项“然而,一项新的研究结果表明,需要的更少”符合语境,故选C。
62.上一句“An international group led by scientists at the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology in China found that the average daily water intake of a man in his 20s should be 1.5 to 1.8 liters(由中国深圳先进技术研究院的科学家领导的一个国际研究小组发现,20多岁的男性平均每天的饮水量应该是1.5到1.8升)”与E项“while it should be 1.3 to 1.4 liters for a female in the same age group(而同一年龄组的女性应该是1.3到1.4升)”同为研究对象中的两种不同人群的摄入水量的对比。故E选项“而同一年龄段的女性应该是1.3到1.4升”符合语境,故选E。
63.根据上文“The researchers investigated 5,604 participants from the ages of 8 days to 96 years, and from more than 20 countries, using special tracking methods. They have found that a man aged 20 to 35 consumes 4.2 liters of water each day, but a woman aged 30 to 60 consumes 3.3 liters(研究人员使用特殊的跟踪方法调查了来自20多个国家的5604名年龄在8天到96岁之间的参与者。他们发现,20至35岁的男性每天消耗4.2升水,而30至60岁的女性每天消耗3.3升水)”可知,调查结果表明,30-60岁的女性比年龄比她们小的男性消耗的水量少。故B选项“随着他或她年龄的增长,对水的需求减少”符合语境,故选B。
64.根据上一句“Since the metabolism (新陈代谢) and water exchange on skin can provide 15 percent, while food and drinking respectively contributing half of the remaining 85 percent (由于皮肤上的新陈代谢和水交换可以提供15%,而食物和饮水分别贡献了其余85%的一半)”可知,本句与上文构成因果关系,指出我们皮肤的新陈代谢和我们所摄入的水和食物已经给我们提供了一部分水,故A选项“建议人们饮水量不超过每日总量的45%”符合语境,故选A。
65.根据后文“including body size, physical activity, air temperature, humidity and altitude, according to the study(包括身体大小、身体活动、空气温度、湿度和海拔高度)”可知,这些都是影响摄入水量的因素,故F选项“总水量的输入和输出根据多种因素而变化”符合语境,故选F。
66.D 67.E 68.C 69.F 70.G
66.空后说“It sometimes appeared in white mist, and sometimes was completely covered by clouds.(它有时出现在白雾中,有时完全被云覆盖。)”,这描述的是远处的一个东西,不太看得清楚,D选项“In the distance stood the peak, unclear.(远处耸立着山峰,模糊不清。)”说明了山峰看不清楚,和后文的“有时出现在白雾中,有时完全被云覆盖”相一致,因此引起下文,符合语境,故选D。
67.空前说“On the mountainside, our clothing grew wet.(在山坡上,我们的衣服都湿了。)”说明可能下雨了,路上会滑,空后说“It slowed the horses down to a heavy pace.(它使马放慢了脚步。)”,说明了路上湿滑,E选项“The road was slippery and difficult to walk.(路很滑,很难走。)”说明了路滑,因此承上启下,符合语境,后文“The road was more slippery than the day before(路比前一天更滑)”也是提示,故选E。
68.空前说“On the way, we were told the unusual phenomenon wouldn’t be observed in the rain. We sighed with disappointment.(在路上,我们被告知在雨中不会观察到这种不寻常的现象。我们失望地叹了口气。)”,空后说“And the sun set in the west, the clouds disappeared and the mist faded.(太阳从西边落下,云不见了,雾也散了。)”,这说明天放晴了,C选项“Unexpectedly, the sky began to clear.(没想到,天空开始放晴了。)”说明了天空放晴了,和后文“太阳从西边落下,云不见了,雾也散了”一致,符合语境,故选C。
69.空前说“We moved quickly, threw on a few pieces of clothing and ran out. It was cold, making our bodies shake from head to foot.(我们迅速行动,匆匆穿上几件衣服就跑了出去。天气很冷,我们的身体从头到脚都在发抖。)”说明天冷,空后说“Just before our eyes, the mysterious phenomenon appeared.(就在我们眼前,神秘的现象出现了。)”,说明这种神秘的现象会让作者兴奋,F选项“However, our hearts were filled with excitement.(然而,我们的心中充满了兴奋。)”说明了作者他们看到这种神秘现象的激动心情,其中的However表转折,对比前面的冷和后面的兴奋,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选F。
70.空前说“Thousands of ball-shaped objects floated slowly in the distance, shining golden beams of light, as though the whole sky were filled with countless glowing lanterns. The balls moved across the sky at the same speed.(成千上万的球状物体在远处慢慢漂浮,闪烁着金色的光束,仿佛整个天空都布满了无数发光的灯笼。这些球状物体以同样的速度划过天空。)”,空后说“They were light and delicate.(它们又轻又精致。)”,这两句都是在描写这些球状物体,空格处也应该描写它们,G选项“They were like goldfish swimming calmly in water.(它们就像金鱼在水里平静地游着。)”也是对这些球状物体的描述,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选G。
71.E 72.C 73.G 74.A 75.F
【导语】本篇为说明文。文章主要介绍了“Not Yet”评分方式能对学生产生积极的自我认识,而这是一种成长型思维模式,是对学生有利的。要做到这种效果,需要适时的在具体方面给与学生赞扬,也需要及时帮助学生改变成为成长型思维模式。
71.根据后文“But if they got the grade “Not Yet”, they understood that they were on a learning curve.(但如果他们得到的分数是“还没有”,他们就会明白自己处在一个学习曲线上。)”可知,“Not Yet”是对没有通过考试的学生的一种“正面”评分,这是与传统意义上的“不及格”或“没通过”对比而来的,由此可推知,设空句应提及传统评分“不及格”,与之构成对比关系。选项E“If they got a failing grade, they would think: I’m nothing, I’m nowhere.(如果他们的成绩不及格,他们会想:我什么都不是,我一无是处。)”既提及了核心词“failing”,也讲述了其负面影响,与后文构成对比关系,前后衔接紧密。故选E项。
72.根据前文“Some of them reacted in a shockingly positive way.(其中一些人的反应非常积极。)”可推知,设空句应进一步讲述积极的反应是什么样的。选项C“They said things like, ‘I love a challenge.’(他们说:“我喜欢挑战。”)”与上文的“positive”的反应一致,符合分析。故选C项。
73.根据后文“For the fixed mindset students, there was hardly any.(对于固定思维模式的学生来说,几乎没有。)”,以及“But the students with the growth mindset engaged deeply, exhibiting increased electrical activity in their brains.(而拥有成长型思维模式的学生则参与得非常深入,他们的脑电活动有所增加。)”讲述了两组学生在一项研究中的观察结果,由此可推知,设空句应提及该研究,即“脑电活动”。选项G“Scientists measured the electrical activity from the brain as students confronted an error.(科学家们测量了孩子们面对错误时的脑电波活动。)”提及了研究项目“测量孩子们面对错误时的脑电波活动”,符合分析。故选G项。
74.分析可知,设空句为该段主旨句。根据后文“First of all, we can praise wisely.(首先,我们可以明智地赞美。)”以及“We can also change students’ mindsets.(我们还可以改变学生的思维模式。)”可知,全段讲到底该如何做。选项A“So what can we do?(那么我们该怎么做呢?)”可作该段主旨句。故选A项。
75.根据前文“We can also change students’ mindsets.(我们还可以改变学生的思维模式。)”提出了应该改变学生的思维模式,而前一句“Research found that students who were not taught growth mindset continued to show declining grades.(研究发现,没有接受成长型思维模式教育的学生成绩持续下降。)”提到的是不被改变思维模式的学生的下降表现,那么设空句应该讲述被改变思维模式的学生的积极表现。选项F“But those who learnt this lesson showed a sharp rebound in their grades.(但那些吸取了这一教训的学生,他们的成绩出现了大幅反弹。)”提出了改变思维模式之后的积极方面,在逻辑结构方面与前文构成转折,符合分析。故选F项。
76.E 77.A 78.C 79.G 80.F
76.上文“Is someone you know giving you the silent treatment? Maybe you did something wrong: you embarrassed or humiliated the other person; You let them down or failed to give them your support when they needed it.”(你认识的人对你冷眼相待吗?也许你做错了什么:你让别人感到尴尬或羞辱;你让他们失望了,或者在他们需要的时候没有给予他们支持。)提出疑问,表明问题。以及下文分别给出的几点方法和建议。故可推断空格处内容为有一些方法可以让你得到帮助。结合选项E项No matter what it is, here’s a handful of ways that will set you in the right direction.(不管是什么,这里有一些方法可以让你走上正确的方向。)符合此推断,起到上下文的承上启下作用,上下文语意连贯。故选E项。
77.上文“You probably already know what it was that you said or did.”(你可能已经知道你说了什么或做了什么。)和下文“You could say, “ I feel like there’s a problem between us and that you might be upset with me.””(你可以说:“我觉得我们之间有问题,你可能会生我的气。”)为具体问的内容。故可推断空格处内容为可以去尝试问一下。结合选项A项But if not, ask.(但如果不是,那就问问。)符合此推断,起到上下文的承上启下作用,上下文语意连贯。故选A项。
78.由该题为段落小标题可知,为总结该段内容。该段下文“Explain that you know what happened between you wasn’t good and that you’d like to be friends again. Ask them what their thoughts and feelings are now about what happened. Acknowledge what they say about how they feel, and then say how you feel.”(解释一下,你知道你们之间发生的事情并不好,你想再次成为朋友。问他们现在对所发生的事情有什么想法和感受。承认他们所说的他们的感受,然后说出你的感受。)可知,讲的是问对方的想法和感受,承认他们所说的他们的感受,然后说出你的感受。结合选项C项Ask about thoughts and feelings.(询问对方的想法和感受。)意思一致,为总结该段内容。故选C项。
79.根据该段标题“Take responsibility and apologize”(承担责任并道歉)和上文“This doesn’t mean taking all the blame.”(这并不意味着你要承担所有的责任。)以及下文具体的行为例子可知,空格处内容应为与此相关。结合选项G项It simply means admitting your part in any wrongdoing and expressing that you’re sorry.(它只是意味着承认你的过错,并表示你很抱歉。)和上文意思一致,为对上文内容的递进,也是引起下文,上下文语意连贯。故选G项。
80.根据该段标题“Try only once”(只尝试一次)可知,只尝试一次去和他们说话,下文“You’ve done your best. Now, it is up to them.”(你已经尽力了。现在,就看他们的了。)指出你尝试了说明你尽力了,剩下的就看他们的了,结合选项F项If the other person refuses to restart talking to you, there’s nothing else you can do.(如果对方拒绝重新开始和你说话,你就无能为力了。)和下文内容紧密连接,下文是空格处内容的语意递进,上下文语意连贯。故选F项。
81.F 82.E 83.C 84.A 85.G
81.下文“As the population ages, the challenges for the preservation of brain health increase. It is therefore vital for seniors to understand how to protect it. (随着人口老龄化,保护大脑健康的挑战也在增加。因此,老年人了解如何保护它是至关重要的。)”指出保护大脑健康至关重要,推测其原因应该是大脑健康对人们而言很重要。选项F“Maintaining a healthy brain is the primary goal in pursuing health. (保持大脑健康是追求健康的首要目标。)”指出保持大脑健康是追求健康的首要目的,与下文联系紧密,符合语境。故选F项。
82.上文“Multiple studies show that physically active people are less likely to experience a decline in their mental function and have a lower risk of developing brain disease. (多项研究表明,身体活动活跃的人不太可能出现心理功能下降,患脑部疾病的风险也较低。)”指出,运动活跃的人患脑部疾病的风险较低。选项E“The benefits result from increased blood circulation. (这些好处来自于血液循环的增加。)”则指出这类人患病风险低的原因是血液循环的增加,前后文构成因果关系,符合语境。故选E项。
83.上文“Having a nap after lunch can be good for your brain and many seniors have developed such a good habit for long. (午饭后打个盹对你的大脑有好处,许多老年人长期以来都养成了这样的好习惯。)”指出午休对大脑健康好;下文“While a 30-min to 90-min nap has brain benefits, anything longer than an hour and a half may create problems with cognition, the ability to think and form memories. (虽然30分钟到90分钟的小睡对大脑有好处,但任何超过一个半小时的小睡都可能导致认知、思考和形成记忆的能力出现问题。)”指出,虽然午睡好,但是超过半个小时的午睡会导致认知等方面的问题,这说明午睡虽重要,但要注意时长。选项C“But keep in mind that the length matters. (但请记住,长度很重要。)”正好指出午睡时长很重要,符合语境。故选C项。
84.下文“Your brain is similar to a muscle - you need to use it or lose it. There are many things that you can do to keep your brain in shape, such as doing crossword puzzles, reading, or playing cards. (你的大脑就像一块肌肉,你需要使用它,否则就会失去它。你可以做很多事情来保持大脑的状态,比如做填字游戏、阅读或打牌。)”指出,大脑也需要通过填字游戏等活动保持其活跃,而大脑活跃就是一种精神层面的活跃。选项A“Stay mentally active. (保持精神活跃。)”指出要保持精神活跃,与下文联系紧密,符合语境。故选A项。
85.下文“However, we at least know that omega fatty acids found in olive oil and other healthy fats are vital for your cells to function correctly. (然而,我们至少知道,橄榄油和其他健康脂肪中的ω脂肪酸对你的细胞正常运转至关重要。)”指出了已知的一些对大脑健康有帮助的食物。选项G“Further research is needed to decide which parts of the diet help brain the most. (需要进一步的研究来决定饮食中哪些部分对大脑的帮助最大。)”指出,究竟是饮食中的哪部分对大脑帮助最大还不清楚,而下文却提出了几种已知有帮助的食物,前后文存在转折关系,也用副词however“然而”进行过渡了,即上下文联系紧密,符合语境。故选G项。
86.G 87.D 88.B 89.A 90.C
86.空前说“The natural world is amazing. In fact, it is one that you can have a “conversation” with.(事实上,它是一个你可以与之“交谈”的对象。)”,说明我们可以和大自然交流,空后说“Apart from the obvious-that it’s an enjoyable, uplifting thing to do-you may seek to communicate with nature to benefit your mental health, for example.(除了显而易见的——这是一件令人愉快、令人振奋的事情——还有,例如,你可能会寻求与大自然交流,从而有益于你的心理健康。)”,这是在说与自然交流的目的,G选项“You may be wondering why you might want to communicate with nature.(你可能想知道为什么你想和大自然交流。)”引出下文与自然交流的目的,因此承上启下,符合语境。故选G。
87.空前说“When you arrive at your chosen spot, sit quietly for a few moments.(当你到达你选定的地点,静静地坐一会儿。)”,空后说“Just talk in your head as you would to someone you’re opening a conversation with.(就像和你要开始谈话的人一样,在脑子里说话。)”,说明此处是在说与自然交流的过程,空格处应该承接空前的内容,说然后该怎么做,D选项“And then ask to communicate with the nature around you.(然后要求与你周围的自然交流。)”是与自然交流的一个步骤,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选D。
88.空后说“A million ways. You may notice a particular animal or insect coming closer to you and communicating energetically. You may notice a rhythm (韵律) or a pattern in the sound of the water or of the wind.(千百万种方法。你可能会注意到一个特定的动物或昆虫向你靠近,并积极地交流。你可能会注意到水声或风声中的节奏或模式。)”,这是在说自然回应你的方式,因此空格处应该是提问你如何知道自然在回应你,B选项“How will you know if nature responds to you?(你怎么知道大自然对你的反应呢?)”提出该如何知道大自然在回应你,因此引起下文,符合语境,故选B。
89.空前说“The first few times you attempt this exercise, you probably won’t see, hear or notice anything you choose to interpret as communication.(在你尝试这个练习的前几次,你可能不会看到、听到或注意到任何你选择解释为交流的东西。)”,说明刚开始你可能感觉不到你在和大自然交流,空后说“If you practice this on a regular basis, however, you will start to pick things up.(然而,如果你定期练习,你就会开始掌握一些东西。)”说明这是需要练习的,也就是需要时间,A选项“That’s OK. It doesn’t happen overnight.(没关系。这不是一夜之间发生的。)”说明与自然交流是需要时间练习的,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选A。
90.空后说“There should be some benefit to nature, just as there is a benefit to you.(对自然应该有一些好处,就像对你有好处一样。)”,说明与自然交流是对你和对自然都有好处的,也就是双向的,C选项“Communication with nature should be a two-way street.(与自然的交流应该是双向的。)”说明了与自然交流是双向的,因此引起下文,符合语境,故选C。
91.D 92.C 93.G 94.B 95.F
91.分析语篇可知,此处应为起承上启下的作用,根据空前的“This often causes frequent complaining (抱怨).(这通常会导致频繁的抱怨。)”可知,青少年面对冲突时常常会抱怨,根据空后的“By listening to your teen’s complaints in an active way, you make your relationship better and allow for better joint decision-making.(通过积极地倾听孩子的抱怨,你们的关系会变得更好,共同做出更好的决定。)”可知,通过倾听孩子的抱怨可以改善你们之间的关系,由此可知,此空处要引出家长,D选项“This is normal but not something parents should ignore.(这很正常,但家长不应该忽视。)”中的“this is normal”承接上文的内容,且“something parents should ignore”与空后内容吻合。故选D项。
92.分析语篇可知,此处应为该段的主题句,与后三段的主题句均应为祈使句,根据空后的“You can see complaints from your teen as natural and positive, though the actual content of what he says might be negative(负面的).(你可以把孩子的抱怨看作是自然和积极的,尽管他说的话的实际内容可能是消极的。)”可知,孩子在表达抱怨时,内容是消极的,所以本段应建议家长注意如何对待消极的内容,C选项“Prepare yourself to listen to something negative.(准备好听一些消极的东西。)”概括了本段内容,且为祈使句。故选C项。
93.根据本段的主题句“Accept your teen’s feelings.(接受孩子的感受。)”可知,本段主要讲要认可青少年的情感,G选项“However, keep in mind that accepting his feelings does not mean you accept his complaints.(然而,记住,接受他的感受并不意味着你接受他的抱怨。)”中的“accepting his feelings”与本段主题句相照应。故选G项。
94.根据本段主题句“Listen patiently and carefully.(耐心而仔细地听。)”可知,本段讲述的是家长应该耐心地、仔细地倾听青少年的抱怨,结合空后的“Listen for the words in his complaints, such as “I am sick of this” or “It’s unfair to me”.(注意听他抱怨中的用词,比如“我受够了”或者“这对我不公平”。)”可知,家长要认真倾听孩子的不满,B选项“Allow your teen to express his dissatisfaction.(允许你的孩子表达他的不满。)”与本段主题一致,且其中的“express his dissatisfaction.”与空后的内容一致。故选B项。
95.根据主题句“React to your teen’s complaints.(对孩子的抱怨做出反应。)”可知,本段主要讲家长对青少年的抱怨该作出怎样的反应。根据空后的“If you disagree, explain why.(如果你不同意,解释原因。)”可知,不同意孩子抱怨的情况就马上解释原因,由此可推断,此空应为“同意孩子抱怨的情况”,F选项“If you agree with his complaints, discuss ways to solve the problem.(如果你同意他的抱怨,讨论解决问题的方法。)”符合本段主题,且与空后内容项对应。故选F项。
96.G 97.C 98.F 99.E 100.D
96.根据上文“For most of the recorded history of bicycles, wearing a helmet was something that was limited to professionals participating in competitions. (在有记录的自行车历史的大部分时间里,戴头盔只限于参加比赛的专业人士)”可知,上文说在自行车历史的大部分记录中,戴头盔仅限于参加比赛的专业人士。G项“Until the 1980s, a movement to encourage the use of bicycle helmets among all bike riders arose. (直到20世纪80年代,一场鼓励所有骑自行车的人使用自行车头盔的运动才兴起)”与上文存在并列关系,符合语境,故选G项。
97.根据下文“The fact is that it is unsafe to engage in this sort of behavior. (事实是,这种行为是不安全的)”中的“this sort of behavior”可知,空处提到了一种骑车时不安全的行为——不带头盔。C项“Still, some people continue to ride a bicycle without a helmet. (尽管如此,仍有一些人不戴头盔继续骑自行车)”符合语境,故选C项。
98.根据上文“The fact is that riding bicycle without a helmet is like operating a motor vehicle without wearing a seat belt. (事实是,不戴头盔骑自行车就像不系安全带驾驶机动车一样)”可知,上文讲到不戴头盔骑自行车就像不系安全带驾驶机动车一样危险。F项“In both cases, there is an increased risk of bodily harm, even permanent injury. (在这两种情况下,身体伤害的风险都会增加,甚至是永久性伤害)”符合语境,此句中的both cases指代前一句中的骑自行车不戴头盔与驾驶汽车不系安全带这两种情况。故选F项。
99.空格处位于段首, 是本段的主题句。根据下文“Helmets cushion (缓冲) the skull at the point of impact, minimizing the chances of any type of permanent damage that could result in brain damage or even death. (在许多情况下,涉及自行车骑手的事故也包括某种机动车辆。在两个装置之间发生碰撞时,自行车的骑车人更有可能受到严重伤害。头盔缓冲垫撞击点处的头骨,最大限度地减少可能导致大脑损伤甚至死亡的任何类型的永久性损伤的机会)”可知,本段主要介绍自行车头盔的设计有助于缓冲碰撞的冲击力。E项“Bicycle helmets are designed to help absorb the shock of a crash. (自行车头盔的设计有助于吸收碰撞时的冲击)”概括头盔的作用,故选E项。
100.根据上文“Adults should set an example for teens, teaching the value of safety by their actions. (成年人应该为青少年树立榜样,通过他们的行动来教导安全的价值)”可知,上文讲到成年人应该为青少年树立榜样。D项“Wearing a helmet yourself will encourage others to do likewise. (自己戴头盔会鼓励其他人也这样做)”与上文存在解释关系,符合语境,故选D项。
101.C 102.A 103.E 104.B 105.F
101.下文“They may include depression, anxiety and self-harm. (可能包括抑郁、焦虑和自残)”都是心理健康中的不良表现,选项C“它会对心理健康造成破坏性的影响。”说明完美主义对心理健康造成破坏性的影响。故选C项。
102.下文“Prior research has shown that perfectionists become more neurotic(神经质的) and less careful as they get older. (先前的研究表明,完美主义者随着年龄的增长会变得更神经质,更不小心)”介绍了完美主义的特点,选项A“完美主义往往成为一种终生的性格。”引导本段,概括完美主义的特点。故选A项。
103.上文“Self-oriented perfectionism involves perfectionist standards about the self. (自我导向型完美主义包括对自我的完美主义标准)”介绍自我导向型完美主义,选项E“他人导向型是外显完美主义。”承接上文,介绍另一种完美主义——他人导向型完美主义。故选E项。
104.上文“Parental expectations had a larger impact than parental criticism on self-oriented and other-oriented perfectionism. (父母期望对自我导向型和他人导向型完美主义的影响大于父母批评)”说明父母的期望对完美主义的影响比父母批评还要严重,选项B“所以父母的期望可能更具破坏性。”和上文存在因果关系,因为父母期望影响很大,所以可能更具破坏性。故选B项。
105.上文“Parents can help their children navigate societal pressures in a healthy way by teaching them that failure, or imperfection, is a normal and natural part of life. Another method is to focus on learning and development, not test scores or social media to help children develop healthy self-esteem. (父母可以通过教育孩子失败或不完美是生活中正常和自然的一部分来帮助他们以一种健康的方式应对社会压力。另一种方法是关注学习和发展,而不是考试成绩或社交媒体,以帮助孩子培养健康的自尊)”介绍了对应完美主义的方法,选项F“这些方法可以有效应对完美主义。”对上述方法做出总结。故选F项。
106.E 107.F 108.B 109.C 110.G
106.根据前文“Wherever your fear arises, you are likely to experience sweating, flushing, feeling your heart race, or other symptoms of anxiety.(当你的恐惧出现时,你可能会出汗、脸红、心跳加速或其他焦虑的症状)”,空处位于首段段尾,应该起到承上启下的作用,所以E项“Luckily, there exist ways to tackle social anxiety, whatever your symptoms.(幸运的是,不管你的症状是什么,都有办法解决社交焦虑)”符合文意,承接上文提到的症状,并提出解决社交焦虑的办法,其中symptoms为同词复现。故选E项。
107.根据本段小标题“Relaxing your muscles.(放松你的肌肉)”可知,本段讲述通过放松肌肉来解决社交焦虑,空处位于段首,应是对小标题的具体描述,所以F项“As is recognized, learning to physically relax is a good approach to manage anxiety.(众所周知,学会身体放松是控制焦虑的好方法)”符合文意。故选F项。
108.分析设空可知,空处为本段小标题,根据后文“Controlling your breathing is another good way to deal with your emotions. When you’re anxious, your breathing becomes faster and not as deep. Consequently, you’ll feel dizzy, which brings on more anxiety. Learning to breathe slower and more regularly through your nose will help you calm down.(控制呼吸是另一种处理情绪的好方法。当你焦虑的时候,你的呼吸会变得更快,也不那么深。因此,你会感到头晕,这会带来更多的焦虑。学会用鼻子慢慢地、更有规律地呼吸会帮助你冷静下来)”可知,本段主要讲述了通过控制呼吸来缓解焦虑症状,所以B项“Taking your breath slowly.(慢慢呼吸)”符合文意。故选B项。
109.根据前文“Create a vivid picture of that place in your mind so that you can feel, see, smell and even taste it.(在你的脑海中描绘出那个地方的生动画面,这样你就能感觉到、看到、闻到甚至品尝到它)”以及后文“Keep trying and you will benefit from it eventually.(坚持尝试,你最终会从中受益)”可知,本段是讲在脑海想象一个让你感到安全和舒适的地方来缓解社交焦虑,后文说要坚持尝试,说明这个技巧需要锻炼,所以C项“It takes time and patience to practice this technique, however.(然而,练习这种技巧需要时间和耐心)”符合文意。故选C项。
110.根据前文“Most people with social anxiety want to hide, avoid, or run away from whatever they’re scared of.(大多数患有社交焦虑症的人想要隐藏、逃避或逃离他们害怕的东西)”以及后文“When using this method, focus on what’s going on around you instead of what’s going through your mind.(当使用这种方法时,把注意力集中在你周围发生的事情上,而不是你脑子里想的事情上)”可知,空处应是提到一种方法,在根据前文内容,应是面对他们害怕的东西,所以G项“But if you face anxiety bravely, you’ll be aware that it is simply something you can live with after a few exposures.(但如果你勇敢地面对焦虑,你就会意识到,几次暴露之后,它只是你可以忍受的东西)”符合文意。故选G项。
111.B 112.G 113.A 114.E 115.D
111.根据上文“Back pain can make it difficult for many people to function in everyday life.(背部疼痛会使许多人在日常生活中难以正常工作)”可知,本句继续说明背部疼痛对人们的影响,B选项中It指代上文Back pain。故B选项“它影响你的行动、感觉和思考”符合语境,故选B。
112.根据上文“Our bodies need adequate movement throughout the day to avoid the stiffness that contributes to aches and pains. If the weather is good, don't hunt for the nearest parking spot; don't take the elevator when you have the option of one or two flights of stairs. When you need to sit for long periods, set a timer to get up every hour and be active for just a few minutes.(我们的身体在一天中需要足够的运动,以避免导致疼痛的僵硬。如果天气很好,不要寻找最近的停车位;如果你可以选择一段或两段楼梯,就不要乘电梯。当你需要长时间坐着的时候,设置一个计时器,每小时起来活动几分钟)”可知,本段主要说明了尽量多运动,本句为本段最后一句,应继续说明运动的影响:对健康有很大的好处。故G选项“随着时间的推移,运动时间的增加对健康有很大的好处”符合语境,故选G。
113.根据上文“When we overuse our dominant side, we create muscle patterns of weakness and tension that increase pain, especially in our backs. Consider the actions you take repeatedly throughout the day that shift your weight to one side.(当我们过度使用惯用的那一侧时,我们就会产生肌肉无力和紧张的模式,增加疼痛,尤其是在我们的背部。考虑一下你每天重复做的那些让你的体重向一边转移的动作)”以及后文“And use your opposite hand every so often for basic activities, such as opening doors.(经常用另一只手做一些基本的动作,比如开门)”可知,上文提到“考虑一下你每天重复做的那些让你的体重向一边转移的动作”,即换边使用手,故A选项“拿东西的时候换一边”符合语境,故选A。
114.根据上文“Psychological stress is a noted risk factor for back pain, according to research. Most mental stress is caused by focusing on the past or future.(研究表明,心理压力是背痛的一个重要风险因素。大多数精神压力都是由关注过去或未来引起的)”可知,本句与上文构成因果关系,指出应关注当下。故E选项“所以积极地关注当下可以减少压力”符合语境,故选E。
115.根据后文“That is, you can create a game plan of daily activities to practice for back health. If your back hurts at the end of the day, don't just decide it was a “bad” day. Ask yourself if you practiced the activities to help you avoid the stress and tension. Taking an active, daily-life approach to maintaining a healthy body is the key to keeping back pain at bay.(也就是说,你可以制定一个日常活动的游戏计划来练习背部健康。如果你在一天结束的时候背痛,不要只是认为这是“糟糕的一天”。问问自己,你是否练习过这些活动来帮助你避免压力和紧张。采取积极的日常生活方式来保持健康的身体是控制背痛的关键)”可知,后文提到制定一个日常活动的游戏计划来练习背部健康,即保持背部健康看作一项任何或是责任。故D选项“把保持背部健康视为一种责任”符合语境,故选D。
116.A 117.F 118.G 119.D 120.B
116.上文“One of the first things people tend to lose when cutting personal budgets is their hobbies. (当人们削减个人预算时,首先失去的往往是他们的爱好)”说明保持爱好可能会花费许多钱,与空格处是因果关系,因此A项“那是因为爱好可能会很昂贵”符合语境,故选A。
117.上文“You can find tons of puzzle books for free at libraries, and you can also turn to used books. So you can be addicted to this hobby for a very small budget. (你可以在图书馆免费找到大量的益智书籍,也可以查阅二手书。所以你可以用很小的预算沉迷于这个爱好)”说明空处应与玩智力游戏的好处有关,因此F项“你得到的回报是数小时的欢乐,这将使你保持思维敏捷”符合语境,故选F。
118.上文“When you think of photography as a hobby, you might think you need an expensive camera and lots of education. (当你认为摄影是一种爱好时,你可能会认为你需要一台昂贵的相机和大量的教育)”说明空处与上文应是语意上的转折关系,且内容与具体的做法有关,因此G项“但事实是,只需一部智能手机和一些基本知识,你就可以走得很远”符合语境,故选G。
119.下文“You can start hiking any time. Running is another choice. (你可以随时开始徒步旅行。跑步是另一种选择)”说明空处内容与健身有关,因此D项“通常有适合各种健身水平和难度的活动”符合语境,故选D。
120.下文“That is reading. With a library card or an e-reader, you can read tens of thousands of books without spending much. (这就是阅读。有了图书卡或电子阅读器,你可以在不花太多钱的情况下阅读数万本书)”说明本段主旨是与阅读有关,因此B项“最后,还有最古老的爱好之一”概括段意,故选B。
121.G 122.B 123.A 124.E 125.D
121.根据上文“Make your fitness goals known. Tell your family, friends and co-workers about your fitness goals and encourage them to ask you how your goals come along.(让别人知道你的健身目标。告诉你的家人、朋友和同事你的健身目标,并鼓励他们问你的目标是如何实现的。)”可知,空前提到,要让他人知道你的健身目标。你可以把你的健身目标告诉家人、朋友和同事,鼓励他们询问你实现目标的情况。由此可知,空处内容应与把健身目标告诉家人、朋友和同事会产生的结果有关。G项“Knowing that everyone is watching you provides great motivation to stick to your goals.(知道每个人都在关注你会为你坚持目标提供很大的动力。)”与上文联系紧密,故选G。
122.根据段落主旨句“Make an appointment with your doctor.(和你的医生预约。)”和空前的“Ask the doctor about your health condition and how becoming more physically fit can help you become healthier.(向医生询问你的健康状况,以及如何让身体变得更健康。)”及空后的“just three hours of advice by doctors over two years.(在两年内,医生只需提供三小时的建议)”可知,空处内容应与和医生的交谈有关。B项“Then ask for some suggestions.(然后寻求一些建议。)”与上文构成递进关系,B项中的“suggestions”与空后的“advice”的对应关系亦是提示。故选B。
123.空处是本段的主旨句。根据空后的“have a fitness professional set your goals(让健身专家帮你设定目标)”可知,空处内容应与专业的健身教练有关。A项“Hire a personal trainer.(请一位私人教练)”能够较好地概括本段内容,符合语境。故选A。
124.根据段落主旨句“Consider healthy living, not just workouts.(考虑健康的生活方式,而不仅仅是锻炼。)”可知,本段主要讲的是要考虑健康的生活方式,而不仅仅是锻炼。空后提到“You can simply stand up and walk around whenever you get on the phone and always take the stairs, not the lift.(你可以简单地站起来,在打电话的时候四处走动,要经常走楼梯,而不是乘坐电梯。)”由此可知,空处内容应与健康的 生活方式有关。E项“The ongoing everyday activity leads to a whole lot of fitness.(持续的日常活动会使你非常健康。)”与上下文衔接紧密。故选E。
125.根据段落主旨句“Do it for charity.(为慈善事业而做。)”可知,本段建议为做慈善而锻炼。再结合空后的“If you fall into that category, then find a way to use your charitable nature to motivate yourself to exercise.(如果你属于这一类,那就想办法利用你的慈善天性来激励自己锻炼。)”可知,空处内容应涉及做慈善。D项“Some of us get great satisfaction from helping others.(一些人在帮助别人时获得极大的满足感。)”能够呼应段落主旨,且与下文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选D。
126.D 127.F 128.G 129.C 130.A
126.上文“Bringing out the best in others can gradually change the world.”(激发别人最好的一面可以逐渐改变世界。)下文“With patience, you can gradually find the admirable characteristics of people around you.”(有了耐心,你会逐渐发现周围人的令人钦佩的特点。)可知,空前提到激发别人最好的一面可以逐渐改变世界。空后又提到有了耐心,你就会逐渐发现身边人令人钦佩的特质。结合选项D项For that, you need to learn to explore good qualities in others.(为此,你需要学会发掘别人身上的优点。)其中“For that”与前文相呼应,“learn to explore good qualities in others”与下文衔接,上下文语意连贯。故选D项。
127.上文“You can assist them with your advice, talents and so on.”(你可以用你的建议、才能等等来帮助他们。)下文“Besides, you will know how they deal with their problems in life with a mind :never give up.”(此外,你会知道他们如何处理他们的问题在生活中有一个头脑:永不放弃。)空前提到你可以通过你的建议、天赋等来帮助他们,空后提到此外,你会知道他们如何不放弃地处理生活中的问题。由此可推断空处应介绍了通过建议等帮助他人的结果。结合选项F项During this process, you will know what difficulty they are facing now.(在这个过程中,你会知道他们现在面临着什么样的困难。)其中“During this process”指代空前提到的帮助他人,上下文语意连贯。故选F项。
128.空处所在段主要强调了天赋有多种形式,并且会让人有不同的经历,因此你需要灵活地发现他人的优点。空前“Some people you come across may have different attitudes towards life from you.”(你遇到的一些人对生活的态度可能与你不同。)又提到你遇到的一些人对于生活可能和你有不同的看法。由此可推断空处应介绍在这种情况下如何发现别人的优点。结合选项G项Your biggest challenge is to put aside your own mind and see the bright spot of them.(你最大的挑战是把自己的想法放在一边,看到他人身上的闪光点)符合此推断,上下文语意连贯。故选G项。
129.上文“Nobody is perfect and everyone has some shortcomings. However, these are useful to you.”(没有人是完美的,每个人都有缺点。然而,这些对您是有用的。)下文“Start by analyzing the shortcomings in others, and then you can easily find out the good qualities they already have.”(从分析别人的缺点开始,然后你可以很容易地发现他们已经拥有的优点。)空前提到了每个人都有一些缺点,但是这些缺点对你是有用的。空后又提到通过分析他人的缺点,你可以轻松地发现他人已有的优点。由此可推断空处应提到了他人的缺点对你有用的原因。结合选项C项Knowing one’s weaknesses is a great way to understand them.(了解一个人的弱点是了解他们的好方法。)符合此推断,说明了他人的缺点对你有用的原因,上下文语意连贯。故选C项。
130.空处位于最后一段段首,应是对整段内容的概括总结。分析整段内容尤其是最后一句“The more you are curious, the more you will know about a person.”(你越好奇,你就越了解一个人。)可知,本段主要介绍的是发现别人优点的方法是对他人充满好奇。结合选项A项Develop an interest in others.(培养对他人的兴趣)是对整段内容的概括性描述,选项中的“interest”与下文中的“curious”相照应。故选A项。
131.F 132.E 133.B 134.A 135.G
131.下文“Your only concern is to get out of there as fast as possible.(你唯一要做的就是尽快离开那里。)”提到了“尽快离开”这一动作,所以F项“不要试图拿走你的手机、贵重物品或其他重要财产。”和下文呼应,符合题意。故选F项。
132.根据本段的主题句“Protect yourself from smoke inhalation.(保护自己避免吸入烟雾。)”可知,本段与烟雾有关。E 项中的Smoke inhalation是关键词与主题句相呼应,所以E选项“吸入烟雾会使人失去知觉。”符合题意。故选E项。
133.下文“If your clothes catch fire, immediately stop what you’re doing, drop flat onto the ground, and roll around until you put the fire out.(如果你的衣服着火了,立即停止你正在做的事情,平躺在地上,滚来滚去,直到你把火扑灭。)”提到了着火后应该采取的措施,B选项中的Stop, drop, and roll 和 your clothes 与下文的your clothes,stop,drop,roll 相呼应,所以B选项“如果你的衣服着火了,停下来,摔倒,打滚。”符合题意。故选B项。
134.下文“Close your door and cover all vents (通风口 ) and cracks (缝隙) around it with cloth or tape to keep smoke out. Whatever you do, don’t panic.(关上你的门,用布或胶带盖住所有通风口和周围的裂缝,以防止烟雾进入。无论你做什么,都不要惊慌。)”提到了被困后所采取的措施且不要惊慌,选项A中don’t panic与下文的don’t panic呼应,所以A选项“如果你不能逃离你的家,不要惊慌。”符合题意。故选A项。
135.根据本段主题句“Call for help from a secondstory window.(从二楼的窗户呼叫帮助。)”可知,本段介绍被困二楼时应采取的措施。G 项中的your secondstory room与主题句中的 a secondstory window 相呼应,所以G选项“如果你被困在二楼的房间里,去一个人们能找到你的地方。”符合题意。故选G项。
136.F 137.E 138.A 139.G 140.C
136.根据空前“Small eco-friendly(利于环保的) decisions can add up to make a huge difference to our planet. Being eco-friendly doesn’t need to empty your wallet when you travel.(小小的环保决定累积起来会对我们的地球产生巨大的影响。环保并不需要在旅行时掏空你的钱包。)”以及下文的建议,可知,空处引出下文。提出建议。F项“Here are some easy tips to make a difference on holiday.(这里有一些简单的小贴士可以让你的假期与众不同。)”故选F。
137.根据空前“Why not fly economy class?(为什么不坐经济舱呢?)”可知,这里建议出行做经济舱,以及空后“Therefore, you cut down on the weight of the airplane and save fuel and baggage charges.(因此,你减少了飞机的重量,节省了燃料和行李费用。)”可知,建议我们少带一些行李。E项“You can also help by packing as light as possible.(你也可以尽量轻装上阵。)”。符合语境。故选E。
138.根据空处位置,可知是段落主旨句,上下段的建议都是祈使句,以及空后“If possible, choose the train instead of a flight. Those travelers who seek to reduce carbon emissions should seriously consider rail travel, especially for long distances.(如果可能的话,选择火车而不是飞机。那些寻求减少碳排放的旅行者应该认真考虑铁路旅行,尤其是长途旅行。)”,可知,建议长途旅行寻则较慢的交通方式。A项“Slow down your travels.(放慢你的旅行速度。)”。符合语境。故选A。
139.根据空后“If you choose a vegetarian diet, it is even better.(如果你选择素食,那就更好了。)”可知,这里是饮食的建议。G项“Street food is always a cheap way to experience the best a region offers.(街头小吃总是一种廉价的方式来体验一个地区提供的最好的东西。)”。符合语境。故选G。
140.根据空前“One of the simplest ways you can help the environment is by hanging up a “Do not disturb” sign on your door.(保护环境最简单的方法之一就是在门上挂一个“请勿打扰”的牌子。)”可知,不让客房服务天天来打扫房间,是一种环保方法。以及空后“You save the electricity needed to vacuum(用吸尘器打扫),and the water needed to wash sheets and clean bathrooms, not to mention the harmful chemicals used in the cleaning process.(你节省了吸尘所需的电力、洗床单和清洁浴室所需的水,更不用说清洁过程中使用的有害化学物质了。)”可知,这里介绍了节约能源的方式。C项“It means you can conserve energy.(这意味着你可以节约能源。)”符合语境。故选C。
141.F 142.C 143.A 144.G 145.E
141.根据空后“This is especially true for people who aren’t already in the habit of doing so.(这对那些还没有这样做的习惯的人来说尤其如此。)”可知,空后的this是指代F项“但是给谁小费以及给多少小费都是会给人带来压力的”中的“给谁小费以及给多少小费”这件事,故选F项。
142.根据空前“Of those who are giving, only 41 percent of people said they budgeted for it. About 30 percent are tipping cash only.(在那些给小费的人中,41%的人表示他们为此做出了预算。大约30%的人只给现金。)”可知,C项“60%的人给现金和礼物”是前文的顺义承接,一部分人只给小费,另一部分人既给现金,也给礼物,故选C项。
143.根据空后“give priority (优先) to the people who truly make your daily life easier, says Lizzie Post, author and spokeswoman for the Emily Post Institute.( Emily Post Institute的发言者和作者说道,优先考虑哪些真正让你的日常生活更轻松的人。)”可知,空后提出建议优先把小费给那些真正让你日常生活更轻松的人,故A项“如果你不能给每个人小费”符合,如果你不能给每个人小费的话,那么就优先给那些让你日常生活更轻松的人,故选A项。
144.根据空前“Think about tipping your baby sitter, especially if she is always available when things come up at the last minute, Post says.( Post说道,考虑一下给保姆小费,尤其是当事情发生在最后一分钟的时候,她总是有空的时候。)”和空后“People in big cities might want to thank their apartment building manager who holds packages for them at the front desk.(大城市的人可能要感谢他们的公寓楼经理,他们在前台为他们拿包裹。)”可知,空前和空后给出了建议,建议小费应该给谁,故G项“对于养宠物的人,现在就是感谢帮他遛狗的人的好机会”符合,故选G项。
145.根据空后“For the people you already tip regularly, it may make more sense to give them a small gift instead. Don’t go into debt (债务) if you don’t have the cash to tip everyone on your list. Small gestures such as a homemade gift, a baked good or a handwritten note can still make a difference.(对于那些你已经经常给小费的人,给他们礼物可能会更有意义。如果你不能给清单上的每个人小费,也千万不要欠债。一些小动作,比如说自制的礼物、一份烘焙的食物或一张手写的边条,仍然可以发挥作用。 )”可知,空后提出了感谢别人的其他方式,来代替小费,故E项“但是不要感到压力,给每个人的小费都一样”符合,可以不用给每个人小费,可以用其他的方式代替小费,故选E项。
146.B 147.A 148.F 149.G 150.E
146.根据后文“Although high schools in Canada also need students to choose courses by themselves, most of the students have the same compulsory (必修的) classes, and the options (选择) are quite limited.(虽然加拿大的高中也要求学生自主选课,但大多数学生都有相同的必修课,可选课程非常有限)”可知,本段主要关于加拿大高中课程的不同。故B选项“对我来说,最大的不同是选课制度”符合语境,故选B。
147.根据上文“For university students, almost everyone has different classes, as the classes one takes depend on one’s major.(对于大学生来说,几乎每个人都有不同的课程,因为一个人的课程取决于他的专业)”以及后文“There are hundreds of majors that students can choose from, and each major has at least three or four compulsory classes each year. Do the math and you’ll be surprised by how many options students have.(有数百个专业可供学生选择,每个专业每年至少有三到四节必修课。计算一下,你会惊讶于学生们有多少选择)”可知,本句主要是在以作者所在的大学进行举例说明。故A选项“以我的大学为例”符合语境,故选A。
148.根据上文“Each class has a maximum student number, usually between 100 to 300.(每个班的学生人数上限通常在100到300人之间)”以及后文“The university will assign (分派) a certain time for students to select classes on the course-enrolling website. So everything depends on one’s luck and fortune.(学校会给学生分配一定的时间,让他们在选课网站上选课。所以一切都取决于一个人的运气)”可知,本句主要对上文进行进一步补充说明,指出有限的学生数量意味着一些学生可能无法进入他们想要进入的课程。故F选项“有限的学生数量意味着一些学生可能无法进入他们想要进入的课程”符合语境,故选F。
149.根据上文“Even if a student doesn’t successfully enroll in the classes that he or she wants, they can still be on the waitlist. If someone drops a class, another student will automatically (自动地) be enrolled (注册).(即使一个学生没有成功注册他或她想要的课程,他们仍然可以在候补名单上。如果有人退课,另一名学生将自动注册)”可知,本句与上文构成因果关系,指出学生应该对没有注册成功有应对方法。故G选项“因此,该大学建议每个人都应该有B计划,以防出现问题”符合语境,故选G。
150.根据后文“For instance, my philosophy professor asks us to finish one book every week, which is the hardest thing for me to do right now.(例如,我的哲学教授要求我们每周读完一本书,这对我来说是最困难的事情)”可知,后文的例子表明班级的进度很快,故E选项“由于加拿大大学的暑假较长,所以学期很短,这意味着班级的进步很快”符合语境,故选E。