Allison stood in line with the rest of her class, waiting for the school doors to open. This was the last day before school closed for Christmas break. She couldn’t wait for secret gift swap (交换) happening in class today. Alison tuned to say something to her best friend, Wendy, then froze. She was surprised to see Wendy looking down at the ground with her books pressed tightly to her chest.
“What’s wrong, Wendy?” Allison asked quietly.
Wendy shook her head, her eyes connecting with Allison’s. Allison could see that Wendy’s face was as dark as a cloud, with no smile in sight.
“My parents didn’t give me anything to bring to the gift swap,” she whispered. “They said they didn’t have extra money for stuff like that.”
Allison looked at Wendy, confused. “But, we weren’t supposed to bring anything expensive. Just something small that didn’t cost a lot of money.”
Allison thought back to the last time she’d been at Wendy’s house. She’d opened the refrigerator looking for something to drink, only to find that it was mostly empty. The furniture in Wendy’s house looked old and beaten up.
“It will be okay, Wendy,” Allison said. “We get to have all that time off for Christmas. Come on, cheer up!”
Wendy gave her a small smile, then looked away. At that moment, a whistle blew, and the kids started walking into the school building. The Christmas party was about to start.
One by one, the kids dropped their gifts into the bag the teacher was holding. Allison looked over at Wendy. Most of the kids were smiling around the bag, eager to get started, but Wendy stood off to the side, looking down at her feet. Allison hated seeing her friend so upset. She wished there were something she could do about it.
“Come on up, Allison. It’s your turn,” the teacher said.
Soon everyone had pulled out a gift and unwrapped it.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
Allison looked down at her gift: a little glass cat.
Paragraph 2:
“Wendy, I want you to have this,” she said.
I am Lucky
I came from a large family and my mother couldn't afford my college. I managed to apply for some grants (助学金), but still not enough for room and meals. So I washed dishes in the school cafeteria as part of a work-study program. However, washing dishes as well as trying to keep up with my study made me tired. As a result, I was often absent-minded, and my grades went up and down.
Just when I thought I would have to drop out, an angel (天使) appeared. Well, it is one of those that are on earth, without wings. He explained that his grandmother needed house service and care on the weekends. The job paid twice the money I was making washing dishes. With more time to study, I accepted it.
Later I discovered the grandmother's great love of music. She spent hours playing her old piano One day, she told me that she would teach me the art. Weekends in their house became more than just books and cooking. They were filled with the wonderful sounds of piano and two out-of-tune (跑调的) singers. Amazed at my ability, Grandma encouraged me to continue. I was thankful and tried my best to practice my skills.
When Christmas break came, Grandma got a cold. I was afraid to leave her, but my parents expected me home anxiously as I hadn't been home for long. Unwillingly, I agreed. However, two weeks later, I received a call, saying that Grandma had passed away. I hung up the phone, feeling like my world had ended. I had lost my friend, which was far worse than knowing I would have to return to dishwashing.
I went back, asking to begin the work-study program again. The advisor looked at me as if I had lost my mind. I explained my position, then he smiled and slid me an envelope. This is for you, "he said.
It was from Grandma.
I had a neighbor who had a sick son in my community. "The little boy almost thought of himself as the most unfortunate in the world because a muscle disease made him weak and clumsy. Though he didn't look any different from other people, he often dropped things and bumped into furniture and easily got out of breath after running a short way. He seldom played with his classmates, so he felt lonely; and in class when the teacher asked him to answer questions, he always lowered his head without a word. His mother was very worried about the boy.
One spring, the boy's mother bought some saplings (树苗) from the market. She wanted to plant them in the front of the house. She told her children to plant a sapling each person. The mother said to her three children, "Whose seedling grows best, I will buy him or her a favorite gift." The boy also wanted to get his mother's gift. But seeing his brothers and sisters carrying water to water the trees happily, anyhow, an idea hit him: he hoped the tree he planted would die soon. So watering it once or twice, he never attended to it.
A few days later, when the little boy went to see his tree again, he was surprised to find it grew some fresh leaves instead of withering (枯萎), and compared with the trees of his brother and sister, his appeared greener and more vital. He wondered what on earth had happened. As expected, his mother kept her promise, bought the little boy his favorite gift and said to him, "From the tree you plant, you will become an outstanding botanist (植物学家) when you grow up."
Since then, the little boy slowly became optimistic. One day, the little boy lay on the bed but couldn't sleep. Looking at the bright moonlight outside the window, he suddenly recalled what the biology teacher once said, plants generally grow at night.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
"Why not go to see the tree?" he thought to himself.
He returned to his room, with tears pouring down his face without a stop.
Once upon a time, there was a king who had gone to visit neigboring kingdoms. He was gifted a pair of baby parrots by the king of the last kingdom where he was visiting. They were the most beautiful birds he had ever seen. So, upon returning to his kingdom, he called for a bird trainer and asked him to train the parrots.
The king also arranged a place in the palace garden for the parrots. He often looked at them from his palace window. As time passed, one day the trainer came to the palace and informed the king that though one of the parrots was flying high in the sky, the other one was not moving from its branch since the day it had arrived.
Upon hearing this, the king sent for other trainers from the nearby kingdoms. They all tried their best, but couldn’t make the parrot fly! He even asked his courtiers to try to find a way to make the parrot fly but they all failed. The parrot was not moving from his branch at all. Finally, after trying everything, the king thought that maybe he needed someone who might be more familiar with natural habitat (栖息地). He asked a courtier to get a farmer from the countryside and take him to the parrot to see if he could find out what was the problem.
1. 续写词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The next morning, the king was surprised to see the parrot flying high above the palace garden.
5.I don’t remember her name, but I remember that day as if it were yesterday. That day, what my teacher did for me was rooted in my memory and changed the rest of my life.
I was 7 years old then. And it began when I entered the classroom. The teacher asked us to clear up our desktops as we were going to take the math test she told us the day before. Since I had never had any difficulty in math before, I didn’t bother to study and I thought I was ready.
When I took a look at the paper, I began to panic. The first few questions were easy but I faced big challenges when I got to the middle of the page. I tried my best, and then I left my seat to put my paper in a pile on the front desk with a sigh. I knew I messed up.
I returned to my seat. Suddenly, an idea came to my mind. I checked where the teacher was before I made my move. She walked around at the back of the room. I. left my seat quickly and went back to the pile of test papers already handed in. When I picked up my paper, I also picked up the paper right below it and then returned to my seat.
When I looked at the extra paper I had taken, I found that it was the work of the smartest girl in our class, and I felt very lucky. I began to copy her answers onto my test paper. I checked that the teacher was still not paying attention and put the two papers back on the top of the front desk. I made it!I thought I was home free(大功告成).
The next day, the teacher sent back our papers and put them face down on everyone’s desk. She smiled at every student when she sent the paper, but she raised her eyebrows when she gave me the paper.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
When I turned my paper over, I was shocked to see an “F” on it.
I realized that the teacher had known I cheated on the exam.
I grew up in a poor family with six brothers, three sisters, my father and mother. We had little money and few goods, but plenty of love and attention. I was happy and energetic. I understood that no matter how poor a person was, he could still afford a dream.
My dream was athletics. By the time I was sixteen, I could throw a ninety-mile-per-hour fastball and hit anything moving on the football field. And I was so lucky that my high-school coach was Ollie Jarvis, who not only believed in me, but often told me “Dream is priceless”. However, when I was about to get off the ground, one particular incident happened, which almost ruined my long-held dream.
It was the summer holiday in senior two and a friend recommended me for a summer job. I was offered $ 12.25 per hour. Compared with the average $3.5, that was a big sum. I was so excited, because this meant a chance for money in my pocket, certainly money for a new bike and new clothes, and the start of savings for a house for my mother. The prospect(前景)of the job was inviting, and I wanted to jump at the opportunity.
Then I realized I would have to give up summer baseball training to handle the work schedule. I didn't dare to tell my coach, I thought of the advice my mother often gave me when I lacked courage, "If you make your bed, you have to lie in it." I decided to talk to my coach in person. After all, my dream of buying my mom a house and having money in my pocket was worth facing his disappointment to me.
1. 续写词数应为150字左右。
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
I gathered my courage and knocked at his door.
That question reminded me of what my coach used to say.
The old man turned away sadly as his eyes were filled with tears. “Poor Mr. Dev…,”thought Indra sympathetically. Another day went past and there was still no sign of his family. Indra wondered how children could be so careless as to lose a parent like this.
Indra recalled the day the old man was admitted to her ward. He was thin and weak. He could not produce his identity card but he claimed he remembered the number. The hospital tried to contact hig family using the phone number he offered but it was in vain. Mr. Dev was treated for a lung infection and was now recovering. Soon, it would be time for him to be discharged (出院). Where would he go then? He did not look strong enough to live independentiy. Indra thtew down the file she was holding as anger rose within her.
“What's the matter?” asked Poh, Indra's colleague. “I'm just upset about old Mr. Dev,” Indra replied. Poh nodded with understanding. As a more experienced nurse, she had seen many similar cases and learned to control her feelings.
“Don’t worry too much. The hospital has contacted the civil - administration department (民政部门) and offered the information about the missing man, Mr. Dev will be placed in an old folks'home if no one comes to pick him up.” Poh said, patting Indra's arm comfortingly. Indra sighed. “I know. Its just that he eagerly expects his family to visit him. He cleans and tidies himself every morning and sits up to wait expectantly. You can see the eagerness in his eyes whenever the door opens. At the end offte day he goes to sleep with tears in his eyes. It makes me cry inside.”
Poh shook her head sadly. “He needs a miracle (奇迹).”
A few days later, the doctor confirmed that Mr. Dev was fit enough to be discharged. Indra was informed that an administrator had been waiting downstairs, ready to take Mr. Dev to an old folks'home.With a heavy heart, Indra helped Mr. Dev to get ready.
He was still a bit weak, so Indra rolled a wheelchair to bring him downstairs.
“Papa!”, a shaking voice cried out from a middle-aged woman when the lift doors opened.
It was early spring and Nana was in the backyard with her grandchildren. Amy, Michael, and Justin were playing when Nana said, “I’m going to start planting my garden. Who wants to help me?”
“What are going to plant, Nana?” asked Amy. “I like big, yellow sunflowers.”
“I’m going to plant vegetables. That way we can have them to eat when they are ready,” said Nana.
“How long does that take?” asked Michael. He liked vegetables sometimes, especially carrots.
“It will take a few months before anything is ready to eat,” answered Nana. The children were surprised.
“Months? Why would you do all that work and then have to wait so long?” asked Amy. “You should just go to the store and buy them.”
“Patience, my sweeties! Don’t you know food always tastes best when you grow it yourself?” replied Nana. “And if all of you come to help, it won’t be too much work.”
“I’ll help you, Nana,” offered Justin. He put down the soccer ball and went to look at the gardening tools Nana had laid out. “What do we do first?” Michael and Amy came over to look, too.
Nana taught Justin how to use a trowel (小铲子) to dig small rows of holes for the seeds. Next, Nana showed Amy how to pour the seeds into each hole. And it was Michael’s job to cover up the holes with soil. Finally, Amy wrote the vegetable names on sticks that Justin pushed into the ground. “This way we can remember which vegetable seeds we have planted,” said Nana.
When they had planted everything, the children took turns filling up the watering can so that Nana could make the soil nice and wet for the seeds to start to grow.
“Now we just water them a little every day, and with some time and sunshine, we’ll have some delicious things to eat in the summer,” said Nana.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Whenever the grandchildren came to visit, they would dash into the garden.
Finally, Nana said it was time for the first harvest.
In 2000, when I was around seven years old, all my family were coming back from a T-ball game, which was our usual weekend adventure, but unlike every other weekend, a surprise was waiting for us in our driveway—two adult geese and a small goose. Obviously startled by our return, the adults flew away in panic, with their baby, too young to fly, left in place, tiny and delicate.
Hours passed one after another, and night eventually fell. However, with it also came a deep chill and a fear of watchful animals. It was apparent that the gosling needed protection, warmth, and food to make it to the morning, so we had to help it, and we brought him onto our back yard.
We all pretty much slept with one eye open till morning came. And then another morning. And still another. Each morning, we would try to drive the goose away to his parents, who kept coming back to our yard. He wouldn’t go to them, though, and neither would they come close enough to claim him. We kept this up for five days, but no luck. Realizing the young goose had clearly decided we were his family by then, we had to give him a name, calling the little guy Peeper, because he would often follow us around the yard making a peeping(唧唧叫) noise, nonstop. Besides, we decided that Peeper was a boy. I don’t know why; it just felt right.
A year passed and we settled into a routine. Peeper slept on our back yard each night and, in typical goose fashion, used it as a latrine(公共厕所). My dad would spray off all the goose droppings daily. Part of this ceremony included Dad throwing Peeper up into the air so he could flap its wings and flew a loop(圈) around the house, and then came back again once the porch was clean.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months.
Paragraph 1:
Before we knew it, the little thing had grown into a big bird with two powerful wings.
Paragraph 2:
It came as a total surprise to me when, in 2020, an adult goose made his way back to my family home.
There is a farm not far from the coastline. It belongs to a man called Tom. Tom couldn’t do everything by himself on the farm. Thus, he needed to hire one man to help him run the farm. However, no one worked on his farm for long. Why?Because the work was too tiring. Since the farm is near the sea, there are often storms from the sea that strike his farm. When a storm comes, Tom and the man he hired have to get up quickly and try to reduce the losses caused by the storm. Therefore, no one liked working there. Tom had to look for people to work for him all the time.
One day, a man called Henry read the poster that Tom had put up and then came to his farm.
“Sir, I can work for you ,” said Henry.
Tom looked at Henry. This young man was neither strong nor tall.
“Are you sure?”asked Tom.
“Yes, sir. I can do the work well. But you must pay me twice what you paid others before,” said that young man.
Tom was surprised. He didn’t really believe such a man could do the work well. But it was really hard for him to find someone else to work for him. At last, he decided to give Henry a try. However, before hiring him, he said, “Can you really be a good helper?The work on the farm is hard and tiring. And there are often storms.”
Henry smiled and said, “Don’t worry. I can be a good helper. You’ll see. And storms won’t be a problem. They won’t even disturb our sleep. We can sleep very well even on stormy nights.”
And then Henry stayed on the farm. To Tom’s joy, Henry worked hard and did his work well. It was obvious that he hadn’t lied.
However, one night, there was a big storm. Tom was woken up by the strong wind. He was worried that the storm would cause great losses for his farm. And he saw his helper nowhere.
Paragraph 1
Tom thought Henry must still be sleeping.
Paragraph 2
Tom thought he had hired the wrong man.
1.Paragraph 1:
Allison looked down at her gift: a little glass cat. It was carefully selected by her and her mother in the store yesterday. It is a lovely little glass cat, whose eyes looked like a crescent moon. When you looked at it, it was like smiling at you, which can make you forget the troubles in life. She thought the gift was really perfect for Wendy. Just then, the teacher shouted again “come on up, Allison!” Allison shook her head slightly towards the teacher and then came up to Wendy.
Paragraph 2:
“Wendy, I want you to have this,” she said. Wendy was amazed but shook her head saying, “No, I can’t accept your gift. I have no gift to exchange with you.” Hearing these words, Alison smiled and replied, “Wendy, you are my best friend. I hope you can be happy. Open it and I’m sure you’ll like it.” She insisted on putting the gift into Wendy’s hand. Wendy slowly opened the present. When she saw the little glass cat inside, she smiled and said, “It’s so cute. Thank you, my best friend!”Alison said, “Look at it, it will make you forget the troubles in life. Smile more.”
1 开心的:happy/ delighted
2.吃惊的:amazed/ surprised
【点睛】[高分句型1]. It is a lovely little glass cat, whose eyes looked like a crescent moon.(运用了whose引导的定语从句)
[高分句型2] When she saw the little glass cat inside, she smiled and said, “it’s so cute. Thank you, my best friend!”(运用了when引导的时间状语从句)
2.I saw a letter and some money in it. She wrote,“ I am grateful that you accompany me through the last but happy time of my life. The money is used to complete your college study so that you can devoted all your time to your study.” With my eyes filled with tears, I remembered the days when I cared for her and sang along with her piano. It's with the help of Grandma that I managed to graduate from my college. I was so lucky to meet Grandma. Not only did she offer me a well-paid part time job, but also she gave me a timely help and bright hope.
2.续写线索: 读信——感谢作者的陪伴——资助完成学业——回忆——感悟。
①陪伴她度过:accompany her through/keep her company through
②专心学习:devote one’s time to study/concentrate on study/focus on study/apply oneself to study
①感谢:be grateful/be thankful/express one’s gratitude/show one’s appreciation
②流泪:with one’s eyes filled with tears/tears filling one’s eyes/burst into tears./tears streaming down one’s face
【点睛】【高分句型1】It's with the help of Grandma that I managed to graduate from my college.(运用强调句型“It’s+强调部分+that”强调with the help of Grandma)
【高分句型2】Not only did she offer me a well-paid part time job, but also she gave me a timely help and bright hope.(not only…but also连接两个并列句,not only后的句子要用倒装)
【高分句型3】I remembered the days when I cared for her and sang along with her piano.(由when引导的定语从句)
“Why not go to see the tree?” he thought to himself. Then he got out of the bed and came to the courtyard on tiptoe. Before he approached the tree he planted, he found his mother was watering it carefully. All of a sudden, he understood it was his mother who had been secretly fertilizing and watering his small tree! The tree would have withered but for the care of his mother. Standing in the darkness, deeply touched, how he wanted to say thanks to his mother. But he didn’t.
Para.2 :
He returned to his room, with tears pouring down his face without a stop. From that night on, he understood what his mother meant and decided to change himself. When he was in trouble and wanted to give up sometimes, mother's small figure that night always lingered in his mind. Being strong and confident, he overcame all the difficulties he was faced with. Decades passed. The little boy became a botanist, who was confident and optimistic. Love is the best gift for growth. With the gift, a thin tree can flourish and even grow into towering trees.
照顾:attended to/ care
看:looking at/ seeing
困难、麻烦:trouble/ difficulties
突然:All of a sudden/ suddenly
【点睛】[高分句型1] All of a sudden, he understood it was his mother who had been secretly fertilizing and watering his small tree!(运用了it was…who引导的强调句)
[高分句型2] From that night on, he understood what his mother meant and decided to change himself.(运用了what引导的宾语从句)
4.The next morning, the king was surprised to see the parrot flying high above the palace garden. Watching the parrot flying freely in the sky, the king couldn’t wait to find out what magic the farmer used while all other methods failed. He sent for the farmer, who went to the palace garden immediately. "How did you make the bird fly? "Upon seeing the farmer, the king asked eagerly. With his hands folded before him, the farmer answered with great respect, "Your Majesty! I simply cut the branch where the bird was sitting."That is it! When there is no branch to sit on, it has no choice but to fly!
自由地飞:fly freely/fly with freedom/fly at liberty
不得不做某事:has no choice but to do/have no alternative but to do
迫不及待地:eagerly/urgently/in hasten
尊敬地:with great respect/respectfully/venerably
【点睛】【高分句型1】Watching the parrot flying freely in the sky, the king couldn’t wait to find out what magic the farmer used while all other methods failed.(这句话使用了现在分词作状语,以及what引导的宾语从句。)
【高分句型2】He sent for the farmer, who went to the palace garden immediately.(这句话使用了who引导的定语从句。)
5.When I turned my paper over, I was shocked to see an “F” on it. At first, I thought the math test was really difficult for us. After class I said to the girl whose answers I had copied, "That math test was difficult. I failed it. I guess we need to study harder." However, she looked at me in surprise and said, "Not me. I got every question right and I got an A." Silent and depressed, I returned to my seat.
I realized that the teacher had known I cheated on the exam. She never embarrassed me in front of the whole class and allowed me to keep my dignity. But I truly realized that I had made a mistake. I made a promise to myself that I will never cheat again. I would remember to always be honest in the things I do. I never forgot that teacher who failed me when, really, I had failed myself.
②回到:return to/go back to
③保证:make a promise/promise/make a commitment
①惊讶:in surprise/in amazement/in astonishment
【点睛】【高分句型1】After class I said to the girl whose answers I had copied, “That math test was difficult. I failed it. I guess we need to study harder.”(运用了whose引导定语从句,省略that引导宾语从句)
【高分句型2】I made a promise to myself that I will never cheat again.(运用了that引导同位语从句)
6. I gathered my courage and knocked at his door. As expected, his face turned purple immediately. He glared at me like a bull. "You have your whole life to work," he said, “but your playing days are limited. You can't afford to waste them." I stood before him with my head down. “How much will you be paid, son?” He demanded. "$12.25 per hour.” “Well," he shrugged. “Is $12.25 an hour the price of a dream?”
That question reminded me of what my coach used to say. Yes, dream is priceless. It's stupid to earn pocket money at the expense of my dream. I held my head high and said firmly, “Sorry, Mr. Jarvis. I know what to do next." My coach smiled with great satisfaction. That summer I dedicated myself to baseball training. And one year later, I obtained a baseball scholarship to the University. I knew I would soon buy my mum a house. Thankfully, I made a right choice. Without Mr. Jarvis, I would never know I could afford a dream.
【分析】本文以人物为线索,主要讲述了作者出生在并不富裕的家庭,但他很有运动天赋,梦想当一名运动员,高中时遇到了影响自己一生的教练Ollie Jarvis,他经常说的话是“梦想是无价的”。高二那年的暑假,作者想去做兼职补贴家用,因而打算放弃棒球训练,却不敢跟教练说,在母亲的鼓励下,作者决定当面跟教练说明情况。
①.立即;马上:immediately/right away
②.致力于:dedicate oneself to/be devoted to
①.怒视:glare at sb./look at sb.angrily
②.满意:with great satisfaction/satisfactorily
【点睛】[高分句型1]It's stupid to earn pocket money at the expense of my dream. (运用了It+形容词+to do句型,其中it为形式主语)
[高分句型2]I know what to do next.(运用了what引导的宾语从句)
7.He was still a bit weak, so Indra rolled a wheelchair to bring him downstairs. As always, the ward was neat and tidy, and the old fellow's eyes of expectations were fixed on the door. “Time to go, Mr. Dev...” Indra said, helped him sit down and pushed the wheelchair into the lift carefully.Her eyes were misty when she saw how sad the old man looked. She bent over and wiped his tears gently with a handkerchief. “Everything would be fine,” she reassured him. Then the flashing light indicated they were arriving at the ground level.
“Papa!” , a shaking voice cried out from a middle aged woman when the lift doors opened. She rushed forward and hugged the old man in the wheelchair. Both of them began to weep. Indra smiled through her tears. She later learnt that the daughter had just contacted the civil - administration department, where she got news about her missing father.Mr.Dev's eager expeclation had been answered. It was the miracle she had prayed for. Indra left the scene of the reunion and went to look for the administrator. She was eager to share with him the "bad" news that his trip to collect Mr.Dev was a wasted one.
推轮椅:push the wheelchair / roll the wheelchair
到达:arrive/get to/reach
悲伤:sad /sorrowful
急切:be eager to do/be keen to do
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Her eyes were misty when she saw how sad the old man looked.(运用了when引导的时间状语从句以及how引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型2]. She later learnt that the daughter had just contacted the civil - administration department, where she got news about her missing father. (运用了that引导的宾语从句以及where引导的非限制性定语从句)
8.Possible version1 :
Whenever the grandchildren came to visit, they would dash into the garden. Not surprisingly, they were going to see how the garden was growing. After watering the vegetables, they would remove the weeds that popped up around the plants and apply organic fertilizer under Nana's instruction if necessary. As time went by, the plants were growing taller and stronger. When they noticed the vegetables flowering and producing fruits, their eyes were sparkling like diamonds. Never had they looked forward to summer like this before. But they clearly knew that it's worthwhile to wait for the inviting results.
Finally, Nana said it was time for the first harvest. Hearing that, the children all jumped into the air and cheers filled the whole garden. Nana gave them each baskets and, together they gathered some of the cucumbers, carrots and tomatoes, which were turned into delicacies. “Who wants to help eat this fresh salad?” Nana asked. “Me!” everyone responded loudly. Tasting the salad, they thought nothing could be more delicious, because it was they who grew these vegetables. They all learned that many hands make light work and patience really pays off.
Possible version 2 :
Whenever the grandchildren came to visit, they would dash into the garden. Eager to help grow the vegetables well, they first took turns to water the plants. Then Nana showed them which plants needed trimming or which needed tying up to grow tall and straight. Day after day, spring turned into summer and finally, the plants started revealing their colorful secrets. The children were thrilled to see the tomatoes turning red, the cucumbers hiding under the green leaves and the peppers growing bigger. Not until then did they realize that Nana was right-- all they needed was patience.
Finally, Nana said it was time for the first harvest. With baskets ready, Nana and the children started out on their business. Nana took them around the garden and picked some tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and cabbages. Then for the following hour, they were busying making vegetable salad. The children helped wash the dirt off the food while Nana chopped up the vegetables. When Nana asked who wanted to try the fresh salad, everyone expressed their willingness excitedly. “OK. Amy, get the plates. Justin, get the water and cups, and Michael, get the forks. Let's celebrate the harvest!”
①冲进:dash into /storm in
②除草:remove weeds/clean out weeds
①骄傲地:loudly/with pride
②兴奋:jump into the air/ be up in the air
【点睛】[高分句型1]. After watering the vegetables, they would remove the weeds that popped up around the plants and apply organic fertilizer under Nanas instruction if necessary. (由关系词that引导的限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2]. Never had they looked forward to summer like this before.(否定词never提于句首的部分倒装句)
[高分句型3]. They all learned that many hands make light work and patience really pays off.(由连接词that引导的宾语从句作learned的宾语)
Before we knew it, the little thing had grown into a big bird with two powerful wings. One day, when Dad threw Peeper into the air, he just flew away and didn’t come back. With night falling, all of us became increasingly worried. We looked for him, called his name and even peeped like him, anxiously expecting his return. But the special buddy never appeared again. Suddenly losing the special companion, everyone was very, very sad. It took a long time before we accepted the fact that he was missing. Meanwhile, we could only pray he found his parents and went off on his natural way. Twenty years passed, and Peeper became a fond memory for my family.
Paragraph 2:
It came as a total surprise to me when, in 2019, an adult goose made his way back to my family home. He did all of the same things Peeper used to do in Peepers old ways, and much to my surprise, he even responded to the name Peeper. It became clear to me that my old best friend had returned, 20 years later. This experience has been as meaningful to me as anything in my life. Looking beyond our reach high in the sky, birds have feelings like human beings, so do many other living things. We human beings should learn to get along well with them. We need each other’s care and protection.
①飞走:fly away/fly off
③回来:return/come back
④和睦相处:get along well with/live in harmony with
【点睛】[高分句型1]It took a long time before we accepted the fact that he was missing. (由连接词that引导的同位语从句)
[高分句型2]It became clear to me that my old best friend had returned, 20 years later.(由连接词that引导的主语从句)
10.Paragraph 1
Tom thought Henry must still be sleeping. So anxious was he that he knocked at the door of Henry’s room violently. To Tom’s astonishment, Henry was still lying in his bed. It was extremely evident that Henry didn’t realize how serious the situation was. Filled with rage, Tom shouted, “Get up! There is a big storm. We must work right now.” Calm and peaceful, Henry responded, “Sir, have you forgotten I told you that storms wouldn’t disturb our sleep? Why not just go back to sleep?” Hearing the words, a wide disappointment took hold of Tom.
Paragraph 2
Tom thought he had hired the wrong man. Feeling helpless, he rushed out to work on his own. Nevertheless, no sooner had he gone outside than an unexpected scene came into his sight. All the roofs covered and all his chicken, horses and cows settled. Tom was seized by a strong sense of relief, tears streaming down his cheeks. It was Henry that did all the work well in advance before the storm came. He realized he had hired the best man.
①敲门:knocked at the door/rap on the door
③冲出去:rush out/dash out
④意识到:realize/be aware of
【点睛】[高分句型1]It was extremely evident that Henry didn’t realize how serious the situation was.(由连接词that引导的主语从句)
[高分句型2]It was Henry that did all the work well in advance before the storm came.(强调句)