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    I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and a question about it, read the 2019four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    1.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.Learning to drive.
    B.Buying the insurance.
    C.Buying a car.
    D.Taking a plane.
    2.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.At an airport.
    B.At a police station.
    C.At a travel agency.
    D.At a hotel.
    3.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.Customer and shop assistant.
    B.Trainer and trainee.
    C.Customer and travel agent.
    D.Guide and tourist.
    4.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.Cantonese food.
    B.Shanghai food.
    C.Hunan food.
    D.None of the above.
    5.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.7 days.
    B.1 year.
    D.Two years.
    6.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.She will sell it to buy a bookstore.
    B.She is changing it into a bookstore.
    C.She will rent it to a bookstore owner.
    D.She is still hesitating about it.
    7.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.Because of the cool air﹣conditioner.
    B.Because of the dressing code. (着装要求)
    C.Because of his politeness.
    D.Because of the weather forecast.
    8.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.She lost her purse.
    B.She forgot to bring money.
    C.She failed to attend the concert.
    D.She was unable to get the student discount.
    9.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.He was sorry for the woman's absence.
    B.He was happy about the woman's absence,
    C.He suggested the woman bring her daughter.
    D.He suggested the woman visit the university.
    10.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.Taylor is unlikely to change his behavior.
    B.She thinks Taylor has turned over a new leaf.
    C.Tailor is changing at such a speed as a leopard's.
    D.She is surprised but satisfied with Taylor's change.
    Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one conversation. You will be asked three questions on each of the passages and four questions for the conversation. The passages and conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
    11.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    (1)Questions are based on the following passage.
    A.They are remarkably intelligent birds.
    B.They can please a princess by sending roses.
    C.They have a sense of environmental protection.
    D.They have been trained to be rubbish collectors.
    (2)Questions are based on the following passage.
    A.Nicolas de Villiers is the initiator of the crow rubbish picking campaign.
    B.The idea of crow garbage collecting is rewarding the crows for their efforts.
    C.The purpose of the crow garbage collectors is just to clean the environment.
    D.The experiment of crow garbage collecting is quite different from that of crow intelligence.
    (3)According to the passage,which of the following is true?
    A.Innovative cleaners of the environment.
    B.Close supervisors of the theme park.
    C.Bird exhibits to please park﹣goers.
    D.Magical birds to train people.
    12.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    (1)Questions are based on the following passage.
    A.Competitive and flexible personalities decide their achievement.
    B.Their sensitivity to the surroundings leads to their success.
    C.They share the idealistic personalities and pursue perfection.
    D.Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates are middle children.
    (2)Questions are based on the following passage.
    B.Classical music players.
    D.Chief executive officials.
    (3)Questions are based on the following passage.
    A.Birth order affects personality.
    B.Birth order influence career paths.
    C.How people achieve their success.
    D.Family size plays a part.
    13.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    (1)Questions are based on the following passage.
    A.Because of their durability.
    B.Because they are symbols of status.
    C.Because of the trend in fashion.
    D.Because they look quite appealing.
    (2)Questions are based on the following passage.
    A.The man was the creator of jeans.
    B.The man applied for a patent for jeans.
    C.It led to the popularity of jeans.
    D.It led to a flood of fake products.
    (3)Why did the man mention Levi's?
    A.They are durable and wash easily.
    B.They appear on sex and violence ads.
    C.They win the favor of many women liberalists.
    D.They are influenced by cowboy style and rebellious spirit.
    (4)What was the second reason for the popularity of jeans?
    A.The advantages of jeans.
    B.The culture of western America.
    C.The history of jeans.
    D.The change of jeans.
    II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.What to say to a rude person
    14.As Lord Winston took a train from London to Manchester,he found himself becoming steadily annoyed.A woman had picked up her phone and began a loud conversation,(1)   would last an unbelievable hour.Angry,Winston began to take her picture and sent it to his more than 40,000 followers on tweeter.
    (2)   the train arrived at its destination,Winston got off and left quickly.But the press were waiting for the woman.When showed the Lord's messages,she used one word to describe Winston's actions:rude.
    Winston's tale is something of a microcosm of our age (我们这个时代缩影)of increasing rudeness,(3)   (fuel) by social media (and,often politics). (在社交媒体(和经常还有政治)推动下越来越粗鲁)What can we do to fix this?
    Studies have shown that rudeness spreads quickly.Just witnessing rudeness makes it far more likely (4)    we,in turn,will be rude later on.Once infected,we are more aggressive, (5)   (creative) and worse at our jobs.The only way to end a conflict is to call it out,face to face.We must say, "Just stop." For Winston,that would have meant (6)   (approach) the woman,telling her that her conversation was frustrating other passengers and politely asking her to speak more quietly or make a call at another time. (改天)
    The rage and injustice we feel at the rude behavior of a stranger can drive us (7)   (do) odd things.The acts of revenge people had taken(8)   (range) from the ridiculous to the disturbing.But we can do it with grace,by handling it without a trace of aggression and without being rude(9)   .Because once rude people can see their actions (10)   the eyes of others,they are far more likely to end that conflict themselves.(一旦粗鲁的人能通过他人的眼睛看到自己的行为,他们就极有可能自己结束冲突。)As this tide of rudeness rises,civilization needs civility. (礼貌)
    Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need. need.

    The Quietest Place on Earth
    My quest started when I was in the New York subway.My children were crying,four trains came screaming into the station at once and I put my hands over my ears﹣the noise was(1)   .In cities,the ever﹣present(始终存在的;无时无刻不在的) dull background roar of planes,cars,machinery and voices is a fact of life.In an attempt to(2)   some peace,I decided to go on a mission to find the quietest place on Earth;to discover whether absolute silence exists.The place I was most excited about visiting was the anechoic chamber(吸波暗室) at Orfield Laboratories in Minnesota.It is the quietest place on earth﹣99.9 percent sound﹣absorbent.
    But (3)   ,far from being peaceful,most people find its perfect quiet upsetting.The (4)   of sound means things are working;it's business as usual﹣when sound is absent,that signals breakdown.
    I booked a 45﹣minute session﹣no one had managed to(5)   in for that long before. (在这之前没有人能待这么长时间)When the heavy door shut behind me,I was plunged into darkness (lights can make a noise).For the first few seconds,being in such a quiet place felt like paradise.I tried to hear something and heard …nothing.
    Then,after a minute or two,I became aware of the sound of my breathing,so I held my breath.My heartbeat became (6)   ﹣nothing I could do about that.Then I stopped thinking about what bodily functions I could hear and began to enjoy it.I didn't feel afraid and came out only because my time was up.Everyone was impressed that I'd beaten the record,but having spent so long searching for quiet,I was comfortable with the feeling of absolute(7)   .Afterwards I felt wonderfully rested and calm.
    My(8)   for silence changed my life.I found that making space for moments of quiet in my day is the key to happiness﹣they give you a chance to think about what you want in life.If you can(9)   become master of your own sound environment﹣from turning off the TV to moving to the country,as I did﹣you become a lot more (10)    of the noises of everyday life. (你就会更能接受日常生活的噪音)
    III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
    16.Let's say your company has been making athletic shoes for 50 or 60 years.They are good shoes.(1)   ,other companies have sped past you in the race for fame and the profit that goes with it.Products with the logos of the other companies are status symbols.Products with your logo make people think of basketball stars from the 1970s.To turn things around you,you have to change your product's (2)    image into something new,and make sure consumers get the message.They must match your product with some larger idea that has nothing to do with shoes﹣beauty,prosperity,or even world peace.(3)   ,you have to build a brand.
    The term brand(烙记)comes from the practice of using a hot iron to burn a mark into the skin of a cow or a horse.This brand helps the owner (4)   his or her animals from others.The brand is a kind of label,a device for creating recognition.Branding on products is also all about recognition.
    People equate the name Rolls Royce,(5)   ,with classic luxury.The recognition value of this brand is (6)   .It even registers with people who have never seen one of the company's cars.When the German company BMW bought the Rolls company in 1998,they were careful to change(7)    .They even continued to build cars in Greenwood,England,because Rolls Royce is thought of as(8)   .
    Among some strong brands,the line between promotional and personal image is (9)   .Some customers may adopt a brand's image as their own images.The ads for Nike shoes show no﹣nonsense athletes.A customer might(10)    Nike shoes because she considers herself a no﹣nonsense athlete﹣and she wants others to think so,too.
    Biker subculture in the United States owes a great deal to the branding(11)   of the Harley﹣Davidson motorcycle company(哈雷摩托车公司品牌成功).Harley has managed to turn its motorcycles into symbols of opposition to mainstream cultural values.In a radio interview,Harley﹣Davidson's CEO,Jim Ziemer,points out one way his brand﹣and its black﹣and﹣orange logo﹣has become very(12)   . (个性化)
    Interviewer:When business school students study(13)   ,one of the names that's always at the top of that list is Harley Davidson.In your mind,what is it that makes a brand?
    Ziemer:A brand is made when a person really feels a(14)    with that brand.I mean,we've taken it to the ultimate(我们已经做到了极致),where a lot of our customers have a Harley﹣Davidson tattoo (文身) on their body so they really feel very special and linked with the brand.
    The(15)   of branding,the hot irons,seems not so far away. (烙记/印的起源,也就是烙铁,似乎并不遥远)

    (3)A.In other words
    B.On the contrary
    C.By comparison
    D.As usual
    (5)A.in response
    B.as usual
    C.on average
    D.for example
    Section BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. Every questions are provided with four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
    17."The mangoes nearly killed us,"tough said Julie McKenzie with a smile and a celebratory sundowner drink in her hand,pleasant recalling the backbreaking 10﹣hour shifts harvesting tropical fruit in northern Australia.
    For the past few weeks,the 60﹣year﹣old grandmother has been working alongside her 64﹣year﹣old husband,Ian McKenzie,picking grapes in the heat of summer in the New South Wales Hunter Valley.
    The couple from the port city of Newcastle,north of Sydney,are grey nomads(游牧民;不断更换工作的人),a growing cohort(一群人) of older Australians who have swapped(交换) the comfort and familiarity of the suburbs for a life on the road following the fruit﹣picking trail.
    The exact numbers of grey nomads crisscrossing Australia (贯穿澳大利亚)are unknown,but academics have estimated there are tens of thousands constantly on the move,and around a quarter of those have sold their homes.For some,trips away can last for a few months,while others travel indefinitely.Unlike itinerant snowbirds(流动的候鸟族) in North America,who travel south in recreational vehicles to escape the winter,Australia's wandering retirees do it year﹣round.
    "It is quite a phenomenon," said Tim Harcourt,an economist at the University of New South Wales Business School. "Retired people don't want to stop working.They want to combine a bit of fruit picking,a bit of leisure and a bit of traveling in their retirement.There is actually a shortage of people needed for fruit picking,so having these experienced workers is a really good thing," he said.
    In other corners of the world,including Spain and Sweden,the fruit picking industry is beset(v.困扰/ adj.充满的) by poor conditions and meager (少的;不足的)wages,and often involves unskilled migrants or illegal immigrants.
    Retirees join the fruit picking trail for different reasons.Some do it for a change of lifestyle;some do it to escape boredom.For the McKenzies,a health scare followed by brain surgery prompted (促使)64﹣year﹣old Ian McKenzie to walk away from the pressures of his old life working in logistics in search of something more peaceful. "After about four months (on the road) all the stress seemed to drop away…and we realized that we were free and we could do what we wanted to," he explained. "We'll do anything and have done anything."

    (1)How do the McKenzies feel about their life now?   
    A.Tough and unbearable.
    B.Happy and hasty.
    C.Adventurous and relaxed.
    D.Tough but pleasant.
    (2)What is the major difference between grey nomads in Australia and snowbirds in North America?   
    A.Snowbirds travel in recreational vehicles but grey nomads travel in vans.
    B.Grey nomads sold their houses but the snowbirds keep their property.
    C.Snowbirds travel in winters but grey nomads are always on the move.
    D.Grey nomads work a lot while snowbirds travel for recreational purpose.
    (3)Compared with younger labor,grey nomads have advantages in    .
    A.providing experienced service
    B.enjoying their work without complaining
    C.doing everything legally
    D.staying on the farm for a very long time
    (4)Which of the following is NOT a reason for the retirees to choose a life of nomads?   
    A.To change their lifestyle.
    B.To avoid boredom.
    C.To maintain their health.
    D.To make a fortune.
    ▲ Allerton,Liverpool
    A large﹣area lawn would look at home on a traditional red﹣brick campus.Six miles south of the University of Liverpool and the "knowledge quarter",it is part of Allerton Priory,designed and built by Victorian gothic architect Alfred Waterhouse in the early 1800s for a local merchant and now separated into apartments.There's a three﹣bedroom duplex (复式) on the lower ground and ground floor. The living room has floor﹣to﹣ceiling windows and views of the grounds,and there's a private gate for residents leading to Allerton Manor sports car club.
    Fine & Country,0151﹣947﹣0810

    ▲ Halton,Lancashire
    This environmentally﹣friendly home is in the eco﹣settlement of Forgebank in the village of Halton on the outskirts of Lancaster.It may suit the buyers—with conscience and cash—who have chosen to settle close to the city they studied in.The complex sits on the banks of the River Lune and next to the Forest of Bowland.A two﹣bedroom home covers 1,050 sq ft with a balcony.The funky yellow kitchen cabinetry is by local carpenters.
    The Modern House,0203﹣795﹣5920

    ▲ Eddington,Cambridge
    The local government of Cambridge is developing a new sustainable residential district two miles north of the city centre with 3,000 homes,2,000 postgraduate rooms for the University of Cambridge,sports facilities,a market square and park lot.One of the newest phases is Knights Park.There's a two﹣bedroom,two﹣bathroom luxury flat on the fourth floor of the Florey building with no stamp duty to pay.

    ▲ City centre,Bristol
    This two﹣bedroom,first﹣floor apartment is in a pastel﹣coloured,period townhouse (老式联排别墅指ancientness)on the waterfront in the heart of Bristol's nightlife,(夜生活中心指modernity)with a parking space,a lift and views of the Floating Harbour and the Arnolfini arts centre.Beyond is the tree﹣lined Georgian gardens of Queen Square in the old town.The University of Bristol is a 30﹣minute walk away.
    Knight Frank,0117﹣317﹣1996

    (1)Which of the following is TRUE about the house in Allerton?    
    A.It enjoys an open and broad view of nearby grounds.
    B.It is located on the campus of the University of Liverpool.
    C.It houses the Allerton Manor sports car club on the second floor.
    D.It was designed in the early 18th century by a local merchant.
    (2)Which house advertised boasts a combination of modernity and ancientness?    
    D.City centre,Bristol
    (3)Alex and Susan,a newly married couple who love sports and own a car,are looking for a two﹣bedroom house property.They may contact     to ask for more information.
    A.Fine & Country
    B.The Modern House
    D.Knight Frank
    19.What would the world be if there were no hunger?It's a question that the late (已故的)ecologist Donella Meadows would ask her students at Dartmouth College back in the 1970s.She set out to create a global movement.The result—an approach known as systems thinking—is now seen as essential in meeting big global challenges.
    Systems thinking is crucial to achieving targets such as zero hunger and better nutrition.According to systems thinking,changing the food system—or any other network—requires three things to happen.First,researchers need to identify all the players in that system;second,they must work out how they relate to each other;and third,they need to understand and quantify the impact of those relationships on each other and on those outside the system.
    Take nutrition for example.The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization tracked 150 biochemicals in food and various databases,which revealed the relationships between calories,sugar,fat,vitamins and the occurrence of common diseases.But using machine learning and artificial intelligence,network scientists propose that human diets consist of at least 26,000 biochemicals and that the vast majority are not known.This shows that we have some way to travel before achieving the first objective of systems thinking—which,in this example,is to identify more constituent parts of the nutrition system.
    A systems approach to creating change is also built on the assumption that everyone in the system has equal power and status.But the food system is not an equal one.There have been calls for a World Food and Nutrition Organization,so that legally binding policies can be applied to all its members.Another way to address power imbalances is for more universities to do what Meadows did and teach students how to think using a systems approach.
    A team of researchers has done just that,through the Interdisciplinary Food Systems Teaching and Learning program.Students from disciplines including agriculture,ecology and economics learn together by drawing on their collective expertise in addressing real﹣world problems,such as how to reduce food waste.Since its launch in 2015,the program has trained more than 1,500 students from 45 university departments.
    More researchers,policymakers and representatives from the food industry must learn to look beyond their direct lines of responsibility and embrace a systems approach,as the editors of Nature Food advocate in their launch editorial.Meadows knew that visions alone don't produce results,but concluded that "we'll never produce results that we can't envision".(仅仅视野不能产生结果,但是我们永远不会产生我们无法想象的结果)

    (1)The passage is mainly about    .
    A.how to conduct research efficiently
    B.how to build a world food organization
    C.an approach to solving real﹣world problem
    D.an approach to applying scientific findings
    (2)According to paragraph 3,the study conducted by network scientists revealed that    .
    A.artificial intelligence is more useful than traditional methods
    B.achieving systems thinking requires identifying more components
    C.we are unable to gain thorough understanding of our nutritious system
    D.some biochemicals are related with the occurrence of common diseases
    (3)According to the passage,what do we know about the Interdisciplinary(各个学科之间) Food Systems Teaching and Learning program?    
    A.It is the only way of solving imbalance in our food system.
    B.It aims to urge the governments to carry out its food policies.
    C.It seeks to solve theoretical issues about food and nutrition.
    D.It has cultivated many interdisciplinary talents since its launch.
    (4)What can be inferred from the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?    
    A.No results can be achieved if nobody is willing to take responsibility.
    B.Vision is the first necessary step towards solving global challenges.
    C.Vision is not as important as understanding the nature of problems.
    D.Systems thinking is unrealistic,so concrete action should be taken.
    Section CDirections: Read the following passage and fill in each blank with the sentence that best fits the context. Each sentence can only be used once. Note that there are two sentences more than you need.
    A.He says that the secret of success is simply many hours of hard work.
    B.But surely there are exceptions to this rule?
    C.Nevertheless,researchers do find some exceptions.
    D.Mozart wrote his first real masterpiece when he was twenty﹣one.
    E.Apparently,every extra friend that you have at school adds two percent to your salary later in life!
    F.Talent didn't seem to work as well as generally thought.
    Reaching the top
    Many social scientists have studied the phenomenon of success.One American study claims that your social network is the key to success.(1)   Perhaps this boosts your self﹣confidence or perhaps you have more people to support you.Another study links height and success:every extra centimeter is worth another ﹩300 per year.The trouble is that for every person to whom these theories apply,there is an exception.
    However,in his book Outliers﹣The Story of Success,author,Malcolm Gladwell,has come up with a theory that he claims is true in every case.(2)   He has calculated exactly how many hours work you need to do in order to become 'the best' in your field:10,000 hours apparently or about four hours a day for ten years.Without this kind of determination and hard work you probably won't reach the top,regardless of your talent.
    Researchers looked at violin players in a music school to test this theory.Teachers put the players into three groups:average players in group C,good players in group B and outstanding players in group A.It turned out that all the players in group A had done around 10,000 hours of practice in their lifetime.The good players had done around 6,000 hours and the average players only 4,000 hours.However,all the players had entered the school with similar levels of ability.
    (3)   Mozart,for example,is always considered a 'born genius'.He performed in public at the age of four and by six,he had composed several pieces.Surely his success was down to natural talent,not hard work?In fact,Gladwell argues,Mozart had a very strict father who made him practice for hours each day from an early age.And the music that Mozart composed when he was six wasn't outstanding.(4)   By that time,he'd done at least 10,000 hours of practice and had 'become' a genius.
    Talent,argues Gladwell,is nothing without hard work.So next time you dream of scoring the winning goal in the World Cup or winning an Oscar,ask yourself this question:are you really prepared to put in the hours necessary to achieve your goal?
    IV. Summary Writing
    21.Directions:Read the following passage.Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the passage in NO MORE THAN 60 WORDS.Use your own words as far as possible.
    The lost art of listening
    Do you think you're a good listener?Chances are that you do.But studies show that most people seriously overestimate their ability to listen.The truth is we are generally not good at listening,and our listening comprehension declines as we age.
    This was proven by Dr.Ralph Nichols,who conducted a simple experiment to test students' listening skills.He had some Minnesota teachers stop what they were doing mid﹣class,and then asked students to describe what their teachers had been talking about.While older kids with more developed brains,are usually assumed to be better listeners,the results,however,showed otherwise:While 90 percent of first﹣and second﹣graders gave correct responses,this percentage dropped rapidly as the students got older.
    One reason for our poor listening concerns the speed at which we think.The adult brain can process up to around 400 words per minute,more than three times faster than the speed an average person speaks.This means we can easily think about something else while someone is talking to us,allowing our mind to wander or get sidetracked.The younger students in Dr.Nichols's experiment were better listeners partly because their brains were less developed—they lacked the extra brain power to be distracted.
    Another factor that contributes to our poor listening is our ever﹣decreasing attention span.According to a Mircrosoft study,the age of smartphones has had a negative impact here.In 2000—around the time the mobile revolution began—the average human attention span was 12 seconds;by 2013,it had fallen to 8 seconds.Even a goldfish—with an average attention span of 9 seconds—can hold a thought for longer!
    More and more people now realize that listening is a skill that can be developed through practice.Learning to observe a speaker's body language and emotions,for example,can improve our active listening.Even the simple act of note﹣taking or making eye contact can help us stay focused while listening.
    V. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
    22.光刷题不反思是没有用的。(no use)   
    24.他折好衣服铺好床后,惊讶地发现枕头下面有一个红包。(the moment)   
    VI. Guided Writing
    26.Directions:Write an English composition in 120﹣150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
    假定你是明启中学的高中生李华。某电视台线上学习节目打算增设两个栏目。初步拟定从 "Reading for Fun"、 "Textbook Learning"、 "Homework Guidance"、 "Online Listening"以及"Questions and Answers"五个栏目中选取两个,特此向所有在线学习者征求意见。请你给电视台写封邮件,推荐两个栏目。邮件内容须包括:

    I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and a question about it, read the 2019four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    1.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.Learning to drive.
    B.Buying the insurance.
    C.Buying a car.
    D.Taking a plane.
    2.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.At an airport.
    B.At a police station.
    C.At a travel agency.
    D.At a hotel.
    3.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.Customer and shop assistant.
    B.Trainer and trainee.
    C.Customer and travel agent.
    D.Guide and tourist.
    4.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.Cantonese food.
    B.Shanghai food.
    C.Hunan food.
    D.None of the above.
    5.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.7 days.
    B.1 year.
    D.Two years.
    6.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.She will sell it to buy a bookstore.
    B.She is changing it into a bookstore.
    C.She will rent it to a bookstore owner.
    D.She is still hesitating about it.
    7.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.Because of the cool air﹣conditioner.
    B.Because of the dressing code. (着装要求)
    C.Because of his politeness.
    D.Because of the weather forecast.
    8.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.She lost her purse.
    B.She forgot to bring money.
    C.She failed to attend the concert.
    D.She was unable to get the student discount.
    9.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.He was sorry for the woman's absence.
    B.He was happy about the woman's absence,
    C.He suggested the woman bring her daughter.
    D.He suggested the woman visit the university.
    10.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    A.Taylor is unlikely to change his behavior.
    B.She thinks Taylor has turned over a new leaf.
    C.Tailor is changing at such a speed as a leopard's.
    D.She is surprised but satisfied with Taylor's change.
    Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one conversation. You will be asked three questions on each of the passages and four questions for the conversation. The passages and conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
    11.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    (1)Questions are based on the following passage.
    A.They are remarkably intelligent birds.
    B.They can please a princess by sending roses.
    C.They have a sense of environmental protection.
    D.They have been trained to be rubbish collectors.
    (2)Questions are based on the following passage.
    A.Nicolas de Villiers is the initiator of the crow rubbish picking campaign.
    B.The idea of crow garbage collecting is rewarding the crows for their efforts.
    C.The purpose of the crow garbage collectors is just to clean the environment.
    D.The experiment of crow garbage collecting is quite different from that of crow intelligence.
    (3)According to the passage,which of the following is true?
    A.Innovative cleaners of the environment.
    B.Close supervisors of the theme park.
    C.Bird exhibits to please park﹣goers.
    D.Magical birds to train people.
    12.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    (1)Questions are based on the following passage.
    A.Competitive and flexible personalities decide their achievement.
    B.Their sensitivity to the surroundings leads to their success.
    C.They share the idealistic personalities and pursue perfection.
    D.Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates are middle children.
    (2)Questions are based on the following passage.
    B.Classical music players.
    D.Chief executive officials.
    (3)Questions are based on the following passage.
    A.Birth order affects personality.
    B.Birth order influence career paths.
    C.How people achieve their success.
    D.Family size plays a part.
    13.Decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    (1)Questions are based on the following passage.
    A.Because of their durability.
    B.Because they are symbols of status.
    C.Because of the trend in fashion.
    D.Because they look quite appealing.
    (2)Questions are based on the following passage.
    A.The man was the creator of jeans.
    B.The man applied for a patent for jeans.
    C.It led to the popularity of jeans.
    D.It led to a flood of fake products.
    (3)Why did the man mention Levi's?
    A.They are durable and wash easily.
    B.They appear on sex and violence ads.
    C.They win the favor of many women liberalists.
    D.They are influenced by cowboy style and rebellious spirit.
    (4)What was the second reason for the popularity of jeans?
    A.The advantages of jeans.
    B.The culture of western America.
    C.The history of jeans.
    D.The change of jeans.
    II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.What to say to a rude person
    14.As Lord Winston took a train from London to Manchester,he found himself becoming steadily annoyed.A woman had picked up her phone and began a loud conversation,(1) which would last an unbelievable hour.Angry,Winston began to take her picture and sent it to his more than 40,000 followers on tweeter.
    (2) As soon as the train arrived at its destination,Winston got off and left quickly.But the press were waiting for the woman.When showed the Lord's messages,she used one word to describe Winston's actions:rude.
    Winston's tale is something of a microcosm of our age (我们这个时代缩影)of increasing rudeness,(3) fueled (fuel) by social media (and,often politics). (在社交媒体(和经常还有政治)推动下越来越粗鲁)What can we do to fix this?
    Studies have shown that rudeness spreads quickly.Just witnessing rudeness makes it far more likely (4) that  we,in turn,will be rude later on.Once infected,we are more aggressive, (5) less creative (creative) and worse at our jobs.The only way to end a conflict is to call it out,face to face.We must say, "Just stop." For Winston,that would have meant (6) approaching (approach) the woman,telling her that her conversation was frustrating other passengers and politely asking her to speak more quietly or make a call at another time. (改天)
    The rage and injustice we feel at the rude behavior of a stranger can drive us (7) to do (do) odd things.The acts of revenge people had taken(8) ranged (range) from the ridiculous to the disturbing.But we can do it with grace,by handling it without a trace of aggression and without being rude(9) ourselves .Because once rude people can see their actions (10) through the eyes of others,they are far more likely to end that conflict themselves.(一旦粗鲁的人能通过他人的眼睛看到自己的行为,他们就极有可能自己结束冲突。)As this tide of rudeness rises,civilization needs civility. (礼貌)
    【解答】(1)which.考查定语从句。句意:一个女人拿起电话,开始大声交谈,持续了令人难以置信的一个小时。先行词a loud conversation,指物,在非限制性定语从句中充当主语,所以用关系代词which引导。故填which。
    (2)As soon as.考查时间状语从句。句意:火车一到目的地,温斯顿就下了车,飞快地走了。as soon as一……就……,引导时间状语从句。置于句首,首字母大写。故填As soon as。
    (3)fueled.考查过去分词。句意:温斯顿的故事是我们这个时代越来越粗鲁的缩影,社交媒体(通常还有政治)助长了这个时代。句中已有谓语动词,所以用非谓语动词形式。逻辑主语Winston's tale与动词fuel是被动关系,所以用过去分词作状语。故填fueled。
    (4)that.考查宾语从句。句意:仅仅是目睹别人的粗鲁行为,我们以后也会变得粗鲁无礼。主语+ make it +adj. + that+从句。句中it作形式宾语,真正的宾语为that从句。故填that。
    (5)less creative.考查比较级。句意:一旦被感染,我们就会变得更有攻击性,更缺乏创造力,工作表现也会更差。连词and前后是形容词比较级形式。在结合句意。故填less creative。
    (6)approaching.考查动名词。句意:对温斯顿来说,这意味着走近那位女士,告诉她她的谈话让其他乘客感到沮丧,并礼貌地要求她说话声音小一些,或者另找时间打个电话。mean doing sth.意味着做某事。故填approaching。
    (7)to do.考查动词不定式。句意:我们对陌生人粗鲁行为的愤怒和不公正会驱使我们做一些奇怪的事情。固定短语drive sb to do驱使某人做某事。故填to do。
    (8)ranged.考查动词时态。句意:人们的报复行为从荒谬到令人不安。根据定语从句中的动词had taken可分析这是过去发生的事情,所以用一般过去时。故填ranged。
    (10)through.考查介词。句意:因为一旦粗鲁的人可以通过别人的眼睛看到自己的行为,他们就更有可能自己结束冲突。名词the eyes of others前用介词。分析句意可知,这里是表达通过别人的眼睛看自己的行为,所以用介词through。故填through。
    Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need. need.

    The Quietest Place on Earth
    My quest started when I was in the New York subway.My children were crying,four trains came screaming into the station at once and I put my hands over my ears﹣the noise was(1) C .In cities,the ever﹣present(始终存在的;无时无刻不在的) dull background roar of planes,cars,machinery and voices is a fact of life.In an attempt to(2) H some peace,I decided to go on a mission to find the quietest place on Earth;to discover whether absolute silence exists.The place I was most excited about visiting was the anechoic chamber(吸波暗室) at Orfield Laboratories in Minnesota.It is the quietest place on earth﹣99.9 percent sound﹣absorbent.
    But (3) E ,far from being peaceful,most people find its perfect quiet upsetting.The (4) G of sound means things are working;it's business as usual﹣when sound is absent,that signals breakdown.
    I booked a 45﹣minute session﹣no one had managed to(5) J in for that long before. (在这之前没有人能待这么长时间)When the heavy door shut behind me,I was plunged into darkness (lights can make a noise).For the first few seconds,being in such a quiet place felt like paradise.I tried to hear something and heard …nothing.
    Then,after a minute or two,I became aware of the sound of my breathing,so I held my breath.My heartbeat became (6) B ﹣nothing I could do about that.Then I stopped thinking about what bodily functions I could hear and began to enjoy it.I didn't feel afraid and came out only because my time was up.Everyone was impressed that I'd beaten the record,but having spent so long searching for quiet,I was comfortable with the feeling of absolute(7) K .Afterwards I felt wonderfully rested and calm.
    My(8) D for silence changed my life.I found that making space for moments of quiet in my day is the key to happiness﹣they give you a chance to think about what you want in life.If you can(9) F become master of your own sound environment﹣from turning off the TV to moving to the country,as I did﹣you become a lot more (10) A  of the noises of everyday life. (你就会更能接受日常生活的噪音)
    【解答】(1)C.考查形容词。句意:我的孩子们在哭,四列火车同时尖叫着进站,我把手捂在耳朵上——噪音震耳欲聋。分析可知,空处可填形容词作表语,根据上文"My children were crying,four trains came screaming into the station at once"可知,孩子们在哭,四列火车同时进站,所以噪音是非常大的,形容词deafening"震耳欲聋的",符合句意。故选C。
    (2)H.考查动词。句意:为了重新体验一些平静,我决定去寻找地球上最安静的地方;去发现是否存在绝对的寂静。根据in an attempt to do sth"企图做某事"可知,不定式符号to后应用动词原形,结合后文"I decided to go on a mission to find the quietest place on earth"可知,作者决定去寻找地球上最安静的地方,这是为了重新体验平静,动词recapture"再体验;重温",符合句意。故选H。
    (4)G.考查不可数名词。句意:声音的存在意味着事物在运转;一切照旧——当声音消失,那表示了崩溃。根据冠词the可知,此处要用名词,根据后文"when sound is absent,that signals breakdown."可知,当声音消失,那表示了崩溃,所以空处表示声音"存在"意味着事物运转,抽象名词presence,表示"存在",符合句意。故选G。
    (5)J.考查动词。句意:我预定了45分钟的一场——之前没有人能设法在里面待那么久。根据manage to do sth."设法完成某事"可知,此处要用动词原形,结合语境,此处表示作者预定的45分钟时间很长,之前没有人能做到在里面停留那么久,动词remain,表示"停留",符合句意。故选J。
    (6)B.考查形容词。句意:我的心跳变得明显——对此我无能为力。分析可知,此处要用形容词作表语,根据上文"after a minute or two,I became aware of the sound of my breathing"可知,在安静的环境下,作者开始意识到自己的呼吸声,屏住呼吸之后,心跳会变得明显,形容词apparent"显然的,明显的",符合句意。故选B。
    (7)K.考查不可数名词。句意:每个人都对我打破记录印象深刻,但在花了这么长时间寻找安静之后,我对绝对安静的感觉感到很舒服。分析可知,形容词absolute后要用名词作作介词of的宾语,根据上文"Then I stopped thinking about what bodily functions I could hear and began to enjoy it."可知,作者在享受安静的感觉,所以此处表示作者对于绝对安静的感觉感到很舒服,抽象名词stillness表示"安静",符合句意。故选K。
    (9)F.考查副词。句意:如果你能偶尔成为自己声音环境的主人——从关掉电视到像我一样搬到乡下——你就会更能接受日常生活中的噪音。分析可知,空处应用副词修饰动词become,根据后文"from turning off the TV to moving to the country"可知,此处表示偶尔关掉电视,搬到乡下,偶尔成为自己声音环境的主人,副词occasionally"偶尔",符合句意。故选F。
    III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
    16.Let's say your company has been making athletic shoes for 50 or 60 years.They are good shoes.(1) B ,other companies have sped past you in the race for fame and the profit that goes with it.Products with the logos of the other companies are status symbols.Products with your logo make people think of basketball stars from the 1970s.To turn things around you,you have to change your product's (2) B  image into something new,and make sure consumers get the message.They must match your product with some larger idea that has nothing to do with shoes﹣beauty,prosperity,or even world peace.(3) A ,you have to build a brand.
    The term brand(烙记)comes from the practice of using a hot iron to burn a mark into the skin of a cow or a horse.This brand helps the owner (4) A his or her animals from others.The brand is a kind of label,a device for creating recognition.Branding on products is also all about recognition.
    People equate the name Rolls Royce,(5) D ,with classic luxury.The recognition value of this brand is (6) D .It even registers with people who have never seen one of the company's cars.When the German company BMW bought the Rolls company in 1998,they were careful to change(7) C  .They even continued to build cars in Greenwood,England,because Rolls Royce is thought of as(8) C .
    Among some strong brands,the line between promotional and personal image is (9) A .Some customers may adopt a brand's image as their own images.The ads for Nike shoes show no﹣nonsense athletes.A customer might(10) B  Nike shoes because she considers herself a no﹣nonsense athlete﹣and she wants others to think so,too.
    Biker subculture in the United States owes a great deal to the branding(11) C of the Harley﹣Davidson motorcycle company(哈雷摩托车公司品牌成功).Harley has managed to turn its motorcycles into symbols of opposition to mainstream cultural values.In a radio interview,Harley﹣Davidson's CEO,Jim Ziemer,points out one way his brand﹣and its black﹣and﹣orange logo﹣has become very(12) D . (个性化)
    Interviewer:When business school students study(13) B ,one of the names that's always at the top of that list is Harley Davidson.In your mind,what is it that makes a brand?
    Ziemer:A brand is made when a person really feels a(14) D  with that brand.I mean,we've taken it to the ultimate(我们已经做到了极致),where a lot of our customers have a Harley﹣Davidson tattoo (文身) on their body so they really feel very special and linked with the brand.
    The(15) A of branding,the hot irons,seems not so far away. (烙记/印的起源,也就是烙铁,似乎并不遥远)

    (3)A.In other words
    B.On the contrary
    C.By comparison
    D.As usual
    (5)A.in response
    B.as usual
    C.on average
    D.for example
    【解答】(1)B.考查副词及语境理解。A.Additionally另外;B.Nevertheless然而;C.Consequently因此;D.Meanwhile与此同时。句意:然而,其他公司在追逐名声和随之而来的利润的竞赛中已经超越了你。根据上文"Let's say your company has been making athletic shoes for 50 or 60 years.They are good shoes."可知,前后句之间为转折关系。有些公司注重质量,而其他公司追求名声和利润。故选B。
    (2)B.考查形容词及语境理解。A.well﹣received受到欢迎的;B.old﹣fashioned老式的;C.moderate适度的;D.revolutionary革命的。句意:为了扭转局面,你必须将产品的传统形象转变为新的形象,并确保消费者得到信息。根据上文"To turn things around you,"可知,这里是"something new"的反义词,为了扭转局面,必须转变传统的形象。故选B。
    (3)A.考查短语及语境理解。A.In other words换句话说;B.On the contrary相反;C.By comparison作比较;D.As usual像往常一样。句意:换句话说,你必须建立一个品牌。根据下文"you have to build a brand."可知,这里是对前文的观点换一种方式表达。故选A。
    (4)A.考查动词及语境理解。A.distinguish区分;B.protect保护;C.acquire获得;D.release释放。句意:这个烙记有助于主人将他或她的动物与其他动物区分开来。固定短语distinguish…from将……和……区分开来。根据上文"The term brand(烙记)comes from the practice of using a hot iron to burn a mark into the skin of a cow or a horse."可知,烙记的目的是区分自己与别人所饲养的动物。故选A。
    (5)D.考查短语及语境理解。A.in response作为回答;B.as usual像往常一样;C.on average平均;D.for example例如。句意:例如,人们把劳斯莱斯这个名字等同于经典奢侈品。根据上文"People equate the name Rolls Royce,"可知,这里是举劳斯莱斯这个例子。故选D。
    (6)D.考查形容词及语境理解。A.abstract抽象的;B.restricted限制的;C.mysterious神秘的;D.enormous巨大的。句意:这个品牌的认知价值是巨大的。根据后文"It even registers with people who have never seen one of the company's cars."可知,品牌价值是巨大的。故选D。
    (7)C.考查不定代词及语境理解。A.everything任何事;B.something某些事;C.nothing没什么;D.anything任何事。句意:当德国宝马公司在1998年收购劳斯莱斯公司时,他们小心翼翼地不做任何改变。根据上文"The recognition value of this brand is (6)_______."可知,因为品牌价值巨大,宝马公司收购劳斯莱斯公司后没做任何的改变。故选C。
    (8)C.考查形容词及语境理解。A.recognizable可辨认的;B.luxurious奢侈的;C.British英国的;D.valuable贵重的。句意:他们甚至继续在英国的格林伍德制造汽车,因为劳斯莱斯被认为是英国的。根据上文"When the German company BMW bought the Rolls company in 1998,they were careful to change (7)_______."和"They even continued to build cars in Greenwood,England,"可知,因为未作任何改变,所以人们仍然认为劳斯莱斯是英国的。故选C。
    (9)A.考查形容词及语境理解。A.unclear不清楚的;B.visible可见的;C.unusual不寻常的;D.deep深度的。句意:在一些强势品牌中,宣传和个人形象之间的界限并不明确。根据后文"Some customers may adopt a brand's image as their own images."可知,一些品牌宣传和个人形象之间的界限并不明确。故选A。
    (10)B.考查动词及语境理解。A.dislike不喜欢;B.buy购买;C.produce生产;D.ignore忽视。句意:一位顾客可能会购买耐克鞋,因为她认为自己是一个严肃的运动员﹣﹣﹣她希望别人也这样认为。根据句中的"A customer"可知,顾客应该是购买商品。故选B。
    (11)C.考查名词及语境理解。A.industry工厂;B.knowledge知识;C.success成功;D.agent代理。句意:美国的机车亚文化很大程度上要归功于哈雷戴维森摩托车公司的品牌成功。根据后文"Harley has managed to turn its motorcycles into symbols of opposition to mainstream cultural values."可知,是哈雷戴维森摩托车公司的品牌成功带动了美国的机车亚文化。故选C。
    (12)D.考查形容词及语境理解。A.standard标准的;B.official官方的;C.misleading误导的;D.personal个人的。句意:在一次电台采访中,哈雷戴维森的首席执行官吉姆•齐默指出,他的品牌及其黑橙相间的标志已经变得非常个性化。根据上文"and its black﹣and﹣orange logo"可知,哈雷戴维森黑橙相间的标志很具有个性化。故选D。
    (13)B.考查名词及语境理解。A.management管理;B.branding品牌;C.uniqueness独特;D.interaction相互。句意:记者:当商学院的学生们研究品牌时,总是排在第一位的名字之一就是哈雷戴维森。根据下文"In your mind,what is it that makes a brand?"及全文可知,这里指商学院的学生们对品牌进行研究。故选B。
    (14)D.考查名词及语境理解。A.conflict冲突;B.combination组合;C.comparison比较;D.connection联系。句意:齐默:当一个人真正感受到与这个品牌的联系时,品牌就诞生了。固定短语connection with和……的联系。根据上文"A brand is made"可知,品牌的诞生是个人与品牌的联系。故选D。
    (15)A.考查名词及语境理解。A.origin起源;B.significance意义;C.development发展;D.example例子。句意:烙记/印的起源,也就是烙铁,似乎并不遥远。根据下文"the hot irons,seems not so far away."可知,烙记/印的起源并不遥远。故选A。
    Section BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. Every questions are provided with four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
    17."The mangoes nearly killed us,"tough said Julie McKenzie with a smile and a celebratory sundowner drink in her hand,pleasant recalling the backbreaking 10﹣hour shifts harvesting tropical fruit in northern Australia.
    For the past few weeks,the 60﹣year﹣old grandmother has been working alongside her 64﹣year﹣old husband,Ian McKenzie,picking grapes in the heat of summer in the New South Wales Hunter Valley.
    The couple from the port city of Newcastle,north of Sydney,are grey nomads(游牧民;不断更换工作的人),a growing cohort(一群人) of older Australians who have swapped(交换) the comfort and familiarity of the suburbs for a life on the road following the fruit﹣picking trail.
    The exact numbers of grey nomads crisscrossing Australia (贯穿澳大利亚)are unknown,but academics have estimated there are tens of thousands constantly on the move,and around a quarter of those have sold their homes.For some,trips away can last for a few months,while others travel indefinitely.Unlike itinerant snowbirds(流动的候鸟族) in North America,who travel south in recreational vehicles to escape the winter,Australia's wandering retirees do it year﹣round.
    "It is quite a phenomenon," said Tim Harcourt,an economist at the University of New South Wales Business School. "Retired people don't want to stop working.They want to combine a bit of fruit picking,a bit of leisure and a bit of traveling in their retirement.There is actually a shortage of people needed for fruit picking,so having these experienced workers is a really good thing," he said.
    In other corners of the world,including Spain and Sweden,the fruit picking industry is beset(v.困扰/ adj.充满的) by poor conditions and meager (少的;不足的)wages,and often involves unskilled migrants or illegal immigrants.
    Retirees join the fruit picking trail for different reasons.Some do it for a change of lifestyle;some do it to escape boredom.For the McKenzies,a health scare followed by brain surgery prompted (促使)64﹣year﹣old Ian McKenzie to walk away from the pressures of his old life working in logistics in search of something more peaceful. "After about four months (on the road) all the stress seemed to drop away…and we realized that we were free and we could do what we wanted to," he explained. "We'll do anything and have done anything."

    (1)How do the McKenzies feel about their life now? D 
    A.Tough and unbearable.
    B.Happy and hasty.
    C.Adventurous and relaxed.
    D.Tough but pleasant.
    (2)What is the major difference between grey nomads in Australia and snowbirds in North America? C 
    A.Snowbirds travel in recreational vehicles but grey nomads travel in vans.
    B.Grey nomads sold their houses but the snowbirds keep their property.
    C.Snowbirds travel in winters but grey nomads are always on the move.
    D.Grey nomads work a lot while snowbirds travel for recreational purpose.
    (3)Compared with younger labor,grey nomads have advantages in  A .
    A.providing experienced service
    B.enjoying their work without complaining
    C.doing everything legally
    D.staying on the farm for a very long time
    (4)Which of the following is NOT a reason for the retirees to choose a life of nomads? D 
    A.To change their lifestyle.
    B.To avoid boredom.
    C.To maintain their health.
    D.To make a fortune.
    【解答】(1)D.推理判断题。根据第一段的"The mangoes nearly killed us," said Julie McKenzie with a smile and a celebratory sundowner drink in her hand, (pleasant) recalling the backbreaking 10﹣hour shifts harvesting tropical fruit in northern Australia.("芒果差点害死我们,"Julie McKenzie微笑着说,手里拿着一杯庆祝日落的饮料,(愉快地)回忆起在澳大利亚北部辛苦劳作的10个小时收获热带水果。)可知,McKenzie夫妇对他们现在的生活感觉是艰难但愉快的,故选D。
    (2)C.细节理解题。根据第四段的Unlike itinerant snowbirds in North America,who travel south in recreational vehicles to escape the winter,Australia's wandering retirees do it year﹣round.(不像北美的流动候鸟族,他们坐着休闲车去南方躲避冬天,澳大利亚的流浪退休人员一年到头都在这样做。)可知,澳大利亚的灰色游牧民和北美的流动候鸟族的区别是流动候鸟族在冬天迁徙,而灰色游牧民族却一直在迁徙。故选C。
    (3)A.细节理解题。根据倒数第三段的There is actually a shortage of people needed for fruit picking,so having these experienced workers is a really good thing(实际上水果采摘需要人手,所以有这些有经验的工人真的是一件好事。)可知,与年轻劳动力相比,灰色游牧民在提供经验丰富的服务上具有优势。故选A。
    (4)D.细节理解题。根据最后一段的Some do it for a change of lifestyle;some do it to escape boredom.For the McKenzies,a health scare followed by brain surgery prompted 64﹣year﹣old Ian McKenzie to walk away from the pressures of his old life working in logistics in search of something more peaceful.(有些人这样做是为了改变生活方式;有些人这样做是为了逃避无聊。对麦肯齐夫妇来说,一场健康恐慌和随后的脑部手术,促使64岁的Ian McKenzie离开了在物流公司工作的旧生活的压力,寻找更平静的生活。)可知,退休人员选择游牧生活的原因包括改变他们的生活方式,为了避免无聊,维持他们的健康,不包含D选项"To make a fortune (为了发财)"。故选D。
    ▲ Allerton,Liverpool
    A large﹣area lawn would look at home on a traditional red﹣brick campus.Six miles south of the University of Liverpool and the "knowledge quarter",it is part of Allerton Priory,designed and built by Victorian gothic architect Alfred Waterhouse in the early 1800s for a local merchant and now separated into apartments.There's a three﹣bedroom duplex (复式) on the lower ground and ground floor. The living room has floor﹣to﹣ceiling windows and views of the grounds,and there's a private gate for residents leading to Allerton Manor sports car club.
    Fine & Country,0151﹣947﹣0810

    ▲ Halton,Lancashire
    This environmentally﹣friendly home is in the eco﹣settlement of Forgebank in the village of Halton on the outskirts of Lancaster.It may suit the buyers—with conscience and cash—who have chosen to settle close to the city they studied in.The complex sits on the banks of the River Lune and next to the Forest of Bowland.A two﹣bedroom home covers 1,050 sq ft with a balcony.The funky yellow kitchen cabinetry is by local carpenters.
    The Modern House,0203﹣795﹣5920

    ▲ Eddington,Cambridge
    The local government of Cambridge is developing a new sustainable residential district two miles north of the city centre with 3,000 homes,2,000 postgraduate rooms for the University of Cambridge,sports facilities,a market square and park lot.One of the newest phases is Knights Park.There's a two﹣bedroom,two﹣bathroom luxury flat on the fourth floor of the Florey building with no stamp duty to pay.

    ▲ City centre,Bristol
    This two﹣bedroom,first﹣floor apartment is in a pastel﹣coloured,period townhouse (老式联排别墅指ancientness)on the waterfront in the heart of Bristol's nightlife,(夜生活中心指modernity)with a parking space,a lift and views of the Floating Harbour and the Arnolfini arts centre.Beyond is the tree﹣lined Georgian gardens of Queen Square in the old town.The University of Bristol is a 30﹣minute walk away.
    Knight Frank,0117﹣317﹣1996

    (1)Which of the following is TRUE about the house in Allerton?  A 
    A.It enjoys an open and broad view of nearby grounds.
    B.It is located on the campus of the University of Liverpool.
    C.It houses the Allerton Manor sports car club on the second floor.
    D.It was designed in the early 18th century by a local merchant.
    (2)Which house advertised boasts a combination of modernity and ancientness?  D 
    D.City centre,Bristol
    (3)Alex and Susan,a newly married couple who love sports and own a car,are looking for a two﹣bedroom house property.They may contact  C  to ask for more information.
    A.Fine & Country
    B.The Modern House
    D.Knight Frank
    【解答】(1)A.细节理解题。根据Allerton,Liverpool 标题下"The living room has floor﹣to﹣ceiling windows and views of the grounds(客厅里有几扇落地窗,可以看到地面上的景色)"可知,Allerton的房子带有落地窗,所以会有很开阔的视野。故选A。
    (2)D.细节理解题。根据City centre,Bristol 标题下"This two﹣bedroom,first﹣floor apartment is in a pastel﹣coloured,period townhouse (老式联排别墅指ancientness)on the waterfront in the heart of Bristol's nightlife,(夜生活中心指modernity)with a parking space(这套两室一层的公寓位于一座色彩柔和的古色古香的联排别墅内,位于布里斯托尔夜生活中心的水边(现代气息),还有一个停车位)"中的"ancientness"以及"modernity可知City centre,Bristol具备现代性和古典韵味。故选D。
    (3)C.细节理解题。根据Eddington,Cambridge标题下"sports facilities,a market square and park lot.(体育设施,市场广场和停车场)"以及"There's a two﹣bedroom two﹣bathroom luxury flat on the fourth floor of the Florey building with no stamp duty to pay(在弗洛里大厦的四楼,有一套两室两卫的豪华公寓,不用交印花税)"可知,Eddington,Cambridge的房子可以满足喜欢运动的购房人对于两居室及停车的需求,可以联系Hill,01223﹣607﹣200。故选C。
    19.What would the world be if there were no hunger?It's a question that the late (已故的)ecologist Donella Meadows would ask her students at Dartmouth College back in the 1970s.She set out to create a global movement.The result—an approach known as systems thinking—is now seen as essential in meeting big global challenges.
    Systems thinking is crucial to achieving targets such as zero hunger and better nutrition.According to systems thinking,changing the food system—or any other network—requires three things to happen.First,researchers need to identify all the players in that system;second,they must work out how they relate to each other;and third,they need to understand and quantify the impact of those relationships on each other and on those outside the system.
    Take nutrition for example.The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization tracked 150 biochemicals in food and various databases,which revealed the relationships between calories,sugar,fat,vitamins and the occurrence of common diseases.But using machine learning and artificial intelligence,network scientists propose that human diets consist of at least 26,000 biochemicals and that the vast majority are not known.This shows that we have some way to travel before achieving the first objective of systems thinking—which,in this example,is to identify more constituent parts of the nutrition system.
    A systems approach to creating change is also built on the assumption that everyone in the system has equal power and status.But the food system is not an equal one.There have been calls for a World Food and Nutrition Organization,so that legally binding policies can be applied to all its members.Another way to address power imbalances is for more universities to do what Meadows did and teach students how to think using a systems approach.
    A team of researchers has done just that,through the Interdisciplinary Food Systems Teaching and Learning program.Students from disciplines including agriculture,ecology and economics learn together by drawing on their collective expertise in addressing real﹣world problems,such as how to reduce food waste.Since its launch in 2015,the program has trained more than 1,500 students from 45 university departments.
    More researchers,policymakers and representatives from the food industry must learn to look beyond their direct lines of responsibility and embrace a systems approach,as the editors of Nature Food advocate in their launch editorial.Meadows knew that visions alone don't produce results,but concluded that "we'll never produce results that we can't envision".(仅仅视野不能产生结果,但是我们永远不会产生我们无法想象的结果)

    (1)The passage is mainly about  C .
    A.how to conduct research efficiently
    B.how to build a world food organization
    C.an approach to solving real﹣world problem
    D.an approach to applying scientific findings
    (2)According to paragraph 3,the study conducted by network scientists revealed that  B .
    A.artificial intelligence is more useful than traditional methods
    B.achieving systems thinking requires identifying more components
    C.we are unable to gain thorough understanding of our nutritious system
    D.some biochemicals are related with the occurrence of common diseases
    (3)According to the passage,what do we know about the Interdisciplinary(各个学科之间) Food Systems Teaching and Learning program?  D 
    A.It is the only way of solving imbalance in our food system.
    B.It aims to urge the governments to carry out its food policies.
    C.It seeks to solve theoretical issues about food and nutrition.
    D.It has cultivated many interdisciplinary talents since its launch.
    (4)What can be inferred from the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?  B 
    A.No results can be achieved if nobody is willing to take responsibility.
    B.Vision is the first necessary step towards solving global challenges.
    C.Vision is not as important as understanding the nature of problems.
    D.Systems thinking is unrealistic,so concrete action should be taken.
    【解答】(1)C.主旨大意题。通读全文,结合第一段中The result — an approach known as systems thinking — is now seen as essential in meeting big global challenges.(其结果﹣﹣﹣﹣一种被称为系统思维的方法﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣现在被视为应对重大全球挑战的关键)可知,文章主要介绍了系统思维对于实现零饥饿和改善营养等目标至关重要,并以营养为例说明这种方法如何发挥作用。由此可知,本文主要是关于"一种解决现实问题的方法"。故选C项。
    (2)B.细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句This shows that we have some way to travel before achieving the first objective of systems thinking — which,in this example,is to identify more constituent parts of the nutrition system.(这表明,在实现系统思维的第一个目标之前,我们还有一段路要走——在这个例子中,系统思维的第一个目标是识别营养系统的更多组成部分)可知,这项研究表明实现系统思维需要识别更多的组成部分。故选B项。
    (3)D.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中Students from disciplines including agriculture,ecology and economics learn together by drawing on their collective expertise in addressing real﹣world problems,such as how to reduce food waste.Since its launch in 2015,the program has trained more than 1,500 students from 45 university departments.(来自农业、生态学和经济学等学科的学生通过利用他们的集体专业知识来解决现实世界的问题,例如如何减少食物浪费,从而共同学习。自2015年启动以来,该项目已经培训了来自45个大学院系的1500多名学生)可知,跨学科食品系统教学项目自启动以来培养了很多跨学科的人才。故选D项。
    (4)B.推理判断题。根据最后一段划线部分前的"visions alone don't produce results(只有远见是不会产生结果的)"可知,光有远见卓识无法产生结果,but表示转折,所以后文强调远见卓识的重要性,即虽然光有远见卓识无法产生结果,但是不具有远见卓识就永远不会产生结果。由此推知,远见卓识是解决全球挑战的必要的第一步。故选B项。
    Section CDirections: Read the following passage and fill in each blank with the sentence that best fits the context. Each sentence can only be used once. Note that there are two sentences more than you need.
    A.He says that the secret of success is simply many hours of hard work.
    B.But surely there are exceptions to this rule?
    C.Nevertheless,researchers do find some exceptions.
    D.Mozart wrote his first real masterpiece when he was twenty﹣one.
    E.Apparently,every extra friend that you have at school adds two percent to your salary later in life!
    F.Talent didn't seem to work as well as generally thought.
    Reaching the top
    Many social scientists have studied the phenomenon of success.One American study claims that your social network is the key to success.(1) E Perhaps this boosts your self﹣confidence or perhaps you have more people to support you.Another study links height and success:every extra centimeter is worth another ﹩300 per year.The trouble is that for every person to whom these theories apply,there is an exception.
    However,in his book Outliers﹣The Story of Success,author,Malcolm Gladwell,has come up with a theory that he claims is true in every case.(2) A He has calculated exactly how many hours work you need to do in order to become 'the best' in your field:10,000 hours apparently or about four hours a day for ten years.Without this kind of determination and hard work you probably won't reach the top,regardless of your talent.
    Researchers looked at violin players in a music school to test this theory.Teachers put the players into three groups:average players in group C,good players in group B and outstanding players in group A.It turned out that all the players in group A had done around 10,000 hours of practice in their lifetime.The good players had done around 6,000 hours and the average players only 4,000 hours.However,all the players had entered the school with similar levels of ability.
    (3) B Mozart,for example,is always considered a 'born genius'.He performed in public at the age of four and by six,he had composed several pieces.Surely his success was down to natural talent,not hard work?In fact,Gladwell argues,Mozart had a very strict father who made him practice for hours each day from an early age.And the music that Mozart composed when he was six wasn't outstanding.(4) D By that time,he'd done at least 10,000 hours of practice and had 'become' a genius.
    Talent,argues Gladwell,is nothing without hard work.So next time you dream of scoring the winning goal in the World Cup or winning an Oscar,ask yourself this question:are you really prepared to put in the hours necessary to achieve your goal?
    【解答】(1)E.推理判断题。根据上文One American study claims that your social network is the key to success.(一项美国研究声称,你的社交网络是成功的关键。)可知,提到了社交网络是成功的关键,选项E中every extra friend是关键词,与上文的social network(社交网络)呼应,所以E选项"显然,你在学校多交的朋友会给你以后的生活增加2%的工资!"符合语境。故选E。
    (2)A.推理判断题。根据下文He has calculated exactly how many hours work you need to do in order to become 'the best' in your field:10,000 hours apparently or about four hours a day for ten years.He has calculated exactly how many hours work you need to do in order to become 'the best' in your field:10,000 hours apparentlyor about four hours a day for ten years(他精确地计算了你需要工作多少小时才能成为你所在领域的"佼佼者":显然是1万个小时,或者说10年里每天大约工作4个小时。)可知,提到了时间投入问题,所以他的观点应该是成功与投入时间的程度有关系。选项A中many hours of hard work是关键词,与下文呼应,所以A选项"He says that the secret of success is simply many hours of hard work.(他说成功的秘诀就是长时间的努力工作。)"符合语境。故选A。
    (3)B.推理判断题。根据下文Mozart,for example,is always considered a 'born genius'.He performed in public at the age of four and by six,he had composed several pieces.Surely his success was down to natural talent,not hard work?(例如,莫扎特总是被认为是"天生的天才"。他四岁就开始在公众面前表演,到六岁时,他已经创作了几首曲子。他的成功肯定是靠天赋,而不是靠努力? )可知,本句讨论了莫扎特的成功是靠天赋还是靠努力这一问题,所以B选项But surely there are exceptions to this rule?"但这条规则肯定有例外吧?"能引出下文的讨论,符合语境。故选B。
    (4)D.推理判断题。下文By that time,he'd done at least 10,000 hours of practice and had 'become' a genius.(到那时,他已经进行了至少1万个小时的练习,"成为"了一个天才。)提到的这个时间,还是在说莫扎特,选项D中Mozart是关键词,与下文的he保持一致,所以D选项Mozart wrote his first real masterpiece when he was twenty﹣one."莫扎特在21岁时写出了他的第一部真正的杰作。"符合语境。故选D。
    IV. Summary Writing
    21.Directions:Read the following passage.Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the passage in NO MORE THAN 60 WORDS.Use your own words as far as possible.
    The lost art of listening
    Do you think you're a good listener?Chances are that you do.But studies show that most people seriously overestimate their ability to listen.The truth is we are generally not good at listening,and our listening comprehension declines as we age.
    This was proven by Dr.Ralph Nichols,who conducted a simple experiment to test students' listening skills.He had some Minnesota teachers stop what they were doing mid﹣class,and then asked students to describe what their teachers had been talking about.While older kids with more developed brains,are usually assumed to be better listeners,the results,however,showed otherwise:While 90 percent of first﹣and second﹣graders gave correct responses,this percentage dropped rapidly as the students got older.
    One reason for our poor listening concerns the speed at which we think.The adult brain can process up to around 400 words per minute,more than three times faster than the speed an average person speaks.This means we can easily think about something else while someone is talking to us,allowing our mind to wander or get sidetracked.The younger students in Dr.Nichols's experiment were better listeners partly because their brains were less developed—they lacked the extra brain power to be distracted.
    Another factor that contributes to our poor listening is our ever﹣decreasing attention span.According to a Mircrosoft study,the age of smartphones has had a negative impact here.In 2000—around the time the mobile revolution began—the average human attention span was 12 seconds;by 2013,it had fallen to 8 seconds.Even a goldfish—with an average attention span of 9 seconds—can hold a thought for longer!
    More and more people now realize that listening is a skill that can be developed through practice.Learning to observe a speaker's body language and emotions,for example,can improve our active listening.Even the simple act of note﹣taking or making eye contact can help us stay focused while listening.
    An experiment showing that the younger students listen better than the older ones proves that our listening comprehension weakens as we get older.
    分析:句子里,现在分词showing作主语An experiment的定语;that引导宾语从句the younger students listen better than the older ones;that引导宾语从句our listening comprehension weakens;as引导时间状语从句we get older。
    【解答】An experiment showing that the younger students listen better than the older ones proves that our listening comprehension weakens as we get older.【高分句型一】(点明实验结果) Not only are adults more easily distracted than the younger students but also our attention span leads to our poor listening.【高分句型二】(成年人比年轻学生听力差的原因) But people are increasingly aware that listening skill can be promoted by practice.(改善的方法)

    V. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
    22.光刷题不反思是没有用的。(no use) It's no use doing many exercises without reflecting on them. 
    【解答】1.因表示的是一般事实,要用一般现在时;2.it's no use doing sth.是一个句型,意为"做某事是没有用的";3.reflect on考虑;反思。
    故填:It's no use doing many exercises without reflecting on them.
    23.还未体验春日之美,夏天已悄然而至。(before) Summer is upon us before we experience the beauty of spring. 
    【解答】本句为复合句,陈述客观事实,应用一般现在时。主句中主语是"夏天"summer,"悄然而至"be upon,从句部分用before引导时间状语从句,表示"还没来得及…就…",从句中主语是we,"体验春日之美"experience the beauty of spring。
    故填:Summer is upon us before we experience the beauty of spring.
    24.他折好衣服铺好床后,惊讶地发现枕头下面有一个红包。(the moment) The moment he folded his clothes and made his bed,he was surprised to find a red envelope under the pillow. 
    【解答】本句为复合句,陈述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时。从句部分用the moment引导时间状语从句,从句中主语是he,"折好衣服"fold his clothes,"铺好床"make his bed,主句部分主语是he,表示"惊讶地发现"be surprised to find,"一个红包"a red envelope,"在枕头底下"under the pillow。
    故填:The moment he folded his clothes and made his bed,he was surprised to find a red envelope under the pillow.
    25.众所周知缺乏有质量的睡眠对人的健康和学习效率的影响是显而易见的。我们应该劳逸结合,因为俗话说得好:"欲速则不达"。(acknowledge)  It is acknowledged that lack of quality sleep has an evident influence on people's health and learning efficiency.We should combine work and rest,for as the saying goes, "Haste makes waste". 
    【解答】根据句意可知,"众所周知"译作,it is acknowledged that ,it作形式主语,that引导真正的主语从句,"对...有影响"译作have an influence on,"显而易见的"使用形容词evident作定语修饰influence,"有质量的睡眠"译作quality sleep,"人的健康和学习效率"译作people's health and learning efficiency,"劳逸结合"译作combine work and rest,"因为"使用连词for表示,"俗话"译作the saying,"欲速则不达"译作haste makes waste,此句为说明调查结果,谓语时态使用一般现在时,全句综合即为It is acknowledged that lack of quality sleep has an evident influence on people's health and learning efficiency.We should combine work and rest,for as the saying goes, "Haste makes waste".
    故填:It is acknowledged that lack of quality sleep has an evident influence on people's health and learning efficiency.We should combine work and rest,for as the saying goes, "Haste makes waste".
    VI. Guided Writing
    26.Directions:Write an English composition in 120﹣150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
    假定你是明启中学的高中生李华。某电视台线上学习节目打算增设两个栏目。初步拟定从 "Reading for Fun"、 "Textbook Learning"、 "Homework Guidance"、 "Online Listening"以及"Questions and Answers"五个栏目中选取两个,特此向所有在线学习者征求意见。请你给电视台写封邮件,推荐两个栏目。邮件内容须包括:
    Secondly,homework allows us to master what we have learned and deepen understanding and memory.
    分析:句子里,what引导宾语从句we have learned。
    That's why I recommend the two programs.
    分析:句子里,why引导表语从句I recommend the two programs。
    【解答】Dear editors,
    Hearing that you're going to set up new programs on line,I'm writing to suggest two programs from the five ones as an online learner ,which are"Reading for Fun" and "Homework Guidance" .(推荐的两个栏目)
    First of all,reading is of great significance to the whole life of people,so"Reading for Fun" can create a good language environment for online learners,broaden their horizons,and encourage them to absorb rich language.Secondly,homework allows us to master what we have learned and deepen understanding and memory.【高分句型一】However,many of our students' parents are usually busy and have no time to guide their homework.As a result,"Homework Guidance" not only can help complete homework,but also can improve the enthusiasm of students.Besides,under the guidance of the program,students can develop good study habits and not worry about their homework any more.(推荐这两个栏目的理由)
    That's why I recommend the two programs. 【高分句型二】I am sure they will be well﹣received by the online learners.I hope you can take my suggestion into consideration.(标点希望)

    Sincerely yours,
    Li Hua
    声明:试题解析著作权属菁优网所有,未经书面同意,不得复制发布日期:2022/8/4 19:37:26;用户:李超;邮箱:lichao317807156@126.com;学号:19716718

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    2021-2022学年上海市宝山区行知中学高三(下)期中英语试卷: 这是一份2021-2022学年上海市宝山区行知中学高三(下)期中英语试卷,共45页。试卷主要包含了A.Disappinted.等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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