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    这是一份2023届浙江省三校(缙云中学、余杭高级中学、长兴中学)高三5月联考英语试题(含听力)解析版,共20页。试卷主要包含了15, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡 皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡 上。
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在 试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

    例: How much is the shirt?
    A.f 19.15. B.f9.18. C.f9.15.
    1.What is the man most interested in about Germany?
    A.Music. B.Language. C.Technology
    2.Where are the speakers probably?
    A.In a shop.B.In a bank. C. In a company
    3. What will the man do first?
    A. Wash the car. B.Meet their friend. C.Go to the museum.
    4. What does the woman suggest doing to shape one's ideas?
    A.Writing down the thoughts. B. Trying to understand others.
    C.Combining feelings and ideas.
    5.What are the speakers mainly taking about?
    A. Their test scores. B.Their favorite sports. C.Their sports academy
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6.When will the speakers leave for Edinburgh?
    A. In August. B.In September. C.In October.
    7.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A.Couples. B. Neighbors. C.Colleagues.
    8.How much will the woman pay in total?
    A.$1,500. B.$1,800. C.$3,000.
    9.What does the woman expect to do most?
    A.Practice her Spanish. B.Make DM souvenirs. C. Enjoy afternoon activities.
    10.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?
    A Tourist and staff. B. Husband and wife. C.Customer and waiter.
    11.Which factor does the woman consider most?
    A.Food. B.View.C.Atmosphere.
    12.What do we know about Delboy?
    A.The service is just so so. B. It is quite near to the water.
    C. People can eat on its balcony.
    13.Why did the man build the platform?
    A.To attract the woman's attention.
    B.To compete with other platforms.
    C.To make volunteering abroad easier.
    14.What do we know about the woman?
    A.She cares about wildlife. B.She hates water program.
    C. She will join the platform.
    15.How could the platform help volunteers to choose?
    A.By answering questions. B.By guiding them abroad.
    C. By limiting the age of them.
    16.What is the minimum age for the volunteer programs?
    A.18 years old. B.15 years old. C.No limitation
    17.What is mainly talked about?
    A.language changes. B.The ancient languages.
    C.Some special languages.
    18.How many languages are there in the world at present?
    A. 12,000. B.6,800. C.6,000.
    19.What caused many languages to disappear?
    A.Global warming. B.Agricultural development.
    C.Compulsory education.
    20.What is the feature of the languages in Papua New Guinea?
    A.Classical. B.Diverse.C.Popular.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳答案。
    The London Book Fair
    Time and Location
    The London Book Fair will take place 18-20 June, 2023, Olympia Landon.
    Children's & Young Adult
    Our Children's & Young Adult section traditionally welcomes the leading names in the field to exhibit. These companies enjoy noisy passageways full of visitors and benefit from the opportunity to increase brand awareness. However, any children under 16 are not allowed to be at The London Book Fair.
    Authors & Self-Publishing
    Author HQ, which consists of a theatre and networking area, is one of our most popular features, attracting great interest from the self-publishing community. Meanwhile, our Author of the Day programme helps bring writers face- to-face with bestselling authors who will share their joumey to publication during a special series of talks at the fair.
    Technology and Publishing Solutions
    All the new ways to treat content are found in the Tech area at LBF, located in the National Gallery of Olympia. Whether it is an app, game, mobile development or enhanced eBook — or a development not yet launched — the Tech area is its home. To keep the creativity flowing, there is a dedicated Buzz Bar in the heart of the Tech area for those all-important networking meetings.
    BA Members
    BA Members attend the fair for FREE and receive a number of key benefits, making the fair a more accessible, cost-effective and highly relevant event for booksellers. Simply click here to find out more about becoming a BA member and take advantage of this offer.
    If you have any further difficulties, please contact our Customer Services team who will be happy to help.
    21.Who will be welcomed by the London Book Fair?
    A.A mother with a kid. B. A green hand writer.
    C.A primary school student. D.A visitor getting to London in July.
    22.What should we do to gain more benefits on the fair?
    A. Apply for BA members. B.Attend networking meetings.
    C.Increase brand awareness. D.Contact Customer Services team.
    23.Where is this text probably taken from?
    A.A textbook. B.A newspaper.
    C.A website. D.A fashion magazine.
    TAMPA, Fla,— AtUSF,21-year-old Alexander Mercier of Odessa,majored in mathematics and microbiology, which leads him to start important research that may make him the school's first Rhodes Scholar.
    "I would say I am stubbom," explained Mercier, who could hear as early as Saturday if he gets the honor. He says the honor is due to more than just brains. Instead, it was determination that made him an accomplished pianist. He says his biggest natural talent was drawing and he also has a love of art. But it was math that attracted him and he wouldn't let go. He was studying how math may help control the spread of diseases.
    "I would sleep on the couch next to the computer,"he said."I saw a gap in epidemiological (流行病学的) research in the study of how diseases spread. I didn't know at the time that it would become one of the most important topics in the world."
    While his work is timely and important, there's lots of competition. Eleven other finalists from this region of the country are also yving for the honor. They attend schools like MIT, Stanford and the University of Chicago.
    Mercier owes it to his school that he can have as good a chance as any of the others and he feels that USF has prepared him well. If he doesn't win the honor and get to study expense-free at Oxford, he says he'll have many options."I will continue to do the work that I enjoy and that I think will benefit people,"he said.
    Some are surprised that USF hasn't had a previous Rhodes Scholar. However, many schools haven't had one. Only 32 are selected each year from across the nation. USF has only been in existence since 1956. By contrast, the first classes at Oxford were held in 1096.
    24. Why did Mercier choose to major in mathematics and microbiology?
    A.He saw its bright future. B. He has a passion for math.
    C. He wants to win the honor. D. He is talented in this field.
    25.Which expression can best replace the underlined phrase "vying for"?
    A.Hunting for. B.Applying for.
    C.Allowing for D.Competing for.
    26.What can we infer about Mercier?
    A.He will study art at Oxford. B.He tries to become a pianist.
    C. He is grateful to his school. D.He studies how diseases exist.
    27.What does the passage mainly talk about?
    A.A senior could be USF's first Rhodes Scholar. B.32 students are selected for Rhodes Scholar.
    C.Math may help control the spread of diseases. D.A senior found the most vital topics in the world.

    A giant sunfish,about nine feet long, was caught on camera by kayakers off the coast of Califormia. Ocean sunfish and southern sunfish are the world's biggest bony fish, and they are both found in the Pacific Ocean. Adult ocean sunfish may reach more than 4,000 pounds, which is the same weight as an adult male rhinoceros (犀牛).
    During a trip off the coast of Laguna Shore on December 2, Rich German and his friend Matthew Wheaton came across the massive sunfish just a few hundred yards from the beach. They then dialed 911. According to German, who talked to the media, this was the biggest sunfish that any of them had ever encountered.
    Sunfish are a genuinely global species that can be found all over the world, but since they spend their whole lives in the open ocean. Therefore, encounters like these are few and far between.
    German captured images and footage of the sunfish. An underwater close-up shot of a sunfish as it wanders past the camera is included in one of the short films."It was a one-of-a-kind and really interesting event," German said of the most recent encounter, which he described as "another indication of why we need to conserve the ocean and the incredible creatures that call it home."
    Beyond its particular shape without the caudal fin (尾鳍), the species also surprises us with its impressive size, up to 3.10 meters long, which allows it to have few natural enemies. However, as a great lover of jellyfish (水母), its greed for food often leads it to confuse plastic bags with its favorite dish, making seawater pollution one of its main threats alongside overfishing.
    Behind its impressive size, the sunfish is a harmless swimmer who today faces many threats. The sharp decline observed among its populations is due not to other sea animals of which it would be the food but to human activities which participate in destroying its habitat.
    28.Why is the chance to encounter sunfish off the coast small?
    A.It has impressive size. B.Its habitat has been destroyed
    C. It usually lives far from the coast. D.An adult ocean sunfish is too heavy.
    29.What does German think of the encounter?
    A.Encouraging and pitiful. B. Interesting and dangerous.
    C.Anticipated and incredible. D. Impressive and meaningful.
    30.What do we know about sunfish according to the text?
    A.It's greedy for food to support. B.It's threatened by other sea animals.
    C. It suffers from seawater pollution. D. It mistakes jellyfish for plastic bags.
    31.Which could be a suitable title for the passage?
    A.The Biggest Sunfish in the World Was Encountered
    B.Why We Need to Conserve the Ocean as the Habitat
    C. Sharp Decline Observed Among Sunfish's Populations
    D. Giant Ocean Sunfish Filmed off the Coast of California

    Whether we are sitting down or standing up, still or moving, body posture influences our mood. Several studies have shown this link between physical posture and mood. Others have shown a relationship between our mood and our cognitive(认知的)performance, including memory, reasoning, learning, and the speed of reaction and processing of information.
    So a logical question arises. Can body posture influence our cognitive performance?
    Previously, a New Zealand team (University of Auckland) carried out an experiment on posture when we walk, especially in the street. The team had found a very clear influence of our posture on our mood and confidence. It appears that walking with a hunched back, bowed head and motionless arms have a negative influence on our mental state.
    Indeed, the researchers found that the simple act of straightening up, standing up straight, with your head held high, and gazing forward gives us a serious boost of confidence. Not only does our spontaneous posture have a psychological effect, but by correcting it, it is possible to bring about improvement in the long term.
    In this other study, this time carried out by an Austrian team (Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen- Nuremberg), researchers observed the same phenomenon, this time in a sitting position. Young adults were invited to participate in tests presented as intended to assess their ability to concentrate. In fact, the researchers had them sit in different postures — from upright to very slumped (消沉)— in order to note their influences on mood and cognition.
    A first observation indicates that "sitting upright" is associated with a better overall mood. It is also found to have a positive influence on the speed of processing information and completing tasks, although the test pass rate does not vary significantly with posture.
    Finally, and surprisingly enough, blood pressure is a little more favorable in an upright position. To further complete the list of benefits of sitting upright, we will add that it is widely recommended for protecting the back in case of work that requires sitting for a long time.
    32.Why does the writer mention the studies at the beginning?
    A. To introduce what cognitive performance is.
    B. To emphasize the importance of body posture.
    C. To prove the results of those studies are wrong.
    D.To raise a new question to be studied and solved.
    33.What does the underlined word "hunched " mean in paragraph 3?
    A.Straightened.B.Bent. C.Loose. D.Solid.
    34.What does the first study indicate?
    A.Posture influences our mental state. B. It helps improve the test pass rate.
    C. Gazing upward builds up confidence. D.Walking posture is especially important.
    35.What can we learn about siting upright?
    A. It has mental and physical benefits. B. Straightening up has a negative effect.
    C. It requires siting for a long time.D.It increases the blood pressure.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分12 .5分)
    Garden lights are extremely important. 36 We have prepared the ultimate guide that aims to provide you with all the information that you could possibly need. So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started.
    The first thing that you need to do is to use LED lights that are known for their low heat emission. It would also help reduce the attraction to flies or insects. 37 Hence, you need to go for a lower heat emissions option. The lights are good for the environment and help you save energy costs.
    Next, you have to install light shields (保护罩) for creating a physical barrier between the outdoor elements and lights. By getting light shields, you get to increase the protection of your expensive outdoor lights. 38 Don't forget to take the accurate measurement of the lights when shopping for light shields.
    When it comes to using garden lights, location is everything. 39 You need to place the garden lights in a location where the outdoor lighting components would be protected from the elements. They should provide sufficient lighting and last a long time at the same time.
    Finally, you also have to maintain the garden lights system for ensuring that it continues to be properly controlled. Regardless of which type of garden lights you get, you have to ensure that they are well maintained and serviced from time to time. 40 You have no excuse not to get them serviced.
    A. It is not something that should be taken lightly.
    B. Unexpected elements will cause damage to the lights.
    C. It can be frustrating to see them taking over the lighting.
    D. Place them in the correct position to work and last a long time.
    E. They can make your garden area safer and more beautiful in no time.
    F. You should seek help from a lighting professional for the best outcome.
    G. They also help ensure the lights do not shine too bright in just one spot.

    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第 一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    On Monday morning around 9:30 a.m., 28-year-old Ben Delahunty's hiking partner put in a call to report that his friend was 41 under a large stone in the area of Lake Viviane in Washington.
    He said his friend's wrist was stuck by the stone and it was also 42 his legs, but they were not able to immediately move the boulder as it was 43 the size of a refrigerator. They initially felt really 44 on the large stone — but all of a sudden it started to 45 and he ended up underneath it.
    The rescue proved 46 for officials. They were nearly on a cliff(悬崖) side and the stone was also being held in place by a tree. The scene presented a unique challenge of getting 47 capable of moving the stone as well as rescuers on the scene 48
    The State Emergency Management requested a helicopter to help. Additionally, local fire departments were also 49 The crews immediately found this rescue had more challenges. The officials needed ropes to safely 50 the hiker's location as there was a risk of falling while 51 the stone.
    However, due to challenging 52 conditions, including heavy winds, the first attempt to lift him into the helicopter was 53 .At 4:45 p.m. there was enough of a 54 in the weather to allow them to attempt another operation. 55 , they were successful and transported Mr. Delahunty to the hospital.
    41.A.trapped B.discovered C.hurt D.murdered
    42.A.underneath B.beyond C.across D.behind
    43.A.completely B.approximately C.exactly D.merely
    44.A.natural B.stable C.dangerous D.comfortable
    45.A.disappear B.float C.crash D.slide
    46.A. stubborn B.regular C.tough D.impossible
    47.A.wind B.rope C.partner D.equipment
    48.A.in total B.in time C.in order D.in public
    49.A.contacted B.refused C.awarded D.rewarded
    50.A. record B.access C.observe D.check
    51.A.dealing with B.leaving behind C.packing up D.blowing away
    52.A.land B.living C. health D.weather
    53.A.meaningful B.remarkable C.unsuccessful D.promising
    54.A.break B.hit C.sign D.delay
    55.A.Usually B.Instantly C.Finally D.Surprisingly

    The total floor area of Chain's green buildings has been over 6.6 billion square meters with the country's efforts to promote high-quality development in urban and rural areas.
    56 (note) China's achievements of green development in urban and rural areas, ZhangXiaohong, vice minister of housing and urban-rural development, 57 (stress) the difficult task of saving energy and reducing carbon emissions in urban and rural construction at a press conference on Monday.
    The ministry will make continuous efforts 58 (increase) the proportion of green buildings, raise building energy efficiency standards and popularize buildings with extra-low energy 59 (consume) in regions with suitable climate conditions. It will also promote green renovation of existing buildings to improve energy efficiency and make 60 (low) carbon emissions.
    China issued a guideline 61 supports green development in urban and rural areas recently. Institutional mechanisms and policy systems for green development in urban and rural areas will be 62 (basic) established by 2025, while green development will cover urban and rural areas 63 a comprehensive way by 2035, with 64 increased cut in carbon emissions, said the guideline.
    The ministry will state a 14th five-year plan on urban and rural living environment planning and take 65 (measure) to bring eco-environment, construction and social and cultural environment into line while promoting green development of regions and cities.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第 一 节(满分15分)
    假定你是李华,你们社区的老年大学将举办书画义卖会。请你给你的英国朋友 Charlie 写一封邮件,邀 请他一同前去当志愿者,内容包括:
    1. 时间和地点;
    2. 交通方式;
    3. 注意事项。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Dear Charlie,

    Yours LiHua

    The Overturned Bin
    "Char siu bao,"Ipushed my cart ( 推车) around table after table of hungry customers. It was Saturday morning — the height of the brunch rush—and everyone in the neighborhood knew that Grandma Wu's restaurant offered the freshest dim sum.Grandma's Chinese dishes were so irresistible that customers were numerous.
    After a while, my cart was empty and I took some of my favorite char siu bao at the tiny table in the alley (巷子) behind the restaurant.But just as I was about to take my first bite, I noticed something strange. Our garbage bins had been knocked over! Trash and half-eaten dim sum littered the ground.
    Swallowing my bao, I quickly picked up the mess. Then I headed back inside to help with the rest of the rubbish. I forgot all about the mystery of the knocked-over bins until I took out the trash only to find the garbage bins had tipped over again!
    Could it have been the wind? As I cleaned up for a second time, I looked at the darkening sky. A storm was heading our way, but the tree branches were not moving. Determined to avoid cleaning up a third time, I placed three stones on top of the bins.
    I was met with another surprise early next morning. Looking out of my window for signs of the storm, I spotted the garbage bins—knocked over again! I complained as it started to rain. That's when I noticed two yellow eyes staring back at me—it was a little gray cat!
    "So you're the one that keeps leaving messes!" I rushed to the alley, finally understanding. I watched as the cat tried to get the half-eaten bao inside. Cats aren't supposed to eat bao. Garlic could be deadly to cats. But the cat was clearly too hungry to care.
    注意: 微信公众号fredenglish
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Paragraph 1: I took a cautious step toward him when there was suddenly a loud thunder above us.

    Paragraph 2: Like all of Grandma's customers, the cat cheered up at the scent (气味) ofthe warm char siu bao.


    21-23 BAC
    【21题详解】考查细节理解。根据文章第二段的描述,"Our Children's & Young Adult section traditionally welcomes the leading names in the field to exhibit."(我们的儿童和青少年板块传统上欢迎该领域的领军人物参展。)可知,伦敦书展欢迎的是B选项,一个新手作家。
    【22题详解】考查细节理解。根据文章倒数第二段的描述,"BA Members attend the fair for FREE and receive a number of key benefits, making the fair a more accessible, cost-effective and highly relevant event for booksellers."(BA会员可以免费参加书展,并获得一系列关键福利,使书展对书商来说更加便捷、经济和高度相关。)可知,为了在书展上获得更多福利,我们应该申请成为BA会员。故选A。
    24-27 BDCA
    【24题详解】考查细节理解。根据文章第二段的描述,"But it was math that attracted him and he wouldn't let go."(是数学吸引了他,他不愿放手。)可知,Mercier选择数学和微生物学作为主修是因为他对数学有热情。所以答案是B。
    【25题详解】考查词义猜测。根据文章第四段的描述,"Eleven other finalists from this region of the country are also yving for the honor."(这个地区的其他11名决赛选手也在争夺这个荣誉。)可知,画线词"vying for"可以用D选项"Competing for"替换。
    【26题详解】考查推理判断。根据文章第五段的描述,"Mercier owes it to his school that he can have as good a chance as any of the others and he feels that USF has prepared him well."(Mercier认为他能和其他人一样有很好的机会,这要归功于他的学校,他觉得USF为他做好了充分的准备。)可知,我们可以推断出Mercier对他的学校心存感激。所以答案是C。
    【27题详解】考查主旨大意。文章主要讲述了Alexander Mercier可能成为USF的第一位罗德学者的故事。因此,答案是A,一位高年级学生可能成为USF的第一位罗德学者。
    28-31 CDCD
    【28题详解】考查细节理解。根据文章第三段的描述,"Sunfish are a genuinely global species that can be found all over the world, but since they spend their whole lives in the open ocean. Therefore, encounters like these are few and far between."(太阳鱼是一种真正的全球物种,可以在世界各地找到,但由于它们在开放的海洋中度过了一生,所以这样的遭遇非常少见。)因此,离海岸较远的地方遇到太阳鱼的机会很小。答案是C。 
     【29题详解】考查细节理解。根据文章第四段的描述,"It was a one-of-a-kind and really interesting event," German said of the most recent encounter, which he described as "another indication of why we need to conserve the ocean and the incredible creatures that call it home."(German说,这是一个独一无二、非常有趣的事件,他认为这是我们需要保护海洋和那些称之为家的神奇生物的另一个原因。)因此,German认为这次遭遇既有趣又有意义。答案是D。  
    【30题详解】考查细节理解。根据文章第五段的描述,"However, as a great lover of jellyfish (水母), its greed for food often leads it to confuse plastic bags with its favorite dish, making seawater pollution one of its main threats alongside overfishing."(然而,作为水母的狂热爱好者,它对食物的贪婪经常导致它把塑料袋和它最喜欢的食物混淆,使海水污染成为它的主要威胁之一,同时还有过度捕捞。)因此,我们知道太阳鱼受到海水污染的影响。答案是C。  

    32-35 DBAA
    【33题详解】考查词义猜测。根据第三段的描述,"It appears that walking with a hunched back, bowed head and motionless arms have a negative influence on our mental state."(走路时驼背、低头和双臂不动似乎对我们的心理状态有负面影响。)可知,画线词"hunched"意味着弯曲。故选B。  
    【34题详解】考查细节理解。根据第三段的描述,"The team had found a very clear influence of our posture on our mood and confidence."(研究团队发现我们的姿势对我们的情绪和信心有非常明显的影响。)因此,第一项研究表明,姿势会影响我们的心理状态。故选A。  
    【35题详解】考查细节理解。根据文章第五段和第六段的描述,"A first observation indicates that 'sitting upright' is associated with a better overall mood. It is also found to have a positive influence on the speed of processing information and completing tasks, although the test pass rate does not vary significantly with posture."(第一次观察表明,"坐直"与更好的整体情绪有关。它还对处理信息和完成任务的速度产生积极影响,尽管测试通过率与姿势的变化没有显著关系。)以及 "To further complete the list of benefits of sitting upright, we will add that it is widely recommended for protecting the back in case of work that requires sitting for a long time."(为了进一步补充坐直的好处,我们将补充说,对于需要长时间坐着工作的情况,坐直被广泛推荐以保护背部。)因此,我们可以了解到,坐直对心理和身体都有益处。故选A。

    36-40 ECGDB
    第36题 E 设空前讲了花园灯非常重要。因此,设空中应提到花园灯可以快速改善花园的安全性和美观度,E选项中的"They can make your garden area safer and more beautiful in no time"符合要求,故选E。
    第37题 C 设空前讲了首先需要使用低热辐射的LED灯。设空后讲了这种灯对环境有益,还能节省能源。因此,设空中应提到低热辐射的优点,C选项"It can be frustrating to see them taking over the lighting"中的them指代flies or insects,故选C。
    第38题 G 设空前讲了安装灯罩可以增加花园灯的保护。设空后提醒购买灯罩时要量好尺寸。因此,设空中应提到灯罩的作用,G选项中的"They also help ensure the lights do not shine too bright in just one spot"符合要求,故选G。第39题 D 设空前讲了花园灯的位置非常重要。设空后讲了要将灯放在能保护免受恶劣天气影响的地方,同时要保证足够的照明。因此,设空中应提到正确的位置对花园灯的使用和持久性至关重要,D选项中的"Place them in the correct position to work and last a long time"符合要求,故选D。
    第40题 B 设空前讲了要保持花园灯系统的维护。设空后提到无论选择哪种花园灯,都要确保它们得到良好的维护和定期的维修。因此,设空中应提到意外因素可能会对花园灯造成损害,B选项中的"Unexpected elements will cause damage to the lights"符合要求,后句的them指代B项中的lights. 故选B。

    完形填空 41-45 ACBBD 46-50 CDBAB 51-55 ADCAC
    【41题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的朋友被一个大石头困住了。A. trapped困住;B. discovered发现;C. hurt受伤;D. murdered谋杀。根据句意,应选A。  
    【42题详解】考查介词词义辨析。句意:他说他朋友的手腕被石头卡住了,石头也压在他的腿上。A. underneath在…下面;B. beyond超过;C. across横穿;在(身体某部位)上;D. behind在…后面。根据句意,应选C。  
    【43题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:但他们不能立即移动巨石,因为它和冰箱一样大。A. completely完全地;B. approximately大约;C. exactly确切地;D. merely仅仅。根据句意,应选B。
      【44题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一开始他们在大石头上感觉很稳定。A. natural自然的;B. stable稳定的;C. dangerous危险的;D. comfortable舒适的。根据句意,应选B。 
     【45题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:但突然之间,石头开始滑动,他最后被压在了下面。A. disappear消失;B. float漂浮;C. crash撞击;D. slide滑动。根据句意,应选D。 
    【46题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对于官员来说,这次营救非常困难。A. stubborn固执的;B. regular规律的;C. tough艰难的;D. impossible不可能的。根据句意,应选C。  
    【47题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:现场呈现出一个独特的挑战,既要找到能够移动石头的设备,也要让救援人员到达现场。A. wind风;B. rope绳子;C. partner伙伴;D. equipment设备。根据句意,应选D。  
    【48题详解】考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:在现场。A. in total总共;B. in time及时;C. in order按顺序;D. in public公开地。根据句意,应选B。  
    【49题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:此外,当地消防部门也被联系了。A. contacted联系;B. refused拒绝;C. awarded授予;D. rewarded奖励。根据句意,应选A。  
    【50题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:官员们需要绳子来安全地到达徒步者的位置,因为在处理石头时有摔倒的风险。A. record记录;B. access进入;C. observe观察;D. check检查。根据句意,应选B。  
    【51题详解】考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:因为在处理石头时有摔倒的风险。A. dealing with处理;B. leaving behind留下;C. packing up收拾;D. blowing away吹走。根据句意,应选A。  
    【52题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,由于具有挑战性的天气条件,包括大风,第一次试图将他吊上直升机失败了。A. land土地;B. living生活;C. health健康;D. weather天气。根据句意,应选D。  
    【53题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:第一次试图将他吊上直升机失败了。A. meaningful有意义的;B. remarkable非凡的;C. unsuccessful失败的;D. promising有前途的。根据句意,应选C。  
    【54题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:下午4:45,天气有了足够的间歇,让他们尝试另一个操作。A. break间歇;B. hit打击;C. sign标志;D. delay延迟。根据句意,应选A。  
    【55题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:最后,他们成功地把德拉亨蒂先生送到了医院。A. Usually通常;B. Instantly立即;C. Finally最后;D. Surprisingly令人惊讶地。根据句意,应选C。

    56. Noting
    57. stressed
    58. to increase
    59. consumption
    60. lower
    61. that/which
    62. basically
    63. in
    64. an
    65. measures

    【58题详解】考查动词非谓语。句意:住房和城乡建设部将持续努力提高绿色建筑的比例。此处表示“增加”的目的,应使用动词不定式作目的状语。故填to increase。
    【59题详解】考查词形变化。句意:在气候条件适宜的地区推广具有超低能耗的建筑。extra-low energy 为名词短语充当定语的作用,加之前有介词with。此处应填名词,故答案为consumption。
    【61题详解】考查定语从句的关系代词。句意:中国最近发布了一项支持城乡绿色发展的指导意见。使用that/which指代先行词a guideline,故答案为that或which.
    【62题详解】考查副词。句意:到2025年,城乡绿色发展的制度机制和政策体系将基本建立。使用basically修饰谓语will be established。以-ic结尾的形容词除pulic外一般后加-ally.故填basically.
    【64题详解】考查名词。句意:碳排放将大幅减少。此处需要一个名词表示“减少的数量”。故填an 。
    【65题详解】考查名词复数。句意:住房和城乡建设部将制定第十四个五年城乡生活环境规划,并采取措施在推动地区和城市绿色发展的同时,使生态环境、建设和社会文化环境保持一致。take measures to do sth.意为“采取措施做某事。故填measures。

    Dear Charlie,
    The university for the aged in our community will hold a charity sale of Chinese calligraphy and painting. Knowing that you are interested in traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting, I'm writing to invite you to take part in the sale as a volunteer. It will be held at 3: 00 p. m on 6 August in the community center next to our school. My mother will give us a lift and we will pick you up at about 2: 30 that afternoon in front of your apartment. Take your own water bottle with you if you’re inclined to come.
    I hope you will be able to confirm your availability before 6 August by emailing me.
    Li Hua

    I took a cautious step toward him when there was suddenly a loud thunder above us. The storm began. The frightened cat dived back into the garbage bin. With the rain picking up, the poor kitty was too scared to come out of his new hiding spot. Luckily, I had an idea. Having grabbed a can of cat food, I went to the kitchen where Grandma was preparing for the day's opening. “May I take that?” I asked, pointing to a plate full of fresh char siu bao. “Help yourself,” Grandma said, and I beaded back outside with it.
    Like all of Grandma's customers, the cat cheered up at the scent of the warm char siu bao. I slowly made my way to the garage. Sure enough, the cat followed me inside, happy to be out of the rain. “You can't eat these bao, but I have something better for you." I said, pouring some cat food into a bowl. It wasn't long before Grandma appeared in the doorway. “Grandma, meet my new friend. He loves the smell of your cooking," I said. Grandma chuckled. “Well, it looks like I'll need to expand our menu to include some cat-friendly dim sum options.”


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