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    高考英语读后续写词汇一、心理描写1.think 想;认为,觉得1) But I was more intelligent than he was.Perhaps not, he thought.Perhaps I was only better armed但是我比它更聪明。也许不是这样,他想。也许我仅仅是装备得更好。-Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea2) It was too good to last, he thought.好景不长,他想。-Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea3) “Now, he has his back towards me,” thought I, “and he is occupied too; perhaps, if I walk softly, I can slip away unnoticed.”现在,他背对着我,我想,而且全神贯注,也许要是我脚步儿轻些,我可以神不知鬼不觉地溜走。”-Charlotte Bronte,Jane Eyre4) Once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversations?”她一次又一次地瞧瞧姐姐正在读的那本书,可是书里没有图画,也没有对话,爱丽丝想:“要是一本书里没有图画也没有对话,那还有什么意思呢?”-Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland2.wonder 想知道【例】He wondered if she would pity him if she knew? Would she cry, and wish that she had a right to put her arms around his neck and comfort him?他不知道,要是她了解此事,她会不会同情他,她会哭吗?会希望自己有权利搂着他的脖子安慰他吗?- Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer3.consider (in one's own mind)(在心里)考虑【例】So she was considering in her own mind, whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies.她认真地盘算着,做一只雏菊花环的乐趣,能不能抵得上摘雏菊的麻烦呢?-Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland4.promise/swear (to oneself)(暗自)承诺;发誓【例】He then swore to himself that from that moment forward, he would do what he could to help people, to help them fix their lives.他暗暗发誓,从那一刻起,他会竭尽所能帮助别人改善生活。5.hope/wish/pray 希望;祈祷【例】I wish we'd known about it in advance.要是我们预先知道这件事就好了。6.picture/imagine 想象;描绘【例】She closed her eyes and imagined herself walking in the forest.她闭上了眼睛,想象自己漫步在森林里。7.realize/learn 意识到;学到【例】She was ashamed to realize he had heard every word she said.她意识到自己的每句话都被他听到了,直羞得无地自容。8.decide/be determined to 决定【例】I’m determined to go, whatever difficulties there will be.我下决心要去,无论有什么困难。9.convince oneself that 说服自己……【例】He convinced himself that it was only a small problem and that he could solve it himself.他劝说自己这只是个小问题,他可以自己解决。10.figure out 想出;断定【例】I tried to figure out the meaning of her expression in case she was angry.我试图弄明白她表情的意思,以免她生气。11.remind sb of 使某人想起【例】It reminds me of the days when we lived in the country when we were chilldren.这使我想起了我们小时候住在乡下的日子。12.say/think to oneself 对自己说;心里想【例】Mr.Walters’ heart sank within him.He said to himself, it is not possible that the boy can answer the simplest question-why did the Judge ask him?华尔特先生的心也随之一沉。他心里想,这个孩子连最简单的问题都不可能回答出来--为什么法官偏要问他?-Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer13.focus thoughts on 思想专注于【例】He focused his thoughts on the coming holidays and friends he had not seen for a long time.他一心想着即将到来的假期和许久没见的朋友们。14.get the idea that 产生……的想法【例】Somehow we got the idea that it would be fun to wake my father with the smell of baking bread.不知怎么的,我们觉得用烤面包的香味来唤醒父亲会很有趣。15.occur to sb 某人突然想到【例】Tom lay thinking.Presently it occurred to him that he wished he was sick; then he could stay home from school.汤姆躺在那想着。突然一个念头在脑子里一闪,他希望他生病,这样他就能待在家里不去上学了。-Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer16.it flashes across/through one's mind that 突然想到……;……闪过脑海【例】Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it这时,爱丽丝跳了起来,她突然想到:她从来没有见过穿着有口袋背心的兔子,更没有见到过兔子还能从口袋里拿出一块表来。-Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 二、情绪描写1.表示开心高兴的 delighted/happy/glad/cheerful/joyful /pleased/pleasant精神高涨的in high/cheerful spirit        让某人开心的是to one's delight 面带微笑wear a shining smile     心情好in a good mood 使某人振作、高兴起来lift up one's head  振作精神keep up one's spirits     喜爱be keen on     欢欣鼓舞dance/jump for joy       欣喜若狂be wild with delight/joy一个鼓舞人心的表情an encouraging expression       过一个愉快的假日have a pleasant holiday2.表示愤怒生气的 angry/annoyed/irritated/mad  狂怒的furious       眼中燃着怒火eyes burning 脸气得通红flush with anger气得直跺脚stamp one's feet in anger 怒视某人glare at sb.    引起某人的不快arouse one's displeasure   不断地抱怨complain constantly 对某人勃然大怒get mad at sb.  对某人生气get irritated at sb.    ……表示不满express/voice a complaint about      充满怨恨的表情a resentful look 3.表示难过悲伤的,痛苦的 sad/depressed/unhappy/heart-broken/broken-hearted/sorrowful/upset心情不好in low spirit   泪流满面tears course down one's cheeks   强烈的失落感a strong sense of loss    怀着沉重的心情with a heavy heart陷入绝望fall into despair     减轻某人的痛苦/烦恼ease one's pain/trouble   悲痛欲绝cry one's heart out情绪低落be down in spirits 4.表示害怕
    恐慌地in panic      恐惧地in terror     全身颤抖tremble from head to toe     恐惧蔓延某人全身fear creeps over sb.      脸色变得苍白face turns pale      
    迷茫,不知所措at a loss头脑一片空白mind goes blank    疑惑不解的puzzled/confused      ……皱眉frown at     挠头scratch one's head
    6.表示感动一股暖流涌上心头a warm current rises in one's heart      泪如泉涌tears well up in one's eyes    感动到流泪be moved to tears被深深地感动be touched/moved profoundly    感到温暖feel warn        7.表示惊讶震惊的,惊愕的 astonished/surprised/amazed  张大嘴with one's mouth wide open    惊呆了be numb with shock 惊讶地in astonishment让某人惊讶的是to one's amazement 8.表示尴尬尴尬的embarrassed/awkward     尴尬得脸发红flush with embarrassment    低下头lower one's head       9.表示骄傲骄傲的,自大的proud/self-important傲慢的arrogant    趾高气扬hold one's head high     ……为自豪take pride in  10.表示紧张
    焦虑的,紧张的anxious/tense    不安的restless      踱来踱去pace up and down坐立不安get ants in one's pants  心跳很快heart beats wildly
    优雅的身材a graceful figure瘦削的身材a skinny figure   身材好have a good figure    中等身材an average build   匀称的身材a shapely figure 纤细的身材a slim figure    
     四、品格描写具有……的美德with the virtue of      脱颖而出stand out from the crowd     缺乏责任感lack of responsibility 执着的persistent  脾气好的人a good-humored/good-natured person    聪明人an intellectual person    消息灵通/见多识广的人a well-informed man   说话直率的人an outspoken man天资高的人a talented person      有突出的个性have striking personality       容易相处的人an easy going person品格正直的人a man of upright character   具有独立的性格possess an independent character   性格果断be of a determined character       乐观和有抱负的be optimistic and ambitious

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