【暑假提升】外研版2019英语高一(升高二)暑假选修1-第06讲 构词法 讲学案
这是一份【暑假提升】外研版2019英语高一(升高二)暑假选修1-第06讲 构词法 讲学案,文件包含暑假提升外研版2019英语高一升高二暑假选修1-第06讲构词法解析版docx、暑假提升外研版2019英语高一升高二暑假选修1-第06讲构词法原卷版docx等2份学案配套教学资源,其中学案共21页, 欢迎下载使用。
第06讲 构词法1.掌握派生法、合成法、转化法,掌握高二上册核心词汇记忆法2.侧重培养通过语境上下文的推理判断词性的能力 构词法主要包括派生、合成、转化和截短缩略四大类。在近年高考中,直接体现在语法填空中的应用主要有:给出形容词提示词,填写副词或名词;给出动词,填写名词或形容词;给出名词,填写形容词。然而,构词法不仅仅体现在语法填空中,而是广泛分布在阅读、完形等各种题型中,是快速拓展词汇量,深入理解语篇的法宝。一、合成法1.复合名词的主要构成方式名词+名词silkworm蚕; classroom教室形容词+名词doubledealer两面派v.ing+名词swimmingpool游泳池动词+名词breakwater防波堤;pickpocket扒手名词+v.inghandwriting笔迹动词+副词gettogether联欢会;breakthrough突破副词+动词downfall垮台;outbreak爆发 2.复合形容词的主要构成方式形容词+名词+edcoldblooded冷酷的形容词+名词highclass高级的形容词+v.ingeasygoing随和的形容词+过去分词newborn新生的形容词+形容词bittersweet甜中有苦的名词+v.ingtimeconsuming 费时间的名词+过去分词handmade手工制作的名词+形容词nationwide全国性的副词+v.ingfarreaching 深远的副词+动词过去分词wellbred 很有教养的数词+名词+形容词fiveyearold五周岁的 3.复合动词的主要构成方式名词+动词sleepwalk梦游副词+动词overcome克服;undergo经历形容词+动词blacklist将……列入黑名单 二、转化法名词转化为动词face脸—face面对形容词转化为动词dirty脏的—dirty弄脏动词转化为名词design设计—design图案形容词转化为名词daily每日的—daily日报形容词转化为副词deep深的—deep深深地 三、 派生法1.前缀构词法前缀例词dis (不,否定)dissatisfy使不满意;dishonest不诚实的un (不)unable不能够的;unlucky不幸的un (做相反动作)undress脱衣服;unload卸货in (不,非)inactive不活跃的;incorrect不正确的im (不,非)impolite没有礼貌的ir (不,非)irregular不规则的il (不,非)illogical不合逻辑的;illegal非法的non (不,非)nonexistent不存在的mis (错误的)misunderstand误解;misfortune厄运re (重复,再)rewrite重写;remarry再婚en (使)enrich丰富;enable使能够ex (以前的)exwife前妻post (以后的)postwar 战后的postgraduate 研究生super (在……上面;超级)supermarket超市;supermodel超级模特under (在……之下)underestimate低估;underground地下的sub (在……下;次于;低于)subway地铁;submarine潜艇inter (相互之间)international国际的;interact相互作用semi (半)semifinal半决赛;semicircle半圆bi (二)bicycle自行车tri (三)tricycle 三轮车;triangle 三角形multi (多)multinational跨国的kilo (千)kilometre千米,公里;kilogram千克centi (百分之一)centimetre厘米;centigram厘克milli (千分之一)millimetre毫米;milligram毫克tele (远)telephone电话;television电视a (在……上/里;向……)aboard在船/火车/飞机上;ahead在前面;aside在旁边;abroad在国外auto (自动;自己,独自)automobile机动车,汽车;autobiography自传over (太)overfull太满的,过多的extra (额外)extraordinary非凡的pre (预先)predict预言;preview预习micro (微小的)microphone 麦克风;microwave 微波;microscope 显微镜;microsoft 微软vice (副的)vicepresident 副总统eco (生态的)ecology 生态学;ecosystem 生态系统;ecofriendly环保的trans (横跨)transfer 转移;transform转变;transmit传播;transplant移植 2.后缀构词法(1)名词后缀后缀例词age (状态;集合)shortage缺少;marriage婚姻an/ian (人,……家)American美国人;musician音乐家ence/ency (构成抽象名词)dependence依靠;frequency频率ance (性质,状态)importance重要性ant/ent (人)assistant助手;student学生cion/sion/tion/ation (动作,状态)suspicion怀疑;tension紧张;repetition重复 conclusion 结论ee (动作承受者或受影响者)employee受雇者;refugee难民er/or (人或物)writer作家;actor演员ess (女性)actress女演员;waitress女服务员;hostess女主人ism (主义,……教)communism共产主义ist (……主义者,……家)communist共产主义者ment (行为;结果;状态;性质)argument争论;government政府;development发展 entertainment 娱乐,消遣ship (关系,身份)friendship友谊hood (身份;性质)childhood童年th (结果,过程)growth成长ty (状态;性质)anxiety焦虑 cruelty 残酷ure (结果;行为;状态;实物)pressure压力;picture图画;pleasure高兴al (动作过程;结果)arrival到达;approval同意 (2)形容词后缀后缀例词ablevaluable 有价值的;lovable 讨人喜欢的alnational国家的;continental大陆的edlearned有学识的;talented有才华的engolden金色的;wooden木制的entdifferent 不同的;dependent依赖的fulbeautiful美丽的;useful有用的ic/icaleconomic经济的;political政治的ishchildish幼稚的;selfish自私的ivecreative有创造力的lessuseless无用的;careless粗心的lyfriendly友好的;deadly致命的ousdangerous危险的;glorious光荣的warddownward向下的yrainy多雨的;noisy吵闹的, moody 闷闷不乐的 (3)动词后缀后缀例词en (使变得)deepen加深fy (使……化)simplify简化ize/ise (使……变成……)modernize 使现代化;industrialize使工业化 (4)副词后缀后缀例词lycarefully小心地;beautifully美丽地;quickly迅速地ward(s)forward(s)向前;backward(s)向后 考点一:派生法派生法就是由一个词根加上前缀或后缀构成另一个词。词根是派生词的基础,而词缀起到决定派生词的词汇意义和语法属性的作用。(一)形容词的后缀和前缀1. 名词+-cial--形容词benefit--beneficial 有益的 office--official 官方的 face--facial 面部的 race--racial 种族的 finance--financial 金融的 society--social 社会的 例1.【单句填空】He has only been playing football as a ________ (profession) for two years. (所给词的适当形式填空)(全国卷乙卷) l provide ___________ (finance) aid and other benefits for local peoples. 考点二:合成法合成法就是把两个或两个以上的独立的词结合在一起构成新词,这样的词一般称为合成词或复合词。复合名词的主要构成方式1.名词+名词silkworm蚕 classroom教室 daybreak佛晓 flashlight手电筒 necklace项链 2.合成形容词good-looking好看的 hard-working勤奋的 cold-blooded冷血的 newborn新生的 bittersweet苦乐参半的 airsick晕飞机的 homesick想家的 easygoing随和的 3.合成动词名词+动词broadcast播送 babysit看孩子 副词+动词 overcome克服 undergo经历 downfall垮台; 例2.【猜一猜】 haircut理发 energy-saving节能的 breakthrough突破 outbreak爆发 总结:His _____ English is very good, because he is from Australia, an _____ country.A.spoken; English-spokenB.speaking; English-speakingC.spoken; English-speakingD.speaking; English-speaking 考点三:转化法一个单词由一种词性转化为另一种或几种词性,称之为转化法。单词转化后的意义往往与转化前的意义有密切联系,但其拼写形式不变。例3【猜一猜】hand clean stress value wide high deep gradate straight right empty down 总结:转化法动词→名词:change 改变;找零 →变化 ;walk 步行→散步;stop 停止→车站 ;record 录音 →记录名词→动词:place 地点 → 放置;taste 味道→ 尝起来;hand 手 → 传递;递交;seat 座位 → 使……坐下 形容词→动词:clean 干净→使干净,打扫;clear 清楚→清理;dirty 脏→弄脏;dry 干燥→烘干,晒干;empty 空的→倒空 截短法缩略法截短法:telephone→phone, aeroplane→plane, advertisement→ad. , laboratory→lab, influenza→flu , smog (smoke + fog) 烟雾;brunch (breakfast +lunch) 早午餐;newscast (news + broadcast) 新闻广播;sci-fi (science + fiction) 科幻小说缩略法:television→ TV (读字母音)电视;very important person→ VIP (读字母音)要人;Testing of English as a Foreign Language→ TOEFL(作为一个单词读音)托福 单句填空(2021年全国甲卷·70) Supposedly you can do it in two hours, but we stopped at the different gates and watchtowers to take pictures or just to watch the local people going about their __________ (day) routines.(2021年全国乙卷·68) Provide __________ (finance) aid and other benefits for local peoples. (2020年全国Ⅰ卷·62)Landing on the moon's far side is ___________ (extreme) challenging. (2020年全国Ⅱ卷·61) Chinese New Year is a _____________ (celebrate) marking the end of the winter season and the beginning of spring. (2020年全国Ⅱ卷·69) The __________ (beauty) long branches covered with pink-colored buds (蓓蕾) make fantastic decorations. (2020年全国Ⅱ卷·66) ___________(certain) during the holiday period, this plant is a must. 根据语境猜测划线词的词性和词义7. When it comes to insect pests, red fire ants would probably top everyone's list.8. First, you should take an active part in the discussions and freely voice your opinion.9. Yes, I was blessed; it wasn’t a material one, but the kind that will warm my heart forever. 10. Suddenly she felt tears flooded her eyes.11.In most cities the sky looks as though it has been emptied of stars, leaving behind a vacant haze(霾)that mirrors Our fear of the dark.12. Sharing bread, whether during a special occasion or at the family dinner table, is a common symbol of togetherness.13. Surround yourself with people who uplift, encourage and understand you! Group exercise is challenging, yet fun and empowering!14. So one day, just to see what she would do, I gently placed one on top of the groundhog’s head, Again, not a move.15. Then make sure the people you surround yourself with are supportive. Don’t let negativity ruin your motivation.用所给词的适当形式填空1.Many stars, which are out of the solar system, are ________ (visible) without a telescope. 2.Rapidly nodding your head can leave the impression that you are ________(patient) and too eager to add something to the conversation. 3.If one is late for a job interview, it is ________ (likely) that he will get the job. 4.Most people here are ________ (willing) to give up their cars. They don’t want to use buses instead. 5.He is a good teacher who never expresses the least _________ (patience) with slow learners. 6.Like their children, parents are often _____(defend)about their private lives.7.It is__________ (legal) to employ someone under the age of sixteen. 8.Some comedians tell jokes about the way people _____________ (behavior). 9.My father bought me an _____(electricity) guitar as my birthday present .10.He was ________________ (apparent) much surprised at the news that the amateur athlete beat the professional one who ranked top ten. 单句语法填空1.Therefore, let's take the ________ (responsible) to build up a lowcarbon city by riding bicycles. Come on and join us!2.As far as I am concerned, my ________ (suggest) is that we should always have a notebook and a ChineseEnglish dictionary within easy reach.3.My presence is something they can draw real ________ (strong) and hope from.4.Life is a ________ (mix) of good times and bad times, and happy moments and unhappy moments.5.After some time, when both of you have renewed your ________ (confident) in each other, go back to the time when you nearly fell apart.6.The Forbidden City attracts visitors because of its long history and ________ (culture) significance, but perhaps it should add one more thing to its list of attractions: earthquake shelter.7.Many fads are ________ (harm). Back in my day, people cut the sleeves and collars of sweat shirts off and wore them inside out. No big deal.8.While your IQ tells you how ________ (intelligence) you are, your EQ tells you how well you use your intelligence.9.The old people there were talkative and they told us their ________ (person) stories cheerfully.10.My little boy, do you feel more ________ (comfort) now than before?
这是一份【暑假提升】外研版2019英语高一(升高二)暑假选修1-第14讲 读后续写 讲学案,文件包含暑假提升外研版2019英语高一升高二暑假选修1-第14讲读后续写解析版docx、暑假提升外研版2019英语高一升高二暑假选修1-第14讲读后续写原卷版docx等2份学案配套教学资源,其中学案共39页, 欢迎下载使用。
这是一份【暑假提升】外研版2019英语高一(升高二)暑假选修1-第13讲 应用文写作 讲学案,文件包含暑假提升外研版2019英语高一升高二暑假选修1-第13讲应用文写作解析版docx、暑假提升外研版2019英语高一升高二暑假选修1-第13讲应用文写作原卷版docx等2份学案配套教学资源,其中学案共26页, 欢迎下载使用。
这是一份【暑假提升】外研版2019英语高一(升高二)暑假选修1-第05讲 名词性从句 讲学案,文件包含暑假提升外研版2019英语高一升高二暑假选修1-第05讲名词性从句解析版docx、暑假提升外研版2019英语高一升高二暑假选修1-第05讲名词性从句原卷版docx等2份学案配套教学资源,其中学案共22页, 欢迎下载使用。