英语五年级上册Unit 4 Hobbies精品课时作业
这是一份英语五年级上册Unit 4 Hobbies精品课时作业,共3页。
5A Unit 4 Hobbies第3课时【学习目标】掌握句型:What do you/they like doing?What does she/he like doing?以及它们的回答。I know the sound of “y”.【教学重、难点】掌握句型:会说I like …… ,并能灵活运用.【教学过程】Step 1 Boys and girls, today we are going to learn Unit 4 Hobbies(Grammar time and Sound time) .Please look at our learning aims.Step 2 Learning aims a.掌握句型:a.What do you/they like doing?What does she/he like doing?以及它们的回答。 b.知道字母“y”的发音。Step 3 Presentation Guide 1Please read these sentences by yourself within 3 minutes.(自读下列句子,3 分钟后看谁能总结出本节课特殊疑问句的结构)[来源:学科网ZXXK] 1. Show the sentences: A:What do you like doing? B:I like playing basketball.[来源:学科网] A:What do they like doing? B:They like swimming. A:What does he like doing? B:He likes playing football. A:What does she like doing? B:She likes reading stories. 2.Let students read the sentences by themselves. 3.Let students say their reasons. (先请差生总结,中等生补充,其次优生,如有不具体的再由老师补充总结。) Guide 2[来源:Zxxk.Com] Translate the sentences within 5 minutes.(根据已学知识翻译句子,5分钟后看谁翻译的最通顺。)T: Now I will give you 5 minutes to translate the sentences by yourself. Later, we will have a match. OK, Let’s begin.[来源:Zxxk.Com](5分钟时间让学生翻译句子,如有不会的,可以举手问老师或者同桌。同时要在班里巡视,确保每个学生都在认真完成) Guide 3Please look at Sound time on page 41.Know the sound of the letter “y” within 3 minutes.(自学课本41页语音部分内容,总结字母“y”的发音。)Listen to the tape. Know the sound of the letters “dr”.Read the sentences by yourself.Read after the tape. Step 4 Class exercises Translate. A:What do you like doing? B:I like playing basketball.__________________________________________________________ A:What do they like doing? B:They like swimming.__________________________________________________________ A:What does he like doing? B:He likes playing football._____________________________________________________ A:What does she like doing? B:She likes reading stories.__________________________________________________________ 教学反思: 5A Unit4 Hobbies第4课时【学习目标】a.I can understand and read the Cartoon time .b.I can use “What do you like doing? I like ...”to ask and answer.【教学重、难点】a.I can understand and read the Cartoon time .【教学过程】Step 1 Boys and girls, today we are going to learn Unit4 Hobbies. Please look at our learning aims.Step 2 Learning aims[来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K] a.I can understand and read the Cartoon time . b.I can use “What do you like doing? I like ...”to ask and answer.Step 3 Presentation Guide 1 Please listen to the tape carefully. (仔细听录音,注意语音语调。不会读的单词做上标记。) 1.Point and listen. (听录音,注意语音语调。将不会读的单词圈出来。) 2.Listen to the tape again. (听录音,不会读的单词可轻声跟读。) Guide 2 Please read the text by yourselves within 5 minutes. ( 5 分钟后比一比谁能准确、流利的朗读课文。师巡视,解决学生不会读的地方。) 1.Read after the tape. (学生自己读课文,师巡视,解决学生疑难问题。) 2.Please read one by one.(学生一个一个读课文,如有错误请其他学生纠正,带读。如果都不会的,老师板书,重点教学。)3.Have a match! (比一比,谁能准确,流利的朗读课文。谁能认真听,及时发现错误并纠正。) 师让后进生朗读课文,中等生纠正,其次是优等生;不会的后错的较多的老师板书,集体学习。 Step 4 Class exercises 1.Read the text in groups. 2.Read the text in roles.教学反思: