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    新教材高中英语单元素养评价三Unit3Theworldofscience外研版必修第三册 试卷
    新教材高中英语单元素养评价三Unit3Theworldofscience外研版必修第三册 试卷01
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    新教材高中英语单元素养评价三Unit3Theworldofscience外研版必修第三册 试卷03
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    外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 The world of science测试题

    这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 The world of science测试题,共16页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, B.$2,000,5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What is the wman ding there?
    A.Writing a stry. B.Reading a stry. C.Writing a reprt.
    2.What will they d?
    A.See the by's teacher. B.Meet the by's friend. C.See their new teacher.
    3.Hw des the wman feel abut the jb nw?
    A.Bred. B.Funny. C.Interested.
    4.What is Miss Green ging t d?
    A.Watch the man play ftball.
    B.Watch David play ftball.
    C.Watch David's friend play ftball.
    5.When des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A.At midnight. B.In the evening. C.At dawn.
    6.Where des this dialgue take place?
    A.In the restaurant. B.On the phne. C.In the street.
    7.When des this dialgue take place?
    A.In the mrning. B.In the afternn. C.In the evening.
    8.If the wman cmes t lunch, hw many peple will cme with her?
    A.Three. B.Five. C.Fur.
    9.What are the man and wman lking fr?
    A.A cmfrtable htel. B.A mdern htel. C.An inexpensive htel.
    10.Where culd the man and the wman find a htel they need?
    A.Next t a bank.
    B.Tw-minute drive t the west.
    C.On the left side f the street.
    11.Where did the cnversatin mst likely take place?
    A.Near a bank. B.Near a htel. C.In a restaurant.
    12.What did the man want t d?
    A.T lk fr a gld watch fr his wife.
    B.T buy a birthday gift fr his wife.
    C.T buy a diamnd ring fr his wife.
    13.What did the man buy at last?
    A.A ring. B.A watch. C.A necklace.
    14.Hw much did the man pay fr the gift?
    A.$2,250. B.$2,000. C.$2,500.
    15.When did the cnversatin mst likely take place?
    A.Tuesday mrning. B.Wednesday mrning. C.Thursday mrning.
    16.Hw many times was Miss Smith late during that week?
    A.Three times. B.Fur times. C.Five times.
    17.Why was Miss Smith late that mrning?
    A.It was raining. B.The bus service was very bad. C.She didn't have a watch.
    18.Why didn't the businessman write the speech himself?
    A.He was t lazy. B.He was t busy. C.It was t difficult.
    19.Hw did the audience feel abut the businessman's speech in the end?
    A.They gt bred. B.They shwed interest in it. C.They felt angry.
    20.Why did the speech run n fr an hur?
    A.The businessman read it twice.
    B.The secretary wrte the speech fr an hur.
    C.The businessman read the riginal and the tw cpies f the speech.

    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Blgging has been arund fr 25 years.There are sme successful blgs that have been arund frm the very beginning and even sme new blggers wh quickly gained success.Here are sme successful blgs yu shuld start fllwing.
    Bing Bing
    Bing Bing is ne f the ldest blgs.Its cntent ranges frm pp culture t academic stuff, technlgy t inspiratinal stries, and plenty f plitical stuff.Their website design is simple.But nce yu start reading their blg, yu will becme interested in their fun writing style.That's why Bing Bing is ne f the blgs that inspired mdern­day blg writing.
    Entrepreneur gives yu tips n being a better wrker.Even thugh mst f their cntent targets business wners, anyne can gain smething frm reading their prductivity advice.If yu care abut being successful, Entrepreneur is a blg yu must fllw.
    Perez Hiltn
    Perez Hiltn frmed the “mst hated celebrity website”.The website mainly fcuses n rumrs(谣言) that happen n the red carpet.Perez Hiltn became famus because he wasn't afraid t blame certain celebrities fr their crazy behavirs.Even thugh celebrities hate him, his blg still attracts millins f readers.Yu can still see Perez Hiltn appearing n the red carpet tday.
    If yu want t hear the latest news in tech, yu will likely g t TechCrunch.Since its fundatin in 2005, the blg began t cver all things abut tech.The blg was funded by the lawyer and businessman Michael Arringtn.He lved writing abut different cmpanies and technlgy.As f tday, TechCrunch is the third­mst ppular website in the wrld.
    21.What d we knw abut Bing Bing?
    A.It cvers diverse tpics. B.It is famus fr its funder.
    C.Its website design is utdated. D.It has the largest numbers f users.
    22.Entrepreneur helps peple t ________.
    A.have a gd regulatin B.get better jb chances
    C.prmte their prducts nline D.develp interesting writing styles
    23.Which blg is mst suitable fr peple wh are interested in digital prducts?
    A.Bing Bing. B.Entrepreneur. C.Perez Hiltn. D.TechCrunch.
    I stpped t watch my little girl busy playing in her rm. In ne hand was a plastic phne ; in the ther a ty. I listened as she was speaking t her make­believe little friend and I'll never frget the wrds she said, even thugh it was imagined.
    She said, “Suzie's in the crner because she's nt been very gd. She didn't listen t a wrd I said r d the things she shuld.” In the crner I saw her baby dll well dressed. It was bvius that she'd been put there t sit alne and think.
    My daughter cntinued her “cnversatin”, as I sat dwn n the flr. She said, “I'm all fed up and I just dn't knw what t d with her any mre. She cries whenever I have t wrk and wants t play games t. She tries t help me with the dishes, but her arms just cannt reach... And she desn't knw hw t fld twels. I dn't have the time t teach. I have a lt f wrk t d and a big huse t keep clean. I dn't have the time t sit and play—dn't yu knw what I mean?”
    And that day I thught a lt abut making sme changes in my life, after listening t her inncent wrds which cut me like a knife. I hadn't been paying enugh attentin t what I hld mst dear. I'd been caught up in respnsibilities that increased thrughut the years.
    But nw my attitude has changed because in my heart I realize that I've seen the wrld in a different light thrugh my little darling's eyes. S let the cbwebs(蜘蛛网) cut the crners and the dust bunny rabbit rule the flr. I'm nt ging t wrry abut keeping up with them anymre.
    I'm ging t fill the huse with memries f a child and her mther, fr we have nly ne childhd and we will never get anther.
    24.Wh is Suzie?
    A.The girl's phne. B. A baby dll. C. The authr. D. The girl's friend.
    25.Hw did the authr feel when hearing her little girl's wrds?
    A.Interested. B. Mved. C. Uncmfrtable. D. Unbelievable.
    26.The passage leads us t believe that ________
    A.the authr wants her little girl t have a happy childhd.
    B.the authr has becme lazy because f her daughter.
    C.the authr cares nthing abut her daughter's happiness.
    D.the little girl desn't hate her mther any mre.
    27.What might be the best title?
    A.Hw t deal with my daughter. B. My lvely daughter.
    C.Only ne childhd. D. A wrld f children.
    The number f bicycle trips has increased greatly ver the past several mnths, accrding t the Utah Department f Transprtatin (UDOT).
    Mike West, a 33­year­ld father f tw children, lives in Daybreak. Tw mnths ag, a friend ffered t lend the West family his tricycle carg bike (三轮载货自行车). The first time the family tk a ride tgether, they were all hked__.
    “My yungest sn's gt a bike, but he can't really g very far,” West said. “When he was in the carg bike, it was like his happy place. I thught it was s cl that yu can put a family in a bike and they can bike arund.”
    Fllwing the first ride, the family immediately bught a carg bike f their wn and biking has nw becme their primary frm f transprtatin.
    “It's abut being tgether as a family, but als just being utside yu get mre sensry input (感官输入) n a bike than yu d in a car,” West said.“Yu feel the wind in yur hair, yu can see things, and yu hear all the nises. That's ne thing abut it that we lve.”
    “Bike trips have increased 52% in 2020, which is nt nly having a gd influence n traffic jams, but als n the physical health f cmmunity members,” said UDOT spkesman Jhn Gleasn.
    Gleasn warns bicyclists t wear bright clthing t make themselves visible (看得见的) t drivers f mtrized vehicles (机动车辆), and fr them t be n the lkut. “We're just asking drivers t watch ut fr bicyclists in places where maybe they wuldn't nrmally see them, and fr bicyclists t make sure that they're seen,” he said.“Make sure they understand that just because they see the vehicles desn't mean that the drivers f thse vehicles see them. D everything that yu can t fllw the rules f the rad fr bth drivers and pedestrians(行人).”
    28.What des the underlined wrd “hked” in Paragraph 2 mean?
    A.Caught. B.Attracted. C.Injured. D.Invited.
    29.What des Mike West say abut cycling?
    A.It is mre time­saving than driving a car.
    B.It always lets peple remember their families.
    C.It will take the place f car riding in the near future.
    D.It allws peple t learn mre abut their envirnment.
    30.What advice is given in the last paragraph?
    A.Drivers shuld drive smart.
    B.Drivers shuld behave themselves.
    C.Bicyclists shuld fllw rad rules fr safety.
    D.Bicyclists shuld keep their distance frm cars.
    31.In which part f a newspaper may this passage appear?
    A.Health. B.Lifestyle. C.Educatin. D.Science.
    If yu visit Rwanda's capital city f Kigali, yu'll see hw the COVID­19 pandemic has changed the city. There are dzens f hand­washing basins at the city's bus statins that allw passengers t wash their hands befre getting n the bus. Layla Mc Cay, directr f the Centre fr Urban Design and Mental Health in the AUAS tld the BBC, “If everyne was washing their hands actively, we wuld see a reductin in all types f infectin.”
    In fact, every time there is a serius disease utbreak smewhere in the wrld, city planners cme up with new ideas t fight it. Pandemics have been shaping ur cities fr a lng time.
    In 1854, fr example, a chlera (霍乱) utbreak in Lndn, UK led t the design f mdern sewers (下水道). At that time, Lndners' drinking water came frm grundwater. It was heavily plluted by wastewater. The sewer system separated the wastewater frm the grundwater. This stpped the spread f chlera. “By sewering certain twns in England, the death rate frm lung diseases alne was reduced by 50 percent, ” Gerge Piersn wrte in his bk TheSeparateSystemfSewerage.
    In New Yrk, US, tuberculsis(肺结核)killed many peple in the early 1900s. One reasn was the vercrwded cnditins in apartment buildings. Eventually the New Yrk gvernment made laws that required all apartments t have air shafts, windws, running water and indr tilets.
    During this year's pandemic, Mayr f Paris Anne Hidag intrduced the idea f decentralizing__the__city__—every neighbrhd shuld have a mix f stres, hmes, ffices, and ther imprtant buildings. Every basic need shuld be just a 15­minute walk away. This wuld reduce crwding n public transprtatin and prevent the spread f disease.
    32.What can we knw abut Kigali, accrding t the Paragraph 1?
    A.Layla Me Cay takes charge f the city.
    B.Passengers can't bard the bus withut washing hands.
    C.Yu can nly find dzens f hand­washing basins in public places.
    D.The gvernment prvides facilities t reduce the risk f infectin.
    33.What des the underlined phrase “decentralizing the city” mean?
    A.Allwing the city mre fcused. B.Making the city mre attractive.
    C.Dividing the city int several parts. D.Having the city less central.
    34.Hw des the authr supprt his idea?
    A.By listing examples. B.By giving cmments.
    C.By making cmparisn. D.By fllwing the rder f time.
    35.What is the text mainly abut?
    A. Keeping ur cities beautiful. B. Pandemic changes city design.
    C. Several severe diseases in histry. D. Hw COVID­19 changed ur life.
    Different Cultures
    The cultures f the East and the West really distinguish each ther a lt. __36__
    The rigin f the Eastern culture is mainly frm tw cuntries:China and India.Bth f the tw cultures are develped by rivers — the Yellw River in China and the Hindu River in India. __37__
    When the tw mther rivers gave birth t the Eastern culture, anther famus culture was brught up n the Mesptamian Plain — the Mesptamian Civilizatin.This civilizatin later n develped int the cultures f Ancient Greece and Ancient Rme. __38__ Like the Chinese culture, the Eurpean culture als crssed waters.When the British settled dwn in America, their culture went with them ver the Atlantic Ocean.S the American culture desn't distinguish frm the Eurpean culture a lt.
    __39__ Take the language system fr example.In the East, mst languages belng t the pictgraphic language while the Western languages are mstly based n the Latin system.Other causes like human race difference cunt as well.But what's mre, due t the far distance and the steep areas between the East and West, the tw cultures seldm cmmunicate until recent centuries.S they grew up ttally in their wn ways with almst n interference (干扰) frm the ther.
    The differences are everywhere. __40__ But different cultures make the wrld f the 21st century mre clrful.The cultural gap shuld nt be the bstacle t the civilizatin f human beings.It ught t be the mtivatin f ur ging farther.
    A.Let us wrk tgether t keep a variety f culture.
    B.One imprtant thing is t learn abut ther cultures.
    C.And these tw are well­knwn as the base f the Eurpean culture.
    D.At the same time, sme ther differences add t the cultural differences.
    E.This is because the culture systems are tw separate systems n the whle.
    F.They helped the tw cultures develp fr centuries and frm their wn styles.
    G.They are bvius and affect peple's ways f thinking and their views f the wrld.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    The year 2020 was suppsed t be great fr me. I had finally gtten my __41____n track and arranged sme incredible internatinal trips I had dreamed f fr years. And then, almst in an instant, everything fell apart.
    Since the beginning f the lckdwns, all the prjects I had wrked s hard fr were __42____by the day. Trips were canceled r __43____as internatinal brders were shut. Our nrmal way f life had almst ceased (停止) t exist.
    At that mment, I realized I had t make a __44____. I was ging t lk int __45____career ptins. I had been a persnal trainer befre, and the __46____f getting back int smething health and wellness __47____interested me.
    Of curse I had questins. Hw was I ging t d this? Was I t ld? Was I __48____enugh? I had t put thse __49____aside. If there is anything that 2020 taught me, it's t __50____the unknwn. S, with great enthusiasm and a hint f anxiety, I __51__ fr an EMT curse t begin my jurney.
    Frm the first day, I devted my time t learning everything I culd abut health and wellness bth in class and at hme.And the passin and hard wrk __52____. At the end f the year, I had __53__ my EMT license and began t lk fr ptins in the industry.
    I learned much frm this experience. Life can change vernight, s it's imprtant t get __54__and adapt t the new situatins. Learning new skills will pen yur mind and drs t new pprtunities. S the year 2020 was great fr me, just in a __55__ way frm I had planned.
    41.A.educatin B.principle C.business D.rganizatin
    42.A.grwing B.happening C.shaking D.disappearing
    43.A.lengthened B.delayed C.handled D.remved
    44.A.cntributin B.discvery C.change D.prmise
    45.A.alternative B.legal C.permanent D.rdinary
    46.A.truth B.cmment C.fame D.thught
    47.A.reflected B.applied C.related D.cmpared
    48.A.curius B.strng C.intelligent D.ambitius
    49.A.weaknesses B.prfits C.fears D.expectatins
    50.A.avid B.resist C.embrace D.predict
    51.A.tried ut B.lked ut C.made up D.signed up
    52.A.held up B.brke ff C.turned up D.paid ff
    53.A.purchased B.cherished C.earned D.witnessed
    54.A.creative B.generus C.unique D.successful
    55.A.natural B.different C.frtunate D.simple
    With a big smile n her face,Gan Yuqin chats with her fllwers in her live­stream every night,trying 56.________ (prmte) sales f ranges frm her hmetwn,a small village in Guangxi Zhuang Autnmus Regin.She,tgether with her teammates, 57.________ (help) villagers sell nearly 500,000 kilgrams f ranges every week.The 40­year­ld wman,wh used t be a farmer and husewife,is nw admired in her hmetwn 58.________ her great success in bsting sales f farm prduce.
    Gan 59.________ (knw) as ne f the pineers wh share cuntry life and prmtes sales f related prducts nline.She was 60.________ (initial) encuraged by her nephew,wh asked Gan t be the main character in his shrt vides 61.________ (feature) cuntry life.As Gan's fame grew,they began t sell fruit frm their family rchard, 62.________ sn fell shrt f demand.They then launched an e­cmmerce cmpany selling varius kinds f 63.________ (agriculture) prducts frm all ver the regin.
    Gan's cmpany has been 64.________ great success and Gan has received lts f awards fr her 65.________ (achieve).She is nw devted t shting vides and live­streaming,but is als planning t ffer free training t thse wh lve the industry.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华, 你的英国朋友 Tim 想要在暑假时到中国旅游, 发邮件向你征求建议。请你回复一封邮件, 内容包括:
    1. 推荐一个城市。
    2. 给出推荐理由。
    2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
    It seems that friendship can als exist between dgs and hrses. I've witnessed ne inspiring case.
    One mrning, I went utside t feed ur hrse Bullet. Usually, Bullet waits eagerly at the fence fr his breakfast. But this mrning he stayed near a tree in the pasture's center. As he began jyfully walking tward me, I nticed a dg lying in the tall grass beneath the tree. S this was what held Bullet's attentin this mrning: a hmeless dg. Mst f the hmeless dgs shied away frm ur large Bullet, but this ne seemed t feel safe in the shelter f the tall grass regardless f Bullet. I placed alfalfa cubes inside the fence. After Bullet ate them, I'd give him sme ckies he lved mst.
    I walked back t my prch and sat dwn. As Bullet ate alfalfa, the dg std up cautiusly, stared at Bullet fr lng and then slwly walked tward Bullet. The dg ften paused and lked at me t ensure I wasn't a threat. As the dg drew clser t Bullet, I held my breath. I didn't knw hw Bullet wuld react t an animal that apprached while he was eating. Knwing a hrse's kick can kill a dg, I decided t scare the dg away. Just then Bullet swung his head and lked at the dg. Nt minding it, he ate his fd again.
    The dg drew clse enugh t take an alfalfa cube. My heart brke as I watched the dg— a female — chewing n the alfalfa. She must be extremely hungry t attempt t eat hrse feed. I went inside the huse, carried sme meat and walked tward the fence. The dg sn ran t the safety f the tall grass near the tree. I put the meat dwn utside the fence and went back inside the huse. She'd prbably cme fr the meat when I was ut f sight.
    Minutes later, I realized I hadn't yet given Bullet his ckies. I tk sme and went back utside. Amazingly, Bullet was lying dwn in the grass beneath the tree with the dg next t him. I smiled at the warm scene they created.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    Knwing I carried his treat, Bullet gt up quickly and ran t me.________________________________________________________________________
    But Bullet didn't care as the dg jumped frward and tk a ckie.________________________________________________________________________
    (Text 1)
    M:What are yu ding in New Yrk?
    W:I'm writing a stry fr YES magazine.
    (Text 2)
    M:Sarah, I wuld like t intrduce my teacher Miss Smith t yu. Shall we g and see her nw?
    W:Gd. Let's g.
    (Text 3)
    M:What d yu like abut yur jb?
    W:Well,it was fun at first because there was s much t learn. But nw,I keep ding the same things day after day. I'm fed up with my jb.
    (Text 4)
    M:Miss Green, my friend David is a very gd ftball player and he has played it fr years. Will yu cme and watch him play sme day?
    W:Yes, I will. Thank yu. I like watching ftball games.
    (Text 5)
    M:It's freezing nw here. There wn't be anther car fr hurs. I shuld stay at hme.
    W:Dn't wrry. We shuld see the sun cme up in half an hur.
    (Text 6)
    M:“Deep Sea Restaurant”. Head Waiter. Gd mrning.
    W:I'd like t reserve a table fr five.
    M:And is that tday, madam?
    W:Of curse.
    M:At what time, madam?
    W:Oh, abut three 'clck, I suppse.
    M:I'm afraid we nly serve lunch until 3 p.m., madam.
    W:Oh well, tw 'clck then, and it must be by a windw.
    M:Very gd, and what name, please?
    W:Brwn, Mrs. Martha Brwn.
    M:Very gd, Mrs. Brwn. A table fr five at 2 p.m. tday.
    (Text 7)
    M:Gd evening,sir,madam. A table fr tw?
    W:N, thank yu. But we have a small prblem. Can yu help us?
    M:Sure. What can I d fr yu?
    W:We are lking fr a htel. Are there any htels near here?
    M:Yes,there are sme htels in this street. The nearest ne is next t the bank. It's quite mdern.
    W:D yu think there're any inexpensive nes nearby? We're leaving tmrrw mrning.
    M:Yes. Drive west fr abut tw minutes and yu will find a gray building n the right side. It's a family htel, very cmfrtable, and the prices are quite reasnable.
    W:It sunds nice. Thank yu very much fr yur help.
    M:That's all right.
    (Text 8)
    W:May I help yu, sir?
    M:Yes. I'm lking fr a nice gift fr my wife. It's her birthday tmrrw.
    W: Perhaps she wuld like a nice necklace. We have many fr yu t chse frm.
    M:I dn't knw. She's already gt ne.
    W:Well,then,maybe a ring r a watch wuld be nice.
    M:Yes. She may need a new watch. The ne she's wearing was passed dwn frm her grandmther. S she's always late fr wrk.
    W:The gld ne is pretty.
    M:Yes,it is. But are these diamnds real?
    W:Yes,they are. This watch usually csts $ 2,500. But if yu buy it nw,I can give yu 10% ff.
    M:It's very nice. I'll take it. D yu accept credit cards r checks?
    W:Bth will d.
    (Text 9)
    W:Gd mrning,Mr. Sharp. I'm awfully srry I'm late.
    M:Yu're late every mrning, Miss Smith. Yu were late Tuesday, yesterday... Dn't yu have a watch?
    W:Yes,but it wasn't my fault. I std in the rain fr an hur this mrning. I waited and waited fr a bus. And then when ne came, it was full.
    M:Hw abut yesterday and the day befre yesterday?
    W:Well, I came by taxi yesterday and...
    M:And yu were still late! And Tuesday?
    W:Tuesday I went t see the dctr and I waited fr my turn fr almst tw hurs. It was terrible!
    M:And tmrrw, Miss Smith?
    (Text 10)
    An imprtant businessman was asked t give a twenty-minute speech in anther city. He was t busy t write it himself, s he asked his secretary t put ne tgether fr him ut f a large bk f speeches which she had n her desk. She typed ne ut fr him, and he picked it just in time t rush ff t his plane. But when he gave his speech, it ran n fr an hur,and the audience was bred by the end f it. When the businessman gt back t his ffice,he cmplained t his secretary abut this. “I tld yu it shuld be a twenty-minute speech,” he said t her angrily.“That's what I gave yu,” she answered,“the riginal and the tw cpies. The riginal fr yu t read at the meeting and the tw cpies fr the file.”
    1~5 AAABC 6~10 BACCB 11~15 CBBAC
    16~20 ABBAC
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇应用文。本文主要介绍了四个成功的、可供初学者学习的博客以及它们各自的特点。
    21.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据Bing Bing部分中的“Its cntent ranges frm pp culture t academic stuff, technlgy t inspiratinal stries, and plenty f plitical stuff.”可知,Bing Bing的内容很丰富,即它包含各种各样的主题。
    22.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。根据Entrepreneur部分中的“Entrepreneur gives yu tips n being a better wrker.”可知,Entrepreneur可以教会人们如何成为一个更好的员工。由此可推测,它会帮助人们得到更好的工作机会。
    23.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据TechCrunch部分的“If yu want t hear the latest news in tech, yu will likely g t TechCrunch.”可知,TechCrunch是一个介绍最新科技产品的博客。由此可知,对数码产品感兴趣的人适合看TechCrunch。
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章主要讲的是,作者通过和女儿相处的一件小事,有感而发,觉得童年只有一个,从而要让女儿过一个快乐的童年。
    24.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Suzie's in the crner because she's nt been very gd. She didn't listen t a wrd I said r d the things she shuld.” In the crner I saw her baby dll well dressed.” Suzie在角落里以及作者看见她的洋娃娃穿得很好,可推知 Suzie是作者女儿的布娃娃。
    25.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。根据文章第四段中“And that day I thught a lt abut making sme changes in my life, after listening t her inncent wrds which cut me like a knife.”可知,作者在听了她那些天真的话语后,就像被一把刀割了一样。可推知,作者听到女儿的话语觉得“不适”。
    26.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中“I'm ging t fill the huse with memries f a child and her mther, fr we have nly ne childhd and we will never get anther”可知,作者想让她的女儿有一个快乐的童年。
    27.答案与解析:C 标题判断题。结合文章内容以及最后一段,文章主要讲的是,作者通过和女儿相处的一件小事,有感而发,觉得童年只有一个,从而要让女儿过一个快乐的童年。故C项(Only ne childhd)符合题意。
    【语篇解读】 本文介绍了在美国犹他州越来越多的居民选用自行车出行的现象。
    28.答案与解析:B 词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“it was like his happy they can bike arund”可知,威斯特一家第一次骑三轮载货自行车,就被它深深吸引住了。
    29.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“yu get mre sensry input n a yu hear all the nises”可知,在麦克·威斯特看来,骑自行车出行可以让人们更好地感知周围的环境。
    30.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。文章最后一段主要是给骑自行车的人提出的建议,如穿亮色的衣服以提高可见度、增加安全系数;遵守交通规则,确保安全出行。
    31.答案与解析:B 文章出处题。文章讲述的是美国犹他州越来越多的居民选用自行车出行。也就是说,他们的出行方式在发生变化。因此,本文最有可能选自报纸上的生活方式栏目。
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章通过举例说明了世界一些国家为防止传染病流行所采取的措施, 这些措施在塑造改变着城市。
    32.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据第一段中There are dzens f hand-washing basins at the city's bus statins ...可以推断, Kigali政府提供设施以减少感染的风险。
    33.答案与解析:D 词义猜测题。根据下文可知, 是把生活所需的重要场所分散到每个街区, 减少公共交通的拥挤, 防止疾病传播, 进而推断画线短语decentralizing the city意思是“使城市重要设施不那么集中”。
    34.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。根据第三段英国伦敦爆发霍乱, 于是设计了现代化的污水系统,以及在美国纽约等事例可知, 作者是通过事例来支持自己的观点的。
    35.答案与解析:B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知, 文章通过举例说明了世界一些国家为防止传染病流行所采取的措施, 这些措施在塑造改变着城市。
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了东西方文化的差异及其形成的原因。
    36.答案与解析:E 空前一句提到“东西方文化确实有很大的差异”,下文说文化不同的原因,所以选E。
    37.答案与解析:F 根据空前一句可知,两种文化分别由中国的黄河和印度的印度河所孕育,由此可知,这里写的是河流对于文化的影响,所以选F。
    38.答案与解析:C 上文说这种文明后来发展成为古希腊和古罗马文明,C项“众所周知,这两种文明正是欧洲文化的基础”是对上文的总结。
    39.答案与解析:D 空后一句Take the language system fr example.是以语言系统来举例讲述文化间的差异,由此可知,本段主要是以其他方面的不同来说明文化的不同,所以选D。
    40.答案与解析:G 根据空前一句The differences are everywhere.以及空后的内容讲述文化的不同对世界的影响可知,G项符合语境。
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章主要讲述了2020年的疫情打乱了作者原本计划好的一切,但同时,也使得作者在这段时间中学习新技能,并获取了新的工作机会,使作者认识到学习新技能,拥抱未知的重要性。
    41.答案与解析:C 句意:我的事业终于步入正轨,并安排了几次梦寐以求的难以置信的国际旅行。与第二段中“all the prjects I had wrked s hard fr”提及的“工作”相呼应,这里应选择表达“工作”这一含义的名词。C项“business”意为“生意;商业”,符合分析,用在句子中表达事业步入正轨含义。
    42.答案与解析:D 句意:自从封控开始以来,我努力工作的所有项目一天天地消失了。根据第一段末句“And then, almst in an instant, everything fell apart.”可知,由于疫情封控,作者的工作和计划都泡汤了,自己一直为之努力的项目也没了。
    43.答案与解析:B 句意:由于国际边境关闭,旅行被取消或推迟。A. lengthened使变长;延长;B. delayed延误;耽搁;C. handled处理;应付;D. remved移除;去掉。分析主语“Trips”意为“旅行”,且背景为“Since the beginning f the lckdwns”可知,这里应是表达由于疫情封控,旅行被取消或延期了。
    44.答案与解析:C 句意:那一刻,我意识到我必须做出改变。根据后文“I was ging t lk int __45__ career ptins.”可知,作者有了再找工作的打算,不能因为疫情封控坐以待毙,要做出改变。
    45.答案与解析:A 句意:我打算选择其他的职业。A. alternative另外的;其他的;B. legal合法的;C. permanent永久的;D. rdinary普通的。根据前文“Since the beginning f the lckdwns, all the prjects I had wrked s hard fr were __42__ by the day.” 可知,由于疫情封控,作者所有的工作项目都停止了,因此,作者要重新找其他的工作了。故选A项。
    46.答案与解析:D 句意:我曾经是一名私人教练,重新从事与健康相关的工作的想法让我很感兴趣。根据前文“I had been a persnal trainer befre”可知,作者曾经做过健身教练,因此有了重新从事与健康相关职业的想法。
    47.答案与解析:C 句意:我曾经是一名私人教练,重新从事与健康相关的工作的想法让我很感兴趣。根据前文“I had been a persnal trainer befre”可知,作者曾经做过健身教练,因此有了重新从事相关职业的想法。这里的“health and wellness related”作“smething”的后置定语。
    48.答案与解析:B 根据第三段中“I had been a persnal trainer befre”可知,作者曾经做过健身教练,结合后文提及的“EMT”应是指急救医生证书,根据其以往的工作经历以及想要从事的工作强度常识判断,作者对身体是否强壮比较在意。
    49.答案与解析:C 根据前文“Of curse I had questins. Hw was I ging t d this? Was I t ld? Was I __48__ enugh?”可知,“thse __49__”应是指代前文提及这些问题,也是作者担心的事情。
    50.答案与解析:C 句意:如果说2020年教会了我什么,那就是拥抱未知。A. avid避免;回避;B. resist阻挡;抵制;C. embrace 拥抱;欣然接受;D. predict预测。根据后文“Learning new skills will pen yur mind and drs t new pprtunities”可知,作者想要表达要接受和迎接新的机遇,欣然接受未知。
    51.答案与解析:D 句意:所以,带着极大的热情和一丝焦虑,我报名参加了一个急救医生课程,开始了我的旅程。A. tried ut测试;B. lked ut注意;当心;C. made up构成;编造;D. signed up报名参加。结合后文宾语“an EMT curse”意为“一项急救医生课程”,这里应是报名参加。
    52.答案与解析:D A. held up举起;阻挡;B. brke ff脱落;突然停止;C. turned up出现;调大音量;D. paid ff回报。根据后文“At the end f the year, I had __53__ my EMT license and began t lk fr ptins in the industry.”可知,作者最后得到了EMT证书,付出得到了好结果。
    53.答案与解析:C 句意:那年年底,我拿到了急诊医生执照,开始在行业中寻找选择。A. purchased购买;B. cherished珍惜;重视;C. earned挣得;赢得;D. witnessed见证;目击。根据后文“began t lk fr ptins in the industry”可知,作者已经开始在行业内找工作了,由此可推知,作者得到了EMT证书。
    54.答案与解析:A 句意:生活可以在一夜之间改变,所以有创造力和适应新环境是很重要的。根据后文“Learning new skills will pen yur mind and drs t new pprtunities.”可知,作者在疫情封控造成的变化中学会了新技能,得到了新的机会,由此可知,该句应是表达“在变化的生活里要有创新能力”。
    55.答案与解析:B 句意:所以2020年对我来说很棒,只是方式和我计划的不同。根据第一段中“I had finally gtten my __41__ n track and arranged sme incredible internatinal trips I had dreamed f fr years.”可知,2020年的疫情封控使得作者的计划被打破,但作者在这一年突破自我找到新的机会,这些好的方面与计划的“好的方面”不同。“different frm...”,“与……不同”。
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了40岁的农民兼家庭主妇甘有琴通过分享乡村生活并在网上推广相关产品,在促进农产品销售方面取得了巨大成功。
    56.答案与解析:t prmte 考查非谓语动词。try t d sth.表示“努力做某事”。故填t prmte。
    57.答案与解析:helps 考查时态和主谓一致。根据后文every week可知,应用一般现在时;主语后接介词短语tgether with时,谓语动词应根据主语的人称和数来确定,即谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填helps。
    58.答案与解析:fr 考查介词。be admired fr因……受人尊敬。故填fr。
    59.答案与解析:is knwn 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。be knwn as“被称为……,以……著称”;结合语境可知应用一般现在时,主语为Gan,谓语动词用单数。故填is knwn。
    60.答案与解析:initially 考查副词。修饰动词encurage应用副词,作状语。故填initially。
    61.答案与解析:featuring 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,feature在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与其逻辑主语shrt vides构成主动关系,故应用现在分词作定语。故填featuring。
    62.答案与解析:which 考查定语从句。此处为非限制性定语从句,修饰上文fruit frm their family rchard,从句中缺少主语,应用关系代词which引导,that不能引导非限制性定语从句。故填which。
    63.答案与解析:agricultural 考查词性转换。修饰空后名词prducts应用形容词。故填agricultural。
    64.答案与解析:a 考查冠词。success此处为抽象名词具体化,表示“成功的事物”,为可数名词,此处表泛指应用不定冠词,且great的首字母发音以辅音音素开头。故填a。
    65.答案与解析:achievement(s) 考查词性转换。空处作宾语,表示“成就”应用名词achievement,此处可用单数也可用复数形式。故填achievement(s)。
    Dear Tim,
    Glad t knw yu'll spend yur cming summer hliday in China. I think Beijing is the best chice.
    Beijing lies in the nrth f China and the climate is mild at this time f the year. Yu can find a variety f delicius fd there, f which the mst famus is the Beijing rast duck. Besides, there are many turist attractins wrth visiting, t name but a few, the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and the Frbidden City. I prmise yu'll have a wnderful time in Beijing.
    Lking frward t yur early reply.
    Li Hua
    KnwingIcarriedhistreat, Bulletgtupquicklyandrantme. The dg watched as I threw ckies ver the fence. I nticed she hadn't gtten the curage t venture utside the fence t get the meat. I went back t the prch, trying t think f a way t make the dg vercme her fear and cme fr the meat. Nticing Bullet was eating, the dg began t mve frward slwly, watching me all the while. “He might share his alfalfa with yu, but he'll never let yu eat his favrite ckies!” I said t myself.
    ButBulletdidn'tcareasthedgjumpedfrwardandtkackie. The dg sn swallwed the ckie, and then tk mre. When Bullet walked back tward the tree's shade, the dg walked alng. All day lng, they stayed tgether. The next day, Bullet still shared his fd with the dg. And I managed t make the dg get ut f the pasture and adpted her. Althugh she eventually warmed t me, she always lved Bullet's cmpany mst. They'd run jyfully tgether and rest tgether. And ften Bullet tuched the dg with his nse and she licked his face. I knew they had becme clse friends.

    英语必修 第三册Unit 6 Disaster and hope课后测评: 这是一份英语必修 第三册Unit 6 Disaster and hope课后测评,共15页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, B.At 9,5分,满分37, B.Utpia,90等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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