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    Safety First
    A home and road safety programme for children
    Calling all parents! Sign your child up for our safety programme! Your children will undergo a half-day programme on safety. At the end of the programme, they will answer a written and practical quiz.
    Are they responsible pedestrians (行人)?
    Are they cycling safely on the roads?
    Do they use electronic equipment safely?
    ●Friends card members enjoy a 15% discount on registration fees.
    ●Sign up with at least two friends and all three participants will enjoy a 5% discount.
    ●Receive a candy bag with every registration.
    ●The first fifty participants will receive a $20 voucher (代金券) from Book Stands.
    ●Register before 12 November to receive a 10% discount off the original registration fee and a $5 voucher from Café Express.
    Venue: Police Training Centre
    125 Advil Park
    Fee: $40 per child
    Date: 25, 26, 27 November
    Time: 8 a.m. ~1 p.m.
    Every child will receive a Certificate of Participation after the programme.
    1、What will each participant get?
    A.A candy bag.
    B.A Friends card.
    C.A visit to Book Stands.
    D.A $5 voucher from Café Express.
    2、How do the organizers encourage people to attend the programme?
    A.They cut their profit.
    B.They allow parents to join.
    C.They provide a wide variety of activities.
    D.They give a detailed programme schedule.
    3、What can be learned about the programme?
    A.It focuses on sharpening children’s cycling skills.
    B.It aims to strengthen children’s security awareness.
    C.It awards certificates to children who perform well.
    D.It requires participants to finish a quiz before joining it.
    Kevin Beard is my class instructor. Most weeks, I’d greet Kevin as he set up gloves, mats, and other equipment. So I was shocked when I arrived one day to find him standing in front of the room telling a story, with tears streaming down his cheeks. I was worried something had gone terribly wrong in his life, but as I listened to him talk, I heard him use words like “amazing”and “accomplishment.”I realized his tears weren’t out of sorrow, but happiness. Just a few days earlier, he’d received his GED (General Equivalency Diploma), at the age of 52.
    Having dyslexia (阅读障碍), Kevin left school at a young age and then managed to support himself by taking odd jobs. In his mid-30s, Kevin finally landed an opportunity for a job with some promise: working for a sheriff’s department (治安部门). Amazingly, when he came clean with them about his education, they said they’d hire him as long as he got his GED. He agreed, optimistic about this new career potential, and kind of excited about giving school another chance.
    Kevin studied with a tutor (家庭教师), and he did it for more than a decade, learning and practicing and correcting his mistakes, every free moment he had, often late into the night. It was a huge challenge, something Kevin compares to“climbing a mountain.”In fact, as Kevin took tests along the way, he did something interesting with each of his results. He posted them on his bedroom wall so that he could watch his progress.“I needed to see myself moving forward, and I wanted to speak,”he said.
    Finally, he made it.“I can’t really describe what it’s like to finally achieve this,”he said.“I can hardly even put it into words. People are giving me graduation gifts! It’s a dream come true.”
    This might sound like a perfect ending. But for Kevin, it’s a new beginning. He’s on a roll, and his next step is college. “Now that I’ve accomplished my GED, I’m hungry for education,”he said.
    4、Why did Kevin cry in the classroom?
    A. He was worried about his future.
    B. He had reached one of his goals.
    C. He was moved by a touching story.
    D. He had experienced something terrible.
    5、What was the response of the sheriff’s department when they learned of Kevin’s education?
    A. They recommended a part-time job to him.
    B. They assessed his suitability for the job.
    C. They refused him directly.
    D. They gave him hope.
    6、How did Kevin encourage himself to keep going to get his GED?
    A. By taking time to do things that interest him.
    B. By reporting his test results to his tutor.
    C. By writing himself encouraging words.
    D. By reminding himself of his progress.
    7、What can we learn from Kevin’s story?
    A. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. B. The early bird catches the worm.
    C. Practice makes perfect. D. Grasp all, lose all.
    Holiday jobs teach lessons that schools can’t: the hard work of earning money and pulling your weight, and the “employability” that businesses find lacking in many of today’s graduates and school leavers.
    Until this year, it had looked as though the holiday job was becoming extinct. In the UK, 43 percent of 16 to 17-year-olds were studying and working in 1997, but that had halved by 2017. This may be due partly to lots of summer schools, and the worthy trend towards volunteering. But since my eldest sons and their friends became teenagers, I have come to believe it is also the fault of HR departments which have seen anyone under 18 as a health and safety hazard (隐患).
    However, in England this summer, we are being treated to a new sight: of eager youths with nervous smiles, earnestly bringing our coffee to our tables. At a restaurant in Oxfordshire I was served by a friendly teenager, carrying our plates with the utmost care. The manager said he liked the enthusiasm and devotion of teenagers who are keen to get out of the house, having been cooped up (关起来) with their parents during the pandemic. “They learn a lot faster than we expected,” he said, a little apologetically.
    This change in attitudes happens because employers have little choice. A shortage of adults, combined with the mass reopening of shops and restaurants, is fuelling the need for new, flexible hire. In Ireland, there are reports that a record number of secondary school students are backfilling seasonal roles in the hospitality industry (服务行业) that used to be filled by adults who are currently receiving pandemic unemployment payments.
    It is only fair for us to appreciate the good points of teenagers, after the hardship forced on them by lockdowns and interrupted schooling. Moreover, they seem to be earning good money. Friends of my children report being able to earn above the minimum wage in a range of jobs and being offered inducements to take work, from free food to vouchers (代金券).
    8、Why did the author mention her sons and their friends in paragraph 2?
    A. To indicate the dangers teenagers might face.
    B. To explain why fewer teenagers did holiday jobs.
    C. To explain why unemployment climbed in the UK.
    D. To indicate things teenagers tended to do in summer holidays.
    9、What did the restaurant manager’s words show?
    A. His hope for the hospitality industry.
    B. His confusion about teenagers’ interests.
    C. His consideration for parent-child relationships.
    D. His satisfaction with teenagers’ performance.
    10、Why is the hospitality industry beginning to accept a record number of teenagers?
    A. There is a lack of adult workers.
    B. They ask for lower pay than adults.
    C. Schooling puts emphasis on employability.
    D. They try to live independently of their parents.
    11、What does the underlined word “inducements” in the last paragraph probably mean?
    A. Restrictions. B. Appointments. C. Explanations. D. Attractions.
    Yuri Gagarin became the first person to go beyond Earth’s atmosphere in 1961. As he spent 108 minutes in orbit, the Russian astronaut consumed a tube of beef-and-liver paste (糊状物) with a side of chocolate sauce. His American counterparts (同行) enjoyed equally unappetizing cuisine during their trips to the moon, but pureed (做成泥的) meat gave way to freeze-dried meals by the time the space shuttle first launched in 1981. Today, astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) also enjoy fresh fruit and vegetables sent from home.
    An increasingly appealing space diet has ensured astronauts get more of what their bodies need. Life aboard the ISS, for example, is hard—a six-hour spacewalk can burn more than 2,000 calories—so it’s essential that astronauts consume enough food to do the job. And over time, zero gravity weakens the heart and other muscles, requiring anyone living in it to exercise regularly. “Flavor is the primary driver for most decisions surrounding food intake,” says Robin Tucker, an assistant professor of nutrition science at Michigan State University.
    Floating freely can weaken the sense of taste and smell. Providing a variety of seasonings (调味品) helps with that. NASA also makes sure the Space Station has crew members’ favorite snacks. The menu includes goodies, like the occasional pizza during resupply flights.
    However, deliveries won’t be possible on a month’s long trip to Mars, and refrigerators and freezers require too much room and energy to be practical. Given that vitamins and minerals in packaged meals slowly break down, NASA is researching how astronauts might grow vegetables. It also has experimented with something like a 3D printer that would combine powdered starch (粉状淀粉), protein, and fat with micronutrients, oil, and water to make tasty food. As humans go ever farther into space, such ideas will ensure they eat something healthier, fresher, and more acceptable than wet and sticky stuff squeezed from a tube.
    12、What does the author think of astronauts’ food before 1981?
    A. It was too dry. B. It was original. C. It was unhealthy. D. It was unappealing.
    13、What influences astronauts’ food consumption in space most according to Robin Tucker?
    A. The food’s look. B. The food’s taste. C. The food’s smell. D. The food’s nutrition.
    14、How might space flights affect astronauts?
    A. They might become overweight.
    B. They have to take in fewer seasonings.
    C. They might have a weakened sense of smell.
    D. They have to do more exercise than on Earth.
    15、What is NASA focusing on at present?
    A. Preventing the breakdown of nutrients in food.
    B. Sending supplies to the spaceships flying to Mars.
    C. Enabling astronauts to feed themselves in space.
    D. Increasing the volume of freezers on spaceships.
    16、A recent Gallup study found that a majority of working people said they were more angry, stressed and worried in 2018. The fact is that we don’t relax enough and enjoy our leisure time enough.
    So what’s the fix? Maybe it’s making the best use of the potential leisure time we do have, particularly our weekends. It feels like a lot of us just use Saturday and Sunday to make up for work and sleep. ①_______. Below are some relaxation tips and a few hints on how to have a good weekend.
    Take some time away from your phone!
    It is called “screen/life balance.” ②_______. Maybe checking your phone for texts or emails only once an hour, instead of all the time. If you want to be really bold, try leaving your phone at home during certain weekend activities.
    Stay in the moment!
    Find ways to make your mind focus on where you are in the moment, what you’re doing right then and there, and what it all feels like. “Five senses meditation” is a great way to achieve the stage of focus. To do this, get still and focus on what you’re sensing. Notice five things you can see. Then four that you can feel. Three that you can hear. Two you can taste. One you can smell. ③_______. And sometimes you don’t have to follow that playbook exactly, just do whatever you want to do with the five senses.
    A lot of us fall into the trap of saving weekend work we have to complete for Sunday evening, which means Sunday can be pretty stressful and feel like Monday. To avoid those “Sunday scaries,” maybe get those few hours of work done at some other point during the weekend, so that the last thing you do during your weekend can be something actually fun.
    Focus on making new memories, rather than just repeating the workweek.
    To make the most of quality time with friends and loved ones, make it a point to talk about work as little as possible. We should redefine our hangouts: make new memories and learn new things about the people you care about. ⑤_______. Maybe ask your friends to tell you a memory of their first date or the story of their favorite song. ANYTHING but work.
    A. Ask questions that go beyond “how was your week?”.
    B. Beat the “Sunday scaries” by planning something fun, for the end of your weekend!
    C. Being lost in phones will cause neck pain and prevent people from getting out for fun.
    D. Thinking about those senses and what you’re experiencing can help you keep focused.
    E. One recent study found that just over a quarter of working people plan to use all their vacation days. The rest of us — most of us — never do.
    F. However, there are ways to maximize the weekend time to head back to work on Monday feeling more energized and happier.
    G. Setting up some rules for phone use over the weekend can be helpful.
    In a class many years ago, the teacher gave us the “unpardonable”—the class homework! The 1 was to go to someone you love and tell them you love them. 2 it doesn’t sound like a very tough assignment, I realized that I was 3 the generation of men who were taught that expressing emotions is not “macho” (男子气概的).
    You see, five years ago, my father and I had a 4 disagreement and we 5 seeing each other unless it was Christmas or other family 6 . But by the time I got home I had convinced myself I was going to tell my father I loved him. It’s weird, but just making that decision seemed to lift a heavy load 7 my chest. So I rushed home to tell my wife my plan. When I told her, she hugged me, and for the first time in our married life she saw me cry.
    The next morning, I went to the office early and 8 more in two hours than I had the whole day before. At 9:00 I called my dad, “Dad, can I 9 tonight?” My dad responded with a(n) 10 tone, “Now what?” At 5:30, I was at my parents’ house ringing the doorbell, 11 that Dad would answer the door. I was 12 if Mom answered that I would chicken out and tell her instead.
    But luckily, Dad did answer the door. I took a deep breath to 13 myself and said, “Dad, I just came over to tell you that I love you.” It was as if a transformation came over my dad. His face 14 , the wrinkles seemed to disappear and he began to cry. He hugged me tightly and said, “I love you, too, son.”
    Two days after that visit, my dad, who had heart problems, but didn’t tell me, had a heart attack and 15 in the hospital, unconscious. I don’t know if he’ll make it. So my message to all of you is this: Don’t wait to go to someone you love and tell them you love them and do it now!
    17、A. job B. suggestion C. assignment D. promise
    18、A. If B. Although C. However D. Also
    19、A. lost in B. informed of C. tired of D. raised in
    20、A. unforgettable B. disturbing C. heated D. emotional
    21、A. considered B. enjoyed C. admitted D. avoided
    22、A. meetings B. gatherings C. celebrations D. situations
    23、A. off B. on C. above D. over
    24、A. left B. accomplished C. relaxed D. stimulated
    25、A. stay up B. hang out C. show up D. come over
    26、A. indifferent B. impatient C. pleasant D. bitter
    27、A. thinking B. considering C. hoping D. wondering
    28、A. worried B. excited C. confused D. surprised
    29、A. calm B. withdraw C. encourage D. persuade
    30、A. darkened B. softened C. tightened D. strengthened
    31、A. ended up B. picked up C. got away D. passed away
    32、Geetha Saleesh was diagnosed with an illness ①________ she was young and lost her sight. However, being ②________ (visual) damaged never stopped her from reaching her objectives.
    In 2020, she and her husband Saleesh Kumar founded a restaurant ③________ served meals and drinks, ④________ (use) organic products but had to close down due to the ⑤________ (lose) of the rented premises (经营场所). “Why not establish an online business during the lockdown?” she wondered. Since Geetha was familiar ⑥________ running a business, with her ⑦________ (remark) cooking skills, she established her online food business.
    Also, it is with her background and ability that she started to sell homemade pickles (泡菜) online. She even created a special meal which is an ⑧________ (adapt) version of curry (咖喱). “I’m glad my hard work paid off.” she says.
    Recently, she ⑨________ (develop) a website for food promotion and marketing. “We don’t have many products right now, ⑩________ in the future, we intend to grow herbs and spices on our own,” Geetha says.
    1. 写信目的;
    2. 自身优势。(至少两点)
    参考词汇:第十九届亚运会组委会 the 19th Asian Games Organizing Committee
    Niesha could not forget the way she had frozen in front of the class today. Mr. Roberts had divided the class into groups to do presentations. Today had been Niesha’s turn. However, her hands had shaken so badly that she couldn’t read her notes. Her voice had become softer even to silence. Mr. Roberts had kindly ended Niesha’s part of the presentation even though she had clearly not finished. He had also asked Niesha to stay after class for a moment.
    “Niesha, I know you’re shy, but you worked hard on this project. I’d hate to see you give up. on yourself.” Mr. Roberts had hesitated, “If I give you another chance until tomorrow, do you think you can find your courage?” Niesha had nodded, grateful for the chance. She had gone as quickly as she could to her next class. She had kept her head down and hoped the school day would end soon.
    When she reached her back steps that afternoon, she could see an inviting light coming from the kitchen windows. Momma was baking. Momma studied Niesha’s face as she came into the kitchen. “What’s wrong, Niesha?”
    Tears shone in Niesha’s brown eyes. She told her the whole story. Momma was silent for a moment, her hands still busy with the cake. “Why is it that you can talk to me about anything and everything, but you can’t talk to your class?” Momma asked. She set the timer and then said, “Let me show you something.”
    Niesha followed Momma to her bedroom. There Momma showed her a book filled with newspaper clippings and pictures. In it there was a blue ribbon that said “First Place” and a picture of herself when she was very young, standing with her parents.
    “I won it for public speaking. I started the school year as the shyest girl on the speech team, but I ended the year as the blue ribbon winner. It wasn’t easy at first- not sure of myself at all. I worked hard, and mostly I faced my fears. You just need to find your courage.”
    Paragraph 1:
        Hearing Momma’s words, Niesha gazed at the precious blue ribbon, lost in thought.
    Paragraph 2:
        The next day Niesha again walked to the front of the classroom to give her presentation.
    解析:细节理解题。根据文中“.Receive a candy bag with every registration.(●每次登记时收到一个糖果袋)”可知,每个参与者会得到糖果袋。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文中“●Sign up with at least two friends and all three participants will enjoy a 5% discount.The first fifty participants will receive a $20 voucher (代金券) from Book Stands. ●Register before 12 November to receive a 10% discount off the original registration fee and a $5 voucher from Cafe Express.(●与至少两个朋友报名,三个人都可以享受5%的折扣。● 前50名参与者将获得书摊提供的20美元代金券。●11月 12日前报名,可获得原注册费九折优惠,并可获得Cafe Express $5代金券-张)”可知, 主办机构削减了利润来鼓励市民参加活动。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一-段"Calling all parents! Sign your child up for our safety programme! Your children will undergo a half-day programme on safety. At the end of the programme, they will answer a written and practical quiz.(各位家长!为您的孩子报名参加我们的安全计划!您的孩子将接受为期半天的安全培训。在节目的最后,他们将回答一个书面和实际测试)”可知, 项目旨在加强儿童的安全意识。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题.根据第一段"I realized his tears weren't out of sorrow but happiness. Just a few days earlier he'd received his GED (General Equivalency Diploma) at the age of 52."(我意识到他的眼泪)不是因为悲伤,而是因为幸福.就在几天前,他52岁时获得了普通同等学历文凭GED)可知,凯文在教室里哭泣是因为他实现了自己的一个目标,故 选B.
    解析:细节理解题.根据第二段 "In his mid-30s Kevin finally landed an opportunity for a job with some promise: working for a sheriff department. Amazingly when he came clean with them about his education, they said they'd hire him as long as he got his GED." (30多岁的凯文终于找到了一份若有前途的工作:在治安部门工作.令人惊讶的是,当他向他们坦白自 己的教育时,他们说只要他拿到GED,他们就会雇用他)可知,当治安部门了解凯文的教育情况后,他们给了凯文希望只要他拿到GED,他们就会雇用他,故选D.
    解析:细节理解题.根据第三段 In fact, as Kevin took tests along the way, he did something interesting with each of his results." (事实上,在凯文进行)测试的过程中,他对每个结果都做了一些有趣的事情.他把它们贴在卧室的墙上,以便看看到自己的进步)可知,凯文是通过提醒自己已经取得的进步来鼓励自己坚持下去,最终获得GED的,故选D.
    解析:推理判断题.通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了从小患有阅读障碍的凯文坚持不懈, 克服重重困难,终于在52岁时获得普通同等学历文凭GED的励志故事,从他的经历中我们可以学到"右志者事竟成",故选A
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段But since my eldest sons and their friends became teenagers,I have come to believe it is also the fault of HR departments which have seen anyone under 18 as a health and safety hazard (隐患).(但是,自从我的长子和他们的朋友都成了青少年,我开始相信这也是人力资源部门的错,他们认为18岁以下的人都是健康和安全隐患)可知,作者通过她的长子和他们的朋友的经历意识到,做假期工作的青少年变少了也是人力资源部门的错,因为人力资源部门认为18岁以下的人都是健康和安全隐患。由此推知,在第2段中作者提到她的儿子和他们的朋友是为了解释为什么做假期工作的青少年更少了。故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段The manager said he liked the enthusiasm and devotion of teenagers who are keen to get out of the house,having been cooped up (关起来) with their parents during the pandemic. "They learn a lot faster than we expected," he said,a little apologetically.(这位经理说,他喜欢那些渴望走出家门的青少年的热情和奉献精神,他们在疫情期间与父母关在一起。"他们的学习速度比我们预期的快得多,"他有点抱歉地说)可知,经理喜欢青少年的热情和奉献精神,认为他们学习东西的速度很快。由此可推断出,餐厅经理的话表明了他对青少年的表现很满意。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段A shortage of adults,combined with the mass reopening of shops and restaurants,is fuelling the need for new,flexible hire.In Ireland,there are reports that a record number of secondary school students are backfilling seasonal roles in the hospitality industry (服务行业) that used to be filled by adults who are currently receiving pandemic unemployment payments.(成年人的短缺,再加上商店和餐馆的大规模重新开张,促使人们需要灵活的新员工。在爱尔兰,有报道称,有创纪录数量的中学生填补了服务行业的季节性岗位,而这些岗位过去是由目前领取大规模失业金的成年人担任的)可知,因为成年工人的短缺,导致了有创纪录数量的中学生填补了服务行业的季节性岗位。由此可知,服务行业开始接受有创纪录数量的青少年是因为缺少成年工人。故选A项。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据划线单词所在的句子Friends of my children report being able to earn above the minimum wage in a range of jobs and being offered inducements to take work,from free food to vouchers (代金券).(我孩子们的朋友们说,他们在很多工作中都能挣到高于最低工资的工资,而且还能得到从免费食物到代金券等各种各样的奖励。)句中"from free food to vouchers"(从免费食物到代金券)可知,免费食物和代金券是雇主为了吸引青少年来工作所提供的吸引力,"Attractions"意为"吸引力,有吸引力的事",能够表达划线单词在句中所要表达的意思。A.Restrictions限制;B.Appointments任命;C.Explanations解释;D.Attractions景点。故选D项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段Yuri Gagarin became the first person to go beyond Earth's atmosphere in 1961.As he spent 108 minutes in orbit,the Russian astronaut consumed a tube of beef-and-liver paste (糊状物) with a side of chocolate sauce.His American counterparts (同行) enjoyed equally unappetizing cuisine during their trips to the moon,but pureed (做成泥的) meat gave way to freeze-dried meals by the time the space shuttle first launched in 1981.(尤里•加加林于1961年成为第一个超越地球大气层的人。当这位俄罗斯宇航员在轨道上飞行108分钟时,他吃了一管牛肉和肝酱,配有巧克力酱。他的美国同行在登月旅行中享受着同样没有吸引力的饭菜,但到1981年航天飞机首次发射时,肉泥已经被冻干的食物所取代。)可知,1981年前宇航员吃的是牛肉和肝酱等没有吸引力的食物,由此可知,作者认为1981年以前宇航员的食物是没有吸引力的。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段"Flavor is the primary driver for most decisions surrounding food intake," says Robin Tucker,an assistant professor of nutrition science at Michigan State University.(密歇根州立大学营养科学助理教授罗宾•塔克说:"味道是大多数食物摄入决策的主要驱动力。")可知,罗宾•塔克认为食物的味道对宇航员决定是否吃这种食物的影响最大,由此可知,罗宾•塔克认为食物的味道对宇航员在太空中的食物消耗影响最大。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段Floating freely can weaken the sense of taste and smell.(自由漂浮会减弱味觉和嗅觉。)可知,自由漂浮会减弱味觉和嗅觉,在太空飞行就是自由漂浮的状态,由此可知,太空飞行会导致宇航员的嗅觉减弱。故选C项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段Given that vitamins and minerals in packaged meals slowly break down,NASA is researching how astronauts might grow vegetables.It also has experimented with something like a 3 D printer that would combine powdered starch (粉状淀粉),protein,and fat with micronutrients,oil,and water to make tasty food.(鉴于包装食品中的维生素和矿物质会慢慢分解,美国航天局正在研究宇航员如何种植蔬菜。它还试验了一种3 D打印机之类的东西,这种打印机可以将粉状淀粉、蛋白质和脂肪与微量营养素、油和水混合,制成美味的食物。)可知,美国航天局正在研究宇航员如何种植蔬菜和用类似3 D打印机的设备自己制作食物,目的是让宇航员能够在太空中自食其力,由此可知,美国航天局目前的重点是研究如何使宇航员能够在太空中自食其力。故选C项。
    解析:①F.推理判断题。根据上文So what's the fix?Maybe it's making the best use of the potential leisure time we do have,particularly our weekends.It feels like a lot of us just use Saturday and Sunday to make up for work and sleep.(那么解决办法是什么呢?也许是充分利用我们潜在的闲暇时间,尤其是周末。感觉我们很多人只是利用周六和周日来弥补工作和睡眠)以及后文Below are some relaxation tips and a few hints on how to have a good weekend.( 下面是一些放松的建议,以及如何过一个愉快的周末的一些提示)可知,本句与上文构成转折,指出让周末时间最大化的方法,启示下文。故F选项"然而,有一些方法可以使周末时间最大化,周一回去工作时感觉更有活力、更快乐"符合语境,故选F。
    ②G.推理判断题。根据后文Maybe checking your phone for texts or emails only once an hour,instead of all the time.If you want to be really bold,try leaving your phone at home during certain weekend activities.(也许一小时只查看一次手机短信或邮件,而不是一直查看。如果你想要更大胆一些,可以尝试在周末的某些活动中把手机留在家里)可知,本条建议与手机的使用有关,故G选项"制定一些周末使用手机的规则会很有帮助"符合语境,故选G。
    ③D.推理判断题。根据上文Find ways to make your mind focus on where you are in the moment,what you're doing right then and there,and what it all feels like. "Five senses meditation" is a great way to achieve the stage of focus.To do this,get still and focus on what you're sensing.Notice five things you can see.Then four that you can feel.Three that you can hear.Two you can taste.One you can smell.(想办法让你的注意力集中在你此刻所处的位置,你此时此地正在做什么,以及一切的感觉。"五感冥想"是达到专注阶段的好方法。要做到这一点,保持静止,专注于你所感知的。注意你能看到的五件事。然后是四个你能感觉到的。三个你能听到的。两个你可以尝一尝。一个你可以闻到的)以及后文And sometimes you don't have to follow that playbook exactly,just do whatever you want to do with the five senses.(有时候你不需要完全按照剧本去做,你可以用五种感官做任何你想做的事)可知,上文提到了"五感冥想"法,故本句承接上文说明其作用:帮助你集中注意力。故D选项"思考这些感觉和你正在经历的事情可以帮助你集中注意力"符合语境,故选D。
    ④B.标题归纳题。根据本段内容A lot of us fall into the trap of saving weekend work we have to complete for Sunday evening,which means Sunday can be pretty stressful and feel like Monday.To avoid those "Sunday scaries," maybe get those few hours of work done at some other point during the weekend,so that the last thing you do during your weekend can be something actually fun.(我们很多人都喜欢把周末要完成的工作留到周日晚上,这意味着周日会很有压力,感觉就像周一一样。为了避免那些"周日恐惧症",也许可以在周末的其他时间完成这几个小时的工作,这样你在周末做的最后一件事就可以真正有趣起来)可知,本段主要是关于如何克服"周日恐惧"的方法,故B选项"在周末计划一些有趣的事情来战胜‘周日恐惧'!"符合语境,故选B。
    ⑤A.推理判断题。根据上文To make the most of quality time with friends and loved ones,make it a point to talk about work as little as possible.We should redefine our hangouts:make new memories and learn new things about the people you care about.(为了充分利用与朋友和爱人在一起的宝贵时间,尽量少谈论工作。我们应该重新定义我们常去的地方:创造新的记忆,了解你在乎的人的新情况)以及后文Maybe ask your friends to tell you a memory of their first date or the story of their favorite song.ANYTHING but work.(也许让你的朋友告诉你他们第一次约会的记忆,或者他们最喜欢的歌曲的故事。除了工作)可知,本句是在说明不建议询问新情况的问题,故A选项"除了问‘你这周过得怎么样?'"符合语境,故选A。
    32、答案:①when②visually③which/that④using⑤loss⑥with⑦remarkable⑧adapted⑨has developed⑩but
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I’m Li Hua. Learning that the 19th Asian Games Organizing Committee is selecting/recruiting volunteers, I’m writing to apply for the position.
    I do believe that I’m qualified for the job. Firstly, as a responsible and easy-going girl/boy, I’m good at cooperating and solving problems. Besides, being fluent in oral English makes me communicate with foreigners without difficulty. More importantly, I have relevant working experience before.
    Thank you for your time and consideration. I’d appreciate it if you could give me the chance.
    Li Hua
    解析:高分句型一:Learning that the 19th Asian Games Organizing Committee is selecting/recruiting volunteers ,I'm writing to apply for the position.
    分析:本句使用了现在分词短语learning that the 19th Asian Games Organizing Committee is selecting/recruiting volunteers作状语。
    高分句型二:I do believe that I'm qualified for the job.
    Paragraph 1:
        Hearing Momma’s words, Niesha gazed at the precious blue ribbon, lost in thought. She imagined the scene where her momma tried her best to overcome her fears and pluck up her courage to deliver a fantastic speech to the audience. Perceiving Neisha’s anxiety, Momma reassured her and reached out her hand to tie the blue ribbon onto Niesha’s wrist with a disarming smile. Restored and determined, she gritted her teeth to find her courage. In front of the mirror parked Neisha continuously practicing from pronunciation to tone, even gesture. “Try harder,” she perked herself up when drowsiness fell upon her.
    Paragraph 2:
        The next day Niesha again walked to the front of the classroom to give her presentation. Shy, she customarily lowered her head and averted her gaze, numb there for seconds. Shortly afterwards, courage found its way back the moment she caught sight of the blue ribbon. Comforted and inspired, she took a deep breath, summoned up her courage, “Dear fellow students, ...” Niesha cast a glance at Mr. Roberts standing in the corner smiling at her. A self-reassuring smile spread across Niesha’s face. She knew for sure that she had found her courage, in the mill and in the adversity.


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    南京市六校联合体2021-2022学年高一下学期期中六校联考英语试卷: 这是一份南京市六校联合体2021-2022学年高一下学期期中六校联考英语试卷,共15页。






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