A 篇 自行车租赁信息
1 bike rental and guided tours 租赁的
2.the most economical, sustainable and fun way最经济,最可持续,最好玩
3.strategy n.strategic adj.战略,策略,战略性的
4.foot brake ,刹车 hand brake, gear 排挡此轮
5.cover a long distance 走完路程
6.The tour departs from Dam Square 从Dam 广场出发
7.give sb a discount 给某人折扣 n/v
B 篇 污水处理 环保
1.people make messes 制造狼藉,制造混乱、垃圾
2.fishery 渔业,水产业
3.the plants trap harmful bacteria.细菌。
4.cancer -causing chemicals 致癌化学物质
5.eco-machine eco-system , eco-friendly ecological design 生态的 前缀,生态的
6.remove harmful substance from 从-- 移走有害物质
7.digest 消化,文摘 n./v/
8.develop a greenhouse-like facility 像温室一样的设施
Life on earth is kind of a box.有点像,几分像稍微
kind of = sort of = bit of / something of a
He was kind of angry.he was something of a thief.
organ 器官 organic 有机的 organism 有机物
organize 组织 organization 组织机构
11.review n/v/ 审查,检查,评论, 回顾,复习
be the basis of one’s work 研究的基础
the base of the status / the bank / glass 底座
C 篇 数字极简主义生活
1.make the case for sth 解释,提出理由
digital minimalism (ism 主义,后缀)
capitalism 资本主义 socialism 社会主义
optimism 乐观主义 , pessimism 悲观主义
minimal 极小的 minimum 最小的
3.philosophy 哲学 philosophical foundations 哲学的基础
4.an examination of the forces 审查调查,考察,考查,检查
increasingly intolerable 越来越难以忍受
tolerate 忍受 v.toleration 忍受n.
tolerant 宽容的 adj.tolerance 宽容 n.tolerable 可以忍受的
conclude by doing 用什么方式结束
conclude with sth / conclude sthwith sth 以什么作为结尾
clutter n.杂乱 v 使-- 杂乱
de 前缀 去—— 化
defrost 除霜 deforest 砍伐森林
deglobalization 去全球化,逆全球化
declutter 清除 清理
8.optional online activites 选择性的网络活动
mass n.团块,大量,堆 ( 群众 the mass )
massive 大量的,大规模的,
the strategies work for them.方法对他们有效。
they encountered traps. 遇到陷阱,遇到难处
11.cultivate a sustainable digital minimalism lifestyle
12.issue n.话题,期刊,发行 v.发表,发行,
solo 前缀单独的 独奏 solo flight 单飞
a solo artist 独唱歌手
solitude 独居,独处
14.chapter 章节
15.necessity 必要性 necessities 必需品
leisure 闲暇空闲leisure activites业余活动
in one’s leisure time 在闲暇时间
17.mindless 无脑的,盲目的,机械的
18.view sth as 把-- 看做
19.critical thinking skills 批判性思维技巧( critic 批评家) criticize 批评
20.advocate a simple digital lifestyle 倡导简朴的数字生活方式
theory -- theoretical 理论上的
statistics 统计学 statistical 统计学的
D 篇 决定群体评估的准确性的因素
1.statistaician 统计学家
2.a paper 论文
3.illustrate 阐述,阐明
4 estimate v.估计 n.估值 estImation 估计的动词
5.conduct an experiment / survey 做实验,做研究,做调查
6.average n.平均值 v.取平均值 adj 平均的 on average
7.accurate adj.准确的 accuracy n.准确度,
capital n.资本,首都,省会,大写字母\
adj.大写的, 首府的,极好的
capitalize 用大写字母写,为提供资金,
capitalize on 利用
overestimate over 前缀 过度的,
underestimate 前缀 低于,不足的
overemphasize 过分强调
overpraise 过度表扬 overburden 过度的负担
10.cancel sth out 取消,抵消
11.technical terms 专业术语
12.be correlated 相互关联的, correl前缀 有相互关系的
13.twist v./n. 弯曲,旋转,扭曲,盘绕,缠绕,曲解,欺诈,
14.be significantly more accurate 修饰比较级要精确的多
15.get a sense of 理解
dominant adj.占主导地位的,占优势的,显著的
dominate v.统治,支配, domination
reason v.推理,推断,劝告,
reason with sb 和-- 理论,讲道理
reasonable unreasonable 有道理的,说的通的
18.global 全球的,全面的,整体的
19.implication imply 暗示
20.enormous 巨大的
21.underlying logic 内在的逻辑
22.occasion -- occasional -- occasionally 偶然地
dismiss 开除,解雇,不理会,解散,使出局
dismissal n. dismissive 轻蔑的,不加考虑的,不屑一顾的
approve of 同意,批准
approval n.approving adj.
1 do the ironing 解决问题 iron n/v 熨斗,解决 金属铁
2.boost self-confidence
3.a fixed aspect of your personality 个性中固定的一面
1.should have done 本该干某事而没有干
2.as reported by a local newspaper = as is reported
3.she was through her race when a runner began crying她正在中途,突然
4.she would have struggled with extreme pain to make it to that aid checkpoint without B’s help.
= if B hadn’t helped her, she would have struggled与过去相反
5.make it to some place 成功到达某地方
a big deal 大事情
deal n. 大量,交易,划算的价格,坏运气,不公平的对待
v.deal with 应对,对付,讨论 买卖, 给予
Neither won the race, but the display of human kindness
won the day.
win the day 占上风,取得胜利
8.delay == postpone == put off
9.race 比赛,种族,狂跑,
10.bend down 弯腰
11.constant 持续不断地,
12.interrupt 打断,中断
identify 确认,识别,证明,认为一致,
identity 身份,个性,特性
identical 完全相同的,同一的
14.discouraged 泄气的,沮丧的
15.display 展示,展览 on display
1.construction 构造
2.delicate dumpling wrappers精美的饺子皮
3.case 箱子 encase 包住,围绕,包装
4.far and away 远远超过,无法比拟的
5.decide whether to do A or to do B
6.bite -- bit -- bitten
7.release 释放, risk a spill 冒着溢出的风险
8.explode -- explosion 爆炸
8.the recognized home 公认的故乡
9.the neighbouring canal townn 隔壁的运河小镇
10.prepare the food 烹饪
press the wrappers by hand 手工压饺子皮
roll the wrappers 卷、滚饺子皮
12.Nanxiangaside 先抛开NANXIANG 这个地方不说
13.steamer basket 蒸格
14.tear -- tore -- torn 破
15.spill their contents 溢出内容
16.a touch of 一点