Unit 4 第3课时 Section A-七年级英语同步备课系列(仁爱版) 课件
展开What time is it now?Unit 4 Topic 3福建莆田市秀屿区湖东中学 刘志辉It has a big face, but it has no eyes or ears.It has no legs, but it has three hands—two long hands and a short one. It has no mouth, but it can say “tick, tick, tick”.PuzzleWhat time is it, please?It’s one o’clock.What’s the time, please?It’s three o’clock.What time is it, please? /What’s the time, please? It is twelve o’clock. What time is it, please?It’s five past one. (It’s one o five.)What time is it, please? /What’s the time, please? It’s nine past eight. (It’s eight o nine.)It’s a quarter past seven. (It is seven fifteen.) What time is it, please? /What’s the time, please? a quarter十五分钟What time is it, please? /What’s the time, please?It’s half past four. (It’s four thirty.)half一半What time is it, please?It’s twenty to two. (It’s one forty.)What time is it, please? /What’s the time, please?It’s eight to eleven. (It’s ten fifty-two.)What time is it, please? /What’s the time, please?It’s a quarter to six. (It’s five forty-five.)常用的时刻表达法有两种:1. 直接表述 1:15 one fifteen2. 借助past和to表述 当分钟数小于或等于三十分钟时,用past。 如:10:10 ten past ten 当分钟数超过三十分钟时,用 to。 如:1:55 five to twoIt’s ten o’clock now. Let’s go to the zoo. We can see the zoo shows.Oh, very nice.zoolionpandamonkeyelephanttigerLook at the poster of the Zoo Shows. Then ask and answer questions with your partner.Example:A: What can we see at 10 o’clock in the morning?B: We can see the Monkey Show.Listen, look and say. (视频P97-1a)1. Where do they want to go?2. When will they go to the zoo?3. When will they meet?4. What can they see in the zoo? 5. Where will they meet?Listen and answer.The zoo.At 9 o’clock.Monkeys, lions, tigers, pandas and elephants.At Kangkang’s home.(录音P97-1a)Tomorrow. Kangkang and Michael have _________ tomorrow. They want to go to the ________. They can see ________, ______, _______, _____ and __________. They will meet at _______ o’clock at __________________ .timezoomonkeyslionselephantsnineExercisepandasKangkang’s home tigersListen and number the pictures.( 3 )( 4 )( 1 )( 2 ) (录音P97-2-A)Listen and write down the time of animal shows.nine o five______________________ (录音P97-2-B)ten o’clockeleven fifteentwelve thirty(录音P98-4a)(录音P98-4b)SummaryWords: panda, monkey, lion, elephant, tiger, o’clock, past, to, a quarterSentences:—What time is it, please?/ What’s the time, please?—It’s ...1. Recite Section A-1a.2. Preview Section B.HomeworkGood-bye !