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这是一份适用于新教材2024版高考英语一轮总复习Unit2OutofThisWorld牛津译林版选择性必修第三册,共6页。试卷主要包含了an 考查冠词,greener 考查比较级等内容,欢迎下载使用。
选择性必修第三册 Unit2Ⅰ.阅读理解A(2022湖北宜昌一模)A study confirmed that the cracks found on Mars’s surface last year by the Curiosity Rover are evidence of ancient lakes that likely dried up about 3.5 billion years ago.The new study provides further evidence of what the climate on the Red Planet may have been like in its ancient past.The study,published online in Geology,proved that cracks on Mars’s surface previously photographed by Curiosity are dry mud cracks which could have only been formed when wet ground was exposed to the air.This conclusion was based on an analysis of a single area of rock known as “Old Soaker”.Researchers used the Curiosity Rover and information from its many tools including the Mars Hand Lens Imager,ChemCam Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectrometer (LIBS) and the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS) to study both the physical appearance and the chemistry of the rock,which is described as no bigger than a coffee table.The analysis showed that cracks on the rocks were formed by exposure to air,rather than heat or the flow of water.In addition,the shape of the cracks suggests it experienced a single drying event on the planet,rather than getting wet and drying over repeatedly.The position of the cracks,closer to the center of the ancient lake rather than alongside it,also suggests that the lake levels changed often,rising and falling over time.“The mud cracks are exciting because they help us to understand this ancient lake system,” lead study author Nathaniel Stein,a geologist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena,said,referring to the ancient lake system on the planet.Scientists have known of the existence of ancient water on Mars for years.A 2015 NASA study that measured water in Mars’s atmosphere suggested that ancient oceans may once have had more water than our own Arctic Ocean.However,because the planet has less gravity and a thinner atmosphere than Earth,this water evaporated(蒸发) into space over the course of several billion years.1.What is the Curiosity Rover?A.An organization. B.A scientist.C.A planet. D.A machine.2.What do we know about the discovery on Mars?A.The cracks are near the center of an ancient lake.B.Mars was getting wet and drying more than once.C.The lake level on Mars seldom changes over time.D.The cracks on the rocks were formed by water flow.3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?A.Ancient water still exists on Mars now.B.The gravity on Mars is stronger than that on Earth.C.The atmosphere on Earth is thicker than that on Mars.D.The ancient Arctic Ocean had more water than it has now.4.What is the text mainly about?A.Water on Mars. B.A trip to Mars.C.A study on Mars. D.Cracks on Mars. B(2023原创预测题)If you’re one of those people that needs your phone or device in bed with you when you’re asleep,you might want to read on.That’s because doing this could be really dangerous,in that it could set your entire bed on fire.It’s a warning that has been issued specifically for children who got new tablets for Christmas but extends to anyone who places a device (on charger) somewhere flammable(易燃的) during the night.Pictures,that were shared by the Australian Fire Department,show exactly how dangerous charging on a flammable surface can be.They show the end of a charger which seems to have had all its protective coating melted away.From there,it has started to the bed sheet and another cover,giving an insight into the damage that can be done if left.The post has been shared by CPR Kids,a page dedicated to CPR and First Aid education.Alongside the pictures,they wrote:“Did your children receive a tablet or phone for Christmas?Make sure that they never charge electronics in bed—teach them to follow manufacturers’(制造商) guidelines.Charge on a flat surface with no flammable materials around,make sure there are no foreign objects in the connector or plug,and avoid cheap accessories.Also,it is important to check that cords(电源线) are always in good condition and throw away any cords that show signs of wear and tear.Damaged cords and charging in unsafe conditions can pose a fire risk! And always keep cords out of reach of little ones.”Tagging people in the comments,one Meta user wrote:“This is why I tell you to remove the power board from your bed!” Sharing their own experience,someone else commented:“We once charged our phone on a book on our desk.The phone heated up so much that the book caught fire.Smoke hadn’t gotten to the smoke detector yet.”5.Who is the passage probably written for?A.Photographers who share pictures.B.Anyone who sets the entire bed on fire.C.Children who got new tablets for Christmas.D.People who charge devices somewhere flammable.6.What happened to the charger in the pictures?A.It was moved from the flammable surface.B.Its protective coating was burned out.C.The bed sheet was taken far away from it.D.The Australian Fire Department liked it.7.What does CPR Kids suggest people doing?A.Never buying children tablets.B.Charging electronics in bed.C.Choosing cheap accessories.D.Throwing away damaged cords.8.What did people think of the post?A.It was ridiculous. B.It was unnecessary.C.It was funny. D.It was helpful.Ⅱ.七选五(2023浙江名校联盟第三次联考)Agriculture has come a long way from its ancient beginnings.Long ago,farmers would work hard on their individual plots of land,using simple tools or even their bare hands.They tended to their crops for many hours each day so that the crops grew well. 1 For example,a single storm could destroy a whole year’s work,while a summer of good weather could ensure a good harvest. Modern science and technology have helped to greatly reduce the back-breaking labour involved in farming,along with the reliance on luck and guesswork. 2 Probably one of the most beneficial innovations is drip irrigation,which has made it possible to develop big,green farms in the middle of the desert.Simcha Blass,an Israeli scientist,discovered this new way of irrigation in the 1930s.Through this discovery,farmers can now produce crops on dry land without needing much water. 3 The limited and focused use of just the right amount of water also denies moisture (水分) to weeds,keeping them from harming the crops. 4 However,what if an area has plenty of water,but little usable soil?As it turns out,it is possible to grow plants without using soil at all.With hydroponics (水培),plant roots are supported by rocks or a fiber mat.Nutrient-rich water is then provided so that the plants can grow.Recent research has centered on vertical hydroponics farming.With a vertical farm,the crops are planted in containers that are piled into plant skyscrapers. 5 With such technological advances,the image of a farmer pushing a plough will eventually become a thing of the past.A.Luck played a great part in farming.B.Some areas would be too dry to grow crops.C.Drip irrigation deals with a lack of water in an area.D.There have been experiments to make drip irrigation a reality.E.This irrigation method uses far less water than other methods.F.Furthermore,nearly all hydroponic farms partially or fully automated.G.Farmers have benefited greatly from innovations in crop production.Ⅲ.语法填空(2023河南豫南省级示范高中联盟模拟)So rapidly does the technology develop that no one can predict what may happen tomorrow.The number of 5G users in China has reached 20 percent,which leaves the people in the world 1.(amaze).In China,operators are quick to provide continuous nationwide coverage,2.
(ensure) users a consistent experience.They also offer flexible service packages,which delivers a beneficial result for both users and 3. (they). High-quality 5G networks 4. (drive) rapid growth of mobile data traffic so far,according to Ding Yun,Huawei’s executive director and president of its carrier business group.5. is estimated,the average data traffic per user per month will reach 600 GB by 2030.The energy consumption of wireless networks will 6. (definite) increase a lot if energy efficiency of existing networks remains unchanged.However,7.
has been confirmed is that Huawei has offered a comprehensive range of products and measures that address the power consumption issues of wireless networks. Huawei has already employed low-carbon 8. (strategy) in more than 100 countries,including Saudi Arabia,Greece,Pakistan and Switzerland,helping operators reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 40 million tons.As 9.
important player in the communications industry,Huawei will continue to put green development at the center of everything it does and develop innovative ways to build 10.
(green) 5G networks worldwide than before.
参考答案选择性必修第三册 Unit2Ⅰ.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了火星上的裂缝。一项研究证实,去年“好奇号”火星探测器在火星表面发现的裂缝是远古湖泊干涸的证据,并分析了该裂缝。1.D 细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知这项发表在《地质学》杂志网络版上的研究证明,之前“好奇号”拍摄到的火星表面的裂缝是干泥裂缝,只有在潮湿的地面暴露在空气中时才会形成。由此可知,CuriosityRover是火星探测器。2.A 细节理解题。根据第四段中“Thepositionofthecracks,closertothecenteroftheancientlakeratherthanalongsideit,alsosuggeststhatthelakelevelschangedoften,risingandfallingovertime.”可知,这些裂缝靠近一个古湖的中心。3.C 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“However,becausetheplanethaslessgravityandathinneratmospherethanEarth”可知,地球的大气层比火星的厚。4.D 主旨大意题。根据第一段内容以及下文对该裂缝的分析,可知,这篇文章是关于火星裂缝的。故选D项。【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。睡觉前你会给手机充电么?你是否想过你充电的地方存在潜在的危险?文章就在床上给电子设备充电给出了一些建议。5.D 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句和最后一句可知,本文是写给那些经常将电子设备放在易燃处(如床上)充电的人,特别是(但不仅仅是)那些在圣诞节得到了新平板电脑的孩子。6.B 细节理解题。根据第二段的“Theyshowtheendofachargerwhichseemstohavehadallitsprotectivecoatingmeltedaway.”可知该充电器的外保护层熔化了,即被烧坏了。7.D 细节理解题。根据第三段的“Also,itisimportanttocheckthatcordsarealwaysingoodconditionandthrowawayanycordsthatshowsignsofwearandtear.”可知,要让电源线处于良好状态,扔掉那些有磨损的电源线。8.D 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“ThisiswhyItellyoutoremovethepowerboardfromyourbed!”以及另外一个人分享的经验可知,评论的人大都很认可CPRKids的说法。Ⅱ.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了科学技术在农业中的应用,介绍了滴灌和水培农业及其优点。1.A 上文“Theytendedtotheircropsformanyhourseachdaysothatthecropsgrewwell.”指出农民们为了庄稼长得好,每天要花好几个小时照料庄稼,下文“Forexample,asinglestorm...ensureagoodharvest.”以具体例子说明,突发天气状况会影响收成,由此可推知,空处应该是指出古代农业收成好坏也靠运气,A项“运气在农业中起了很大的作用。”符合语境。2.G 上文“Modernscienceandtechnology...luckandguesswork.”指出现代科技给农业带来的好处,空处也应该承接上文,继续描写现代科技给农业带来的好处,G项“农民从农作物生产的创新中获益匪浅。”符合语境。3.E 上文“Throughthisdiscovery,farmerscannowproducecropsondrylandwithoutneedingmuchwater.”指出滴灌的优点,农民不仅可以在旱地上种植,而且不需要太多水,下文“Thelimitedandfocuseduse...harmingthecrops.”指出滴灌使用有限而集中的水对农业的好处,由此可知,空处应承接上文,继续描写滴灌用水少这一优点,E项“这种灌溉方法比其他方法用水少得多。”符合语境。4.C 由下文“However,whatifanareahasplentyofwater...theplantscangrow.”的However可知,空处和下文是对比关系,且结合上段提到用水少的滴灌可知,空处应该是对上文进行总结,同时和下文进行对比,即用滴灌能解决缺水地区的农业问题和水培能解决水多地区的问题做对比,C项“滴灌解决了一个地区缺水的问题”符合语境。5.F 上文“Recentresearchhascenteredon...plantskyscrapers.”提出最近的研究都在垂直水培农业上,同时描述了垂直水培农作物的一些情况,空处应该继续描写垂直水培农作物的一些相关内容,F项“此外,几乎所有的水培农场都部分或全部实现自动化。”符合语境。Ⅲ.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。作为通信行业的重要参与者,华为将继续把绿色发展作为一切工作的中心,并开发创新方式,在全球范围内建设比以往更绿色的5G网络。1.amazed 考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,此处为“leave+宾语+宾语补足语”结构,设空处应用-ed结尾的形容词作people的宾语补足语。故填amazed。2.ensuring 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,ensure与主语operators 之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,因此空处应用现在分词形式。故填ensuring。3.themselves 考查代词。分析句子结构可知,设空处作介词for的宾语,且主语和宾语为同一群人;结合提示词可知,空处应为反身代词themselves。故填themselves。4.havedriven 考查时态和主谓一致。根据句中的时间状语sofar可知,设空处应用现在完成时,主语是High-quality5Gnetworks,谓语动词应用复数形式。故填havedriven。5.As 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,关系词在定语从句中作主语,指代后面整个句子,且根据句意,空格处含有“正如”的意思,因此需用关系代词as引导。置于句首,首字母大写。故填As。6.definitely 考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,设空处作状语,应用副词修饰动词increase。故填definitely。7.what 考查名词性从句。分析句子结构可知,设空处引导主语从句,在从句中作主语。故填what。8.strategies 考查名词的数。根据句意及语境可知,strategy在此处意为“策略”,是可数名词;再根据设空前无冠词可知,此处应填其复数形式。故填strategies。9.an 考查冠词。根据空后的importantplayer可知,此处表示泛指,且important以元音音素开头,应用不定冠词an。故填an。10.greener 考查比较级。根据空后的thanbefore可知,设空处应用形容词的比较级。故填greener。
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