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- 高中英语人教版(2019)必修一大单元Unit5 Languages Around the World单元整体教学设计点评课件2 课件 0 次下载
人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world完美版说课教学课件ppt
展开Uint 5 说课课件
1. 单元教学承载了完整的课程内容六要素,承载着学科核心素养培养的具体而有所侧重的目标任务,是通过英语课程学习促进学生成长比较完整的课程周期” (梅德明,王蔷,2018)2. 单元整体教学是以教材为基础,用系统论的方法对教材中具有内在关联性的内容进行分析、重组、整合并形成相对完整的教学单元,在教学整体观的指导下将教学诸要素有序规划,以优化教学效果的教学设计。(吕世虎等,2016)
(2)注重单元输出活动之间的关联① 输出活动是否都基于主题意义,且将所学习的语言知识、文化知识、语言技能和学习策略融合其中?② 要使学生具备完成单元整合性输出的能力,哪些内容在单元学习中需要不断循环复现?如何复现?③ 在每个课时的学习过程中,学生能够获得语言知识、文化知识、学习策略、语言技能、思维方式等哪些方面的迁移运用能力?(李宝荣等,2019)
单元标题: Language around the world主题语境: 人与自我主题语境内容:语言学习的规律、方法等; 乐于学习,善于学习,终身学习。
2.1 单元主要内容(What)
2.2 语篇写作目的(Why)
[Why] 学生通过本单元选取的多模态语篇可以体会到语言存在的必要性和语言学习的意义,多角度思考外语学习的动机,联系自身英语学习的经历,积极探寻和思考语言学习的各种技巧和方法。学生还可以从中通过观察语言和文化的发展,客观分析、辩证思考事物发展的因果关系,有利于发散思维的形成。
2.1 单元文体结构和语言修辞(How)
[How]本单元选取了不同类型的多模态语篇,通过严谨的说明性语篇,理解说明文的语篇特点和组织结构,如本文主要是围绕汉字书写体系的development, functions 和importance三部分展开;通过相对非正式的网络博文,了解其语言特色,灵活运用大写字母进行强调(Any advice? HELP?Yeah, that’s really hard.There are just SO MANY new words)。在语言修辞上,语篇都运用了定语从句的表达,通过不同语篇创设的语境,帮助学生理解定语从句的语用功能,尤其是关系副词when, where,why及介词(on\in\at\during\for...)+which在定语从句中的正确使用。
在本单元学习结束后,学生能够:1. 认识汉字的悠久历史和汉语在国际交流中日益增强的地位,理解学习英语过程中会遇到的各项困难;
2. 在获取整合关于汉字历史发展的信息过程中理解说明文语篇的特点以及组织结构;3. 对英语和汉字的共性和差异进行对比分析,结合自己对英汉两种语言异同的理解,推荐汉语学习的方法,提升文化自信;4. 运用本单元所学的词汇和语法来谈论汉字的发展历史及其重要性,推荐进汉语学习的方法, 描述关于语言学习的重要性、困难、经历、学习策略方面;5. 找到适合自己的语言学习的方法,并尝试使用各种不同的学习策略,逐步形成适合自已的学习方法,发展自我学习能力。
“English around the world ”单元内容整合关联图
3.1 单元课时目标
3.1 单元课时目标
3.1 单元课时目标
3.2 主题意义探究活动
3.3 单元课时活动
1. 整合reading中主题关联的词块并分别以中心话题“汉字书写系统”的发展development和对其“连接古今”作用connecting以思维导图的呈现;2.以书面的形式写一篇主题为“汉字承中华文明,汉字传播中国文化”的英语演讲稿,内容包括:1. 语言发展2. 如何传承;3. 如何传播。
3.3 单元课时活动
1. 整合speech中学习各种外语及选择的理由,并以思维导图呈现;2. 整合supplement reading中主题关联的词块并对对之前的思维导图进行补充如:学习的经历;3. 运用所学自编对话,口头阐述自身学英语的理由、动机和简单的学习计划。
3.3 单元课时活动
1.整合listening中英式和美式英语用词的差异,2. 整合reading中关于英语学习的困难障碍,并以思维导图呈现;3. 运用reading中相关的语言表达句式进行口头表达,阐述英语学习的困难,讨论解决的方法;4. 独立完成与主题关联的关于学习困难的博文初稿并进行同伴互评,根据同伴陈述的问题提供自己的方法。
1. 整合reading中主题关联的词块并分别围绕中心话题“汉字书写系统”的发展development和对其“连接古今”作用connecting以思维导图的呈现;2.以书面的形式写一篇主题为“汉字传承中华文明,汉字传播中国文化”的英语演讲稿,内容包括:1. 语言发展2. 如何传承;3. 如何传播。
1. 整合speech中学习各种外语及选择的理由,并以思维导图呈现;2. 整合supplement reading中主题关联的词块并对对之前的思维导图进行补充如:学习的经历;3. 运用所学自编对话,口头阐述自身学习外语的理由、动机和简单的学习计划。
1.整合listening中英式和美式英语用词的差异;2. 整合reading中关于英语学习的困难障碍,并以思维导图呈现;3. 运用reading中相关的语言表达句式进行口头表达,阐述英语学习的困难,讨论解决的方法;4. 独立完成与主题关联的关于学习困难的博文初稿并进行同伴互评,根据同伴陈述的问题提供自己的方法。
The reason why Chinese may become a global language
The reason why learning Chinese is a good choice
The problems which you will have in learning Chinese
The methods that can be used to learn
Situation creation
Discuss and write a short description of learning Chinese well for foreign friends.
Group work
Discuss and write a short description of learning Chinese well for foreign friends.
The reason why Chinese may become a global language
The reason why learning Chinese is a good choice
ConclusionHow I hope more and more foreign friends can appreciate and learn Chinese
The problems which you will have in learning Chinsese
The methods that can be used to learn
Discovering useful structures 讲述外语学习的故事和经历 reading for writing—— 外语学习的困难和建议 听力、词汇…… assessing your progress 讲述外语学习的故事和经历reading and thinking 汉字历史发展的过程
Studying a langauge was not just for my future. It was exercise for the brain; the more I learnt of a language, the more my brain would grow. I could think in this language. I could see the world from a different point of view. I felt as if Ii had reached the goal which I had been fighting for. I could open a book and see meanings.not just a sea of words.
I’m having a lot of troble with my listening.When I listen to native English......My biggest headache is how to be polite in English.For me, vocabulary is my biggest problem----Listening to English radio programmes helps me get used to how ......
Reading those books in Latin opened a window for me to another world and gave me a new point of view on my own world.We all loved the way she talked about Greman food and traditions.
Written Chinese has also become an important means by which China’s present is connected with its past. China is widely known for its ancient civilisation which has continued all the way through into modern times. There are many reasons why this has been possible, but one of the main factors has been the Chinese writing system.
Chinese characters are one of the most ancient languages in the world. There are many reasons why it is becoming increasingly popular. First, the Chinese writing system is of great importance in connecting the past and the present. Meanwhile, many foreign students are beginning to appreciate China’s culture and history through it.
There are many reasons why learning Chinese is a good choice. To begin with, Chinese acts as one of the official languages of the United Nations, which means better job chances in the future. What’s more, learning Chinese can help appreciate the charm of the language so that people can see the world from a different point of view.
However, Chinese is one of the most difficult languages in the world, which means a big challenge. For example, the tone is quite different from English pronunciation so that you can not guess a word’s tone through its character. It means you should write the pinyin with the words and practice them time by time. Faced with so many difficulties, you can record your voice so that you can listen to yourself and compare your tones with the radio host’s.Also, listening to Chinese radio programmes helps you get used to how fast native speakers talk. As China plays a greater role in global affairs, an increasing number of foreign learners are beginning to appreciate Chinese history, culture and beautiful scenery through learning Chinese.
Vocabulary-building chart单元语言积累表
1. Discuss and write a short description of learning Chinese well for foreign friends.
2. Exchange your draft with your group members and correct for each other.
4. Polish your draft according to the advice given by your classmates.
3. Teacher help one student’s sample to paraphrase some certain sentences by using the learned restrictive relative clauses in this unit(when/ where/ why作连接词)
1. 教学背景分析---本课在单元的位置
2. 文本分析
2. 文本分析(What)
1. 主题语境--人与自我,属于“语言学习的规律、方法”。2. 文本是三名网友对WangLe在网上提出的“英语学习最大的困难是什么?”这一问题的回答。Liu Wen、Jia Xin和Li Rui的回复各有侧重,他们分别提出了听母语人士讲英语、得体使用英语、记忆单词三方面的困难,这些困难也是我国高中生在学习英语中最常遇到的困难。3. 文本启发读者多角度积极探寻和总结解决英语学习种遇到的困难的途径,树立正确的学习观。
2. 文本分析(Why)
2. 文本分析(How)
本文主要是由三段网络跟帖组成,语言简洁,用词灵活,比较随意,个性化强,这符合网络博文非正式文体的典型特点。每一位跟帖者不仅提出自己的问题,还有针对性地回答了前一位网友提到的困惑,旨在给具有同样困惑的学生以启发。本文使用了一些表达有困难需要求助的句式,如I’m having a lot of trouble with…(Liu Wen);My biggest headache is…(Jia Xin);…is my biggest problem. (Li Rui);表达建议的一些句式,如Doing…helps me…(Jia Xin);If…, I can…(Li Rui)。
3. 学情分析3.1 已有基础
1. 话题积累:学生在本单元第一、二课时,理解了汉字书写体系对中华文化的传承,能够从多个视角认识世界, 归纳与建构影响语言对文化发展的多元因素;在第三、四课时学生了解了多积极思考和阐述外语学习的动机和理由;第五课时学生认识了英语的多样性及英式英语和美式英语的典型差异; 了解通晓数种语言的人学习的经历。2. 语篇知识:学生对网络跟帖这种文体形式有一定了解,语篇贴近高中生的网络交际方式,比较随意,个性化强,学生对此具有较强的模仿能力。
3. 学情分析3.1 已有基础
3. 语言积累:1. 在课前阅读The Chinese Writing System部分,学生积累了相关话题词汇:汉字书写体系对中华文化的传承(system, date back, symbol, carve, means, is connected with, varieties of dialects and characters, an art form, play a greater role, appreciate); 2. 在课前听说部分Explore languages around the world部分,学生积累了相关话题词汇:探讨学习选择学习的外语及学习的动机和理由(It’s wise to learn ,native or second language, think it means, there are many reasons why ,I’d love to, I think that)
3. 学情分析3.2 存在问题与解决措施
存在问题:学生掌握表达困难和建议的形式比较单一,词汇和句式不够丰富,不习惯用英语和同伴探讨英语学习的办法, 很少在新媒体上用英语发表自己的观点和看法。解决措施:在leading-in部分,通过三个问题引发学生对博客这一体裁和对英语学习这一主题的关注和思考;在reading部分,通过五个问题引导学生获取文本信息和梳理语篇结构;在pre-writing部分,通过完成表格引导学生概括文中提到的英语学习的困难和解决的建议,整理支撑性细节的功能和表达句式;在while-writing部分,引导学生整合关于描述困难和表达建议的词块和句式;鼓励小组内讨论学习英语的其他困难和可行的方法,并以思维导图的形式呈现;在post-writing部分,引导学生选取一个英语学习的困难写一封求助信并发表在网上,同伴间相互提供参考建议并做好信息整理,再进行汇总和口头交流。
6.2 教学目标和教学重难点
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:Identify the structure of a blog about English study. Learn the problems and given advice about English study.Learn to independently summarize the problems and solutions. Write a blog about problems with learning English and useful advice.Polish the blog individually and in groups and share it after modification.Understand the meaning of English learning correctly, analyze the reasons and try to solve the problems in the face of learning difficulties.Realize that learning English requires persistence and effort.
Main learning focus:
Identify the structure of a blog about English study. Learn the problems and given advice about English study.Learn to independently summarize the problems and solutions.
Potential difficulties:
Write a blog about problems with learning English and useful advice.Polish the blog individually and in groups and share it after modification.Understand the meaning of English learning correctly, analyze the reasons and try to solve the problems in the face of learning difficulties.
6.3 教学过程设计和实施
1. Leading in
Q: What is a blog?
Q: What problems do you have in learning English?
Q: Could you give some advice to solve the problems?
Who starts this blog?Who responds to it?What is the blog mainly about?
2. Reading
What is an online forum?
An online forum is an Internet-based place where people exchange ideas and opinions about one problem.
What does each of the students write about?
They first give advice on the problems the students above mentioned and talk about their own problems.
Liu Wen
having trouble with listening to native English speakers
1. listen to English radio programmes2. repeat what you hear 3. record your voice and compare your pronunciation with the radio host’s.
how to be polite in English
depend on who you’re talking to
1. use short requests to a close friend.2. use longer requests to people who are not so close.3. use more polite phrases to people senior to you.
Jia Xin
remember and use new vocabularies
Li Rui
Read the text again and summarize the problems and advice.
Jia Xin’s advice
Li Rui’s advice
Your advice
trouble with listening to native English speaker
1. listen to English radio programs
how to be polite in English
1. use short requests for close friends
remember new vocabulary
1. carry a small notebook with you everywhere
2. repeat what you hear
3. record your voice and compare it with the radio host’s
2. use longer requests for people who are not so close
3. use more polite phrases for people senior to you
2. remember word chunks
3. use flash cards
3. Pre-writing
Read for some supporting details about the problem and advice.
I’m having a lot of trouble with my listening.
My biggest headache is how to be polite in English.
vocabulary is my biggest problem.
...catch only a few words. ...can never quite get the main idea.
It’s so much easier to just say “Open the window!”, but in English that can sound really terrible.
There are just so many new words! I can’t keep all the new vocabulary straight in my head, and I certainly can’t remember how to use them all properly.
Supporting details
Supporting details are usually examples or facts that are used to describe or explain the topic sentence. They can make your description or explanation more vivid and convincing.
Useful Sentence Structures
1. You are advised to ... 2. It is suggested that ...3. It is of great importance to... 4. The idea of.... works best for you if you apply it to your daily life.
Describing problems
1. I have no idea how to……2. … seems a big challenge for me.3. I can never exactly figure out…4. I get confused about how/what..5. ....(the biggest problem/headache) stands in the way to my learning English.6. The trouble of.... has bothered me a lot these days.
Giving advice
4. While-writing
Think about your problems with learning English.
Choose your biggest problem with learning English.
Describe the problem clearly.What is the problem?How does it make your English learning difficult?Give one or two examples as supporting details.
It is very hard for me to improve my English reading speed which leads to my poor reading comprehension. (What is the problem?) Faced with a large number of unfamiliar English words and expressions, I can hardly read through the article and it seems impossible to figure out the meanings. In this case, it always takes me more time to understand the article. Worse still, slow reading stops me from capturing key information during reading. (How does it make your English learning difficult?) Therefore, I have trouble in understanding English newspapers, magazines, and websites. (Give one or two examples.)
5. Post-writing
Exchange drafts and correct for each other.
Comment others’ blog according to the checklist:
6.4 作业设计
Offer some advice to the problem described by your classmates.
Write down two advice on how to solve the problem.What are the two pieces of advice?Examples of how to use them in real life?Summarize the effects.
There are some suggestions for me on the Internet. One is to make full use of word - chunking, namely, reading several words at once, which is probably the most active tool to use to increase reading speed. (What are the two pieces of advice?) As one person can actually take in several words at a time, it is advised that we start with reading three words at a glance. Later, we can divide the text into some sections and read the text in each section as one thing. (Examples of how to use them in real life.) By chunking the words together and reading them at a glance, we will notice that our speed is becoming faster and faster. (Summarize the effects.)
Blackboard Design
1. 注重创设问题情境,让学生体现学习新知识的必要性;
1. Workbook的文章作为泛读的素材,应该怎样评价学生获取和阐述关键信息的程度,如何帮助学生掌握那些涵盖主题词汇、句型?
1. 在整体单元教学中,传统的词汇课教学是不是应该取消,取而代之的是在不同语篇中帮助学生体验和理解词汇的语用功能?
Thanks for your listening!
英语必修 第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world精品说课教学课件ppt: 这是一份英语必修 第一册Unit 5 Languages around the world精品说课教学课件ppt,文件包含高中英语人教版2019必修一大单元Unit5单元整体教学说课课件pptx、高中英语人教版2019必修一大单元Unit5单元整体教案docx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共60页, 欢迎下载使用。
高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 2 Travelling around优秀说课教学ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 2 Travelling around优秀说课教学ppt课件,文件包含高中英语人教版2019必修一大单元Unit2Travellingaround单元整体教学设计专家指导说课课件pptx、高中英语人教版2019必修一大单元Unit2Travellingaround单元整体教案docx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共48页, 欢迎下载使用。
高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 1 Teenage life优质说课教学ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 1 Teenage life优质说课教学ppt课件,共29页。PPT课件主要包含了单元整体解析,学情分析,单元内容关联图,单元教学目标,单元课时安排,案例分析,What ,Warming-up,title等内容,欢迎下载使用。