外研版(一年级起点)小学五年级英语上册Module 6 Unit 2 They got seventy points. 课件1
空白演示在此输入您的封面副标题 Module 6 Unit 2 They got seventy points.Let's say and do .run , run, run fast jump, jump , jump highjump ,jump jump farswimming ,swimming ,go swimmingfootball ,football, play footballping-pong,ping-pong, play ping-pongbasketball, basketball, play baskeballCan he play basketball ?Can he play basketball?Can he play basketball? Yes, he can .Wh did they do yestersday?What did they do yesterday?They played baketball in the park.Listen and fill in the form. How many points did they get? 13141516171819thirteenfourteenfifteenseventeeneighteennineteensixteen13-19后面都有”teen”2030405060708090twentythirtyfortyfiftysixtyseventyeightyninety20-90后面都有“ty”thirty -sixthirty-sixforty-onesixty-twoninetyfifty-threeseventy-fiveeightytwenty-four12345678.Listen and circle. playgetwinareRead by yourself .(5 points) (自读)Read in groups.(5points) (小组合作朗读)Retell the text.(10 points) (复述课文)SHOW TIME.( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( ) ( )Listen and number..( 1 )( 4 )( 8 )( 3 )( 6 )( 9 )( 2 )( 5 ) ( 7 )Listen and number. Read and complete. Yesterday, and played basketball in the park. ______got ______ (70)__________ got ___________.(64) got ______ (36). got _______. (13) And _____(得到)twenty- one points._____ team _____.______ were very happy.Weseventy points.The other teamsixty- four points.thirty-six points.thirteen pointsgotourwonWe 我是小小解说员Chinese team and English team played basketball in Beijing. Chinese team67English team55YaoMing28Yi Jian lian19wonhappyseven Let's say.Chinese team and English team_____________ in Beijing .Yao Ming played well. He _____ _____________ (28)Yi Jianlian played well too. He got _____________ (19). Chinese team_________________(67).English team __________________(55) Chinese team _________.They __________very ________. . played basketball twenty -eight pointsgotnineteen pointsgot sixty-seven pointsgot fifty-five points wonwerehappyWhat have you learned?Summary:Homework:1.Read the text.2. 仿照课文介绍一场体育比赛。(40个单词左右。)
