展开高考英语语法知识讲解一、同位语(一)给文章增添细节1.概念句子中同一个位置,指代同一个事物或者群体的两个名词,或名词类短语,句子,互为同位关系。其中,后面的名词是前面名词的同位语。若后面名词的位置上是句子,则是前面名词所跟的同位语从句。2.功能同位语通常是对前面名词进行进一步的解释说明,在写作中可以为文章增添一些细节类信息。例:We Chinese people are brave.我们中国人勇敢。这个句子中,存在两个名词(短语):we 和Chinese people。we 和Chinese people都放在be动词are前面,即主语的位置上,满足同位关系。we=Chinese people,满足指代同一个群体。所以,we和Chinese people互为同位关系,后面的Chinese people是前面代名词we的同位语。【例句】Our English teacher, a kind lady, is patient with us.我们的英语老师,一个善良的女士,对我们很有耐心。our English teacher和a kind lady都放在is前面的主语位置上,满足同位关系。且our English teacher=a kind lady,所以,a kind lady是our English teacher的同位语。Beijing, the capital city of China, is located in north of China.北京——中国的首都,位于中国的北部。the capital city of China和Beijing都放在is前面,满足同位关系。且Beijing=the capital city of China,所以,the capital city of China是Beijing的同位语。The news that our team has won the game is true.我们赢得比赛的消息是真的。the news和that our team has won the game都放在is前面的主语位置上,满足同位关系。且the news=that our team has won the game,所以that our team has won the game是the news的同位语。因为that our team has won the game是个句子,所以称为同位语从句。He didn't answer my question why he left without telling us.他没有回复我的疑问——为什么他不告而别。my question和why he left without telling us都放在谓语answer后面的宾语位置上,满足同位关系。且my question=why he left without telling us,所以why he left without telling us是my question的同位语。因为why he left without telling us是个句子,所以称为同位语从句。We supported his suggestion that the dam should be built at the foot of the mountain.我们支持他的建议——大坝应该建在山脚下。his suggestion和 that the dam should be built at the foot of the mountain都放在谓语动词supported后面的宾语位置上,满足同位关系。且his suggestion=that the dam should be built at the foot of the mountain,所以,that the dam should be built at the foot of the mountain是his suggestion的同位语。因为that the dam should be built at the foot of the mountain是个句子,所以是同位语从句。(二)非限制性定语从句的简化【例句】1.Beijing, the capital city of China, is located in the north.北京,中国的首都,位于北方。Beijing=the capital city of China,且都在主语的位置上,所以,the capital city of China是Beijing的同位语。2.Red Sorghum was written by MoYan, a famous Chinese writer.红高粱是由莫言—— 一位有名的中国作家,所著。Mo Yan=a famous Chinese writer,且都在by后面的宾语位置上,所以,a famous Chinese writer是Mo Yan的同位语。3.Mr.Smith, our new math teacher, is very kind to us.史密斯先生,我们的新数学老师,对我们很友善。Mr.Smith=our new math teacher,且都在is前面主语位置上,所以,our new math teacher是Mr.Smith的同位语。我们在上面这三个例句后面,加上关系词和系动词后,可以得到以下三个非限制性定语从句:1.Beijing, which is the capital city of China, is located in the north.2.Red Sorghum was written by MoYan, who is a famous Chinese writer.3.Mr.Smith, who is our new math teacher, is very kind to us.【结论】1.如果被同位语补充说明的名词是物,关系词用which。如果被同位语补充说明的名词是人,关系词用who。2.关系词代替前面的名词,在后面句子中作主语。3.【简化】去掉关系词和be动词后,可以实现非限制性定语从句和同位语之间的转化。 二、表语一、名词——名词作表语,等于主语【例句】I am a teacher.表语是a teacher, I=a teacher。二、形容词——形容词作表语,修饰主语He is extremely confident.他极其自信。表语是confident,confident修饰主语he。我们可以把形容词作表语看成是简化后的主系表结构,还原后,依旧是名词作表语:He is an extremely confident man.他是一个极其自信的人。【例句】1.My mother is a patient lady.我的母亲是一个耐心的女士。表语是a patient lady=my mother。【简化】My mother is patient.我的母亲很耐心。表语是patient,修饰my mother。2.They are hard-working students.他们是勤奋的学生。表语是hard-working students=They。【简化】They are hardworking.表语是hardworking,修饰they。3.Suzhou is a beautiful city.苏州是一座很美丽的城市。表语是a beautiful city=Suzhou。【简化】Suzhou is beautiful.表语是beautiful,修饰Suzhou。4.Dogs are clever animals.狗是聪明的动物。表语是clever animals=dogs。【简化】Dogs are clever.狗很聪明。表语是clever,修饰dogs。