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    这是一份福建省泉州市四校2022-2023学年高二英语下学期期中联考试题(Word版附解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, B.$1,600,5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1.When did Alice feed the parrot?
    A.This morning. B.Last night. C.Yesterday afternoon.
    2.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A.Doctor and patient.
    B.Fellow workers.
    C.Taxi driver and passenger.
    3.How does the woman sound?
    A.Anxious. B.Thankful. C.Understanding.
    4.What color dress does the woman want?
    A.White. B.Pink. C.Blue.
    5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A.The woman’s kid. B.The man s teacher. C.A violin contest
    6.What does Caroline think of the film?
    A.Just so-so. B.Quite disappointing. C.Very satisfactory.
    7.What does Caroline intend to do?
    A.Drink a cup of tea.
    B.Call her friends.
    C.Make a negative comment.
    8.What is the weather like now?
    A.Sunny. B.Rainy. C.Cloudy.
    9.How did the woman go to work today?
    A.By underground. B.By bike. C.By car.
    10.What does the woman say about shared bikes?
    A.They are convenient.
    B.They are good for the environment.
    C.It may be unsafe to ride them without helmets.
    11.Who is Jane probably talking to?
    A.A schoolmate. B.A teacher. C.A close friend.
    12.Which course does Jane like now?
    A.History of art.
    B.Ancient Indian history.
    C.History and politics in Latin America.
    13.What is Jane likely to do this weekend?
    A.Go to a party. B.Work on a paper. C.Have a meal with the man.
    14.How did the woman know about the agency?
    A.From a co-worker. B.From the newspaper. C.From the Internet.
    15.Why does the woman want to rent a flat on King Street?
    A.The rent there is low.
    B.The street is quiet at night.
    C.The street is near her company.
    16.How much does the woman have to pay in advance if she rents the flat?
    A.$1,500. B.$1,600. C.$1,800.
    17.What will the woman do next Wednesday?
    A.Have meetings. B.Go on a business trip. C.Tour the flat.
    18.Where is the ship?
    A.3,000 meters beneath the ice.
    B.1,000 meters beneath the ice.
    C.300 meters beneath the ice.
    19.How did the British explorer feel about the ship?
    A.A little scared. B.A bit dissatisfied. C.Very surprised.
    20.What did the exploring team do to the ship?
    A.They raised it from the deep sea.
    B.They left it in the deep sea.
    C.They removed some parts of it.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    What do you think robots are capable of? You might be able to find one that fits your needs at the World Robot Conference (WRC) 2022 in Beijing. Held from Aug 18 to 21, more than 500 robots were on display at the WRC, and this year’s WRC showed quite a few cutting-edge inventions.
    Technology in agriculture
    With the help of various sensors and an AI system, the robot can collect fruit according to its ripeness, quality and size. The robot first locates the fruit and then uses sensors to decide whether it is ripe, with a robotic arm picking the fruit gently. The fruit is then categorized, ending up in a basket according to its size. Wu Jiafeng, the exhibitor of the fruit- picking robot, told CCTV that more robotic technology will be used in agriculture in the future, including robots for daily inspection and weeding.
    Robots fighting COVID-19
    Medical staff conducting nucleic acid tests often find their work tough, especially under the summer heat. A nucleic acid test robot developed by Tsinghua University and a Chinese biotech company was presented at the WRC. The robot can collect throat swabs, process samples, as well as produce and upload the results within 45 minutes. The whole process will not require the involvement of humans or laboratories.
    Inventions of the youth
    Students from BDA School of the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China had their own exhibition at the WRC. Despite their young age, the students brought fascinating inventions and ideas. For example Wang Jiarun, a junior student at the school, designed a three-dimensional parking facility. Since there are usually too few parking spaces in older residential areas, Wang’s work aims to fit more cars into current parking spots. The facility works like a sky wheel with six parking spots. When cars need to be picked up, the facility rotates (旋转) steadily, placing the car on the ground.
    1. What’s the author’s purpose in writing this article?
    A. To state the importance of robots.
    B. To advertise three kinds of robots.
    C. To introduce some front-line inventions of robots.
    D. To explore the features of young people’s inventions.
    2. What does the article tell us about the nucleic acid test robot?
    A. It can save manpower.
    B. It looks like a lively human.
    C. It processes samples with the help of doctors.
    D. It can produce and upload the results in half an hour
    3. Why is the parking facility designed like a sky wheel?
    A. To keep the balance of the facility. B. To make the best of limited spaces.
    C. To decorate current parking spaces. D. To prevent cars from being stolen.
    【答案】1. C 2. A 3. B
    推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“Held from Aug 18 to 21, more than 500 robots were on display at the WRC, and this year’s WRC showed quite a few cutting-edge inventions. (8月18日至21日,500多个机器人在WRC展出,今年的WRC展示了不少尖端发明)”可推知,本文旨在介绍今年WRC展示上出现的一些前沿尖端机器人发明,下文也指出了三个例子。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句“The robot can collect throat swabs, process samples, as well as produce and upload the results within 45 minutes. The whole process will not require the involvement of humans or laboratories. (该机器人可以采集咽拭子,处理样本,并在45分钟内生成和上传结果。整个过程将不需要人类或实验室的参与)”可推知,该机器人极大节省了人力。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段四五句“Since there are usually too few parking spaces in older residential areas, Wang’s work aims to fit more cars into current parking spots. The facility works like a sky wheel with six parking spots. (由于老旧小区的停车位通常太少,王的工作旨在为现有的停车位安装更多的汽车。这个设施就像一个有六个停车位的摩天轮)”可推知,这个像摩天轮的停车设备这样设计的目的是为了最大化利用有限的空间。故选B项。
    I started playing the piano when I was around four years old—that was 15 years ago!—and since then, the longest I haven’t touched piano keys was probably two months. This was an enormous amount of devotion to something that I wasn’t even planning to make money off of—so there must have been something worth holding on to, right?
    The easy guess is that I was always so purely in love with music and piano that I couldn’t bear to let them go. However, it’s a bit more complicated than that. I struggled a lot with piano. I felt pressure to improve, innovate, and be the best in order to prove something to others. The seed of my musical interest was grown with competition and doubt.
    It’s difficult to learn to love something that you didn’t choose in the first place. But somehow, sometime, love grew. And by high school, it was strong enough that I found the strength to hold on tighter, dig further, and find something of my own to grow. In a way, I had to start over.
    And so, I took a pause. I switched teachers, and got incredibly lucky with one who encouraged me and helped me tunnel into what I loved, not what I was told I should learn. Anything I had was good enough to be loved.
    This summer, I started learning the guitar. I deliberately wanted to learn on my own—this was just for me, to form a new relationship to music. Even though my guitar skills are miles lower than my piano skills, I feel I can express myself even more wholly through strings than keys. There’s just something about doing it all for myself that has helped me heal the damages to my relationship to music.
    The love and hate I’ve had for the piano were both planted and grown. If you too have learned to hate something you once loved—or something you never chose—remember that with dedication, it can be uprooted, and love can make a home in its place. There is always time. There is always room.
    4. What can we learn about the author’s experience from Paragraph 1?
    A. He probably spent two months in playing the piano.
    B. He began to play the piano when he was 15 years old.
    C. He thought it necessary to start playing the piano early.
    D. He committed himself to the piano not for financial factors.
    5. Which of the following words best describes the author’s relationship with the piano?
    A. Bittersweet. B. Harmonious. C. Painful. D. Passive.
    6. What inspired the author to learn the guitar?
    A. His teacher’s constant encouragement. B. His desire for a new relationship with music.
    C. His interest in strings rather than keys. D. His talent for playing musical instruments.
    7. What is the best title for the text?
    A. Practice makes perfect B. Love cannot be forced
    C. Love is a thing that grows D. There is no end to learning
    【答案】4. D 5. A 6. B 7. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“This was an enormous amount of devotion to something that I wasn’t even planning to make money off of it—so there must have been something worth holding on to, right? (这是对一件我甚至不打算从中赚钱的东西的巨大投入,所以一定有值得坚持的东西,对吗?)”可知,作者投身于钢琴并非出于经济原因,没打算从中赚钱。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中“The easy guess is that I was always so purely in love with music and piano that I couldn’t bear to let them go. However, it’s a bit more complicated than that. I struggled a lot with piano. (简单的猜测是,我对音乐和钢琴的爱一直是如此纯粹,以至于我不忍心让它们离开。然而,实际情况比这要复杂一些。我学钢琴很吃力。)”以及最后一段中“The love and hate I’ve had for the piano were both planted and grown. (我对钢琴的爱恨情仇既是种植下的也是逐渐增长的。)”可知,作者和钢琴的关系是苦乐参半的。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“This summer, I started learning the guitar. I deliberately wanted to learn on my own—this was just for me, to form a new relationship to music. (今年夏天,我开始学吉他。我有意地想要自己学习——这只是为了我自己,与音乐建立一种新的关系。)”可知,作者渴望与音乐建立一种新的关系而学习吉他。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。根据最后一段中“The love and hate I’ve had for the piano were both planted and grown. If you too have learned to hate something you once loved—or something you never chose—remember that with dedication, it can be uprooted, and love can make a home in its place. (我对钢琴的爱恨情仇既是种植下的也是逐渐增长的。如果你也学会了恨你曾经爱过的东西——或者你从未选择过的东西——记住:只要付出努力,它可以被连根拔起,而爱则可以在它的原地建立一个家。)”可知,本文中,作者通过自己学习乐器的经历说明爱是能够种植培养的。选项C“爱是一种种植的东西。”符合主题,适合做标题。故选C项。
    The driver who cuts you off in traffic.The neighbors who don't pick up after their dog.Situations such as these get our hearts racing and send our stress levels skyrocketing.Anger isn't a pleasant feeling.Some of us bottle up the emotion, while others explode in a wild rage (狂怒).Both habits do considerable harm to our bodies, our minds, and our relationships.
    “Anger may fee1 uncomfortable and a lot of people think they have to get rid of their anger," says Patrick Keelan, a registered psychologist in Calgary, Alberta.“But anger is an emotion built into us to signal that something needs to be addressed.When we take notice of that signal and actually wrestle with the problem instead of turning a blind eye to it, we' re usually much better for it.”
    Unfortunately, many of us have been conditioned to keep our emotions hidden.Increasingly,research is suggesting that this can have long-term effects on our health.Investigators at the University of Rochester noticed that people who contain their emotions tend to live shorter lives.When we're angry, stress hormones are released, which can make us more likely to develop a wide range of diseases, including diabetes, depression, immune related conditions.
    Is it better, then, to scream and howl whenever something makes you mad? That's probably the reason why“rage rooms" have popped up in many American cities, where folks are invited to let steam off by violently smashing (打碎) stuff in a“safe" environment.However, the research indicates that when people display anger aggressively, it can actually increase the intensity of the anger -- and increase the likelihood of aggressive actions in the future.It doesn't take much imagination to predict how such behavior can affect your relationship with your spouse, your kids, or your colleagues.It also hurts your health.A large 2016 study at McMaster University found that people are more than twice as likely to have a heart attack after an angry explosion.
    If we shouldn't bottle up our angry feelings but aggressive behavior isn't healthy either, how should we handle things that tick us of? It's the extreme highs and lows that cause the damage.If you're able to apply techniques that smooth out some of those peaks and valleys, you can have a gentler ride.
    8. What does the underlined phrase“bottle up" in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Build up.
    B. Hold back.
    C. Let off.
    D. Bring out.
    9. What does Patrick Keelan think of anger?
    A. Uncomfortable and avoidable.
    B. Terrible and threatening.
    C. Confusing and complex.
    D. Normal and natural.
    10. What is the consequence of displaying anger aggressively?
    A. It leads to people's depression.
    B. It warns people against violence.
    C. It adds to people's anger.
    D. It helps people to calm down.
    11. What will be talked about if the passage is continued?
    A. Possible causes of anger.
    B. Tips on handling anger.
    C. Possible harm of anger.
    D. Tips on avoiding anger.
    【答案】8. B 9. D 10. C 11. B

    词句猜测题。根据第一段画线短语所在句子的让步状语从句“while others explode in a wild rage (而其他人则勃然大怒)以及前一句“Anger isn't a pleasant feeling.”愤怒不是一种愉快的感觉。可知,有些人抑制住自己的情绪。推知“bottle up”的意思是“抑制,阻止”,B项“hold back”符合此意,故选B项。

    推理判断题。根据第二段Patrick Keelan所说的话“But anger is an emotion built into us to signal that something needs to be addressed.When we take notice of that signal and actually wrestle with the problem instead of turning a blind eye to it, we' re usually much better for it.(但愤怒是一种内在的情感,它会发出需要解决某些问题的信号。当我们注意到这些信号并实际解决问题而不是对其视而不见时,我们通常会做得更好。)由此判断出,他认为愤怒是正常且自然的,故选D项。

    细节理解题。根据第四段“However, the research indicates that when people display anger aggressively, it can actually increase the intensity of the anger -- and increase the likelihood of aggressive actions in the future.(然而,研究表明,当人们以攻击性的方式表达愤怒时,实际上会增加愤怒的强度——并增加未来采取攻击性行为的可能性。)可知以攻击性方式表达愤怒会增加一个人的愤怒。故选C项。

    推理判断题。根据最后一段提出问题“If we shouldn't bottle up our angry feelings but aggressive behavior isn't healthy either, how should we handle things that tick us of?(如果我们不应该抑制我们愤怒情绪,但攻击性行为也不健康,我们应该如何处理让我们生气的事情?)结合最后一句“If you're able to apply techniques that smooth out some of those peaks and valleys, you can have a gentler ride.(如果你能运用一些技巧来消除一些高峰和低谷,你就能有一个温和的旅程。)可推知接下来的内容应该是关于如何处理愤怒的建议/技巧。故选B项。

    The words “caring” and “empathetic” (共情的) aren’t ones normally associated with technology. Yearsley, an Australian enterpriser who is expert in artificial intelligence (AI), is trying to change that.
    Yearsley is the founder of Akin, a robotics startup that currently uses a tablet-based system to help users manage the tasks related to homelife, whether that’s planning meals or reminding you to pay your cell phone bill. Current home devices made by Google or Amazon or Apple use predictive AI to track patterns, strengthen behaviors and manipulate (操控) buying decisions, some of which, she assumes, are questionable or just unhealthy.
    In contrast, the AI that she is developing will be designed to run the human home, encouraging healthful decisions such as taking a nightly walk, refilling the fridge and supporting social interactions like lunches or birthday celebrations with friends. “It’s the hardest AI I have ever built for it’s a complex system, Yearsley says.
    Yearsley began developing the Akin technology in 2017,when she realized the need to better manage the home is hugely ignored.Besides, she realized that women unequally bear the burden of household work. A United Nations report estimates that women do 2.6 times the amount of unpaid care and domestic work that men do,or close to 30 hours per week in the U.S. alone.
    Meanwhile, Yearsley, who has a special-needs child and a relative with disability says it makes sense to focus on the disability field because of the extra in-home needs of users and their caregivers. “We have a lot more work load,”she says.“Are we giving time back to caregivers?I am not going to rest until I give you back 10 hours a week.”
    While Yearsley pictures an army of robots someday helping with routine homemade tasks, the first display for Akin will take time and money.Akin has received some early seed from a handful of investors, and was recently selected as a finalist for tech giant LG Nova’s Mission for the Future program, an annual challenge that seeks to identify businesses having potential to improve life and lead society into the future.
    12. What might the Akin’s Al system suggest?
    A. Consuming more drinks to enjoy yourself.
    B. Staying up late working to make more money
    C. Spending more time staying with your family
    D. Purchasing products similar to what you bought.
    13. Which is a contributor to Yearsley’s Al system?
    A. Lots of financial support from investors
    B. The uselessness of current home devices.
    C. Akins’ becoming a finalist for a program.
    D. Heavy burden of housewives and caregivers.
    14. What can be used to describe the Akin’s AI system?
    A. Successful and promising B. Stable and practical.
    C. Thoughtful and innovative. D. Mature and friendly.
    15. What’s the purpose of the text?
    A. To call on people to help the disabled. B. To raise money for a tech giant.
    C. To compare two companies’ AI systems. D. To introduce a futuristic AI system.
    【答案】12. C 13. D 14. C 15. D
    推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“In contrast, the AI that she is developing will be designed to run the human home, encouraging healthful decisions such as taking a nightly walk, refilling the fridge and supporting social interactions like lunches or birthday celebrations with friends.( 相比之下,她正在开发的人工智能将被设计为管理人类的家庭,鼓励健康的决定,比如晚上散步,给冰箱加满食物,支持与朋友共进午餐或庆祝生日等社交互动。)”,可知Akin的人工智能系统支持社交等这样的健康的决定,C项“与家人一起度过更多时间”与题意相符。故选C项。
    细节理解体。根据第四段第一句“Yearsley began developing the Akin technology in 2017,when she realized the need to better manage the home is hugely ignored.( Yearsley在2017年开始开发Akin技术,当时她意识到更好地管理家庭的需求被严重忽视。)”,第二句“Besides, she realized that women unequally bear the burden of household work.(此外,她意识到女性承担家务的负担是不平等的。)”和第五段第一句“Meanwhile, Yearsley, who has a special-needs child and a relative with disability says it makes sense to focus on the disability field because of the extra in-home needs of users and their caregivers. (与此同时,Yearsley(她有一个有特殊需求的孩子和一个有残疾的亲戚)说,关注残疾领域是有意义的,因为用户和他们的照顾者有额外的家庭需求。)”可知,Yearsley的AI系统研发的因素之一就是家庭主妇和照顾者的沉重负担。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“The words “caring” and “empathetic” aren’t ones normally associated with technology. Yearsley, an Australian enterpriser who is expert in artificial intelligence (AI), is trying to change that.( “关心”和“移情””这两个词通常与技术无关。澳大利亚企业家耶尔斯利是人工智能(AI)领域的专家,他正试图改变这种状况。)”,第二段第二句“Current home devices made by Google or Amazon or Apple use predictive AI to track patterns, strengthen behaviors and manipulate buying decisions, some of which, she assumes, are questionable or just unhealthy.(目前由谷歌、亚马逊或苹果生产的家用设备使用预测性人工智能来跟踪模式、强化行为并操控购买决策。其中有一些,她认为,是有问题的或者不健康的。)”和“In contrast, the AI that she is developing will be designed to run the human home, encouraging healthful decisions such as taking a nightly walk, refilling the fridge and supporting social interactions like lunches or birthday celebrations with friends. (相比之下,她正在开发的人工智能将被设计为管理人类的家庭,鼓励健康的决定,比如晚上散步,给冰箱加满食物,支持与朋友共进午餐或庆祝生日等社交互动。)”可知,Akin公司的人工智能系统是考虑周到的且新颖的。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“Akin has received some early seed from a handful of investors, and was recently selected as a finalist for tech giant LG Nova’s Mission for the Future program, an annual challenge that seeks to identify businesses having potential to improve life and lead society into the future.( Akin已经从一些投资者那里获得了一些早期种子资金,最近还入选了科技巨头LG Nova的“未来使命”项目的决赛名单,该项目是一个年度挑战,旨在寻找有潜力改善生活、引领社会走向未来的企业。)”,结合全文,可知,本文的目的是介绍Akin公司的一套未来人工智能系统。故选D项。
    Family meals are important and connect family members.____16____There is no need to worry about going to school, work and more.
    Studies have shown family mealtime increases positive social skills, school engagement and decreases the frequency of negative behaviors.____17____ Trying new food or not restricting on food is encouraged. Children who engage in family mealtime are less likely to have eating disorders. In addition, those who share frequent family meals are more likely to eat a larger number of fruits and vegetables and be less picky about food.
    ____18____For example, we need to consider the budget, the time for meal preparation, the availability of recommended foods or supplements(补充物品)at a typical grocery store.____19____Members may have various cultural or dietary preferences. In view of this, we should make sure that the eating plan offered nutritional value for different calorie and nutritional needs-for people of different ages, different activity levels and health conditions.
    Healthy eating should be a family affair, and some recommended diets will help you reach that goal by highlighting eating plans that are safe, flexible and nutritious for everyone at the table. In addition, the foods in the diets can be purchased fresh, canned or frozen.____20____
    A. They prefer junk food like hamburgers, fried chicken.
    B. A team of health experts think family meals are difficult.
    C. They can get people to relax and make their relationship closer.
    D It also offers an opportunity to set healthy eating habits for kids.
    E. Thus, It is convenient and easy for families to have family meals.
    F. We also considered how adaptable this diet would be for a whole family.
    G. We should have a balanced diet and pay attention to what we have every day.
    【答案】16. C 17. D 18. B 19. F 20. E
    根据前文“Family meals are important and connect family members.”(家庭聚餐非常重要,可以把家庭成员联系起来。)讲述了家庭聚餐的重要性在于可以把家庭成员联系起来。因此空处承接前文,讲述家庭聚餐的意义。选项C.“它们可以让人们放松,让他们的关系更亲密。”人称代词they指代前文的“family meals”,符合题意,故选C。
    根据前文“Studies have shown family mealtime increases positive social skills, school engagement and decreases the frequency of negative behaviors.”(研究表明,家庭进餐时间可以提高积极的社交技能、学校参与度,并减少消极行为的频率。)提到了家庭进餐时间的作用。因而空处承接前文,讲述家庭进餐时间的其它作用。选项D.“它也为孩子们建立健康的饮食习惯提供了机会。”it指代前文的“family mealtime”,承接前文,符合题意,故选D。
    根据下文“For example, we need to consider the budget, the time for meal preparation, the availability of recommended foods or supplements(补充物品)at a typical grocery store.”(例如,我们需要考虑预算,准备膳食的时间,推荐的食品或补充剂在一个典型的杂货店的可用性。)通过事例列举出了家庭聚餐时,我们需要考虑的问题,因此作为段落主题句应总说,举办家庭聚餐是困难的。选项B.“一组健康专家认为家庭聚餐是困难的。”切题,故选B。
    根据前文“For example, we need to consider the budget, the time for meal preparation, the availability of recommended foods or supplements(补充物品)at a typical grocery store.”(例如,我们需要考虑预算,准备膳食的时间,推荐的食品或补充剂在一个典型的杂货店的可用性。)列举了在家庭聚餐时,我们需要考虑的问题。因此空处承接前文,讲述我们还应考虑的饮食要满足家人的胃口。选项F.“我们还考虑了这种饮食对整个家庭的适应性。”切题,故选F。
    根据前文“In addition, the foods in the diets can be purchased fresh, canned or frozen.”(此外,饮食中的食物可以购买新鲜的、罐装的或冷冻的。)说明准备的食物的来源,所以空处承接前文,讲述这样做可以为家庭聚餐带来方便。选项E.“因此,对于家人而言,家庭聚餐这样做是方便和容易的。”切题,故选E。
    第三部分 英语运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Children are naturally curious beings, but getting them to study something they aren’t interested in can be a difficult task. Teachers often find themselves trying to reward in the ___21___ of stars or threat of punishment. But what if rewards and threats aren’t the ___22___?
    Natural curiosity is sometimes referred to as “internal motivation”. Studies have found that children who see learning as ___23___ and important are better at it. And it’s easy to understand why — it’s difficult to study something we aren’t ___24___.
    External motivation, things like rewards and punishment, does have its ___25___ too. Motives for achieving good grades or fear of being punished have been ___26___ to benefit older students. However, it seems that at an early age, it doesn’t have as much effect. So for this group, how can we stimulate that ___27___?
    According to some experts, the key is to ___28___ some degree of freedom. Let the child see their learning as their ___29___ will. If you want to teach a child to read, let them choose which book they use. Whether it’s a comic book or classic literature — the aim of stimulating their desire for reading is still ____30____. Likewise, ____31____ a relationship with them as learners — listen to their negative feelings. Explain why an activity is valuable, even if it isn’t ____32____ fun.
    So it seems that the most ____33____ way of motivating children, especially the young ones, might ____34____ stimulating that internal motivation. Maybe it’s time to release them from the reigns of threats and rewards, and give them a bit more ____35____ of how they learn.
    21. A. form B. name C. order D. right
    22. A. examples B. answers C. experiments D. thoughts
    23. A. frustrating B. ordinary C. overwhelming D. fun
    24. A. ashamed of B. annoyed with C. grateful for D. passionate about
    25. A. causes B. outputs C. uses D. principles
    26. A. acknowledged B. restricted C. challenged D. treated
    27. A. discussion B. creativity C. interest D. demand
    28. A. allow B. pass C. sense D. monitor
    29. A. social B. strong C. frank D. free
    30. A. affected B. explained C. analyzed D. met
    31. A. test B. build C. admit D. refresh
    32. A. visually B. slightly C. exactly D. originally
    33. A. effective B. humble C. private D. traditional
    34. A. end up B. come from C. commit to D. set off
    35. A. level B. choice C. judge D. doubt
    【答案】21. A 22. B 23. D 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. D 31. B 32. C 33. A 34. B 35. B
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:老师们经常发现自己试图用重要人物的形式奖励或用威胁的方式惩罚学生。A. form形式;B. name名字;C. order命令;D. right权力。根据下文中的“or threat of punishment”以及语境可知,此处指的是奖励学生的“形式”。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:但如果奖励和威胁不是解决办法呢?A. examples榜样;B. answers解决办法;C. experiments实验;D. thoughts思想。根据最后一段“So it seems that the most ___13___ way of motivating children, especially the young ones, might ___14___ stimulating that internal motivation.”可知,本文只要是在寻求激励孩子学习的方法,由此可知,此处指的是奖励与惩罚若不是解决问题的“解决办法”,怎么办。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:研究发现,视学习为乐趣和重要的事情的孩子更擅长学习。A. frustrating令人沮丧的;B. ordinary普通的;C. overwhelming压倒性的;D. fun有趣的。根据下文中的“and important”可知,此处应该是与“重要的”并列,即把学习视为“有趣的”符合语境。故选D项。
    考查形容词短语辨析。句意:这很容易理解——学习我们不感兴趣的东西是很困难的。A. ashamed of对……感到羞耻;B. annoyed with对……烦恼;C. grateful for感激;D. passionate about热衷于。根据上文中的“Studies have found that children who see learning as ___3___ and important are better at it. And it’s easy to understand why…”可知,研究发现把学习视为重要的孩子更擅长学习,由此也就不难理解“学习自己不‘喜欢的’事情会很难”了。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:外在动机,比如奖励和惩罚,也有它的用处。A. causes原因;B. outputs输出;C. uses用处;D. principles原则。根据下文中的“Motives for achieving good grades or fear of being punished have been ___6___ to benefit older students.”可知,基于好成绩或者是害怕惩罚的动机对一些年长的孩子是有益的,由此可知,此处指的是“有用处”。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:基于取得好成绩或害怕惩罚的刺激被认为是激励年长学生的方法。A. acknowledged承认;B. restricted限制;C. challenged挑战;D. treated对待。根据下文中的“However, it seems that at an early age, it doesn’t have as much effect.”可知,空处的内容与此内容相反,既然对于年龄较小的孩子来说没有那么大的效果,由此可推知,对年长一点的孩子来说已经被“承认”是有效果的。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以,基于这一群体,我们该如何激发这种兴趣呢?A. discussion讨论;B. creativity创新;C. interest兴趣;D. demand要求。根据上文中的“Natural curiosity is sometimes referred to as “internal motivation”.”可知,内在动机是孩子把学习视为乐趣和重要的关键,结合下文中的“According to some experts, the key is to ___8___ some degree of freedom.”以及语境可知,要获取学习的效果,关键要给孩子一定的自由,由此可推断,此空指的激发孩子的“兴趣”。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:根据一些专家的说法,关键是要允许一定程度的自由。A. allow允许;B. pass通过;C. sense感觉;D. monitor监视。根据下文中的“Let the child see their learning as their ___9___ will.”可知,此处指的是“允许”孩子有一定的自由。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:让孩子把他们的学习看作是他们的自由意志。A. social社交的;B. strong强壮的;C. frank坦白的;D. free自由的。根据上文中的“According to some experts, the key is to ___8___ some degree of freedom.”以及下文讲述的让孩子读书的事例可知,此处指的是给孩子“自由的”意愿。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:无论是漫画书还是经典文学,激发他们阅读欲望的目的依然得到满足。A. affected影响;B. explained解释;C. analyzed分析;D. met满足。结合句意以及上文中的“Whether it’s a comic book or classic literature — the aim of stimulating their desire for reading”可知,此处指的是无论什么书,都能“满足”他们读书欲望的目的。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:同样地,以学习者的身份与他们建立关系——倾听他们的负面情绪。A. test测试;B. build建立;C. admit承认;D. refresh使振作。根据下文中的“listen to their negative feelings.”可知,此处指的是通过倾听他们的负面情绪与他们“建立”关系。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:解释为什么一项活动是有价值的,即使它并不完全有趣。A. visually外表上;B. slightly稍微;C. exactly完全;D. originally起初。根据上文中的“Explain why an activity is valuable, even if…”可知,此空与上文内容为让步关系,由此可推断,此处表示即使不“完全”有趣,也可以解释为什么活动有价值了。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因此,激励孩子,尤其是年轻孩子的最有效的方法可能来自于激发这种内在动机。A. effective有效的;B. humble谦逊的;C. private自私的;D. traditional传统的。结合文章主题以及下文中的“stimulating that internal motivation”可知,激发孩子的内在动力是最“有效的”方法。故选A项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:因此,激励孩子,尤其是年轻孩子的最有效的方法可能来自于激发这种内在动机。A. end up结束;B. come from来自于;C. commit to交付;D. set off出发,引起。结合语境以及句意可知,此处表示的是激励孩子的方法“来自于”激发内在动力。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:也许是时候让他们摆脱威胁和奖励的统治了,让他们在如何学习方面有更多的选择。A. level水平;B. choice选择;C. judge法官;D. doubt怀疑。根据上文中的“Maybe it’s time to release them from the reigns of threats and rewards”以及and可知,此处与空格所在的内容并列,让孩子摆脱威胁和奖励的统治,对他们减少限制,也就是给他们更多“选择”。故选B项。
    Many people around the world may know that paper is one of the Four Great Inventions of ancient Chinese civilization,_____36_____few would know that more than 1,500 years ago, ancient Chinese craftsmen invented a new type of paper,_____37_____was called Xuan paper and used mainly for writing and painting.
    Xuan paper was first made in ancient Xuan Prefecture, now_____38_____(know) as Jingxian County in Anhui Province. The traditional process of making Xuan paper is_____39_____ (extreme) demanding and involves over 100 steps. The whole process can take as long as two years_____40_____(complete), and the skills have been passed down for_____41_____(generation).
    Xuan paper is highly water absorbent, making it a perfect medium for conveying artistic effect in both Chinese calligraphy and ink wash painting. In addition, Xuan paper_____42_____(design) to be able to last for more than 1,000 years and still keep the freshness of the ink and color on it.
    Today in Jingxian County, there_____43_____ (be) many Xuan paper factories and workshops, where the paper is still made by master craftsmen using traditional techniques. And because of_____44_____(it) long history and the essential role it has played _____45_____the culture of Chinese painting and calligraphy, Xuan paper was included on the first list of China’s national intangible cultural heritages(非物质文化遗产)in 2006.
    【答案】36. but##while
    37. which 38. known
    39. extremely
    40. to complete
    41. generations
    42. is designed
    43. are 44. its 45. in
    考查连词。句意:世界各地很多人都知道纸是中国古代文明的四大发明之一,但很少有人知道,一千五百多年前,中国古代工匠发明了一种新型的纸,叫做宣纸,主要用于书写和绘画。结合空处前“Many people around the world may know...”及空后“few would know that...”内容可知,空后句子和前文构成转折对比关系,所以空处填连词but或while,故填but/while。
    考查定语从句。句意同上。分析句子可知,空处及之后的内容在句中为非限制性定语从句,先行词为a new type of paper,指物,在从句中作主语,所以用关系代词which,故填which。
    考查非谓语。句意:宣纸最初产于古代宣州府,现在在安徽省被称为泾县。分析可知,was made是句子谓语动词,提示词know“将……称为;把……叫做”是非谓语动词,与其逻辑主语Xuan Prefecture之间是被动关系,用过去分词作后置定语;be known as“作为……而闻名”,故填known。
    考查不定式。句意:整个过程可能需要长达两年的时间才能完成,而且这些技能已经代代相传。固定句式:It takes + 时间+ to do sth.“做某事花了多少时间”,所以空处填不定式to complete,故填to complete。
    考查名词复数。句意同上。结合前文pass down,可知此处指这些技能已经世代相传。for generations“世世代代”,故填generations。
    考查时态和语态。句意:另外,宣纸的设计使其能够使用1000多年,并且仍然保持油墨和颜色的清新。空处在句中为谓语,结合前文“Xuan paper is highly water absorbent”可知,时态用一般现在时;句子主语Xuan paper为单数含义,与动词design为动宾关系,所以语态用被动语态,故填is designed。
    考查主谓一致。句意:如今在安徽省泾县,有许多宣纸工厂和作坊,那里仍然有大师级的工匠使用传统技术制造纸张。结合today可知,时态为一般现在时;本句使用了there be结构,系动词和主语many Xuan paper factories一致,用复数are,故填are。
    考查介词。句意同上。分析可知,“it has played   10   the culture of Chinese painting”为定语从句,修饰名词role,短语:play a role in“在……起作用”,所以空处用介词in,故填in。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    46. 假如你是李华,最近你参与创办了一个英语演讲社团,打算面向全校招募成员。请你以社团的名义用英语写一则招募启事,内容包括:
    New Members Wanted
    English Speech Club
    【答案】New Members Wanted
    Having been set up for two weeks, the English Speech Club is recruiting new members, who are enthusiastic about English speech.
    By participating in our well-organized activities, you will benefit a lot. For example, with the related training courses about speech, you may broaden your knowledge about speech. Besides, your oral English could also be greatly improved through practicing in the school English corner.
    If you are interested, please scan the QR code, fill in the application form and send it to esc@163.com. Welcome to join us!
    参加:participating in→taking part in
    原句:By participating in our well-organized activities, you will benefit a lot.
    拓展句:If you participate in our well-organized activities, you will benefit a lot.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Having been set up for two weeks, the English Speech Club is recruiting new members, who are enthusiastic about English speech. (运用了who引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] If you are interested, please scan the QR code, fill in the application form and send it to esc@163.com. (运用了if引导的条件状语从句)
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    When the last customer left KFC, it was already 10:30 pm. Adam, an 18-year-old college student, dragged himself home. He had been working at KFC for over a month that summer vacation.
    Entering his room, Adam found his younger brother Bill sitting on the edge of his bed with an uneasy expression on his face.
    “Sorry, Adam. I … I did something wrong,” Bill sprang up and said nervously.
    “What is it?”
    “This afternoon I sneaked (溜) out for a ride on your motorcycle and accidentally hit our neighbor Osman Brook’s car. I was so scared and I … I hurried home in panic.”
    “Is the car seriously damaged?”
    “The left headlight got broken.”
    “It’s truly your fault and it’s really dangerous to ride a motorcycle at your age. Besides, it’s illegal,” Adam raised his voice, obviously annoyed. Hearing this, Bill lowered his head and bit his lips hard.
    “Anyway, it’s no use crying over spilt milk. I will deal with it tomorrow. Now you go to bed and have a good sleep.”
    The next morning when Adam got up, Bill was still sleeping soundly. Adam was more determined about what he ought to do as an elder brother.
    After breakfast, Adam took out all the money he had earned and went out of the house with it. In the yard he saw his motorcycle, on whose side the scratches (划痕) were clearly visible. Adam shook his head and sighed slightly. Then he squared his shoulders and quickened his pace to Osman’s house.
    When he arrived, he was welcomed by Osman’s wife Mary, who told him that Osman had gone to the garage to have his car repaired.
    “I have something important to tell him. Can I wait until he comes back?” Adam requested eagerly.
    “Of course. He should be home soon,” Mary invited Adam in, served him a cup of coffee and began chatting with him.
    After half an hour, the door opened and in came Osman. Having said hello to each other, Osman and Adam both sat down on the sofa.
    Adam cleared his throat and began to speak.
    Just then, there came a knock at the door.
    【答案】One possible version
    Adam cleared his throat and began to speak. “Mr. Brook, I’m here to make an apology. Yesterday afternoon my brother Bill damaged your car and ran away in panic. We are awfully sorry for that.” “Oh, I see. But it’s no big deal,” Osman smiled. Then Adam drew out the money from his pocket and said to Osman with sincerity, “This is all the money I have. I wonder if it can pay for your loss.” However, Osman insisted that it was only minor damage and declined to take it.
    Just then, there came a knock at the door. Osman went to answer it, only to find Bill standing outside. “Morning, Mr. Brook. I … I’ve come to say sorry for …” Bill stammered. But Osman laughed and let him in. The two brothers were both surprised and glad to see each other. Osman gave them a thumbs-up and praised them happily, “Good boys, I truly appreciate your honesty. Just forget about my car.” Whatever the boys said, Osman wouldn’t take the money. Finally, he accepted their suggestion that they make it up to him by doing some work in his garden.
    【详解】 1.段落续写:
    ①.道歉:make an apology/apologize/say sorry
    ②.取出:draw out/take out
    ③.拒绝:decline/refuse politely
    ①.非常抱歉:be awfully sorry/feel most regretful
    ②.惊慌地:in panic/in alarm
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. Osman insisted that it was only minor damage and declined to take it.(由连接词that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2].Osman went to answer it, only to find Bill standing outside. (由不定式短语作状语,表意料之外的结果)
    [高分句型3].Whatever the boys said, Osman wouldn’t take the money.(whatever引导的让步状语从句)


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