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    2019新人教高中英语选择性必修三Unit2Healthy Lifestyle-Using Language公开课学案
    2019新人教高中英语选择性必修三Unit2Healthy Lifestyle-Using Language公开课学案01
    2019新人教高中英语选择性必修三Unit2Healthy Lifestyle-Using Language公开课学案02
    2019新人教高中英语选择性必修三Unit2Healthy Lifestyle-Using Language公开课学案03
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    人教版 (2019)Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle导学案及答案

    这是一份人教版 (2019)Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle导学案及答案,共14页。

    2019新人教高中英语选择性必修三Unit2Healthy Lifestyle
    Using Language公开课学案
     Using LanguageⅠ
    Give advice on changing bad habits学案设计
    1.To make predictions based on given pictures and words.
    2.To figure out the detailed information about a habit.
    3.To distinguish facts from opinions.
    4.To talk about how to change a bad habit.
    Part ⅠReview the cycle of how habits are formed and answer the questions.

    1.What does the cue refer to?
    2.What does the routine refer to?
    3.What does the reward refer to?
    Part Ⅱ Before listening
    Look at the picture and think over the questions.

    1.What’s the person doing?
    2.What’s her problem?
    3.What’s the possible cause of her bad habit?
    4.What advice would you give to her?
    Part Ⅲ Listening
    Activity 1 Listen to the conversation and complete the chart below.

    Student 1
    Student 2




    Activity 2 Listen again and answer these questions.
    1.Why is a good night’s sleep important for the first student?
    2.Why does the second student never exercise?
    3.What is the expert’s bad habit?Do you think it is a health problem?
    4.What would you advise the expert to do to control this habit?
    Activity 3 Listen again and try to find out ways of asking for and giving advice & accepting and refusing advice.
    S1:Hello.I      sleeping.It often takes me a long time to fall asleep at night. 
    S1:Thanks,Doctor.          . 
    D:You’re welcome.          ? 
    S2:Hi.I      about being a little overweight.I want to exercise every night after dinner,but I always just pick up my phone.    ? 
    S2:Thanks for the      ,Doctor.      tonight. 
    Activity 4 Decide whether these statements from the conversation are facts (F) or opinions (O).
    1.      It was a really interesting talk. 
    2.      It often takes me half an hour to fall asleep at night. 
    3.      You look tired.Not enough sleep,right? 
    4.      It is affecting my school work. 
    5.      I failed in all my school subjects this semester. 
    6.      I usually pick up my phone. 
    7.      I think the phone is the problem. 
    8.      A five-minute walk is so easy that it is hard to say no! 
    Part Ⅳ Speaking
    Activity 1 Read the tapescript in roles and summarise the dialogue pattern for an interactive Q&A session.
    T=Teacher D=Doctor S1=Student 1 S2=Student 2
    T:Thank you so much for speaking to the class,Doctor.It was a really interesting talk.
    D:That’s very kind of you.
    T:Could you answer some questions about habits and lifestyle from the students?
    D:Sure.I’d love to.
    S1:Hello.I have trouble sleeping.It often takes me a long time to fall asleep at night.It’s affecting my schoolwork because I’m always tired in the daytime.
    D:I see.What do you do just before you go to sleep?
    S1:I usually pick up my phone.
    D:Oh,I think the phone could be the problem.It makes your brain more active,which makes it hard to sleep.Your cue is going to bed.The routine is picking up your phone.To change the cycle,don’t keep your phone in your bedroom at night.You’ll find you sleep better,and much easier too!
    S1:Thanks,Doctor.I’ll give it a try.
    D:You’re welcome.Any other problems I can help with?
    S2:Hi.I feel depressed about being a little overweight.I want to exercise every night after dinner,but I always just pick up my phone.What can I do?
    D:To create a good habit is the same as creating a bad one,but you must take small steps to begin with.So,your cue can still be finishing dinner,but make the routine to turn off your phone and walk outside—for just five minutes.A five-minute walk is so easy.It’s hard to say no! When this has become a habit,walk for longer.Don’t worry about losing weight at first.Focus on the habit of going out and build from there.
    S2:Thanks for the advice,Doctor.I’ll try it tonight.
    T:Well,thank you again for your talk today,Doctor.Now,would you like a cup of coffee?
    D:That’s very nice of you.but I drink too much coffee.I still have some bad habits,too!
    The dialogue pattern for an interactive Q&A session.

    Activity 2 Expressions on asking for and giving advice & accepting and refusing advice
    Asking for and giving advice
    My problem is...
    I’m having problems with...
    I cannot stop...
    Please give me some advice about...
    I think/believe you should...
    So,why don’t you...?
    Well,have you thought about...?
    In my opinion,...
    Accepting and refusing advice
    Sure,I’ll do that.
    That’s a good idea!
    That’s just what I need!
    Great!Terrific idea!
    Sorry,but I...
    I’d like/love to...,but...
    That’s a good idea,but...
    Thank you for telling me,but...
    It’s a nice thought,but...
    I cannot... because...
    Activity 3 Make up a dialogue and act it out.
    Choose a bad habit from the table below and have a conversation with your partner about it.
    Internet addict sleeping too much overeating
    game addict TV addict staying up too late
    A:I think I’m watching too much TV.
    B:Yeah.Me too.
    C:In my opinion,you should spend your time on something more active instead.For example,try to get more exercise.
    B:OK,sure,I’ll try that.
    A:That’s a nice thought,but I don’t really enjoy exercising.
    C:Hmm.How about reading more books instead?
    A:All right,maybe I can try that.
    Part Ⅴ Homework
    I have been suffering from the bad habit of overeating for decades.Every time I feel upset,I eat a lot.Overeating is the most effective way for me to relieve stress temporarily.It is ironic that I eat even more when I feel anxious about gaining weight.I am overweight and frequently have a stomachache.What shall I do?I really want to get rid of this terrible habit.
    My friends call me a night owl.I often stay up late and go to bed after 2 a.m.When I am actually in bed.I still can’t help playing with my cellphone for one hour or more.In other words,I fall asleep later than 3 a.m.I feel dizzy from time to time.I find it hard to work efficiently at daytime.Sleeping late even makes my skin look bad.I know it is an unhealthy habit but I don’t know what to do.
    Part Ⅰ
    1.Cue refers to an action,event,or situation that acts as a signal.
    2.Routine refers to the regular action you take in response to the cue.
    3.Reward refers to the good thing or feeling we get from the routine.
    Part Ⅱ
    1.From the picture,we can know the person is using her mobile phone in bed.
    2.She isn’t getting enough sleep.
    3.Whatever she’s doing with her phone,I think the main cause of her problem is that she allows herself to use her mobile phone in bed.
    4.I would suggest that she switch off her phone before going to bed.
    Part Ⅲ
    Activity 1
    Having trouble sleeping because of using phone before going to sleep;Depressed about being a little overweight
    Going to bed;Finishing dinner
    Don’t keep phone in room so you won’t pick it up before bed;Walk outside for just 5 minutes
    Activity 2
    1.Because it will help with his school work.
    2.Because he always picks up his phone instead of exercising.
    3.The expert drinks too much coffee.It can be a health problem because too much coffee is bad for the heart and can cause headaches and other problems.
    4.I would suggest that the expert change the habit slowly by drinking smaller cups of weaker coffee,then try and change coffee for an other drink.Later he should do more exercise as this can stimulate the body like coffee does but has more positive benefits.
    Activity 3
    have trouble;I’ll give it a try;Any other problems I can help with;feel depressed;What can I do;advice;I’ll try it
    Activity 4
    1.O 2.F 3.O 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.O 8.O
    Part Ⅴ
    First,you should take control of the amount of food.Meanwhile,when feeling upset,you may pay more attention to other things,such as taking exercise and listening to music.Besides,forming a regular habit of getting up and going to bed can also help you to change for the better.As Gandhi said,“Be the change you want to see in the world.” As long as you make up your mind with a little self-discipline,any bad habit can be kicked.In this way,your health and quality of life will be largely improved.

     Using LanguageⅡ
    Write a letter to the editor about your lifestyle学案设计
    1.To read the two letters to understand their textual structure and narrative techniques.
    2.To learn the process of changing unhealthy lifestyles of the two readers.
    3.To write a letter to the editor on describing a lifestyle you would like to change.
    4.To improve your ability of analysing and solving problems by analysing and changing your bad habits.
    Part Ⅰ Before reading
    Activity 1 Think over the following questions.
    If there is a summer camp organised by the magazine Healthy Life,would you like to join?Why or why not?What do you expect to learn there?
    Activity 2 Look at the passage and answer the questions.
    What kind of text is it?How many elements does it include?
    Part Ⅱ Reading for main idea
    Activity 1 Read the text and then find the main idea of the two letters.
    The two letters mainly talk about           of the two students. 
    Activity 2 Sharing Reading:two students as a group to read a letter respectively and complete the chart.

    Wang Lu
    George Fielding
    ·did not feel      
    ·felt     ,lacked      
    ·got      ,experienced       
    ·felt even more      after       
    ·exercises every day for      
    ·more      in       
    ·sleeps      ,no longer       
    ·feels like      
    ·feels much more      
    ·feels he can      

    Activity 3 After completing the chart,share the information by asking the following questions.
    1.What problems does the author have?
    2.What did he/she make up his/her mind to do?
    3.What did he/she do to make some changes?
    4.What is the result?
    Part Ⅲ Analyse the organisation of the letters.
    Label the paragraphs using the letters below.Some paragraphs may cover more than one topic.
    A.identifying problem(s)
    B.considering what to do
    C.what he/she has done to change
    D.the results
    Part Ⅳ Writing
    The magazine Healthy Life is organising this year’s summer camp.They invite interested teenagers to write to the editor about how they plan to change their bad habits.The campers will be chosen accordingly.
    Activity 1 Brainstorm with your partner.
    *What lifestyle habit you would like to change
    *Why you want to change
    *How you plan to change
    *What result you hope to see
    Activity 2 Draft your letter to the editor.Use the organisation of the letters above to help you.
    Activity 3 Use the checklist to check and improve your draft.
    √Does the essay say what the writer thinks about the topic?
    √Does the body discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the advance?
    √Are signposts used to help the readers understand the purpose of each paragraph?
    √Does the conclusion state the writer’s position?
    Activity 4 Your revised composition:
    Part Ⅴ Homework
    Part Ⅰ
    Activity 1
    The answers vary.
    Activity 2
    It’s a letter.It includes salutation(称呼)、body(正文)、complimentary close(信尾敬语)、signature(署名).
    Part Ⅱ
    Activity 1
    the process of changing the unhealthy lifestyles
    Activity 2

    Wang Lu
    George Fielding
    ·did not feel well
    ·felt sleepy and dizzy,lacked passion
    ·got flu easily,experienced many toothaches
    ·felt stressed out
    ·felt even more worn out after playing computer games
    ·to eat no sugar
    ·to exercise regularly
    ·to take control of his life and find other ways to relax
    ·stopped buying sweets,biscuits and sugary drinks
    ·exercises every day for at least 30 minutes and did something active
    ·goes rock climbing monthly with his dad
    ·more dynamic and stronger in both body and mind
    ·sleeps soundly,no longer suffers from flu or toothaches
    ·feels like being in control of her own life
    ·feels much more energetic
    ·feels he can change himself for the better

    Activity 3
    1.Wang Lu did not feel well.She often felt sleepy and dizzy,and lacked passion.She got the flu easily and experienced many toothaches.
    George felt stressed out and felt even more worn out after playing computer games.
    2.She decided to eat no sugar and did exercise regularly.
    He decided to take control of his life and find other ways to relax.
    3.She stopped buying all the sweets,biscuits and sugary drinks and exercised every day for at least 30 minutes and did something active.
    He went rock climbing monthly with his dad.
    4.She feels more dynamic and stronger in both body and mind.She sleeps soundly and no longer suffers from flu or toothaches.She is in control of her own life.
    He feels much more energetic and he can change himself for the better.
    Part Ⅲ

    Part Ⅳ
    Activity 4
    Dear editor,
    I was walking past a shop window the other day when I saw my reflection.At first,I didn’t realise it was me.When I saw it was me,I felt sad as I was overweight.I didn’t realise how I looked and I really wanted to change.I really like eating,but I realise I eat too much,and I don’t eat good things.
    I want to change because I want to be able to look at myself and feel happy with how I look.I also want to be healthy.
    My plan is to change my diet and exercise regularly.I will stop eating sugar,and only eat at mealtimes rather than eating snacks during the day.I will focus on healthy foods.Then I will exercise every day.I will walk to school and back,and on the weekend,I will go swimming.
    I have only been doing my plan for a week,but I’m already starting to feel better.I haven’t lost a lot of weight yet,but I feel positive.I feel confident that I will reach my goal!
    Yours sincerely,
    Part Ⅴ
    One possible version:
    In the past,I had some unhealthy living habits.For instance,I often skipped breakfast,ate junk food,stayed up late and took little physical exercise.As a result,I became too fat and often fell ill.
    Luckily,I became aware of the harm caused by unhealthy living habits.To keep fit,I determined to break away from these bad habits.First of all,I began to have a balanced diet.What’s more,I took exercise actively every day.Last but not least,I developed the habit of going to bed early and getting up early.
    With time passing by,I feel much more dynamic and stronger than ever.I suggest other students get rid of their unhealthy lifestyles as soon as possible,because health is more valuable than anything else.


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        2019新人教高中英语选择性必修三Unit2Healthy Lifestyle-Using Language公开课学案
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