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    这是一份四川省成都市第七中学2017-2018学年高二上半期考试英语试题,共19页。试卷主要包含了本试卷分第 I 卷两部分,考生务必将自己的姓名,作答时,将答案写在答题卡上,考试结束后,只将答题卡交回,9 题等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    成都七中 2017 - 2018 学年度上期高 201 9 届半期考试
    考试时间:120 分钟 满分:150 分

    注意事项: 1、本试卷分第 I 卷(选择题)和第 II 卷(非选择题)两部分。
    第Ⅰ 卷(选择题 共 100 分) 第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分 20 分)
    第一节(共 5 小题 ;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What w ill the man probably do?
    A. Get some change. B. Use the w oman’s phone. C. Make a call on the pay phone.
    2. When can the w oman visit the man?
    A. This morning. B. Tomorrow morning. C. Tomorrow afternoon.
    3. What’s the probable relationship betw een the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Mother and son. C. Teacher and student.
    4. What can w e learn about the speakers?
    A. The man c an play the piano.
    B. The man dislikes music by Mozart.
    C. The w oman can play tw o instruments.
    5. What does the man mean?
    A. He w ill go there w ith the w oman.
    B. He’ll have no time until next w eek.
    C. He w ent to the museum this morning.
    第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选
    项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。
    6. Why did the woman come to see the man?
    A. To exchange a piece of clothing. B. To get her money back.
    C. To talk with the store manager.
    7. What is true about the woman?
    A. She designs clothes.
    B. She washed the jacket in hot water. C. She has worn the jacket for a week.
    听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。
    8. What is best for the man?
    A. A family on the east side of town. B. A family with no children.
    C. A family near his school.
    9. What will the woman probably do next?
    A. Inform the college. B. Call a host family. C. Clean up a room.
    听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。
    10. What was the woman’s original reservation for?
    A. A double room. B. A single room. C. Two single rooms.
    11. How much will the woman pay per night?
    A. $ 20. B. $ 80. C. $ 100.
    12. Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A. At the front desk. B. On the phone. C. In the membership club.
    听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。
    13. What did the woman almost forget?
    A. The painter is out of paper.
    B. There is no more ink in the storage. C. Sherri Caldon is on leave.
    14. What does the man say about the online order?
    A. They have the lowest price. B. They have a quick delivery.
    C. They have the best selection around.
    15. What should the woman do first when she returns?
    A. Take her lunch break. B. Go to the finance department. C. Place an order online.
    16. Who might the man be?
    A. An online store owner. B. An equipment repairman. C. The woman’s boss.
    听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
    17. When do people usually start their Christmas shopping?
    A. On December 1. B. On November 29. C. Before Thanksgiving.
    18. Where did the idea of “Buy Nothing Day” start?
    A. In America. B. In Britain. C. In Canada.
    19. How do people celebrate “Buy Nothing Day” in California?
    A. They organize a dinner.
    B. They dress up to tell people the idea. C. They get together to read stories.
    20. Where did the high school students get food for the “Buy Nothing Day” dinner?
    A. From neighboring homes.
    B. From the restaurants nearby.
    C. From Indian shops selling spaghetti.

    第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分 40 分)
    第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳项,并在答题卡上将
    Welcome to Teenagers Abroad! We inv ite you to jo in us on an amazing journey of language learning.
    Our Courses
    Regardless of your choice, you’ll develop your language ability both quickly and effectively. Our Standard Course guarantees a signif icant increase in your confidence in a foreign language, w ith focused teaching in all 4 skill areas—speaking, listening, reading and w riting.
    Our Intensive Course builds on our Standard Course, w ith 10 additional lessons per w eek,
    guaranteeing the fastest possible language learning (see table below ).

    Course Type
    Number of Lessons
    Course Timetable
    Standard Course
    20 lessons

    Intensive Course

    20 lessons
    10 lessons

    Evaluat ion
    Students are placed into classes according to their current language skills. The majority of them take an onlin e languag e test before starting their programme. How ever, if this is not availab le, students sit the exam on the first Monday of their course.
    Learning materials are provided to students throughout their course, and there w ill never be more than 15 participants in each class.
    Arrivals an d Tran sfer
    Our programme offers the full package—students are taken good care of from the start through to the very end. They are collected from the airport upon arrival and brought to their accommodation in comfort. We require the student’s full details at least 4 w eeks in advance.
    Meals/Allergies(过敏)/Special Dietary Requirements
    Students are provided w ith breakfast, dinner and either a cooked or packed lunch(w hich consists of a sandw ich, a drink and a dessert). Snacks outside of mealtimes may be purchased by the student individually.
    We ask that you let us know of any allergies or dietary requirements as w ell as information about any medicines you take. Depending on the type of allerg ies and/ or dietary requirements, an extra charge may be made for providing special food.
    21. How is Intensive Course different from Standard Course?
    A. It is less effective. B. It includes extra lessons.
    C. It focuses on 4 skills. D. It develops your confidence.
    22. All students need to so as to be divided into classes of different levels.
    A. take a language test B. have high language levels
    C. have an interview online D. buy different materials
    23. With the full package, the programme organizer is supposed to .
    A. inform students of their full flight details B. look after students throughout the programme
    C. offer students free sightseeing trips D. collect students’ luggage in advance
    24. Students may need to pay extra money for .
    A. packed lunch B. mealtime dessert C. cooked dinner D. special diet
    Jason, our son, w as born w ith cerebral palsy (脑瘫). We often comforted him as he faced many challeng es in h is early years. It w as heartbreaking to see him regular ly chos en last for baseball, but he w as
    a happy child and w ell lik ed by his peers throughout elementary school. His most difficult time came w hen he began high school.
    One afternoon, Jason returned home in tears. He threw his bag on the floor and shouted: “I’m never going to school again!” He w as covered w ith food that other kids had throw n at him on the school bus on the w ay home. Jason told us w hat had happened.
    Jason had signed up for the school running team. That day, a few older students made fun of his
    performance on the track and made him the target of their food fight. I called the principal about Jason’s
    experience. Jason stayed on the team, even though the harassment( 骚扰) continued.
    One day w e had snow and freezing rain. As the other kids exercised in the gym, they noticed one lone runner,Jason, jogging around the snow -covered track.
    A few w eeks later, Jason said, “Mom, Dad, sit dow n.” I w as ready for the w orst. He said that each month, students chose an “athlete of the month”. The coach w ould list the top ath letes, and students voted for the w inner. Jason’s name had never been listed. But that day, one of the students said: “I w ould like to nominate Jason for ‘athlete of the month’. He w orks harder than any of us.” Tears formed in Jason’s eyes as he told us w hat happened next. “Mom ... Dad ... everyone in the class put their hand up.” In tears, w e looked on as he proudly displayed his certificate.
    Whenever I despair, I think of this story. I remind myself that challenges are not overcome by force, but by patience, determination, and faith.
    25. Jason’s first days at high school didn’t go w ell because .
    A. he w as treated badly by some older students
    B. he missed his friends from elementary school
    C. he w as turned dow n by the school’s running team
    D. he w as suffering from the aftereffects of cerebral palsy
    26. The underlined w ord “nominate” most probably means “ ” in Paragraph 5.
    A. hopefully aw ard B. helpfully develop
    C. formally suggest D. sincerely congratulate
    27. It can be concluded from the article that .
    A. the coach had the very last w ord in the decision
    B. Jason’s efforts w ere w idely recognized by other students
    C. it didn’t take long for Jason to be the best school runner
    D. “athlete of the month” w as alw ays given to the best runner

    A new study shows mothers matter all year long and not just on Mother ’s Day. The emotional,
    physical and mental energy mothers devote to their children can be never -ending, but children are also sources of great joy and happiness. Investing(投入) in time for parenting and raising relat ionships is
    money w ell spent.

    Mothers have long know n that their home w orkload w as just as heavy as paid w ork. Now, the new study has show n that if they w ere paid for their parental labours, they w ould earn as muc h as$172,000 a
    year. It looked at the range of jobs mothers do, as w ell as the hours they are w orking to determine the figure. This w ould make their yearly income £30,000 more than the Prime Minister earns.
    By analysing the numbers, it found the average mother w orks 119 hours a w eek, 40 of w hic h w ould usually b e paid at a standard rate and 79 hours as overtime. After questioning 1,000 mothers w ith children under 18, it found that, on most days, mums started their routine w ork at 7am and finished at aroun d 11pm.
    To calculate just how much mothers w ould earn from that labour, it suggested some of the roles that mums could take on, including housekeeper, part-time law yer, personal trainer and entertainer. Being a
    part-time law yer, at £48.98 an hour, w ould prove to be the most profitable of the“mum jobs”, w ith
    psychologist(心理学家) a close second.
    It also asked mothers about the challenges they face, w ith 80 percent making emotional demand as the hardest thing about motherhood. Over a third of mums felt they needed more training and around half said they missed going out w ith friends.
    28. For most mothers, is the biggest challenge.
    A. lack of friends B. low pay for w ork
    C. heavy w orkload D. emotional demand
    29. What is the salary of the Prime Minister for a w hole year?
    A.£30,000. B.£142,000 C.£172,000. D.£202,000.
    30. What does the underlined w ord “w hich” refer to in Paragraph 3?
    A. 79 hours. B. 1,000 mothers. C. 119 hours. D. Children under 18.
    31. What is the main idea of this passage?
    A. Mothers’ w orking hours should be largely reduced. B. Mothers should balance their time for w ork and rest. C. Mothers’ labour is of a higher value than it is realized.
    D. Mothers should be freed from housew ork for social life.

    For long, humans have searched for a cure for cancer. Across the w orld, countless amounts of time and money have been spent on researching w ays to stop it.
    Recently, the Food and Drug Admin istration (FDA), an American government agency, responsible for healthcare, approved a new form of gene treatment that could mean the end of a certain type of cancer.
    The treatment allow s scientists to “train” the immune cells of sick patients to fight leukem ia ( 白血病)
    —a form of blood cancer mostly affecting young people.
    The exciting new treatment w orks by removing healthy immune cells from the patient, know n as T-cells, w hich are then changed to be able to “hunt dow n” cancer cells. The cells are then put back into the patient to get rid of the patient’s leukemia over time, similar to how the body fights off other illnesses.
    Up till now, a painful bone marrow (骨髓) transplant w as the only choice for leukem ia patients.
    Healthy b lood cells are taken from a donor(捐赠者) and placed into the sick patient, w ho has to go through
    some treatments to allow his body to adjust to the new cells.
    With a recovery rate of around 83 percent, according to a new s release by the FDA, it’s hoped that the days of painful trips to the hospital or even death are over for leukemia sufferers. “We’re entering a new frontier in medical innovat ion w ith the ability to reprogram a patient’s ow n cells to attack a deadly cancer,” an FDA expert said. “New technologies like gene and cell treatments hold the potential to transform medicine and our ability to treat and even cure many incurable illnesses.”
    32. What is the main purpose of w riting this article?
    A. To compare different w ays of curing leukemia.
    B. To report on a breakthrough in cancer treatment.
    C. To explain the potential of gene and cell treatment.
    D. To describe scientists’ efforts looking for cures for cancer.
    33. How does the new treatment w ork to fight leukemia?
    A. By replacing sick blood cells w ith healthy ones.
    B. By adjusting and strengthening the patient’s body.
    C. By using the changed T-cells to destroy cancer cells.
    D. By removing sick blood cells during bone marrow transplant.
    34. According to the new s, leukemia patients may because of the new treatment.
    A. face a higher cost of treatment
    B. have no more trips to the hospital
    C. have a higher rate of survival and recovery
    D. suffer less pain in the process of the transplant
    35. What is the FDA expert’s attitude tow ard gene and cell treatments?
    A. Doubtful. B. Optimistic. C. Worried. D. Pessimistic.

    第二节 七选五补全短文 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Most of us in China are used to paying for everything w ith our phones. 36 At least, this w as
    the case for Lim Sw ee Say from Singapore, w ho found his first experience w ith Chin ese payment methods quite impressive.
    Lim w as w aiting in line to buy nuts at a street stall( 货摊) in Shanghai and saw other customers show
    their phone and take the nuts w ithout giving over any cash. 37
    It seems that Singapore falls behind in mobile payments. Some Chinese tourists find it inconvenient w hen they have to use cash in Singapore.
    38 According to Xinhua News Agency, many countries now accept mobile payment services for Chinese tourists, w ith WeChat Pay covered in 13 overseas c ountries and regions and Alipay over 200. It’s now common to see the familiar green or blue logos in tourist destinations around the w orld, from a tiny shop in the Scottish Highlands to a huge department store in New York.
    Mobile payments are now a normal part of life in China, and the trend is sw eeping other nations.
    According to Forrester Research, in America, mobile payments rose by 39 percent in 2016. 39
    This may be partly because w estern mobile payment services require businesses to ins tall(安装) expensive
    equipment before customers can use them. 40

    A. While in China, all it takes is a QR code (二维码) and a phone.
    B. The popularity of Chinese mobile payments has pushed some foreign companies to accept them. C. Foreign tourists don’t like to pay w ith their mobile phones .
    D. But for foreign visitors w ho aren’t familiar w ith this method, it may seem strange.
    E. He couldn’t help w ondering how they got paid.
    F. Still, Chinese mobile payments w ere nearly 50 times greater than those in the US. G. Soon after, he realized that the customers w ere using WeChat Pay.

    第三部分:英语知识 运用(共四节,满分 55 分)
    第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
    阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 41-60 各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳 选项。
    A long tim e ago there w as a boy. He w as smart, talented and handsome. 41 , he w as very selfish and his temper w as so terrible that nobody w anted to be 42 w ith him. Often he got angry and said various hurtful things to people around him.
    The boy’s parents w ere very 43 about his bad temper. They considered hard w hat they could
    do and one day an idea 44 the father. He called h is son into the garage and 45 him a hammer and a bag of nails. The father said: “Ev ery time you get 46 , take a nail and drive it into that old fence as hard as you can.”
    The fence w as very tough and the hammer w as 47 , w hich made the w ork very difficult for a child. Nevertheless, the boy w as so angry that during the very first day he has 48 thirty-seven nails. Day after day, w eek after w eek, the number of nails w as gradually 49 . After some time, the boy started to 50 that holding his temper is easier than driving nails into the fence. One day, the boy didn’t need the hammer and nails any more, as he had learned how to hold his temper 51 . So he came to his father and told him about his 52 . “Now every time, 53 you hold your temper all day long, 54 one nail”.
    Much time has passed. At last the boy could be 55 of himself as all the nails w ere gone. When he came to his father and told him about this, his father 56 to come and take a careful look at the 57 . “You did a good job, my son, but pay your attention to the holes 58 from the nails. The fence w ill never be the same. The same happens w hen you say hurtful things to people, as your w ords leave scars in their 59 like those holes in the fence. Alw ays remember, w e need to treat everyone w ith love and respect. It doesn’t 60 that you say you are sorry, because the scars w ill not
    41. A. Therefore
    42. A. friends
    B. How ever
    B. enemies
    C. Besides
    C. classmates
    D. Otherw ise
    D. customers
    43. A. interested
    B. pleased
    C. excited
    D. concerned
    44. A. stuck
    B. thought
    C. caught
    D. struck
    45. A. fingered
    B. elbow ed
    C. handed
    D. armed
    46. A. depressed
    B. anxious
    C. cross
    D. discouraged
    47. A. heavy
    48. A. hidden
    B. light
    B. buried
    C. ugly
    C. driven
    D. beautiful
    D. covered
    49. A. increasing
    B. decreasing
    C. expanding
    D. disappearing
    50. A. realize
    B. doubt
    C. remember
    D. forget
    51. A. gradually
    B. perfectly
    C. frequently
    D. foolishly
    52. A. disappointment
    53. A. unless
    B. encouragement
    B. before
    C. failure
    C. until
    D. achievement
    D. w hen
    54. A. drive off
    B. drive in
    C. pull out
    D. pull in
    55. A. proud
    B. tired
    C. fond
    D. aw are
    56. A. afforded
    B. desired
    C. offered
    D. refused
    57. A. hammer
    58. A. remained
    B. w ork
    B. left
    C. fence
    C. suffered
    D. scar
    D. came
    59. A. hearts
    B. stomachs
    C. bones
    D. eyes
    60. A. mean
    B. matter
    C. cost
    D. influence
    第二节 词汇测试(共 10 小题; 每小题 1 分,共 10 分)
    根据句意,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    61. They are just , for they know each other but they are not close friends.
    A. accountants B. acquaintances C. athletes D. advocates
    62. The International Und erstanding Courses aim to help our kids to be
    to a variety of
    A. expected B. exposed C. expanded D. explored
    63. It is reported that the temperature w ill sharply in one or tw o days.
    A. decline B. delay C. discount D. dismiss
    64. This is the attitude that everyone in our team should tow ards the frustrations.
    A. adapt B. adopt C. associate D. assume
    65. A is a book or list of names, facts etc, usually arranged in alphabetical order.
    A. direction B. discount C. directory D. document
    66. If a person tends to follow w hat is done or considered acceptable by society in general, he/she is
    A. controversial B. contradictory C. central D. conventional
    67. Only social practice can be the of truth.
    A. criterion B. criticism C. curriculum D. credit
    68. Chengdu
    Garden attracts many tourists w ith its beaut ifu l flow ers and plants every
    A. Brew ery B. Biochemistry C. Biography D. Botanical
    69. Excuse me, w hich subw ay line should I take? I am for Moziqiao; that is my destination.
    A. beneficial B. grateful C. bound D. ambitious
    70. The activity “Aspir ing for Success” last month w as valuable in my life. I learned a lot from it.
    A. extremely B. expensively C. confidentially D. deliberately

    第 II 卷(非选择题 共 50 分) 第三部分:英语知识 运用(共四节,满分 55 分)

    第三节 语法填空(共 10 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Wu Xiaobo, a Ch inese surgeon from the People’s Hospital of Wuxi, w as praised as a hero because he saved the life of a passenger 71 (suffer) a heart attack mid-flight, 72 (report) the Beijing Youth Daily yesterday.
    On Sept 29, 2017, Wu w as flying to Los Angeles 73 a fellow passenger fell 74 (conscious) and began vomiting. Responding to an in-flight 75 (announce) for a doctor, Wu determined the man suffered a heart attack and recommended 76 emergency landing. Tw o hours later, w ith his help, the passenger 77 (take) off the flight in San Francisco. And this w asn’t the last time the doctor w as called upon to help out a fellow air traveler. Head ing back to China, Wu helped assist a female passenger 78 passed out on a flight on Oct 10.
    When 79 (ask) about the incidents, humble Wu X iaobo said that it w as 80 (simple)
    “w hat a doctor is supposed to do.”
    第四节 单词拼写(共 5 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 根据句意和汉语意思提示或者首字母提示,在横线上写出恰当的单词,使句意通顺连贯。
    81. Just like Gulangyu Island and Viennese cafes, all the w orld ( 遗产) are w orthy of care and
    82. Which country do you think (出口) the most diamonds and coal in the w orld?
    83. After getting the first prize in the competition, he found it no longer a d dream to go to
    Beijing University.
    84. It is (普遍地) accepted that nodding the head signif ies approval w hile shaking the head
    indicates negation.
    85. E w ith proper clothing, food, and other necessities , Bruce had a w onderful trip to Tibet.

    第四部分: 写作(共两节,满分 35 分)

    第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题 ;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10
    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。
    修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。
    Getting fit no longer require a pencil-and-paper w orkout plan. If you’re looking for some new and creative w ays to improve your health, jus t to try Fit Time, a APP acting like your personal train er. After getting all the informations about you, it w ill g ive you a p lan, that asks you to w ork out four times a w eek for tw o months. The exercises focus to a different part of your body every day. For instance, on Monday, you do push-ups to build up your arms w hile on Tuesday, do deep-knee-bends helps you build up your legs. With this APP, you can share their w orkout results w ith others. It is probable a great w ay for you and your
    friends build stronger bodies.

    第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分)
    假如你是李华,这学期参加了以“生涯规划”为主题的系列活动。请你给你的美国笔友 Er ic 写 一封电子邮件,分享你的活动经历。内容包括:
    1. 活动时间、地点;
    2. 活动内容;
    3. 对你生涯规划的帮助。 注意:
    1. 词数 110 左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 参考词汇:生涯规划 career planning
    成都七中 201 7 - 201 8 学年度上期高 201 9 届半期考试
    I 卷 (共 100 分)

    第一部分 听力:(每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)
    1-5 BCACA 6-10 BACBB 11-15 BABAB 16-20 CBCCB
    第二部分 阅读理解 :(每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 第一节 (每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)
    21-24 BABD 25-27 ACB 28-31 DBCC 32-35 BCCB
    第二节 七选五 (每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 36-40 DGBFA
    第三部分 英语知识 运用:(共四节 ,满分 55 分) 第一节 完形填空:(每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
    41~45 BADDC 46~50 CACBA 51~55 BDDCA 56~60 CCBAB
    第二节 词汇测试:(每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)61-65 BBABC 66-70 DADCA
    II 卷 (共 50 分)
    第三部分 英语知识 运用:(共四节 ,满分 55 分) 第三节:语法填空(每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
    71. suffering 72. reported 73. w hen 74. unconscious 75. announcement
    76. an 77. w as taken 78. w ho/that 79. asked 80. simply
    第四节 单词拼写(每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)
    81. heritages 82. exports 83. distant 84. universally/generally/w idely
    85. Equipped
    第四部分 写作:(共 两节,满分 35 分)
    第一节 短文改错(每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
    1. require 改为 requires 2. 去掉 try 前面的 to 3. 将 a 改为 an 4. informations 改为
    information 5. that 改为 w hich 6. to 改为 on 7.将 Tuesday 后面的 do 改为 doing
    8. their 改成 your 9. probable 改为 probably 10. 在 friends 和 build 之间添加 to
    第二节 书面表达 (满分 25 分) One possible version:
    Hi, Eric,
    How is it going? Let me tell you about a series of activit ies w e had last month. They w ere aimed to help us plan our career.
    We had a field trip to a hospital, w here w e had the first chance to see how a baby w as born!
    After that, the doctors and nurses had a talk w ith us in a very friendly w ay, sharing w ith us some exciting experiences in their career. I came to realize how important it is to alw ays follow our heart and keep w orking hard in life, no matter w hat hardships w e may meet w ith. I’m determined to become a doctor to help people live a better and longer life.
    Looking forw ard to hearing from you.
    Best w ishes.

    (128 w ords)
    Yours Truly, Li Hua

    Text 1
    M: Hi, Jane. Do you have some change? I have to make a call on the pay phone. W: Pay phone? You can use my mobile phone. Here you are.
    Text 2
    W: I’d like to visit you tomorrow morning. Will you have any spare time then? M: Not in the morning, I’m afraid, but I’ll be free before one thirty after lunch. Text 3
    W: Are you going to the library after our class, Jack? M: No. I’m going to play some sports. How about you? W: I feel like going to the meeting hall for a lecture. Text 4
    M: I w ish I could play the piano. I am fond of some piano pieces by Mozart, but unfortunately, I
    can’t play them. Can you play the piano, Susan?
    W: I can play the piano and the violin. Text 5
    W: Listen, there is a new show at the Metropolitan Museum this Saturday. I w as w ondering if you w ould like to go w ith me.
    M: I’d lov e to. I read about that show in the paper this morning. And I w as just thinking about
    going this w eek. Text 6
    M: Can I help you, madam?
    W: Yes, I bought this jacket here last w eek. I w ore it once, and now look at it. I w as hoping to get my money back.
    M: Do you have your bill list?
    W: Yes, it’s right here.
    M: Thanks. I’m w ondering w hether you w ashed it w ith any other clothing, or w hether you w ashed it in hot w ater, perhaps.
    W: No, I w ashed it in cold w ater, just like it says in the instructions. M: I see. Perhaps something is w rong w ith your w ashing machine.
    W: Sir, I’m actually a fashion des igner. I’ve been making my ow n clothes f or fifteen years. I have never seen a piece of clothing look like th is after w ashing it on ly once…unless there is a problem w ith the cloth. I’d be happy to speak w ith your manager.
    M: No, that’s all right, madam. I’ll do w hat you asked for.
    Text 7
    W: Good morning, w e have checked your information. Do you have any special requirements for your host family?
    M: Yeah, I hope to find a host family near my college. That w ill be more convenient for my
    W: That’s reasonable. Well, w here is your college?
    M: It’s on the south side of tow n.
    W: OK. Let me see. Oh, there are three host families there, and one of them requires that they w ant a Chinese student.
    M: That’s perfect. Uh, are there kids in the family?
    W: Yes, there are tw o: a seven-year-old girl and a five-year-old boy. M: Well, w ill they offer me a separate room?
    W: Yes, you can have a separate room, but you w ill be charged 80-100 dollars a w eek. Can you
    afford that?
    M: That sounds good. Can you help me get in touch w ith this family?
    W: Sure. We’ll call them and inform you at once if w e get a response from them. Text 8
    W: Hello, I have a reservation under the name of Mary Carpenter.
    M: Yes, your name is on the list. Would you please fill out this form first?
    W: Uh, OK… Sorry, w hat I booked w as a single room for tw o nights, but may I change it to a double room for five nights?
    M: Let me see… Yes, you can change rooms because w e w ill have several double rooms available.
    W: Thanks a lot. So, w hat’s the rate for my new room?
    M: A double room w ith a show er costs $100 per night, so it w ill be $500 in all.
    W: I see. The price sounds a litt le too high. I think there is a special d iscount for members; you can see my VIP number on my ID card.
    M: Yes, w e give our members 20% off, and I see your number right here. All right. Please
    remember that your room number is 2160. Here is your key. You’d better keep it w ith you at
    all times.
    W: Got it. Thank you very much. Text 9
    M: We need some more supplies from the basement. Can you go dow nstairs and get some w hite
    paper, some black pens and some stamps, please?
    W: Sure, Mr. Harper. Oh, I just remembered. The printer is out of ink, and I think w e ran out of it in the storage area. Do you w ant me to order some online?
    M: Well, I don’t think they’ll be ab le to get it here on time. Their prices are the low est around, but it usually takes them one full busin ess day to deliv er anything. We can’t afford to delay our w ork today.
    W: What should I do?
    M: Just go to Staples and get some ink there.
    W: No problem, sir. Should I use the company credit card like usual?
    M: Yes, that’s fine. Make sure the finance department gets a copy of receipt w hen you come back.
    And after that, please place an ink order online for delivery tomorrow.
    W: Of course. Is it all right if I just take my lunch break w hile I’m out? That w ay, I w on’t have to
    come back to the office, then leave, and then come back again.
    M: Sure, that’s fine. Well, I’ve got a meeting at 10:00. Oh, one other question: w hy w asn’t the ink reordered before?
    W: I think that w as one of Sherri Caldon’s duties. Remember, she took a leave last w eek. She w on’t be back for at least six months so she can take care of her baby.
    M: Oh, right. Text 10
    Most people buy a lot of gifts just before Christmas, but some people think w e buy too much.
    They have started a special day called “Buy Noth ing Day”. They don’t w ant anyone to go shopping on that day. “Buy Nothing Day” is November 29. It’s after Thanksgiving, and it’s often the first day of Christmas shopping. The idea of “Buy Nothing Day” started in Vancouver, a Canad ian city. Now people all over the w orld celebrate “Buy Nothing D ay”. In California, parents and children get together to read stories, sing songs, and paint pictures. This year, in Manchester, England, people dressed up to tell p eople that w e buy too much. In Albuquerque, New Mexico, high school students w anted to tell other students about “Buy Nothing Day”. They organized a spaghetti dinner to give people information about “Buy Noth ing Day”. They asked restaurants in the neighborhood to giv e peop le food for free. The students at the high school like the idea of th is new tradition. Next year, they w ant to have another dinner to tell more people about “Buy Noth ing Day”.


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