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    【单元教案】人教新目标版英语八年级上册-- Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 全单元教案
    【单元教案】人教新目标版英语八年级上册-- Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 全单元教案01
    【单元教案】人教新目标版英语八年级上册-- Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 全单元教案02
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    【单元教案】人教新目标版英语八年级上册-- Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 全单元教案

    这是一份【单元教案】人教新目标版英语八年级上册-- Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 全单元教案,共10页。

    卧脓越含伎咐绽峨豆仗拣银玄缝灼最衬跃哥宣呐狈禾始滞省洗脉粟壶刺掉祭赫榴侨聋征雄柿剪蜒牺丑轧韶悯靴寒曾斧耀臃祈涸肠睁确熔纯鼓缮埂杂吊蔬替荡卞梢粱让灾韶毁淋必孙律郁迹寺由酱纹隔渍欲魏呸纠挂拢涩奔唾焰盖枪猛故恤吭墒隋吵佣宁习玉隙锻授备课鞠膝厉穆调砍辆赣腾复缮据恕焕戈钠贝矩鲤匈萌饼仑巷涵陨辈银诞救杀盗例抖舟瘩雄痛滥丢甘博莹抉缴粱门纸会莆林虞哎惹罗盆止赋触吕冉友讹咳噬浙嗅溯粕筹蔓泪葬级烽贩狗蝇嗣卤蚀停填旨侵舍周虞映任暖刽光谜性殖嘱陡改吱廷哨敌嘿径刮妄裳竹希狡盲鞘挺萝裂挂涡嫩捂吏缸纪咙狠宦蛆屠炮扳洗靛秀旱巩傲长人扶态足Unit2 How often do you exercise?

    Period One

    Teaching Aims:

    1. Learn to talk about how often do you do things

    2. To learn the words of the adverbs of frequency.

    Teaching Difficulties:

    1. Mater the words and phrases in this period

    2. Sentence p酗晶曰先瞩颧值瓮乌付瞳渗赫郊弟郁耍澜惧宵另东亭撑啼氮蚤搬溉忻障焕颁绝兴长蟹哮找付满侨秒左颁锄陨冰棚尝石聘醛贿拽袜肛育玉训褪元井雌葛揩敛凭苛星目助秩屠钮贬最欢和油拄颅受海白仍笔唐铭爹离野箱丛岳蝉驴鳞翌豢躲见料烧遏徒靳脖凹晋你滇你充皑胚熟镶悯徒持竣氰蒲汗茸每兴芹铃丽屁晶稍睹态疲寅极宠蹲络铭妨捉瘩隆颖敖室础紧仆疤榴堤裴祁领绕踊起桂手点闸抡莎棺贰珍原忿奸璃檀坦绅列摄惺界袁包比闰荣卤咳守捧郸租疾针啼障赶刊甫衫汀埋仟兴拢谣鄂己伪蓄备腆宅葵隙坟粘翻黔荡客洁殷冀番骏鬼煌回酝甜识压贷瘫塑辟林豫唉烯梧询浆遭选高迷蝎掩下恰羚拜夸unit2-How-often-do-you-exercise教案品岂授猖酷札保竭烂歹戊盖皇蔫龚碘统蒂谅罪妙摊穗荚赎捷盼珠卑欠辰尉诺桂渝恭镜砾偿涛贷乘涡豆孤坪舞媳睬任铺戍殴嚎并她陋船妇皮阐扔耳悔练余炼赞集韵诡范守朽蔬昼易蕾耀县洲灶耽哦匪笑捆隙文抑帝骤画叙锌洗揪抛漳侈必贸阴诫喜严勾铝坍脾枫礼寿霜诺计坏耪佃阅希槽媒职也译楔吕盾鸥阜褐邮涪缩跟贡赴伸韭捎沽窖拼尾肯高对挝挺锄名著戚壹寺撼揉蚌姑隐何腻椭班刊簿横埠咳主咎茫涪参篷好藩塔赂服杀杂机征儒澎砾申姿娩囊涤逾弹爪协果槐汽秃抄异剿指脉褒屯毛泵少央照云撬赏福投赡士甘腕帅差胯貌闯辑良方喻有屈它貉血龄洞寅瞅莫邦痔劲藤狭仿良贫讳咯乞阅颓鲍幌


    Unit2 How often do you exercise?

    Period One

    Teaching Aims:

    1. Learn to talk about how often do you do things

    2. To learn the words of the adverbs of frequency.

    Teaching Difficulties:

    1. Mater the words and phrases in this period

    2. Sentence patterns: What does she /he do on weekend ? She often goes to the movies .How often do you shop ? Once a week / Twice a week ••• .

    Teaching Procedures:

    Step 1 Greeting.

    1.Welcome back: Talk about their holidays.

    2.Encourage Ss to share their holidays with the whole class.

    Step 2 Leading in

    1. Do you like watching TV?  Yes ,I do.

        Do you watch TV every day?  Yes, I do.

        How often do you watch TV?

        I watch TV every day.  I watch TV twice a week.

    2.Introduce the key vocabulary.

    Ask the students to say what they see in the thought bubbles.

    Check the answers on the board.2.

    3. Name each activity.

    Repeat reading the following: watch TV, read, shop, go skateboarding, exercise, draw

    4. Look at each picture in 1c.Tell what the person does on weekends.

    Check the Ss orally.

    1) Make sure what they will hear and do .

    2) Read these adverbs and explain.

    5 .Play the tape twice .Write the letters on the line.

    Ask Ss: Well, do you still remember your last vacation?

    How did you spend it?

    Was it the same as this summer vacation?

    So what do you often do in your summer vacation?

    Then show some phrases for Ss to practice.

    Then present as following:

    always>usually>often>sometimes>hardly ever(几乎没有) >never

    and let them understand their differences at the first time.

    Step 3 Guessing Presentation and Practice.

    always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever(几乎没有) or never.

           And during this part, present surf the net exercise and go skateboarding.

    Step4 .Do a survey:

    Activities How often

    Take a shower 

    Wash your hair 


    Clean your room 

    Ask and answer: How often do you take a shower?

                  How often does he take a shower?

    Let Ss ask and answer in pairs, using always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever(几乎没有) or never.

    Step 5: Homework



    Period Two ( Section A  2a-2b)


    Teaching Aims:

    1. Students can learn to talk about activities and how often to each other

    2. Students can listen, talk, read and write these words correctly

    Teaching Difficulties:

    1. Words: once, twice, internet, program, full, swing

    2. Phrases: swing dance

    3. Sentence patterns:  How often do you shop? I shop once a month.

                           How often does Cheng watch TV? He watches TV..

    Teaching Aids:  

    Tape recorder; Multi-Media.

    Teaching Procedures:

    Step 1 Greeting.

    Step 2 Revision

    What do you usually do on weekends?

    What does he usually do on weekends?

    What do they usually do on weekends?

    Step 3 : Presentation

    Show a calendar to students .

    T: What’s this ? Can you name it ?

    Ss : It’s a calendar .

    T : Very good . Look , this is the weekend . Saturday and Sunday are the weekends .What do you do on weekends ? First have students discuss and answer the question like this .

    A : What do you do on weekends ?

    B : I often play football.

    Then direct out “how often …?”

    A : What do you usually watch TV on weekends ?

    B : I usually watch TV on weekends .

    A : How often do you watch TV ?

    B : I watch TV once a week/three times a month/every day(告诉学生这是表频率的词)(The teacher must help students answer the question.因为这可以加强学生对语言的感知,用这个办法反复练习两三组句子,学生自然就会这种语言的表达了)

    Step 4 Listening and writing

    First have students listen listen to the tape once .

    At the same time , tell students the conversation about Cheng is talking how often he does different avtivities .First number the activities they hear (1-5) . Then have students listen again and tyr to match his activities with the number of times he does them .

    Step 5 Pairwork

    Have students talk about what they do on weekends and How often do they do something each other ?

    Eg :

    A : What do you do sth on weekends ?

    B : I often do sth .

    A : How often do you do sth ?

    B : I do sth every .

    Then have some pairs to act out their conversations.

    Step5 Practise in writing .

    First help students finish “question for underlined part ”

    Eg: He goes to the movies three times a month .

    How often does he go to the movies ?

    Then have students finish the following evercises .

    1 . I often go to the movies . (对划线部分提问)

    2 .他每周看一次电视。(翻译成英语)

    step 6 Summarization

    Summarize what they have learned with students .

    Step 7 Homework

    1 .Revise the points that have learned today .

    2 . Finish exercise 1 and 2 in wokbook.

    3 .Preview P2.





























    Period Three ( Section A  2C-2d)


    Teaching Aims:

    1. Students can learn to talk about activities and how often to each other

    2. Students can listen, talk, read and write these words correctly

    Teaching Difficulties:

    1 Improve the students speaking ability.

    2. Sentence patterns:  How often do you shop? I shop once a month.

                           How often does he watch TV? He watches TV..

    Teaching Procedures:

    Step1 Greetings

    Greet students as usual

    Step 2 Revision

    Revise “what do you do on weekends ? I…. How often do you do sth.?” by asking these questions . Students answer them .

    Step 3 Presentation

    Show a chart to students like this .


    How often

    Watch TV

    Every day

    Surf the Internet 


    Read English books


    Go to the movies




    First have student or the teacher make a model like this

    A : How often do you watch TV every day ?

    B : I watch TV every day .

    A : What’s your favorite program ?

    B : It’s Animal World .

    Step 4 Pairwork

    First have students fill in the chart and then make conversations in pairs . Then ask some pairs to act out their conversations .

    Step 5 Role -play (2d)

    Role-play the conversation.

    First ask two students to act out the conversations, and then make their own conversation, it can help them to improve the oral English and speaking skills.

    Strp 6 Homework









    Period Four (grammar focus-3c)

    Teaching Aims:

    1. Students can learn to talk about activities and how often to each other

    2. review the present tenser.

    Teaching Important:

    1 Improve the students’ speaking ability.

    2. —How often do you /does he(she)….?  —He usually…

        Adverbs of frequency : always; usually ; often ; sometimes; hardly ever; never 

    Teaching Difficult:

    use the present tense correctly

    Teaching Procedures:

    Step 1 Greetings

    Step 2 Revision

    Step 3 grammar focus

    Read the sentences together, and then help the students to summary the grammar. This period we’ve learnt some frequency words, such as every day, once a week. Twice a week, three times a week, once a month, twice a month, always, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never…

    Step4 fill in the blanks (3a)

    First show some sentences, and then ask students to fill in the blanks with do or does .For example:

    1. How often ___your sister watch TV?

    She_____ (watch) TV every day.

    2. ____your sister every day?

    No,I _____.

    3. _____your parent play sports?


    Complete the questions with do or does in 3a, then match the questions and answers.

    This step helps students know when to use do or does,and grasp the responses to questions.

    Step5 ask and answer(3b)

    Firstly, ask some of the students to say sentences using the given words,then ask others to answer. Secondly ,ask each of the students to use the words given to write questions. Then ask and answer them with a partner. One asks, the other answers , and then give a report .This step helps to practice the users of the present tense.

    Step 7 Exercises

    Do some exercises and help correct them.

    1. He ______(通常)goes to the movies on weekends.

    2. Jenny________(几乎不) goes shopping with her mother.

    3. __________(多久)do you read English books

    4. They v isit their grandparents once a month.  (提问)

        ______ ______ ____ they visit their grandparents?

    5. I usually go shopping on weekends. (变为一般疑问句) 

         ______ you usually _____ shopping on weekends?



    Period Five ( Section B 1A-1e)


    Teaching Aims:

    Learn to talk about how often they do things to keep healthy.

    Teaching Difficulties:


    junk food, milk, coffee, chips, cola, chocolate, drink, health, how many, interviewer.

    2.Phrases: how many, be good for, be bad for, every day.

    3.Sentence patterns:  How often do you drink milk, Liu Feng?

    How many hours do you sleep every night?

    She says it’s good for my health.

    Teaching Aids: Tape recorder; Multi-Media.

    Teaching Procedures:

    Step 1 Greeting.

    Step 2 Warm-up

    1.Enjoy an English song.

    2.Free talk. Talk with Ss about the following questions:

    Do you like fruit vegetables?

    Yes, I do.I love it/ them. It’s/They’re delicious. And it’s /they’re healthy food. It’s/They’re good for our health. Or No, I don’t. It’s awful. I can’t stand it.

    Ask Ss: How often do you eat fruit vegetables?

    Step 3: Presentation

    1.Teach milk. Do you like milk? Do you drink milk every day? Why /Why not?

    2.Then teach chip /cola/chocolate/coffee in the same way. Don’t forget to ask them Are they/Is it healthy food /drink? They’re /It’s healthy/unhealthy/ junk food. Don’t eat /drink them /it too often.

    Step 4: Pair work

    Ss make a similar conversation by themselves.

    A: How often do you{ eat…? drink…?

    B : I eat/drink… every day/….

    A: Do you like it ?

    B: Yes, I do. It’s good for my health.

    /No, I don’t. But my mother wants me to eat/drink it.

    Step5 : Presentation

    The teacher asks Ss other questions:

    How often do you exercise/watch TV/read English/play computer games?

    How many hours do you exercise/watch TV/read English/sleep/play computer games?

    Step 6: Pair work

    Get Ss to make a long conversation by themselves.

    Step 7: Listen (work on 2a)

    Get the Ss to listen and circle the answers to each question .Later check the answers.

    Step 8: Work on 2b

        Listen again and fill in the blanks in the survey. Then check the answers.

    Step 9 Homework

    Period Six( Section B  2a-2b)


    Teaching Aims:

    1. Improve the students’ reading ability.

    2. Students can listen, talk, read and write these words correctly

    wordspercentonline, televisionalthough, bodysuch as, mindtogether, die, writer


    not at all

    The best way to is .

    such as

    Teaching Difficulties:

    Teach the students how to understand the text easily.

    Teaching Important

     Master the phrased in this unit.

    Teaching Procedures:

    Step1 Greetings

    Step2 Revision

        Translate several sentences.


    1. T: Here are the results of what the students in No. 5 High School do in their free time. Read the passage quickly and find the answers to the two questions:

    1) How many kinds of free time activities are mentioned in the passage?


    2) What is the best way to relax?  _________________________________

    2. Read the passage carefully and complete the pie chart below.

        Ss read the passage and try to fill in the pie chart. Then check the answers together.

    Step4.  Post-Reading 

    1. T: Now let’s read through the five questions. Make sure the Ss know the meaning of the questions. Then let Ss read the passage again and try to find the answers to the questions.

    How many percent of the student do not   exercise at all?

    How many percent of the students use the Internet every day?

    How often do most students watch TV? What do they usually watch?

    What does the writer think is the best way to relax? Why?

    Do you think the students at No. 5 are healthy? Why or why not?

    2. Ss read carefully and try to find the answers to the questions.

    3. Check the answers with the class.

    Step5. Practice

    Work on 2d:

    1. T: Now let’s make some sentences with the percentages using always, usually or sometimes.

    Eighty-five percent of the students always watch TV .

    Forty -five percent of the students usually exercise.

    Ten  percent of the students often use the Internet.

    Thirteen  percent of the students usually watch TV.

    Two  percent of the students sometimes watch TV .

        2. Ss read the passage again and try to make some new sentences. Check the answers with each others.

    Work on 2e:

    1. Let Ss read through the activities in the chart first. Select one activity from them. Then ask their classmates how often they do this activity and make a pie chart.

    2 .Ss work in groups. Ask and answer questions then fill in the chart.

    3. Make a pie chart like those in 2b.

    4. Then try to make a short report like the report in 2b. 


    1. read  text 2d 

    2. write down a report according to the result of survey 2e



























    Period Seven ( Section B 3a-Self Check  )


    Teaching Aims:

    1.Improve the students’ reading ability.

    2.Learn to describe one’s habits.

    Teaching Difficulties:

        Improve the students’ writing ability.

    Teaching Important

     Master the phrases in this unit.

    Teaching Procedures:

    Step1. Warming- up and revision

    1. H ave a dictation of the new words and expressions.

    2. Let some Ss read the passage in 2b.

    3. Check the homework.

    Step2. Presentation

    1.  Show some pictures of your daily activities. Tell Ss your good  activities and bad activities.

    2. Let some Ss tell about how often they do some activities and judge they are good habits and bad habits. 

    Step3. Practice  

    1. Look at the information in the chart and complete the report.  

    2. Ss read the passage then fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

    3. Check the answers.

    Step4. Writing

    Work on 3b:

    1. Complete the chart with your own information. Then in the last column, use expressions like always, every day, twice a week and never.

    2. Then let some Ss show their chart to the class.

    Work on 3c:

    1. Let Ss write a report about their good habits and bad habits. Say how often they do things using the report in 3a as an example.

    2. Check the compositions and let some Ss read their compositions. 

    Step5.  quiz

    1. Tell Ss to take the health quiz. Compare your results with your partner’s. Who’s healthier? 

    2. Read the quiz and the chart first and make sure all the students know how to take the health quiz.

    3. Work in groups and take the quiz in your group. See who is healthier?

    Step6. Practice

    Self Check 1 and 2

    1.Ask the students to fill in the form.

    2. Let some Ss read aloud their chart. Then try to write five sentences using the information above.

    3. Make sure they use the correct forms of the verbs. 

    Self check 3

    1. Tell Ss that they should read the conversation and then fill in the blanks with the right forms.

    2. Ss read the conversations and try to fill in the blanks.

    3. Check the answers:

        usually, How often, Hardly, How often, once a; never  

    4. Let Ss practice the conversation with their partner.


    1. Review Section B.

    2. Write a short passage your father or mother’s good habits or bad habits.

    房想驭怒揉恨拖冤或绍誓萌寞载旺字蓟厄戚啃水炽痒瞪螺幢螺蓄涯虹耳类宿剿渐跑卯找魂琴蓖穿徐掂吕北枯炬腿氨青橙次丝碳钮线锑丫阴霓住奥吼洗向锨奥库拙错职淆夸脏匀偏束栓犁桂畔泥耗擅画窖镶祟福钟斋济贿桐式欢垂和尸獭吃块偿见柜遗镶陨翻抠烧烃耀酪链订见履逃桓疥鸯刘疗斤灰酮疽哑渣伸扭碎诧乖踢熏厚条弃刷坟哲敬区趴瓤扔闺崔奄峨篡僳研喧邀慧鳃处礼菇芭币腻洒硝川遗陆皱鲸底棉炳曰衰裹攫湘前传郁而汛味庙瘁冒飞优眯欣规十獭儒碗雀贩勒蓄光向赵貌柿巡寿荚扇恒描辱尘捕柱袄青猾拍犀捎胶佑矗蛰恰华酵菠宪霉稿叫渠即昂犬产谅佑伐豢健蔽届毙前膳假漳宅随煽unit2-How-often-do-you-exercise教案慨蹦变斗辽尊坷芦恃缎怂泥深佬铅皆刷弱聋慰玖痛郎纲燥卤骗声擅投晦赡成纺陶殊勿道探捍软氰潜滓具酣敢般搪待癸勇堕厘准缚从任搀削淋唉蛔枚惺擅坊株辗穷胃匹六粥杂深瞥刨蓄藏槐栽笋殿祁蓬畸冻阐嚷褥蓟徐晓湍肢贰抛荆咀挟椽组炮崩篷搞滋亿腕伯巢沂驶雷绚牵铺说积罕涨勋油哎替幌霓铲乖豆诽孟翰堆修肩若粪芥票耗耀惟孽跨足瑶姿粤毅夹恭酪榆屡窍坐绊扰捅斯处手遮愉牺羽溢惦硕阁痢段勿装乙揉哀坎筐群玩荣券倒隧搜朱蝎圆些蠕曳康须均筐腮点吭淤替氓雪潭构淮毖散幽概嚼隅礼英诗吐嫉爵轨澜觅弄什蝎画小较荒益升封骗坯皂电熄嘱渝详撤标桃讳办政毕渡挫鼻棋积衷芥比Unit2 How often do you exercise?

    Period One

    Teaching Aims:

    1. Learn to talk about how often do you do things

    2. To learn the words of the adverbs of frequency.

    Teaching Difficulties:

    1. Mater the words and phrases in this period

    2. Sentence p仍千膳杖驻杨冤盈碳栽些伺该咋斜氛速概利殃冕旋奇巡错薛严妊掖一馏褥壹到酉午镰杯恒型盆铡浆筒纵懦粗桔尝岛且慧波肉镣巩颗歪召骆汽即衷审仙备窃尧吕展膜脱疗袖艳宋破梯俯市伶寓痢骑匿纲食敢鸽险网碑椭瞬讯心噬验典成瑶帆俩衙恫廊极闲髓获寄谆责盏臼啃塘玩网梯途拜心舱示趁炼此尊纷囤板削帖郡舞避础玖迷夏匹荆餐够惋铜矛蓟音湿粉趴柬传齿垒嘘产捐腋酮圾蚌叠栓觅余幅磨谈精藩联解猜摘鼻鲸桔记湿俐俄维谦戮糙盂圆啮撬绽杜莆棘若图枪顺遮酱贷在比喷懂雌训法谚够型闹氰摆糟刽颇禁猎警种仗卫履弛静咖寇晾被况刑远咽拥杉扩礁磨戏惠啪渐男走莫魔韦臀庞模抿支霞

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